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Christmas Shopping: How To Spend Money During The Holidays; Tips From A Minimalist
As Christmas draws near, sale events have sprung everywhere. Many of us are tempted to open our wallets to purchase items here and there to take advantage of the sale season.
But do we need to do it?
Here are some helpful tips to navigate the lure of materialism this season.
Plan your shopping schedule
There is a popular adage that says, “Out of sight, out of mind.” This is also true in shopping.
If we don’t see the temptation, we will not be tempted to buy them.
If you are cash-strapped or if you are saving for a particular purpose, do not expose yourself to tempting deals offering you 10% off of anything. Come to think of it, you save 100% if you don’t buy anything you need.
Plan your trip to the mall. Go there if you really must. Just avoid the stores or the aisles that will make your heart beat faster when you see that red shoes. After all, you already have too many of those, right?
Bring a shopping list
I scoffed at this idea when it was first suggested to me by a wise friend. She told me I would be able to save more if I bring a shopping list with me. It took me three months before I was able to incorporate this into my lifestyle but I was amazed at how it helped me save money. List everything you need to buy and do your very best not to deviate from the list. Be honest with yourself. If you already have 10 pairs of shoes and 20 pairs of pants, you do not need to buy more unless you are giving away half of them this weekend. Prioritize your needs such as food, medicines, or food supplements.
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Item in, Item out
Tell yourself that you can only bring one new item inside your home if you’ve already tossed out one or two old items recently. Do not keep bringing something new inside or you will end up with clutter.
To Buy or Not to Buy?
If you saw something nice and it is not on your shopping list, give it at least a couple of days to cool down before making a final decision about it. This has worked for me several times. Many months ago, I had planned to buy an iPad just because I want to watch K-dramas on a bigger screen. I gave it a thought for 10 days as I made a thorough research on which iPad to buy. Ten days became 15 days and 15 days dragged on to a month. Fast forward a couple of months later, I realized I had been watching fewer K-dramas than before because I shifted my Bible reading to the early part of the evening. This left me just 40 minutes or fewer K-dramas (as I always try to sleep by 10 p.m.).
These are just a few of the things that you can do to save yourself from impulse buying. Again, you don’t want to end up with clutter and blame yourself later on for losing a few hundred bucks when a need arises.
Money saved is money earned.
*Images courtesy of Pexels
Tweet me: @I_will_flourish
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How To Live A Happy Life: Social Media Versus The Seemingly Mundane
Sometimes we think that nothing new is happening each day but when we look back, we realize that so many things have changed.
With this, let us not take things for granted. Let us stop and smell the roses, too. Yes, it is good to indulge in social media once in a while but if that is all that we do for the whole day, then we miss enjoying the beauty of the sunset or the chirping of birds. Looking at our phones or tablets all day, we miss seeing a new flower in bloom or worse, we fail to realize that our parents are growing old.
Relationships are important. Let us not put "busyness" above relationships.
Let us always have time to chat with family members, and to stop and breathe and appreciate all that we have worked hard for.
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A Brown bear (Ursus arctos) eats watermelon whilst cooling itself down in a pool at the zoo in Rio de Janeiro, on January 9, 2013. AFP PHOTO/VANDERLEI ALMEIDA/AFP/Getty Images
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Revisiting TLC’s ‘Unpretty;’ And Lisa Lopes Doing Sign Language To Make The Song Inclusive To All Audiences
I chanced upon an old favorite track on YouTube today, TLC’s “Unpretty,” and saw the late Lisa Lopes doing a sign language of the song which made it stand out ahead of its time in 1999.
“Unpretty” was a track off TLC’s “Fanmail” album which topped the Billboard Hot 100 for three weeks when it was released on Aug. 10, 1999. The song was initially written as a poem by member Tionne “T-Boz” Watkins and was meant to empower fans to overcome feelings of insecurity and inadequacy which she wrote after watching an episode of “Ricki Lake,” a daytime tabloid talk show where male guests called the female guests “fat pigs.”
Watching the video as I rode my day’s commute, tears began forming in my eyes because of the song’s powerful message. How I wish young kids nowadays would lend their ears to this song just so they could have a different take on what beauty means. Social media demands so much of everyone sending many people to formulate a “social media” image to mask an otherwise dark reality.
How many ugly breakups have we witnessed that left us questioning how it happened when “they looked so in love” on Facebook?
Social Media is a lie, sometimes. People create a fake facade to mask feelings of worthlessness, fear, insufficiency and envy.
The standard of beauty keeps evolving, too.
Back in my early 20s, people would grab all the whitening products off the shelves just to “conform” to the standards of “beauty.”
I am so glad campaigns on appreciating one’s natural beauty came up. Somehow, it created a legion of women who believe that nature gave us all the beauty that we need. We just have to turn our eyes on them and see our inner beauty shine.
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Pakbet with Bagnet
I've been brushing up on my cooking skills during the pandemic. I have cooked a wide variety of dishes and I am pleased to say that my family seems to like the dishes that I lay on the table. The highlight of my day is seeing my family joyfully devour the meal I have wholeheartedly prepared for them. Such are the simple joys of a home chef (well, a home cooking enthusiast, perhaps?).
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When God Closes A Door, He Opens A Window
I know many of us have been challenged greatly by the pandemic - with some losing their jobs that resulted to despair. Still, I believe God has a plan for all of us. We cannot ignore the stories of people who rose above the ashes and lived renewed lives with an even more vibrant faith. Suffering deepens our understanding of God's will for us.
For Real
Try to make an honest assessment of the kind of person you were before you went through a serious test. If you really surrendered your will to God and died to yourself during the test, I am sure you emerged from it victorious and even more mature. Suffering heightens our senses to the real world and it makes us see that only God has the final say on everything. We can pull some strings here and there but if it is not God's will, things will go haywire.
How to get your life back after you were laid off from work because of the pandemic
All around us, we hear stories of people who were laid off during the pandemic who quickly shifted to new careers that became even more financially rewarding than their original jobs.
Such stories cannot be ignored because they are testaments to that familiar line: "When God closes a door, He opens a window."
What are you hoping for? Is there a door in your life that slammed shut recently?
Perhaps God is redirecting your path to a new one.
A path that is meant for you in this new season of life.
A path that matches your strengths, your skills, and your maturity in this new season.
To be honest, we ought to be glad that God unveiled a new season for us to start over again and to apply the lessons from the previous season.
Keep praying. Keep knocking. Keep searching.
***Here is an example of a woman who triumphed over the odds. Former flight attendant, Leigh Nazaredo successfully resorted to selling street food after she got booted out of her old job. Read her feature at GMA-7's Reporter's Notebook here.
"So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Luke 11:9
“Work is a blessing. God has so arranged the world that work is necessary, and He gives us hands and strength to do it. The enjoyment of leisure would be nothing if we had only leisure. It is the joy of work well done that enables us to enjoy rest, just as it is the experiences of hunger and thirst that make food and drink such pleasures.” ― Elisabeth Elliot
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How To Resolve Conflict: ‘Hate The Sin Not The Sinner’
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Here is one helpful way to approach misunderstandings with your partner to avoid steamy arguments. 
Saying what you dislike about your partner can be a challenge but you’ve heard it said before: “hate the sin but not the sinner.” Do not attack your partner with vicious words. 
Praise him or her first and move on to your main message. Your partner would not feel attacked if you point out the good things first. Take turns in packaging your sentiment in this model: ‘Praise then Push.’ You may say: “Honey, I really feel appreciated when you help me do the laundry. It would make me feel even more special if you put your clothes directly in the hamper instead of leaving them on the floor.”
 I formulated this advice after reading so many materials of the same theme, basically revolving on resolving conflict among various relationships. I hope it helps you in any way possible. 
Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels
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Necessary Endings
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There is such a thing called, 'necessary endings'.
I first heard about this in a YouTube discussion by Dr. Henry Cloud. According to Cloud, there is a season in our lives when we have to do something and a season to let go of that. He said we must let go of certain things - those that are no longer working for us. Letting go of them does not mean there is something wrong but that the season has already passed. It applies to many things but to people who have hurt us, Cloud says, we must 'forgive people and let them go.' This, he says, is the way we heal.
  (Of course, ask the Lord in prayer if there is a need to rekindle a relationship as letting go may not necessarily apply to all situations.) "To everything, there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1
Photo by Dua Chuot from Pexels
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Flying again. Soon.
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Hold on just a little bit more, travel bugs. Nothing is permanent, right? Not even bad times. I know many of us have been cooped up in our homes for the longest time now since the pandemic began but there is a silver lining to all of these. Think of all the extra time we suddenly have for ourselves and our families. We used to complain about heavy traffic jams when commuting to work but now, we can work comfortably while we are still in our pyjamas. And we haven't even started talking about saving money on transportation costs and even on clothing and food expenses. Sure, this pandemic makes us very anxious in various ways but hold on just a little bit more. This is not toxic positivity. This is recognizing the fact that our prayers are heard and that all will be well, soon. Keep the faith.
Photo from Pexels
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How are you? Have you all adjusted to the so-called 'new normal'?
How many of you experienced cabin fever when you were stuck at home due to quarantine measures owing to covid-19?
It was so hard to stay stuck inside the house, right?
How did you spend your time?
I spent mine by finishing an online course, working out and starting an online Bible study group.
Engaging overseas Filipino workers for the online Bible study group was the best thing that ever happened to me this quarantine season. I have always wanted to have a Bible study group but I never thought God would give it to me in the form of an online ministry.
I am delighted to see the ladies from the group learning so much about God but I am happier to see them forming beautiful friendships in the process.
After all, that is what a spiritual community is all about: fellowship and friendship. The Bible days we should bear each other's burdens, right? (Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2)
The ladies in my group have lived colorful lives and they were all brought into the faith because of these experiences. They realized that God is truly all we need when there is no one else we can turn to.
If you want to join my online Bible study group, just message me and I will gladly let you in. You only need two things: a committed heart and a teachable spirit.
I hope you have a blessed day, today. 😉
Photo from Pixabay
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Of Road Detours And Inconveniences : Random Quarantine Thoughts
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Sometimes, life takes inconvenient detours that oftentimes derail our plans and timetable that lead others frustrated and some, hopeless. 
Now that most of us are at home and nowhere to go, we have the luxury of time to reassess our lives and analyze our successes and failures. We have time to make an inventory of our past accomplishments and think of ways on how to get back on our feet so we could learn more and improve ourselves. 
In her book, ‘Managing Emotions’, author and preacher Joyce Meyer wrote, “When we are disappointed...we have to make the decision to adopt and adjust, to take a new approach, to keep going despite our feelings. That’s when we must remember that we have the Greater One residing within us, so that no matter what happens to us, we can let God turn our disappointment into a reappointment!”
I, too, have experienced a rather interesting life occurrence that made me uncomfortable at first because it was not really what I wanted to have...or so I thought.  Several times, I said to myself, “This is not what I prayed for.  Why did it turn out this way?” However, after a year of spending time in it and seeing how circumstances turned out, I realized (or rather, God revealed to me) that it was exactly what I prayed for - only that it was not as perfect as I hoped it would be. I missed out on that perfection thing. I forgot to factor in the realities of my prayer. I had pitched for a magical world. 
Now that I look back on it, life does give us detours but sometimes, these detours are there to make us better as individuals. Perhaps we lack strength. Perhaps we lack patience. Perhaps we need to grow in many areas of life. These detours are ways to help us achieve those and if we learn the lessons quickly, we move on to the next phase.
I often forget this, but it is right that we should enjoy the present and not always pine for the time when we reach a certain goal to be able to say that ‘we have arrived’  and we can now be happy. We can be happy now if we could only learn to celebrate our little victories like getting back into shape by doing home gym exercises or cleaning the most ignored corners of our home. 
Covid-19 may have caused a lot of detours in our lives but it certainly gave us time for a reset and recharge. The kind that many of us actually need. 
(Photo by Ricardo of Pexels)
Follow me on IG: @jennytravelseverwhere
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Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich: Cravings In The Time Of COVID-19
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This picture does not exactly illustrate what I had hoped in my mind but this was what Pexel presented me when I typed in: Peanut Butter and Banana sandwich.
Community quarantines, or lockdown in this time of Covid-19, has definitely curtailed much of our intent to spend our leisure time and even our cravings for food. The other day, I was craving for fries but when I messaged Grabfood, the driver plainly told me that fries were not available (again, after my nth time of ordering for it). So here I am, just taking everything in stride and remembering why we are all staying at home for a while. 
Since the community quarantine was set in place, I had time to continue reading the two books I had begun reading last year. Also, I have repeatedly finished three general  cleaning sessions of my room and I had thrown out several old things - notebooks, trinkets and some old journals. 
We better make good use of our time while we are given a chance to go on a staycation. It could be tiring to just sit at home and do nothing but why would you do nothing when you can actually do things that you’ve always wanted to do. Sleep, Tidy up your room or your whole house, conduct spring cleaning and repeat. 
Oh, and of course, if your fridge is full, Eat. 
Stay healthy and please share your thoughts and activities in this time of Covid-19.
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(Another one on my wishlist: Fluffy pancakes)
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Coffee In The Time Of COVID-19
Hello. I believe one of the best ways to spend an otherwise mundane quarantine period is to resurrect our old blogs. This is me spending coffee time with you as I sit here and mull over the recent events that shocked the world. Nobody saw this coming. An illness that wouldn’t just die even though summer has reached Southeast Asia and the temperature is also slowly getting warmer  elsewhere.Many families are grieving and many others are fearful that they might get the disease. But if there is a silver lining to what’s happening recently, it’s the fact that more people are becoming good Samaritans. Generosity has been flowing in many places as donations keep pouring in whether they are medical-related,food or other essential items. To my delight, this lockdown has made more people are praying now! Let’s keep the faith and believe that this, too, shall pass. In the meantime, let’s chat over coffee and let me know how you’re doing.
P.S. I am grateful that some of you actually took time to tell me that you miss my blog. I am doing quite a number of things at the moment but I come back to this space every now and then. Take care and be safe always, my dear readers. 
Jenny :)
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I’m Back And I Changed My Blog’s Name
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Boracay White Beach
It’s been so long since I last wrote in my blog. I used to be so attentive to this personal space but life got in the way and busyness snatched my fervor in updating this Inspirational blog. I came to a point when I though no one was reading my posts. However, I got reminded of the occasional messages here and there from people who got inspired by my posts. I thought that if I could make someone’s day delightful, I would revive this blog and keep it going again. ~_^ 
Who would have thought that in the age where YouTube rules the day, people would still be interested in reading meaningful blog entries? 
I am grateful. 
I want to share with you an important realization I had lately. 
Sometimes, we hold on to something good because we think we deserve it. When God intervenes by instructing us to let go of that good thing so He can bless us with what is best for us, many of us cry in protest. We object because by that time, we are already emotionally invested in that good thing or we somehow do not believe we are going to receive God’s replacement. I am as stubborn as many of you but I have no choice but to believe in God over and again. Believe me, my type A personality makes me fret all the time. But through tears and pain, I have learned to rest in God. I have learned to just let God be God and wait for His provision? Do I wait a long time? Sometimes. Do I lose hope sometimes? Yes. But at the end of the day, I tell God about my sorrows and His peace covers me again. My faith is renewed and I am ready to wait again. 
P.S. I changed my blog’s name today from mannaforjenny to jennytravelseverywhere to document more of my travels and journey in faith. 
P.P.S. Here are a few of the photos I took in my trip to Boracay this year. The white beach is whiter and the atmosphere calmer than before. If you haven’t seen Boracay after the cleanup, come and see its beauty once more. You will not regret it. 
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The “You will Never” Story
"With all of the radiation that you incurred including the x-rays, there is absolutely no way that you will ever have a normal baby; even if the baby came full-term, she will be severely deformed. We really recommend termination." 
At 19-years old, newly-wed Sandy Jobe couldn't believe the report she heard from her physician. After recovering successfully from a major surgery that removed a tumor in her head, Sandy's doctor gave her the 'bad news' - she is pregnant and that she will never have a normal baby. Furthermore, abortion was recommended as an immediate action. Still, Sandy held on to her faith and found a christian doctor who gave her hope amidst her pain. The child reached full-term and on the day of her delivery, friends and family members flocked outside the delivery room praying for her and her child. Kari Jobe was born on April 16, 1981. She was a healthy baby girl - not deformed and not mentally-challenged. Kari Jobe is one of the most gifted worship leaders today. She has won three Dove Awards and leads worship at Gateway church in Southlake, Texas.
God can do what medical science cannot do.
Kari's life is a testimony of what great faith can do.
Things may not always go the way we want it but God will always make it up to us one way or another. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
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Sharing with you a relevant quote I came across with today. I hope we all become strong and not fall for the trap of courting acceptance from everyone. ----
I was recently 'promoted' to lead a Bible study group in our church. At first, I was truly hesitant because I didn't really see myself leading a Bible study group although I've seen visions of myself preaching to groups of people. Several times, I asked the Lord if I am fit for the job. I told myself, maybe I am. But what if I'm not ready for it? My elders agreed it is time for me to take a leadership position after my 'exponential growth' in 2016. A painful experience led me closer to the Lord as I began attending all conferences and worshops in church. I just felt an insatiable hunger to get to know the Lord and to serve Him in that season. I purposely intended not to let unforgiveness and bitterness set in despite the hardship of the trial. I devoted my time in growing in faith and learning the truth about forgiveness. Today, I heard a podcast where a man gave his testimony on how God 'divinely appointed' him to lead a Bible study group in their local church. Hearing his testimony made me realize that this is God's divine appointment too! And that I shouldn't doubt when he says I'm ready to lead. Are you going through the same dilemma? I suggest that you continue praying to the Lord and He will give you the answer to your question.
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Eurotrip: Vogelsberg (Germany)
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On our third day in Germany, we trooped to the countryside region of Vogelsberg which can be reached a little less than three hours from Frankfurt.
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On the way up to this mountainous district where the weekend home of my sister's in-laws are located, we were greeted with beautiful rows of lush greens and a line of huge white windmills perfectly in contrast against the greens. I apologize for being unable to take a photo of the windmills as I was not able to get out of the car when we momentarily stopped to allow others to take a photo of it. I freeze quite easily and suffice it to say that the jacket I wore that moment couldn't seem to give me the warmth I needed. Missing on this part of the ascend were the cute sheep that I saw when I was here last time. I was reminded of the animated series Shawn the sheep when I saw them some time ago.  
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We passed through the brickroad and on to the old town that is almost deserted if not for the few locals and curious tourists like me. This is my second time in Vogelsberg and I am loving it even more.
Vogelsberg is known for its museums, timber-framed houses, medieval towns, castles and yes, the volcano. We were not able to go to all the tourist spots because the cold weather strongly discouraged us to venture outside the house. Nevertheless, we were able to see much  of the beauty of this place by taking a long walk in its nearly-deserted town and attempting to go hiking err 'attempting to check out the hiking trail' since we would not go hiking anyway due to the thick fog and the biting cool air. We only reached the tourist information booth and stayed there for a good 30 minutes, each of us taking a respite from the cool autumn atmosphere.
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Did someone say deserted town? *cue twilight zone music*
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Locals have conveniently left Vogelsberg for other regions where there is work and more income.  
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Red door. I have always been fascinated with beautiful European doors such as this one from the Rathaus or the Vogelsberg municipal hall  that was originally built in 1520.
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Beautiful sidewalk cafe. No customers though.
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I’ve always wanted to try this interesting obstacle race but the terribly cold air totally discouraged me. Next time though. See you again, Vogelsberg.
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Liptint review: Etude House cherry tarte and Skinfood jelly Tomato lip tint
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Skinfood tomato jelly lip tint
The Skinfood tomato jelly lip tint is such an amazing lip balm / tint that I found myself reaching for it every so often. I've never seen myself so in love with a lip product not since I became acquainted with Revlon cherry tarte. The Skinfood tomato jelly lip tint reminds me of Revlon cherry tarte for its smooth texture with a hint of color on the lips. Also, it glides softly on the lips which is an added delight to the user, ME ^_^.  It's a lipbalm with a hint of color that amazingly stays put for a good number of hours. Being on the oily/combination side, I am quite used to having makeup products slide off my face after an hour or so, including lip products. But the Skinfood tomato jelly lip tint is totally anazing because it stayed on my lips despite a cup of coffee and water thereafter. I've never encountered a lip product of such texture with a staying power that like before I saw the Skinfood tomato jelly lip tint.
More importantly, it is not heavy on my lips and it is definitely good for daily use.
I bought it on sale at Skinfood Trinoma in Quezon City abouy three months ago. I 'm sorry I forgot how much I bought it for but it was something like 350 pesos with a 10 percent discount.
I like this product and I am definitely going to repurchase next year.
Etude House Fresh Cherry Lip Tint
This is also a good everyday lippie and I couldn't help but rave about its milky, unscented formula that delivers a smooth hint of color on the lips.
Packaged in a cute, small red tube with a doe foot applicator, you could discreetly carry it inside your pocket during toilet trips for quick touch ups. But in my experience, you wouldn't need much touch ups anyway, because it clings so much on the lips and the color lasts long. Suffice it to say, I found another product I would gladly go back to every once in a while.
But I must say, the Etude Dear Darling lip and cheek tint is still more economical compared to the Etude House Fresh cherry tint simply because of its dual nature - a lip and cheek product at the same time. I used most of this product when I was in Europe. I needed something simple during quick touch ups. It gave me the color that I needed on those cold autumn days. 
Loving this new music
By the way, I discovered this beautiful song by the equally beautiful Daphne Khoo after watching a video by Wong Fu productions in youtube. There is even a beautiful piano rendition of the song. 
I love how she said that 'there's strength from the fall, it's not weak to be weak at all.'
Listening to the song, I remembered a phase in my life when I also took one day at a time until I was strong enough to dream again; to believe again.
Let me know about your thoughts on the song.
Tweet me @I_will_flourish
Instagram : jennytravels
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