jbirdfit · 1 year
If you haven’t done what I’m trying to do or have relatable skills necessary to achieve a goal then your thoughts of what I’m doing carry no weight.
I won’t live in your fear state. I know where that life leads because I’ve already been down that road.
It’s time for something else.
Believe in yourself.
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jbirdfit · 1 year
You’re not stuck and you CAN change regardless of what others may say.
They can’t change. Thats in their head. You don’t live there although they think you do.
Go change your life.
You got this!
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jbirdfit · 1 year
In order to move beyond your past you must create a vision of the future and live / work in the present to attain that future.
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jbirdfit · 1 year
Your anger is a sign or signal for you to pay attention to something that is going on inside of you. Ask yourself, what is happening in my environment at this moment? Who is around me? What just happened to make me feel the way? That anger may be directly linked to the feeling of frustration of not being able to say what you want to say or not having the words to articulate the emotions you’re experiencing. This is why having a daily journal is so important. Journaling allows you to reach into the mind and to begin to put on paper, the thoughts, feelings, and emotions that keep you feeling stuck. What you may also find is the anger that you were experiencing is actually linked to grief. Grieving an older version of you that you long to get back to or experience again. That feeling of curiosity and wonder that got stuffed down because of life experiences that led you to believe you had to let go of your dreams for someone else’s. 
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jbirdfit · 1 year
Healing looks like, I trust myself, I believe in myself regardless of what others think, and I like myself because I chose to move beyond past default thinking and limiting beliefs. I no longer reject myself and question those feelings when they pop up for me. This is a life long commitment and sometimes a struggle.
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jbirdfit · 1 year
The greatest realization an anxious attacher can have is that the avoidant does eventually end up with someone, it’s just not you. Ask yourself, why do I chase someone who isn’t reciprocating effort or feelings. You’ll find the answer you’re often searching for inside of someone else is actually inside of you.
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jbirdfit · 1 year
Check out The Blueprint Podcast hosted by Jason Smith with guest Dr. MaryCatherine (MC) McDonald author of Unbroken: The Trauma Response is Never Wrong
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jbirdfit · 1 year
It's not that you are hard to love, you just haven't learned to love yourself, like yourself, and that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy as you block what's for you from coming in because you don't think you deserve it. You will only ever accept into your life what you think you deserve. It's why we stay small and hate on others who appear richer in all areas of life. The only real difference between you and someone who has a life you desire is they believed they could, so they did. Over the past few years as I have changed my mindset this has become more and more true for me. I gave myself permission to evolve beyond my pain, hurt, resentment, and anger to create, co-create, build friendships, love, and spread kindness through shared experiences. I had to unlearn what was keeping me stuck and begin to heal what I didn't know I was hurting from. That type of self-awareness takes time to develop and even more time to accept.
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jbirdfit · 1 year
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I have the outline for my book and I've been playing around with possible book covers to keep me inspired. This is a representation of the body, the nervous system, and the collective that we are all connected to whether we realize it or not. We live in a time where there is a lot of talking "at you" and not "to you." That type of language and limiting mindset ins't helpful for those who are looking for a path beyond their past, beyond their perceived limitations, trauma, pain, and the list goes on and on. In this book I hope to provide information in a way that is easy to digest while providing tactical information that can help you build a better relationship with yourself so you can begin to have the types of relationships and experiences you've always desired. I want you to be able to deploy what you have learned so you feel confident, capable, prepared, and ready to accept the type of love, connection, and friendships into your life that you've always desired. We do this by understanding our attachments and how to begin healing an insecure attachment style. I'll explain my why in another post but it comes down to, I've seen people make permanent decisions. I want you to know that each day you can find an opportunity for joy no matter where you are but you have to train yourself and your body to accept that, take it in, let it wash over you, and then anchor that feeling into your nervous system as your default way of being.
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jbirdfit · 1 year
How do you want to feel? Are you training yourself daily to feel those emotions and to have those thoughts that lead to those emotions and feelings? You can move through life in a default operational setting or you can learn to upgrade your iOS. There will still be "bugs" in the software but you will always be upgrading each and everyday you allow yourself to challenge your perceptions, thoughts, feelings, emotions, and environment. This is a power that you have, it's just no one ever told you. You can train yourself beyond your reactions to the point where you respond from a place of being centered and self-aware.
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jbirdfit · 1 year
You have a lot of unconscious behaviors that you have never thought to question. That inner voice or knowing that feeds you more of what you've always looked for. It will always give you more of what it thinks you want to receive. It's the filter of how you see the world and your place in it. It's your RAS, reticular activating system. You can challenge that, grow beyond that, but it takes questioning your thoughts, feeling, emotions, and environment. Asking yourself constantly, is this true for me?
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jbirdfit · 1 year
"I fear not the man who has practiced ten thousand kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick ten thousand times." -Bruce Lee
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jbirdfit · 1 year
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jbirdfit · 1 year
Love the people who treat you right! Now, go treat YOU right.
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jbirdfit · 1 year
Do you ever ask yourself how you feel about yourself? We say things to ourselves out of default programming but is that how YOU really feel? Or are those just negative mantras dancing in your head from a time period you no longer remember?
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jbirdfit · 1 year
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We start October 1-21! 21 Speakers in 21 Days! Inside of a closed group! I think you'll notice some familiar faces!
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jbirdfit · 1 year
Ask yourself, how do I feel? How do I want to feel? What is one thing I can do today to close that gap?
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