justfifi · 8 months
m:yf being one of the only reasons im going back to watching anime lmao (I NEED TO SEE BBY TAIYO ON TV!!!)
looking forward to watching the yozakura anime with the whole fanbase. we are going to have so much fun, the 5 of us.
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justfifi · 2 years
[You can find it on AO3]
What would be the K-squads fears/phobias? (Both canon and headcanon!) CW: Mentions of different kinds of fear and phobias! I don't go too into depth but I'll put this warning here just in case.
Kagami Taiga:
- Cynophobia: the fear of dogs
 > Taiga was scared of Nigou(Tetsuya #2) which originated from an event that occurred in America where he was bitten by a dog
- Riko-phobia: the fear of his coach Riko
 > Like many of the members of the Seirin basketball club, he's afraid of his coach, Aida Riko.
- Autophobia: the fear of being abandoned
> I feel that Taiga wouldn't necessarily have this phobia but he is scared of being left behind. Mainly originated from the fact that his mother is dead(canonically, Taiga only has a dad, so we don't actually know the status of his mom) and the fact that Tatsuya left him.
Kageyama Tobio:
- He's afraid of falling back to being the 'King', 'Tyrant', 'Dictator', and well, you get the message.
- Pistanthrophobia: the fear of trusting others
> It's pretty clear that Tobio hates being called those nicknames but he might have actually been afraid of going back to being 'that'. He's afraid of losing the trust that his teammates had in him. In fact, he might be scared of trusting others again because his old team betrayed his trust on the court and Tobio doesn't want to face that event again.
- Thantophobia: the fear of losing someone you loved
> This can tie into the previous fear in which Tobio is afraid of losing the Karasuno Volleyball Club members like how he lost his old team and his grandpa. And if Tobio's parents were dead(since we never saw them), the fear might have started at that point but he held on because he had his grandpa and Miwa.
- Athazagoraphobia: the fear of being forgotten/ignored
> Clearly, Tobio doesn't want to face the humiliation of no one hitting his tosses, so I can see that he might be afraid of people ignoring his tosses.
Kyan Reki:
- Autophobia: the fear of being abandoned
> This fear was shown in episode 7(you know, the episode in which almost every fan avoided), where Reki was insecure in his skateboarding abilities. It really highlights the fact that Reki was scared of being left behind because he's the least 'talented' amongst the group.
- Phasmophobia: the fear of ghosts
> Another canon fear as shown in episode 6(the beach episode just right before the angst episode), where Reki and Langa were running away from the Pantu. Pantu are the people who chased them around and they are dressed as such to try and scare away evil spirits.
- Thantophobia: the fear of losing someone you loved
> Considering Reki's old friend quit skateboarding(and seemingly disappeared from Reki's life) because he got injured, Reki is probably afraid of anyone leaving him again. This also gave him the reason why he wanted Langa to not go against ADAM. Reki was afraid that Langa would get injured, because ADAM was a dangerous opponent, and then leave skateboarding because of that.
Bakugou Katsuki:
- Atelophobia: the fear of not being enough or being imperfect
> In his fight against Izuku, he expresses his insecurity and how he 'killed' All Might by being the reason All Might retired. Katsuki is being tortured by the fact that he was so weak that he was the reason for All Might's fall while Izuku rises with his power. In the recent manga chapters, we see Katsuki's true feelings as he always sees himself behind Izuku. Also I kind of headcanon him being sort of a perfectionist which aids into the fear.
- Allphobia: the fear of being abducted or being kidnapped
  > Listen... Katsuki has been kidnapped so many times, I swear, please just give the man a poor break. But at the same time, he doesn't seem quite afraid of his kidnappers, more of the consequences(*cough* All Might's fall *cough*).
- The fear of not being able to protect someone
  > Class 1A has certainly grown onto Katsuki, some more than others, and I think if he was in a position where he had to save/protect them, he would do his best to. And if Katsuki fails, perhaps he will beat himself over it. He prides himself as one of stronger classmates in the class and if he's not strong enough to save his extr- classmates, who else would be? [/hj, the pro heroes could save them ^^]
Kuroba Kaito:
- Ichthyophobia: the fear of fish
  > We don't know the main cause or where his fear originated from but it is a canon fear that he has! Personally, I wonder why he has such a fear and I wonder if Gosho Aoyama would explain this(probably not tho-)
- Thantophobia: the fear of losing someone you loved
  > Canonically, we know that his father died and his mother is absent in his life after Toichi's death, so Kaito has been alone for quite a long time. I headcanon he's a bit touch-starved and a bit clingy because he doesn't want to lose anyone close to him anymore. (THIS COULD SERVE SO MUCH ANGST- IMAGINE HE GETS NIGHTMARES OF THEM DYING AND THEN- okay I'm getting off topic)
- Autophobia: the fear of being abandoned
    > This could tie in with the fear that I previously listed. But at the same time, I feel that he's been abandoned a few times already and that it just numbs him when they do leave. When I said that this could tie in with the previous phobia, I meant that if Kaito ever gets closer to any of the characters(maybe even close enough to share his little secret), he would get really hurt if the person just leaves him by himself. Like he just warmed up to the person but then the person just gives up on him or something.
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justfifi · 2 years
Love Languages
[You can find it on AO3]
What Love Languages would the K-Squad have? > Reminder that this is all my headcannons and they are not canon to the story! Happy reading though! ^^
Kagami Taiga: Words Of Affirmation
I think that there will be people who think that Taiga's love language will be Physical Touch since he grew up with Alex but I feel that it's because that he grew up with Alex, he wouldn't have Physical Touch as his love language. Plus he's very straightforward with his words!!
Reasons why I think his love language is Words Of Affirmation(+ headcannons!!):
- First off, Tetsuya would call Taiga, 'his light', so I think Taiga would call Tetsuya, 'his shadow', in kind
~ "Kuroko!" Taiga shouts after they win another game.
"Hai?" Tetsuya looks over as he wipes his sweat with his towel. His light blue eyes are met with the blinding grin of his light but his light's next words made his eyes widen.
"You're my shadow!" Taiga sends his clenched fist out for a fist bump.
Tetsuya parts his mouth in surprise. His shadow... He thinks in his mind but a small smile creeps onto his face. "And you're my light, Kagami-kun."
- ALSO HAVE YOU SEEN HOW DEPRESSED HE SEEMED WHEN TATSUYA SAID THEY WEREN'T BROTHERS ANYMORE??? It's pretty clear that the title of "Brothers" between Taiga and Tatsuya was very important to Taiga
~ "Even still, Tatsuya, you're still my brother," Taiga said, as he faintly touched the silver ring around his neck.
"I told you to stop calling me that," Tatsuya said, but he couldn't tear his eyes from the evidence. From the evidence that proved that they were once brothers.
Taiga only smiles sadly, an expression that shouldn't be on his face, Tatsuya thinks.
- Imagine his speech to Seirin after he leaves for America, if he even had a speech. I headcanon that he literally says anything on his mind and it's something along the lines that he doesn't regret being in Seirin and how his time in Seirin was unforgettable. Taiga would ramble on about how much his senpais taught him and after he leaves, they just start comically crying before they're so proud of how far their kouhai came??
~ "And, well," Taiga scratches his flushed cheek in embarrassment. "I enjoyed my time here!" He goes into a straight bow, rendering the others surprised. "Thank you for letting me be in Seirin! I will never forget what you guys taught me." Taiga rises, as he throws the bag over his shoulder. He lets his head bow, before saying farewell and leaving the gym.
Silence overtakes the entire gym before Riko hears sniffling. When the brunette turns around, Shinji(Koganei) has begun sobbing with his usual :3 face except his eyes has just dissolved into water whilst Rinnosuke(Mitobe) is hiding his face in his hands. "Seriously!" Riko says, even though she could feel tears swelling in her eyes. "Why isn't anyone on this team a man?" She said, when Junpei(Hyuuga) lets his head hang to hide his red eyes, when Shun(Izuki) is saying another corny pun about tears, when Teppei(Kiyoshi) is trying to calm the first years, who started bawling.
"That stupid red-head!" Junpei just says as he clenches his fist. "How dare he say something so inspirational right when he's leaving?!"
Teppei wipes his eyes as he pets Junpei's back. "It's okay to admit that you miss him already, Junpei,"
"Shut up Teppei!"
- He would constantly compliment Tetsuya's skill and even compliment the other Generation of Miracle's skill, just not in front of their faces... So Tetsuya just records Taiga's rambling of compliments and sends it into the GOM group chat(that they created after they made up, this group chat doesn't have Taiga-)
~ Kuroko Tetusya Sent One Voice Recording:
"And Kise, you know? He's really strong for a member that joined late in the Generation of Miracles. I really want to fight him one-on-one again." Taiga's voice is present and clear.
"What about Aomine-kun?" Tetsuya's voice comes through louder than Taiga's.
"Oh that stupid ahomine?" There is silence and a bit of rustling before Taiga speaks again. "He's strong, I'll admit. But he has such a cocky personality!" More silence. "I'll fight him still! I gotta prove to him that I'm a worthy opponent. In fact, I'll prove it to all of them. They're all strong, so I'll be pretty excited to fight them anyways."
"Is basketball all you think about, Bakagami?"
"Why are you calling me Bakagami now?! And no! I don't just think about basketball!"
"Then why do you always bring up fighting the Generation of Miracles when we talk about them?"
"Because they're an inspiration of what I want to be! They're the reason why I want to be stronger! Why wouldn't I talk about that? They're teaching me things through our one-on-ones."
"Is that so?" There is a hint of amusement in Tetsuya's voice.
"Yeah I mean-... Why are you smiling now?"
"No reason, Kagami-kun." The recording ends.
- The Generation of Miracles spams Tetsuya, questioning him on what he was trying to say with the recording but Tetsuya doesn't answer because he's too busy making Taiga compliment him subconsciously.
- Alex cries when young Taiga says that she was the best teacher that he had ever had. Tatsuya never lets Alex live that down but then it backfires when Alex teases him about how much young Tatsuya was smiling after young Taiga kept calling him his brother.
- Taiga saying "I love you" platonically to everyone is just: <333
Kageyama Tobio: Acts Of Service
[CW: Anxiety Attacks|If the description seems off, you can always tell me! No author grows without feedback.|]
Since I headcanon Tobio as a sort of touch starved character, I feel that he wouldn't try to initiate Physical Touch. Also his inability to communicate is so apparent in the anime and manga, so I suppose that he wouldn't be to keen on Words Of Affirmation. I say that his love language is Acts Of Service, because he does little things that helps his team!
Reasons as to why Tobio's Love Language is Acts Of Service(& headcanons duh-):
- Tobio would absolutely send tosses to Shoyo whenever Shoyo is in a bad mood because he knows how much Shoyo loves volleyball. And he cares for the orange-haired even if he doesn't want to admit it.
~ "Oi, boke!" Tobio shouts when he finally sees the tangerine enter the gym. He's still pouting. Tobio doesn't know what made him like this, but like hell Tobio's going to let him stay like that. "Get over here!"
"What do you want, Bakayama?" Shoyo jogs over, a frown apparent on his face.
"Let me toss to you," Tobio said. He sees Shoyo light up.
"Ehh?! Really?" The latter begins to jump up and down, exercising his legs. "What are you waiting for then, Bakayama?" Shoyo said, a grin beaming on his face. "I'm ready!"
Tobio sees this and lets a small smile take over his face. "I know," He says, as he tosses the patterned ball to his teammate.
- Since we've never seen Tobio's parents and never seen Miwa before the timeskip, I headcanon that Tobio can actually cook pretty well! Not only could he cook, he could also bake. So as a 'thank you' to Kei for teaching him(and whenever he sees the blond boy struggling with something), he bakes a strawberry shortcake for him! Baking for someone is a form of Act Of Service, right??
~ Tobio has been observing him for the past 30 minutes and Kei was starting to get annoyed.
"Is there something you want, King?" Kei asks him, a forced smile on his face. Tobio furrowed his eyebrows. "Perhaps you want me to tutor you again?" He says.
"Nothing." Tobio said, leaving Kei in the club room.
Kei clicks his tongue. "Seriously... what's his problem..." He mumbles to himself.
As the day passes, Kei is considerably pissed when he falls asleep, saying something along the lines of just bracing till tomorrow morning. As the sun rises, Kei is still ticked off when he enters the club room to change for morning practice. It's only when he notices a cake in his locker that he stops frowning.
"What's up, Tsuki?" Tadashi enters the room as Kei glances over, holding the small strawberry shortcake in his eyes.
"Did you make this?" The green-haired boy looked at him like he grew two heads.
"Tsuki, you know I can't bake. The last time I tried I nearly burnt down the entire kitchen." He deadpans at Kei.
"Right, still don't know how you set the oven on fire."
"Hey!" Tadashi pouts, before staring at the cake in Kei's hand. "So who made that?"
"Don't know," Kei dismisses as he changes alongside Tadashi. As he makes his way to the gym, he tries the cake. A small smile plasters his face. Not bad. He thinks, unaware of the blue eyes that followed him.
Tobio hides his smile with the volleyball.
- Tobio helping Tadashi and Hitoka with their anxiety attacks because he knows just how bad it feels.
~ Hitoka pulls her knees into her chest as it gradually thumps faster.
Tadashi ran right next to her. "Yachi-chan! Can you hear me?" He yells slightly, his pupils shaking at the sight of the smaller girl covering herself in. Yachi...! Oh no... What should I do? What can I do? I'm not suited for this! "Yachi-chan? Hello?" He feels the girl shake as her breathing gets even more erratic. "Yachi-chan!" No. No. No. No. This isn't right! Is it? What should I do?!
Tadashi doesn't notice his own intense shaking and his fast-paced breathing matching hers. He doesn't notice a figure crouching down until he feels a hand on his back. The figure moves their hands in a motion that comforts the two.
"Yamaguchi, Yachi," Someone moves their hands to their chest. Tadashi and Hitoka feel a steady beat, thumping under their palms. "You're alright." The soothing voice calms them, but it's not enough. "Can any of you tell me what you feel?" The voice beckons.
The green-haired shaky voice goes first. "Y-Your clothes," His mouth goes dry. "Uhm, your hand on my back."
Hitoka's tiny voice speaks up. "The gym floor." Her response was barely a whisper. "The wall,"
"You're doing good. Can you try to match my breathing now?" They attempt to follow along to the heartbeat that they feel. When they couldn't they tense up but it is smoothed over with his voice. "It's okay, you're doing well. Let's try it again."
Eventually, their breathing evens out. Hitoka opens her shut eyes and the brown eyes widen at the sight in front of her.
"Eep!" She scrambles against the wall, her eyes blinking wildly as she takes in the fact that Tobio was sitting in front of them with their hands on his chest.
"Kageyama-kun?" Tadashi said when he opened his eyes. The said boy had his eyes closed, unaware of the entire team's stares at him. "You... Did you help us?"
Tobio opens his eyes and nods.
"Thank you," Hitoka says, her voice a little watery. "But... how did you know what to do?"
Tobio stays silent before replying, "I used to have them and I taught myself how to calm down so I thought that the same methods would work on you guys,"
Tadashi smiles gratefully. "It worked," He said, letting his hand squeeze the other. "Thanks, Kageyama-kun."
Tobio nods once more.
- Coach Ukai notices this whenever he helps clean up the gym even when it wasn't Tobio's turn and rewards him with head pats because yes. And Takeda notices when Tobio offers to massage him because Tobio thought that his back was going back after doing all that bowing and begging.
- Koushi and Daichi notice it as well after Tobio makes little treats for the members but he did not receive any(Seriously... Can this kid be any more oblivious?)
- All of them slowly finds out that the one who made those treats were Tobio, and they feel so touched because he made it for them the morning after their bad days
Kyan Reki: Gift-Giving
Reki's love language is gift-giving because he makes little trinkets that he then gives to his family and his friends. In canon, he technically made Langa his own skateboard! And then I imagine him making upgrades to everyone's stuff and then giving it to them because he doesn't actually think they'll wear it(they do end up wearing it!)
Other reasons why his love language is Gift-Giving(and more scenarios!):
- Just imagine him making a bouquet and giving it to Hiromi(Shadow) because Reki thought the flowers reminded him of Hiromi! Also Reki with flowers is just beautiful in its own way.
~"You're giving flowers to a florist...?" Hiromi was confused by the red head's action.
Reki blushes red in embarrassment. "I completely forgot you were a florist for a second, but I really thought that these flowers suited you!" He said, pushing the flowers into Hiromi's arm. "If you don't like them it's fine! I finished what I was doing here anyways!" He turns around and runs down the streets.
Hiromi nearly cackles at the boy's face before he remembers the flowers and looks down on them. "Hmm... yellow and orange tulips accompanied with white dahlias," Hiromi opens the book of Floriography and widens his eyes. He lets out a laugh. "Seriously that kid!" A light smile was carved on his face as he took out a vase and placed the flowers inside of it.
It is said that whenever you walk by Tulip, you will see an orange-haired florist either admiring the orange flowers in the vase or tending to them. There is no in-between.
- Him redesigning Kaoru's mask because Cherry Blossom's plain black is not enough for the red head!
~ Reki has been working on this mask for days now and he is now regretting his decision.
"What if he hates it?" Reki confesses to Kojiro. "JOE, what if he doesn't like it?"
"Kid," Kojiro takes the boy by his shoulders. "I saw the design and it looked amazing! If that four-eyes doesn't like it, then he has bad taste and you should just make something for me instead."
"Gorilla, what are you trying to do now?"
"Cherry!" Both Reki and Kojiro let out, surprised by his sudden appearance.
"When did you sneak up?" The latter asks.
"I wasn't sneaking up. I guess you were just too invested in trying to force him to make you something."
"I wasn't forcing the kid to make me something!" Kojiro throws his hands up. He then faces Reki. "Listen kid, this is your chance," Reki gulps. "I'm just going to go over... there," He points into the direction of a bunch of ladies. "Come to me if he refuses!" He said, waving the two goodbye.
After Kojiro leaves earshot, Kaoru turns over to Reki. "Heard you have something for me?" He beckons.
"Yeah, I do actually," Reki fidgets.
"It can't be any worse than the gorilla's gift to me," When Reki gives Kaoru a confused look, he elaborates. "He gave me a VIP ticket to a gay bar." Reki stifles a laugh. "He thought that since I wasn't interested in girls, I was interested in men." Kaoru sends a glare over to the green-haired. "He's not wrong but I didn't want it so I ripped it up in front of his face." Reki couldn't contain his laughter. "What I'm saying is that you don't have to worry about anything, you can just give it to me, I won't mind,"
"No use hiding it now," Reki shakes his head as he takes a box from behind his back. "You don't have to use it, I just thought it would look cool on you!" He scrambles to say when Kaoru didn't say anything after opening the box.
Kaoru could feel a smile forming on his face and he was ever so glad for his own mask. "Nonetheless, it would be terrible manners if I don't try it on." Turning his back to Reki, he takes off his old mask and puts on the new one. "Not bad." He said, when he felt the soft fabric touch his face. "I like it,"
"Yeah," Kaoru smiles, ruffling the boy's head. "I like it."
And apparently Kaoru liked it so much that he ends up wearing it all the time when he goes to "S".
- Reki does end up making something for Kojiro and it just so happens to be an apron decorated with the sun tattoo that Kojiro has and a skateboard.
~ Reki opens the door to Sia La Luce as Kojiro pops his head out of the workroom.
"Reki?" Kojiro questions when he recognizes the boy. "What are you doing here? Don't you have part-time job or something?"
"No part-time work today!" Reki says, as he slides into the counter seat, making sure that the bag that he came in with was out of sight. "So I came for lunch,"
"'Course you did," Kojiro said. "What do you want?"
"This is an Italian restaurant you little-!" He still ends up making shio ramen for Reki. When Reki finishes the ramen, he reaches for the bag.
"Hm?" Kojiro said, without looking up from washing the dishes.
"I got something for you,"
"Oh?" Now he looks up, interested in whatever Reki had in store for him.
"You don't have to wear it! But I thought I would give you something too!" Reki says as he hands the bag over. Kojiro looks in and pulls through a maroon apron with his little sun tattoo in the corner and a skateboard on the bottom right. "I wanted it to match what you already have..."
"Reki... You are so talented!" Kojiro beams at him.
"I'm going to wear this from now on! Wait! Let me go try it on, stay right there." Kojiro leaves and then returns a few minutes later wearing the apron. "How's it?"
"Um, you look great?" Reki says uncertainty.
"I do, don't I?" Kojiro said as he picked up the end of the apron. "It's because of your handiwork, kiddo. Good job on this." Kojiro pats the boy's shoulder and he sees the kid grin back.
- Reki making Langa and Miya plushies! A snow monster plushie for Langa and a cat plushie for Miya.
~ "Here you go!" Reki said as he handed the plushies to them.
"Reki... Is this..?" Langa looks expectantly at Reki and is answered with Reki's grin. "I love it!"
"Hehe! I sure hope so! I worked hard on making it for you,"
Thank you, Reki." Langa smiles at him and Reki blinks in surprise before nervously chuckling in response.
Miya stares at his cat plushie silently. The red-haired boy notices. "What is it, Miya? You don't like it?"
"Why are you giving this to me?" He asks.
"Why can't I?" Reki answers. "You're my friend! And I wanted to make something for you. If you don't like it, I can change it to something else-"
Miya hisses at him when he tries to reach for the cat plushie. "Who said I don't like it! I was just wondering the reason..."
"So you like it?" Miya realizes what he said and turns red.
"No! Shut up, you slime! I'm just taking it because it would be stupid not to," He said, but he also embraces the cat plushie.
Reki laughs and ruffles Miya's hair which results in Miya trying to scratch him again. Thank god... Reki thinks as he watches them smile at their gifts.
- Reki buys a handcuff and gives it to Ainosuke in his ADAM form, telling him to kindly get himself into jail. Tadashi has to stop Ainosuke from ordering another beef with Reki.
- Reki makes lunch bentos every morning and makes sure that they are all in his family's backpack. Him buying his little siblings favorite snacks and putting them in their room because big brother Reki is just <33!!
Bakugou Katsuki: Acts Of Service
Katsuki would definitely be Acts Of Service because he has a hard time expressing his words in anything that's not insults and he doesn't like Physical Touch because his sweat is highly toxic, as it acts rather similar to nitroglycerin. He would be Acts Of Service because he would probably try to express his feelings in ways that are not obvious.
 Reasons as to why Acts Of Service is his Love Language(+ Extra):
- I'm pretty sure Katsuki canonically helps the Bakusquad study and even if it's not canon, it's such a cute headcanon!
~ "Crap...!" Mina groans into her hands at the end of class. "How could Cementoss just drop such a bomb on us?" She said, "My average!"
 "You have it better, my average is already in the failing grade," Denki comically cries into Hanta's arm. "Serooo! Help me!"
 Hanta pats the blond. "Kaminari, just because I'm passing in his class does not mean I am capable of tutoring others." Denki gasps as he pushes his head away from Hanta's arm.
 "Betrayed by my best friend! How could you do this to me!"
 "I thought I was your best friend," Eijiro said. Denki looks over and drapes himself over the red-head.
 "Kirishima is my only best friend now!" He declares as Eijiro chuckles.
 Katsuki passes by his desk and slaps the back of Denki's head, which results in an 'ow' coming from the boy. "Shut up, dunce face!" He scowls. "Come to the common room at 5 PM. Bring your textbooks." He said, staring at all of them and then he left.
 "D-Did..." Mina stared wide-eyed at Katsuki's back.
 "Did the almighty Bakugou Katsuki just offer to tutor us?!"  Denki finishes for her. Eijiro sighs and Hanta shrugs his shoulders.
 "I'm just going to go," Hanta said. "Wouldn't want my tutor to get mad at me for being late!"
 "Same," Eijiro agrees. He turns to the pink-haired girl and the yellow-haired boy. "You guys coming?"
 The two shook out of their thoughts, stood up and replied simultaneously. "Yeah!" The group left the classroom and walked into the dormitory.
 When they took the test next week, all they showed to Katsuki was the highest score they've ever gotten and Katsuki would deny them if they ever asked him if he was proud of them.
- Katsuki cooking for his classmates is also something he would do! Despite them being children, I feel that they might forget to eat meals sometimes and for such a healthy and organized person as Katsuki, that was just no good.
 ~ "Don't these extras know that if they don't eat they won't be able to work efficiently?" Katsuki frowns as he stomps into the kitchen and opens the fridge. It takes awhile for him to take out the ingredients and prepare all of them. Cooking for 19 other students was not an easy task.
 He ties the apron around his waist and begins cooking. Slowly but surely, he could hear footsteps descending from the stairs and soon Katsuki could feel the stares on him. Dumbasses. He thinks, trying to hide his smirk when he hears them whispering to one another.
 Shouto enters the kitchen. "Bakugou, do you need help?"
 "Hah?" Katsuki doesn't spare him a glance but Shouto could see that his eyes narrowed. "I don't need your help in the kitchen, Icy-Hot. Just go set the table," He said, focused on cooking this stew.
 "Okay," The heterochromatic boy nods before taking some plates and then going to the table and placing them down. The other students followed his example as they took the utensils and set them onto the table. As each classmate takes their seat, Katsuki finishes.
 "Here extras!" A frenzy grin on Katsuki's face. "Eat it all up," He said, and all the classmates dug in.
 "This is so good!" Mina exclaims as she takes a spoonful of the stew.
 "Of course it is!" Izuku beams. "Kacchan made it!"
 "Shut it, nerd,"
 "Meanie Kacchan," Izuku pouts, but everyone knows that they were just teasing one another.
- Our little pomeranian making sure that everyone was okay after a villain attack and helping Recovery Girl because he knows first-aid much better than the idiots of Class 1A.
~ "Ow! Ow! Ow! OW!" Denki screams as Katsuki tightens the bandage. "Kacchan-"
 "Don't call me Kacchan."
 "-You don't have to be so rough on me!" Katsuki clicks his tongue when Denki whines.
 "Go sit over there," Katsuki gestures to the classmates that have already been patched up. As Denki begrudgingly moves, Katsuki calls the next one, "Four-eyes!" Tenya limps over and takes a seat in front of him. Katsuki scans over the injuries and curses under his breath. "Seriously, would it kill for you guys to f*cking pay attention to your surroundings so you don't get hit by flailing wires." He mumbles.
 Tenya overhears and chuckles. "Sorry Bakugou, I was too busy evacuating the civilians. I will be sure to follow your advice next time!"
 "Good," Katsuki said, before checking over his work in bandaging the wound. "You're good, now go. I got other patients."
 "Yes!" Tenya leaves as Katsuki calls up the next student.
Recovery Girl glances over, watches as Katsuki wraps Izuku's entire arm in bandages and then flicks the green-haired boy off, and smiles to herself. What a kid... She thinks, as she heals another patient. He doesn't realize he's such a great friend, does he?
- Katsuki helping out the girls when Minoru bothers them, carrying their shopping bags begrudgingly, and the only person knowledgeable enough about periods to be the heat pack for the girls.
- Him helping Hitoshi getting into Class A but in return, Hitoshi has to use his quirk on him. Katsuki calms Hitoshi before he gets too scared to use his quirk.
- Katsuki and the kids(Eri, Kota, Mahoro and Katsuma) bonding because its cute. Technically, he's babysitting them on the behalf of the other adults but bonding is a cuter word.
Kuroba Kaito: Quality Time
Kaito's Love Language would be quality time because he knows how it feels to have something stripped away from your future when you thought you would have forever with that person. He would want to spend time with his friends, being there for them, and making memories with them because Kaito knows how dangerous his night-job is and wants to leave some happy memories behind.
 Some Reasons why his love language is Quality Time(and scenarios!):
- Kaito taking(*kidnapping*) Aoko and her father out to hangout because they are the last bits of family he has left, especially after his father died and his mother is distant.
~ "Aoko! Nakamori-keibu!" He shouts at the door and waits with a cheeky grin on his face. A few moments later, a freshly awakened Nakamori Ginzo opens the door. The older one rubs his eyes and then blinks in surprise.
 "Kaito-kun?!" Kaito responds with a grin.
 "Hey there! Is Aoko awake?"
 "Not yet," Ginzo responsed. "Come on in," Kaito gladly takes the invite as he takes off his shoes, leaving them at the entrance and makes a beeline straight to the kitchen. "Why are you here, Kaito-kun?"
 "I'll be kidnapping you guys today!" He said with a cheery voice as he took a few eggs out of the fridge and some other things. "Wake Aoko for me please," Kaito asks as he cooks breakfast. Ginzo looks at Kaito, shrugs and then leaves to wake Aoko.
 A few minutes later, a ruffled Aoko walks down the stairs drowsy and sleepy. The moment she sees Kaito, she pounces on him. "Bakaito! What are you doing waking me up so early on Saturday?!"
 "Ow! Ow! Aoko! Stop that!" Kaito tries to pry her off. "I just got tickets to an aquarium and wanted to invite you guys," He says at last. Aoko stops grabbing his ears and stares down at Kaito.
 "Is it the newly opened one?"
 "Yeah," Aoko jumps down, rushing to her seat as Kaito rubs his ears with a light wince.
 "Could've told me early!" She said, as she chews on the fluffy scrambled eggs. Ginzo takes his seat and beckons Kaito to sit as well. Kaito complies as he sits between Aoko and Ginzo.
 "You know Kaito-kun, you should give the ticket to someone else-"
 "No!" Aoko and Kaito said in unison, as Ginzo was taken aback. "We're taking you with us, whether you like it or not!" Aoko pouts, crosses her arms, staring down at her dad. Ginzo sweatdrops and agrees at the end. Kaito and Aoko share a clap and as soon as they finish breakfast, they're off to the aquarium.
 The trio had a good time and Kaito took enough pictures to last a lifetime.
- Kaito hesitantly agrees to Akako's idea of shopping with him and they actually spend a day every month acting like normal teenagers, not teenagers with secrets that burden them.
~ Akako dragged the black-haired around, constantly pointing at certain things that she sees through the windows. Sometimes, they stop and actually enter the store only to come out empty-handed.
 "That's a magical item, you know?" Akako whispers to Kaito. Kaito raises an eyebrow as he follows her finger's direction until it lands on... a fish.
 "GYAHHH!" He screams, as Akako giggles like a maniac. "Akako!" He pouts, glaring at her, as he trembles. The navy blue-haired witch laughs, before wiping the tears that formed out of her eyes. "How could you do that? I trusted you," Kaito squats to the floor, head buried into his knees. When he doesn't respond after a few seconds, Akako grew worried.
 "Kuroba?" She asks. He doesn't react and her red eyes glanced around, a bit frantically. When she crouches to meet Kaito at eye-level, Kaito takes his head out of his arms and grins at her.
 "Boo," He said, as Akako widened her eyes before narrowing them in disdain.  
 "I can't believe you," She huffs out, crossing her arms when she stands. "I actually thought you were crying,"
 "Aww, thanks for caring, Akako! But I have grown far past the crying stage," Kaito replied as he stood up and brushed a piece of her hair behind her ear. "Besides, this is payback for scaring me." He smiles, before walking off into a random direction.
 Akako sighed but she should have realized that this was what she signed up for when she asked him to come shopping with her and then scaring him. Watching Kaito's back, she feels strangely relieved. I wonder what else you have for me. Akako smirks, her palm hiding it. When Kaito turns around, she forces a poker face and watches as Kaito gestures towards her. She started walking towards him as he waited for her.
 When they're right next to each other once more, Kaito starts up a small talk, keeping Akako occupied, as the two set off to walk around once more.
- Despite Kaito's dislike towards Saguru, he has to admit that the detective was a good person and a good challenge. And he's not going to let him go sick a day before his heist, so he'll stay with him, whether Saguru knows it or not.
~ Saguru sneezes again after Baaya takes his temperature. "How's it?" He asks, sickness clear in his dry voice. Baaya shook her head disapprovingly.
 "You shouldn't have played in the snow, botchama," Baaya shows him his temperature. Even through the blurriness in his eyes, he could see the blaring 104 degrees. He groans, as the sweat drips down his neck. Damn it, Kuroba! Was this his way to prevent me from going to the heist? He thinks, as he coughs. Baaya hands the boy his medicine, in which he takes it without much complaint.
 "You can go now, Baaya," Saguru dismisses her as he lays uncomfortably on his bed. After a few minutes, he drifted into dreamless sleep.
 When he wakes again, he feels even worse. And the voices behind the door don't do his headache any justice. "C-Come in," He stumbles over his words, when Saguru tries to sit up and drink some water.
 "Oh my, botchama!"
 "Jeez Hakuba!"
 Amongst the 2 voices, his eyes widened at the second. "Kuroba-kun?" He questions, squinting to try and see the boy. Kaito comes into view a few seconds later when he's right in front of Saguru's face. "What are you doing-" Saguru coughs, his chest shaking. "-here?" He finishes.
 "To deliver your homework, Hakubastard," Kaito says, but he's worried. Was Hakuba really that sick? He wonders, before trying to compare temperatures with their foreheads. Kaito's cold hands were a blessing to Saguru as he melts into the coolness. He's really out of it... Kaito's eyes shine with guilt. I didn't realize he gets sick so easily. "Sorry, Hakuba," He apologizes under his breath.
 "Hmn?" Was all Saguru replies, his eyes closed as he leaned into the cold.
 "Botchama! You need to lie down!" Baaya interrupts them and pushes Saguru against the bed. She changes the towel, replacing the old one with a cooler one. "And you!" She turns to Kaito, whose wide eyes stared at her. "You need to go," She says softly, "I can't have you ruin Saguru-botchama's rest."
 "Yeah, sure," He answers, but as Kaito leaves, his eyes are still on Saguru's sick form. As Kaito walks down the hallway, he asks Baaya, "Where's his parents?"
 Baaya, clearly confused by his question, only answers, "Out,"
 "Oh," The boy, Baaya noted, seemed to have reached a conclusion. "Uh, I think I left something on Hakuba's night desk, can I go get it?" Baaya sighs.
 "What is it? I'll get it for you instead,"
 "Oh no, I can get it myself," Kaito insists. "Please?" Baaya takes a look at his puppy eyes, sighed, and waved him off.
 As Kaito rushes down the hallway, Baaya groans into her hands. "I'm too old for this," She mutters, continuing her way down the hall. On the other hand, Kaito reaches Saguru's side. He looks around and finds a pen and some paper. Slowly, he writes a few sentences and wishes him a safe and healthy recovery. Kaito looks at the closet, takes an extra pair of pajamas, does some magic and changes Saguru's clothes. Throwing the old clothes drenched in sweat aside, Kaito makes sure to wipe his sweat away and place the letter on Saguru's night desk.
 Kaito quickly leaves the building, making sure that Baaya sees him go before disguising himself as a maid and reentering the building. Sneaking back to Saguru's room, he began to do what all maids did: housework.
 When Saguru wakes up the next morning, his fever has gone down and he feels a smooth fabric in his hand. "What's this?" He questions when he sees a white glove in his palm. His eyes drifted to the letter. KID? He thinks when he notices the little KID doodle in the corner. Did Kuroba stay? Saguru widens his eyes in surprise before chuckling, smiling to himself as he reads the letter.
- (Just realized that the last one wasn't really Quality Time but I kinda liked it ;-; So instead have this:) Kaito forces Saguru to come and buy KID merch with him and bump into Shinichi and Heiji. Kaito then grabs all of them and practically drags the detectives all around for KID merch. Every single detective now has to go home with a KID plushy, a KID pin, and KID idol fan.
- Kaitou KID spending time with Sonoko and even offering her an interview because he heard from Shinichi how much of a fan Sonoko was. The interview, when uploaded onto Youtube, gains over 1.5 million views and KID now has a new phone number(on the separate phone used for Kaitou KID and not his personal phone)
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justfifi · 2 years
About Me
Just a few things about me that I'd like to note :]
|♡| [☆] (☯)
Hallo! My pronouns are she/her, but I'm fine with they/them.
I've been in the fanfiction fandom for a long time, and I'm finally publishing a few things I wrote over the years(mainly on my AO3). Of course, many things needs to be polished up before posting so updates are always so slow. It does not help when I get brain rots in the middle of editing. Plus my motivation is always on an all time low.
I'm part of multiple fandoms as well as a multi-shipper(+ rare pair shipper)! If you have any reccomended shows to watch or series to read, please reach out to me. I would love more things to add onto my ongoing list of Animes, Mangas, Manhwas, Manhuas, Light Novels, Web Novels, and etc.
That's about it. If I have anything else I'd want to say in the future, I'll edit this post. Hope everyone has a good day/night! <3
|♡| [☆] (☯)
Other Socials: TikTok: @just_fifi08 Instagram: @just_fifi08 Twitter: @Just_Fifi08
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