kaleo-strology-blog · 7 years
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The Nodes in the Signs
The North and South Nodes are two points on the Moon. In astrology, these points are considered indicators of karma, lessons, and overall themes within the life.
The South Node marks what we already know. Some see this as lessons we have already learned in our past lives, so we don’t need to learn them again. The sign this Node falls in reveals the energies and knowledge already within us, but it can also reveal our weaknesses. For those who don’t believe in past lives, this is often seen as the lessons we learn quickly, or in childhood.
The North Node, also known as the True Node, marks the lessons we need to learn in this lifetime. The sign this Node falls in reveals what challenges and difficult positions we will be faced with in this life. This is a director, pointing us towards our ultimate destiny or purpose.
Because these Nodes are perfectly opposite, they will fall in opposing signs (ie. Aries and Libra, Taurus and Scorpio, etc.), also known as sister signs.
North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra
Lesson: Grow to be independent, love yourself, prioritize your own needs, and find your confidence Gifts: Diplomacy, tact, grace, and empathy Weaknesses: Dependency, unreliability, superficiality, and passive-aggressive behavior
North Node in Taurus and South Node in Scorpio
Lesson: Establish security, appreciate life and simplicity, and find peace within the self Gifts: Natural intimacy, intensity, focus, strong intuition and insight Weaknesses: Controlling behavior, relying on the money or support of others, using intimacy against others, being drawn to chaos and negativity
North Node in Gemini and South Node in Sagittarius
Lesson: Learn to communicate and listen, open yourself to new ideas, embrace partnership, and learn to accept commitment Gifts: Optimism, straightforward and honest, generosity, and wit Weaknesses: Lack of empathy, inability to commit or support others, righteousness, and inconsistency
North Node in Cancer and South Node in Capricorn
Lesson: To be nurturing, learn acceptance, embrace your emotions and sensitive side, and learn to express that side of yourself Gifts: A strong sense of loyalty, unwavering determination and diligence, and dependability Weaknesses: Rigidity, refusal to grow or change, ruthless and cutthroat behavior, superiority complexes and elitism
North Node in Leo and South Node in Aquarius
Lesson: Be generous, take pride in yourself and your accomplishments, learn to lead, and embrace all aspects of yourself Gifts: Morality, unafraid to express yourself, a sense of healthy rebellion, and humility Weaknesses: Coldness, trying to appease others, taking rebellion too far, and lacking leadership qualities
North Node in Virgo and South Node in Pisces
Lesson: Stand up for yourself, take care of your own health and life before caring for others, balance service and sacrifice, and pay attention to details Gifts: Compassion, selflessness, and intense intuition Weaknesses: Martyrish behavior, disorganized, easily manipulated and manipulative in return, and lacking focus
North Node in Libra and South Node in Aries
Lessons: Support and cooperate with others, be considerate of their needs, and learn to be diplomatic Gifts: Drive, bravery, and a healthy sense of competition Weaknesses: Highly selfish, lacking empathy, unable to see all sides of a situation, and overconfidence
North Node in Scorpio and South Node in Taurus
Lessons: Learn discipline, embrace change and spirituality, and understand the full power of the self Gifts: Patience, practicality, and strong morals Weaknesses: Stubbornness, fear of change, hedonism, being the supporter but never supported, and manipulative behavior
North Node in Sagittarius and South Node in Gemini
Lessons: Embrace honesty, stick to your morals and values, challenge yourself, focus on the big picture, and learn to see the bright side Gifts: Easy communication, adaptive, a strong voice, and ingenuity Weaknesses: Manipulative, deceitful, codependency, and gossipy behavior
North Node in Capricorn and South Node in Cancer
Lessons: Embrace logic and reason, stay grounded, take the lead, and focus your talents into something practical Gifts: Empathy, nurturing, and the ability to protect the self and others Weaknesses: Dependence, emotionally manipulative, passivity and lack of drive, and prone to being manipulated
North Node in Aquarius and South Node in Leo
Lessons: Embrace justice and equality, grow to be a model for those who look up to you, and learn to work with others Gifts: Creativity, confidence, charisma, and healthy self-expression Weaknesses: Conceited, superficiality, dramatic, unhealthy use of power over others, and a refusal to grow up
North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo
Lessons: Learn to embrace the surreal and your imagination, learn to forgive yourself and others, and accept that sometimes things cannot be fixed Gifts: Detail oriented and meticulous, humility, self-aware, and strong-willed Weaknesses: Pessimism, impossible standards and goals, extremely critical and judgmental of yourself and others
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kaleo-strology-blog · 7 years
Hello! Can you post an aesthetic for Aquarius Sun, Cancer Moon/rising, please?
All done!
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kaleo-strology-blog · 7 years
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AQUARIUS sun, CANCER moon, CANCER rising.
“Don’t forget- no one else sees the world the way you do, so no one else can tell the stories that you have to tell.”
— Charles de Lint
Requested by: Anon
Follow/request your own as soon as they open again!
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kaleo-strology-blog · 7 years
Closed Requests
Hey guys! Sorry I’m taking so long on all your requests. I’ve closed them for now, but only until I catch up. I recently broke my wrist so I’ve gotten a bit behind dealing with that.
Thanks for understanding!
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kaleo-strology-blog · 7 years
Hi! I recently discovered your blog and I really like your aesthetics a lot!! Can I request a Leo sun Taurus moon x Sagittarius sun Scorpio moon pls? Thank you! :))
All done and posted- sorry for the wait!
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kaleo-strology-blog · 7 years
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LEO sun, TAURUS moon.
“One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.”
—  The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
Requested by: twizwhiz
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kaleo-strology-blog · 7 years
Could I please have an aesthetic post? Sag sun/Taurus moon/Pisces rising/Scorpio Venus/Virgo mars? Thank you kindly
Thanks for sending in your request-
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kaleo-strology-blog · 7 years
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SAGITTARIUS sun, TAURUS moon, PISCES rising, SCORPIO venus, VIRGO mars.
“I would rather die of passion than of boredom.”
— Vincent van Gogh
Requested by: liminal-mood
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kaleo-strology-blog · 7 years
Hi, can I request an aesthetic for Aquarius Sun, Gemini Moon, Capricorn Rising/Venus, please?
Of course--
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kaleo-strology-blog · 7 years
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AQUARIUS sun, GEMINI moon, CAPRICORN rising/venus.
“Don’t smother each other. No one can grow in the shade.”
— Leo Buscaglia
Requested by: bluebellgrove
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kaleo-strology-blog · 7 years
Hi! I just saw your aesthetic post and loved it! Can i please request a Cancer sun, Taurus moon, Aries rising aesthetic please? Thank you so much!!!
Of course! Thank you so much for your request!
It’s been posted!
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kaleo-strology-blog · 7 years
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CANCER sun, TAURUS moon, ARIES rising.
“Nothing haunts us like the things we don’t say.”
-Mitch Albom, Have a Little Faith: a True Story
Requested by: the-moon-awakened-my-thoughts
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kaleo-strology-blog · 7 years
Venus Signs
Venus in Aries: Emotional, enthusiastic and impulsive, you like to take yourself for a romantic adventurer. You fall in love with impetuosity and at first glance - and you just as quickly fall away. More demanding than you realize, you are affectionate, ardent and easily excited. Though you ultimately need a mental compatibility, what stimulates you in the first place is the physical appearance.
Venus in Taurus: Mistress of Taurus, Venus feels herself completely at home here. It makes you loving, charming, sensual to the extreme, and gives you a great artistic sense. All the pleasures of life attract you, starting with rich foods and ending with long and voluptuous sexual encounters, with the same person preferably. You appreciate constancy, and although you are capable of infidelities, these do not represent your natural mode. You need security, comfort, hugs, magnificent objects, someone who stimulates you, and an attentive partner.
Venus in Gemini: The planet of love in the sign of the inconstant mind produces witty jokes, many hours of happy conversation and strolling in bookstores, as well as an irresistible attraction towards intelligent and fast people. You are quite capable of maintaining a love story by fax. But in the absence of mitigating factors, your affections are easily influenced, and it is difficult for you to distinguish between what should be a great adventure and true love.
Venus in Cancer: A true nest builder, you get the deepest pleasures of your home and family. You are kind, sympathetic, sentimental, loyal, devoted, loved, and great cook (or at least you would like to be one). But even if you give the impression of having complete confidence in yourself, you need more than a little emotional encouragement. Your fear of being rejected may be hidden, but it is real. This may well be the reason you hang on too long, both to friends and the person you love. When you love someone, you want it to be forever.
Venus in Leo: Warm, open, loyal, in love with luxury, you have artistic sense, you are creative, you have theatrical attitudes, and you are in love with love. You feel passionate and express yourself flamboyantly. Love is an essential part of your nature, and you tend to define yourself through it. You also love the arts. But you are not about to run away with an unpublished poet, at least not if the artist in question does not have substantive financial reserves. You are happy when the money comes in well.
Venus in Virgo: When you are in love, you devote all your attention to it, analyze each interaction, reread your letters of love and listen to your answering machine to be sure that you have grasped the slightest nuance. You would do anything to be loved. But you can also criticize and control, have lots of opinions on how others should behave. Some natives with this position have noisy personalities. If you are one of them, people think that you are a wild beast of sex. In reality, most natives are modest, or even a little shy in bed.
Venus in Libra: You are affectionate, kind, warm and eager to please. True romantic, you idealize love and often have problems adapting to a real relationship. When the disappointment settles, it is hard, but you do not stay at home to mop. You are very seductive, and there is usually always someone on your track. This position also brings a high aesthetic sensitivity.
Venus in Scorpio: Thanks to the outrageous eroticism of the Scorpion, this position promises a ticket for ecstasy. And sometimes it is. The presence of mystery, intensity, and even a subtle suspicion of darkness excites you. Proud, passionate and seductive, you are predestined to deep desires, both sexual and emotional, and your love life tends to be tumultuous. In the best case, you are deeply devoted and deeply intimate. In the worst, you can be jealous and vindictive. But despite your reputation, you are also able to withdraw from social interaction and isolate yourself behind an invisible screen.
Venus in Sagittarius: Demonstrative, ardent and emotional, you consider love as an adventure, and not as a means of fixing a secure future. You enjoy your freedom, and your ideal partner is a person who helps you see the world and live even more aspects of life, not someone who restricts your activities. You have high ideals and you are attracted by highly committed people. You are also intrigued by people who come from backgrounds totally different from yours. You do not mind shocking people.
Venus in Capricorn: You are sensual in your sexual relations and constant in your affections, but cautious when it comes to reveal your emotions. You appreciate stability, ownership and righteousness, and you do not want to lose control. The disorder and the mess of emotional brawls frighten you, that’s why you do not reveal your feelings. Serious and sophisticated, you admire everything that is classic. In art as in love, you understand the need to control.
Venus in Aquarius: Open-minded, friendly and idealistic, you are attracted to anti-conformists and rebels, and you have a multitude of friends. But you are not the most passionate person on this planet, and you tend to prefer an intellectual camaredery to a romantic bond. You also need time for yourself, and you tend to take sex casually. The new techniques interest you, but not the display of passion. In the end, you are of the independent type and your heart is hard to catch.
Venus in Pisces: You are sentimental, you have the taste for art, you are devoted and ready to do anything for the beloved. You idealize your partners and sincerely seek union with them, but you have no idea what is reasonable and what is not. Other people find it easy to influence you, partly because you shrug your shoulders as a sign of impotence and accept that you are left with the crumbs. In the end, it makes you angry and explains that you are sometimes offensive emotionally, usually passively and aggressively. You truly know how to love, but you are sometimes too willing to sacrifice your own needs to satisfy those of your partners.
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kaleo-strology-blog · 7 years
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CANCER sun, 
PISCES moon.
LEO sun, 
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