I'm not dead! I swear I'm working on the new chapter of Here's to Us as we speak. It's just being a pain to write. Thanks for all the kind comments and love that you guys are giving this story. It helps with keeping me motivated to finish this story :)
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Sorry guys! The next chapter is going to be delayed for a while! I got some irl stuff going on. I also watched Mamma Mia for the first time and started one hell of an Abba kick. It’s hard writing a Wayne family dinner when Dancing Queen is playing on loop in my head.
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“Is it okay if I draw fanart of your fanfic?👉🏼👈🏼”
My brother in Christ we shall have a spring wedding
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Next day reblog :)
Chapter 9 is live! Please enjoy :)
Link to Chapter 1: X
“Hey Hood. Long time no see.” Red Robin greeted Jason as he leapt onto the building next to his brother.
“Red.” Red Hood replied, retracting his grappling hook and clipping it back on his belt. “Finally found a case you can’t solve and came crawling to me?”
There was a light rain starting to fall in The Bowery tonight. The chilly, damp spring air was settling into the bones of heroes and civilians alike, causing more people to stay indoors. The sounds of those who chose to brave the weather to participate in the nightlife were echoing off buildings as clubs began to open their doors to the public. The two heroes stood at the slide of a building as the neon lights started to turn on, one by one. Casting their faces in shades of red and blue.
“Like that would happen. I can also make social calls outside of work.” Red Robin said, repeating the words that Jason said to him a few weeks ago.
“Wow. First taking both Robin and Red Robin from me and now my own words. It’s like you don’t have an original thought in that little head of yours.” Hood said, rolling his eyes.
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Chapter 9 is live! Please enjoy :)
Link to Chapter 1: X
“Hey Hood. Long time no see.” Red Robin greeted Jason as he leapt onto the building next to his brother.
“Red.” Red Hood replied, retracting his grappling hook and clipping it back on his belt. “Finally found a case you can’t solve and came crawling to me?”
There was a light rain starting to fall in The Bowery tonight. The chilly, damp spring air was settling into the bones of heroes and civilians alike, causing more people to stay indoors. The sounds of those who chose to brave the weather to participate in the nightlife were echoing off buildings as clubs began to open their doors to the public. The two heroes stood at the slide of a building as the neon lights started to turn on, one by one. Casting their faces in shades of red and blue.
“Like that would happen. I can also make social calls outside of work.” Red Robin said, repeating the words that Jason said to him a few weeks ago.
“Wow. First taking both Robin and Red Robin from me and now my own words. It’s like you don’t have an original thought in that little head of yours.” Hood said, rolling his eyes.
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Currently working on the next chapter. I have a list of things I want to happen before the next chapter. I'm almost 5000 words deep and only 2 things out out 5 have have happened. I'm about to just throw these guys into a pit of lava if they don't start cooperating soon >:(
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Pls for the love of god none of it makes sense-
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Next day reblog 😊
Hello!! Long time no see. Please enjoy chapter 8!
Link to Chapter 1: X
“It is really nice to see you Jazz.” Danny said, taking a seat at the table Jazz had all but collapsed on.
“A little warning would have been nice” Jazz replied, laying her head down on the table with her long red hair pooling around her head.
“Yeah, sorry about that. We were in the middle of talking logistics when we had to leave. It was a very last minute plan.”
“I figured.” Jazz said, turning her head to look at Danny. “I could have taken an Uber. It would have been no issue at all.”
“I… I really didn’t think about that…” Danny said, resting his chin in his hand.
“Mmhmm.” Jazz looked completely unimpressed. “ Where did he even get a sidecar? I didn’t think those things were still legal.”
“His brother, apparently. There was a whole thing with his car. I asked him why he didn’t borrow a car from his dad, but that’s a whole thing as well.” Danny rolled his eyes. “Anyways, he’s picking up the last part for our… Project. he’ll meet us back home once he’s done.”
“How’s that coming along?” Jazz asked
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Hello!! Long time no see. Please enjoy chapter 8!
Link to Chapter 1: X
“It is really nice to see you Jazz.” Danny said, taking a seat at the table Jazz had all but collapsed on.
“A little warning would have been nice” Jazz replied, laying her head down on the table with her long red hair pooling around her head.
“Yeah, sorry about that. We were in the middle of talking logistics when we had to leave. It was a very last minute plan.”
“I figured.” Jazz said, turning her head to look at Danny. “I could have taken an Uber. It would have been no issue at all.”
“I… I really didn’t think about that…” Danny said, resting his chin in his hand.
“Mmhmm.” Jazz looked completely unimpressed. “ Where did he even get a sidecar? I didn’t think those things were still legal.”
“His brother, apparently. There was a whole thing with his car. I asked him why he didn’t borrow a car from his dad, but that’s a whole thing as well.” Danny rolled his eyes. “Anyways, he’s picking up the last part for our… Project. he’ll meet us back home once he’s done.”
“How’s that coming along?” Jazz asked
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jellyfishnervoussystem · 10 months
Next day reblog 😊
Happy Friday! Please let me know what you think!
Link to chapter 1: X
“Honestly, if you asked Jazz where she thought she would be in 10 years while back in high school, her answer would be completely different from where she found herself today.
She would’ve envisioned herself being in college, pursuing her doctorate in psychology and actively ignoring her family. Not actively leaving school to help her brother with building a new ghost portal because surprise! He found a new halfa that needed help. And the only person who could help in a medical sense was located in The Far Frozen.”
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jellyfishnervoussystem · 10 months
Happy Friday! Please let me know what you think!
Link to chapter 1: X
“Honestly, if you asked Jazz where she thought she would be in 10 years while back in high school, her answer would be completely different from where she found herself today.
She would’ve envisioned herself being in college, pursuing her doctorate in psychology and actively ignoring her family. Not actively leaving school to help her brother with building a new ghost portal because surprise! He found a new halfa that needed help. And the only person who could help in a medical sense was located in The Far Frozen.”
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jellyfishnervoussystem · 10 months
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jellyfishnervoussystem · 11 months
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Sorry for the delay on the next chapter for Here to Us. If I’m being honest, I became extremely social this summer and have had no free time to write. Plus a close friend lost their mom, I got roped into planning both a baby shower and bachelorette party, and work exploded. Thank you all for your patience and support!! It’s highly appreciated. Hopefully I’ll have an update soon 💕
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I wish every ao3 commenter a very kiss on the forehead
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