Barley and Indi would definitely take a road trip across the US. And it would something like this:
They would create an entire road trip playlist complete with different songs for every state they drive through
They would live out of their Van (Guinevere the Second)
A lot of night driving (and energy drinks)
They absolutely would stop & see every single tourist attraction on the way (even if they didn't plan to stop)
What's that on the exit sign? Worlds biggest rubber band ball?! Let's make a stop!!!
LOTS of photos
Almost too many photos. But they've done so much how else are they supposed to remember it all?
They make calls to Barley's mom & Ian almost daily to update them
Lots of sunset watching (never sunrise watching because they are tired & just wanna sleep in)
They start rating gas station food on a scale of 1-10 because they are living off that stuff
They buy a bumper sticker for every state they drive through
They pick up litter along the way
They also pick up hitchhikers along yhe way as well (they like being g helpful & making new friends)
They listen to epic fantasy podcasts when they get bored of music
They come back from the road trip with a stronger relationship, lots of memories & even more photos.
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Barley & Indi are definitely one of those couples that have weird food combinations they created & regularly eat together. Like cream cheese on strawberries, Mac & cheese with scrambled eggs, pizza & honey, etc.
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Barley is more than happy to take care od Indi when she's under the weather from her anemia. He does it quite often actually. However, Indi always returns the favor when Barley falls ill.
As soon as she hears Barley is sick she gets all the supplies needed to help him recover. Tissues, cough syrup, cough drops, thermometer, tea, soup etc.
Indi will tuck Barley into his bed tight and not let him get up. (Much to his embarrassment sometimes.) She will get everything for him.
Hungry? She's making and bringing him soup. Thirsty? She's making and bring the tea.
The way Indi thinks about is, the more you rest the faster you get better. So lay down, nap, and take medicine as needed.
Indi is determined to help Barley as much as he helps her during her episodes. As a result she will go above and beyond with care. Often cuddling him while he naps, or bring him board/card games to keep him company while he rests
Indi definitely will not allow any physically activity though so any plans they had for the day are canceled. It is now a stay in day.
Will 110% read to Barley if he asks her. And tbh she has a nice reading voice, I could imagine him falling asleep to her reading.
Indi will also 110% nurse Barley. Keeping track of when he need to take more meds and will keep track of how he's feeling. Has his fever risen? Has his cough gotten worse? Have they gotten better? Indi will be able to tell you.
Although Indi gives nurse like care, it does come from a place of worry, and thus she will be anxiously hovering over Barley all day until he's better and Barley can tell she's stressed. Often times Barley will insist she nap with him just so she can rest.
Barley will also check in and make sure she is eat/drinking herself. Cause Indi will 110% ignore her needs to take of Barley abd he hates it. So he reminds her all the time that she needs attention too lol.
All in all, Indi is an amazing nurse who helps Barley get better ASAP by nipping colds in the bud. Rather than ignoring them for adventure like Barley does sometimes. She's just a little uptight about her care.
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Indi's time of the month can really throw her off because she is already anemic in her day to day life. So to loose what little blood she has to her period is rough. Que Barley being the best boyfriend ever. He always helps her when she needs it. He never judges her for needing to sit down for a few hours because she doesn't feel well (ie dizziness or nausea). He'll bring her little snacks like OJ and crackers or apple juice and cookies to help jump start her system. Barley totally understands if they need to rearrange plans because Indi's not up for it. In fact, he'll come over to nap with her if she wants a cuddle buddy. (Sometimes sleeping away your problems is just best lol.) Barley also understands that it'll have lasting effects on Indi even when her period is officially done she still might feel like crap, and that's fine. He'll wait till she's 110% better so they can get up to all sorts of shenanigans together. All in all, 100/10 wholesome support within this couple.
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I can imagine Indi and Barley playfully fighting over what music to listen to on road trips. Ultimately both will listen to almost any genre (except country), it's more so done for entertainment. I can imagine the arguing points (all them terrible from both sides).
"Alternative rock is just rock music bought from the dollar store."
"Well, classic rock is just a bunch of dead people lyrics."
"Don't make me put on yeehaw music."
"Don't make me turn this van around."
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The moment Indi gets her braces off you best bet she has an existential crisis about her mouth. On the one hand she's happy to have them off and eat normal food again. But on the other now she now can feel the texture on her teeth unbroken by braces. And she's not sure how she feels about it.
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(Hey guys the pandemic really messed me up, but here I am once again posting.)
How Barley & Indi Spent the Pandemic:
I can imagine they would both take the pandemic very seriously. Doing all they could to keep themselves & others safe.
They would make their own fun fantasy themed masks to wear.
Quests of Yore night would go online, done through Discord or their version of it. They would still do it weekly though, to keep some semblance of a schedule
Would definitely check on on their friends abd family often
I like to think they would assign each day of the week an event to help keep track of time. (ie baking Tuesdays, Quests of Yore Saturdays, etc)
As a couple they definitely take up baking, and learn to make a bunch of fun little treats together
Friday nights are movie nights, they take turns picking which movie to watch
They definitely cook up new Quests of Yore ideas, plots, and monsters to use against their friends once the pandemic is over
Barley is definitely more affected by the pandemic than Indi. He's very social (plus the stuff with his dad). As a result Indi likes to surprise him with fun, safe social interactions to help his extroverted self. (ie video calls with friends and small, socially distanced meet ups with friends)
And on the days where the memories of his dad crop up Indi will comfort Barley
They would definitely worry about Barley's mom because she's the oldest in the house. And at the hight of things would probably offer to do smaller tasks like shopping for her to keep her from going out
At some point they would start helping where they could. Donating money, making cards for the isolated elderly/sick people, making and donating masks, etc.
When they need alone time away from each other they would both totally understand and go to separate rooms.
Indi personally would use the time to catch up on reading, there are quite a few books she's been meaning to read
Barley on the other hand is working on beating all his video game high scores
At some point they started making a lot of dad jokes and teaching Blazey some cool/funny tricks to help lighten the household mood.
Overall, the pandemic is/was hard on them like it was for everyone. But together they manage to get through it like the power couple they are.
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How Barley cares for Indi when she has complications due to anemia:
He is constantly conscious of her condition and how it can effect her
He helps her keep track of her body, and reconizes when she needs breaks
Sometimes Indi can get caught up in 'trying to be normal' so Barley makes sure he knows when to pull her back
Depending on how Indi is feeling he will adjust their day to her needs; no ifs, ands or buts
When is comes to anemia sometimes there can be side effects like dizziness, weakness, fatigue and general feeling of sickness (ie nausea)
Depending on the side affect Barley eill care for her differently
Dizziness? He'll sit/lay her down until she feels safe again. And of course he will sit with her and talk her through it
Weakness? He's already picked her up and whisking her away to a blanket/pillow fort for some chill time
Feeling sick? Stay in bed, Barley will always take care of Indi's needs.
If she does puke he will hold back her hair. 100%
Fatigue? He encourages her to take naps and sleep in whenever she needs
To avoid these moments of extra problems/side effects he'll make sure she has healthy habits though
Such as drinking enough water, eating anemic friendly foods, and taking her meds
He does understand however that sometimes these moments happen and that's okay (he always does worry a little though)
Barley genuinely loves Indi and vice versa, and he understands she has extra needs but he never minds meeting them
Tbh he just wants her to get as much fun out of life as he does even if she does have an illness
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It's not over, BLM is still going strong. Hold the police Accountable
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Headcanon meme~
Put a symbol (or several) and a character/characters in my ask box, and I’ll give you a headcanon.  Yes.  Do it.
☾ - sleep headcanon
★ - sad headcanon
☆ - happy headcanon
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
✿ - Sex headcanon
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
♡ - romantic headcanon
♥ - family headcanon
☮ - friendship headcanon
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
▼ - childhood headcanon
∇ -. old age/aging headcanon
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
☼ - appearance headcanon
ൠ - random headcanon
◉ - Any other question of your choosing
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NO gate keeping will be tolerated
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🍬Assorted Selfship Asks 🍭
🎨 How would you describe your ship aesthetic? (Include a moodboard if you like!)
🎁 Have you and your FO(s) given each other any meaningful gifts, material or otherwise? What are they and why are they special?
📖 Is there a quote/lyric that fits you and your FO(s)?
🐚 What do you do to feel close to each other when you have to be apart? 
🤗 How do you and your FO(s) express affection for each other? Do you tend to engage in PDA?
🧗‍♂️ Are you and/or your FO(s) the adventurous types? What kind of adventures do you undergo together?
😚 What was your first kiss with your FO(s) like?  How did you and your FO(s) react?
🧸 Do you have any items irl that remind you of your FO(s)?
💋 What are the kisses you share typically like? What kind of kisses do you prefer? (eg. ‘good morning’ kiss, ‘i missed you’ kiss, kisses in the rain, etc.)
📚 How do you spend your free time together? Do you usually go out or do you prefer to stay in?
🍯 Do you and your FO (s) use pet names for each other?
💕 Would a stranger meeting you and your FO(s) for the first time be able to tell that you’re together? If so, how would they be able to tell?
🌱 How have you and your FO(s) changed each others’ lives?
🥰 What was the first thing that attracted you to your FO(s)? What was the first thing that attracted them to you? Who fell first?
⚔ Are you and/or your FO(s) protective? How do they react if you get hurt and vice-versa?
👀 Any spicy headcanons about your FO(s)/your relationship?
🦒 Is there a height difference between you and your FO(s)? Do you have to make any accommodations because of this? (eg. pulling the other down to kiss them, the taller one lifting up the shorter one to reach high shelves, etc.)
😘 Which of you is the tease? Is the seduction a success? 
🕯 How would you and your FO(s) pass the time if the power went out? 
💘 How did you and your FO(s) meet? What was your first interaction like? Was it love at first sight or did you take some time to warm up to each other?
🤩 What do you most admire about your FO(s)? What do they admire most about you?
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Barley says: black lives matter, love is love and trans rights. (Indi and Barley are hard at work protesting and standing for equality.)
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Hey folks, this is not your typical post about incorrect quotes.
I want to address a serious issue today, and most of you probably know what’s been going on in the US.
The killing of George Floyd started another serious and necessary debate on Police brutality in the states. (And I think not just there. Every country is affected in some way or another.)
My heart doesn’t ache, no. My heart is bleeding and crying out of pain about what has been going on for days now. What people have been going through for years and years. This is not the first case of police brutality against POC, nor the second, and it probably isn’t the last one.
It happened so many times already that I can’t count them all. Our world has lost so many beautiful souls to this never-ending issue. Additionally to this, we lost so many brothers and sisters of color who were part of the LGBTQ+ community too. Even though it is pride month, I can’t enjoy and celebrate it as much as I want to.
But now is the time to act. Now more than ever! We all have a voice, and I’m sure as hell using mine. And I want you to do the same.
40 Ways you can help right now shows you different techniques and approaches to support the #blacklivesmatter movement in various forms.
Everyone’s able to do something. Even if you don’t have the money to donate, or you’re not from the US, share articles, draw attention to it in some way. Being silent about this puts you on the side of the offenders.
I understand that I will never understand. However, I stand with all of you!!! Credit goes to @sfbucketlist on instagram for these 40 ways you can help right now.
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That last post you reblogged about F/Os asking for consent for every first is giving me major Barley vibes, we all know he'd be a gentleman with his S/O. Any chance you have any inspired drabbles?
Ah, yes, Barley is a big baby but still a gentleman! I don't have any small drabbles, but you can have some headcanons!
When you first start your relationship, Barley is so excited to try new things with you! But he is very much a gentleman and won't do anything without your consent.
When he first reaches for your hand, he brushes his fingers along yours and asks, "may I?"
When you two are in that special mood, he looks deep into your eyes. "Can I kiss you?"
When you guys are cuddling, he gently places his hand on your thigh. "Is this okay?"
Of course, if you are getting intimate, he asks before touching you anywhere, before doing anything.
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Onward Ask Meme
Who's your favorite character?
Who's your least favorite character?
What's your favorite quote?
What's your favorite scene?
What's your favorite spell?
What moment in the movie made you cry the most?
What fantasy creature would you like to see in the Onward universe that hasn't been seen?
What other iconic sibling duo would you like to see Ian and Barley interact with?
If there was a sequel, what would you like it to be about?
In what other Disney or Pixar movie would you have Ian and Barley star in?
If you were a character in Onward, what fantasy creature would you be?
Are you more like Ian or Barley?
Do you have a Barley in your life?
Would you rather face an angry gang of pixies or a gelatinous cube?
Would you rather have Laurel be with Colt or the Manticore?
Would you rather wear Wilden's Ian's Willowdale College hoodie or Barley's denim vest?
Would you own a pet dragon?
Would you rather spend the day with Ian at the park or spend the day with Barley playing Quests of Yore?
Would you rather dine at the Manticore's tavern or at Burger Shire?
Is there a song or a reference you'd add in the movie?
Thoughts on Disney's "first LGBT character"?
Thoughts on Colt Bronco?
How do you let your inner mighty warrior come out?
Do you have any headcanons?
If you changed or added anything in the movie, what would it be?
Ian or Barley?
Wilden or Colt?
Laurel or Corey?
Magic or Bravery?
Tom Holland or Chris Pratt?
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