Chocolate covered fries?!
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Seems like McDonald's have done it again with their experiments on their menu but I must say, chocolate with some fries does seem appetizing. Sadly, only Japan will start selling this from January 26th.
Seems like the combination of chocolate with salty foods can often be quite delicious, as anyone who's ever had chocolate-covered pretzels can tell you. It looks like these will be standard McDonald's french fries that are covered in two kinds of chocolate sauces: “Chocolate with cacao flavor and white milk chocolate.” McDonald's Japan is calling its new dish the “McChoco Potato” and it says that they exhibit a “wonderful salty and sweet harmonious taste.”
Whether this lives up to the hype remains to be seen but if these fries become successful in Japan, I can see McDonald's bringing them over to the U.S. and making them a staple of their all-day breakfast menu, much to the delight of stoner college kids everywhere.
Article from Appy Geek
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Looking to lose some weight? Juicing is the way to go!
Wanting to lose weight is a growing among people nowadays. Some take the drastic measures which affects their health while some do it the healthy way. But little did anyone know, even juicing helps with weight loss! It provides you with alot of nutritional value.
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Easy Digestion
A huge benefit to juicing your vegetables or fruits as to eating them is that it makes it easier for your body to digest. If you were to actually consume those same vegetables raw, from a plate, in one sitting, you would find the process to be quite difficult. It would take a lot of effort to eat and digest the same quantity of food. But by juicing those vegetables, you get to drink in one glass a dense quantity of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients really easily.
Reduction in Cravings
When you drink a glass of freshly made vegetable or green juice, you are loading every cell of your body with detoxifying minerals. By drinking your veggies and fruit, you are giving your body all the amazing nutrients that it needs to heal, stay healthy, and reduce the risk of illness. In turn, you will also find that you experience a reduction in cravings, particularly for sweets or processed foods. This is because you are feeding your body all that it needs.
Tasty Fuel
It is also handy to know that green juices taste great! You can make your juice really flavorful by adding in lemon, mint or ginger to really add a tasty punch to your juice. You will enjoy the flavors of the juice so much that you will choose to make a juice rather than eat another less healthy snack food. It is also worth noting that juice you make at home on your own is a much better option than that which is store bought. Fresh juice made with a base of vegetables is going to contain much more nutrition than the kind that comes from a carton.
Filling Snack or Desserts
By drinking a freshly made juice, your appetite shuts off. This is because your body is getting all that it is required.  You much more satisfied than you would by eating empty calories in junk food. Your body will feel revitalized, not sluggish or heavy, and instead of searching for more food even after you have just eaten something, you will find that you don’t really want or need anything more.
Proper Diet
Once you start making juicing a regular part of your lifestyle, and start to experience all the health benefits and begin losing weight without a struggle, you will realize that incorporating fresh juicing into your life is definitely not a diet fad. As you start to get into juicing, you will find it great fun making new combinations of fruit and vegetables cocktails. You will make all kinds of unique and interesting drinks, and you will find that you never get bored from the endless variety of beverages that you can make for yourself and others. You will also want to share these drinks with others, which will also mean getting encouragement and support from those around you as you continue your weight-loss goals.
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First Jobs Teaches You So Much
Everyone has been through a first job. They either stick with it or they move on. When they move on, it could be either due to demotivating factors like not getting enough pay or what they promised or a treatment they didn't deserve. But just like life, we all learn a little something from our first jobs! I know I did. Here are some greatest lessons we all learn from our first jobs.
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Figure it out
You're fresh, you're new to the real world. The job you got might require things that you have never tried before. Which means, you would have to go to the seniors often to ask about different aspects of how to get a task done. Let's face it. It's better for you to figure it out on your own. Figuring out how to get the job done or problem solve solutions on your own. Forcing yourself to learn can lead you to greater heights, what more, improving your career and knowledge.
Effective Communication
Working with others or people from different cultures and background breaks you out of your comfort zone and teaches you to learn to talk better which is very useful for your career.
Don't burn any bridges
My first job was something to definitely remember. From the broken promises of never getting what we should to the difficulties of not getting any support from the higher management to dealing with having absolutely nothing to do on most days and demanding bosses. It's still better to treat them with respect until you find another job because their reference could get you a long way.
Deal with it
There are many situations in life where you have something to attend to along with other bazillion task in your hands with no one helping or the people that was suppose to help disappearing. Keeping your cool in such situations and handling things the right way can help you grow so much and forces you to learn. Plus side? If such things happe, you know what to do.
Suck it up
No matter how hard or dragging your job gets, suck it up and do it. At the end of they day, it's a job and you're getting paid for it.
Bringing a notebook everywhere
I love writing down anything new or anything that I would have to do so I can always refer back when I need it. Practice doing that and trust me, it helps you so much.
Pay attention to details
I have always been absent minded or distracted at my job, therefore leading me to forget the tiniest details that affected the clients. When I sat down and was told to better my concentration, it helped me alot in improving and producing better work results.
Hard work Pays Off.
I think this needs no explanation. I worked hard at my current job and the results I got from it was something that can definitely not be replaced!
Be Careful who you Associate Yourself with
This has got to be such a good lesson for everyone to learn, be it for life or work. Choosing the right people in your life can always have a good impact in your life. I would jot down every experience I have in this matter but I am sure you have experienced it as well.
Always do more than what's expected of you
Doing this makes you stand out than your other colleagues. When you go the extra mile, you not only learn more new things but also be able to help out more, earning the trust of your seniors.
Dress Up
First impression always matter. Well, actually every impression matters. The way you dress says alot about you. So, dress well.
Enthusiasm is Key!
Being enthusiastic about your job is a great factor. It helps your employees to always remember you, even when you leave.
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6 rules of shopping!
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It's a new year! Which means a new me. No, not in that cheesy corny way but when else is the best time to revamp your looks than the new years? And no better time to do it too with the sales currently going on! Want to get the best deals or want to get the item that you've been eyeing on? Be a great golden shopper with these 6 rules.
Shop at random hours of the day.
I remember watching a video of the long queue for the black friday and H&M X Balmain. The crazy long night waits, the pushing and grabbing, the fighting over one piece of clothing or item, the cursing and yelling. Definitely not a great sight or environment you would want when you are shopping. It ruins your concentration and makes you lose focus of the items that would really fit you.
Therefore, be smart with your time. Don't join in the crowd. Come at a time that has lesser people, probably Monday morning or anyday late at night.
Know your Sizes in ALL Measurements
Don't be those people that only know a certain measurement of your size! So when you actually find something you really would want to add to your wardrobe, the measurement would not hinder that purchase.
Identify the Missing Pieces in your Wardrobe
We all have an individual style so it's little wonder we get repeatedly drawn to the same items.Here's an idea: go through your wardrobe before you shop, to identify what's missing. You might have ten pairs of black jeans, for instance, but not one pair in blue. Or ten short LBDs, and not one of showstopping floor-length. Really think about what will be a good investment and a useful addition to your wardrobe.
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Give me some Firecracker Shrimp!
Coming from an Asian background, I grew up enjoying spicy food! Anything that isn't spicy, I would find it super blend so imagine my giddy happiness when I saw this Firecracker Shrimp recipe on Tastemade. It looks so yummy, I want to give it a try. You should too!
Afterall, it is freezing cold in winter. Something spicy will definitely give you the warmth you need. Let me know what you think!
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1 clove garlic, chopped
1 Thai chilli, chopped
Fresh juice from half a lime
1 Tablespoon chopped cilantro
pinch of salt and pepper
12 shrimps, peeled
6 egg roll wrappers,cut into half diagonally
Cornstarch Water
Frying Oil
In a mixing bowl, combine garlic, chili, lime, cilantro, salt and pepper. Add the shrimps and marinate for 10 minutes.
Place a shrimp on left side of a triangle egg roll wrapper, leaving the tail out. Bring the left edge of the wrapper tightly over the shrimp, and roll half way. Brush the other corner of the wrapper and fold the top corner down and continue to roll tightly. Repeat with rest of the shrimps and egg roll wrappers.
Fry in 375°F until golden brown and shrimp is cooked, about 3 minutes. Serve with sweet chili sauce for dipping.
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5 resolutions you should have for your career!
It's 2016! Firstly, Happy New Years everyone. May your 2016 be a good year not only for personal life but also a career boosting year for you. Let's toss aside all the drama for now and work towards your dream. Here are 5 resolutions that you should have to end 2016 with the position you have in mind.
Learn one thing that has no practical application in your life
When Steve Jobs studied calligraphy, he marveled at the beauty and artistry of the technique. He admitted that learning the skill wasn’t the most pragmatic thing he’s ever done. Little did he know how his calligraphy experience would deeply influence his sense of design in his work at Apple.
My 2016 will be working towards improving myself in terms of skills and learning new things, even if it has nothing to do with my career. Resolve to take a course, attend a conference, read an instructional book, or find that mentor who can stoke your curiosity and teach you about something you have a burning desire to know. Forget about the practicality part of it and have fun. You never know where it might take you.
Have one experience that stretches you
If you’re hoping to move up in your organization or career, look for one experience this year that will help you do just that. Maybe that means volunteering to help put on an industry conference that will ultimately lend your company the brand exposure it’s been seeking, thereby placing you in a prime position for promotion and praise. Even if that’s not the end result of you trying your hand at something outside your career comfort zone, it’s likely to introduce you to new people, offer you a memorable new learning experience, and lead you to discover insight about yourself.
Learn One Tech Skill
Pick one tech skill you’d like to learn, and find out how to do it. Of course, no tech conversation would be complete without a mention of coding and the sheer number of beginner and intermediate classes available now as a result. As one of the biggest in-demand skills today, learning the basics can hardly do harm.
Read 3 Books that Will Push Your Career Forward
Read one whole book every four months! Choose one that will make you think, or what will inspire you on whatever path you are on.
Plan one unplugged weekend - 48 Hours WiFi Free
Internet has taken over our lives. We are either on our phones or the laptop almost every hour of our lives. Take a weekend off the wifi so you are able to re-energize yourself and be more creative. Experience life outside of the Internet. You will never know what kind of surprises you will have.
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Be Smart with your Interview Questions!
There is always that moment at the end of any interview where you get asked if you have any questions for your interviewee. Usually, you either have one or you don't but if you do, remember to only ask questions that are right and proper, relating to the job and company. Bear in mind that your questions may reflect your knowledge regarding the company, your work ethic, your level of professionalism and your interest in the role.
Hence, Interactive Dogma has found the questions you should avoid asking in an interview!
What does your company do?
It's quite important that you look into what the company does and what they provide before coming to any interview so you know how to present yourself. Questions like that makes you look unprepared.
What will my salary be?
I have never asked this or wondered as much what the salary would be. Of course, the time and effort you put in has to match that amount but the experience is what matters the most to me. Therefore, hold the money talk off.
Will I have to work long hours?
This will give a bad impression of your work ethics.
How soon can I get a vacation?
Wait until you're offered the job before you start asking these types of questions.
How quickly can I be considered for a promotion?
Show them how much you deserve it first. Focus!
Will I be eligible for a raise?
This would make them think money is all you care about.
Will I have my own office?
Does it matter?
What happens if I don't get along with my boss or co-workers?
This would give the impression that you could be hard to work with.
Are you married? Do you have kids?
You're not there as a friend, never ask any personal questions!
Can I make personal calls during the day?
This shows you do not stay focused.
Do you monitor emails or internet usage?
This will only raise red flags.
Do you do background checks?
Suspicious, much?
Can I leave early, arrive late as long as I get my work done?
Don't make adjustments to the schedule before you are offered the job.
How did I do?
This one puts the interviewer on the spot. If you really want feedback, wait until you get the offer or rejection, and then ask in an email what you did well, or could have done better.
Did I get the job?
You don't want to appear too eager.
Credit: Business insider
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Eye MakeUp Guide
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Eye make up is so essential for every girl when they go out, even for me. The eyeliner, in my case, is my go to make up anywhere. But if you are a fan of putting eye shadow and everything else as well, here is a tip from Harper Bazaar!
If you want your brows to "pop" and open up your eye area, you can add a matte or shimmery pale eye shadow directly under the brow.
Typically, your main shade or shades of eye shadow go on your eyelid, but you can get creative with your eyeliner here, as well. Some people have a lot of space here, while others have very little — it varies from person to person.
Between your brow bone and eyelid, applying a darker shade of eyeshadow here, right along your eye socket, adds dimension to your eye. Tip: If you have hooded eyes, play with different placements for crease shadow, opening your eyes after each test to see which placement makes your crease shadow visible.
The outermost corner of the eye where eyeliner or deeper shades of eyeshadow are typically applied in a "V" shape, though you can blend your makeup into a "C" shape for a softer effect.
Right along and above the edges of your upper eyelid where your eyelashes begin, you can define your eye with eyeliner or eye shadow, or even simply mascara.
The inner rim of the eye, the waterline can be host to dark eyeliner to add a smoky look or pale nude eyeliner to make the eye look wider and more awake.
Just below the waterline, your lower lashline is where liner and shadow can be applied to define the eyes.
This is the inner corner of the eye, and where you can add a little pale or shimmery shadow here to open things up.
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For those of us living with multiple sclerosis, handling our symptoms on a daily basis can make a 9 to 5 job particularly challenging. So what are you to do when the daily grind is wearing you down, when it seems like too much? Try this out.
1. Do ask for a flexible schedule. 
First and foremost, see what your employer can do to help balance your work/life balance, whether it’s an earlier start time or the ability to work remotely a day or two a week. 
2. Don’t procrastinate. 
At the beginning of each week, make a prioritized list of the tasks you need to accomplish, and give yourself enough time to complete them (maybe early in the day if you’re dealing with major fatigue). Tackling your to do list each day will give you a better shot at leaving on time and getting the rest you need! 
3. Do reward yourself. 
Go ahead, indulge a little! Brew yourself a fresh cup of tea, keep some snacks at your desk, grab some fresh air — whatever you do during your work day, find time for simple pleasures to pull you out of that 2 o’clock slump.
4. Do make friends. 
If you haven’t already, get to know your co-workers by inviting them to lunch or joining a club. It helps to have that one person nearby who just gets you, someone you can chat with about television shows and vent to if you’re having a rough day. 
5. Don’t get discouraged. 
Whether it’s at home or at work, a new challenge can really help to lift your spirits and help you regain some creativity. Pick up a hobby to add some fun to your off time, or see if there’s an interesting new project to keep you busy at work. 
6. Do consider the alternatives. 
Job still not cutting it? Don’t forget that there are other options available to you, including freelancing, starting your own business or looking for a new job completely.
Taken from: livinglikeyou.com
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Oreo is a great pleasure.
If you're like me, you would probably like all things Oreo. It's such a great pleasure in life, that one small thing in the form of a circle. Anything added with Oreo is just simply mouthwatering so today, I have brought to you a no bake oreo bars! Enjoy it.
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Makes 16
Crust: 24 Oreos (or any other chocolate sandwich cookie) 4 Tbsp butter, soft or melted
Filling: 250 g White chocolate, chopped 150 g Cream cheese, at room temperature 12 Oreos, Roughly chopped
Topping (optional): 6 Oreos, roughly chopped 100 g (roughly 4 oz) Dark chocolate, melted
To make the crust:
Combine all the ingredients and add to a food processor. Pulse until smooth (alternatively place the ingredients in a ziplock bag and smash with a rolling pin). If you use solid butter, it might harden quickly- you can add a tbsp of water to soften up the mixture.
Press onto the bottom of a 9 inch square pan that has been lined with parchment paper and set aside in the refrigerator to harden.
For the filling: Melt the white chocolate either over a double boiler or in the microwave for 15 second increments, stirring in between.
Beat the cream cheese and gradually add in the white chocolate until it forms a smooth mixture.
Fold in the 12 Oreos.
Spread the mixture over the base and top with the 6 roughly chopped Oreos. Chill for 2 hours.
Before cutting, drizzle with the melted chocolate.
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Five Mistakes to Avoid During Interviews!
Looking for a job? Your interviews did not go as great as you thought it would? Well, avoid these five mistakes for a better result! 
This is the basic courtesy for almost all things in life. Be it an interview, first day or any day at work as a matter of fact. Coming late never leaves a good image for your boss of you. Leave the house earlier than planned. Getting there on time or earlier is never a bad thing.
“Employers will pickup on verbal and nonverbal indicators that help them predict what kind of employee you will be,” Chau Nguyen, founder of HireWire, writes.
Hungover, drunk or high
Ambra Benjamin, an engineering recruiter at Facebook, says drunken interviewees “happen a lot more than one might think.” The unnamed man had been “a little too aggressive with the hotel minibar, got hungover and missed the entire 4-hour interview the next morning.” He did not get the job.
Continuous Talking
According to recruiter, Matthew Lancy, an interviewee that has done well on his interview, continued to show his previous work a little too much that the interviewer had to tell him to stop as she had another meeting to attend.
Limit the talking and always listen.
Talking on the phone
Not just answering calls, but Kory Ferbert describes one candidate answering a call from another firm about recruitment mid-interview.
Adapted from: MSN Lifestyle
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MAMA Awards
If you’re a big Korean fan, you must know about the MAMA Awards 2015 that has passed. The performances were very over the top espescially for popular band, EXO with their lightsaber performance. That Kai and Sehun dance though. Along with BigBang, as usual, performing their recent hits from their MADE album. Let’s not forget about that cute Seungri and Sehun moment. Oh and the best part, our Bom is back! 2NE1 rocked the stage.
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But let’s not get carried away, we are here to talk about the best dressed for MAMA 2015!
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One of Korea’s well loved actress, Park Shin Hye looking elegant as always in her collared mesh mini dress, looking sexy but classic at the same time with a vivid red lip. But then again, doesn't she always look good in everything she wears?
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4Minute Hyuna is probably one of my favorite female artist, because she is not afraid to be who she is despite the criticism. She definitely showed herself in this bright yellow lemon-colored flare halter dress, matched with enameled over-the-knee boots which added more to her sexy, funky vibe.
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Seems like the quietest lady in the block came out bold this year. Girls' Generation leader, Taeyeon is a red hot siren in this floor-length lace gown. Her blonde hair tidily up with fringe and wore minimal silver earrings. I know Tiffany is probably the best dressed in Girl's Generation but I definitely love how Taeyeon dresses the most.
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A big fan of florals myself, I have to say I love what Han Hyo Joo is wearing. That nude dress with bright red roses topped with that heels, would make heads turn. Kudos.
Now let's take it to the men.
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These ain't no random bunny sweaters! Wearing the Prada Men's Spring/Summer 2016 collection, kudos to EXO for marrying dapper and tongue-in-cheek for all nine members.
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If there is one band that would top many best dressed list, it would definitely have to be BigBang. Each and everyone of them have their own individual style that clearly represents them and who they are. Looking dashing as always, our Bigbang grow hotter as they grow older.
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Our shining SHinee always know how to dress up wherever they go. Let's admit, name one time where any of them looked really horrid in what they wear. Taking the big coats to another level, SHinee definitely looked dashingly handsome with the Wild West Homage feel to it.
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BTS looking good in all black. Let's take a moment to appreciate how much V, J-Hope and Jungkook enjoyed each performances, take a look at the fancams. Run ladies, they will make your heart beat like no other.
Koreans, you have done it again. Till next time!
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I had me some Pei Wei
Pei Wei have been around for quite some time but I never did get myself interested in trying. So, for a special event few days back, me and my family decided to give it a try!
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The menu has some similarities to P.F Changs as it is by the same company so it is not that surprising. Being a big fan of PF's appetizers, my dad ordered the lettuce wraps and blazing shrimps while me and my mother decided to try the wonton soup and Spice Market Noodles Chicken. I love Korean food but it was my brother who ordered the Chilli Caramel Korean Fried Wings.
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Both the chicken lettuce wraps and blazing shrimp tasted exactly like the ones in PF's except the shrimp used for the blazing one was a tad smaller. Still delicious, nonetheless. We asked for their sauces as my family cannot eat anything without spice. It'd taste bland. Waiter came and mixed it for us. Overall, appetizers were delish.
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When the main dish came, the spice market noodles, everyone loved it except my mother who said it was too sour. The noodles had different flavors to it, which enticed our tastebuds. A bowl of egg noodles mixed with sriracha tomato sauce, carrots, snow peas, bean sprouts, scallions, and an Asian slaw of cucumber, bell peppers, cilantro, scallions and Vietnamese Vinaigrette. Seems like soy sauce is a necessity in most Asian food here. Give this a go though.
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Lastly, the korean fried wings! I have never tasted Korean fried wings but my opinion here might be a little short. I believe if you wanna try a food, best to try it at its origin place. But my brother seemed to ate alot and he has eaten it at some Korean restaurants. The chicken was very crispy, not too sweet although caramel has been mixed to the flavor. It was not spicy, that's for sure.
The service though, was really great. The waiter entertained us very well. Friendly and welcoming. Give Pei Wei a go if you happen to be at CityWalk.
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A Taxi Driver’s Story
I'm a big fan of reading stories that has a deep meaning behind them or inspirational story especially if I have heard it first hand. So today, I have decided to share one I heard from a taxi driver.
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When I told him I was from Singapore, he started opening up about his father that worked there. How much his father enjoyed it. It was very uplifting to hear such stories from a person. Slowly, he moved to the topic of his life.
"I used to own a pharmaceutical and it ran for ten years. At one point, the hospital that supplied us had to close so we did not have the resources and supplies to continue. I tried applying to be a pharmacist here in Dubai. Sadly, since I can't speak Arabic, I was not able to be one as the test required you to write in both English and Arabic. So here, I am, driving a taxi to live by. That's how it is, isn't it? You hear stories like that from us. People are filled with stories."
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