indulgentcosmos · 5 days
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indulgentcosmos · 7 days
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indulgentcosmos · 13 days
A lil late to the announcement but I’m proud to be a part of the Gravity Falls Seasons Zine! It’s been incredibly exciting working all of these talented writers and artists!
Gravity Falls Seasons Zine Contributors!
So, uh... how are we doing?
Whether you have had your love of Gravity Falls rekindled or need a break from the psychological and emotional damage, we have just the thing: The Gravity Falls Seasons Zine!
Our artists, writers, and merch designers have been working so hard to bring some INCREDIBLE pieces to life to celebrate the Pines Family in beautiful Gravity Falls, and pre-orders for the zine will open September 24! Yep, you read that right, in a little over a month you will be able to preorder this zine!
To get you excited, over the next few weeks we will post about our contributors by season- and trust us, every single one of them is AMAZING.
So without any further delay, we present our awesome contributors for the season of summer!
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Stay tuned for the other seasons and zine announcements (seriously, you guys are going to be BLOWN AWAY- in a good way, of course)! Until then, stay weird!
The GF Seasons Zine Mod Team
Disclaimer: We are not affiliated with Disney in any way. The zine will be a charity zine with all surplus going to charity- no one will profit from this zine.
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indulgentcosmos · 27 days
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Suddenly, Paps in Sans's jacket
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indulgentcosmos · 1 month
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I return to post a meme before vanishing into the void again.
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indulgentcosmos · 1 month
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Sleepover with the sponge boy
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indulgentcosmos · 1 month
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indulgentcosmos · 1 month
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indulgentcosmos · 1 month
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indulgentcosmos · 2 months
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indulgentcosmos · 2 months
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indulgentcosmos · 4 months
i want to see more asexual, aromantic & aspectrum representation this year during pride month 2024. we've been made to feel like we're not queer at all, and when we are seen as queer, we are pushed to the VERY bottom of the priority list, seen as not as queer as others, or not a priority because we do not suffer from any kind of oppression.
i want to break the silence on this matter this year. even if an aspectrum person isn't affected by any sort of societal oppression, they still deserve to have a space to talk about how they experience their identity. having a complicated relationship or no relationship at all with romantic feelings and relationships in a society that guilt trips people into developing romantic relationships starting in their teens is not in line with our societal view of what is "normal" and "correct". constantly being told that you "haven't found the right one" is harassment.
Not experiencing sexual attraction, refusing to have sex, or having a complicated relationship with sexual feelings is 100% queer and outside of the norm in a sex-obsessed society that guilt and mocks people for not having experienced it, and at the worst of time, forces it on people, telling them that they'll have a changed opinion of they just experienced it for themselves. being guilted or forced into interacting with sexual media or having friends try to force you into sleeping with someone is harassment and assault.
having a complicated relationship with gender that results in someone feeling agender, whether they have no gender at all, or have a gender that feels partially agender and partially another gender often results in someone being told they're confused, or have no idea what they're talking about. many people refuse to acknowledge someone who totally lacks a gender identity, or identifies with gender neutrality.
aplatonic people are frequently told they are losers, or just have anxiety or are experiencing their feelings due to depression or something similar. aplatonic people are told they do not understand their own feelings, when it is a very valid experience to not experience platonic feelings or have a very complicated relationship with them that leads one to feel happier not engaging in those relationships.
these are very real issues aspectrum people face. even if an aspec person doesn't face these problems, they are still queer. they are still aromantic, asexual, agender, aplatonic, or some other like of aspec. you don't get to tell them how they experience their identity, and you don't get to tell them they're not queer or don't experience hardships and denial of their identity. i want to see more people talking about and accepting these identities in 2024. no more pushing aspectrum people to the back, we are here in the front with everyone else, shouting alongside you. we all deserve to be heard- including asexuals, aromantics, agender people, aplatonic people and other aspectrum folks. we are all shouting for our rights together. let's shout for each other, too.
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indulgentcosmos · 4 months
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♦️can't see straight♦️
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indulgentcosmos · 4 months
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"Got you! Ha ha ha ha ha!"
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indulgentcosmos · 4 months
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indulgentcosmos · 4 months
hi are you okay with other Ford selfshippers following/interacting or are you not ok with sharing? just checking!!
I’m totally fine with it! I love to see other selfshippers having fun with him, and it’s even better when they find my little doodles fun too
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indulgentcosmos · 4 months
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