healerqueen · 6 hours
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Got Return of the Thief for Christmas, immediately cracked it open to that lovely blank page between the intro and the first book of Pheris and did this on that page
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healerqueen · 12 hours
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healerqueen · 20 hours
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lord of the rings bigatures my beloved
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healerqueen · 20 hours
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healerqueen · 1 day
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Scott Prior (American b.1949), Flowers in Sunlight, 2007, Oil on panel
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healerqueen · 1 day
Is it possible to “beat” mental illness? Or does it depend on type/circumstance?
“Beating” mental illness is actually the norm, not the exception. Most people who have a major depressive episode never have another one. 80% of people who survive their first suicide attempt never make a second attempt. 93% of Borderline Personality Disorder patients achieve remission. Up to 74% of people with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder achieve significant clinical improvement in their symptoms, and 20% achieve full remission. Half of Generalized Anxiety Disorder patients achieve remission after the acute phase of treatment. Even disorders with relatively low rates of remission - bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, schizoid personality disorder - generally become milder and easier to manage as you age. Psychiatric symptoms tend to peak in your 20s and generally drop off as you get older, especially if you seek treatment. 
This is why the narratives we use to talk about mental illness matter so much. Right now, the dominant narrative is that mental illness is “an imbalance in the brain” and that it’s largely something that people are born with. There are upsides and downsides to this. The upside is that it promotes the idea that mental illness is not the ill person’s fault, and it helps us understand that mental illness can impact anyone, regardless of their life circumstances. The downside, however, is that it’s sort of given us this idea that mental illness is inborn and unchangeable. People have taken on the idea that “that’s just how my brain is”, when the reality is that, for most people, mental illness is less of a stable trait for them, and more of just a shitty thing that they are going through for a little while. The idea that mental illness is just “in your brain” also erases the very real connection between your life circumstances and your mental health - while it’s very true that a wealthy person in a happy marriage can become depressed, it’s also very true that living in poor conditions and being in an abusive marriage can be the cause of depression, and that improving your life circumstances can lessen or eliminate mental health conditions. 
If you have a mental health condition, it’s very important that you not resign yourself to the idea that you’re going to be like this forever. Chances are, you won’t. Even if you have a mental health condition that is associated with low rates of remission, it is possible to make leaps and bounds in your functioning, and to get to a point where managing your condition becomes second nature to you. Our understanding of mental illness is improving every year, and new therapies and treatments are becoming available all the time. If you seek treatment and do your best to manage your condition, you have every reason to believe that you will make huge improvements. 
Hope this answers your question!
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healerqueen · 1 day
The Queen’s Thief themed nook-book made as a gift for @meganwhalenturner​
Behind the scenes:
Keep reading
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healerqueen · 2 days
My toxic trait is that I’m odorless, tasteless, dissolve instantly in liquid, and am among the deadlier poisons known to man.
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healerqueen · 2 days
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Robe à la anglaise, 1770
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healerqueen · 3 days
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If I hadn’t already read Prince Caspian, this review would get me to read it immediately.
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healerqueen · 3 days
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healerqueen · 3 days
Here's an image of lavender I saved from Unsplash the other day.
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Tagging: @batrachised @oldfashionedbooklove @freenarnian @sisterdragonwithfeathers @lover-of-the-starkindler @tsfennec
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Everyone post a random picture from your gallery,this is a tag game yes
@fymo-blogs @the-real-gmail @totally-china @dhampirdreamerz @france-unofficial
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healerqueen · 3 days
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@septembersung Now there's an irresistible premise!
Jules and Vern
"The worst thing about time travel is that it's so dreadfully dull." Juliette leaned back against the railing and fanned herself beneath her enormous broad-brimmed hat.
Vernon felt even shabbier and out-of-place standing here by the most expensively-dressed woman amid the expensively-dressed crowd on the deck of the time cruiser, but a statement like that made him forget his self-consciousness. "How can you say that? All of history within your reach!"
This cruise was the trip of a lifetime for him, the result of years of penny-pinching; now that he'd been among this crowd--to whom a time-travel fare was pocket change--he could see how they'd view it as commonplace, but never boring.
Juliette gestured expansively toward the fogs of history that surrounded the ship. "You meet no one but other time travelers, who talk about nothing except the time they glimpsed Alexander the Great from across a battlefield, or passed beneath Beethoven's window while he was banging on a piano, or the time they swear that they actually held a conversation with a medieval peasant, the physical limitations of time travel be hanged."
Vernon leaned forward eagerly, wishing he'd thought to bring a notebook. "Has that actually happened? Speaking to natives? The implications to our understanding of time travel--"
"Of course it hasn't happened, you darling little fool. You're going to be an easy mark if you know so little about time travel."
Vernon reddened. He knew quite a lot about time travel, actually, but this wasn't the time to start listing his papers and awards. Every child knew the first rule of time travel--the streams may run parallel but never cross--but every scientist knew the key to discovery was an open mind. "You can't discount stories just because they go against current scientific understanding. You never know when one could be true."
"None of it's true--that's the entire point. We spend ghastly amounts of money to get on these ships, and then spend the entire time making up lies to prove it was worth it. We wander about historical scenes without having the slightest impact on them. Walk through crowds of people who can't perceive us. We are well-dressed ghosts walking among ruins, never truly living."
It was rather sad when she put it that way, and Vernon felt the strangest urge to comfort a woman who probably spent more in a day than he could earn in the average year.
"I plan to live," Vernon said, even though it sounded horribly too-earnest. "I've got one trip and I plan to make the most of it."
Juliette peered at him above her oversized sunglasses. "You know, I believe you," she said. "And I think that's an excellent reason to make sure I keep you nearby."
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healerqueen · 3 days
@thejoyousjester It's you, and all of us.
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healerqueen · 3 days
Writing a poem, even a crappy one, is better than not writing one at all. Starting a book you don’t finish, is better than not reading at all. Paint half a portrait. Do ten minutes of the thirty minute work out. Learn the first verse of a song on piano. Doing a bit of something is always better than not doing anything at all
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healerqueen · 3 days
‘don’t you want your favourite character to be happy???’ no? i want my favourite character to be interesting. i want me to be happy. which sometimes involves my favourite character being in exquisite agony
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healerqueen · 3 days
This is a slow fandom zone
None of that "Oh no they bomb-dropped all the episodes in a week 1 month ago, I'm late!" "The tag hasn't been active all week is the fandom dead?" "I only got a hundred shares the first hour no one cares about my art"
Slow down
Take a deep breath and slow down
Fandom is YOU. And me and everyone. If we doodle stick figures for a show that ended 30 years ago we aren't "late" or "doing too little", we're playing dolls in our own time and having fun with works of art that mean a lot to us
You can literally watch and engage with something that aired in 2004 as if it aired yesterday
If the tag hasn't been active for 14 months guess what? If YOU post there, it isn't dead. Literally you can talk about anything you want whenever you want there is no weird law against watching things that people aren't actively talk about
Let's be deranged about stories together
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