kaiparker-imagines · 6 years
If you’re European, in a couple of weeks you will be denied any and all access to fandom contents on Tumblr and everywhere else on the internet. Here’s why.
On June, 20th the JURI of European Parliament approved of the articles 11 and 13 of the new Copyright Law. These articles are also known as the “Link Tax” and the “Censorship Machines” articles.
Articles 13 in particular forces every internet platform to filter all the contents we upload online, ending once and for all the fandom culture. Which means you won’t be able to upload any type of fandom works like fan arts, fan fictions, gif sets from your favourite films and series, edits, because it’s all copyrighted material. And you won’t also be able to share, enjoy or download other’s contents, because the use of links will be completely restricted.
But not everything’s lost yet. There’s another round of voting scheduled for the early days of July.
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What you can do now to save our internet, is to share these informations with all of your family members and friends, and to ask to your MEP (the members of the European Parliament from your country) to vote NO at the next round, to vote against articles 11 and 13.
Here you can find more news and all the details to contact your MEP:
Also, sign and share this petition:
We have just a couple of weeks to stop this complete madness, don’t let them dictating the way we enjoy our internet.
#SaveYourInternet now!
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kaiparker-imagines · 6 years
Can you tag me in Dance with the Devil I'm really enjoying the story
Of course :)
@Everyone: If anyone else wants to be tagged just shoot me a message :)
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kaiparker-imagines · 6 years
Omg it's crazyyy. Just found you page and instant fell in love with it. Damn.
thank you so much, nonnie
(And I know I’m probably a disappointment to all of you for never posting but I promise I haven’t forgotten about this page. Life’s just really tough...)
0 notes
kaiparker-imagines · 6 years
Dance With The Devil (v)
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word count: 3 428 warnings: none
notes: I actually have no real idea how moving into a dorm really works (I tried to do some research but failed in finding the right answers) so don’t be surprised if something seems odd. But from what I’ve read every college does it differently, so this is just my way 🙃 Also, on another side note, I haven’t written in a long time so I first need to get back to it. 
*gif by me
→previous part: here
Part V
   four months later
Today was the day Y/N would finally start a new chapter of her life. She had been waiting for this day since she got accepted at college, finally being able to move another step towards fulfilling her dream of becoming a doctor. She worked really hard even to be taken at that school which made her all the more prouder to actually have achieved it. 
“Are you sure you have everything you need?” Her aunt Amanda asked surely for the twentieth time since they drove here - and probably the fifth time since they got out of the car and walked the way up towards the dorms. Even though she said she could go alone, her aunt insisted on walking you to the door. 
“Yes. Just like all the last times you asked.” She answered, rolling your eyes. Not that she didn’t like her aunt (after the car accident where her parents died she was her last living family), she only was a bit overprotective sometimes. Like now, for instance. 
She just shrugged in response, and silently they continued their walk. They reached the white dorm building, stopped right in front of the wooden door. 
“Time to say goodbye.” Her aunt said with a sad smile on her face as she pulled Y/N towards her, hugging her. “I’m gonna miss you.” 
Again, she had to prevent herself from rolling my eyes. Nevertheless, Y/N told her she’d miss her, too. Which was the truth - although she was happy to stand on her own feet now she would be missed. More than she wanted to admit. After all, she was the last living person she actually cared about. And now she didn’t know when she’d really see her again. 
Y/N freed yourself from her aunt’s hug and put her hand on the door handle as she felt her aunt’s on her shoulder. Turning back around, she saw her holding a little black box in her other hand. 
“I still have something I wanted to give you.” She explained, holding out the black box for Y/N to take. Startled, she took it and shoved it in her jacket pocket, keeping it there to open it only when she reached her room. Or at least that’s what she had planned. “But you can only open it when the right time has come.” 
She perked your eyebrows up, irritated on what her cryptic last sentence meant. How the hell am I supposed to know when the right time has come? She asked yourself, but before she could ask it out loud, her aunt turned around and walked back towards the car.  
Y/N shook your head and continued her way in. Looking around she saw many other people, almost everyone seemed as overwhelmed and uncertain what to do next as she was. She just followed the crowd through the hall into a big room with many tables. Behind each one of them sat an older student with many lists in front of them, handing each freshman a key to their dorm. 
Taking her bags with her, she stood in line and waited until it was her turn to get her key. Luckily it only took a few minutes before everyone in front of her was gone and it was her turn now. 
“Name?” The student - a blonde girl - asked nicely.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N).” She answered, and the girl nodded, started to check the list. It was just a matter of a few seconds, then she already handed her a key and let her sign that she achieved it. 
“You dorm number is 113. It’s on the first floor, so you just need to go upstairs and head right. Then you’ll quickly find your dorm.” She smiled up at her, waited until she was gone before she waved the next person closer. 
Still a little confused she followed a small group of people who were heading upstairs. 
First floor on the right, first floor on the right, she repeated over and over in her head, walking in the direction until she got to a door with the number 113 on it. Just below it was a paper on which she could read her name. Surprisingly there wasn’t another one on it although she was sure she wouldn’t have a dorm for her own. There had to be someone who’d live with her, hadn’t it?
Using the key to unlock it, she opened the door, taking everything in. Even though it was a rather small room which only contained two beds, two desks and one big wardrobe it felt nice. The walls were painted with her favorite color, and she was sure that as soon as she and her roommate had given it their own touch, it would be a nice, cozy place to stay. 
She chose the left bed, the one that was closer to the window, as her own and began unpacking her bags by starting with putting her clothes in one half of the wardrobe and looking at the door from time to time to see if her roommate finally came. But he or she didn’t. 
Hours went by, she had finished unpacking, and there was still no sign of the mysterious roommate. By now she already started to think that she could have this room for herself. Currently, she was laying in her bed and read her favorite book when the door opened with a slight squeak. She turned around immediately, looking at a tall guy with dark hair who seemed extraordinarily familiar. 
Memories were flashing before her eyes as she remembered it. The strange cabin, him. 
She had been on her way out when she stopped and turned around to him to ask him two last question: “Who are you? And how do you know me?”
He had looked at her as if his whole world had just fallen apart as if it hurt him to hear her say these words. As if it was the last thing he had expected her to say. But she wasn’t bothered by it. She shook her head after not getting an answer and just turned on her heels, leaving the cabin, leaving him there alone. 
Nevertheless, on her whole way trying to find a way out of the woods, she kept thinking about him. And how she got there. There was a big hole in her memories, a blackness and she couldn’t remember what had happened before. She didn’t have any idea how she could’ve gotten into that strange cabin.
“Hi.” He said shyly, bringing her back to reality. “Seems like we’re gonna be roomies. My name’s Kai.”
Y/N forced a little smile at him, her emotions were overshadowed with worry. Was it really a random coincidence that he out of all people would be the one she would be sharing a dorm with? Could he somehow have arranged it? It all just seemed odd. 
“Y/N. But I guess you knew that...” She replied, seeing how his smile faded at her comment. He nodded and took a step further into the room, closing the door behind him again. Sitting down on his bed he waited until Y/N turned towards him, facing him.
His blue eyes were piercing into hers, and her breath got caught in her throat. Her heart skipped a beat like it remembered something she couldn’t remember anymore.
He nervously scratched his chin before he began to talk, “yeah... so I guess you remember the day in the cabin.” Now it was her turn to nod but he didn’t seem to notice, he already thought about his next words. “I know you must have many questions in regard to this... it’s just, I first need to know what you still know.”
She tried to remember, she really did, but her memories got blurrier the more she attempted to form a single thought. It was strange. Really strange. Stranger even that as fast as all this had come, it went away again and she suddenly could see everything in front of her inner eye - it was even something different than what she had always seen before. Something which now seemed more plausible. The car drive with her parents, the deadly accident, how she lost conscience and how she then woke up in the cabin where Kai obviously must’ve brought her. The question was: why?
Another question that arose was why she should trust Kai. If he actually dragged her unconscious body into the woods in a cabin far away from the street what was the purpose behind this? What else was he capable of doing?
A quiet sigh escaped her lips before she decided to tell him. Her intuition told her that despite everything she could trust him - partly, anyway. “It was the day my parents died. We were on our way to some friends in Portland when dad got distracted and veered off the street, crashing into a tree. I guess I fainted and then I suddenly was in this cabin. And when I got back... my aunt was already waiting for me all worried and told me that my parents were dead. But to be honest it’s all still kind of...”
“... blurry?” He suggested, looking at her with a mixture of incomprehension and surprise and... sadness? She wasn’t sure if she had seen it right, but there was a trace of an emotion she couldn’t place. Somehow this didn’t seem to be the answer he had expected. 
“I’m really sorry about your parents.” There it was, the hidden but in the way he had pronounced his sentence. Yet he never went further. He didn’t tell her what he wanted to tell her and Y/N noticed it. She just couldn’t do anything to make him say it.
Kai sat down on the free bed, not even bothering with unpacking his things. Instead, he kept looking at Y/N, his gaze drifting towards the necklace she was wearing. A golden amulet with a red gem in the middle of the pendant. Her aunt had given it to her - it had belonged to her mother before. The last thing she had that remembered her of her parents. 
She felt his burning stare, it was making her slightly uncomfortable. Just how was she supposed to live with him? Yes, her intuition told her he was harmless, that she could trust him but could she really? There was just something... off about this boy. She just had no idea what it could be. 
“You still didn’t tell me what you were doing in this cabin,” Y/N suddenly spoke, bringing Kai back to reality. “Or why you dragged me there.”
“I didn’t drag you there. You were already there when I went in. I’ve only waited for you to wake up to make sure you were okay.” 
This answer came quick. Too quick in her opinion - like he had waited to finally say it out loud, like he had studied it beforehand. Practiced what he was going to say once she asked this question. 
Y/N nodded. Not because she was satisfied with this answer but because she knew she wouldn’t get something else out of him. He would stay with his version of the story even though she was sure there was something else that he didn’t want her to know. At least not yet, maybe she could get him to tell her once they were around each other for a little longer. 
“Y/N? Hey, wake up. Wake up!”
Suddenly, she sat up straight in her bed, quickly getting used to the dim lights in the room. Kai’s face was right above her and she shied away, back hitting the headboard of the bed.
“It’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you,” he assured her, his lips curling into a soft smile. “I want to show you something.”
He held his hand out to her and without hesitation she took it, allowing him to help her up. She felt a spark, something like electricity coursing through her veins as he touched her. A quiet chuckle left his lips before he pulled her closer to him, his arms wrapping around her. 
Confusion. That was what she was feeling. And yet she couldn’t shake that it felt good, warm and familiar. He mumbled something but he was too quiet for her to hear it. A bit awkwardly she freed herself from his embrace, looking at him with her arms crossed in front of her chest.
Did he just wake her up to hug her? 
“What is it that you want to show me?” She asked more coldly than she had intended. "And why do you have to do this at night? Couldn’t you have waited until tomorrow?” 
“Just wait and come with me.”
Eyebrows perked up at this, but again - against better judgment - she sighed and took his hand once more. Forgetting that she was still only wearing her short pajama, she followed him as he led her out of the building. A decision she quickly regretted since she began to freeze as soon as they put a foot outside. When had it become so cold? It was still summer! 
He still practically dragged her with him as they reached the edge of a forest. A forest? She was new to this school but for sure there hadn’t been a forest before. 
“Where are you taking me?” 
Kai stopped and turned around to her, a threatening, dangerous look in his eyes. Y/N gulped - this was so different than the Kai she had met earlier today. Hell, it even was different than the one who had hugged her just a few minutes ago. 
Either he must’ve noticed her frightened expression or he had realized it himself, but his features softened as he gave her a little smile again. He took both her hands in his, coming incredibly close to her. So close that she could already feel his warm breath on her cool skin. She wanted to look away, turn her head to the side but something made her stay where she was, his beautiful blue eyes piercing right into hers. 
“Do you trust me?”
She spoke without thinking. Without a second thought, she affirmed him that she trusted him. But could she really? She only knew him for one day - not even one whole day - and she already trusted him wholeheartedly. 
His smile widened and he brought his hand up to her cheek, carefully caressing her. Her breath got caught in her throat and Y/N closed her eyes, enjoying this more than she probably should. Somehow, whenever he came this close to her, he made her forget about everything else that was going on. In her head, around them. 
“You may not remember me but at least my effect on you hasn’t changed one bit.”
There it was - the cocky attitude she first had expected when she had seen him. Y/N rolled her eyes before the words had a chance to sink in. But when they did it struck her. Hard. 
“Remember you? What do you mean?” 
Kai took a few steps away from her, his hand still holding hers, his thumb slowly moving over the back of her hand. 
“That’s connected to what I want to show you.” 
He started moving again and that was when Y/N realized for now she wouldn’t get a better answer. He seemed to know exactly where he wanted to go because even though they didn’t have any light beside the moon and the stars, he made his way towards the woods without them running against anything or going astray. Well, at least that was what she hoped. 
All the while as they were walking quietly side by side she had time to think. Now he had basically confirmed what she had assumed before. He knew her and not only from this strange meeting at the cabin. No. There was something else. Something he didn’t tell her yet, something she couldn’t remember anymore. But why was it gone? What had happened to make her forget him? She was sure she wouldn’t have forgotten him that easily, not with the way he managed to make her feel. Maybe that’s the reason why she had been so eager to trust him right away. Because she already did trust him before.
“We are here!” Kai suddenly announced, stopping so that Y/N bumped into him. 
She let go of his hand, taking a look around. There was not much to see, in fact, there wasn’t anything different apart from a little, broken well right in front of them. 
“That’s what you wanted to show me? A well? You woke me up in the middle of the night to show me a broken well?”
“You don’t remember, do you?” There it was again. The same hint of incomprehension, surprise and sadness he had given her earlier today. “He really erased everything.”
Kai was stalling, not answering her right away. Either he didn’t want her to know (wouldn’t be a first) or he couldn’t say it. Y/N could read the hurt on his face, hurt and... anger. He was trying to hide it but she could see he was, in fact, angry about something.  
“Who erased what?” She asked once more, more firm and determined to get him to reply this time. 
Carefully, he grabbed her hands. At the same moment she felt a pressure around her neck, something was cutting painfully into her skin. Everything was spinning as Kai vanished into thin air, the forest lit up once before everything went dark again and she opened her eyes.
“What are you doing?” She yelled, pushing something - or better someone - off her. The pressure around her throat disappeared and her hand blindly searched for the switch on her lamp. 
As soon as the light was turned on, she saw Kai on the floor, looking up at her. At least he had the decency to look at her as if he was aware he had done something wrong. 
“Did you try to kill me?” Her voice was a pitch higher than usual, hand moving up to rub over her sore neck. 
“No!” he replied immediately, shocked that she would even think that. He would never be able to hurt her, let alone kill her. He just needed to know if his assumption was right and the best to do so was at night when she was asleep. Dreaming about something he had planted into her head, using his little magic still left. 
“Are you sure? Because trying to strangle someone usually counts as an attempted murder,” she informed him, sitting upright in the bed now. Her hand still moved over her neck as she noticed something was missing. Her necklace. The last memory she had of her parents.
“Where is my necklace?” She asked, letting the other thing go for a moment. “Where is my necklace, Kai?” 
Quickly, Y/N got up and made her way towards her roommate, anger burning in her eyes. She wanted it back, she needed it back. She wouldn’t let him steal it from her - for whatever reason that might be. 
While she tried to come closer, he stood up and glared at her, tightly holding the pendant in his hand. He felt the magic pulsing inside the necklace, felt it prickling against his fingers just waiting for him to take it. But until he hadn’t find out why it still had magic inside he wasn’t going to siphon it. Not until he found out if his theory was right.
“Malachai Parker!” 
Suddenly, her eyes widened, surprised by her own words. Malachai. This was his name, she was sure of it, but why did she know it? He hadn’t told her and yet it slipped from her lips so easily. So familiar. It felt like something had woken up inside her, old memories about another time. Another place. She could see blurry images of those memories - well, that’s what she thought they were supposed to be. 
One hand was on her head, suddenly feeling incredibly dizzy. She looked at Kai and for a moment he could see her old self. The one he knew, the one he had fallen in love with. 
His voice sounded concerned and he quickly rushed to her side as she was stumbling. He caught her in his arms before she could fall, holding her tightly, fingertips gently caressing her cheek. She smiled up at him before everything went black again. 
→next part: Coming Soon
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kaiparker-imagines · 6 years
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Guys, thank you all so so much <3 
I know that I haven’t updated in half a year or so (and I’m really sorry about that) but seeing how so many people still decide to follow is truly amazing. It’s also a motivation to get back into writing because I actually don’t want to let you wait anymore... real life has just been crazy lately. 
But anyway, since 1000 is a big milestone I want to make something for you. If you have any suggestions, comment it here, send me a message or ask or whatever :) Just let me know what you would like me to do.
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kaiparker-imagines · 6 years
Miss you! Will you be back soon?
I don’t know if I’ll ever be really back because there’s a lot of stuff going on - but I’m currently working on something. So that’s a definite maybe.
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kaiparker-imagines · 7 years
I first found you on archive of our own. I’m obsessed! You’re an amazing writer!
Thank you 😊❤️
0 notes
kaiparker-imagines · 7 years
@ all of my followers who use the mobile tumblr app!!!
please go to “General Settings” then to “Dashboard Preferences” and turn off “Best Stuff First”. This is killing artist exposure! Please, please, PLEASE, turn it off if you really do love the artists you follow! You’d be helping us so much! Please reblog this so that more people may know!
93K notes · View notes
kaiparker-imagines · 7 years
I Hate That I Love You
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word count: 2 406 warnings: none
summary: Kai is out partying and does something really stupid that leads to your break up. 
1 - “I hate that I love you.” 11 - “You’re so hot when you’re mad at me.” 22 - “Don’t cry.”
(requested by @xxdanyellexx)
*gif by me
“Don’t ever come near me again.” You shouted, tears filling your eyes. You couldn’t determine whether they came from your anger or sadness as your emotions were on overdrive right now. 
“(Y/N), please. Let me explain!“ Kai pleaded. A broken look showed on his face, watching you destroy the whole room. 
You tore pages out of the books, ripping the pillows to shreds, so the feathers came out; you threw his clothes out of the open window, threw framed pictures showing you two together on the ground until the glass shattered into million pieces. An accurate resemblance of how you felt at the moment. 
“Get out! Leave this house now, or I will break every bone in your body over and over again. Letting you feel the pain I feel.“ You turned around to him, tears still glistening in your eyes but your voice was firm, dangerous. Your hands clenched into fists, and you were about to make a move when Kai vanished into thin air and disappeared. “If I find out your still here hiding yourself with a cloaking spell I swear to God I‘ll rip your heart out!“
But as you didn‘t get an answer, your anger subsided.
The tears still run uncontrollably down your cheeks, dropping on your clothes, the ground, leaving wet stains behind. You buried your head in your hands allowing yourself to cry out, sob. Your body was shaking, and you had to sit down on the floor, sitting down in the middle of the chaos you had made.
Meanwhile, Kai stood under your window, hidden by a cloaking spell although no one would be able to see him in the darkness anyway. He exhaled deeply, realizing that all of this was his fault only. That he was the reason you, the only person he ever cared about, was suffering now. Just because of his dumb actions.
         four hours earlier
“Tell me again, why exactly did you bring me with you?” A mildly annoyed Kai asked, following Damon into the Grill. Earlier today he had come to visit him, surprised Kai when he had told him they’d do something fun together. At first, the heretic had thought it was some kind of a joke but when Damon practically dragged him out the annoyance had started to overshadow everything else.
Ever since he had promised to bring Elena back, Damon made sure he wouldn’t be on his own for too long, that there would always be someone watching him. Of course, Kai didn’t like this - until the day you had come to relieve Caroline from her watch. You had just come back to Mystic Falls after you had spent the last few months with your family, dealing with some issues.
Instantly Kai began to like you, seeing that you weren’t like the others. You didn’t judge him neither did you ever not trust him - he never gave you any reason why you shouldn’t believe him. What started as a little crush developed into real feelings, and soon after that you two began dating in secret. Neither one of you had told anyone about it, knowing they all would react the same way.
“Because I’m hungry and I won’t let you go anywhere alone until you bring Elena back.” Damon answered, snapping Kai back into reality.
“I promised that I’d bring her back, you don’t have to keep me under surveillance 24/7. I won’t go anywhere.” Kai said to which Damon replied with a cough that sounded suspiciously like ‘liar.’
While they made their way towards the bar, you met with your best friend Caroline whom you had promised to do a girls night again finally. After everything that had happened in these past weeks and months and years even it was time for another one. You hadn’t done it for such a long time.
Usually, it had always been you, Elena, Caroline and Bonnie. Four friends bonded for life. But after the Salvatore’s came into your life everything had changed and you four drifted more and more apart. Still friends but just not the way it was back then. So Caroline had been the one to propose to want things to be how they were before, and you had started doing more things together again, regaining your bond - without Elena who was (thanks to Kai) still asleep in a coffin.
Unfortunately Bonnie had other things to do today, so it was just the two of you who walked towards the Grill talking about all the important stuff. Or at least what she thought was important. You kept quiet and let her talk, listened to her telling stories about the twins or how things were going with Stefan.
“Now about you. You can’t tell me that nothing happened. I can see that there’s something you want to tell me.” Caroline interrupted herself, a broad smile on her face.
You wanted to shake your head but gave up as you saw her determined look. She wouldn’t give up until you told her what she wanted to her. Although you didn’t even know if you were ready to tell her yet. But one day you had to.
You sighed in defeat. There was no real time to think it through, and you knew Caroline. She wouldn’t stop targeting you with questions until she got what she wanted to hear.
“I’m dating someone.” You said quietly, looking at the ground. You weren’t ashamed to admit it; it was just that you were sure how her reaction would be. And you weren’t really excited to hear her babbling about what a bad person he was, how you deserved someone better and so on.
“Who?” Excitedly she looked at you, grabbing your wrists to stop you from moving.
“No one you know...” You lied.
“(Y/N). I can see you’re lying. So, who is it? I swear I won’t judge you.”
Another sigh left your mouth as you looked up, staring right into her eyes. “It’s Kai, okay?! Are you happy now?”
“Kai? As in Kai Parker? The guy who killed his entire coven? The guy who’s responsible for our best friend sleeping in a coffin until our other best friend dies?”
It was obvious she didn’t like it.
“Yes. I think you can figure why I didn’t want to tell you about it. But I swear he’s a different person than when you met him. He can actually be really sweet if he wants to. And you can’t deny that he’s hot.” You answered, blushing slightly.
“Gross.” She commented, although seconds later she laughed. “Fine. Although, if he ever makes a wrong move, I’ll break him.”
You nodded and continued your way to the Grill - Caroline did the whole talking again, behaving as if the entire Kai issue was already forgotten (though you knew that wasn’t the truth and now that she knew everyone else would soon, too). 
A few minutes later you opened the door to the Grill, heading towards an empty table when Caroline blocked your field of view. She definitely tried to hide something from you which annoyed the hell out of you. It couldn’t be too bad now, could it?
“I think we should go.” She said, her voice higher and quicker than usual. Instead of listening you rolled your eyes, shoving her out of the way. The scene that played in front of your eyes wasn’t something you would’ve guessed to see. Not this way.
Your boyfriend held an unfamiliar blonde girl tightly pressed against his body, his lips connected with hers, his hands slightly above her ass, only pulling her closer to him. The girl’s hand were all over his body; she tangled her fingers in his hair, moved her hands over his back, grasped on his shoulders. All the while their lips stayed connected, looking as if they wanted to eat up each other. At least that’s what you told yourself, you couldn’t believe what you saw. 
Right next to him, holding a tumbler of bourbon in his hand, grinning at the sight. As soon as he saw you and Caroline, he waved, but you were already gone. When you had comprehended the view before you, you had stormed out of the Grill, tears already glistening in your eyes. By the time you had reached your home they were uncontrollably flowing down your cheeks, your heart felt broken. 
You should’ve guessed he would find someone better, but you had hoped, thought that there was something special between you two. Yet seeing him with that girl had shattered your heart, let anger and sadness come over you. 
“Don’t cry.” You spoke to yourself, repeating it like a mantra, in hope this would achieve anything. Instead, it only ensured that the tears were even more uncontrollable than before. 
Caroline called, though, you only told her that everything was fine and she shouldn’t worry about you. Nevertheless, you asked her to postpone the girl’s night to which she willingly agreed. Now all you had to do was to wait for Kai to show up.
A whole week had passed since yours and Kai’s breakup, and you still felt miserable. It wasn’t like you had never experienced a breakup and the post-breakup time, only this time it was different. It was the first time you had really loved someone who had let you down by cheating. You didn’t even hear him out - even though he tried to explain what happened. You just never listened to him, you never called back, never answered any messages. Until now you didn’t even leave the house.
It was the first time you went out again, although you didn’t care about your look: the dark rings under your puffy, red eyes, the lack of makeup, the uncombed hair which you had put in a high ponytail so it wouldn’t be the first thing to notice, the baggy clothes you wore. 
After Stefan had called you over and over again, you finally had given up and driven out to the Salvatore house. You had expected him to be there, happy to see you, yet the house was completely empty as you stepped in. Confused you wandered around, looked in every room to see if someone was there. Nothing. 
At least not until you came back to the living room and took a seat on the couch. Seconds later guy appeared right in front of you, hands up in defeat. Immediately you shot up, glaring at him, observing that he looked as terrible as you. He hadn’t shaven in days, and he had the same dark rings under his eyes that you had, too. 
“Please, (Y/N), before you do anything, just hear me out. Okay?” He pleaded, his expression so hurtful it broke your heart all over again. 
You closed your eyes for a split second, deep breaths exhaling before you opened them again and looked straight into his blue eyes. Which you shouldn’t have done, as your heart did a weird flip like it always did when you locked eyes with him. 
“Fine. One chance. But after that, I never want to see you again.” You said firm, although deep down it hurt you saying it out loud. You knew you couldn’t live without him. Even if you wanted to.
Kai kneaded his hands before he sat down on the other end of the couch. He was so close and yet so far away.
“I don’t know what you saw or when you walked in since Damon won’t tell me. But I know I did the wrong thing, I hurt you and although Damon probably only told you half of the story it is not what you think it was.” 
“I saw you kissing another girl, Kai. That’s all that matters to me.” You interrupted him, clenching your first at the thought of it, at the picture that seemed to have burned its way in front of your eyelids. 
“I didn’t. It was an illusion.” Kai began.
You raised a brow at this statement, unable to believe it. Although there was something about the way, he held your gaze, about the way his voice sounded. He was telling the truth, however strange it seemed. 
“You know how since I promised to bring Elena back Damon always wants someone to keep an eye on me, right? Well, that day we walked to the Grill - of course, I lacked the get up and go, but we did it anyway. Damon being Damon was quickly annoyed by my behavior too, and he dared me to feed on someone. Sure, I just could’ve compelled anyone, but it seemed more fun to use magic to make it look like something normal. And to you, it must’ve seen as if we were kissing, but I promise, I didn’t. I could never hurt you intentionally, (Y/N).” He explained before silence fell upon you.
Still, even though it was difficult to comprehend it and understand it fully, he didn’t lie. 
You forced yourself not to smile for the first time in days, as he looked at you with puppy eyes, making your heart melt. 
“I hate that I love you.” You sighed, realizing how he nearly lit up with joy. 
“What does this mean?” He asked carefully as you both stood up. He only did it after you had done the same, unsure of what was following now.
“That I still love you, you idiot. I’ve never felt more terrible in my life than this past week. I can never not love you, Kai.” You replied and couldn’t hold the severe expression any longer. A lough escaped your mouth as you got closer to him, wounded your arms around his neck and kissed him like your life depended on it. Instantly his hands found their rightful place on your hips, holding you. Even when you broke the kiss, he held you in his embrace, not wanting to let you go. 
“I. Love. You. Too. (Y/N).” He kissed you after every single word, eyes glowing like a child’s on Christmas, his smile wider than ever. “But I give you one thing.”
Again you raised a brow before he went into further detail.
“You’re so hot when you’re mad at me.”
Both of you laughed before he lifted you up in his arms and carried you outside towards your car. So you could make good for all the things you missed the past week. 
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kaiparker-imagines · 7 years
I’m so sorry I wasn’t really on here, but life got in the way.
Anyway, I’M BACK! I still have some unfinished stories in my drafts which I’m working on now. So expect something to be up on Saturday or Sunday :)
I hope you’re still interested in reading my things... 🙈
Oh, and btw: a friend of mine asked me to promote her new writing blog --> silverphoenixquill. Go give her a follow if you’re interested in reading TVD, Harry Potter, LotR, Hobbit, Hunger Games, Containment, Supergirl or Flash stuff. She hasn’t posted much right now but you can already read two of her works on there (both are Kai stories 😇😈)
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kaiparker-imagines · 7 years
Hii one question.Will there be a part 2 to A new friend?
Yes 👍🏻
I don’t know when but there’ll definitely be a second part (and probably one or two more if it works out like planned) 😊
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kaiparker-imagines · 7 years
A New Friend?
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word count: 3 203 warnings: none
summary: You got sent to the Prison World, thinking you’re all alone. But one day you meet Kai Parker, the sole reason why you had been sent to this Prison World and didn’t get your own.  notes: since people asked me to write something where your part of the Gemini Coven, again - here it is || sorry I’m still taking so long with the requested imagines, but I needed a break to do something different
*gif by me
Dear Diary,
it's my 100th day since I got sent to this damn Prison World. 100 days I had spent on my own trying to figure out a way to get out of here, to get back my old life. Not that I have anything or anyone waiting there for me, but at least I wouldn't be alone anymore. Because it feels like the loneliness is slowly killing me - it destroys my hope of ever finding a way back. It shatters my will to live.
But anyway, I don't want to talk about this anymore. I finally reached Los Angeles! It does have some perks to be all alone and be able to do magic, for example, I could easily steal a car. And I never have to pay for anything I get, that's actually a big plus point.
Lately, I have a strange feeling, though. It feels like somebody’s watching me, following my every step. That’s the reason I wanted to leave Portland, but it seems that whatever is here - whatever I think is here - has followed me all the way to L.A.
You snapped the diary shut, putting it back under your pillow. A quiet sigh left your lips as you reached for a book on the nightstand and placed it on your crossed legs. It was an old grimoire of your family, filled with all the knowledge and information they had acquired over the centuries it was in your family's possession.  
Since the moment you had finally found it you had spent every free moment of trying to find a way out of this damn place of a hell. Fortunately, you soon had figured out where you were and could start to find a way back. But until now you hadn’t seen anything useful at all.
Concentrated you skimmed over the pages of the book, searching for the page you lastly had left off, not realizing someone’s eyes lay upon you.
Kai stood right in the middle of the room, hidden only by a cloaking spell he could master after siphoning your magic when you hadn’t noticed it - during a little nap right after you had chosen your home for the next few months until you’d have enough of L.A. His gaze was on you, watching even the slightest movements of your fingertips on the yellowed pages, the way you bit your lip as you read a certain passage.
He had followed you since you had arrived in this Prison World, always being in proximity in case he decided to reveal himself. But until now nothing had given him a reason to, so he had stayed hidden. Until he had found out you were a witch and therefore his possible way, his only way of getting out.
Suddenly, you heard something. A distant sound of something you couldn’t quite recognize. You scanned your whole room, your eyes stopped at a particular place, staring right at Kai without knowing it.
“Phasmatos Oculacs.” You mumbled, not completely surprised as the spell revealed the secret visitor.
He looked at you, his lips curling into a wicked grin.
“Oh hello.” He said casually like hasn’t just been caught standing in your bedroom, staring at you. He waited for you to scream, push him out of the room, do anything. But you didn’t. Instead, you slowly got up from your bed, eyes narrowing in suspicion.
Somehow, the stranger looked familiar. Only you couldn’t remember why or where you had seen him before. You walked closer to him, stopped right in front of him with your arms crossed in front of your chest.
A light chuckle escaped his mouth yet he didn’t do anything else than standing here.
“Come on, little witch. It’s time to do something besides staring at me. Although I can totally understand why you’re doing it.” He smirked.
Right at that moment, it made click inside your head. You finally figured out why he looked so strangely familiar. Slowly, you walked circles around him, not gazing anywhere else. Again you stopped in front of him and leaned closer to him, your lips nearly brushing his ear as you spoke.
“Always so full of yourself, Kai.” Your voice merely a whisper, but you felt him shift, tightly grabbing your wrist. A quiet whimper left your mouth as a stinging feeling spread through your arm, coming directly from the place he was touching you.
“So I was right. You do know me.” He chuckled, feeling your magic rush like electricity through his veins. His other arm wrapped around your waist, holding you in place as he siphoned you. You still whimpered at the constant pain, squirming, feeling your strength leaving your body.
Now it was his turn to lean into you, his lips brushing against your ear as he spoke in a soothing voice while you tried to wiggle your way out of his tight grip.
“Shh, don’t be afraid. I won’t kill you... now.”
With this, you went limp in his arms, your mind going blank and everything around you turning into darkness as you lost your consciousness.
You opened your eyes, not knowing where you were or how long you were out. A groan left your mouth as you slightly tilted your head to the sight, immediately being met by the view of Kai Parker hovering above you.
“You're finally awake.” He stated cheerfully before he took a seat on the lounge chair across from you. You propped yourself up on your elbows, still feeling dizzy and confused.
“What happened?” You asked, your voice sounded like you hadn’t spoken in days.
“Well, you passed out when I siphoned you. Then, when you woke up I had to knock you out again and again, and the last time I siphoned from you, you just... died.” He enumerated in a casual tone, counting the things he had done to you on his fingers.
“Wait, what?” You exclaimed, suddenly wide awake, unbelieving of what he had just told you. “You killed me?”
“No, silly. It was the magic. Must’ve taken too much from you, happens sometimes.” He shrugged as if he was not even bothered by being responsible for killing someone. What he indeed wasn’t, you figured out, remembering what he had done to get sent to this Prison World.
You lounged back into the couch, letting out a sigh. You stared at the white ceiling, avoiding to look into Kai’s direction who was still sitting on the lounge chair. He held a small book in his hand, browsing through the pages.
Meanwhile, you got lost in thought, planning a way to get away from him. Everyone had told you he was dangerous, unpredictable: your parents, your friends, your coven. Every single one had warned you about him or better about siphoners in general. They were abominations, loopholes in nature’s law. Yet you have had been naive enough to believe there was kindness in them.
There is in my sister, you thought, getting lost in your own mind as you remember why you had been sent here. Some would say she was responsible for it, but you knew better. You knew she had no say in what she was born as and therefore couldn‘t be blamed for you being here. It was rather you than her you blamed.
“Why do you even know so much about Prison Worlds? Only Gemini’s know about them.” Kai suddenly asked, interrupting the silence.  
“I’m a member of the Gemini Coven. Or better was but... - hey, is that my diary?” You replied as you shot him a glance, recognizing the book in his hands. “Give it back!”
He only laughed as you outstretched your hand, using a spell to lift it out of his reach and bring it to you. You shifted into a sitting position, holding it tight in your grip.
“Freak.” You muttered more to yourself, but he must’ve heard it anyway since only for a few seconds you could’ve sworn there was something different in his eyes. Hurt? Anger? You didn’t know, but within seconds his typical mischievous spark reappeared.
“Yeah, I’ve read it. Why do people even feel the need to write every little thing down? It’s not like these memories here were so pleasant anyway. At least not until I came along.” He blinked at you to which you only responded with an eye-roll.
“It’s because sometimes that’s our way of dealing with emotions. We write things down to memorize things and be able to relive what has happened on that day. Not that you’d understand one thing about emotions, right?” You blinked at him now, remembering that your parents had referred to him as a sociopath. Unable to feel, unable to deal with emotions.
“By the way, can I go now? I really want to go back; there are so many things I wanted to do in L.A.” You said, staring into his slate blue eyes. The corner’s of his mouth dropped, the smile vanished from his face.
Even if it was only for a few seconds before he smirked again, you already knew his answer. He wouldn’t let you go. Now that he didn’t need to hide anymore he would keep you in his proximity for as long as you’d be imprisoned.
“Oh, but you can’t go. Since we are the only two people in this wasteland I thought we’d spend some time together, get to know each other. And since you didn’t notice, we aren’t exactly in L.A. anymore.” He replied, and you shot up.
Immediately you went to the nearest window and looked out, seeing giant skyscrapers and lots and lots of buildings and streets. Far away you caught a glimpse of something green.
“You brought me to New York?” You asked, turning around. Your breath got caught in your throat as he was only inches away from you, so close that if he just leaned in a bit, your noses would brush against each other.
“Yes. We arrived here on a private flight piloted by yours truly. What do you think why I had to knock you out twice after you regenerated from having your magic taken?” He answered.
His breath tickled against your soft skin, and you had to look up to look him in the eyes. At that moment it felt like sparks were flying between you, tension growing stronger with each passing second.
Right now, you couldn’t deny that even without really knowing him and him being the reason you died one time, there was something about him that drew you in - his creepily charming nature he was well indeed aware of and knew how to use. But you wouldn’t give up so quickly, wouldn’t give him an opportunity to think that he was ahead of you. No, you needed to be better than this.
Weeks had passed, and to your own surprise, you stayed. Probably because you figured that even if you disappeared, Kai would follow you, find you wherever you were.
At least he agreed that you could choose your own home and didn’t have to stay with him. Although you had warmed up to him in these past weeks, you still didn’t want to have him around 24/7. Well, you still weren't sure if you really did start actually to like him or if it was only due to the fact he was the only person around. The only person you’d be around for the rest of your life. Trapped in this damn Prison World together. 
You would’ve tried to escape it but you both knew you needed Bennett blood to do so and neither of you had an idea where you could find some. So you would have to stay here forever. 
Currently, you were sitting in the living room as you heard a door snap. You didn’t even bother to shift in your position or even to look up, knowing it could only be Kai who came for his daily visits. At first, they had annoyed you, but now you kinda got used to it, started to like it even - though you’d never tell him that. You still behaved like you couldn’t possibly like him although your heart started beating like crazy whenever he was around, your mind drifting off thinking about all the things he could do to you. All the dirty, little things. 
When Kai walked into the living room, he immediately, silently took a seat on your small couch, lifting your legs up and placing them back on his lap. Automatically, you rolled your eyes while he absently stroked your bare skin. Unfortunately, you were still only wearing a far too large shirt which was showing more than it hid. 
“I thought maybe we should go to Portland.” You said, interrupting the uncomfortable silence that had built between you. Simultaneously you looked up from your book; Kai turned his head to face you.
Confusion showed on his face, a non-understanding why on all the places on the earth you would want to go to the one place where everything started. Where his story had begun. Even though he still hadn’t told you everything about the things that happened, he thought he knew enough to know that it wasn’t his greatest wish to go back home. 
You rolled your eyes as you noticed his strange expression.
“Look, we both know the Bennett’s lived in Portland in 1994. So maybe we can find something which can be used for a locator spell and perhaps we can find a way to get out of here.” You explained. 
“Don’t you think I haven’t tried it yet? I’m in here since nearly eighteen years, I did everything to get out of here.” He said, his voice growing louder with every word. 
These past eighteen years had been pure torture for him. The moment he had realized his sister had tricked him into doing the merge just to have their father send him here, he swore revenge. Anger had burned inside of him, controlled his mind, giving himself a simple mantra he had repeated over and over in his head:
If I get out of here, I’ll give the Gemini Coven an excruciating death. If I get out of here, I’ll give the Gemini Coven an excruciating death. 
This was what had kept him going, keeping him sane (as far as his sanity went). He had searched his old home, quickly found the Ascendant and had tried to use it by harnessing the power of the eclipse. Although it didn’t work since he didn’t have Bennett blood. He kept the Ascendant, traveling everywhere trying to find magical places or artifacts he could siphon to have at least a bit magic. He even learned to fly a plane to get to places far away: Australia or Asia for example. 
Only when he figured nothing worked he did the possible worst thing, the one thing that had even destroyed his last flicker of hope, his last shred of humanity. He had killed himself. Multiple times, multiple ways. 
He hadn’t told you anything about it, not wanting to destroy that kind of bond that had built in these past few weeks. Even though it was a weak bond, built on lies and mistrust, it was the thing that brought up a little hope again. Hope that maybe your magic was strong enough to find a way to work around the Bennett problem. 
“Are you even listening to me?” You asked, noticing how Kai had drifted off into his own thoughts or better memories which came rushing through, seemed like a video being played in front of his eyes. 
“What?” Kai woke up from his trance, looking at you. Startled, confused. 
Again you rolled your eyes like you did so many times, showing him a perfectly annoyed look. 
“I said that if we really intend to do it, we should get going. You’ll need to fly again and this time - no knocking out. Promise me you won’t kill me, knock me out or hurt me in any other way. If you break the promise remember who’s the one with magic, remember I can do the same things you do. And if you break your promise, I promise to make you regret ever laying a finger on me.” You said, stressing some of the words with a dangerous undertone. 
There was a spark in your eyes Kai hadn’t seen before. Excitement mixed with anger mixed with severity. He knew you meant what you said, but he also knew that he was stronger than you, quicker, more experienced in these kinds of things. In making threats. In making good on his threats. 
Nevertheless, he wanted you to feel safe. Leading you to believe that he wouldn’t try anything, that you could trust him.
So he had a big smile on his face, as he said: “I promise.”
To you, it was enough, for a moment at least. But you did know better than to believe that the one person who didn’t even shy away from killing his sibling in some of the most gruesome ways was really there promising not to hurt you. Emotions often get the better of people, you recalled something your mother had often told you. 
That’s true, your inner voice answered. It was the love to your sister that made you forget about everything. About every rule that had ever been set, about everything you had learned. It was the love to your sister that had brought you here. Trapped in this damn hell. 
You slightly shook your head, fighting off the voice trying to reason with you. What had been done was done and couldn‘t be turned back again. Even if you could you wouldn‘t since - as strange as it may sound - there was a part deep inside of you that was happy to have Kai by your side. 
Even if he was... well, Kai. Unpredictable. Dangerous. Nonetheless, a different side seeped through his facade sometimes. Deep down you knew he was just a boy looking for the most normals things in life: love, appreciation, trust. Something he had never experienced in his whole lifetime. 
“Two hours.” Kai suddenly said and stopped rubbing slow circles on your smooth skin (until now neither of you had even realized he had still been doing it). “Two hours before we meet here again and start our trip to Portland.” Our trip home, he added in his mind, a bitter taste adding in his mouth. 
He hadn’t thought about his home in quite some time so it hit him that just in a few hours you would both be there together. 
“Fine.” You nodded and got up from the couch, heading right into your bedroom. Not caring if Kai really left the house but as soon as you heard a door snap, you knew he was gone again. 
You exhaled deeply and leaned against the doorframe. Fear added to the excitement and hope you felt. Fear of the things that possibly could go wrong. Fear about Kai not keeping his promise. Fear of really being trapped in here for all eternity stuck with someone you could never fully trust. Right?
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kaiparker-imagines · 7 years
Let Me Love You
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word count: 1 447 warnings: none
summary: It’s the first day in a while you and Kai can spend together. Without something or someone interrupting your needed quality time. note: Sorry it’s so short... and tbh right now I feel like not doing any cute/cuddly Kai things in the near future since I’m actually kinda annoyed by this trope atm 
7 - “Is it possible to love someone too much?” 13 - “You have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into.” 47 - “I just want to stay here, watch movies all day and cuddle with you on the couch.”
(requested by anon)
*gif by me
You woke up at the feeling of someone gently caressing your arm, feeling just the fingertips on your skin, leaving invisible traces everywhere. He radiated a warmth onto you, having his arms wrapped around you and being so close to one another. Your head rested on his bare chest, and you could hear the distant, dull sound of his thumping heart. You snuggled closer to his side before you opened your eyes and locked them with his blue ones, the little spark in them visible like always. 
“Morning.” Kai greeted you with his sleepy, husky voice. Just then he planted a quick, soft kiss on your forehead as you relaxed more and more under his touch, slowly awakening. 
It was nice having him with you in the mornings, even though these days were really limited. You spend most of your time at university, studying deep into the night while Kai had to do some business around town. And even the daytime with him was limited. But not now. Today you both had the whole day to yourself. 
“I have planned a whole lot of things for us to do today.” Kai smiled, his smile wider than that of an excited child on Christmas eve. This made your smile grow larger, too, being happy that he was happy.
“Really? Because I have made some plans, too. I just want to stay here, watch movies all day and cuddle with you on the couch.” You replied still tired and with a yawn, while a chuckle left Kai’s mouth.
He brushed his fingers against your cheek, putting a lock of your hair behind your ear. His hand stayed where it was, making slow and gentle movements with his thumb. 
“Well, before we discuss that. What do you think about pancakes for breakfast?” He asked with a smirk on his face and slowly brought himself into a sitting position. You grumbled at the sudden loss of his body heat but rolled yourself to the side, propping yourself up on your elbows. 
“Sounds great.” 
Before he left the room, he kissed your forehead again, leaving you alone. There was still a loving smile on your face, staying there, being there all the time whenever he was around. Every single one of your friends had kept telling you that he was dangerous, a psychopath who didn’t even shy away from killing his own family. And that he definitely wouldn't be capable of being a boyfriend, to feel anything towards anyone than himself. 
But they were wrong. 
Although it did take some time until he had been able to express and understand emotions, he had tried to better himself. With your help. You had been there for him whenever he needed you; he had been there for you whenever you needed him. 
At first, none of you had really noticed it, but after a while, it became clear you couldn’t be without the other one anymore. Not after everything you had gone through together - him nearly being killed by Damon (which you could only hardly prevent) or your feuds with some dangerous vampires that almost got you killed if he hadn’t come to your rescue. But since then you liked to spend every free second of your lives together, you even moved in a little apartment together. 
You slowly stood up from the bed and walked towards the big wardrobe and put on the first shirt you could find. Only wearing the black shirt and panties, you left your bedroom and made your way towards the kitchen. The smell of fresh bacon and pancakes came to your nose, intensified the closer you came to the kitchen. 
In the exact moment you entered the room, Kai turned around, staring at you for a few seconds. His lips curled into a smirk as he commented: “Nice shirt.”
You looked down your body, only now realizing it was his. You sat down on one of the chairs by the counter, receiving a gentle kiss from your boyfriend. Instantly you looped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you while your lips were still connected. He broke away from the kiss, resting his forehead on yours, staring lovingly into each other's eyes. In these moments you everything around you became blurry, you two were the only ones that mattered right now, even forgetting about the time. 
Nothing, until the smell of something burning reached your nose. Alarmed you broke away from each other, only to see black smoke soar into the air; directly coming from the skillet filled with the now burned bacon. Kai flicked his wrist, making the smoke disappear.  
“I guess we will have to stick to only pancakes then.” He said, laughing. 
“Fine by me.” You answered as you let go of your boyfriend you then continued to prepare the food. 
You watched him all the time, a smile not leaving your face. Again and again, you wondered how he of all people was the only one to be able to make you feel this great just by his sole presence. 
Later on, after you had finished your breakfast, you were both sitting on the couch. Kai had put an arm around your shoulders so you could snuggle up against him, resting your head on his shoulders. Absently he caressed your exposed skin in slow motion, while you ran your fingers through his hair playfully.  
“Is it possible to love someone too much?” He suddenly asked, seriously, making your head spin around to be met by his blue eyes. 
Startled, you looked at him, not really understanding what kind of question this was. He shrugged before he continued: “I don’t know, but there is this strange... feeling in my stomach right now, making me feel... different. It’s just... I feel like I’m gonna burst every moment; it’s overwhelming. I never felt this kind of thing before but know when I’m here with you, you’re all I see, all I ever wanted and I never ever want to let you go.”
Your lips curled into a big smile as you shifted your position, so you could face him and wrap your arms around his neck. Softly, you trailed your fingers over his cheek, locking eyes with him. 
“I love you.” You said right before you kissed him. “And I don’t think it’s possible to love someone too much. It’s just that...”
“Feelings are hard?” He interrupted your sentence, causing you both to let out a little laughter. 
“Yes.” You agreed, laughing. “But you’re getting better at it every day.” 
With this, you poked his nose, earning a laugh. You buried your head in the crook of his neck, remained in this position for a while without doing anything besides listening to the distant sounds of his heart beating in his chest. 
For a while, you two enjoyed the quiet, the closeness towards one another. For a while, everything became irrelevant, non-existent for as long as he held you in his arms. 
But soon it became kind of boring to you, and you decided to change it and have a little fun. With a grin on your face, you freed yourself from Kai’s embrace, leaving him wondering as you walked towards the kitchen. He got up too and followed you, his gaze not leaving your back. 
You bent over and opened the lowest drawer, taking out a black box. Turning back around, you winked at Kai just in the same moment as you placed chocolate cupcakes - his favorite sort - on the counter. Suspicious he looked at you, but you weren’t bothered by it and threw the now empty box into a trashcan. 
“What...?” He began to ask as you interrupted him by throwing a cupcake in his face. A loud laugh escaped your mouth seeing your boyfriend’s face covered in chocolate frosting. 
In a swift motion, he wiped it away from his eyes and his expression changed; his lips curled into a devilish smirk, a certain mischievous spark became visible in his eyes. 
“Ohh, now you’re in trouble. You have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into.” He said, moving his hand and with a flick of his wrist, he sent a cupcake flying in your face. Of course, he used his magic; it would’ve surprised you if he didn’t. 
“Hey, that’s unfair.” You complained right as he tossed another one. Both of you laughed, and you continued your little food fight. It was moments like this you really remember because they were the ones when Kai showed he wasn’t the monster everyone saw him as. You didn’t have to pretend anything with each other and could be who you are. 
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kaiparker-imagines · 7 years
7./13./47. Please 😍👌
Currently working on this one 😊Should probably up in two or three days
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kaiparker-imagines · 7 years
I’m BACK! ✌🏻 (and this time for real, without a next spontaneous week-long trip since college starts again on Monday)
Unfortunately, I couldn’t work on anything these past two weeks, but now I’m refreshed and can start writing again 😊 I’m actually working on a fluff request right now which will probably be up next (won’t make any promises on when since I only have today and tomorrow before I’ll be gone for the weekend) 😅
But keep an eye out, it will be up soon ❤️
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kaiparker-imagines · 7 years
Hey guys 😊 I just came on here to tell you I'll be gone for one more week since my dad said he has planned a trip for us to visit some old friends. And since I'm certain they don't have internet there (and we won't have much free time anyway) it will take some more time before something new gets posted here. But after that, there definitely will be more content ✌🏻(even though college will start again then and I already hate my class schedule - at least I’ll probably only have a four-day-week)
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kaiparker-imagines · 7 years
Hey guys 😊 I just wanted to let you know that I’ll be on vacation (again 😅🏝). I’ll be gone for about a week and like last time I'm not sure if I have internet/time to write.
But this will be the last time this year - I guess - so you can expect some stories when I am back home 😜 (or maybe a last one today if I can finish it in the next two hours before I’m heading to the airport)
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