homeohzone · 5 months
Hello, New York!! (chapter 1)
I always thought I had everything. I had the nice house, a somewhat normal upbringing, a cushy job. Some people would even say I had it nicer than most. At least that’s what I thought. Yet here I find myself, packing my bags and leaving our home, my home, and moving into a subpar hotel. Ok, maybe I don’t always spend as much time with my kids as I'm supposed to. Maybe I'm not always emotionally available to my wife. At least I try. I don’t expect this arrangement to last long. A week, maybe two at most. Rarity usually gets over it with enough time, once she's gotten her mane redone and had time to think it over. This isn't the first time it happened. But maybe she did mean it this time. Her words had stung me more than usual. As the memory replays in my head, I wince. Do you ever think of anyone but yourself, Donny? Her words echo in my brain, cutting deeper and deeper, yet I find strength to shake them off, if only for brief moment. I shut my suitcase, one of my ties sticking out just a bit, and drop it onto the ground. BZZT. My pocket vibrates. I grab out my phone to check. It was an alarm. Leave for airport. Fuck. I'm late. I rush to the car with my things, and start haphazardly shoving them in, without much thought.
"Fuck" I mutter to myself, "How could you waste so much time doing nothing?" My blonde hair flows through the wind, getting in my face just a little. I push it back into place and continue stuffing my trunk. As I put my stuff inside, I make a mental checklist. I have my laptop bag, my suitcase, my clothes, my… don’t tell me I forgot my toothbrush. I shuffle through my toiletry bag, to no avail. There isn't enough time to stop and grab it. Just the icing on my horrible morning. I use all of my force to close the trunk, then cram myself into the driver's seat. I don’t usually drive myself, but today, I just knew I needed the time alone. Pulling out of the driveway, I look back to my house one last time. I already miss my bed, my office, my life. Turning my head away, I drive off.
I pass by the fountain near the front gate, its water flowing out like the emotions in my heart. As I choke back tears, I mutter to myself. "I don’t… I don’t want to leave…"
After hours of driving, I arrive at the airport. Sure, I could have flown in a private jet, or even took first class, but I felt like I deserved economy. After all I had done to hurt her, this is the least I can do to punish myself.
As I rush into the terminal area, memories flood back. This was the first airport me and Rarity had been in. We had taken our first flight together here. Tears well up in my eyes, but I quickly wipe them away. If she doesn't love me, I wont love her. Thankfully, my thoughts are interrupted as the boarding staff call my section out. I get up, and walk towards them
I board onto the plane, my eyes darting back and forth. I forgot how nerve-wracking this all can be. Although I am wearing a facemask to hide my identity, one wrong step, and this plane ride could turn into a media fiasco. As I sit in my window seat, and as the plane takes off, I look out. I'm biding my old life farewell, and ushering in a new me. One not tied down by some shrill, cold woman. One where I can finally find out who I am. My ride was uneventful. If anyone recognized me, they had not made it clear. The plane landed, and I got out. The people engulf me, but they don't notice. These people had better things to worry about. The woman passing me might be off to an important interview. The man, seeing his child for the first time. I was a total nobody. And it felt amazing. As I walk deeper into the crowd, I suddenly get an urge. I spin around once, taking in my surroundings. This can be my new home. Hello, New York!
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