ingeniousowl · 1 year
India that is Bharat!
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Let me tell you first what these words actually means, Are they really just synonyms in different language or they have any other significance?
'India' is more of a 'geographical Connotation ', specifically "Land beyond Indus" . we can find its earliest examples in Herodotus work as well as in Megasthenes 'Indica'.
Whereas, 'Bharat' represents more of a 'Culture' which is linked to Vedic period, named after Samraat Bharata of Chandravamsha daynsty.
Now the name has always been a contested topic, and debate over it emerges from time and again. So let's try to understand why this time?..... Could it be a result of rising Hindu Nationalism? or an another effort to revive our cultural symbols (which got diminished or subverted under the reigns of foreign invasions)? or may be just a political move for their domestic gain?
Well it is difficult to say, as the timings are too coincidental - # As few weeks back major opposition parties of the country came into a grand coalition named I.N.D.I.A and not to miss the leading grand old party, Indian national congress (major challenger in the upcoming election). # Bhartiya janta party has always been an ardent promoter of cultural nationalism. And name BHARAT consequentially is in coherence with their ideology.
Now the question is whether it was already in their bucket list or a retaliation against the INC's move because however you may see it, you will find consequentially more weight in the BJP's basket due to the rising consciousness of Cultural Nationalism.
Anyways if we just talk about names, it would not be wrong to say that Indeed 'India' has been used by foreigners first and not indigenous which was later become the prominent mode of reference of this land after MUGHALS. And on the other hand culture gives a sense of belongingness, it's an emotion and if not get perversed will give a sense of unity and thus help in nation building. However, exploiting it only for the political gain will not do it any good and might create political awkwardness internationally and divide internally which is neither desirable nor acceptable.
Hence, even if we talk about BHARAT before INDIA today, it should be bolstered up by a greater discourse which cut across all political line and petty gains because it is the name of our motherland whom we all so much proud of.
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