justsounds · 4 years
It’s OK if different types of attraction are jumbled up for you. It’s OK if you’re not sure what type of attraction or attractions you’re experiencing.
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justsounds · 4 years
update i just started season five and i'm SO UPSET
watching agents of shield for the first time and it's season two so can we please stop giving my man fitz trust issues i beg
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justsounds · 4 years
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justsounds · 4 years
watching agents of shield for the first time and it's season two so can we please stop giving my man fitz trust issues i beg
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justsounds · 4 years
I find it funny that now Voltron’s done and we’ve got past the initial outrage everyone in the fandom has kinda simontaniously agreed to never mention it again
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justsounds · 4 years
it will be okay;
FANDOM: She-Ra: Princesses of Power.
RELATIONSHIP(S): Platonic Adora + Mara.
a/n; a short drabble to say thank you to she-ra, noelle and all the creators and other crew members for this amazing show. season five, the final season, is airing in just over eight hours, and honestly? i'm not ready for it to end. but that's okay. thank you, she-ra.
Her breath caught, as she turned around to see her. Mara. Only, she could see her. No hologram or photo or memory. She was there.
"What the-" Adora began, but was quickly cut off.
"I don't have much time. Ha, seems I'm always running out," she laughed bitterly, years of pressure and deception crashing down on her, onto her shoulders, as they slumped forward, "But that doesn't matter anymore. You do."
Mara began pacing, and Adora followed her with her gaze, watched as the girl slowly became more and more anxious, filling with energy. Watched as her dark eyebrows drew together, as she ran her fingers through her uncharacteristically tousled hair. Watched as her chest rose and fell, and she finally came to a standstill.
"I'm sorry." She wasn't quite sure why she said it, but Mara was so clearly distressed: her plan had failed, a thousand years later, and it was Adora's fault. The least she could do was apologise. Just as she was about to spout more false promises that she would fix everything, Mara started towards her sharply.
"Don't apologise. You did good, you did great. Please, don't apologise."
The words died in Adora's throat.
"The sword, the sword, that was an ingenious move."
"But, now we're - I'm - powerless. And, apparently, the Horde is a million times bigger than we thought it was, and they're a galactic empire and I don't even want to touch on whatever the First Ones are up to now, and everything is falling apart-"
"Adora!" The girls met each other's eyes. Grey met blue.
"It will be okay."
The dam broke. Adora tried, she tried to remember her Horde training, don't show emotion, don't show emotion, but maybe Huntara was right. Maybe she had gone soft in the rebellion. And so tears poured down her face. Raw despair that she had been keeping bottled up, since Thaymor, since Catra gave her that look and backed away into the smoke, since her world changed and she was forced to change with it. The bottle burst open, exploded into pieces, along with her sword and everything else in her life that seemed unsalvageable. Her face became blotchy and snot started to merge with her salty tears. Glimmer. Catra. Horde Prime. She let out a sob.
"Oh, Adora," Mara rush forwards, holding her in her arms, tucking her head next to the other girl's, closing her eyes, "It will be okay."
But maybe Huntara was right. Maybe she had gone soft in the rebellion. Though, as Mara drew back and wiped the tears from Adora's face, assuring her that she could do this, that the sword doesn't make her She-Ra... she had a nearly impossible idea.
Maybe that isn't a bad thing.
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justsounds · 4 years
why has no one made an IT animatic to youth - daughter the lyrics fit so well
"shadows settle... to the finish line" reflecting on chapter 1 vs chapter 2
"and if you're still breathing... corrupted lungs" GAZEBOS also inhaler
"setting fire to our insides for fun" bev n richie vibing idk
"collecting names... that went wrong" richie carving R+E and then a cut to eddie with the LOVERS cast
"we are the reckless... we'll reveal the truth" chapter 1 battle but "reveal the truth" is bev in the deadlights
"that one will die before he gets there" ...stan
"and if you're still bleeding... it was a flood that wrecked this" thinking about stan and that summer in the clubhouse
"and you caused it x3" cuts to them each getting their tokens (two each line)
"well I've lost it all... when you broke my chest" pennybitch pov
"ringing in my head, when you broke my chest" pennybitch is gone but richie flashes back to eddie getting stabbed and runs back to him
"and if you're in love... our insides for fun" sad timez where the losers are trying to get richie to leave eddie's body maybe some flashbacks idk
"to distract our hearts from ever missing them" stan, georgie, eddie, any of the losers' NICE dead parents, etc
"but I'm forever missing him" everyone hugging richie in the water
"and you caused it x3" just frames of things getting slightly better and the remaining five staying friends
someone pls do this I'M NOT AN ARTIST
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justsounds · 4 years
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justsounds · 4 years
no i don't only have male comfort characters because i'm "secretly trans".
it's internalised misogyny, karen.
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justsounds · 4 years
me: i’m going to go to sleep before 2am tonight! i will NOT stay up binge-watching ‘it chapter 2 cast interviews’ on youtube all night long! i will NOT!
me, at 7am:
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justsounds · 5 years
joey from friends was aromantic
think abt it
hasn't had any long term romantic relationships
very sex positive (bc u can be aro without being ace!!)
living with a best friend?? a-spec culture.
the "romantic" relationships he DOES have never really last longer than a month?
the only time he's ever been in LOVE was with Rachel, a friend who he'd known for EIGHT YEARS beforehand
and when they dated they didn't work out
was it actually a squish that he misinterpreted??????
there's probably more but it's midnight, I haven't watched friends in like a week and this was an impulse thought
so, in conclusion,
he's at least aro-spec sorry I don't make the rules
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justsounds · 5 years
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tell me I'm wrong
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justsounds · 5 years
au where voltron is just allura looking back at all the shit that happened and thinking how she should have made better decisions
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justsounds · 5 years
why do you care so much about a stupid crush?
because this isn’t fair. I should be over her by now. I see her, what, maybe twice a year? and just when I think I’m over her, just when I think I’ve moved on, she waltzes back into my life like she owns it, and stirs up all these feelings, and it’s not fair. it’s bullshit. I hate her, god, I really hate her. I hate her stupid grin and infectious laugh and warm eyes because it’s all a lie.
and I don’t deserve that.
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justsounds · 5 years
reblog if you think peter parker would be able to lift Mjolnir 
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justsounds · 5 years
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tell me I’m wrong
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justsounds · 5 years
Ok but i want a chick flick where this girl is like really good friends with this guy, right? and they have a lot in common and they hang out a lot and are basically best buds, yeah? and then the guy gets a girlfriend, and his friend, the main girl really doesn’t like her. Or that’s what everyone thinks, because she would never hang out with her, and she gets really quiet when she’s around, or like very hostile. And she hates hanging out with her best friend and his girlfriend together because they’re all lovey-dovey. So everyone, and the girlfriend, think that this main girl is in love with her best friend, so the girlfriend confronts her in like this super dramatic scene in the rain, and they have an argument and in the middle of it the main girl reveals that she actually has a crush on her best friend’s girlfriend which is why she can’t hang out with her. And then she runs away. Later when the other girl thinks about it she realises that the reason the other girl’s hostility bothered her so much is because she likes her too, so she tell her boyfriend and they break up, and then she shows up at the main girls house in the middle of the night and throws rocks at her window, confesses her feelings and asks her out to prom. And then they both become prom queens and slow dance and make out… the end
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