#Small 5 surah names of prayers
hasirgolpo · 1 year
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sabrgirl · 7 months
ramadan 30 day challenge
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introducing the ramadan 30 day challenge!
I made this challenge in the hopes of catering to as many people as I can - so, regardless of anyone's home situation, health, money, whether or not you live near a mosque or a community etc, I think it is somewhat do-able or adaptable for all! you can access anything you need for this (verses/surahs from the Qur'an for eg) online. I also know that for some people (depending on countries etc), ramadan is either 29 or 30 days, so it's fine to finish on the 29th day if necessary.
if you miss a couple days as well (or end up seeing this post halfway through ramadan), just pick up from whatever day of ramadan it is!
it starts off easy and gets harder as you go along! i'm also going to be doing this ramadan challenge and posting my own updates on here, Insha’Allah! if you do this too, please do tag me because I would love to see how people are getting on! ♡ here it is:
recite surah ikhlas 3 times
recite durood sharif 3 times
read Qur'an after asr
recite the 3 Quls (last 3 surahs of the Qur'an) in the evening/before sleeping today
listen to an islamic podcast
write down 5 things you are grateful to Allah for on paper or phone notes app
istighfar 100 times
read all of surah mulk before bed
wake up for tahajjud and pray (at least) 2 rakaats
learn 5 names/attributes of Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ
do something nice for somebody else - can even be very small and will still be rewarded for it
wear your favourite abaya/thobe/modest clothing for every salah today. look your best for Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ in your prayer like you would to go to a special event
give some (charity) sadaqah (create a sadaqah jar/box!)
read the last 2 verses of surah baqarah before sleeping
make a du'a for your friends and family - name them and pray for something specific for each of them
read all of surah Ya Sin after fajr
pray 2 nafl rakaats (voluntary prayer) today after the 2 sunnah rakaats of zuhr
no backbiting/gossiping about anyone at all and 2 nafl rakaats (voluntary prayer) if you do
pick a surah from the Qur'an and read the commentary for each verse
memorise the dua to recite on laylatul qadr اللَّهُمَّ إِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ تُحِبُّ الْعَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّي Allahumma innaka 'Afuwwun, tuhibbul 'afwa, fa'fu 'anni "O Allah, You are indeed Forgiving and love to forgive, so forgive me."
donate to a charity (for palestine!!). even the smallest amount will be beneficial + rewarded by Allah
recite ayatul kursi after each 5 fard (obligatory) salah
pray all the 12 sunnah today: 2 rakaats before Fajr; 4 rakaats before zuhr and two rakaats after; 2 rakaats after Maghrib; and 2 rakaats after Ishaa
pray (at least) 2 rakaats of taraweeh (either at the mosque or at home by yourself/with family!)
pray 2 rakaats of duha (optional) prayer - it is between 15 minutes after sunrise until zuhr time. (not after zuhr!!)
recite subhanallahi wabihamdi, subhanallahil adheem 100 times - (Glory be to Allah and all praise is due to Him, glory be to Allah, the Great)
be extra modest today (tailored to you. wear hijab outside if you don't, or wear your loosest outfit or lower your gaze completely (including lowering it on social media) today etc. whatever being extra modest is for you, do that today).
pray on time, no procrastination or delays. check what local time each prayer is for you and pray then (unless you're praying at the mosque!)
istighfar x1000 times
pray some of the nawafil ON TOP OF all the sunnah prayers that accompany the 5 obligatory prayers: - 2 rakaats of duha prayer - 2 rakaats after the 2 sunnah rakaats of zuhr - 4 rakaats before asr - 2 rakaats after the 2 sunnah rakaats of maghrib - 2 rakaats after the 2 sunnah rakaats of ishaa (extra challenge: wake up for tahajjud too)
level extreme: if you want an extra extra challenge, you can continue doing each one every day as you go along. so day 1 would be recite surah ikhlas 3 times and day 2 would be recite surah ikhlas and durood sharif 3 times, day 3 would be recite surah ikhlas and durood sharif 3 times and read Qur'an after asr... and you get the gist. if you do this, good luck on day 30 when you have 30 things to do lol
note: giving sadaqah (charity) can be adapted if donating money is a struggle - for eg, doing dhikr on behalf of somebody else can count as sadaqah. click here for more info on this.
may Allah make this challenge easy for whoever intends to participate and let the deeds indeed be multiplied by 100 this ramadan and forgive us for our shortcomings, Ameen ♡
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smenayetk11 · 9 months
Quran Para 1
Quran Para 1 holds significant importance in the study and understanding of the Quran. Its opening verses establish the foundation of Islam and set the tone for the entire holy book. The eloquent Arabic verses capture the attention of readers and draw them into the profound teachings of Islam. As one delves into the first para, they encounter the powerful message of monotheism, emphasizing the belief in the oneness of Allah. The para also introduces the concept of seeking guidance from Allah and the importance of sincere worship. This para serves as an introduction to the depth and wisdom of the Quran, stirring the hearts and minds of believers. The Quran Para 1 is the opening section of the Holy Quran. It includes the first 5 Surahs: Al-Fatiha, Al-Baqarah, Aal-E-Imran, An-Nisa, and Al-Ma'idah. These verses are foundational and cover subjects like beliefs, guidance, and laws of Islam. Memorizing and reciting Quran Para 1 is highly recommended for all Muslims. Studying the Para equips individuals with the essential teachings of Islam.
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Source: wikimedia.org
Understanding Quran Para 1: The Opening
The Quran, the holy book of Islam, is divided into several sections known as paras or juz'. Each para is further divided into verses called Ayahs. The first para, also known as the Opening para, is of great significance as it sets the tone for the entire Quranic text. It contains the opening chapter, Al-Fatiha, which is recited in every unit of Muslim prayer. The first para introduces key themes and concepts that are explored further throughout the Quran. In Quran Para 1, the focus is on establishing a strong connection with Allah, acknowledging His sovereignty and seeking His guidance. The para emphasizes the importance of faith, gratitude, and righteousness. It serves as a foundation for the understanding of the Quranic teachings and lays the groundwork for moral and spiritual development. If you want to learn more about the content and significance of Quran Para 1, you can visit this comprehensive guide that explores the verses and themes in detail. It provides valuable insights and explanations to enhance your understanding of the Opening para and its relevance in the broader context of the Quran.
Exploring the Themes of Quran Para 1
The first para of the Quran, Al-Fatiha, can be divided into ten sections that cover various themes and aspects of faith. Let's explore each of these sections in detail: 1. Introduction and Praise The opening section of Quran Para 1 begins with the words "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful." This phrase acknowledges Allah's attributes of compassion and mercy, setting the tone for the para. It establishes the foundation of Islamic belief and conveys the importance of recognizing Allah's mercy in all aspects of life. In this section, believers praise Allah as the Lord of all worlds and seek His guidance. It emphasizes the need for humility and gratitude in acknowledging Allah's blessings and seeking His help in navigating the challenges of life. The section concludes by affirming the belief that Allah alone is worthy of worship and seeking His aid in the journey towards righteousness and salvation. 1.1 The Importance of Bismillah The phrase "Bismillah" (In the name of Allah) holds great significance in Islamic tradition. It serves as a reminder to begin every action, whether big or small, with an acknowledgment of Allah's presence and guidance. Uttering this phrase before embarking on any task is considered a way of seeking Allah's blessings and protection. The inclusion of Bismillah at the beginning of Quran Para 1 highlights the importance of seeking Allah's assistance and acknowledging His authority in all endeavors. It sets the tone for the para and the entire Quran, emphasizing the centrality of Allah in the life of a believer. 2. Recognition of Guidance The second section of Quran Para 1 focuses on seeking guidance from Allah. It acknowledges that true guidance can only come from the Creator, and requests Him to lead the believers on the straight path. This section highlights the humility of believers, recognizing that they are in constant need of Allah's guidance. It serves as a reminder to consult the Quran and reflect on its teachings to navigate the complexities of life and make righteous choices. 2.1 The Straight Path The concept of the straight path is significant in Islamic teachings. It represents the path of righteousness and guidance, leading to success in this life and the hereafter. Believers are encouraged to seek this path through prayer, reflection, and adherence to the teachings of the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad. The recognition of the straight path in Quran Para 1 highlights the importance of seeking divine guidance and staying on the right track. It emphasizes the need for believers to constantly strive for moral and spiritual growth. 3. The Warning of Going Astray The third section of Quran Para 1 serves as a warning against deviating from the straight path. It highlights the consequences of straying from the path of righteousness and the importance of seeking Allah's guidance to avoid such pitfalls. This section reminds believers that the path to success and salvation is not without challenges and temptations. It emphasizes the need for constant vigilance to avoid being led astray and to seek forgiveness when one errs. 3.1 The Deceptive Nature of the World This section warns believers about the deceptive nature of worldly desires and distractions. It reminds them to remain focused on the ultimate goal of pleasing Allah and not to be swayed by temporary pleasures or materialistic pursuits. By highlighting the potential dangers of straying from the straight path, this section serves as a cautionary reminder for believers to remain steadfast in their faith and avoid succumbing to the temptations of the world. 4. Seeking Allah's Help The fourth section of Quran Para 1 emphasizes the importance of seeking Allah's assistance in staying on the right path. It acknowledges the limitations of human ability and emphasizes the need for divine guidance and support. This section encourages believers to turn to Allah in times of difficulty and seek His help in overcoming challenges. It reminds them that Allah is the ultimate source of strength and support. 4.1 The Power of Dua Dua, or supplication, is a fundamental aspect of the Islamic faith. It is an act of reaching out to Allah, expressing one's needs, and seeking His assistance. This section highlights the importance of dua as a means of connecting with Allah and seeking His guidance. By emphasizing the power of dua, this section encourages believers to develop a strong relationship with Allah through prayer and to seek His help in all matters of life. 5. The Path of Those Who Have Gone Astray The fifth section of Quran Para 1 provides an example of those who have gone astray and deviated from the straight path. It serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the consequences of rejecting Allah's guidance and succumbing to arrogance or disbelief. This section serves as a reminder that righteous believers should avoid following the path of those who have strayed. It encourages believers to learn from the mistakes of others and to seek Allah's guidance to stay on the straight path. 5.1 Lessons from the Past Throughout the Quran, there are stories of individuals and nations who deviated from the path of righteousness. These stories serve as valuable lessons and reminders for believers to learn from the past and strive to avoid repeating the mistakes of those who came before. This section draws attention to the lessons that can be gleaned from the stories of those who went astray, reinforcing the importance of seeking Allah's guidance and staying on the right track. 6. The Path of Those Who Have Received Allah's Blessings The sixth section of Quran Para 1 focuses on those who have received Allah's blessings and have remained on the straight path. It serves as an example of the rewards and blessings that await those who commit themselves to righteousness and obedience to Allah. This section highlights the importance of gratitude and recognizing the blessings bestowed upon believers. It encourages believers to strive for righteousness and to seek guidance from Allah to stay on the path of those who have received His blessings. 6.1 The Rewards of Righteousness The Quran often emphasizes the rewards of leading a righteous life. This section serves as a reminder of the blessings and spiritual fulfillment that come from remaining on the straight path and seeking Allah's guidance. By highlighting the path of those who have received Allah's blessings, this section encourages believers to strive for righteousness and trust in Allah's guidance to attain similar rewards. 7. Conclusion and Supplication The seventh section of Quran Para 1 concludes with a supplication, seeking Allah's help in staying on the straight path and avoiding the pitfalls of those who have gone astray. It serves as a reminder of the constant need for Allah's guidance and protection. This section also serves as a reminder of the importance of consistent prayer, seeking Allah's assistance on the journey of faith. 7.1 The Power of Prayer Prayer is a foundational aspect of Islamic practice. It serves as a means of communication with Allah and a way to seek His guidance, mercy, and forgiveness. This section underscores the power and significance of prayer in the life of a believer. By concluding Quran Para 1 with a supplication, this section highlights the importance of seeking Allah's guidance and assistance through prayer on the journey of faith.
Quran Para 1, the Opening para, establishes the foundation for understanding the Quranic teachings. It highlights the importance of seeking Allah's guidance, acknowledging His sovereignty, and staying on the straight path. The ten sections within Quran Para 1 cover various themes and lessons that are crucial to the development of a believer's faith. To delve deeper into the content and significance of Quran Para 1, you can visit this comprehensive guide. It offers detailed explanations and insights into the verses and themes covered, providing a valuable resource for those seeking a deeper understanding of the Quran.
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Source: picryl.com
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some commonly asked questions about Quran Para 1: 1. What is Quran Para 1? The Quran is divided into 30 sections, known as Paras or Juz. Quran Para 1 is the first section of the Quran, which includes the first chapter, Al-Fatiha, and a portion of the second chapter, Al-Baqarah. Quran Para 1 serves as an introduction to the message of Islam and covers various themes such as the oneness of God, guidance for humanity, and the importance of faith and righteousness. 2. How many verses are there in Quran Para 1? There are a total of 31 verses in Quran Para 1. The first chapter, Al-Fatiha, consists of 7 verses, while the second chapter, Al-Baqarah, includes the remaining 24 verses. Each verse in Quran Para 1 carries significant meaning and provides guidance for the believers. 3. What are the key themes discussed in Quran Para 1? Quran Para 1 covers a range of key themes, including: a) The oneness of God and His attributes. b) The importance of seeking guidance and relying on God's support. c) The significance of faith and the role of righteous actions. d) The concept of accountability and the rewards and consequences of one's deeds. e) The story of Adam and Eve and their role as the first human beings. 4. How can I benefit from studying Quran Para 1? Studying Quran Para 1 allows individuals to: a) Gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles of Islam. b) Reflect on the timeless wisdom and guidance provided in the Quran. c) Develop a stronger connection with God and increase their spirituality. d) Apply the teachings of Quran Para 1 in their daily lives to attain success and fulfillment. 5. How can I memorize Quran Para 1? Memorizing Quran Para 1 requires dedication and consistent effort. Here are some tips: a) Break the Para into smaller sections and memorize one section at a time. Repeat each section multiple times until you have it memorized. b) Listen to recitations of Quran Para 1 by experienced reciters to familiarize yourself with the correct pronunciation and melody. c) Seek guidance from a qualified Quran teacher who can provide you with proper memorization techniques and help correct any mistakes. d) Consistency is key. Set aside a specific time each day for memorization and stick to it. To summarize, the first para of the Quran is an essential introduction to the holy book. It lays the foundation for understanding the significance of the Quran and its divine origins. This para emphasizes the belief in one God, Allah, and the importance of seeking His guidance. It also highlights the blessings and rewards that come from following the path of righteousness and avoiding transgressions. The first para sets the stage for exploring the profound teachings and moral principles that are found throughout the Quran. The first para of the Quran establishes the fundamental principles of monotheism and righteousness. It serves as a guide for individuals to live a pious and ethical life, encouraging them to seek the path of God and to shun evil. The para showcases the compassionate and merciful nature of God, urging believers to seek His forgiveness and guidance. By setting the tone for the entire Quran, the para serves as a foundation for comprehending the divine wisdom and spiritual guidance offered in the subsequent chapters. Read the full article
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youcefkids · 2 years
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سورة الماعون مكررة - أسهل طريقة لحفظ القرآن للأطفال  surah Al-Ma'un | Learn Quran for Children
 The best way to teach the Holy Qur’an to children -  سورة الماعون
 سُوۡرَةُ المَاعون
 بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ أَرَءَيۡتَ ٱلَّذِى يُكَذِّبُ بِٱلدِّينِ (١) فَذَٲلِكَ ٱلَّذِى يَدُعُّ ٱلۡيَتِيمَ (٢) وَلَا يَحُضُّ عَلَىٰ طَعَامِ ٱلۡمِسۡكِينِ (٣) فَوَيۡلٌ۬ لِّلۡمُصَلِّينَ (٤) ٱلَّذِينَ هُمۡ عَن صَلَاتِہِمۡ سَاهُونَ (٥) ٱلَّذِينَ هُمۡ يُرَآءُونَ (٦) وَيَمۡنَعُونَ ٱلۡمَاعُونَ (٧) 
 Surah Al-Maun
 In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful Hast thou observed him who belieth religion? (1) That is he who repelleth the orphan, (2) And urgeth not the feeding of the needy. (3) Ah, woe unto worshippers (4) Who are heedless of their prayer; (5) Who would be seen (at worship) (6) Yet refuse small kindnesses! (7)
 Sourate Al Ma'oun 
Au nom d’Allah, le Tout Miséricordieux, le Très Miséricordieux Vois-tu celui qui traite de mensonge la Rétribution? (1) C’est bien lui qui repousse l’orphelin, (2) et qui n’encourage point à nourrir le pauvre. (3) Malheur donc, à ceux qui prient (4) tout en négligeant (et retardant) leur Ṣalāt, (5) qui sont pleins d’ostentation, (6) et refusent l’ustensile (à celui qui en a besoin). (7)
 Apprend Sourate El Ma'oun - Quraan for kids-surah Al-Ma'un تعلم كيف تقرأ سورة الماعون بشكل صحيح للمبتدئين في تعلم القرآن
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asma-al-husna · 3 years
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Allah calls Himself Al-Wakeel— The Trustee, The Disposer of Affairs, The Guardian— on 14 occasions in the Quran. Al-Wakeel is the only One who takes charge of the affairs of those under His care, managing all matters as He pleases. He is the One to be relied on, for all power belongs to Him!
 The Disposer of Affairs, The One to be Relied Upon
Wakeel comes from the root waaw-kaaf-laam, which points to three main meanings. The first meaning is to appoint or entrust for the care or management of something. The second main meaning is to be a guardian of one’s interests, and the third is to rely upon.
This root appears 70 times in the Quran in four derived forms. Examples of these forms include tawakkaltu (“I put my trust”) and al-mutawakkileen (“the ones who put trust”).
Linguistically the wakeel of someone else is the person who efficiently represents him or does what he is incapable of doing on his behalf. Al-Wakeel is the ultimate Trustee, guardian and administrator of all things and we can trust in the fact that Al-Wakeel will provide the perfect resolution for every matter!
Al-Wakeel Himself says: . . . But it increased them in faith, and they said, “Sufficient for us is Allah , and [He is] the best Disposer of affairs [Quran, 3:173] . . . To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs [Quran, 4:171] and The Lord of the East and the West; there is no deity except Him, so take Him as Disposer of [your] affairs [Quran, 73:]
Al-Wakeel and Other Names
In the ayaat in which the name Al-Wakeel is mentioned, Allah gives a reference to His power and authority. The name Al-Wakeel is related in meaning to Al-Haseeb (The Reckoner, The Sufficer) and to Al-Qadeer (The All-Powerful); we entrust our affairs to Allah because only He has control over all things and only He is sufficient for us as provider and reckoner.
How Can You Live By This Name?
1.       Have trust and work hard.
Reliance on Allah (tawakkul) means you entrust your affairs to Him, take every worldly precaution, and submit to Al-Wakeel for the result. An example is the hijrah for which the prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wasallam and Abu Bakr radiyyallahu ‘anhu planned according to their means. However, they were overtaken by the Quraysh. This is when the prophet calmed Abu Bakr with a beautiful statement of tawakkul, saying What do you think is the destiny of two people who have Allah for their Companion?
2.       Pray istakharah.
One of the most beautiful examples of trusting in Al-Wakeel’s choice is the istakharah prayer. Ask Allah that if the matter is good for you to make it easy for you and if not, to take it away and then be content with the decree of Al-Wakeel.  Make it a habit to practice this sunnah in your daily life, for big and small matters, as the prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam taught the companions to make istakharah in all things, just as he used to teach them surahs from the Quran!
3.       Don’t be anxious about the future.
Many people are depressed or worried about their or their children’s future. Don’t fear the power of the enemy, never go for unlawful earnings, and know that you can trust Al-Wakeel because He will manage your affairs in the way best for you! Be inspired by what Ibraheem ‘alayhi sallam said when he was thrown in the fire: Allah suffices me, for He is the best disposer of affairs (hasbunallaahu wa ni’mal wakeel)!* Take the example of those who entrusted their souls to Al-Wakeel, like Haajar, when she was left in the desert with Ismaeel ‘alayhi sallam who said with true belief: Did your Lord order you to do so, then He shall not forsake us.
4.       Be someone others can trust and rely on. Be someone others can turn to when they need help, and when you have to act on someone’s behalf fear Al-Wakeel and fulfill your duty as good as you can. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: Allah will aid a servant (of His) so long as the servant aids his brother. [Muslim]
5. Train yourself to trust Al-Wakeel.
The first time Musa ‘alayhi sallam saw the stick becoming a snake, he ran away in fear. The second time he did not run but felt fright within himself upon being confronted by the magicians, and the third time, the most difficult of these situations, when the army of the Pharaoh was behind them and the sea in front of them, he had no fear; he said what can be translated as, Not at all. Surely my Lord is with me; He will soon guide me. [Quran, 26: 62]  [paraphrased from the series In Thy Name we live by Dr. A. Khaled]
6.      Do dhikr with this name.
Every morning and evening say: حَسْبِ اللهُ لا إله إلا هو، عليه توكلت و هو ربَ العرش العظيم
Allah is sufficient for me. There is no God but He.  I have placed my trust in Him, He is Lord of the Majestic Throne. Whoever says this seven times in the morning after fajr, and seven times after Asr, Allah will take care of whatever worries him of the matter of this world and the hereafter. [Abu Dawood, Muslim]
The Prophet said: Whoever says(when he leaves his house) – Bismillaah, tawakkaltu ‘alaa Allaah, wa laa hawla wa laa quwwata illaa billaah – In the name of Allah, I put my trust in Allah and there is no power and no strength except with Allah- , it will be said to him: You are taken care of and you are protected and guided, and the devils will move away from him, and one devil says: What can you do with a man who has been guided, taken care of and protected? [Abu Dawood, At-Tirmidhi]
Wallahu ta’alaa ‘alem.
O Allah, Al-Wakeel, we know that You take care of all matters.  Make us of the mutawakkileen, those who gracefully rely on You and guide us to work in this world to the best of our ability. Make us of those others can trust in, protect us against our enemies and ourselves, guard over us and make us entrust our souls to you in times of ease and hardship, ameen!
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Elaborate on the dua journal please? How you use it and whatnot
Also please do a breakdown of your diet!
thank you <3
Hi Darling♡
So if you are Muslim you will be familiar with a dua, but if not a dua is a small prayer outside of the neccessary 5 prayers a day. It can be done at anytime for any reason!
My dua journal I bought on etsy, it's a beautiful little lavender book with gold embossing. It gives you a small Surah from the Quran at the top per day to think on. From there you write:
1) what your small prayer is for
2) What you are grateful for
3) What the day's happiest moments were
4) An area you can improve in
5) Your next level iman goal
From there you do a daily check in on how your feeling in your religion, family/friends, health, career, personal development, finances, and recreation.
It's a nice reflection journal based around Islamic faith but touching all areas of life. If you are not Muslim you can definitely find ones based around your faith! If you don't like the religion angle there is a similar book based around self care sold at urban outfitters or on Amazon that's a nice daily check in! If I remember the name I'll throw it in the tags.
I do plan on doing a long post about my diet soon, I've just been insanely busy with work and a new venture I'll be posting about soon.
I'm sorry if this was too long of an answer, this is the first ask I've ever received and I wanted to give you my full attention. Thank you so much!💖
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dailytafsirofquran · 3 years
Tafsir Ibn Kathir: Surah Al-Baqarah Ayah 111-113
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
111. And they say, "None shall enter Paradise unless he be a Jew or a Christian.'' These are their own desires. Say (O Muhammad ), "Produce your Burhan if you are truthful.''
112. Yes! But whoever submits his face (himself) to Allah (i.e. follows Allah's religion of Islamic Monotheism) and he is a Muhsin then his reward is with his Lord (Allah), on such shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
113. The Jews said that the Christians follow nothing (i.e. are not on the right religion); and the Christians said that the Jews follow nothing (i.e. are not on the right religion); though they both recite the Scripture. Like unto their word, said those (the pagans) who know not. Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection about that wherein they have been differing.
The Hopes of the People of the Book
Allah tells;
And they say, "None shall enter Paradise unless he be a Jew or a Christian.'' These are their own desires. Allah made the confusion of the Jews and the Christians clear, since they claim that no one will enter Paradise, unless he is a Jew or a Christian.
Similarly, Allah mentioned their claims in Surah Al-Ma'idah: We are the children of Allah and His loved ones. (5:18)
Allah refuted this false claim and informed them that they will be punished because of their sins. Previously we mentioned their claim that the Fire would not touch them for more than a few days, after which they would be put in Paradise. Allah rebuked this claim, and He said about this baseless claim, (These are their own desires).
Abu Al-Aliyah commented,
"These are wishes that they wished Allah would answer, without basis.''
Similar was stated by Qatadah and Ar-Rabi bin Anas.
Allah then said,
Say, meaning, "Say O Muhammad:''
"Produce your Burhan...''
Abu Al-Aliyah, Mujahid, As-Suddi and Ar-Rabi bin Anas stated, meaning, "Your proof.''
Qatadah said that the Ayah means,
"Bring the evidence that supports your statement. if you are truthful, (in your claim).''
Allah then said,
Yes! But whoever submits his face (himself) to Allah (i.e. follows Allah's religion of Islamic Monotheism) and he is a Muhsin.
meaning, "Whoever performs deeds in sincerity, for Allah alone without partners.''
In a similar statement, Allah said,
So if they dispute with you (Muhammad) say: "I have submitted myself to Allah (in Islam), and (so have) those who follow me.'' (3:20)
Abu Al-Aliyah and Ar-Rabi said that, (Yes! But whoever submits his face (himself) to Allah) means,
"Whoever is sincere with Allah.''
Also, Sa`id bin Jubayr said that, (Yes! But whoever submits) means, he is sincere.
(his face (himself)) meaning, in his religion.
(and he is a Muhsin) following the Messenger.
For there are two conditions for deeds to be accepted;
* the deed must be performed for Allah's sake alone and
* conform to the Shariah.
When the deed is sincere, but does not conform to the Shariah, then it will not be accepted.
The Messenger of Allah said,
Whoever performs a deed that does not conform with our matter (religion), then it will be rejected.
This Hadith was recorded by Muslim.
Therefore, the good deeds of the priests and rabbis will not be accepted, even if they are sincerely for Allah alone, because these deeds do not conform with the method of the Messenger, who was sent for all mankind.
Allah said regarding such cases,
And We shall turn to whatever deeds they (disbelievers, polytheists, sinners) did, and We shall make such deeds as scattered floating particles of dust. (25:23)
As for those who disbelieved, their deeds are like a mirage in a desert. The thirsty one thinks it to be water, until he comes up to it, he finds it to be nothing. (24:39)
Some faces, that Day will be humiliated.
Laboring, weary. They will enter in the hot blazing Fire. They will be given to drink from a boiling spring. (88:2-5)
When the deed conforms to the Shariah outwardly, but the person did not perform it sincerely for Allah alone, the deed will also be rejected, as in the case of the hypocrites and those who do their deeds to show off.
Similarly, Allah said,
Verily, the hypocrites seek to deceive Allah, but it is He Who deceives them. And when they stand up for As-Salah (the prayer), they stand with laziness to be seen by people, and they do not remember Allah but little. (4:142)
So woe unto those performers of Salah (prayers) (hypocrites). Those who delay their Salah (from their stated fixed times). Those who do good deeds only to be seen (of men). And withhold Al-Ma`un (small kindnesses). (107:4-7)
This is why Allah said,
So whoever hopes for the meeting with his Lord, let him work righteousness and associate none as a partner in the worship of his Lord. (18:110)
He also said in this Ayah,
Yes, but whoever submits his face (himself) to Allah (follows Allah's religion of Islamic Monotheism) and he is a Muhsin.
Allah's statement, Shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve, guaranteed them the rewards and safety from what they fear and should avoid. (There shall be no fear on them) in the future, (nor shall they grieve) about what they abandoned in the past.
Moreover, Sa`id bin Jubayr said, (There shall be no fear on them) in the Hereafter, and (nor shall they grieve) about their imminent death.''
The Jews and Christians dispute among Themselves out of Disbelief and Stubbornness
Allah said,
The Jews said that the Christians follow nothing (i.e. are not on the right religion); and the Christians said that the Jews follow nothing (i.e. are not on the right religion); though they both recite the Scripture.
Allah explained the disputes, hatred and stubbornness that the People of the Book have towards each other.
Muhammad bin Ishaq reported that Ibn Abbas said,
"When a delegation of Christians from Najran came to the Messenger of Allah, the Jewish rabbis came and began arguing with them before the Messenger of Allah. Rafi bin Huraymilah said,
`You do not follow anything,' and he reiterated his disbelief in Jesus and the Injil. Then a Christian man from Najran's delegation said to the Jews, `Rather, you do not follow anything,'
and he reiterated his rejection of Musa's Prophethood and his disbelief in the Torah. So Allah revealed the Ayah, The Jews said that the Christians follow nothing (i.e. are not on the right religion); and the Christians said that the Jews follow nothing (i.e. are not on the right religion); though they both recite the Scripture.''
Allah made it clear that each party read the affirmation of what they claimed to reject in their Book.
Consequently, the Jews disbelieve in Jesus, even though they have the Torah in which Allah took their Covenant by the tongue of Moses to believe in Jesus. Also, the Gospel contains Jesus' assertion that Moses'
Prophethood and the Torah came from Allah. Yet, each party disbelieved in what the other party had.
Allah said,
Like unto their word, said those who know not, thus exposing the ignorance displayed by the Jews and the Christians concerning their statements that we mentioned.
There is a difference of opinion regarding the meaning of Allah's statement, (who know not), For instance, Ar-Rabi bin Anas and Qatadah said that, (Like unto their word, said those said those who know not) means,
"The Christians said similar statements to the Jews.''
Ibn Jurayj asked Ata "Who are those `who know not?'''
Ata said, "Nations that existed before the Jews and the Christians and before the Torah and the Gospel.''
Also, As-Suddi said that, (said those who know not) is in reference to the Arabs who said that Muhammad was not following anything (i. e. did not follow a true or existing religion).
Abu Jafar bin Jarir chose the view that; this Ayah is general and that there is no evidence that specifically supports any of these explanations. So interpreting the Ayah in a general way is better.
Allah knows best.
Allah said,
Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection about that wherein they have been differing.
meaning, that Allah will gather them all on the Day of Return. On that Day, Allah will justly judge between them, for He is never unjust with anyone, even as little as the weight of an atom.
This Ayah is similar to Allah's statement in Surah Al-Hajj, Verily, those who believe (in Allah and in His Messenger Muhammad), and those who are Jews, and the Sabians, and the Christians, and the Majus, and those who associate partners with Allah; truly, Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection. Verily, Allah is over all things a Witness. (22:17)
Allah said,
Say: "Our Lord will assemble us all together (on the Day of Resurrection), then He will judge between us with truth. And He is the Just Judge, the Knower of the true state of affairs.'' (34:26)
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 4 years
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🍃🕊🍃 Month of Rajab 🍃🕊🍃
Datewise Salaahs in the Month of Rajab as reported in Iqbaal ul-A'maal
2nd Night of Rajab – It has been reported from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon his family): Whosoever recites on the second night of Rajab, a 10 (5x2) Raka’ prayer, reciting in each raka’ Sura Fatiha once and Sura Kafiroon once, Allah will forgive all his sins, big or small, and will write his name among the musalleen until the next year.
3rd Night of Rajab – It has been reported from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon his family): Whoever recites on the third night of Rajab, a 10 (5x2) Raka’ prayer, reciting in each Raka’ Sura Fatiha once and Sura Nasr 5 times, Allah will build him a palace in Jannah, the length and width of which will be 7 times the size of the world.
3rd Day of Rajab - It has been reported from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon his family): Whoever recites on the third day of Rajab, a 4 (2x2) Raka’ prayer, reciting in each Raka’ after Sura Fatiha, Sura Baqarah 163-165, Allah will give him a reward that cannot be described.
4th Night of Rajab – It has been reported from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon his family): Whoever recites on the fourth night of Rajab, a 100 (50x2) raka’ Salaah, in each first Raka' after Sura Fatiha reciting Sura Falaq; in each second Raka' after Sura Fatiha reciting Sura Naas, an angel would descend from each heaven to record the reward for him up until the Resurrection Day when his face shall be as bright as the moon, and he would be given his Record of Deeds to the right hand and he would benefit from an easy reckoning.
5th Night of Rajab - It has been reported from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon his family): Whoever recites on the fifth night of Rajab, a 6 (3x2) Raka’ prayer, reciting in each Raka’ after Sura Fatiha, 25 times Sura Ikhlaas, Allah will give him the reward of 40 prophets, 40 truthful ones, 40 martyrs, and will cause him to pass on the Serat like lightning as if he is riding on a horse made of light.
6th Night of Rajab - It has been reported from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon his family): Whoever recites on the sixth night of Rajab, a 2 Raka' prayer, and in each unit, he recites Sura Fatiha once, and Ayat al-Kursi seven times, a caller from Heaven would call, “O servant of God! You are truly a friend of God indeed. For each letter that you recited in this prayer, there is intercession from the Muslims, you will have seventy-thousand good deeds and each of the good deeds near God are greater than the mountains in this world.”
7th Night of Rajab The Holy prophet (saws) says that if a person recites 4 unit namaaz on the night of 7th rajab, (such that in each unit after Surah al Hamd recites Surat at Tawheed thrice, Surah alFalaq once, Surah an Naas once. After finishing namaaz recites Salwaat &10 times Tasbeehate Arba’). Allah will offer him shelter under the Arsh, & give him reward of a person fasting in the month of ramdhan. Till the time he finishes the prayers, the angels pray for his forgiveness. Allah will ease the pangs of death on him & save him from the squeeze in the grave. He will not die unless he sees his place in Paradise, & will be safe from the hardships of Qiyamat.
8th Night of Rajab - It has been reported from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon his family): Whoever recites on the eighth night of Rajab, a 20 (10x2) Raka’ Prayer, in each raka’ after Sura Fatiha, reciting Surah’s Tawheed, Kafiroon and Falaq 3 times each; Allah would reward him the reward of the thankful and the people who persevere and would raise his name amongst the truthful ones and for each letter that he says, Allah would grant him the reward of all the truthful ones and martyrs. It would be as if he recited the whole Quran during the month of Ramadhan. He will be welcomed by seventy angels once he leaves the grave. These angels will give him the glad tidings of Paradise and guide him to it.
9th Night of Rajab - It has been reported from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon his family): Whoever recites a 2 Raka' of prayer on the ninth night of Rajab and in each unit he recites the Opening Chapter once, the Al-Takathur Chapter five times, Allah would forgive him, grant him the reward of one-hundred Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages, send down a million forms of mercy for him, secure him from the Fire before he moves from his place. Should he die within eighty days, he would be considered a martyr.
10th Night of Rajab - It has been reported from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon his family): Whoever recites on the tenth night of Rajab, a 12 (6x2) Raka' prayer, and in each unit reciting Sura Fatiha once and Sura Ikhlaas three times, Allah would raise a palace for him over a column made of red rubies...In this column there are seven-hundred rooms that are each larger than this world. All the rooms in it are made of gold, silver, rubies and aquamarine. There are as many houses in this palace as there are stars in the sky with things there that man cannot describe.
11th Night of Rajab - It has been reported from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon his family): Whoever recites on the eleventh night of Rajab, a 12 (6x2) Raka' prayer, and in each unit reciting Sura Fatiha once, and Ayatul Kursi twelve times, Allah will give him the reward of one who has recited the Torah, the Bible, the Psalms, and the Criterion (Quran), and any of the Books which God – the Sublime has revealed to His Prophets. A Caller from the Throne will call, Restart your deeds as indeed God has forgiven you.
12th Night of Rajab - It has been reported from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon his family): Whoever recites on the twelfth night of Rajab, a 2 Raka' prayer, reciting in each unit Sura Fatiha once and Sura Baqara:285-286 ten times, Allah would grant him the reward of those who enjoin to do good and forbid from evil, and the reward of freeing seventy slaves from the progeny of Ishmael, and Allah would grant him seventy mercies.
13th Night of Rajab - It has been reported from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon his family): Whoever recites on the thirteenth night of Rajab, a 10 (5x2) Raka' prayer, reciting in the first Raka' Sura Fatiha and Sura Adiyaat once, and in the other nine units reciting Sura Fatiha and Sura Takathur once each,
Allah would forgive him even if he has been damned by his parents, neither Munkar nor Nakir would not approach or frighten him and he would cross the Bridge like lightning and his Record of Deeds would be handed to his right hand and his Record of Deeds would be made heavier in his favor and he would be granted one-thousand towns in Paradise.
14th Night of Rajab - It has been reported from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon his family): Whoever recites on the fourteenth night of Rajab, a 30 (15x2) Raka' prayer, reciting in each unit Sura Fatiha, Sura Ikhlaas, Aya 110 of Sura Kahf once each,
I swear by Him who controls my life that he would finish his prayer perfectly purified even if his sins are more than the stars in the sky and it would be as if he has recited the whole Book that the Sublime God has sent down.
15th Night of Rajab
16th Night of Rajab - It has been reported from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon his family): Whoever recites on the sixteenth night of Rajab, a 30 (15x2) Raka' prayer, reciting in each unit Sura Fatiha and Sura Ikhlaas ten times,
Allah would grant him the reward of seventy martyrs before he finishes his prayer and on the Resurrection Day his brightness would shine and look like the space between Mecca and Medina, and Allah rewards him immunity from the Fire, protection from hypocrisy and frees him from the torture of the grave.
17th Night of Rajab - It has been reported from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon his family): Whoever recites on the seventeenth night of Rajab, a 30 (15x2) Raka' prayer, reciting in each unit Sura Fatiha and Sura Ikhlaas ten times,
Allah would grant him the reward of seventy martyrs before he finishes his prayer.
18th Night of Rajab - It has been reported from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon his family): Whoever recites on the eighteenth night of Rajab, a 2 Raka' prayer, reciting in each unit Sura Fatiha once and Sura Ikhlaas and Sura Naas ten times each,
upon finishing his prayer Allah would tell the angels, I forgive his sins for saying this prayer even if his sins are more than those of a cheating businessman and Allah would place six ditches between him and the Fire the distance between each ditch would be as much as the distance between the sky and the earth.
19th Night of Rajab - It has been reported from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon his family): Whoever recites on the nineteenth night of the month of Rajab, a 4 (2x2) Raka' prayer, reciting in each unit Sura Fatiha once, and 15 times Ayat al-Kursi and 15 times la ilaha illallah,
Allah grants him a reward similar to what He granted Moses. For each letter, he would be granted the reward of a martyr. Allah would resurrect him with angels who give him three glad tidings. First, he would not experience problems at the stopping point in the Hereafter, second there would be no reckoning for him and third he would enter Paradise without any reckoning. And once he stops in front of Allah – the Sublime Allah would greet him and tell him, O my servant! Have no fear or grief since I am pleased with you and Paradise is allowed for you.
20th Night of Rajab - It has been reported from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon his family): Whoever recites on the twentieth night of the month of Rajab, a 2 Raka' prayer, reciting in each unit Sura Fatiha once and Sura Qadr five times,
shall be rewarded the reward of Abraham, Moses, John and Jesus by Allah. Whoever says this prayer shall not be harmed by the genies or men. Allah would look upon him with Mercy.
21st Night of Rajab - It has been reported from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon his family): Whoever recites on the twenty-first night of the month of Rajab, a 6 (3x2) Raka' prayer, reciting in each unit Sura Fatiha once, Sura Kauthar ten times, Sura Ikhlaas ten times,
Allah orders the angels – the Honorable Recorders (Kiraman Katibin) not to record any bad deeds for him for one year and only record his good deeds. I swear by Him who rightfully appointed me to the Prophethood that anyone who loves me and loves Allah and says this prayer – and if he cannot stand up he can pray sitting down – Allah takes pride in it near His angels and says, Indeed I forgive him.
22nd Night of Rajab - It has been reported from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon his family): Whoever recites on the twenty-second night of the month of Rajab, a 8 (4x2) Raka' prayer, reciting in each unit Sura Fatiha once and Sura Kafiroon ten times, and after finishing the prayer send blessings on the Prophet and his progeny (salawaat) ten times and asks for forgiveness ten times,
he shall not depart from this world until he sees his place in Paradise. He shall die as a Muslim and shall receive the rewards of seventy Prophets
22nd Rajab Manazeral Akherah- Shaikh Abbas Qummi To recite the following 8 Rak’at namaaz(2 rakat X4) on the 22nd of Rajab is beneficial during death. In each Rakat after al-Hamd , recite Surah Tawheed 7 times. After finishing Namaaz, recite sawaat 10 times & recite Astaghfirullah Rabbi wa atooboIlayh 10 times.
23rd Night of Rajab - It has been reported from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon his family): Whoever recites on the twenty-third night of the month of Rajab, a 2 Raka' prayer, reciting in each unit Sura Fatiha once and Sura Dhuha (Chapter 93) five times,
Allah grants him a rank in Paradise for each letter he has recited and for each atheist man or woman a rank for him in Paradise and Allah would also grant him the reward of seventy Hajj pilgrimages, the reward of attending one-thousand funeral processions, the reward of visiting one-thousand patients, plus the reward of fulfilling the needs of one-thousand Muslims.
24th Night of Rajab - It has been reported from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon his family): Whoever recites on the twenty-fourth night of the month of Rajab, a 40 (20x2) Raka' prayer, reciting in each unit Sura Fatiha once and Sura Baqarah Verses 285 and 286 once and Sura Ikhlaas once,
Allah would record the reward of a thousand good deeds, wipe out a thousand of his wrongdoings and raise his rank a thousand degrees. And He would send down a thousand angels from the heavens who raise up their hands and bestow blessings upon him. Allah – the Sublime would grant him health in the world and the Hereafter and t would be as if he has experienced the Night of Destiny.
25th Night of Rajab - It has been reported from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon his family): Whoever recites on the twenty-fifth night of the month of Rajab, a 20 (10x2) Raka' prayer between Maghrib and Isha, reciting in each unit Sura Fatiha once and Sura Baqarah Verses 285 and 286 once and Sura Ikhlaas once,
Allah would protect himself, his wife, his religion, his wealth, his life and his afterlife and he would be forgiven before he moves from his place.
26th Night of Rajab - It has been reported from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon his family): Whoever recites on the twenty-sixth night of the month of Rajab, a 12 (6x2) Raka' prayer, reciting in each unit Sura Fatiha once and Sura Ikhlaas fourty times (in some narrations it has been mentioned four times),
would be hugged by the angels and whoever is hugged by the angels would be saved from being stopped at the Bridge, the Reckoning and the Balance. Allah would appoint seventy angels to ask for Allah's forgiveness for him, record rewards for him, and express Allah's greatness for him and they say, "O' my Allah! Please forgive this worshipping servant!" until the morning.
27th Night of Rajab
28th Night of Rajab - It has been reported from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon his family): Whoever recites on the twenty-eighth night of the month of Rajab, a 12 (6x2) Raka' prayer, reciting in each unit Sura Fatiha once and Sura A'alaa and Sura Qadr ten times each and after completion of the prayer, recites salawaat and asks forgiveness from Allah 100 times each,
Allah the Glorified would record the reward of the worshipping of the angels for him.
29th Night of Rajab - It has been reported from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon his family): Whoever recites on the twenty-ninth night of the month of Rajab, a 12 (6x2) Raka' prayer, reciting in each unit Sura Fatiha once and Sura A'alaa and Sura Qadr ten times each and after completion of the prayer, recites salawaat and asks forgiveness from Allah 100 times each,
Allah the Glorified would record the reward of the worshipping of the angels for him.
30th Night of Rajab - It has been reported from the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon his family): Whoever recites on the thirtieth night of the month of Rajab, a 10 (5x2) Raka' prayer, reciting in each unit Sura Fatiha once and Sura Iklaas ten times,
Allah shall grant him seven towns in Paradise and he would be taken out of the grave with his face shining like the full moon. He would cross the Bridge like glaring lightning and would be saved from the Fire.
🍃🕊🍃 duas.org 🍃🕊🍃
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liu-lang · 4 years
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I made Cornish game hens, Rode Kool met Appel (Dutch red cabbage with apples) and a bûche de noël with crème chantilly filling, ontbijtkoek (Dutch spiced breakfast cake) inspired sponge and whipped dark chocolate ganache. I didn’t do much decoration beyond making it look like a log. The apples were meant to be part of the aromatics but I guess the red cabbage was really a hit and they even ate the apples, saying the spices made it taste like apple pie lol. Instead of basting the hens with typical garlic herb butter, i blended rosemary from his dad’s garden with garlic and ghee in my food processor since ghee has a higher smoke point and I have more ghee in my fridge than butter bc I cook with ghee more. We had mashed purple Okinawan potatoes on the side as well. His aunt kept saying this was so different. I think they had ham growing up. But since I did the cooking, I drew from the only place I got Christmas references growing up which were attending French catholic school and spending summers in Wirral and Wales.
His dad gave me a chocoladeletter, every year he gets a little closer to getting my name right ☺️ the first few times I would get a C.
I don’t celebrate Christmas and his dad grew up with Sinterklaas on dec 5/6 and is an atheist. Even though I was grumpy about cooking xmas dinner I appreciate that it was a small gathering (us plus his dad and his aunt) and tt it was very low key. his aunt asked him to say a prayer before the meal and I looked up surah al imrān verses 45 and 46 which mention Isa.
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wisdomrays · 4 years
The Qur’an calls Christians and Jews “the People of the Book,” meaning those who have a Divinely revealed holy hook that they follow. Toward the end of the Makkan era of the Prophet’s life, the Qur’an began to mention these people and gave them a special and honored place. They were first mentioned in: And argue not with the People of the Book ... (2 9:46).
Thus the Qur’an started the greatest ecumenical movement history had ever seen. All the Qur’an required of them was that they confirm the Last Prophet, for their own books told them that such a person was going to come.
The Qur’an, gradually deepening its intimacy with Christians, declared they were the nearest to Muslims in love, because their priests and monks are not proud, and because they listen to and recoagnize the truth of what the Messenger has brought (5:82- 83). It also warns them against certain heresies, such as following those who earlier had gone astray (5:77), believing in the Trinity (4:171), or remaining in their rebellion and unbelief (5:68).
Many Qur’anic verses state that Jesus called people to believe in God’s oneness, and that he called himself “a servant of God.” The Qur’an stresses that his mother Mary (Maryam) was sinless, dedicated to the temple, and raised under Prophet Zakariya’s guidance. It also relates the miracles God gave her, Jesus’ miraculous birth without a father, miracles given to Jesus, his Prophethood, and his being raised to the sky by God (3:33-64). In Maryam:19, their behavior and postures are described and praised. Of all religions, Islam is the only one to attest that Mary was a virgin and gave birth to Jesus miraculously. Islam is even more sensitive about this subject than Christians. In fact, the Bible says in Luke (chapters 2, 4, 5) that Mary was engaged to a carpenter named Joseph, whereas the Qur’an mentions no such person.
The Qur’an rejects Christianity’s fundamental beliefs that Jesus is divine and the Son of God. It asserts that his being distinguished among people or being given many miracles do not make him a deity. People who attribute a son to God are rejected, without clearly pointing out that the subjects are Christians (2:116). Thus the Qur’an wants Christians to understand the implication and correct themselves.
In the early days of Islam, Christians and Muslims were on very good terms. For example, when the Makkan’s persecution became unbearable, the Prophet permitted those who wanted to leave to go to Ethiopia (615 CE / 5 AH). He said that the land was safe, for its ruler was just. A group of 15 Muslims including ‘Uthman and the Prophet’s cousin Ja’far, emigrated there. The Prophet sent Najashi a letter asking him to give refuge to these Muslims, which he did.1 After a while, the Quraysh sent a delegation with many precious gifts to ask Najashi to return the Muslims. Najashi summoned them, and Ja’far explained the situation. Najashi wanted to learn what they thought of Jesus and Mary. Ja’far recited the beginning of Surah Maryam, which deals with the births of Prophet Yahya (John the Baptist) and Jesus. The emperor drew a line on the ground and said: “If there is a difference between our religions, it is as great as this line.” Najashi refused the Qurayshi request.
At that time, an internal war broke and threatened Najashi’s throne. All Muslims who could fight supported the emperor. Most remained in Ethiopia until 7 AH, when the Prophet summoned them to Madina. Najashi sent his son to the Prophet with a letter stating he had embraced Islam. The Prophet treated Najashi’s men with great hospitality. Najashi died that same year, and the Prophet led his funeral prayer in Madinah.
Relations between the Muslims and the Byzantine Empire started out as peaceful and in an atmosphere of good will. In the initial years of the Prophet’s mission, war broke out between Christian Byzantium and Sassanid Persia. The Muslims in Makkah sided with the Byzantines, as they were People of the Book. Even though the Byzantines were severely defeated, Surat al-Rum, revealed just after the defeat, announced that the Byzantines would be victorious in a few years. This came true 9 years later, when the Byzantines crushed the Sassanid Empire. At roughly the same time, the small Muslim community in Madinah defeated the Quraysh at Badr.
In 6 AH, the Prophet sent letters to neighboring rulers. One was sent to Emperor Heraclius of Rome. The Prophet wrote: “In the name of God, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate. From Muhammad, the servant and messenger of God, to the Roman’s great King Heraclius. May peace be upon those who obey the right path. I call you to Islam in the way of a true Muslim. Become a Muslim and you will find salvation. Become a Muslim and God will give you twice as much as you actually deserve. If you turn away, you will be held responsible for your subjects. And you; 0 People of the Book! Come to o word common between you and us, that we shall worship none but Allah that we shall assign no partner to Him and that none of us shall toke others for lords beside Allah. If they turn away, then say: ‘Bear witness that we are submitters to Allah (as Muslims)’”(3:64). The Empire diplomatically stated that Heraclius rejected the invitation. However, historical sources insist that the emperor inwardly welcomed the invitation and remarked: “These places we are in now will be his in the near future.”
Later, the Prophet sent an envoy to the Ghassanids, who were Arab allies of the Byzantine Empire. His murder led to the Battle of Mutah. The 3,000 Muslims had to fight the 100,000-man Byzantine army. The Byzantines nailed the governor of Maan (or Amman], Ferve the Leper, to a cross because he accepted Islam. This murder caused great damage to Muslim-Christian relations, and marks the beginning of 14 centuries of deteriorating relations.
Seeing that the majority of Christians in that period insisted on believing that Jesus was a deity, God revealed: 0 People of the Book, do not exceed the limits in your religion, nor say of God aught but the truth (4:171). Thus they were called to admit that Jesus was God’s Messenger. Only when they refused to do so did the Qur’an clearly state that this Christian belief represented impiety and denial.
In 9 AH, a delegation of about 70 Christians from Najran, many of them religious and non-religious leaders, came to Madina to discuss Islam’s arguments against Christianity. The Prophet greeted them warmly and let them perform their rituals in the local mosque. The Christians argued about the true nature of Jesus, insisting that he was a deity. Upon this, the following verse was revealed: Then whoever disputes with you concerning him (Jesus) after (all this) knowledge that has come to you, say:
“Come let us coil our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves-then we pray and invoke (sincerely) the curse of God upon those who lie” (3:61).
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lifeofresulullah · 5 years
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad: The Miracles of The Prophet Muhammad
The Miracle of the Splitting of the Moon
“The hour (of Judgment) is nigh, and the moon is cleft asunder. But if they see a Sign, they turn away, and say "This is (but) transient magic." 
In this part, we are going to give information about how the miracle of the splitting of the moon, which is a clear sign of the verse of the Qur’an, occurred and seen in all authentic hadith as well as in sirah sources at the degree of Mutawatir manawi and we will also try to answer some questions that may come to the mind.
How did the Miracle of the Splitting of the Moon occur?
The miracle of the splitting of the moon occurred before the migration to Medina upon the demands of the polytheists with the permission of God and it was shown by the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as narrated by many companions like Anas b. Malik, Hz. Ali, Huzayfa b. Yaman, Abdullah b. Mas’ud, Abdullah b. Abbas, Abdullah b. Umar, Abdullah b. Amr b. As, Jubayr b. Mut’im (May Allah be pleased with all of them). 
Among Quraish polytheists, Walid b. Mughira, Abu Jahl. As b. Wail, As b. Hisham, Aswad b. Abdi Yaghus, Aswad b. Muttalib, Zama b. Aswad, Nadr b. Harith and others said to the prophet Muhammad (PBUH):
“If you truly are a Prophet that has been appointed by Allah, then split the moon in half. Let it be in such a way that one half will appear over the Mount Abu Qubais and the other half will be seen over Mount Quayqian.”
The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) asked:
“If I do it, will you become Muslims?”
The polytheists answered:
“Yes, we will.”
On the 14th night, when it was full moon, the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) wanted Almighty Allah to give him the miracle which the polytheists demanded from him. 
When the Gabriel (AS) informed the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that God had accepted his prayer, he announced it to the Meccans. The polytheists witnessed the splitting of the moon on the 14th night. 
When Almighty God let the moon split in half, one half standing over Mount Abu Qubais and the other half over Mount Quayqian, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) shouted at Muslims:
“O Abu Salama b. Abdulasad! Arqam b. Abi’l Erqam! Bear witness! 
And to the polytheists, he said, “Bear witness! So and so!
However, the polytheists said “This is one of the spells of Abu Kabsha’s Son.” “The son of Abu Kabsha cast a spell on you!” They said “Muhammad cast a spell on us!”
Some of them also said:
“If Muhammad had cast a spell on us then , He couldn’t have cast a spell on everyone! Let us ask the wayfarers who came from the surrounding areas if they saw what we saw.” 
They asked the people who came from every everywhere.
“Yes! We also did see the moon in that state! We saw the moon as split! They informed that the moon was split. Among the people who came from everywhere and seen the moon split, there was no one who had not informed them about it. 
However, the polytheists rejected to be Muslims and to believe by saying:
“This is a prevalent magic!”, they said “Abu Talib’s orphan affected the sky with his spell!”.
Almighty God mentions this miracle in the chapter of al-Qamar as follows: “The hour (of Judgment) is nigh, and The moon is cleft asunder. But if they see a Sign, they turn away, and say "This is (but) transient magic." They reject (the warning) and follow their (own) lusts but every matter has its appointed time. There have already come to them Recitals wherein there is (enough) to check (them), Mature wisdom― but (the preaching of) Warners profits them not.” 
An Explanation about the splitting of the Moon
We want to answer the questions that may come to the mind about the splitting of the moon. Our question is this “Did the miracle of the splitting of the moon occur? Why do the historical records not mention about the splitting of the moon? Despite the advancement of science nowadays, why is there no any trace of the splitting on the moon? If the event of the splitting had occurred, then the trace of this should have been on its surface.” We are going to answer the first part of this two-part optioned question with five points and after that we will give the answer to the second question.
Did the miracle of the splitting of the moon occur? Why do the historical records not mention about the splitting of the moon?
The miracle of the splitting of the moon is a miracle shown to some of the polytheists who denied the Apostle of God in order to prove the authenticity of his cause to them with the permission of God. We will try to explain why it is not recorded in history books by items:
1. The miracle of the splitting of the moon is a miracle which is narrated in all books of the Islamic history and sirah sources; besides it is a miracle which is mentioned in the first verses of the surah of al-Qamar of the Qur’an (28). None of the stubborn polytheists who witnessed this miracle along with deniers of the Qur’an denied this but tried to reject it by calling a “Magic!..” (29) No information that this event did not exist in history is given. If this miracle had not occurred, polytheists who did not disregard using even a small event against Islam for denigration would have certainly denied this event which is narrated by history and the Qur’an. Their failure of denying shows that there is no doubt about the occurring of this event.
2. Great scholars like Taftazani said,
“The miracle of the splitting of the moon is a mutawatir event just like the water flowing down from his fingers, the dry wooden stud that the Prophet leaned against while reciting sermons in the mosque crying due to leaving the Prophet and the whole congregation hearing it. [30] That is, it was reported by such a big congregation that it is impossible for them to agree to lie about something. We are sure that a comet called Halley was seen from the world and recorded by historians a thousand years ago because people transmitted that information through centuries; that is, it is mutawatir; we are sure that there is a country called Sri Lanka only by hearing its name though we have not seen it; similarly, the splitting of the moon is mutawatir.
It is stupidity to doubt or to suspect such a certain issue. It is not something impossible. The splitting of the moon is possible like the breakup of a mountain due to a volcanic eruption.
3. Miracles are shown to persuade people who do not believe in a prophet. If they had forced unbelievers to believe, it would have been contrary to the mystery of testing. Therefore, if the moon had remained in two parts for such a long time as to make it possible for everybody to see after being split, it would have caused everybody to believe and the mystery of testing would have been eliminated. Or, it would have been recorded as an ordinary celestial incident. Therefore, the miracle of the splitting of the moon was shown at night all of a sudden to the polytheists and companions who were present there.
4. The following question can come to the mind: “Why was the incident of the splitting of the moon not mentioned in the history of other nations?” This event took place at night. It was daytime in the other part of the world; therefore, it is normal that it was not seen in the other part. Besides, it is normal that it is not mentioned in the history of the Europeans because they were famous for ignorance and wildness. Fog and cloudy weather might have prevented it from being seen in some places. If such an event is seen by some individuals; they will not believe their eyes and cannot make other people believe it; therefore, it is not recorded in history books.
To sum up, we can say,
1.The statements of the companions who are the representatives of honesty and justice that this event took place,
2.The agreement of many tafseer scholars that this incident was the reason why the verse, “the moon is cleft asunder” was sent down, 
3.The narrations of those hadith scholars who report from reliable sources that prove this incident, 
4.The news by all of the saints that can discover unknown things and be inspired about them that this incident took place,  
5.The confirmation of the incident by various kalam imams, scholars and experts who usually have very different ideas,
6.The belief of the ummah of Muhammad who never agree on something wrong that this incident took place, prove very clearly that the moon was split.
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mehaljjx · 5 years
Attaining Jannah #p1
writer unknown 
Here are 16 motivating tips to help you raise your degrees in Jannah in Shaa Allah, get closer to Allah and some tips to increase your property. -It should be the ultimate dream, ambition and the aim of every Muslim to strive and do everything possible in this life in order to please Allah so that we may gain the top ranks of Jannah in Shaa Allah. -This worldly life is totally worthless, nothing compared to the hereafter. The Prophet (SAWS) said :"By Allah, this world in comparison to the hereafter is nothing but as though one of you dipped his finger in the sea. So ponder how much (of sea water), the finger return with." [Mishkaat]. This dunia is a small drop of water and the sea is the hereafter. Considering how huge the hereafer is, let's stop being forgetful and truly start to build our position for the remaining time of our lives. I) Raise your degrees 1) Fulfill our obligatory duties unto Allah There is no doubt that we must fulfill our obligations unto Allah before anything else. We cannot expect to get closer to Allah and gain high ranks of Jannah without fulfilling our obligations unto Him. We have to perform Prayers, Zakat (obligatory charity), Hajj, Fasting and being good to parents. It is stated according to Hadith Qudsi :"Whoever draws near to Me among those drawn near by fulfilling what I have made obligatory to them..." [ Bukhari ] You do not draw near to Allah except by fulfilling the obligatory duties which Allah has made obligatory. So the first thing we must do is to fulfill all our obligatory duties to Allah and abstain from that which Allah and his messenger (SAWS) have forbidden us from. 2) Doing everything to please Allah Allah said :"And whoever comes to Him (Allah) as a believer, and has done righteous good deeds, for such are the high ranks (in the Hereafter)." (Quran 20:75) We must do everything in our daily life which pleases Allah and stay away from anything which angers or displeases Him. Abu Hurayrah (RA) reported regarding the saying of Muhammad (SAWS) said :"If I forbid you to do something, then keep away from it. And if I order you to do something, then do it as much as you can". [ Al Bukhari ] 3) Maintaining Iman (faith) The Prophet (SAWS) said :"Faith wears out in the heart of any one of you just as clothes wear out, so ask Allah to renew faith in your hearts." [ Al Hakimn, Al Tabarani ] PS : If we want to gain high ranks of Jannah, we need to keep our Iman topped up. This is because Iman fluctuates and needs to be maintained otherwise it may fall dangerously low resulting in us losing our way and opening a path for shaytan to misguide us. Our Iman can only be constantly high if we maintain it by doing deeds and everything which pleases Allah. Without making effort, our Iman will fall low and we will be vulnerable to attack. 4) Being thankful to Allah We should always ask of Allah to make us of the appreciative and thankful. We should constantly think of the favours that Allah has done for us and know that even if we spent our whole lives worshipping Allah, then we would NEVER be able to repay Him for even one blessing He has given us. Therefore, we should be thankful to Him and never be ungrateful. Quran (2:152):"Therefore remember Me, I will remember you, And be thankful to Me, and do not be ungrateful to Me." 5) Being constant in Repentance (Tawba) Allah loves repentance and loves those who turn to Him in repentance. He said in Quran (2:222) :"Truly Allah loves those who turn [to Him] in repentance, and He loves those who keep themselves in purity." 6) Best manners, character & conduct We should strive to be of those with the best of characters and manners as that is what will elevate us in the Hereafter. The Prophet (SAWS) said :"The best amongst you are those who have the best manners and character." [ Al Bukhari ] He (SAWS) also said :"There is none heavier in the scales of the Hereafter than good character." [ Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud ] He (SAWS) also said :"The best loved by me and the nearest to me on the seats on the day of ressurection are those who have the best manners and conduct amongst you, who are intimate, are on good terms with others and are humble, and the most hated by me and who will be on the furthest seats from me are those who are talkative and arrogant." [ Tirmidhi ] So let us strive to perfect our manners, character and conduct and know that these good deeds will be of the heaviest on the scales and will enable us to reach the highest ranks of Jannah. 7) Reading & implement Quran into daily life Ibn Kathir says regarding tafsir of Surah Al A'raf verse 179 : The similitude of the one, who memorizes the Quran but doesn't act in accordance to it, is like a donkey which carries a load of books but doesn't understand. Therefore, we must not be of those who read the Quran but do not aim to understand it. We should read and study the deeper meanings of the Quran and act upon everything we read as this is what the sahaba did. Some of the Sahaba took a very long time finishing the Quran because they wanted to implement everything they read before moving on to the rest of the Quran. 8) Knowing Allah by His attributes Ibn Al Qayyim (RA) said :" There doesn't exist a need of the souls that is greater than their need for the knowledge of their Maker and Originator, and for possessing love of Him, mentioning Himn being delighted at Him, and for seeking a means and position with Him. However, there is no route to this except by way of knowledge of His characteristics and names. Thus, the more knowledgeable the servant is of these names and attributes, the more knowledgeable he will be of Allah, the more will be his pursuit of His pleasure, and the nearer he will be to Him. Likewise, the more averse he is to the names and attributes, the greater ignorance he will have of Allah, the more will be his dislike for Him and the further away he will be from Him. Allah affords the servant a status with Him that is in accordance with the status that the servant to Allah with himself..." [Al Kafiyah Ash-Shafiyah p. 3-4 ] Therefore, we should try to know Allah by His names and His attributes. We should contemplate and ponder over His majesty and greatness. By knowing Allah by His names and attributes, we will feel ever closer to Him and do everything to please Him.
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lightup0nlight · 5 years
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Rasulallah ﷺ said: “Whoever recites Ayatul-Kursi after every prescribed prayer, there will be nothing standing between him and his entering Paradise except death.” [1]
After mentioning the above hadith, my teacher then asked: Then, is our entrance to Jannah assured simply by reciting Ayatul-Kursi after each fardh prayer?
No, he said; before we can be qualified for Jannah, there are important points in Ayatul-Kursi that we must have and do. In this writing, we will discuss only 6 of those points:
1. “Allah! La ilaaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He).”
The most important, the very first one mentioned in Ayatul-Kursi, is Tawheed: there is no other deity that is worthy of worship except Allah SWT. Our aqidah and ‘ibadah must be truly pure from any kind of shirk. Tawheed must be solidified, preserved, and guarded well, for it is the key to Allah’s Pleasure. So look at our daily interactions, activities, hobbies - then leave whatever that can taint it, even if it may seem trivial (eg. those horoscopes, games / apps that we excuse them as ‘just for fun’). Why risk it for the price of Jannah?
2. “The Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists (Al-Hayyul-Qayyum). Neither slumber, nor sleep overtakes Him.”
Scholars said that asking Allah SWT by these 2 Names, Al-Hayy (The Ever-Living) and Al-Qayyum (The Self-Subsisting, The Guardian), in one’s supplication is as though we’re calling upon Allah by all of His Names (i.e. Al-Asma Al-Husna). Because Al-Hayy includes all the perfect attributes of Allah’s Essence such as hearing, sight, and wisdom; while Al-Qayyum includes all the perfect attributes of His Actions such as creating, providing, and aiding.
Then Allah SWT further emphasizes that not only is He Ever-Living and Self-Subsisting, He SWT does not even sleep, nor does He even feel the slightest nudge of sleepiness or drowsiness.
Subhanallah. If one truly internalizes this part of the ayah, then he will develop Taqwa of Allah, in private and in public. He will have the utmost conviction that nothing escapes from the knowledge of Allah SWT; that our deeds and actions, even the whispers of the heart are not hidden from Him SWT. And when one fully internalizes this, then he will only do what is pleasing to Allah SWT, and shun anything that will earn His displeasure - all by following the guideline that has been taught by Rasulallah ﷺ.
3. “To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth.”
Allah SWT says that every single thing that is in the heavens and earth - all of them are His. Everything is under His sovereignty. When one truly internalizes this, then he will feel humbled for nothing is truly his - even his own self belongs to Allah; and he will have patience and gratitude when something is taken away - again because everything that he thinks he ‘owns’, truly only belongs to Allah. Know that whatever Allah SWT bestows upon us are simply amanah from Allah, they are never ours to begin with.
4. “Who is he that can intercede with Him, except with His Permission?”
Allah SWT says in another Surah:
“And there are many angels in the heavens, whose intercession will avail nothing, except (1) after Allah has given leave for whom He wills, (2) and is pleased with. [An-Najm 53:26]
So there are 2 conditions of intercession (shafaa’ah): i. The permission from Allah SWT to a person to give shafaa’ah. ii. The pleasure of Allah SWT to the person receiving shafaa’ah.
What it means is that even if there is someone who WANTS to give shafaa’ah to Person A on the Day of Judgment, but Allah SWT Himself is not pleased with Person A, then Person A will be obstructed from receiving any shafaa’ah. All of us hope to receive shafaa'ah from Rasulallah ﷺ. But the only way to earn the shafaa’ah, is by first attaining the pleasure of Allah SWT. Thus how can one earn the pleasure of Allah in this lifetime? By doing what He SWT has commanded, and leaving what He SWT prohibits. This discussion ties back to Taqwa.
5. “He knows what happens to them (His creatures) in this world, and what will happen to them in the Hereafter.”
Allah SWT reaffirms that His Knowledge encompasses absolutely everything. This again ties back with Taqwa, because a person who truly internalizes this will fear Allah SWT in private and public; and will only do deeds that are pleasing to Him SWT.
6. Then Allah SWT says in the rest of the ayah: “And they will never compass anything of His Knowledge except that which He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.”
This speaks about the Greatness of Allah SWT. How Perfect and Powerful He SWT is. And in contrast, how small and weak we are as His slaves. How we are always in need of His guidance and aid.
Ayatul-Kursi teaches us the importance of (1) Tawheed, (2) attaining His Pleasure through Taqwa, and (3) having beautiful khuluq such as humility, patience, and gratitude to Allah SWT. When we embody all these qualities, only then can we be of those who are qualified for Jannah.
We ask Allah to give us all of the qualities that is beloved to Him, and be cleansed from everything that He does not love. Allahumma ameen.
__________________________________ Reference: [1] Al-Mu’jam al-Kabir 7406 | Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani
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asma-al-husna · 3 years
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Allah calls Himself Al-Fattaah— The Opener, The Revealer— on one occasion in the Quran. He is the One who opens all doors of blessing for His slaves. Al-Fattaah judges what shall be opened from opening hearts, clarifying visions and opening doors to sustenance to conquering cities and revealing knowledge!
The Judge of All That is Opened, The Granter of Success
Fattaah comes from the root faa-taa-haa, which points to four main meanings. The first main meaning is to open, unlock, or reveal and make clear. The second main meaning is to make victorious, and the third is to judge or decide. The fourth main meaning is to permit or grant.
This root appears 38 times in the Quran in eight derived forms. Examples of these forms are fatahnaa (“We opened”), al-fathu (“the victory”), and mafaatihu (“[are the] keys”).
Linguistically, fattaah has the structure of intensification; al-faatih is someone who opens.  Al-Fattaah is the ultimate judge who decides to open gates that no one else can open, in both literal and symbolical, physical and spiritual ways, and He is the source of victory and success.
Al-Fattaah Himself says: Say, Our Lord will bring us together; then He will judge between us in truth. And He is the Knowing Judge. [Quran, 34:26]
The different gates in life
How does Allah ‘azza wa jall open? It is Al-Fattaah who opens the Gates of Paradise; it is by the help of al-Fattaah cities are “opened” (conquered) to Islam, it is Al-Fattaah who opens doors to solutions to your life’s difficulties, and it is Al-Fattaah only who opens the door to recovery when you are ill. If Al-Fattaah so wills, He opens to you the gate of provision and sustenance, the gate of work, the gate of marriage, and the gate of tranquillity and peace of mind. He opens to you the gate of success and He opens to you the gate of righteous deeds.
How Can You Live by This Name?
1. Trust in the judge.
Life is full of arguments. Some people accuse others and claim to be right. Who is the judge? Who knows the reality of people? It is Al-Fattaah. Make the Quran and the Sunnah the judge of your actions, always. People may speak badly about you and accuse you falsely, but if you are on the right side, do not be afraid, because Allah is Al-Fattaah is the just Judge. Also don’t judge others too quickly— Al-Fattaah can open anyone’s heart.
2. Realize Al-Fattaah can open all doors.
Al-Fattaah says: Whatsoever mercy Allah opens to mankind, none can withhold; and whatsoever He withholds, none can lose after Him. And He is the All Mighty, the All-Wise. [Quran 35:2] This ayah has a beautiful impact if you are a true believer; you realize that everything happening to you is under Al-Fattaah’s divine control. Close doors for His sake— by leaving a bad habit, wrong friends, or a place of sinning– even if it causes you physical hardship— and He will open a door for you to good. Never despair nor give up. Realize thatAl-Fattaah can always give you a way out. Know that all the relationships in your life are confined by your relationship with Allah al-Fattaah.
3. Be sincere.
The best opening of all is the opening of the heart. Al-Fattaah opens hearts which were locked, like the heart of Umar ibn al-Khattaab radiyallahu ‘anhu which was before filled with hatred of the Muslims. Some people say: I read the Quran, but I don’t understand a word of it! But after some time, they begin to understand. They begin to seek answers, memorize, interact, enjoy, and preach the words of Allah. Work hard and strive to be sincere so that Al-Fattaah opens to you the gate of knowledge, the gate of closeness to Him and the gate of contentment in this life.
4. Ask al-Fattaah.
Whenever a gate is closed in your face, remember Al-Fattaah and ask Him to open it for you. This goes under all circumstances, whether serious or insignificant; even if your phone, wallet, or anything else, valuable or not, is lost. If you open a new building, want to get married, or if you desire to do anything, ask Al-Fattaah, for help and success. Start anything permissible in His name, by saying bismillah. Also when you feel low, or you feel you lack understanding of the religion, ask Him to open your heart and the hearts of your loved ones. A supplication of pious people before us used to be: May Allah open to you gates of good.
5. Study Surah Al-Fatiha.
Learn to recite, memorize, and understand Surah Al-Fatiha, the opening surah of the Book of Al-Fattaah. Ibn Abbas radiyallahu ‘anhu said: While the Messenger of Allah was sitting with Jibril he heard a creaking sound above him. Jibril looked up and said, This is [the sound of] a gate that has been opened in heaven today and has never been previously opened. Then an Angel descended through it and came to the Prophet) and said, Rejoice in the good news of two lights that have been given to you such as no prophet before you has been given. [They are] Surah Al-Fatihah and the concluding [two] verses of Surah Al-Baqarah. You will never recite a word from them without being given the blessings they contain. [Muslim] Study the tafseer of this beautiful surah; when you recite it in prayer make sure you pause after each ayah and apply its lessons to your daily life.
6. Benefit others.
Open to others the gates of your own good work and become involved in projects beneficial to others. If you have a certain skill, develop it and help others with it so with the guidance of Al-Fattaah all can work together to open doors to all that is good for the community.
O Allah, Al-Fattaah, we know that You open to us every closed gate according to Your wisdom. Open our hearts, open for us the doors to all that is good in this life, help us to trust on You as our judge, inspire us to ask You only to open any door for us— physical, spiritual, big, or small— and to open for us the door of Your mercy and open for us the gates to Your Paradise, ameen!
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wethemuslims · 8 years
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35 Ways to Respect your Parents
1. Put away your phone in their presence 2. Pay attention to what they are saying 3. Accept their opinions 4. Engage in their conversations 5. Look at them with respect 6. Always praise them 7. Share good news with them 8. Avoid sharing bad news with them 9. Speak well of their friends and loved ones to them. 10. Keep in remembrance the good things they did. 11. If they repeat a story, listen like it's the first time they tell it. 12. Don't bring up painful memories from the past 13. Avoid side conversations in their presence. 14. Sit respectfully around them 15. Don't belittle/criticize their opinions and thoughts 16. Avoid cutting them off when they speak 17. Respect their age 18. Avoid hitting/disciplining their grandchildren around them 19. Accept their advice and direction 20. Give them the power of leadership when they are present 21. Avoid raising your voice at them 22. Avoid walking in front or ahead of them 23. Avoid eating before them 24. Avoid glaring at them 25. Fill them with pride even when they don't think they deserve it. 26. Avoid putting your feet up in front of them or sitting with your back to them 27. Don't speak ill of them to the point where others speak ill of them too 28. Keep them in your prayers whenever possible 29. Avoid seeming bored or tired of them in their presence 30. Avoid laughing at their faults/mistakes 31. Do a task before they ask you to 32. Continuously visit them 33. Choose your words carefully when speaking with them 34. Call them by names they like 35. Make them your priority above anything
Parents are treasure on this land and sooner than you think, that treasure will be buried. Appreciate your parents while you still can.
May Allah grant us righteous offsprings and reward our parents..Amen! “My Lord! Bestow on them Your Mercy as they did bring me up when I was small.” [Quran; Surah Al-Isra, Verse 24]5
Transliteration: “… Rabbi irhamhuma kama rabbayanee sagheeran”
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dailytafsirofquran · 4 years
TEFSIR ibn KATHIR: Surah Tahrim Ayah 1-5
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Revealed in Makkah
1. O Prophet!
Why do you forbid that which Allah has allowed to you, seeking to please your wives?
And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
2. Allah has already ordained for you (O men) the absolution from your oaths.
And Allah is your Protector and He is the All-Knower, the All-Wise.
3. And (remember) when the Prophet disclosed a matter in confidence to one of his wives, then she told it.
And Allah made it known to him; he informed part thereof and left a part.
Then when he told her thereof, she said: "Who told you this?''
He said: "The All-Knower, the All-Aware has told me.''
4. If you two turn in repentance to Allah, your hearts are indeed so inclined; but if you help one another against him, then verily, Allah is his Protector, and Jibril, and the righteous among the believers; and after that the angels are his helpers.
5. Maybe his Lord, if he divorces you, will give him instead of you, wives better than you - submitting, believers, obedient, turning to Allah in repentance, worshipping Allah sincerely, Sa'ihat, previously married, and virgins.
Allah censures His Prophet for Prohibiting Himself from what He has allowed for Him In the Book of Vows
Al-Bukhari recorded that Ubayd bin Umayr said that he heard A'ishah claiming that Allah's Messenger used to stay for a period in the house of Zaynab bint Jahsh and drink honey in her house.
(She said) "Hafsah and I decided that when the Prophet entered upon either of us, we would say, `I smell Maghafir on you. Have you eaten Maghafir'
When he entered upon one of us, she said that to him. He replied (to her),
No, but I drank honey in the house of Zaynab bint Jahsh, and I will never drink it again.''
Then the following was revealed; O Prophet!
Why do you forbid that which Allah has allowed to you, seeking to please your wives? And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Allah has already ordained for you (O men) the absolution from your oaths. And Allah is your Protector and He is the All-Knower, the All-Wise.
And (remember) when the Prophet disclosed a matter in confidence to one of his wives, then she told it. And Allah made it known to him; he informed part thereof and left a part.
Then when he told her thereof, she said: "Who told you this?''
He said: "The All-Knower, the All-Aware has told me.''
If you two turn in repentance to Allah, your hearts are indeed so inclined; in reference to `A'ishah and Hafsah.
And (remember) when the Prophet disclosed a matter in confidence to one of his wives, which refers to this saying, But I have drunk honey. Ibrahim bin Musa said that Hisham said that it also meant his saying, I will not drink it anymore, I have taken an oath to that, therefore, do not inform anybody about it.
Al-Bukhari also recorded this Hadith in the Book of Divorce; then he said, "Al-Maghafir is a type of sap, and in Ar-Rimth (a type of citrus) its taste is sweet...''
Al-Jawhari said, "The `Urfut is a tree of the shrub variety, which secretes Maghfur.''
Muslim collected this Hadith from A'ishah in the Book of Divorce in his Sahih, and his wording is the same as Al-Bukhari in the Book of Vows.
In the Book of Divorce, Al-Bukhari recorded that A'ishah said, "Allah's Messenger liked sweets and honey. After performing the `Asr prayer, he used to visit his wives, going close to them. So he went to Hafsah, daughter of Umar, and stayed with her more than his usual stay. I (A'ishah) became jealous and asked about that. It was said to me, `A woman of her family sent her a small vessel of honey as a gift, and she gave a drink to Allah's Messenger made from it.'
I said, `By Allah, we will contrive a plot against him.'
I said to Sawdah bint Zam`ah, `When the Messenger visits you and draws close to you, say to him, `Have you eaten Maghafir?'
And when he says to you, `No', then ask him, `What is this odor?'
He will say to you, `Hafsah has given me a drink of honey.' Then you should say to him, `The honeybees might have eaten from Urfut, and I will also say the same to him. Safiyyah, you should also say this.'
Sawdah later said, `It was under compulsion that I had decided to state that which you told me; soon, by Allah, he was standing at my door.'
So when Allah's Messenger came near her, she said, `O Messenger of Allah! Did you eat Maghafir'
He said, `No.'
She again said, `Then what is this odor'
He said, Hafsah gave me honey to drink.
She said, `The honeybees might have eaten from `Urfut.'''
A'ishah continued, "When he came to me I said the same to him."
He then visited Safiyyah and she also said similar to him.
When he again visited Hafsah, she said, `O Messenger of Allah, should I not give you that (drink)?'
He said, I do not need it.
Sawdah said, `By Allah! We have prevented him from drinking honey.'
I said to her, `Keep quiet!'''
Muslim also recorded this Hadith, but this wording is from Al-Bukhari.
In the narration of Muslim, A'ishah said, "The Messenger of Allah used to hate to have a bad odor coming from him''
This is why they suggested to him that he ate Maghafir, because it causes a bad odor. When he said, No, I had some honey.
They said that the bees ate from a tree that is called Al-`Urfut, which has Maghafir gum, suggesting that this is the reason behind the bad odor they claimed was coming from him.
The latter narration, collected through Urwah from A'ishah, mentions that it was Hafsah who gave the Prophet the honey.
In another narration collected from `Ubayd bin `Umayr, from A'ishah, it was Zaynab bint Jahsh who gave the honey to the Prophet, while A'ishah and Hafsah were the plotters. Allah knows best. Some might say that they were two separate incidents. However, it is not likely that the Ayat were revealed about both incidents, if indeed they were two separate incidents. Allah knows best. A Hadith that Imam Ahmad collected in the Musnad mentions that A'ishah and Hafsah were the plotters.
Imam Ahmad recorded that Ibn Abbas said, "I was eager to ask `Umar about the two ladies among the wives of the Prophet , about whom Allah said, (If you two turn in repentance to Allah your hearts are indeed so inclined); Then I performed Hajj along with Umar, and on our way back from Hajj he went aside (to relieve himself). I also went aside along with him carrying a tumbler of water. When he finished and returned, I poured water on his hands from the tumbler and he performed ablution. I said, `O Commander of the faithful! Who were the two ladies among the wives of the Prophet, to whom Allah said, (If you two turn in repentance to Allah your hearts are indeed so inclined),'
Umar said, `I am astonished at your question, O Ibn `Abbas.''' - Az-Zuhri (a subnarrator) said that Umar did not like the question, but he still answered it, saying that they were `A'ishah and Hafsah."
Then `Umar went on relating the story and said, `We, the people of Quraysh, used to have authority over our women. But when we came to live with the Ansar, we noticed that the Ansari women had the upper hand over their men, so our women started acquiring the habits of the Ansari women. At that time, I was residing at the house of Umayyah bin Zayd, in Al-Awali. Once I got angry with my wife, and she talked back to me; I disliked her answering me back. She said, `Why do you dislike me talking back to you By Allah, the wives of the Prophet talk back to him, and some of them may not speak with him for the whole day, until nightfall.'
Then I went to Hafsah and asked her, `Do you talk back to Allah's Messenger'
She said, `Yes.'
I asked, `Does any of you keep Allah's Messenger angry all day long, until night?'
She replied, `Yes.'
I said, `Whoever among you does this is a ruined, losing person! Doesn't she fear that Allah may get angry for the anger of His Messenger and, thus, she will be ruined. Don't ask Allah's Messenger too many things, and don't retort him in any case. Demand from me whatever you like, and don't be tempted to imitate your neighbor, for she is more beautiful than you, and more beloved to Allah's Messenger than you.'
He meant `A'ishah. I, and an Ansari neighbor of mine used to visit the Prophet in turns. He used to go one day, and I another day. When I went I would bring him the news of what had happened that day regarding the revelation and when he went, he used to do the same for me.
In those days it was rumored that the Ghassan (tribe) were preparing their horses to invade us. My companion went and returned to us at night and knocked at my door. I came out to him. He said that a grave thing happened.
I asked him, `What is it Have Ghassan come'
He replied that it was worse and more serious than that, adding that Allah's Messenger had divorced all his wives.
I said, `Hafsah is a ruined loser! I expected that would happen some day.'
So I dressed myself and I performed the Subh prayer. I went to Hafsah and found her weeping. I asked her, `Has Allah's Messenger divorced all of you'
She replied, `I don't know. He is there alone in the upper room.'
I went to the upper room and asked a black slave of the Prophet to ask for his permission to see me, and the boy went in and then came out saying, `I mentioned you to him and he remained silent.'
I then went out and came to the Minbar and found a group of people around it and some of them were weeping. I sat with them for some time, but could not endure the situation. So, I requested to the boy, `Will you get the permission for Umar?'
He went in and then came out saying, `I mentioned you to him, but he did not reply.'
So, I went to Minbar and sat with the people who were sitting by the Minbar, but I could not bear the situation, so I went to the boy again and said, `Will you get the permission for Umar?'
He went in and brought the same reply as before. When I was leaving, behold, he called me saying, `Allah's Messenger has granted you permission.'
So, I entered the Prophet's room, greeted him with the Salam and saw him lying on a mat without bedding on it, and the mat had left its mark on the body of the Prophet.
I said, `Have you divorced your wives, O Allah's Messenger'
He raised his eyes to me and replied no.
I said, `Allahu Akbar. O Allah's Messenger! We, the people of Quraysh used to have the upper hand over our women. But when we came to Al-Madinah, we found a people whose women had the upper hand over them. Our women started learning this behavior from them. Once, I got angry with my wife, and she talked back to me. I disliked that behavior from her and she said, `Why do you dislike that I talk back to you By Allah, the Prophet's wives talk back to him and one of them would ignore him the whole day, until the night.' I said to her, `Whoever does this among them is the ruined loser! Does she feel safe from Allah getting angry with her on account of His Messenger's anger In that case, she would be ruined.' On that the Prophet smiled.
I then said, `O Allah's Messenger! I went to Hafsah and said to her, `Do not be tempted to imitate your companion (`A'ishah) for she is more beautiful than you and more beloved to the Prophet.' The Prophet smiled again.
When I saw him smiling, I said, `Does the Messenger feel calm?'
He said, `Yes.' So, I sat down and cast a glance at the room, and by Allah, I couldn't see anything of importance, except three hides. I said, `Invoke Allah, O Allah's Messenger, to make your followers prosperous, for the Persians and the Byzantines have been made prosperous and given worldly luxuries, even though they do not worship Allah.'
The Prophet sat upright and said, O Ibn Al-Khattab! Do you have any doubt These people have been given rewards of their good deeds in this world only. I asked the Prophet, `Please beg Allah's forgiveness for me, O Allah's Messenger.'
The Prophet swore that he would not go to his wives for one month, because of his severe anger towards them, until Allah the Exalted and Most Honored censured him.''
Al-Bukhari, Muslim, At-Tirmidhi and An-Nasa'i also collected this Hadith using various chains of narration. Al-Bukhari and Muslim also collected it from Ibn Abbas, who said,
"For a whole year, I was eager to ask `Umar bin Al- Khattab about an Ayah. However, I hesitated out of respect for him. Once, he went on a Hajj trip and I accompanied him. On our way back, he stopped to relieve himself behind some trees of Arak. I stopped until he finished and then walked along with him and asked him, `O Leader of the believers! Who are the two women who helped each other (or plotted) against the Prophet '''
This is the narration that Al-Bukhari collected, while Muslim recorded that Ibn Abbas asked, "Who are the two women about whom Allah the Exalted said, but if you help one another against him,''
`Umar replied, "A'ishah and Hafsah.''
Muslim mentioned the rest of the Hadith.
Muslim also recorded that Ibn `Abbas said that Umar bin Al-Khattab said to him, "When Allah's Messenger stayed away from his wives, I entered the Masjid and found people striking the ground with pebbles. They said, `Allah's Messenger has divorced his wives.' That occurred before Hijab was commanded. I said to myself, `I must investigate this news today.'''
So he mentioned the Hadith in which he went to `A'ishah and Hafsah and admonished them. He then said, `I went in and found Rabah, the servant of Allah's Messenger, sitting on a window sill. I called, `O Rabah, seek permission for me from Allah's Messenger.'''
He then mentioned the story as we mentioned above. Umar continued, "I said, `O Messenger of Allah, what trouble do you feel from your wives If you have divorced them, verily Allah is with you, His angels, Jibril, Mikal, I, Abu Bakr and the rest of believers are with you.' Often, when I talked, all praise is due to Allah, I hoped that Allah would testify to the words that I uttered. And so the Ayat of option was revealed.
Allah said,
Maybe his Lord, if he divorces you, will give him in your place wives better than you, and, but if you help one another against him, then verily, Allah is his Protector, and Jibril, and the righteous among the believers; and after that the angels are his helpers.
I said, `Messenger of Allah, have you divorced them?'
He said, `No.'
I stood at the door of the Masjid and called out at the top of my voice, `The Messenger of Allah has not divorced his wives.'
It was on this occasion that this Ayah was revealed, When any matter pertaining to peace or alarm comes to them, they broadcast it; whereas, if they would refer it to the Messenger and those who have been entrusted with authority among them, those of them who are engaged in obtaining intelligence would indeed know (what to do with) it. (4:83)
It was I who understood (and properly investigated) this matter.''
Similar was said by Sa`id bin Jubayr, Ikrimah, Muqatil bin Hayyan, Ad-Dahhak and others.
The Ayah, (and the righteous among the believers); refers to Abu Bakr and `Umar.
Al-Hasan Al-Basri added Uthman to them.
Layth bin Abi Sulaym said from Mujahid: (and the righteous among the believers); includes Ali bin Abi Talib also.
Al-Bukhari recorded that Anas said, "Umar said, `The wives of the Prophet were all jealous for his affection, and I said to them, (Maybe his Lord, if he divorces you, will give him instead of you, wives better than you). Thereafter, this Ayah was revealed.'''
Maybe his Lord, if he divorces you, will give him instead of you, wives better than you - submitting, believers, obedient, turning to Allah in repentance, worshipping Allah sincerely, Sa'ihat, previously married, and virgins.
We mentioned before that Umar said statements that were confirmed by the Qur'an, such as about the revelation about Hijab (see 33:53) and the captive idolators after the battle of Badr (see 8:67).
Umar's suggestion to take the Station of Ibrahim as a place for prayer and Allah revealed this Ayah; And take you the Maqam (station) of Ibrahim as a place of prayer. (2:125)
Ibn Abi Hatim recorded that Anas said that Umar bin Al- Khattab said, "I heard news that the Mothers of the faithful had a dispute with the Prophet. So I advised them, saying, `Either stop bothering Allah's Messenger or Allah might provide him better wives than you.
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