jaune-luna · 8 months
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My daily 2AM commute
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jaune-luna · 8 months
Sunday, February 11, 2024
My life lately has been a roller coaster ride, but it's far from over. I worked as an assistant director at a hospital before, and while everything turned out great for them, I didn't feel great about myself. Long story short, I wasn't appreciated. So, I started looking for another job, but with little experience, I struggled to get callbacks. In my country, they prefer applicants with extensive experience. Eventually, I found a job that didn't require experience. The training went well, and I excelled in class, but the reality of the job, technical service support, dealing with angry customers, proved challenging. My parents were supportive of me finding another job, especially since my night shift schedule required me to commute home alone in the early hours. My mom would stay up late just to wait for my arrival. Well, that is enough for work-related situations.
As for my personal life, I recently had a lunch date with my college friends, some of whom are now doctors while others are still interns. I'm proud of them, although I couldn't help but feel disappointed in myself initially, especially if you've read about my life in 2022 (last entry). However, the feeling quickly faded as we reminisced about old times and shared jokes. I have few close friends in that circle, the fact that they never let me felt that I was left out (they were classmate in med school), didn’t question anything, just us casually bringing the old-free-living us just like college days, was the best. You will really feel better if you are surrounded by matured and understanding people. Had to compare, but my current workmates right now, omg sooo immature, even those tenured/long term workmates, whom they call themselves professionals was so immature. Really, I can’t level myself to them.
But hey, that is all for now. Here’s a photo of me after being stressed of just existing.
Ps. I love my dog, Sucré.
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jaune-luna · 8 months
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jaune-luna · 2 years
Friday, April 19 2022
I found new friends! Gamer friends to be exact. I finally found my people. For the past few years I always play in single/offline games, I wanted to try some multiplayer games, bond etc etc roleplaying, pvp and just laugh at how the stupid the games are.
It all started when I saw one of my closest friend streaming minecraft! I’ve always wanted to join a server. I took all my confidence out to asked my friend to play with him! And that’s how I met the people I bonded right now.
It has been 4months, we played bunch of diff games, horror, parkour, fps. Right now, I am playing Valorant with them, I’m not good lol but it’s sooo fun! Welp, sometimes Im to shy to play with them cause they are all good and competitive. But still, I appreciate them for helping me out even im too slow to learn.
And another thing, my sickness kinda got worse. I found out I am hypokalemic, I usually have abnormal heart rate and it’s affecting my everyday routine. Even I’m just resting, i feel so tired, my muscles feels so weak and kinda sleepy most of the times. Anyway, I am getting better. Hopefully. I can also see myself getting better mentally. I know how to help myself with anxiety attacks, doubts and depressions. I am evolving! I’m coping!
I wish i can find a job soon! Wish me luck 🍀
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jaune-luna · 2 years
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jaune-luna · 3 years
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Purity and innocence
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jaune-luna · 3 years
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Empty pages
It is coming back again. I have been distracted for a couple of months, focusing myself to the people around me. Creating, being inspired, hopeful, it was all good until it lasted. You will never appreciate them until they are gone, cravings are coming back. Longing, sadness, mourning replaced them all.
It is cliché to say but, i hope this 2022 it will be different. Different but in same ways. Same people, different judgment, same incomes but different outcomes, same feeling but different pain.
Dark days will come but let’s not forget good days were there too and will be there.
Hoping for the best of everyone as well as myself. Let’s not give up to one another.
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jaune-luna · 3 years
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Luna’s Arts and Crafts
Been awhile, I’ve been making gifts for my family and friends this Christmas! I am so excited for this one that I couldn’t believe I finished it so quick.
This is for my brother, he likes aesthetic, plain art style. So I decided to trace our dogs’ features and made a hanging calendar. I tested it out if it looks good hanging, and it does! Kinda fits the aesthetic of my wall, might considering making one for myself lol
Anyway, more ideas coming!
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jaune-luna · 3 years
Life can be so fucking confusing
most of the time.
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jaune-luna · 3 years
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Luna’s Arts and Crafts
i tried creating vintage-like,✨ aesthetic ✨ notepad. Made few trials so I can see which one would look great.
I also made the stamp print at the top. I will make more vintage stamp designs, but im running out of creative designs lately 😥
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jaune-luna · 3 years
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Luna’s Arts and Crafts
Customized BTS Notepad
I made a notepad for a friend who’s a huge fan of BTS for her birthday!
Every page is different songs of BTS.
Also printed some free stickers I found online.
I am so excited to give her this, hope she likes it! 💜💜💜
Ps. I am still practicing! Apologize for some flaws on my work and I used Procreate for the layout.
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jaune-luna · 3 years
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Stages of Grief.
In Luna’s Mind
Scrapbook entry #14
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jaune-luna · 3 years
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In Luna’s Mind
Scrapbook entry #13
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jaune-luna · 3 years
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I only have a week left of school!🌻
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jaune-luna · 3 years
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jaune-luna · 3 years
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Luna’s Arts and Crafts
I made notepad!
I love how the pastries turned out! It’s cute and ✨aesthetic✨. I made the design in procreate. I’ll make more for sure! 💛
Ps. I also made those cute and tiny clay bread, bacon and egg.
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jaune-luna · 3 years
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In Luna’s Mind
Scrapbook entry #12
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