irondadsecretsanta · 4 years
Hi! I was wondering if you’re doing a Christmas fic exchange this year! I would love to sign up if you are!
Hey!! Check out our recent post 😄 In short — no, this blog will not be hosting IronDad Secret Santa for 2020, but another blog is!
Thank you for your interest. Happy (early) holidays!
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irondadsecretsanta · 4 years
I (@pawprinterfanfic — your mod) will not be running the Secret Santa this year, as one has already been launched elsewhere! ✨
I haven’t been active in the fandom since early 2020, so I feel like it is best to pass to torch to other more active blogs in the fandom! @friendly-neighborhood-exchange has had several successful exchanges through 2020, and @irondad-fic-exchange is launching what looks to be a great Secret Santa for 2020!
That’s right!! Check out @irondad-fic-exchange for your Iron Dad Secret Santa 2020!
I wanted to take the time to thank everyone who participated last year. It was very successful (over 80 gifts were delivered)!! I had a ton of fun hosting and met so many great content creators through this blog. So, truly, thank you ❤️💚❤️
I will be over at @pawprinterfanfic if anyone wants to reconnect, or if any more of future exchanges want to chat about details of how I run the 2019 exchange. I’ll always be available to help 😊 (and i might be back in the future 👀)
Stay safe, everyone! Happy 2020 holidays!
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irondadsecretsanta · 4 years
Tumblr media
The Irondad Fic Exchange is here! Come sign up - write a fic, receive a fic!
Questions? Send us an ask or email us at [email protected].
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irondadsecretsanta · 4 years
Are you doing something for Christmas?
Hi! Not too sure, as @friendly-neighborhood-exchange has a good thing going, so we plan on discussing with them over the next few weeks 😊 Thanks for asking! We’ll keep you posted!
EDIT: also @irondad-fic-exchange. We’ll let you all know in the next few days if the exchange is going to be hosted on this blog or not 😊
EDIT 2: check out our recent post about this!
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irondadsecretsanta · 5 years
This isn’t run by us, but we are signal boosting in case anyone who follows this blog is interested! 
Please, stay safe everyone. x
Hello! This is the official blog for the Friendly Neighborhood Exchange, and this is where we will be posting updates, questions, etc. For the Friendly Neighborhood Exchange, participants will fill out the sign up form (which will be linked below) and choose three prompts that they would like to have written for them. Once the sign ups close, everyone will be given a giftee that they will have to write for. 
This event is anonymous, so you won’t know who’s writing for you, and your giftee won’t know you’re writing for them! Since we’re keeping this anonymous, if you have to message your giftee, please do so through anonymous asks :)
This exchange is run by the @looking-out-for-the-little-guys blog as a way to bring some happiness to people during these stressful times. Whether you’re looking for something to pass the time during quarantine, or you want something that will cheer you up, this exchange is for you!
1. No St*rker. This is an Irondad Gift Exchange.
2. Minimum word count is 1,000 words.
3. Work must be Peter Parker and Tony Stark centric.
4. Work must be previously unposted.
5. If you must contact your giftee, please do so anonymously!
6. Turn on your anonymous asks so that your gifter can contact you anonymously.
7. If you have signed up for the challenge but can no longer complete the assigment, please message us as soon as possible so that we may find a pinch hittter!
8. Remember that this exchange is all about fun – try not to stress too much! If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask!
9. If you have questions, please ask!
Sign Ups: 18:00 EST March 25th - 20:00 EST April 1st
Assignments: April 2nd - April 4th
Check in #1: April 14th
Check in #2: April 22nd
Submission (to the collection): April 25th
Posted to tumblr: April 25th (more information will follow)
Sign Ups 
Sign ups will be open until April 1st at 20:00 EST. 
link to sign up sheet
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irondadsecretsanta · 5 years
There's Tony Stark bingo and iron-man-bingo too 🙂
Awesome!! I’ll add this to the post! Thanks!
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irondadsecretsanta · 5 years
There's marvel bingo, Clint Barton bingo, and star-spangled- bingo going on right now also, I think the last two are open for sign ups and the marvel one is about to end but they are having another sign up in January for round 2!
Thank you! I’ll add this to that post now :)
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irondadsecretsanta · 5 years
I mean it doesnt have to happen right away, you could give it a few weeks or a month until everyone has had a chance to go through all of the gifts 🤷🏻‍♀️ but it's ok, I totally understand you wanting to just take a break already. Happy holidays😁
Thank you! Happy holidays to you as well :)
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irondadsecretsanta · 5 years
Like idk a google doc or smth where someone can vote which irondad gift was their favorite and have one for each category like fanfic, fan art, and fan video or something along those lines? It's totally ok if that wouldn't work, it's just an idea
Ooooooo! I love this idea! but I’m going to have to pass on it because I’m exhausted from the last week of festivities (both online and off). Thanks for the suggestion though. Happy holidays!
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irondadsecretsanta · 5 years
this was my first fandom gift exchange ever and I loved it! do you know of any other mcu fandom events going on soon that people can sign up for? I would really like to do more
Thank you so much! I’m so glad you enjoyed it.
Ooooo!! I believe @irondadbingo and @irondadbigbang are on right now. These are the only two I can think of off the top of my head. If any of the followers of this blog has any other suggestions, let me know and I’ll add to this post later!!
EDIT: @marvelbingo, @clintbartonbingo, @star-spangled-bingo as well :)
EDIT 2: and @tonystarkbingo and @iron-man-bingo
EDIT 3: @buckybarnesbingo too!
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irondadsecretsanta · 5 years
Can there be a vote for like a featured gift in each category?
Hi there!! Can you explain a little more? I’d love to know more about this idea 😄
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irondadsecretsanta · 5 years
Thank you so much!!!! And thank you for all your help. I hope you have a great 2020!
Thank you!
I'd like to thank @pawprinterfanfic @irondadsecretsanta for organising the entire Iron Dad Secret Santa Exchange!!! It was brilliant event and you should be really proud for doing that entire thing for at least the last 2 months! ;) I hope you have a great year ahead, :)
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irondadsecretsanta · 5 years
I hope you have had a lovely holiday season!! and happy new decade!!
Thank you so much! The same to you 💚❤️🎁
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irondadsecretsanta · 5 years
even if you can’t do it next yr can one of the other people who run it do it?
Hi nonny!! This event was run by myself alone (@pawprinterfanfic) 😄 I’m the only mod for 2019! Maybe that’ll change in the future though! I’ll keep everyone posted regarding next year closer to December 2020!
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irondadsecretsanta · 5 years
This post marks the end of the 2019 IronDad Secret Santa event! All of the gifts have been delivered by their Secret Santas!
Thank you to all of those who signed up to participate in this event! It was bigger than I ever would’ve imagined, with over 80 gifts being handed out! That’s over 80 pieces of new IronDad content posted over the holiday season!
Here are a few links that might be helpful now that the event is officially closed. Be sure to check them out!
See our masterpost & AO3 collection!
Read about changing the publishing date on AO3.
Read a special thank you to these pinch-hitters.
It was a ton of fun to host, and I hope you all had fun participating. In a few weeks, I’ll be opening up an opportunity to give feedback on the event. Keep your eye out for that.
Until then, be sure to show your love to all the content creators that participated in this event! Spread some holiday joy. Leave comments and kudos everywhere. Like and reblog the heck outta these posts. Everyone did such a fantastic job at creating, and now it’s time to show them our love and appreciation!!
Happy holidays!
-your IronDad Secret Santa mod, @pawprinterfanfic
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irondadsecretsanta · 5 years
Tysm for organizing this!!! props to you, this event has been lovely
Awwww thank you!!!! I’m so glad people had fun and enjoyed the event 😄 Thanks for participating!
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irondadsecretsanta · 5 years
This post marks the end of the 2019 IronDad Secret Santa event! All of the gifts have been delivered by their Secret Santas!
Thank you to all of those who signed up to participate in this event! It was bigger than I ever would’ve imagined, with over 80 gifts being handed out! That’s over 80 pieces of new IronDad content posted over the holiday season!
Here are a few links that might be helpful now that the event is officially closed. Be sure to check them out!
See our masterpost & AO3 collection!
Read about changing the publishing date on AO3.
Read a special thank you to these pinch-hitters.
It was a ton of fun to host, and I hope you all had fun participating. In a few weeks, I’ll be opening up an opportunity to give feedback on the event. Keep your eye out for that.
Until then, be sure to show your love to all the content creators that participated in this event! Spread some holiday joy. Leave comments and kudos everywhere. Like and reblog the heck outta these posts. Everyone did such a fantastic job at creating, and now it’s time to show them our love and appreciation!!
Happy holidays!
-your IronDad Secret Santa mod, @pawprinterfanfic
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