hauntedbubblewriter · 4 years
Heyo I participated in the Ateez story event. It would make me really happy if u could check out my story and write a comment under it. I really worked hard and I hope you can enjoy the story a lot.
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hauntedbubblewriter · 4 years
Lost in Hope Chapter 4
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Summary: San fell in love but can't help the petals on the floor
Pairing: Choi San x Original Female Character
Words: 4,943
Genre: Angst
Chapter: 4/4
Previous Chapter: Chapter 1
When he was back home, he remembered to take a look at his phone again. He saw the notification next to the familiar picture of the sunset. "Morning, fine I think. How about you?" He almost forgot that he had texted her in the morning after all that had happened, but it really felt like healing to see her reply, even if he felt stupid about it. "I’m okay. It was a rough night though". One thing he had learned from talking to her was that she valued honesty. So he tried his best to be honest with her, and unlike before, it didn‘t take an hour for her to answer, nor did she complain that he answered her so slowly, like many people he know would. After all, Wooyoung was already spamming their group chat now that he saw San was online. "Do you want to talk about it?" It was such a simple question, but it would mean to show so much vulnerability to answer it honestly. He couldn’t shut down the voice in the back of his head telling him to not bother her, but something in him was louder than that. The voice that told him how he now had the chance to tell her everything, to just casually talk to her, to get the same kind of comfort that he got back when she had visited him at the hospital.
So he complied. He told her that he had a nightmare that bothered him a lot. He couldn‘t gather the courage to tell her what exactly it was about, but he didn’t hide the fact that he had one. She didn’t stress on asking what it was about, but instead made him feel like it was normal, that he was okay now, and that he didn’t have to worry. Afterwards, he decided to tell her what was truly bothering him: What had happened to Seonghwa. He never thought it would be possible to talk to someone like this, but she just made him spill all of his bothers with ease, just by simply listening and making sure he knew that she cared. The nightmare suddenly seemed so pathetic again, that he ever even for a second thought she could do something like that when she was such a soft-hearted person. 
"Do you maybe want to meet up tomorrow? We can go get some ice cream and talk a bit more if you want to". San was surprised at her even suggesting that. She must really be trying her best, reaching out to him like that. He knew she usually didn’t do that very often. She was usually the kind of person to be dragged along with others, so her inviting him by herself meant so extremely much to him. And of course, he agreed.
Next morning it was Saturday. San got his usual amount of sleep, and he was quiet disappointed to find himself throwing up petals again that night. Though he was relieved that he didn’t have to sit there for hours, but instead just for a couple of minutes. He was really grateful, and this time, he just tried to fall asleep again excitedly, trying to focus on the fact that he was going to meet her tomorrow, instead of drowning in self-pity.  
He woke up way too early for the time they wanted to meet up at, but he was really nervous. He felt like an idiot as he looked at his clothes. Was he really contemplating what he was supposed to wear for this? Should he go for the cool bad boy look? Or would his cute purple turtleneck be better? But wasn’t it to warm for the latter one? But he did look cute in it. He remembered Wooyoung saying "It’s unfair how huggable this makes you look. Just unfair. Don‘t  wear it anymore", so of course he had to wear it. He put it on and looked at himself in the mirror. The hoodie had gotten quite too big for him over the past year, but he liked how that made him look even smaller. It also did a good job hiding how much weight he had lost. 
He decided to stare at his phone for the remainder of the time, answering some of Wooyoung’s whining compliations, joining Yeosang in making fun of him. After getting done with that, he decided to start walking over to the ice cream shop even though it was way too early, but he was just too eager to finally see her to wait any longer. He proceeded to wait in front of the shop while sitting down on a bench, letting his legs dangle in the air. He looked like a small child waiting eagerly for his mom’s permission to finally unwrap the Christmas presents. He didn‘t have to wait for long, Serin showed up quite early as well. He beamed up as soon as he spotted her, waving at her in excitement. He looked really cute as he jumped up to greet her. She couldn’t help but smile looking at him and how he excited he was. He looked like a happy puppy that was finally seeing its owner again, and it was truly unfair. After greeting each other, they talked about their favorite ice cream flavors before placing their orders. Serin said she usually took cookies as well as the blue-colored ice cream with its infinite number of names. She confessed how she didn’t really know what was inside of it, but that it just tasted great, and San found her way of explaining it incredibly adorable. He told her how his favorite was mint chocolate, and he thought people treated it extremely unfairly because it’s great. They got their ice cream and just chatted for a while, spending some nice time together. They decided to sit down close to the river and to just enjoy the nice weather. San especially enjoyed her company. He tried his best to not be obviously staring at her, but, from an outsider‘s perspective, he was definitely obviously staring at her. How she had not found out that he had a crush on her was truly a miracle. He was really too obvious, but not even once did she change her way of treating him, as if she thought this was how he naturally behaved. 
At some point, the day had to come to an end. Not even once had they talked about anything that could be considered negative. She didn’t ask him about the petals or urged him to remove them, and he could only be thankful for that. He was just so happy about how the day went. He couldn’t even find the words to describe the feeling he went to sleep with that day.
Soon it was Monday, and he had to go back to school. Surprisingly, everything felt quite normal. Some people asked him if he was feeling better, some told him about how worried they were, and it all just kind of felt weird to him. As if these words weren’t even meant to be for him. 
The week went by as if it were nothing, but seeing Serin during break time felt completely different now. She had brought him pudding everytime they met up, so that they would be able to eat together. Their chats felt very casual now, and he couldn’t help but just feel happy when he got home. His happy reality unfortunately never lasted for long, as he would soon be thrown out of it because of the petals falling from his mouth in the middle of the night, but it was so worth it to him. He had been able to see her smile and even laugh daily now, and she was just so goddamn adorable that he couldn’t believe he was allowed to see it all. On Friday, she invited him to go eat ice cream together again, and he still couldn’t believe his luck, feeling like suddenly everything had changed. He could have never imagined this happening, but he also couldn’t be more grateful for it.
"How are you feeling?" has become the most meaningful question. They were sitting next to the river again, the empty ice cream cups long forgotten and in the trash. He stayed honest, saying he felt tired most of the time, but it go so much better compared to before and he just felt happy. Serin could sense the sincerity in his voice, and she just couldn’t understand how someone could be so happy even when suffering so badly. "You really don’t make any sense", she said with a smile on her lips, but her confusion was apparent and didn’t seem like it would be clearing up in the near future. "Well, don’t you know the happiness that comes with loving someone?" It might sound like just a casual question, but to him, it felt like the safest way to find out about how she was feeling. Of course he knew that she wasn’t in love with him in particular, but he had always been wondering if she could maybe be in love with someone else. It was a scary question to ask, but he thought it would be the best way to find out more. 
She, on the other hand, didn’t really know how to answer that. It had always been a weird topic to her. Sure, she was not some alien that had never heard of that feeling, but she was unsure. "I think it seems like something desirable, but I just really can‘t imagine myself in such a situation. Like, why would someone ever like me that way? It’s probably just not my kind of world". He found it both funny and sad to hear those words from her. "You really are oblivious", he chuckled a tiny bit. It wasn’t a full-on chuckle, it left a slightly off feeling behind. Serin just looked at him, a little bit taken aback. "There is so much to love about you". He didn’t even think about how that would sound. "Just look at you. You are here, spending time with me even though you don’t like me, trying your best to take care of me. It’s just... How can’t you see how beautiful you are?" It’s as if he was lost in his disbelief. Not even once did he think about the possible consequences of his words, he just needed to make sure she knew how amazing she was, and that she had no reason whatsoever to worry about these kinds of feelings. "Even just your actions. How you always talk to people like you really care about them, the way you get shy so easily, or how you judge me for my stupid jokes. I could give you an entire list of reasons why someone would love you". Now they were just sitting there staring at each other, way too close for Serin‘s usual comfort, but she couldn‘t even pay proper attention to that currently. All these words sounded so unreal coming from his mouth. It didn‘t make any sense to her that he would think this way. She wouldn’t be surprised if he were to just start laughing at her surprised reaction now, saying how it was just a prank. It would be the more realistic alternative compared to believing that any of this was real. It was weird, and she couldn’t help but think about what that would mean for the future. Not even once had she thought of this being the case. "Who is your crush?" She wanted to turn back time to take that question back the second she had asked it. It would have been way too unrealistic for someone like San to like her that way. It was way too unrealistic that someone would fall in love with a person so incapable of love, so incapable of grasping the concept of it all. She felt stupid for even having that thought cross her mind, and then she made the mistake of looking into his eyes. That bittersweet sadness that looked back at her, combined with such longing. The longing which she had always avoided, because she just didn’t want to think about it. It seemed like even just the look in his eyes spoke enough words to fill an entire book, and she had just been too scared to properly start reading. She had ignored what all of it meant. What it meant to be the person who had been hurting him so much. What her help truly meant to him, how she was probably hurting him this whole time just thinking about it, but in her mind, it was the most unrealistic thing in the entire world. Even now it all felt like a big elaborate joke to her. "I think it’s too obvious now, isn’t it?", and that sheepish smile of his, the way he averted his eyes now, it just triggered all of her alarm signals. It couldn‘t be real. Don’t be stupid. Her eyes were fixated on his face like never before, too caught up in how unreal this situation actually was. "Well, it’s kind of weird to actually say, but... And I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or scare you away or anything, I mean, it‘s obvious... God, I just like you. I’m sorry. I know I should have told you earlier, especially because you’ve just been so incredibly nice to me, but I’ve just been so happy this week. I haven’t been this happy in so long and it was just so selfish of me. I’m sorry". He started rambling as soon as he he had said it. He was so scared that she would just run away. He was so scared that she would just insult him and call him disgusting because she would be shocked that he would have used her like that all this time. He suddenly felt so acutely aware of what he has been doing this whole time, and he just felt guilty. She, on the other hand, just couldn’t believe any if this. She saw how he started to panic and she didn’t know what to do. She just followed her first instinct when she grabbed his hand, hoping it would interrupt whatever train of thought he was on, hoping it would make him focus on her. "Why are you apologizing? You’re an idiot, but there‘s nothing you have to apologize for. But, just... Why are you hurting yourself like that for me? Why, out of all people, for me? I don’t want you to be in pain, but... I don’t think I can feel the same way. I’m sorry. You don’t have to be sorry, but I definitely should be. How long have you been suffering like this? Please... Just do the surgery. I don’t want you to be in pain". 
Those were the words he had never wanted to hear. He didn’t want to. How often had he told himself that she was worth it? How often had he told himself that he would do it if she told her to? He couldn’t hold back the sob coming from his mouth, and it broke Serin on the inside to see him cry like this because of her, realizing that she was the reason for all of these tears. She didn’t know what to do other than to just hug him, holding his head carefully. "I’m so sorry". She felt him whimper in her arms, and she just felt so sorry towards him, wishing that none of this would have ever happened. This was never supposed to be, it was not supposed to happen. He was supposed to be happy. All she could do was to apologize over and over again, and San could only keep crying. He didn’t want to let go of her anymore, not after how far he had gotten. It hurt so much to see her care like this. It hurt so much that she didn’t want this. He wished she would just yell at him instead of being so caring, it would hurt a lot less.
Anything would be better than this, but his crying calmed down at some point, and now he could only hold onto her shirt all tired and drained, just so scared at the thought of her leaving. God, he was so scared that she would just leave. Why couldn‘t he just suffocate right now? It was going to happen eventually anyway, so he just wanted to suffocate right here in her arms and have it all be over. He couldn‘t remove these feelings, no matter how aware he was of how it would be the right thing to do. He couldn‘t do it.
"Do you really want me to remove it?" He looked up at her when he asked that question, and seeing his face was heartbreaking. His tears had washed away his make-up, revealing the dark circles under his eyes, and it had all been her fault. She could only wipe away his tears, shaking a little while doing so, but seeing him snuggle up against her hand at the touch, she could only feel her heart breaking all over again. "Yes, San. You don’t deserve to suffer like this. Please, listen to me". He couldn’t look into her eyes anymore, overwhelmed with the longing to be back in her embrace once more. He just wanted to be in her arms again, he didn’t want this to be real. "Could I ask you for a favor? It’s really stupid, and you don’t have to agree if you don’t want to. I just need to know how it feels. I mean... You can hit me or something if it’s too weird for you, I wouldn’t blame you, but just... Before I remove it, I’ve just always wondered... You know, how it would feel to kiss you. I’m sorry, I understand if you don‘t want to. I can leave right away if this made you too uncomfortable". He really sounded like a broken child, and usually Serin would have hit him without a second thought. She would probably be long gone, but how could she be so cruel right now, looking at how broken he was? "I don’t think you would want that. It won’t feel good if I don’t feel the same way, and it would just make it harder for you to remove it". San just shook his head, looking up at her with tearful eyes. "It‘s okay if it ends up feeling bad, all of it is okay. I promise I’ll remove it afterwards, it will be easier if it feels bad. I’m sorry, I know I’m such an asshole. I shouldn’t be asking you to do something like that". She could only pity him, now remembering all of his stupid attempts of getting closer to her, and it just hurt to think he did all of that just because he wanted her to love him, too. Why did he have to have such bad taste? Why would he do this to himself? "I guess, you’ve suffered so much... I’ll be fine, but you need to promise me you will do go to the doctor right afterwards. Let’s just get this over with and then we’ll go to the doctor together, alright?" She hated it. She really did. She didn’t even quite grasp the concept of kissing, there was nothing desirable about it to her whatsoever, yet it just seemed so unfair to make him suffer like that even more instead of doing this stupid favor for him. "Are you serious?" He looked at her in absolute disbelief, but she just tried her best to look unaffected. She nodded. "Just do it". She was really awkward to say the least, she just didn’t know what to do. She swallowed as he began to softly hold her chin, and it all just felt so wrong. It felt so wrong for her to be in this situation, but it was the only thing she could do for him. So she closed her eyes, trying to calm her nerves, but she couldn’t help but feel her heart race like it was about to lose a marathon. And then she felt his lips. She didn’t know what to do. His lips were chapped and dry, yet they were moving so gently and softly. It was almost scary how delicately he was treating her, and she could only hope that he would finally find someone worthy of his love after all of this was over. 
It didn’t feel bad. She was so wrong. It was the best feeling he had ever experienced. He could just cry on about how beautiful that feeling was. She didn’t have those magically soft lips but they weren’t really chapped either, they were just sweet. That’s the only way he was able to explain it. Her lips just felt so sweet. It felt like just that simple kiss had a cleansing feeling for him. As if everything bad in him was just disappearing. For a couple of seconds he felt like he was a character in a Disney movie, where the credits would start rolling now, ending with the happy end everyone wanted, but he knew that wouldn’t happen. He knew he would have to pull away now and realize that this was the first and last time he would ever get to experience this. It was so hard for him to pull away. He had been longing for this moment for so long. He could just stare at her for a couple of seconds after pulling away, just taking in her beauty before she opened her eyes again. There was still this look of pity in her eyes, making him look away immediately. "Are you ready now?", and the time has come. The moment was gone, and now he could only try to remember it forever. He only nodded, looking onto the floor sadly. 
The doctor was very happy to see him again. "I’m glad you came again, have you made your decision?" It was as if his voice was suddenly gone. He could only nod again and again, as if it were the only way for him to communicate. Serin had of course accompanied him, just like she said she would. He had called his parents over to sign the agreement, consenting that the surgery would be allowed to happen now, and he was devastated. He just felt empty. It was still there, and he wanted to keep holding onto it, knowing it would be gone very soon. He just couldn’t handle it. He didn’t want it, but he had promised it to Serin, and he wouldn’t ever break any promise of theirs. So the doctor did all the necessary examinations and prepared him for the anaesthesia. They would keep him in for the night to measure his blood pressure, with the results being ready the next day, and then that toxic flower would be removed. Serin had followed him into the room he was taken in, but their familiar chats were gone. They were just quiet. "Do you want me to leave?" She felt so bad, as if she kept bothering him. She just felt weird after everything that had happened. She didn’t want to make it even worse, but San asked her to stay. Of course he would, he looked like he was about to lose his everything, and even though she had wanted this to happen, she couldn’t bear to see him like this. "Would you hold my hand?" She agreed, that was really not a problem right now. So she held ontohis hand, unable to look away from the sad sight right in front of her. It didn’t take very long for him to fall asleep. Serin only let go of his hand when she was told that the visiting times were over and that she had to go now. She knew she wouldn’t get another chance to see him again before the surgery. It was probably for the better, but she just couldn’t help but feel devastated. 
She felt so bad about everything that she didn’t realize she had healed him.
"Choi San, I have great news for you". San, who was busy staring at the sky while stupidly thinking about Serin and that kiss, turned around. "Is it already ready?" He was too busy looking at the floor to notice the doctor‘s bright smile. "It won’t be needed". Hearing those words made him turn his head. "What?" This was not the time for a joke. Sure, his doctor was a chill guy, but it that was really tasteless to joke around right now. He didn’t need to suffer even more from false hopes. "The results of your blood tests are out, and the flower is actually dying". San looked like normal people look in math class. "That means it won’t grow any further. It will take a couple of weeks for it to wither, and then it will be go away by itself. I’m going to prescribe you some medication to support your body in the process of removing the flower, but the surgery itself won’t be necessary anymore". San studied his doctor‘s happy expression, carefully looking for signs of a lie on it. "How could that happen?" The doctor couldn’t help but think that San looked so adorable when he was so lost. Maybe it was just him being happy to be able to tell this young boy that his suffering was worth it in the end. "There are only two ways for the flower to die naturally: Either the patient moves on from their love by thenselves, or their love is not unrequited anymore". And okce again, San looked just like a pre-schooler having memorized the alohabet for the first time as he slowly realised what the doctor’s words meant. He knew for a fact that he hadn’t moved on from her. "So, can I leave?" The doctor just told him to notify the nurses of his exit, and then he would be good to go. He texted Serin right away. "Meet me at the ice cream shop". He was so excited. He ran to the shop as if his life depended on it. Serin got the message, but she was beyond confused. "I’m on my way, but why are you of out of the hospital already?" She had expected him to sleep for the remainder of the day so that his body could calm down. She thought he may have chickened out, so she would have to try to get him to go back to the hospital. 
When she arrived, San was already there, her favourite ice cream in hand and ready to go. He gave her the ice cream in excitement and she instinctively took it, not expecting him to suddenly take her hand and to literally run to their river. "San, what are you doing?!" He just ignored her confusion until they finally sat down in front of each other. "San, please tell me what’s going on?", she whined, but don’t tell her it‘s whining, because she definitely wouldn‘t like that. "I love you". He said it with such happiness in his voice, and she was just confused. "I know, that’s exactly why you should be in the hospital right now". She said that with a lot of cofidence, but all San did in response was to giggle like a child. "But why should I be there when I could just watch you blush instead?" She had never seen San this happy before, why was he being so flirty suddenly? What the hell had the doctors given him? She felt her cheeks warming up to an unusual temperature, but she know she doesn’t blush, so she just felt panic and confusion building up in her. "Shut up, I’m not blushing. What has gotten into you?" She was very much overwhelmed, trying to figure out where his sudden confidence was coming from. So he just handed her the document that the doctor had given him. She took it, reading it in confusion. They were just blood results and statistics of chemicals, she didn’t know what they were supposed to mean. "San, please state clearly what’s going on, I don’t get doctor-ish".  It was as if that was exactly what he had wanted to hear her say, leaning forward towards her, way too close for comfort. "That doctor-ish translates to the results of my blood tests. They explain the condition the flower is in, and it is dying. I won’t need the surgery anymore, and I can guarantee you that I’m still very much in love with you". It didn’t take her as long to understand as it took him at first. "Huh?" She could only look at him dumbfoundedly. She knew what he was saying, but she still couldn‘t comprehend. "It means that my love is not unrequited anymore". He said that with the brightest smile on his face, but she just didn’t know what to say. "But it‘s okay, you don’t need to confess just yet. I mean, it also took me about a year to do so", he said teasingly, and only then did she jolt back into reality. "I’m- Hey, what? Shut up, what are you suddenly so cocky for?" She just pushed him lightly, not able to really do anything big at the moment, she just didn’t know what to do with this situation. He just hugged her afterwards, effectively shutting her up.
"I’m so happy to be allowed to love you".
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hauntedbubblewriter · 4 years
Lost in Hope Part 3
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Summary: San fell in love but can't help the petals on the floor
Pairing: Choi San x Original Female Character
Words: 2,429
Genre: Angst
Chapter: 3/4
Previous Chapter: Chapter 1
Next Chapter: coming soon...
Serin was something special. That’s all San was able to repeat in his mind while sitting there with her, staring at the scenes in their school. There was something so uniquely her about her. Of course, you could just think of her as the standard shy girl. An introvert that feels uncomfortable talking to anyone. Her way of life was so different compared to his, and he had so many questions. They’ve been talking for a while, just their usual chats which San always started. Serin had gotten used to them ages ago, and she liked having them as a starter for their conversations. She always answered the small talk he started, but everytime she asked something herself, it wasn’t anything superficial usually. She always asked him questions as if she were trying to make sense of him. It was cute and he liked it a lot. It was rare for her to ask anything generally, but whenever she actually did, he got really happy and tried to answer her question as well as he possibly could. He didn’t know what she had done to him, but it was like his disease was suddenly gone. She had brought him food because she knew San wasn‘t eating enough, and no matter what she brought him, he was able to eat it. His throat didn’t hurt, and he wasn’t full after one bite. He just ate up and it felt so good, no matter how stupid it was to just be happy about some food. It meant a lot to him, because she was the one who brought him the food. He was happy. "What do you plan on doing about the disease?" He expected that question. He had answered it multiple times already, but he didn’t mind answering it as often as she wanted to hear it. "Nothing. I know I will be fine. I know it‘s selfish, but I want to keep this feeling, and I hope my can crush understand that I don’t want to give up on them unless they tell me to". He explained his reasoning as if it were the most normal thing in the world. She stared at him while he answered, and when he was finished, he returned her stare.
It was unusual for her to keep eye contact for long. She would usually get self-conscious and be the first one to look away, but this time, she just continued as if she saw right through him. "So you’re willing to let that person control your life like this? You’re such a simple puppet, huh?" He was a little bit taken aback at her choice of words, and he didn‘t know how to answer. Without a warning she started to get closer to him, and he was not capable of understanding what was happening anymore. It was so sudden, as if the world had changed just like the atmosphere around them. "You really don’t get it when someone is just not interested? Are you really going to force yourself on them until they get so sick of you that they have no other choice but to throw you away harshly? You don’t understand it any other way, do you?" Now she was basically on his lap, and she was so close to his lips. He could feel himself swallow at her words. He couldn’t get himself to breathe, as if anything he would do be wrong in that moment. She was being so straightforward to him, and she was goddamned close that he could smell her shampoo, it was turning him crazy. He was just so weak for her. He couldn’t help but be happy, even if her words were so harsh. "Or are you even enjoying this? You must be some kind of masochist, right? I am only going to tell you this once, and I hope you won‘t make me repeat myself". He just nodded since he felt she wanted some kind of response from him. He was so intimidated, he didn’t know what was happening to him. She got even closer. There was barely enough space for a piece of paper in between them now. He could feel her steady breathing on his lips, and he could feel his heart racing like a maniac. "I won’t ever love you, San. It was funny to watch your pathetic attempts at flirting, but it‘s just bothersome now. Leave me alone". He felt like his heart was going to burst right then and there. As if a knife had been pushed right into his heart. He expected her to say something along those lines, and yet he still felt something die inside of him at her cold word choice. It brought tears to his eyes, but he didn’t want to seem even more pathetic in front of her. Of course his body wouldn’t like this. As if it were saying "I told you so, you pathetic idiot". The familiar petals pushed their way back up into his throat, and as if his throat had never stopped hurting, everything ripped open all at once again. He couldn’t help but throw up the petals right in front of her, feeling her cold eyes stare holes into the back of his head while doing so. He didn’t want to bother her even more as broken apologies fell from his mouth along with the petals, and he could envision her rolling her eyes as she took some of the petals into her hands. "What a sad excuse of a human being".
And with that, she was gone, and he was back to reality as he fell off of the hospital bed, feeling the petals push their way out of him all over again. This time he wasn’t alone. The nurse on the night shift had fortunately heard him falling, so she rushed over to him, supporting him in a way which ensured that the petals wouldn’t get stuck in his throat. She stayed with him until he had finished, helping him back onto his bed, then proceeding to clean up the petals. He apologized over and over again, he just didn’t want to be a bother to her. He felt so drained all of a sudden as tears rushed to his eyes at the cruel image of Serin’s cold stare, it didn’t even look like her. There was always such a warm feeling in her brown eyes. He loved them, and these weren’t the eyes he had fallen in love with. The nurse just reassured him that it was fine, and that if he needed anything, he could call for her anytime. "The night shift is usually quite boring anyway", she reassured him with a kind smile as she patted his shoulder softly. "I’m going to get you some water, alright?" He wasn’t able to answer her as quickly as she had left to get him the water. He felt really thankful towards her. How could someone be so kind? It just made him feel even guiltier for being a bother to her. 
She came back with some water, telling him that she would wait here until he drank up, since it was important for him to stay hydrated. Unlike his dream, his stomach wasn’t magically free. He could feel the water making its way around the flower, and it hurt. It was slightly cooling his throat, but it made his stomach feel sick. Though because he didn’t want to be a bother, he did as he was told and drank up. He politely thanked her for everything, trying to find the right words to express how thankful he was. How thankful he was to not be alone at the moment. "Don’t worry, I’m happy to help. You should try to sleep a little bit more, but in case you can’t sleep, we have a TV in the nurses‘ room. You can come over anytime you want". And with that, she had left again. 
He was thinking about staying in bed, trying to sleep again, but every time he closed his eyes, he could only see those cold ones staring back at him. She didn’t deserve to be portrayed like that. She was always so kind and careful around him. He was just mad at himself because she didn’t deserve this, and it hurt so incredibly much. He knew it was just a dream, but just her saying those words had ripped his heart apart, and he didn’t want to cry again. So, like a small child that was scared of the monsters under its bed, running up to its parents to cuddle in their safety, he rushed to the nurse. Softly knocking on the door to the nurses‘ room, her voice soon told him to come in, and he slowly opened the door. "I had a feeling you would come here, so I made you some tea. It should help relax your throat a little, but don’t worry, I won’t force you to drink it", she smiled as she patted the space on the couch. He just bowed, thanking her once again as he sat down.
They spent the rest of the night together, and out of all people, she turned out to be the only one who wouldn’t mention the petals even once. She was probably just as sick of talking about her job as he was of talking about his disease. She was right about what she had said before; the night was really calm. He would have expected more patients to be in need of her help, but everyone was just sleeping calmly. She just asked him to get back to his room as the morning shift would be showing up soon. So, of course, he complied. It was only then that he noticed that his family had visited him while he was supposed to be asleep. They had left him fresh clothes and toiletries. So instead of trying to fall asleep again, he washed up and changed into a fresh set of clothes. He was slightly upset they hadn‘t brought him his make-up so that he wouldn’t look as bad as he did right now. He could understand why they didn’t, but it just made him take longer to wash up. He couldn’t help but stare at his reflection, as if he couldn’t believe that the person staring back at him was him. It did not look like him at all, he couldn’t even recognize himself. It took him all of his will power to not tear his vision away from the mirror. He went back to bed, taking out his phone just to ignore the texts of his parents, to instead stare at Serin’s profile picture again. It reminded him of the peace he had been at before falling asleep, like that was all it took to calm him down again. To get rid of the image of those heartless eyes. He couldn’t help but want to be reassured that she didn’t suddenly hate him, that it really was just a dream, so he typed into his phone, contemplating every word and then getting self-conscious about it, instead choosing to simply write: "Good morning, I hope you slept well".
With that, he closed his phone again. Pressing the phone to his chest like he had just been jumpscared, as if he couldn’t get scared even more that way. After a couple of minutes of waiting for notifications, he took another look, just to see that no new response had arrived. He took a second look to look at the time, seeing that it was 6:19 a.m. It was very likely that she wasn’t awake at such an ungodly hour. He just went back to answer his family and friends for now. He reassured Wooyoung that the hospital food didn’t actually taste like wood. Yeosang kept asking if he was okay, to which San just responded with a lot of "Yes" and "I‘m okay" texts. In the meantime, he had thanked his parents for the clothes, and that he will tell them as soon as he knows when he will be allowed to go home. Soon, the new morning shift greeted him with a good morning, bringing him his breakfast for the day. He was surprised at the fact that all the food they brought him was soft, as if they knew he wouldn’t be able to eat anything solid. They probably did, considering how many people suffered from the same disease as him, yet it still surprised him. 
There was ome thing that kept bothering him. Seonghwa still hadn’t come back. At first he thought he would just be in the recovery room, but he didn’t think it would take this long for him to come back. "Excuse me", he successfully caught the nurse‘s attention. "Could you tell me where Seonghwa is?" As if she had predicted the question, her smile suddenly disappeared. Walls of a hospital are never something nice. She had this scary, sad look on her face, the kind of expression you don‘t ever want to see on anyone. It’s rare for someone to take positive memories with them when leaving a hospital. "Unfortunately, there were complications...". It is a place of just pain and suffering. "The doctor tried his best". Usually, there are barely positive memories taken out of this place. "He suffered from major bleeding". The worst part of it is that it can be a place of death and loss. "His body just didn‘t handle the anaesthesia well". So many people came into the hospital with not a single worry in mind. "It’s always a shame when such a basic surgery goes wrong". A simple surgery which has been done thousands of times before, with thousands of people coming out the other end being cured, living a happy life afterwards. "It’s really unfair, he was so young...". Not as lucky as these thousands are the hundreds that would see the ceiling of the hospital‘s building as the last thing in their life. "But he didn’t make it... We are all very sorry". Thise that would hear the words of reassurement of the nurse, saying "Let‘s see each ither after the surgery", as the last words in their life. "I don’t want to miss this feeling". The memory of Seonghwa, and his soft smile and reassuring voice entered his mind again. It is a scary place to be, no question. "I will find someone. I will find someone who looks at me like I’m their whole universe". How could life be so unfair? The nurse had left already without San even realizing it. It was understandable, she had other patients to take care of. "Let’s see each other again later". There it was again. That horrible numb feeling on his chest, suffocating him without even trying to. He just wanted to do what was right. How was it fair? How was it fair for someone so kind like Seonghwa to just be gone? San couldn’t even grasp the fact that the boy he had met yesterday, that the boy with this pitiful expression in his eyes, who still tried his best to smile, knowing that what he was doing was the right thing to do, is just gone. How could he just be gone? He was right next to him just a couple of hours ago. He held onto his chest as he felt the familiar ache in it, and as the familiar tears broke free. He was a stranger, sure, but he was a stranger San couldn’t have waited to find out more about. He couldn’t be gone. 
The rest of the morning slipped through his hands like warm sand. He just sat there trying to wrap his head around the fact that Seonghwa was just gone like that. Later that day, after the nurses had told him he was allowed to leave in a couple if hours, an unknown person had entered his room. He wasn’t wearing any uniform so he couldn’t have belonged to the staff. He wouldn’t fit in with the rest of the staff after all, he had blueberry-colored hair. He looked like a regular art student, going by the way he dressed himself. He had a unique style to him, it was really impressive. Following after him was a girl with had short hair. Their styles severely differed from each others, but both looked unique in their own way. They really looked good together. Or they usually would, but currently, they looked sad, devestated even. There was pain in their eyes, overshadowed with guilt. It almost hurt just to look at them. "Hello there, I’m sorry to bother you, but is this... was this Seonghwa‘s room?" Just hearing his name again made San swallow. It hurt to hear him talk in past tense. He didn’t even know the guy, but just one sentence from him hurt so much. San just nodded and told them to come inside. "We will be gone again soon, don’t worry. His parents just asked us to come collect his stuff", he explained, and San didn’t quite know what to say, so he let them collect everything in silence. "By the way, I‘m Hongjoong, and this is Soyeon". He tried his best to make the situation less awkward as Soyeon waved at him wordlessly. "I thought it won‘t be fair to him". He couldn’t help but feel pity for the both of them. "I’m San. You must have been very close". Hongjoong just answered with a sad smile. "I’m his best friend". It really didn’t help the heavy atmosphere to know that, as the two collected his things quietly. "He has a girlfriend, you know? And everytime I see them together, it just hurts". It stung to look at the two of them. San was aware that it wasn’t their fault, but it just hurt seeing them still here and together. He didn’t even know for certain if that was the person Seonghwa had a crush on. It just hurt to see them. "I can’t help but get mad at her just for being the person that I want to be". He couldn’t help but wonder how Seonghwa would feel if he saw them now. He really must be clueless to think it was a good idea to bring her with him like this. Or maybe he wasn’t, but he felt like he needed the person he loved by his side, especially during such dark times. "But one day, I stopped looking at her, and instead took a look at him. I saw how happy he was, the spark of joy in his eyes". He knew how Seonghwa would feel, or he could very much imagine it. He would probably feel horrible seeing him look so sad right now. He would feel guilty for never seeing how much Soyeon cared about him as well, and that she was more than just the person who stole his love away. "I‘m really sorry for your loss. He was really lucky to have you two". He had to see that bittersweet smile of the both of them again, and he couldn’t help but feel their pain as well. They could only thank him, and with that, they left, together with all the traces of Seonghwa ever having been in this room. Soon, there was a new bed inside. Soon, there was a new patient in there. As if nothing had ever happened.
He was so happy when he was finally allowed to leave. He didn’t want to have to stay inside of that cruel place for any longer. He never wanted to go back there.
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hauntedbubblewriter · 4 years
Lost in Hope Chapter 2
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Summary: San fell in love but can't help the petals on the floor
Pairing: Choi San x Original Female Character
Words: 4,240
Genre: Angst
Chapter: 2/4
Previous Chapter: Chapter 1
Next Chapter: coming soon...
Walls of a hospital are never something nice. It’s rare for someone to take positive memories with them when leaving a hospital. It is a place of just pain and injuries. The smell of disinfectant, the generic pictures hanging in every room, the tasteless food. The worst part of it is that it can be a place of death and loss. So many people come into a hospital with not a single worry in mind. A simple surgery which has been done thousands of times before, with thousands of people coming out the other end being cured, living a happy life afterwards. Not as lucky as these thousands are the hundreds that would see the ceiling of the hospital’s building as the last thing in their life. Those that would hear the words of reassurement of the nurse, saying "Let‘s see each other after the surgery", as the last words in their life. It is a scary place to be, no question. So no matter when or why you wake up there, it’s understandable to wake up in panic. 
So that was exactly what San did. He may not have exactly been scared of dying that moment, but more of what was happening to him. He woke up with a weird feeling of dizziness. He forgot what had happened during the last couple of hours, he just found himself in that scarily sterile room. After waking up, he felt an uncomfortable itch on his hand, and as soon as his vision began to clear up, he saw that the source of it was the IV connected to his hand. With every drop there was an unknown substance invading his body. He wasn’t thinking clearly when he jolted up, following his first instinct to get out. He didn’t want it. He didn’t want to have needle in his hand, he just wanted to get home. He ripped the needle out of his hand, slipping out of him smoothly, and its unknown contents dropped onto the floor, soon followed by the blood dripping out of his hand. It was like his brain was in hyper-focused. He could hear every single drop of the infusion hit the floor, as if it wanted to remind him that it’s there and still inside of him. His whole body felt like it wasn’t his, like it was being controlled by something that’s not him, and he could only watch and stare at what was happening. His actions were delayed while his mind was working in overdrive, so he just sat there staring at his hand, trying to make sense of what was happening to him, until he began to feel the uncomfortable sting in his hand. Slowly the pain brought him back to reality.
Of course he wasn’t alone in the room. His mother was waiting in here with him. She had received a call while she was at work, informing her that her son had been brought to the hospital, resulting in her rushing over to him as quickly as possible. She also informed his sister of what had happened, and she was also on her way, taking their father with her. She couldn’t even react properly as San had already ripped the needle out of himself. "Baby, what are you doing?" She stood up, pure horror written on her face before she began to collect herself. She did the only thing she could reasonably do in this situation, calling the nurse and pressing a towel onto his bleeding hand. She looked at her son like he was a stranger, with sadness and worry filling her eyes. She just couldn’t understand how she hadn’t seen this earlier. How could she just not have noticed how much her son was actually suffering? San’s heart filled up with regret looking at her scared eyes. He could only apologize quietly as he slowly began to realize where he was and what had brought him here. They weren‘t able to continue their conversation as they were interrupted by the remaining petals pushing their way back up San‘s throat, reminding him again what his reason for being here is. At the same time, the nurses came rushing in. They told his mom to stay back, and she followed their words. She watched how the nurses were rushing all around San, giving him something he could throw up into while they bandaged his hand. She couldn‘t help but think that he just looked so broken. He looked so broken with the way his make-up had been washed away by his own sweat, revealing his dry skin and the dark circles under his eyes. She couldn’t help but think its her fault. She should have paid more attention to him. Of course, he became more quiet with time, but she just told herself that that‘s what teenagers do sometimes. That‘s what her friends had told her as well. "Just let him learn on his own", "He's a child, he won’t talk to you". Those words were all just excuses for her bad parenting.
When the nurses rushed to San’s sides, he felt another explosive wave of panic in his chest, and once again his body was stunned as he watched them fumbling around him, their actions barely even recognizable to him, their words all slurred. Soon, someone who seemed to be the doctor in charge approached him. "Choi San, right? I am your doctor. There is no need to be scared, alright? We’re here to help you". You could tell he was used to patients like him. For San, he was a point to focus on, trying to follow his words, nodding along dumbly to signalize that he was somewhat accountable. "You gave us a really good scare there,  Mr Choi. We saw you’ve been suffering from the Hanahaki disease for a quite while. It strained your body to the point of fainting at school, which is why you’re here now. The injection you have ripped out was there to provide your body with water and to help you stabilize. Would it be okay for you to answer some questions for me?" Something in San calmed down when he was told about the contents of the injection, yet he somehow still couldn’t relax. He followed what the doctor had explained, but there was still this uncomfortable feeling inside of him. He still agreed to answer the doctor’s questions. He didn’t take notice of his mother being brought outside to talk with the nurses in the meantime. 
He didn’t feel like any of the questions were weird. They were mostly directed at finding out about his well-being, wanting to know for how long he has been throwing up these flowers, if he was taking any medication, and more. He still felt too unsure to answer them truthfully, he was way too scared of them wanting to take this away from him, so instead of saying how he has been struggling with these petals for a year, he simply said he didn’t really remember, maybe for a few months. No matter what, he tried to make sure the doctor understood he didn‘t want them to disappear, and then there it was again. The look of pity. Exactly the same look the pharmacy lady gave him every time. Although the doctor understood, he still laid out his options if he were to change his decision. He explained to him how his body wouldn’t survive this forever, he stressed that the flower would continue to grow up to his lungs and how he would end up suffocating one day if he didn’t do anything against it. No one could force him to undergo the surgery or to take the medication the doctor would give him, but if he were to faint again and even start suffocating, they would be focusing on his survival. No one wants to let it get to that point, but if that were to happen, an emergency surgery would be performed. Of course San said how that wouldn’t happen, how he got this under control, such a surgery wouldn’t need to be done. He argued that this wouldn’t happen again, but the doctor just continued looking at him with pity, proceeding to pull out an X-ray image. "We screened you while you were unconscious. The flower is very visible in here, and it shows how it already takes up way too much space in your stomach. There is barely any space for food and water left, and even more severe of a problem is that it is already blooming its way up to your lungs. If it doesn’t get any smaller soon, there’s a high chance of you suffocating in the next couple of weeks, Mr Choi. I can’t force you, but whoever that crush of yours may be, please make sure to reconsider if dying for them is really worth it". With these words, the doctor had left. He left behind the medication and the X-ray image. San couldn’t do anything but stare at it. It was funny to finally be able to see what has been torturing him for a whole year. He couldn’t help but think it was hilarious how something so pretty would grow inside of him and make him suffer like this. It was stupid. It was unfair, but he didn’t feel sad. He didn’t feel angry. He just felt numb. All he could feel was self-pity as thoughts of Serin flooded his mind again. Was she okay? Did she see what had happened to him? Before he could continue to follow that train of thought, his mom entered the room again. He instinctively hid the X-ray in the little nightstand next to him. This time, his mom was followed by his sister and his dad. Haneul didn’t stay beside their parents for long. She just ran up to him, hugging him so tightly that San thought he wouldn’t be able to breathe for a second, and soon afterwards, he could feel the arms of his mother and father around him as well. He didn’t even notice the tears that started to run down his cheek. He didn’t know how badly he needed this. He didn’t know he needed one single hug so badly, and he just broke down. His vision got blurry, and the only noises coming out of him were caged whines and heavy attempts of catching air. His noises were answered by soft whispers, reassuringly stating "We are here", but also followed by "Why are you doing this?", and frankly, he couldn’t answer that question. He himself knew why he did this. It was obvious. He had been contemplating this for so long that he knew why, but he didn’t want to tell them. 
The doctor had transferred him to a new room, including a roommate he had to share the space with. He had reassured San that they just wanted to look over him for the night, and that it was no problem because his roommate was scheduled to have a surgery today, so he would be on his own for the majority of the time. It’s been hours since his family had left to go get him some fresh clothes, but he had he told them to just leave anyway. He wanted some time to himself to think about all of this. Now it was just him and his temporary roommate in the room. The other male was a slender boy with messy, black hair. His name was Seonghwa, and he suffered from the same disease as him, the only difference being that he had decided to undergo the surgery. They had been casually chatting for a while, but San couldn’t help himself and asked why or just how he managed to make such a big decision. Seonghwa predicted that he would ask that. "It’s quite funny if you think about it. I don’t want to miss this feeling, and it’s not like I wouldn’t be able to take the pain that comes with these petals, but the guy I like... I thought it won‘t be fair to him. He has a girlfriend, you know? And everytime I see them together, it just hurts, and I can’t help but get mad at her just for being the person that I want to be. But one day, I stopped looking at her, and instead took a look at him. I saw how happy he was, the spark of joy in his eyes, and I realized that if he ever found out about how much I suffer just because he is happy... What would he be supposed to do? He’s not an asshole. He would suffer, because of me, you know? Thats why I decided to remove it. So that he would be able to simply enjoy his happiness, and... Well, I can’t deny that it feels like I’m removing my only world, but I know, afterwards, I will find someone. I will find someone who looks at me like I’m their whole universe, and when that time comes... I want to be ready to just look back at them the same way".
San had never even considered such a point of view. He had never considered how Serin would feel if she were to find out about how he felt. He always told himself he was doing this for her, but now? Now he just felt selfish. Selfish for holding onto a feeling that was not meant to be. "That‘s really beautiful... I hope you‘ll be able to find that person", and then he saw him smile. His smile looked so sad and pitiful, but at the same time, it was full of hope. "I hope you can find the right path for you, San". Those were Seonghwa’s last words for him before the nurses came in and told him that all preparations for the surgery had been finished. San said his goodbye and wished him good luck, and Seonghwa just told him that he would see him later. 
And with that, he was finally alone to think. So much had happened in such a short time span, and he didn’t know what to make out of it. He took the X-ray back out, taking a look at what was going on inside of him. But before he was able to get into another train of thought, the door opened again. He thought it would just be another nurse coming in, but then he saw Wooyoung and Yeosang standing in the doorframe, staring at him. He smiled upon seeing the two, but he couldn’t help the guilt he felt in the back of his mind, just feeling sorry for making all the people he cared about worry so much. Wooyoung and Yeosang didn’t stay in the doorframe for long, instead making their way over to him and hugging him. "Why didn’t you tell us anything?", Wooyoung complained, holding him close as if his life depended on it. Just having them hug him made him cry again, but he tried his best to keep his composure. Yeosang stayed quiet, just hugging the both of them and leaning his forehead against Sanie‘s, and his action spoke more than any words ever could. The two of them stayed like that for a while. Wooyoung took up the space that was left on the bed, carefully patting the top of San’s head in worry, just to assure him he is there. Yeosang decided to sit down on the end of the bed. Of course they asked who his crush was, but he just told them he didn’t want to talk about it. So instead, they started to suggest the names of different people they could think of. He denied every single one of them, even when Serin’s name fell from Yeosang‘s lips. He tried his best to react normally, and it seemed like they didn’t pick up on it. Wooyoung started to whine, begging for him to tell them, saying how they‘re his best friends and how they just wanted to help, but after an hour they had to go home again. That was when Serin entered the room.
She had been there for a while, but she had heard Wooyoung talking from outside of the room, so she didn’t want to interrupt them. Instead, she just stayed outside for half an hour, waiting until they left. As she entered the room, there was this quiet atmosphere. San didn’t even notice she was there, as she walked in through the same open door which Wooyoung and Yeosang had left through. He was staring out the window, so Serin just stood in front of the door for what felt like hours. She just didn’t really know what to say. So after silently thinking about it in her head, she simply went with the classic "Hey". It was enough to make San turn his head, registering her presence. He was speechless for multiple seconds before the panic sector in his brain pushed out a quick response, also telling him to not be obvious. "Don’t be obvious, dont make her suffer". Seonghwa’s words repeated in his head when he saw her. "He would suffer, because of me". She would suffer because of my stubborn and selfish decision to keep holding on. "I‘m sorry for what happened before... I must have scared you". He didn’t really think of the fact that his voice sounded raspy because of the constant stress put on his throat, but for Serin, it was the first time she had heard the actual condition of his real voice. It was the first time she saw the condition he was really in, and she felt so weird thinking about all the steps he had to take to really hide how he was feeling.  "Why are you apologizing? I’m sorry you thought you had to hide how you felt", and that sentence made San’s mind panic more than it had ever panicked before. Did she find out? Of course she did, he was so goddamn obvious, coming over to her every damn break. It was a miracle she hadn’t found out earlier. "You shouldn’t apologize either, it’s not your fault. I just feel guilty for making all of you worry". She came closer, sitting down on the chair next to his bed. 
She didn’t really know what to do. After all, she wasn’t really good at expressing feelings or just taking care of people, so she just did what felt right. She carefully took his hand in hers, and it took her all her composure to look into his eyes. "Don’t ever worry about making other people worry. I want to know if something is making you suffer. You can tell me everything. We are friends, San, and I care about you. I want to know whenever something is bothering you". Even just the sincerity in her voice made his little heart crack. She looked at him with so much worry in her eyes, and he couldn’t help but feel guilty that her eyes looked so sad, just because of him. He didn’t even notice a new set of tears rolling down his cheeks, only noticing when he saw her eyes shift from worry to suprise. "I’m sorry, I didn’t want to make you cry. Did I say something weird?" She pulled her hand away in panic and San was brought back into reality, apologizing while wiping his tears away quickly. "I‘m sorry, God, I’m such a crybaby. That was really kind of you, don’t apologize. I was just taken aback". With that, she had relaxed a bit, understanding a little more why he had reacted that way, but she still couldn’t help her heart hurting when looking at a crying San. She didn’t like seeing him sad, she didn’t like it one bit. It hurt to see him in pain. It hurt to see him cry. She wanted the happy San back, the San that made stupid jokes about her food, or made casual conversations about whatever he  thought to be relevant in the moment, but even with these thoughts, she wanted to be there when he was in pain.
She didn’t want him to think he had to hide anything. She wanted him to be able to freely express himself instead, so that he wouldn’t have to feel alone in painful situations, because she knew that was the worst part about hiding your pain. The terrible feeling of loneliness. No one should ever have to suffer like that. "I don’t know if it makes you uncomfortable, but I know about your disease. You know, the petals and all... You probably wanted to hide it, but you really don’t have to. And if the person you love doesn’t love you back, it‘s just not worth it, okay? I know it sounds harsh, but you are more important, San". San was taken aback by her words. It just felt so sick that out of all people, she was the one to tell him that, unknowingly calling herself not worth it. So maybe she hadn‘t actually found out it was her, or else that would have been extremely weird, but he wanted to tell her she was wrong. He wanted to come out of hiding and just tell her how she was worth any pain. He didn’t need anyone‘s pity. He was sick of everyone looking at him with pitiful eyes. Why was no one able to understand what a beautiful feeling it is to be in love? It was sick to be tormented for such a beautiful emotion, but that didn‘t mean the feeling was wrong, but the world they lived in. This world was just unfair and gruesome to its core. He hated it, but he couldn’t change it, and yet he wanted to be the person to show the world how wrong it was. He wanter to be the person to find happiness, and just with that he would already prove them all wrong. So that was what he would do. He smiled at her. "I know my worth". He found it hard to find the right words to showcase what he meant. "It means a lot to me how much you care. I really can’t explain how much it just means to me to see you here, and to see just how much you care about me. I can’t tell you how thankful I am. I am so thankful that you want to help me, but I don’t think that’s the way I want to go. I know it’s stubborn. It’s selfish. And even though it seems to be so destructive, at the same time... That person makes me happier than anyone else ever did. I know those petals are supposed to tell me to give up, but why does it feel so good then? Why do I look at her and it just makes me feel like I‘m safe? No matter if my body likes it or not, I know that I’m doing the right thing, even if the world tells me it’s wrong". And with that, for the first time in months, he was smilling so brightly that the sun could be jealous, because he finally understood what he wanted. He was finally at peace with himself, now it was just a matter of if Serin understood. 
"I see, that‘s a really brave way to look at it..." She really was taken aback by the happiness in his eyes, and she couldn’t just tell him that what he was doing was wrong, that it was killing him, why wasn‘t he seeing that? He had such a beautiful and hopeful worldview, but she could only see how his body was dying, so she wouldn’t let him push her away. "If you don’t want to move on, then I’ll help you to be healthy again". Serin really wasn’t the person to force herself onto anyone, and she didn’t know where this determination came from, but she wanted to make sure he would be fine. She wrote down her number on a scrap of paper laying around. "Text me if you want to take me up on the offer. I mean, I can’t force you", and with these words, she had left as well.
The rest of the day, San was contemplating what her words had meant. She just didn’t make sense to him, he just didn’t understand. He had saved her number and was now looking at her profile picture. She didn’t have herself in the picture, but a really pretty picture of the sunset. The sky was colored in a beautiful red, at the bottom of it were the last rays of sunlight lighting up the sky with the rest of its strength. It had something really cute for her to choose that as a profile picture. Did she take that picture herself or had she found it on the internet? Maybe a friend or a family member had taken it, and she just decided it shouldnbe the first thing people would see after saving her up. And now, just as the sun decided to leave, he stared at the setting sun, truly paying attention to it for the first time as the sky painted itself in red just like it did in her picture, and he just smile, enjoying the shift from day to night, and slowly drifting off to sleep along with it.
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hauntedbubblewriter · 4 years
Request open...
Started: 03.06.2020
Last Updated: 03.06.2020
Key: Smut (S), Angst (A), Fluff (F), Drabble (D), Multi Chaptered (M), Idol x Reader (R), Idol x Idol (G) Idol x Original Character (O)  
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Lost in Hope (A,F,O,M)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
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Just a second longer... (F,A,R,M)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
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Sick (F,D,R)
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A Week Alone (F,D,R)
My Archive Of Our Own
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hauntedbubblewriter · 4 years
Just a second longer... Part 4
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Summary: “What If we would date for 24 hours? No awkwardness just a perfect day without any worries”
Pairing: Jung Wooyoung x Reader
Words: 1,987
Genre: Fluff
Chapter: 4/4
Previous Chapter: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
A 24 hour relationship brought more than just a 24 hour heartbreak. The feeling of missing something stayed very strong with him from day to day.
He knew it from the point he closed his eyes that he didn't want her to leave, how frightened he was to open his eyes and finding no one in front of him. He should have told her to ignore the idea he had at the start. It was idiotic, he never expected to get so close to someone in just 24 hour, just the mere thought was ridiculous, he had the idea because he was bored of the stupid small talk, the awkward dates. He wanted to try something new something dumb, honestly he didn't even believe someone would even do something like that and The 20$ he got from San for his win on their bet about it didn't cheer him up either. San of course saw right through him as he gave him the 20$. It wasn't like he tried to hide it in the first place. Wooyoung sat down next to him on their usual spot in college with a light smile and the simple question "Where are my 20$?" In disbelief he pulled out his wallet "You found someone crazy enough? On a speed dating Event? Those people really must e desperate wow." 
Just that simple comment broke that fake smile of Wooyoungs face. "she wasn't crazy" he mumbled, defeated he took the 20$ and slumped down on the bench. "oh I expected more triumph here? What happened?" San knew more assumpations wouldn't help this situation so rather than making it worse he would just let him talk. He hasn't seen Wooyoung this disappointed in a long time. "Just as planned, it worked out perfectly as planned" the statement itself would have sounded positive if his voice didn't sound like he had ust lost something very dear to him. "I had the best 24 hours I could have wished for, she was everything I didn't know I wanted and then the 24 hours ended...." he stopped himself when the memory repeated itself in front of his mental eye. "and she left?" San added his voice was careful, well trained with former events of an emotional Wooyoung. He was sensetive way more sensitive than most people expect him to be and in this state he snapped easily, saying words he didn't mean. So San stayed careful with his words , but there  was no explosiv outburst, no train of tears nor shouts, just a weak "yeah". Wooyoungs head hung low mustering the floor beneath him. In his eyes was no hate, no saddnes nor anger just emptieness and San hated it. There was nothing worse than seeing his best friend so defeated. He couldn't bare it. Before he had formed a thought his arms were already around Wooyoung to give him some kind of reassurance. They stayed like this for a while till San had the idea to cheer him up with a movie night with his favorite movie to be exact.That should distract him at least. If San were capable of finding her he would do that but both of them knew he couldn't so at least he should try and make him feel better. 
Wooyoung was happy to have a friend like San so when they collected the Popcorn and ordered Pizza while setting up the movie he felt bad that he couldn't put on a smile and act like everything is fine. He was never good at controlling his emotions. So the last thing he wanted was to destroy the mood, but the memories of her stayed vividly in his mind with a simple subtitle below. "You lost her" and that knowledge would haunt him till the end of his days.
A 24 hour relationship brought more than just a 24 hour heartbreak. The feeling of missing something stayed very strong with her from day to day. She had cried the day she had left him but that was about it. She wasn't containusely desperate and depressed, she just felt empty. On the next Monday she simply fell back into her routine, but even in the middle of all the stress the picture of him, simply standing there, his eyes anxiously closed. She liked to believe that what happened was what he wanted, what she wanted, but every time her head pushed the memory back into her mind, she couldn't help but feel dumb. The person she left standing there didn't look like someone who was happy about the departur, herself was desperate to stay, but she didn't and she couldn't stop looking back and regretting it so badly.
She couldn't change it now tho. No matter how badly she wanted to go back, time doesn't play by her rules. So Weeks over week went by and no signs of Wooyoung were found. Her Subconscious brought her back to the restaurant they first met, in the end he was no where to be seen somehow she was glad about that, scared to find him in the Speed Dating event again, that he already was happily talking to someone, prettier than herself, maybe funnier. Just a better version of a girlfriend that would bring him the happiness he deserves. It wasn't rare that those thoughts filled her mind. Reminding her that she had no knowledge about his feelings or what he was doing now. Hell she barley even knew anything about him. Did he study? Could he be at this campus? What are his hobbies? There was so much more to discover for her and she had messed up that opportunity. She had messed up the chance to wake up to a loving smile.
She didn't want to give up that easily, so when she had a bit of spare time she would go through social media. Looking for "Wooyoung" just to realize she didn't even know his last name. The search brought her no where. The results stayed the same occasionally adding a new profile or removing one. It was hopeless and even then she tried to check as regularly as possible. 
Another thing that was a regular part of her life was the small cafe her friend worked at she always stayed there with a hot tea while working through her notes and trying to get her schedule fixed of the next week.Today was another one of those rather stressful day. It was the last finals week. Her auto pilot for learning had set in while she went over the most important notes. Despite her looks she was actually very good at her studies she might have not been the best of her course but surely on the top half of it. So when her mind didn't desperatel clutch onto the memories of the best day of her life it worked, its all she knew that kept her of thinking about him, to function through the day all she did was work on her studies. 
So y/n was mindlessly reading over her behaviorism notes when a familiar voice returned to her "Do you mind if I sit here?" Her head was stuck in her auto pilot so taking in the info that someone would like to sit at her messy table full of notes what made no sense to her, so instead of whispering out a mindless "sure" she actually averted her eyes from the paper in front of her and towards the voice that triggered too familiar memories at once. There he was, simply standing there with a shy smile on his lips, the whole confident energy he had was coated in a veil of uncertainty. For the first few seconds she was sure that John B. Watson bored her to sleep and she was dreaming, Wooyoung standing there waiting for an answer. Before anything could stop her she was standing and wrapping her arms around him, finally feeling the soft sweater under her skin, feeling his breath on her neck and she almost asked if he was really here. 
Wooyoung was so overwhelmed when he saw her, he almost run over to her, but then he stopped himself as a wave of hestiation stopped him. Not even close to being strong enough to stopping him from going to her completly, but with calm mature steps. As calm and mature it was to leave San and Yeosang on the counter with his americano order. Then everything happened so quickly his mouth was already asking for the spot next to her when their eyes locked onto each other. Her bored eyes turned into a glossy glimmer of happiness and her lips peeked up right away.
If you would ask how San had interpreted that moment he would have described it as "two deers caught in a lovelight"
When she hugged him all the weight of those weeks without her dissappeared as if he wasn't trying to find her for the last 26 day he couldn't help but holding her as close as possible.He wouldn't want to let her go ever again. He wanted to stay in that protective space and protect it at the same time. "You have no idea how much I missed you" her voice cracked a little as if she still cound't believe what was happening at the moment. "I missed you as well. You have no idea how much I actually missed you. I" he started rambling but she couldn't help but laugh at him, maybe out of disbelief, maybe it was her bodys way of trying to handle how overwhelmed she was feeling. "Yahh Don't laugh at me now" he complained playfully and that just made her laugh even more. Wooyoung himself couldn't stop that big smile on his face honestly he didn't want to, he wanted to feel the complete wave of joy that he actually managed to find her again. Maybe it was destiny or just luck. Whoever he had to thank for this he would write the biggest "Thank you" Letter in the whole universe. 
"Maybe your interested in another 24h date but let's add an + afterwards so it's an infinite 24 hours" his suggestion was idiotic but so idiotic it became cute again, but instead of answering she just looked into his eyes with a bright smile and kissed him. The hesitation of the last few weeks was gone and everything filled this moment full of passion and love Wooyoung returned the kiss so natrually but he just couldn't stop smiling into the kiss with pure happiness
"is that answer enough" she asked after she pulled away to look at him again just to actually be sure she didn't mistook him for the wrong person.
Wooyoung just nooded before he returned to kissing her and no more words were needed.
here some small bonus stuff:
Sans first instinct was to yell at him that he tried to get away with paying again even tho he invited him and Yeosang here, but when he saw where Wooyoung was going he understood an instead of asked the waitress if they had popcorn, while pulling out his phone and recording that event that was about to happen.
Meanwhile Yeosan was utterly confused.
"Maybe your interested in another 24h date but let's add an + afterwards so it's an infinite 24 hours" his suggestion was idiotic but so idiotic it became cute again, but instead of answering she just looked into his eyes with a bright smile and kissed him. The hesitation of the last few weeks was gone and everything filled this moment full of passion and love Wooyoung returned the kiss so natrually but he couldn't just stop smiling into the kiss with pure happiness"
y/n: he is talking bullshit again what should I do Brain: Kiss him y/n: okay
Did I forget to upload the final chapter?
Am I sorry?
Ohh of course I am
Did anyone care
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hauntedbubblewriter · 4 years
Lost in Hope
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Summary: San fell in love but can't help the petals on the floor
Pairing: Choi San x Original Female Character
Words: 2,429
Genre: Angst
Chapter: 1/4
Next Chapter: coming soon...
The night is a beautiful time. Everything seems to be at peace, while the stars iluminate the streets of the small town with the support of the light of the street lamps. Some are scared of the darkness that comes with it, but if one manages to see the true beauty behind it, a whole different world opens up. Many things happen in the night, perfectly hidden in the shadows. The majority sleeps during this time, but not everyone does. Some people have to go work at night, some simply struggle to fall asleep and some just enjoy the silence that accompanies the dark. Hidden behind the walls of his home, there is also suffering. Sheltered by the sleeping ears around him as well as the protecting darkness. It is not the first time for such a tragedy to occur. It only reminded him of the fact that fate wasn’t on his side. It signalized him in the form of the dark purple petals that constantly fought their way up his throat, ripping the already sensitive flesh open to fall out of his chapped lips, tainted by a small shimmer of blood. For the first few minutes after it started, he couldn’t even cry. The petals kept flowing out of him like a waterfall, crashing onto the heartless bottom of the bucket which he kept with him. The bucket he kept with him because he perfectly knew this was going to happen next night as well. He was only able to start crying when every single little petal that touched his sensitive throat felt like a needle piercing through his flesh. It just hurt. It hurt so much, and he could never tell when it would stop. Sometimes he would just sit there for a few minutes, trying to gather those stupid petals in a panic, or hours with just staring and not knowing what to do, as if it would finally stop the next night, but it never did. He felt like he was trapped in an endless loop of suffering, and it felt like his throat was going to burst every time. When it eventually ended, he just fell to his knees in front of the bucket, drained of all his energy. He felt too weak to move, too drained, and all he could do was sit in front of the bucket, staring at the petals of the Aconite on the ground. Slowly, the pain in his throat seemed to leave, as his heart now yelled out in despair. He knew what this meant. He knew what it meant every single night, and still his tears wouldn’t stop falling as he felt that desperate ache longing for comfort. But he didn’t want to be comforted by just anyone. He wanted to be comforted by her. It was ridiculous. He just wanted to hear her say how these petals are false, how they are lying to him, and that he‘s just cruelly being pranked by reality. He wanted to hear her say that she loved him, and that she would take care of him. Even though these petals made him suffer like this, they were wrong and she would help him through the pain. He would take all the pain. He would take all the pain just to hear one of these sentences spoken from her mouth.
In the end he knew that would never happen. He knew he wasn‘t being pranked. This was his reality and he had already fallen to deep. Usually, these petals tell someone that the person they are interested in is not one who is going to feel the same. The petals are supposed to tell the affected person to move on quickly before they fall too deep. He had ignored the signs, and the first time that he noticed the petals, he was devastated. He didn’t want to believe it, it couldn’t be true. So he couldn’t get himself to move on. She was shy, and every time he talked to her, she was barely even able to look at him. He told himself that it was most likely because she actually despised him, but that didn’t stop him from trying to make her like him. It didn’t stop him from trying to make her love him, and at first, it seemed to work. Soon her answers didn’t seem as uncomfortable anymore, and with every passing day she looked at him more often, until he even managed to see her smile and he just felt so happy. He felt like he was finally changing his destiny, just like he always wanted to. She seemed to like him, too, but with every passing night, the petals got more severe. After a month, the petals he threw up started being accompanied by blood, and after half a year now, he just began to start crying as soon as he got home. It just hurt. It hurt so much. He got more quiet and no one ever questioned why, or at least that’s what it seemed like to him. Every word he spoke hurt, and his friends kept asking him why his voice sounded so rough, that it sounded like he had a bad cough. But instead of the truth, he just told them that he got sick. The only thing that helped was medicine he got from the pharmacy. They knew of cases like him, and they also knew that some of these cases never wanted to let go of this feeling. He was one of them. When he kept returning to the pharmacy every week to buy the same kind of medicine, the kind lady behind the counter couldn’t help the pity filling her eyes. She had tried multiple times to convince him to go to therapy, telling him that if his case was this severe then that would be the only way to get rid of it, but he just smiled at her. He just smiled at her with pain in his eyes, and it broke her heart every single time. "Please don’t worry, I can handle it, but have a nice day", and with these words, he left the pharmacy as always. 
He started to take the medicine every day before school in order to be able to talk like he used to, and ever since he started this routine, no one had suspected a thing anymore. Yet it didn’t help him when he got home. As soon as he arrived at his home, his throat would start hurting so much that he just tried to sleep it off in his room. His family was worried, repeatedly asking him what was going on, but he just kept distancing himself from them further, even from his sister, and none of them understood why. He just told them that school was bothersome and tiring, which was the truth, just not in the way he made it sound like. His routine was to get home from school and then going to bed to sleep. He doesn’t even remember the last time he ate a proper meal. His whole diet now consisted of soup as well as any other soft food. He couldn’t get himself to eat properly anymore and he knew he was losing weight, but he couldn‘t see the point anymore.
This had been going on for a year now, and here he was sitting once again, crying because of the petals while leaning over the petals, as if he could try and cry the pain away, just like he did every night. He calmed himself down. He was used to this. So as per usual, he took the bottle and hid it like always. He would throw it into the trash bin two streets away from his home tomorrow so that no one would suspect it’s him to be the one using the bottle‘s contents. That’s how it would always go. Taking his medicine every morning, hiding the dark circles around his eyes with make-up, and walk to school.
But today was different. His usual routine was still the same, but his break was significantly different. He met up with Serin just like he did every day, or more like, he would go to the place she always sat alone at. For a few seconds he was just standing there, looking at her. It felt so unreal how she just sat there doing nothing, and yet it still made his heart beat so fast that he felt like throwing up. He gave himself a few seconds to calm down before he took a seat next to her once again, greeting each other quietly. Usually, Serin would be eating there in peace, but today she just stared at her food for a couple of minutes. Before San was even able to ask if anything was wrong, she spoke up. "Why do you always come over here? Don’t you want to hang out with your friends instead? You used to hang out with Yeosang and Wooyoung a lot, didn’t you?" San blankly stared at her for a few seconds, trying to formulate sentences in his brain that wouldn’t make him sound obvious or desperate. "They‘re too loud", he stated, and Serin looked at him in confusion. He knew he sounded weird, but it was the safest option he could come up with. "Don’t get me wrong, I love them, but we always meet up after school, so it's fine. And... Well, you always sit here alone, so I thought maybe you would like to have some company. I don’t know, sitting next to you is just nice. I hope it doesn’t make you uncomfortable". He tried to reason a bit, he knew that his words sounded slightly strange, but it was the only thing he was able to come up with. "No, you don’t make me uncomfortable. Well, honestly, it was really weird at the start, but I got used to  your presence.” She smiled, and his heartbeat sped up again. He couldn’t help but stare at that smile. It wasn’t much, it was just a tiny smile, a smile that would appear when she would hear some stupid joke that wasn’t worth the attention. "I agree. It‘s kind of nice to just sit with you. I was just curious", and he couldn’t help but feel his heart beat so harshly. It wasn’t anything special and he knew he shouldn’t be reacting like this, but hearing her say that she liked his company meant so much to him. They usually didn’t speak much. Sometimes he would ask what she ate, or how her day went. Sometimes she would ask why he never had any food with him. She generally asked more about his reason why he did or didn‘t do things. Everything suddenly bottled up so quickly that he didn’t even notice when the oh so familiar feeling in his throat appeared again. When he finally did notice the first few petals climbing up his throat, all he could feel was panic, and he didn’t know what to do. So he just apologized and ran. He covered his mouth and just ran. Wooyoung‘s and Yeosang‘s gazes followed him as well, they noticed something was wrong. 
He didn’t know where to go, so he just ran towards the trees where he knew no one would be. He knew it wasn’t the smartest hiding place he could have come up with, but he had no chance to even get anywhere else as the petals began to rush out of him again. They did so with such an intensity that he thought someone was forcing razor blades down his throat. It had never happened in school before, and he felt the anxiety inside him rising as he began to worry about someone seeing him in this state. That his well hidden secret would be laid out in the open now. He felt his tears crashing down onto the petals on the floor, soon followed by another wave of petals, and he just fell onto his knees, trying to hold himself up. But all the strain on his body caused by his barely existent food intake, the lack of sleep, and his never ending blood loss was just too much for him. His body collapsed before he could even finish getting the rest of the petals out of him. He just laid there, barely hidden behind some trees as if that would be enough to save him. 
Of course he wouldn’t be left there. Serin didn’t know what happened when San suddenly ran away. She just sat there dumbfounded for a few seconds before she got up to run after him. Wooyoung and Yeosang who had also watched the scene unfold had a similar reaction. At first it was as if they froze at the unexpected behaviour displayed by their friend. Only when Serin ran after him, the both of them fell out of their trance and followed her as well. 
When they saw him just lay there, with his head on the ground right next to the bloody petals, they were all just shocked for a couple of seconds. Serin was the first to react, kneeling down next to him to try and wake him up again. Of course all of them knew what the petals meant, but it was their first time to see them covered in blood, or to see someone faint because of them. Yeosang ran off to find a teacher to help, while Wooyoung sat next to Serin trying to find a way help somehow, but none of them knew what to do.
Everything after that happened very quickly. The teacher called an ambulance which would end up taking him to the hospital. A teacher accompanied him, informing his parents of the incident and waiting in the hospital until they arrived. The three followed the school counsellor, who ended up asking them if they wanted to go home after having experienced such a big shock. All of them took him up on his offer, but they also wanted to visit San right away. The school counsellor told them that for now only family members would be allowed to visit him, and the hospital would inform the school as soon as others are allowed to visit, so the counsellor promised to inform them as soon as they would be allowed to visit him as well. 
With that, they were sent home. All of them were confused, it all still seemed like a bad dream, even though it happened right in front of their eyes.
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hauntedbubblewriter · 5 years
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hauntedbubblewriter · 5 years
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Ateez – Bracket Challenge
⮑  Find your favorite Song by Ateez, by only choosing one song per set of two and see which song will earn the crown.
⮑ Feel free to take the challenge and repost it, but tag me in it since I’m curious about your results! 🖤
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hauntedbubblewriter · 5 years
Just a second longer... Part 3
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Summary: “What If we would date for 24 hours? No awkwardness just a perfect day without any worries”
Pairing: Jung Wooyoung x Reader
Words: 1,725
Genre: Fluff
Chapter: 3/4
Previous Chapter: Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Next Chapter: Chapter 4
The first rays of sunshine shone through the crowns of the trees waking up the first sparrows. Woken full with energy they greeted the sun with their beautiful singing and slowly the cosmos of the Forrest would follow their lead. Not only the animals woke up through the sweet noises of the forrest also Wooyoungs eyes opened slowly and ended his dreams that sneaked out of his his memory. His sensitive eyes were greeted by the darkness of the tent but also a new sight he didn't remember falling asleep to. Y/n's head was rested on his chest he could see the smal puffs of breath she let out on a steady pace. The hand that he used to hold before they fell asleep was now rested in front of her head and he felt his heart swell at the sight. He could surely get used to waking up to this. There were no words that could really describe that tingling feeling of happiness in his stomache. He was just so soft at the sight he didn't even notice his hand going on autopilot softly stroking the strands of hair out of her face ignoring the mess that the rest of her hair was and smiled as he noticed her snuggle up to him at his touch. "cute" he mumbled quietly. He knew it would be smarter if he went out and searched for someplace to get breakfast at or just a bathroom but he didn't want to move. He wanted to stay for the view but he also didn't wanna wake her up. Like when ur cat joins you on your bed and you don't dare to move that you won't scare it away. So he stayed and enjoyed her warmth.
The tent wasn't the most comfortable place so it wasn't to surprising that y/n didn't stay asleep for too long, after a few more minutes her eyes fluttered open finding their way to his. He couldn't read her face or what she was thinking. So he just simply greeted her with a soft "good morning", his voice was still thick with sleep and a little husky, he usually disliked his morning voice but his mind was too occupied with other things more important at the moment. To his suprise she relaxed at those words smiling slightly while nestling her head in the crook of his neck huffing out a "good morning" back, her smile was audioble in her voice. He couldn't resist the urge to place a small kiss on the top of her head making her giggle cutely.
She looked up again smilling at him "how long have you been awake already? " while carefully playing with his bed hair that was sticking out from everywhere. "just a few minutes I didn't want to wake you up"
Their morning was just full of smiles and laughter with a layer of shyness. It took a while till they managed to actually stand up and walk through the camping place. Getting themself "presentable" how y/n described after complaining about not having spare clothing. Afterwards they walked around the place searching for food but instead they discorved a small lake and that appearently sparked an idea in wooyoungs head. "why don't we clean the clothes if it's bothering you" in return y/n only mustered him with an confused look "what are you talking about" he didn't give her much time to realize what he was talking about as he lifted her up and ran in the lake "wooyoung no" she yelled with no real anger in her voice rather than that she had to suppress her laughter as she was thrown in the lake. "now I'm gonna complain even more about the lack of changing clothes" she pouted earning her a high pitched laugh from wooyoung, so she silenced him with a splash of water. It felt like they were kids again and it was nice having such a relaxing and fun time to forget all the stress their college life and living alone brought with them or worries about money and just life in genereal. These 24 hours were probably the most off character thing y/n ever did but she was also extremly happy that she agreed, she never expected that agreeing to a 24 hours relationship would end with wooyoung and her fully clothed in a lake trying to drown each other. But it was surely the highlight of her year.
They got out of the lake to dry themself up a little in the sun, but after more complaints from Wooyoung about being hungry they returned to their tent, this time y/n helped him from the start to collect it again and bring it back to the sweet girl at the counter. That didn't comment on their soaked clothing what y/n really appreciated and Wooyoung couldn't care less about it. They decided to walk back into town and the couple feeling stayed strong with their interwied hands and shy smiles. But time flew and y/n couldn't push that thought away that those 24 hours she hold so dear were soon over even when they were eating and Wooyoung cracked some dumb jokes she couldn't stop worrying about the time running away. It just kept running and running cruel without a care how important that time was to her and before she realized it there were only 10 minutes left.
Wooyoung couldn't ignore the fact anymore that time was soon over but both of them didn't want the clock to announce the final seconds. They looked at each other and y/n was the first to break the silence "I guess we should prepare our final couple fight", a sad smile covered her lips but she tried not to look to dissapointed about it. Maybe their time together was this great because there was a time limit to it. Maybe he is glad it's soon over and he can go to the next person. Her mind filled up with all those depressing thoughts. "let's not end it in a fight" he simply stated no one could deny that he was just as dissapointed as her to end this. "I mean this is the best relationship I ever had" he snickered but even the light laugh couldn't hide the sadness away "Let's act like we have to study in diffrent countries and we gotta say goodbye after a blissful relationship" she smiled the situation sounded a lot more fitting than her idea so she nooded. When the last two minutes started ticking off. "I have an idea You'll close your eyes and when u open them again I'm gone. I think that would be the simplest thing to do" wooyoung only agreed it was the best way to go because he didn't think he could handle to walk away.
So she stood up and pulled him to his feet. "well then let's have an happy departure alright" she tried to smile as natural as possible while she softly cupped his cheek as if its the most natural thing. It was an act that were supposed to cheer him up but somehow it just made him more dissapointed that it would be gone soon. The last minute started to countdown and that was their last seconds together. "close your eyes, alright" she whispered for only him to hear as she removed her hand.
He didn't want to close his eyes, just that simple act of closing his eyes would end it all this sight in this moment would be the last time for him to see her. This would be the image that would remain in his memory and even tho his whole body was against it. His eyelids simply complied and it was dark. He didn't know how long he was supposed to keep them close but honestly he was scared to open them again there was a glimps of hope that she backed out of it and when he opens them again she would still be there but something told him that the simple idea of the 24h would be fullified as planned.
On the other y/n looked at wooyoung for a few seconds with his eyes closed it was weird that would mean she has to leave now and she didn't want to, she looked at the clock and the minute was still not over so technically they were still dating so she stepped closer to him and wrapped her arms around him one last time. This was a goodbye right so she should say something. There was a sentence stuck in her head that a was in a real relationship but it was missing in the one she was about to end. So no matter if it was cringy or weird this were her last word and they wouldn't see each other afterwards anymore so she rested her head on his shoulder ignored the sudden waves of shyness and the burning of her ears and whispered a small "I love you" into his ear and placed a small kiss on his cheek and then she left.
She walked through the door and then she ran back home. High on the Adrenalin from that sudden confess she didn't even know how to feel and she was way to embarassed but when she arrived in the savety of her 4 walls and removed the mess of a shirt she was wearing, the realisation set in when she pulled out her phone, without a way to contact him and suddenly those feelings of sadness and dissapointed filled her up and she regretted leaving but in the end it was probably the better decision, she knew that but still she couldn't help to be sad about it.
The realisation what just happened took a little for wooyoung. He was to overwhelmed from the sudden confession but he was to slow. When he opened his eyes he was alone. Just as planned he was alone still standing inside the small innocent restaurant. If he wanted to he could ran after her but after all this was what they agreed on and thats the only reason he hesitated. So he let her go.
The worst part about it was that he wasn't able to say it back to her.
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hauntedbubblewriter · 5 years
Drabble Challenge: 1-150
Rules: Simply send me the number u want me to do (You can use more than one but please don't over do it) and tell me which member you want me to write for.
“The skirt is supposed to be this short.”
“How long have you been standing there?”
“I may be an idiot, but I’m not stupid.”
“Who gave you that black eye?”
“You haven’t even touched your food. What’s going on?”
“I just like proving you wrong.”
"How about we just don't go outside"
“Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.”
“Forget it. You fucking suck.”
“Quit it or I’ll bite.”
“If you use up all the hot water again, I swear to god! You’re on the couch for a month!!”
“If I die, I’m going to haunt your ass.”
“Looks like we’re gonna be stuck here for a while.”
“Take. It. Off.”
“Well, you’re coming home with me whether you like it or not.”
“I’ll kick his ass if you want me to.”
“Stop it! It tickles!”
“It’s okay to cry…”
"All I want is ice cream and cuddles"
“And that’s how you ruin a life. Congratulations.”
“D..did you just make that noise?”
“He’s a bad kisser.”
“You can scream if you want.”
“I didn’t know we were keeping track.”
“We’re playing checkers. If you don’t like it, leave.”
"You won't die, it will just be horribly painful"
“One of them’s missing.”
“Save some for me.”
"Oh, fuck off.”
“You’re still mad?”
“Come over here and make me.”
“You better watch yourself.”
“Eat your lunch and you wouldn’t be hungry.”
“Call on Line 1”
“He creeped me out. I’m not gonna lie.”
“I’m done! You can fix it!”
“Can we just watch a movie and fall asleep on the couch?”
"If I sell my Kidney, I could totally afford it"
“Where did he go?”
“You leave whenever you feel like it."
“Don’t apologize if you don’t mean it.”
“You’re going out dressed like that?”
“For the hundredth time, I’m not your babysitter.”  
“Frost the damn cupcakes.”
“Well that’s the second biggest news I’ve heard all day.”
“You look pretty hot in plaid.”  
“I thought you were dead!”
"Maybe the sexy dance was too much"
“We’ve become the clingy couple that you used to complain about.”
“Quit touching me. Your hands are cold.”
“You know you want it, sweetheart.”
“I’m your husband. It’s my job.”  
“You just wanted them because the light up.”
“That wasn’t very subtle.”
“He thinks he’s a mind reader.”  
“It’s just you and me tonight. I was thinking we could have a little fun.”
“I don’t do hugs.”
“Don’t talk anymore.”
“How do I even put up with you?”
“I said get rid of it.”
"Will I get paid for it"
“They didn’t just find out. They already knew!”
"You’re not as quiet as you think you are.”
“Just don’t buy a goat. I don’t care what you do, just no goats.”
“I have a secret.”
“I won’t let you get hurt.”
“You’re strong, baby. You have to be.”
“He’s four years old!!”
“I’ve had enough! I want to be alone!”
“I can’t stand seeing you like this.”
“Me and the boys will handle it.”
“You’re competitive and so am I, and it’s going to lead to a fight.”
“Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?"
“Mind if I join you?”
“That’s my shirt. So is that..wait?”
“My name isn’t Leslie…who’s Leslie?”
“There’s a surprise upstairs for you.”
"You can't just buy a puppy out of impulse"
“I’ll take care of it.”
“I’m not your boss? Well then who is?”
“You can’t eat solids, only liquids until Thursday.”
“Come on, baby, up to bed.”
“They got you a present. Isn’t it sweet?”
“Am I scaring you?”
“Run! You said you’d work out with me!”
“After everything…I’d still choose you.”
“And when did you plan on telling me about this?”
“Trust me.”
“Scoot over a little bit, please.”
“You’re so clingy, I love it.”
“You didn’t just wake me up at 2am because you were ‘in the mood’.”
“Did they hurt you?”
“You’re cute when you’re all worried.”
“Stop being grumpy. It’s lame.”
“I don’t need a hero, I need a husband.”
“Don’t shut me out.”
“You got a cute butt.”
“I just got out of the shower, I can’t dance. What if my towel falls off?”
“Don’t be an asshole. Asshole.”
“Do you really think I could ever replace you?"
“Sharing is caring. Now give me your fries.”
“…or we can chill in our underwear.”
“You can’t make up for it by giving me a tic-tac.”
“You, me, popcorn, two liter Dr. Pepper, and a movie. You in?”
“Have you seen my contacts?”
“Life is a highway, and I’m always drunk. So I’m not driving.”
“You can’t just hug me and think everything’s okay.”
“Is he coming home?”
"I prefer blondes.”
“No more dogs. How hard it it to understand?”
“I let you win.”
“I broke your nose, and I’m sorry for that. But what you’re doing isn’t fair.”
“Can I do your hair?”
“Your favorite superhero can’t be a villain.”
“I told you not to jump on the bed!”
“Ready or not, here I come.”
“I’m worried about losing my job!”
“Oh, did I scare you, big boy?”
“Happy new year!”
“Quit moving, I’m trying to sleep. Wait…are you…what?!”
“You nap, I’ll stay awake.”
“It’s turbulence. It’s normal.”
“Don’t touch me. We’re fighting.”
"Of course you have to pay for breathing the same air as me"
“I’ll give you a massage.”
“You fell asleep in the tub?!”
“Are you doodling?”
“We’re not playing strip poker. I don’t care what I said when I was drunk.”
“Slushies aren’t just for kids, fuck society.”
“Are you scared…Then why won’t you look at the screen?”
“Enough with the pillow talk, I’m tired.”
“You had a nightmare, tell me what it was about so I can fix it.”
“We need groceries, not just junk food. You’re the worst.”
“Is this our closet? Or your closet?”
“If I win, you do dishes for a week.”
“Fist bumps are cooler than high-fives…”
“Use your words."
“Hold my hand so he gets jealous.”
"Ew, your hand is sweaty.”
“Get out of my face before I hit you.”
“Look! Fireflies!”
“Why do you only kiss me when I’m sleeping?”
"I just need ten minutes.”
"Do you wanna die?"
"If you're here who was the person in our bedroom"
"Who needs sleep If you have depression and coffee"
"Just let me help you"
"I could also lie to you if that would make you feel better."
*Make Your Own*
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hauntedbubblewriter · 5 years
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Summary: Y/n had been sick and stayed home and as an worried boyfriend Wonwoo choose to support her with his medicore taking care skills. (mentions of ex-boyfriend Mingyu)
Pairing: Jeon Wonwoo x Reader
Words: 1,695
Genre: Fluff
Her temperature was rising and she felt all sticky and disgusting. She had called in sick for today, the cold just wouldn’t leave her alone. And no matter how often she showered or bathed the disgusting feeling wouldn’t go away. So she just stayed in bed and accepted her fate while random YouTube videos would be played over the TV. It was relaxing and just what she needed right now some peace and a good laugh. Till the clock hit 2pm, her phone started to fill the room with the noisy ringtone. Why would anyone call her now. She grumpily got up to check her phone to see the cheesy picture Wonwoo and her took together.
They were in a carnival that y/n kinda forced him to go to. She actually just said that she always loved carnival dates and if he is gonna date her he wouldn’t get away without the full package of cheesiness. And so he had to go through that even tho he was actually quite happy about it himself. He liked those cheesy things as well but he didnt wanna show her that yet. Not because he was scared she would judge him or anything. Only because she looked so happy when she thought she would annoy him with things like that. It's a double bonus she was twice as happy and they could do cute stuff together. A win win situation. They ended up on the beach right next to the carnival and that's where they made this picture together. that was now Wonwoo's profile Picture and the picture now signalizing who the caller was.
For a few seconds there was a smile on her lips from the memory, but as soon as she remembered the date they planned today the smile was fading. Checking the time again she realized she was 30 minutes “late”. Well she would be late if she actually planned to go there. So ignoring that fact, she accepted the call trying her best to gather her voice back. That only had been used 5 hours ago to say in a raspy voice that she's sick. “y/n where are you?” he asked as far as she said hello. “Wow no hello” she mumbled grumpily. “I’m at home” she said trying to sound as healthy as possible, but her voice felt so dry it must had sounded exactly how she was feeling.
“Huh you sound kinda sick are you okay?” she put herself on mute for a few seconds to cough and hoping it would bring some of her voice back. “No I am great the connection must be bad.” she saved herself. “My connection is great and ur at home so there should be no problem, but whatever I’ll just come over.” panic shot through her sick system letting her make even worse decision than she would have normally. “No that be awkward” “why?” there was a small pause before y/n could answer that. “I’m cheating on you, he is here and that's awkward” how someone would think of that as an answer. She had no idea and she was lowkey regretting it right away. So she put herself on mute again to hit herself with the pillow.
On the other line Wonwoo was staring a tiny bit confused on his phone. He ignored the questions if it's true or not neither way he would still go. To check how bad her fever is or to give her an disappointed look. So he already started walking towards her apartment. The advantage of college everything is so much closer.
“He can run away till I’m there” that was the last respond she expected and her face literally showed the “...” in her head. “He broke his leg” if she could scream right now, she would really. Even she knew she was being ridiculous and the chuckle on the other side of the line didn’t make it any better. “What were you two doing that he broke his leg right away” half of her was really done with him and the other half was done with herself. “THAT'S EMBARRASSING TO EXPLAIN JUST DON'T COME OVER” with that sentence she just hung up and fell back in her bed.
“Ahh so annoying” she mumbled. Little did she knew that he was already right in front of her apartment. Fishing out the key from the top of the door frame, opening it with the next movement. “You shouldn’t put your keys up there anyone could-” he started but his sentence was stopped by a pillow in his face. “i told you not to come over” her body was covered in the comfy heating blanket and she was hiding under her normal one so her loud groan was barely audible. “I had to check if ur really cheating of course.” he snickered a little “or if ur fever is high enough to explain that phone call” his smile turned soft when he sat down next to her.
“Are you okay?” she slowly moved under the blanket thinking about a way to kinda look not horrible or more like to hide the pijama she was wearing and the messy hair. So she ended up sitting up in a burrito of blankets and another blanket on top of her hair. Without Wonwoo seeing anything. It might felt like a spy mission for her but just looked really hilarious for Wonwoo.
He tried to hold back a laughter when she finally sat up and pouted at him. “Do I look okay? I told you not to come over” he had to laugh just a little shaking his head “someone has to look after you” he put his hand on her head to realize it was really burning, but she visibly relaxed right away. “Hmm your hand is cold” he quickly pulled away what let her look upset “it was refreshing” she let herself fall on her bad again. It was too much dealing with him right now. And the conversation and him now being here tired her out too much. She fell asleep shortly after landing on the sheets again. Wonwoo meanwhile got a wet towel and placed it onto her head. He also made some soup that he always did for his little brother when he got sick. That's pretty much all that he could really cook, soup and cereal.
She was sleeping for another hour just to awake to the realization he was still here. “Why didn’t you leave?” she wanted to sit up again but Wonwoo kept her down with one hand. “like I said someone has to take care of you. Relax okay. Also I made you soup” she looked at him a little confused. “I’m an adult. I can take care of myself.” she had to stop herself because she had to cough, her coughing really sounded bad the cold got her really bad.
“You can make soup?” she questioned with a lot of suspicion. “Yeah of course I’m not that stupid. I tasted it, it’s not poisoned” she rolled herself on the end of the bed to sit up in front of the soup. “That's exactly what a person that poisoned this soup would say” she smiled a little before actually trying to eat the soup. It wasn’t horrible and it also wasn’t especially delicious. I mean it was just soup. That was a thing she missed about Mingyu, his cooking was amazing and even a simple soup tasted great. But when she looked up to see Wonwoo next to her and a little nervous smile on his lips unknowing if the soup was good or if she was able to eat it. It made it a lot better than it originally was. “It's good” she giggled “now stop staring at me like this.”
When she finished eating she laid herself back in the bed. Feeling a little better than she did this morning. Still her fever was high even tho now she felt really cold so she returned into her burrito form and started hugging her pillow. Till Wonwoo came back from the kitchen to sit next to her. She felt a little embarrassed for being so mean the whole time seeing him sitting there quietly actually made her really happy just knowing someone is out there caring for her.
“Thanks for coming and sorry that I missed our date” she mumbled a little through the blanket but Wonwoo could still hear her perfectly. “It's fine don’t worry. Get back to being healthy it's weird if you apologize to me” she smiled a little when he softly brushed through her hair. Before she realized why she didn’t want him to come over. “Stop that” she said a little rushed even tho he knew exactly she liked that. “Why should I?” her face turned into a pout again. “If you continue that you’ll get sick as well.” wonwoo mustered her a little skeptical “I’m not getting sick from touching your hair”. A groan followed right away “maybe not, but if you continue I’m going to want cuddles and then you’ll get sick” she was hiding her face again under the blankets just a little embarrassed admitting it.
Wonwoo laughed a little before he laid himself next to her and pulled her into a tight hug ignoring the embarrassed “no” and “don’t do that”. He reassured her that he won’t get sick and slowly but surely she accepted it, placing her head on his chest. “You’re horrible…. I’m not gonna take care of you if you'll get sick”. And with that they cuddled till she fell asleep again.
She was sick for a week and right after the week Wonwoo got sick and even tho he said it was because of the cold wave she insisted it was because of her. In the end she still came over to take care of him but not without scolding him every 3 seconds to finally listen to what she says.
The end another one of the series "I wrote this a few years ago and it never got to see the light of day" hehe I hope you enjoyed this.
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hauntedbubblewriter · 5 years
Just a second longer... Part 2
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Summary: “What If we would date for 24 hours? No awkwardness just a perfect day without any worries”
Pairing: Jung Wooyoung x Reader
Words: 2,112
Genre: Fluff
Chapter: 2/4
Previous Chapter: Chapter 1
Next Chapter: Chapter 3 Chapter 4
She walked out of the room full of scented candles that were a little too much for her nose. Glad about the sweetly fresh air around her. The heavy blush that was stuck on her cheeks slowly faded to her normal skin colour. It just took a few seconds till a pouty Wooyoung came out from the curtains that hide the doors from the fortune teller.
“You could have waited for me”. Her eyes locked on the way his full lips tried to stay in the cute pout he probably trained in front of a mirror, but his lips couldn’t stop themselves from restraining the small smile that started forming. “No thank you sweetie. There was nothing I gained from this shop so I wanted to leave as quickly as possible”
Now a big smile was on his lips followed by a glint of evilness in his eyes as if he just found another way to tease her. “Of course it did it showed us what a perfect Girlfriend I got and that I will spend my life with you by my side.” The blush that just disappeared a few seconds ago came back as if Wooyoung already knew how to embarrass her. Just the use of the world “Girlfriend” started a happiness in her stomach that she quickly got embarrassed of. Repeating the sentence in her head the realisation hit her quickly that this forever was over in 18 hours and thirty five minutes, but she decide to ignore the welling feeling of sadness to enjoy the moments just how they discussed when they started their deal. “Do you come with an off switch” She returned acting tougher than her rosy ears let her. “Only If you ki-….” his mouth shut down before he could finish the embarrassing sentence, in his head he already imagine her mad eyes and her cheeks turning redder than the red from the apples his friend always split if he continued the sentence but in the end he would be just as embarrassed.
“If I do what?” she questioned innocence written all over her eyes obviously not understanding where the sentence was originally going. A lump has formed in his throat maybe from the weird feeling in his stomach or the panic from the almost tragic outcome. “If you decide what we do now.” He couldn’t ignore the slight bit confusion on her face. “that’s it?” he could feel her eyes mustering him, scanning every bit of facial expression, probably going through what happened a few seconds ago searching for an answer in the change of behaviour. “yeah I feel generous today” If this was an anime you would now see the panicked sweat running down Wooyoungs temple. “Huh well I wanted to go to the food festival I haven’t eaten since I got out of university” she lead the way holding onto Wooyoungs hand as if it was the most natural thing they could do. The purple haired boy could finally release the breath he didn’t know he was holding in and a bright smile lit up his face seeing her soft and careful hands interlocked with his.
The adorable couple entered a bricked layered underpass that ended in a big open street full of small stands that sold different kinds of food. Her eyes instantly lit up as she saw a man making those ice cream rolls they always showed in those Instagram videos. And then there was a one selling plain rice that you could top with various kinds of curry, she got aware of the fact how hungry she actually had been. “Where do you wanna start?” She smiled brighter than the sun if you wanted to hear Wooyoungs description of this moment. Once again he could feel his heart make a little spin inside of him and he couldn’t describe this moment with anything better than magical. “I don’t really care” it wasn’t far from what he actually thought, the food here looked amazing everything was in small portions so you could try out as much as possible.
“Then let’s go through it from start to the end” she smiled a sparkle hidden in the diamond like eyes as she pulled him to the first stand. The little stand offered a different bunch of Japanese delicacies, but one caught her eyes especially “Wanna try out Takoyaki we could buy one for both of us.” He just simply nodded letting her get her purse to buy the tasty treat “but we pay in turns okay” he threw in while placing his head comfortably on her shoulders using the slight height difference to his advantage. He felt her tensing up a little at the sudden contact discussing in his head if he should move back a little, but just a few seconds later she relaxed into his touch and he swear he has never felt this happy in his life. He had a perfect view on her profile and he had also a great view on the blush forming on her ears but this time he didn’t wanna tease her about it and just enjoy this moment. “yeah I would be to broke anyway to pay for all of this” she snickered a little after obtaining the Takoyaki from the sweet salesperson that just seemed demi affected by the aggressive skin ship of the both of them. She turned her head to meet Wooyoungs eyes, realizing a bit too late how close they actually had been. There was literally just a few centimetres between them. They would feel the breath of the other if both of them weren’t too scared to move even an inch. The silence only broke when y/n put the Takoyaki in front of them asking if he wanted a bite. The blush from before had made its way back towards her cheeks matching the skin colour of Wooyoungs cheek and the strands of hair that kept trying to get into Wooyoungs eye.
Wooyoungs brain was working on auto pilot trying to hover over the situation without a big embarrassment. He just nodded moving his head a little away to be fed by her shaking hand. She swallowed the second his head was a little further away than a strand of hair. After that he pulled away to chew and she took a bite herself once because she was hungry and second of all because she wanted anything to do that could distract her from the intense stare Wooyoung had on a few seconds ago.
Wooyoung was the first to be calm enough to act like this wasn’t a really intimidating moment he would implant into his memory forever. “It’s really tasty” he smiled calming his nerves a little as he walked over to the next stand pulling her after him. Only then she realized how they were holding hands all the time and that she was the one to initiate it. He stopped on the next stand while she let her head fall against his back wishing to just disappear in embarrassment but also feeling save being so close to him.
Wooyoungs heart has stopped spinning, now it was basically running a marathon while leopards were chasing it. His mind was trying to race after the panicked heart to get some kind of sense into it. It felt like the world around them stopped and none of them wanted this moment to stop, but sadly the world wouldn’t just take a break for both of them, what only were a few seconds she removed her head walking next to him to ask for the next food he wanted to buy. Her voice might have been steady but her face was still flustered, somehow she still acted like nothing just happened.
“Ehh y..ye..yeah sure” he stuttered. Wooyoungs brain was in full panic mode and his mouth had the audacity to betray him to just stutter like an idiot, but the embarrassing action let a smile bloom into the rosey cheeks of his so called girlfriend and he couldn’t even be mad at himself for causing a beautiful sight like this.
They spend hours on the food market and no matter how flustered they got none of them would pull away and give in. That also ended with both of them having red faces for the hours they spend there together. At the end when they finished most of their food. They both sat down on a small bench left with those ice rolls y/n noticed at the start of their adventures on the food market. She got comfortable enough to place her head on his shoulders while eating the last thing on the list of foods she wanted to try for today. Feeling fuller than she originally planned to.
“So now it’s your turn to decide what we do.” She mumbled not focusing on him but more on the sweet ice cream in front of her. The moon was already shining above them and Wooyoung contemplated if they should spend the night together. It was his turn to choose so he could easily do that but he had to think about voicing it that it doesn’t sound like he wanted to break the 18+ rule. Then it stroke him like lightening “Camping lets go camping together I know a great place.” He dreamt of camping for ages and now he had an actual good reason for it. He didn’t expect anything else than the face of disbelieve in front of him. “I always dreamt to go camping please” he went on full puppy begging mode, y/n just had no choice to accept the silly idea.  She sighed leaning closer into his touch mumbling a small “fine but let’s get a taxi there I’m too tired”
This day would always stay in her mind as the day she had lost her sanity for 24 hours. In the end Wooyoung called a taxi and both of them got to the camping place Wooyoung had been talking about. After arriving there he bought the most important things they would need for the night and then they walked into the actually pretty camping place. The purple haired boy choose a nice place and started to set up the tent. y/n just watched laughing at the many failed attempts till she pushed him away and started to explain what he had to do.
Wooyoung wanted to complain but since he was sick of the returning failure every time he tried to set the tent up he accepted her explanation and followed those instruction. After a minimum of 10 minutes the tent was standing safely and Wooyoung only had a confused look on his face “How do you know all of this” and there it was again that shy chuckle that let his heart prepare for another marathon. “I used to go to a summer camp as a child we just learned it there.” She sat down half into the tent to still look at the stars above them.
Sadly it wasn’t her perfect scenario most of the stars were covered by trees but in the end the forest had a beautiful view in general. He decided to join her and study the view she was admiring, even if it was just for a few seconds before he got distracted by her beautiful features. He softly put a hand on her cheek to get her attention back. “Sweetie I think we should sleep don’t you agree” Her eyes locked with his but all she did was smile and nod having no problem to follow his request.
The two went into the tent and even tho they had gotten used to how close they were most of the time, but the intimacy that came with sharing a blanket was just on another level. They couldn’t turn away from each other but also couldn’t face each other. So in the end they were just looking at the walls of the tent even after Wooyoung decided to get a hold of her hand. Both of them had a big smile on their face as they feel asleep to the rhythmic breathing of each other.
None of them would have ever dreamt of this day to go like this. Wooyoung didn’t even expect to find someone that would follow his stupid idea and still now they were laying in a tent, hand in hand sleeping in a peaceful in the silence of the forrest.
Here you go with part two of this drabble. As I started the idea I never thought it would be this long haha. There is only either on really long chapter missing or two shorter ones. 
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hauntedbubblewriter · 5 years
A Week Alone
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Summary: Y/N and Mingyu are living together in an apartment but Mingyu left for a week to meet up with his family. To comeback to not so pleasing suprise
Pairing: Kim Mingyu x Reader
Words: 1,537
Genre: Fluff 
Y/N was laying in her bed on a lazy sunday. There were things to do, a lot of things if she were just looking at the state of her apartment, but she decided to ignore those and keep her attention on her phone. Sure she promised her boyfriend to clean their apartment up before he comes home and she tried, for real she really tried. She sat down saw some dust sneezed and got back to bed. It's a medical issue, not the fact that she was lazy and had a dust allergy, or that she was overdramatic or just using every excuse for her not to clean up. Probably all of the reasons listed right now. 
Back then living in the house with her friends everything was easy she put enough effort to keep her room clean and everything else was cleaned up magically without her input. Now she was living with her boyfriend in a lot smaller apartment close to the campus. She came home to a perfect tidy apartment everyday. It was just the way her life was. Now she was alone, Mingyu left for a week to meet up with his family and do family stuff. He called her everyday to the point she almost got annoyed but at the same time she still felt grateful he thought about her.
He told her how annoying his sister had gotten, that mini golf with the family is funnier than he expected. He seemed so happy to be with his family once again. Their campus were on the other side of Korea from where he came from. He missed his family a lot and she felt like she already knew his family just from all the things he told her about them. She still lived in the same town as her mother so she met up with her from time to time. The rest of her family was… well difficult, but she didn’t need them, she was happy with her mother and that's all the family she needed. Having Mingyu happy with his big family, she couldn’t just really tell how that felt. But that never was a problem anyway, the thing was… she made a promise. One little promise every normal person could have dealt with easily.
“So I’ll be gone for a week” she remembered his words ringing in her ears. “and all I want from you is to keep our apartment clean, just a little. Okay?” Of course she answered with yes, who would have thought that so much trash would come just from a week without him. The kitchen was a mess, it's not like she even cooked, daily delivery some convenience food made her survive that week, to used to Mingyus home cooked food to do anything herself. That didn’t stop her from breaking two plates and well the oven. They didn’t have a microwave because Mingyu insisted they didn’t need one. What ended with him having to cook everyday. What makes sense since he is a culinary student, but back to the point, she tried to heaten up some left over from the other day. She may have left the food in the plastic bowl while doing so and it might happened that plastic melt a little. Of course just maybe and she didn’t have an oven full plastic, that be ridiculous right.
Let's be real the apartment was a mess and Mingyu would be home any minute and all she was doing was laying on her bed ignoring the fact that her perfect, tall, handsome, idiot of a boyfriend would come home any second. Also she may need to give in to the fact that she was helpless without him, but she survived that week right. That proves she had no problem on her own.
The only thing that got her out of the bed was the sound of keys in front of the door. “Oh shit” she hissed now very aware of the state the apartment was in. She has never got up so quickly. The door went open just a tiny bit when Mingyu was about to greet her, the door shut close right in front of his face. “HOLD ON” she yelled hesitating for a reason to stop him from coming in while she literally threw every trash she found in the storage room. She couldn’t hide the oven so she just threw a blanket over it. Like it would hide anything. She leaned against the wall as attractive as possible probably looking ridiculous in the progress. When she opened the door smiling innocently at her boyfriend “Hey Babe” she greeted pulling him inside. Away from the storage room into the living room.
Mingyu already expected her to hide anything when he was in the car driving home. Every Time they skyped Y/N didn’t move away from the wall so he wasn’t able to see anything about the apartment. He didn’t really thought it would be so bad but seeing her playing innocent and surely trying to distract him from whatever mess she created it must be a lot worse than he expected. She was all over him, arms around him telling him how much he missed him and it worked it worked for like ten minutes till he saw the kitchen.
“why is there a blanket over the oven?” the question may have sounded ridiculous and the situation is ridiculous but Y/N tried to distract him from it as quick as possible. “What? what are you talking about” she laughed pushing him in the couch. “You’re seeing things don’t you wanna lay down and rest a little” her panicked smile spreading on her face.
Mingyu knew her good enough and actually that facade was horrible anyway. “What did you do the week when I was gone?” he questioned seriously. With an intense stare that caused goosebumps forming on Y/N’s neck. Was she some criminal, was he always that intimidated. Who was she kidding. She gave up crashing down next to Mingyu letting all the exhausting feelings out, from running to the door, to the trash and especially from the attractive sweet talk. “I may wasn’t really able to keep my promise”. Her back was towards Mingyu because she really didn’t know how her facial expression was looking. She kinda didn’t wanna know how he will react. Will he be mad, will he be laughing or just disappointed. It was the second one. He laughed like he expected it. Till he actually went out to look at the oven, then being almost crushed by the trash in the storage room. While he was having his small mental break down. Y/N was quietly sneaking out into the bed, hiding in her original state under the blanket.
“How did you? Wait don’t answer that.” he stopped himself when he saw the bedroom while entering. There were energy drinks next to the bed and some take out from the day before. Y/N was still hiding hoping she wouldn’t be recognized. “You couldn’t even put the boxes in the trash right next to it” he mumbled just a little disappointment in his voice. She looked up from under the blanket just seeing him push his hair back what was ridiculous attractive and really not helping the situation. “I’m sorry” she mumbled going back under the blanket. 
He sighed joining her on the bed. “come out” he just got a “no” as an answer making him sigh again. “Then I’ll join you then” He announced making her almost jump when he was right in front of her face under the blanket. “what are you doing” her voice became quiet with him being right in front of her like that. “First I’m not mad so stop hiding.” she clearly relaxed on that. “So you're gonna clean up?” she smiled excited “no of course not. Your helping me” She sighed, of course she expected that, she just hoped Mingyu would be her saving angel that makes all the dirt magically disappear again. “Mingyuuu” she pouted cuddling up to him “let's not  why don’t we just stay down her and cuddle. I did miss you~” she sing sang the last part ready to do anything to skip on cleaning. He pushed her away trying hard not to get soft. “After you helped me” he looked down on her back to his serious look. “Mingyu please as far as I get close to the trash I’ll just sneeze the whole time” she begged just making him roll his eyes. Now he stood up letting her at peace for like one second before pulling her out. “Please don’t” she cried out.
After an hour of torture or so called cleaning a ridiculous speech about not putting plastic in the oven. They were back snuggled up on in the bed. “My nose is itchy” she complained just earning more laughs “Let’s never talk about this okay” She just gained a quick “sure” drenched with sarcasm.
“Mingyu no”
“Mingyu yes”
She was ready to hear about this from her friends and him for the next months,
Theeeeeee end, this is actually an older story I wrote ages ago but I still hoped you like this little drabble 
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hauntedbubblewriter · 5 years
Just a second longer...
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Summary: “What If we would date for 24 hours? No awkwardness just a perfect day without any worries”
Pairing: Jung Wooyoung x Reader
Words: 1,950
Genre: Fluff
Chapter: 1/4
Next Chapter: Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Starting another Story with a shy and introverted Girl that gets her perfectly boring life ruined by a handsome boy, followed by waves of troubles would have been a better way of spending her afternoon. 
Instead she was sitting on a white generic chair in front of a basic ikea table, decorated by some expensive looking vase filled with a pair of roses and a small candle that enlights the table. In any other situation she would have admired the roses and probably took some aesthetic pictures with them, but all of this screamed cliché, generic, basic, boring. She hasn’t expect anything else when she left her college a few hours ago with a flyer full of red hearts and the promise of finding true love. There was no reason to go there, no one forced her to and still she was sitting here now. Judging the red roses in front of her that were supposed to bring the romance vibe. 
Looking back at it, this was just a really sad moment of her life. For the first time in ages she realized how lonely she actually had to be, to sit her unironically to meet some potential love interest. For a second she wanted to just run out get in a comfy corner of her apartment and rethink her life choices that brought her to this point. From another perspective the place didn’t seem too bad. The prices were decent and the people she talked to had been quiet nice, but all of them had this awkward aura. The “I’m not sure what to say” aura, “I don’t even think I want her” aura “I’d rather talk to the pretty guy on table 4” aura and even if they didn’t, all their conversation were fixed on getting to know each other but it didn’t feel like anyone actually care. 
“There had to be a reason they’re all single” she didn’t mean to think that badly from them but she was just frustrated by the whole situation. She soon question If she was jus as bad as them immediately wishing herself back into the safety of her corner. Then again the next person would come and start the conversation with “man I normally don’t do this but my friends forced me” excuse. No one wanted to go around and say “man I am so lonely so I just hope to find anyone” but at least be honest with yourself. It’s more fun to accept that both of you are just lonely. At least thats what she thought. 
Waiting for the next person was always the best part. She could take a break from all of this and just enjoy the music and hope it would all just end. Till a new voice brought her out of her relaxed state. His voice was a little higher than the one of most guys, his hair was dyed in a light purple, probably because the colour faded after time, it looked good tho. He had a warming smile and for a second there was a little hope in her while looking at him. 
“You don’t look really happy to be here” he said in his sweet voice, making her feel quiet bad to make it so obvious right from the start. “I guess this is all new to me, I guess I just don’t like it.” She laughed sheepishly. “Guess all the awkward conversations are getting to me” There was a frustrated groan on the other side of the table from the newest arrival of potential love interests. That brought her eyes to actually look at the boy a little bit more in detail. He wore some golden big round glasses that showcased his brown eyes. They sparkled with something magical she couldn’t quiet pin point what it was. 
“I can totally understand. It’s been really…. Let me say difficult” he grinned showing a pretty set of white teeth “I am Wooyoung by the way” The two locked their eyes what seemed like the first time for the day that they looked at someone actually with curiosity hidden in their eyes. She returned the smile and threw in her Introduction as well. “Y/n…. I have a pretty crazy idea… would you be interested?”  
Uncertain were this would go she mustered the young boy one more time while her head threw all the possibilities around. In the end curiosity got the best of her and she was willing to hear what he had to say. “What If we would date for 24 hours? No awkwardness just do what you always dreamt of in a relationship without any worries since it will end anyway right? and no worries to be stuck with someone you don’t like for longer than needed.” It sounded crazy, stupid, dangerous and so many more negative adjectives. On the other hand it was something new maybe there was a risk to it, but it was only 24 hours. What is the worst that could happen? “I don’t know if I lost all my brain cells sitting here but I agree, but no 18+ stuff” Wooyoung defensively threw his hands in the air a slight smirk on his lips “I would have never dreamt of that.” In the first few seconds of this so called relationship there was some intense judging on her side “Somehow I don’t believe you.” The disappointed was clear on his face “Hey you barley know me how could you already assume such things.”
“So your saying I should have realized that only later in those 24 hours.”
“Let me just ignore this for now so we can leave this place. Alright?”
There was an obvious pout on his lips and it would be a lie If she didn’t think it was adorable. He reached for her hand pulling her gently up to get out of the classy restaurant. Returning their number to the waiter that organized the event happily announcing their new started relationship. The waiter wasn’t able to hide his confusion by the sudden confession. Of course people started dating here… but not that fast. Before he could voice any of those thoughts the new loving couple already left through the wooden door of the restaurant, big smiles on their faces, giggling like children that said I like you for the first time.
“Okay the most important rule to be the happiest couple for a day, don’t overthink anything. Act like we are a couple for already millions of years” he pronounced the “millions” overly happy making the importance clear. “Of course baby how could I ever forget the millions of years we spend together” she replied sarcastically empathising on the “millions” part on a try to mock him a little. “Fine I think you get it. So I’ll choose what we do” You simply raised your eyebrows kinda forgetting that you’d been holding hands for the whole time “I’m scared you choose something weird tho” the purple haired boy glared at her playfully “Marshmallow how could you still think of me like this” 
Both of you broke into a big laughter at that. The nickname was unusually cheesy and at this point it was just a battle who could embarrass the other quicker and at this point Wooyoung was winning as she could feel her ears turning red. She was only lucky her hair hide the obvious point Wooyoung just won. 
“Let’s go to a fortune teller.” She stared at him with a look of confusion “Are you serious?” He just nodded and pulled his phone out probably using google to find the wanted fortune teller. “How does your mind even work?” Who would think of a fortune teller as the first thing to do on a date? He wasn’t paying attention to her just using his free hand to scroll through his phone. 
“Here found one” He showed her his screen filled with a little icon and the address of “the magical twilight fortune” It sounded so dumb it had to be fun. That’s what she thought at least, but never actually voiced not wanting to praise this ridiculous idea. “Let’s be real you would have chosen something boring like cinema or so” Now her face was a frown while she was dragged behind Wooyoung, not only hurt that he guessed her suggestion but also said its boring. “Cinema dates are fun” she mumbled glaring at the back of his purple hair. 
“Knew it” he chuckled ruffling through her hair “sure Marshmallow their suuuuuuuuper fun” she winced again at the officially obtained nickname “Why Marshmallow” she whined lazily trying to follow his steps “Because your cheeks are squishy and cute and I wanna eat them” she couldn’t help the laugh coming out of her once he finished that sentence. Deciding to really use this date she threw her hands around him “You’re really weird Chipmunk” a grin spread on her lips when the beautiful whine entered her ears “why Chipmunk that’s so lame” she couldn’t ignore the slight blush on his cheeks quickly counting it as her first point. Now they were even 
“You sound like on when you laugh” She shrugged letting go of his hand to go inside of the fortune teller. Wooyoung just followed like a small puppy running after its owner. The two were guided to a door covered in veil. The unusual pair sat down into the empty room now feeling a little unsure than they expected to feel. After a few minutes a middle aged women entered the room and sat in front of them. 
“So you two want to know your chemistry and future of your relationship.” Suddenly full of determination Wooyoung hold her hand with a complete serious face agreeing to the request making his adorable girlfriend laugh, probably more than she should. The fortune teller ignored the sudden laugh attack and prepared the fortune for the two lovebirds.
“I see you two got quiet lucky. Your chemistry is sizzling. Your sign lord is Venus & Saturn their the lords of lovers. There is a bright future ahead for the both of you.” She had a puzzled look of embarrassment and confusion because of the weird things the fortune teller just said what had Venus and Saturn to do with their relationship. The information took its time to procress but the blush of the sizzling was already there and didn’t go unnoticed. 
“Aww you’re cute, you’re ears turn read” he was squalling like an idiot, normally she would have been ready to fight him by now but she was to embarrass so a week push was all she could manage. It sadly had the opposite effect of what she wanted he just started to tease her more, loving the new power he obtained way to much. 
“Yah stop” she hide her face still trying to shove the way to energetic boy away from her. “It’s nice to see the chemistry myself like this. Please give the money to my assistant” The fortune teller left as quickly as she came and the person from before guided the “fighting” couple outside. “That would cost 30€” The bickering was quickly stopped by the sudden announcement “30?” Both of them exclaimed not believing their ears. 
Before Wooyoung could even try to get a better deal Y/n was already backstabbing him “It was your idea so you’re gonna pay” She huffed still mad about what happened inside the faint blush had moved its way to her cheeks now as well and Wooyoung just sighed accepting his fate.
Here the seriously meant first post. I feel like I haven’t wrote anything in ages. Sooooo I hope you still enjoyed it somehow.
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hauntedbubblewriter · 5 years
So as the first post I let an Story Generator write you a story. Honestly I’ll never top this.
Two Beasty Uncles Crying to the Beat A Short Story by idk what pen names are Wooyoung was thinking about Y/N again. Y/N was a hilarious coward with ample hair and curvaceous eyes.
Wooyoung walked over to the window and reflected on his yellow surroundings. He had always hated bloomy Greenland with its grim, grated garden. It was a place that encouraged his tendency to feel sad.
Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the a hilarious figure of Y/N .
Wooyoung gulped. He glanced at his own reflection. He was a kinky, sweet, bubble tea drinker with skinny hair and pretty eyes. His friends saw him as a broken, breakable beast. Once, he had even helped a fluffy baby boy cross the road.
But not even a kinky person who had once helped a fluffy baby boy cross the road, was prepared for what Y/N had in store today.
The rain hammered like loving kittens, making Wooyoung Squishy. Wooyoung grabbed a round glass that had been strewn nearby; he massaged it with his fingers.
As Wooyoung stepped outside and Y/N came closer, he could see the dangerous glint in her eye.
Y/N gazed with the affection of 8816 scary disturbed deer. She said, in hushed tones, "I love you and I want Death."
Wooyoung looked back, even more Squishy and still fingering the round glass. "Y/N, balloons are bubbly," he replied.
They looked at each other with Angry feelings, like two disturbed, decaying dog dying at a very dumb exam, which had coala pop music playing in the background and two beasty uncles crying to the beat.
Wooyoung regarded Y/N's ample hair and curvaceous eyes. "I feel the same way!" revealed Wooyoung with a delighted grin.
Y/N looked soft, her emotions blushing like a happy, handsome headphones.
Then Y/N came inside for a nice drink of bubble tea.
Wanna create your own story? Here you go https://www.plot-generator.org.uk/story/ Please gimme some plot ideas
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