katiewrites · 1 year
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katiewrites · 1 year
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Take a breath.
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katiewrites · 1 year
someone else: *makes a mistake*
me: don’t worry buddy! it is not a big deal! we can fix this! we’ll figure it out!!
me: *makes a mistake*
me: i am irredeemable worthless garbage and i want to die
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katiewrites · 2 years
Writing prompt:
P1: we work hard and what?
P2: we don’t stop.
P1: that’s right, now give me a hand and let’s get out of here
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katiewrites · 2 years
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Went for a warm boho vibe, tell me what you think!
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katiewrites · 2 years
They say,
“It’ll be okay?”
But how can it
when I give them my heart
and they throw it away.
That, no matter the hurt,
or the prayers that I pray
there’s nothing I can do
to convince them to stay.
And when I’m crying at night,
I don’t make a sound,
because my feelings don’t matter,
they’re not even allowed.
That’s when the dark gets darker,
and the quiet bears down.
When I wish he was here so I could
just reach out.
And hold him tight.
And let it all out.
All the pain that I’m feeling.
That keeps mixing with doubt.
That he’s my true love,
and we’re meant to be,
but when I look in the mirror
I can’t tell if it’s me.
Those tear stained eyes.
That tangled brown hair.
The way my lips tremble,
no words left to spare.
The sand’s running out,
and the time’s ticking down.
For him to fix this
and tell me right now.
To say that he loves me,
and he’s sorry for how
he left me here wondering.
Night in and night out.
And, if he cared for me,
even the tiniest bit,
He’d pick up the phone
and start trying to fix
The heart that he’s broken,
The one on the mend,
The heart that I gave him,
To protect and defend,
But he can’t do that,
It’s not the right time.
He would if he could,
but he’s trying to find
Which parts of himself,
he wants to let shine.
And which parts of himself,
he wishes would die.
And it’s then that she knows,
she wasn’t alone.
The man she loved
was in the same boat.
Fighting the darkness,
that crept up on them both.
She was fighting for him.
He was fighting for her.
Fighting for their love,
To the ends of the earth.
— 2 a.m and Crying
303 notes · View notes
katiewrites · 2 years
you have been on my mind a lot lately which really makes me think to when we were together. i miss having you in my life. i wish i would have let you help me through my depression but at the same time i knew that would have not been fair to you. i wish i would have been stronger that is one thing that i will always regret is that i let you go and you are still not in my life. i miss playing video games with you i miss having conversation with you. i really hope all is well and that you are doing good. i hope we can reconnect
Time can skew one’s view of a past relationship. Truth of the matter is: our relationship was not good. It was full of controlling and manipulative behavior, which was traumatizing for me at 18-years-old. For a while, the emotional damage was something I had to explain to every man, friend, and person I grew close to. But not anymore. I’m over it. I’ve grown from it. I don’t miss it. I won’t miss it.
I’ve been in a loving relationship for a little over 2 years. I graduated from university, and I have a career. I’m happy. I’ve rekindled relationships with friends and family members that were damaged during our relationship.
I don’t hold a grudge. I don’t wish you unhappiness. I just hope that you can move on and enjoy life without thinking of me or wishing things would have been different. I’m enjoying my life. I hope you find a way to enjoy yours too, without me. And without feeling the need to continuously contact me in these ways.
Please do not contact me anymore. I just want to move on.
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katiewrites · 2 years
Wrigley’s Xmas pajamas…look at those magnificent toe beans❄️☃️
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katiewrites · 2 years
Wrigley’s Xmas pajamas…look at those magnificent toe beans❄️☃️
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katiewrites · 3 years
Drabble Challenge! #1 - 150
Rules: Followers send a number to your ask and you write a drabble using that sentence/prompt in your piece. Try to keep up! Expect a TON of requests!
Take the long way around
Can you shut up for five minutes, please???
He’s been gone for quite a while
I can’t see anything.
I heard a noise.
Scary movies are for chumps.
You’ve gone to the bathroom fifty times today.
The floor is lava.
Where’s my food?
I bet you feel like an artist
Did you ever clean the attic?
Can I be of assistance?
Get out of the way before I murder you.
I think you forgot who wears the pants in this relationship
You’re breaking my heart, babe.
Cry me a river.
Build a bridge.
Get over it.
Another credit card?!
It’s just rain, you aren’t gonna melt!
When’s the last time YOU cleaned the bathroom?
I don’t know why I married you.
Have you ever lied to me?
If I trip over one more of your shoes, I’m throwing them all away.
Aren’t you supposed to be the adult?
I’m stuck! Help me!
I swear, I’m not scared.
What do you think a cupholder is for?
You know when your phone buzzes, it means I’m trying to talk to you, right?
Turn that sh*t off!!!!
When’s that last time we went on a date?
I thought you didn’t like cats?
The door’s locked.
Remember when you were a kid and you ______ (insert memory)
I’ll just tell your mom on you.
I thought you were nice.
I had a dream about you.
I work pretty hard around here, but you get all the credit
What color do you like better?
Am I your husband or your taxi service?
Take notes, sweetheart.
This is where you impress me, right?
Pick up lines only work when I’m drunk.
I can’t believe you didn’t remember
If that makes me a child, so be it.
I could beat you up, you know that right?
Would it kill you to help people?
I bet you can’t go 24 hours without cussing.
But, I said I love you.
Is it just me or is cold as hell in here?
I’m not weird, you’re just basic.
Just sleep with one eye open, that’s all I’m saying
Take off your shirt.
Why’s there a pregnancy test in the trash?
Way to go, kid.
I found the candles, we’ll be alright.
We could get struck by lightning, but you want to kiss in the rain.
You’re never this quiet, what’s wrong?
…or we could make out….
I said “I HAVE AN IDEA!”
Down the hall, second door on the left.
I warned you. He warned you. Your freaking mom warned you.
Sit still, for the love of all that is Holy.
Are you even human?
We’ll talk later.
I’m afraid.
I thought there was time.
Can you just leave me alone?
I’ll carry it.
We’re not ‘fine’.
Are you really taking his side right now?
I like proving you wrong.
Girls can’t drive, plain and simple.
Who are you?
I think you need stitches
Must be a coincidence
Can you be romantic for once?
This is your fault by the way.
Nothing bad is going to happen, baby, I promise.
Excuse me for falling in love with you.
I have fans. More fans than you to be exact.  
I paid for half and you ate three-quarters.
I knew you’d be mad.
If you die, I’m going to kill you.
You’ve never smoked anything in your life.
You gave me a black eye.
Stop looking at me like that, weirdo.
What if it sinks?
Birds can’t fly without wings.
Sorry I’m protective over the things I love.
That SOOO classifies as a date.
No backsies.
You’re an idiot. I married an idiot.
I never liked it, I lied.
Remember, we have to get up early tomorrow.
Are you trying to flirt? Because, you’re embarrassing yourself.
Remember when we were dating and you _____
Be brave, sweetheart.
I’m sorry, but that was adorable.
You don’t hate me, quit lying to yourself.
You hear that? That’s the sound of my awesomeness.
She’s my daughter, I can read her diary.
That’s a fact, Jack.
Actually, I couldn’t care less.
I try my best.
Doesn’t make a difference to me anyways.
I’m glad you’re mine.
You look pretty good for your age.
You passed out for like an hour.
Delete it. Now.
You’re a jerk.
Are you high?
No, you’re MY bitch.
Ew ew ew. You’re so gross.
Spare change for the poor and lonely.
She’s 6, how can she scare you?
When’s the last time we ______
He’s spoiled rotten.
I can’t stay long.
There’s nothing we can do.
Do you ever stop smiling?
Step aside and watch a pro.
Never give him stuff like that!
You’re the one who left it laying around.
I’m a lucky girl. I’ll admit that.
Teach me how to play?
It’s called a prank.
Well, you’re a prick.
Good, I hope you feel bad.
You have cold, you’re not dying.
I have reasons. You wouldn’t get it.
I hope you have a cold shower.
You don’t mean that.
Sing to me, please.
Did you enjoy yourself last night?
Why do they behave for you?
Stop making your own rules.
Don’t open an umbrella in the house.
You know what happens when you assume things.
That’s open for discussion.
Oh, what a shocker, you have an excuse.
Be serious for two minutes, please.
I cheated.
What’s the biggest lie you ever told?
Pillows are over-rated.
Zombies aren’t real, I promise.
Are we lost or do you know where we are?
We started with one and now we have seven. You have no chill.
*Make up your own*
Happy Writing! Visit @prompt-bank for more prompts!
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katiewrites · 3 years
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I learned to knit this weekend and knitted my boy a scarf🧣
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katiewrites · 3 years
Drabble Challenge! #1 - 150
Rules: Followers send a number to your ask and you write a drabble using that sentence/prompt in your piece. Try to keep up! Expect a TON of requests!
Take the long way around
Can you shut up for five minutes, please???
He’s been gone for quite a while
I can’t see anything.
I heard a noise.
Scary movies are for chumps.
You’ve gone to the bathroom fifty times today.
The floor is lava.
Where’s my food?
I bet you feel like an artist
Did you ever clean the attic?
Can I be of assistance?
Get out of the way before I murder you.
I think you forgot who wears the pants in this relationship
You’re breaking my heart, babe.
Cry me a river.
Build a bridge.
Get over it.
Another credit card?!
It’s just rain, you aren’t gonna melt!
When’s the last time YOU cleaned the bathroom?
I don’t know why I married you.
Have you ever lied to me?
If I trip over one more of your shoes, I’m throwing them all away.
Aren’t you supposed to be the adult?
I’m stuck! Help me!
I swear, I’m not scared.
What do you think a cupholder is for?
You know when your phone buzzes, it means I’m trying to talk to you, right?
Turn that sh*t off!!!!
When’s that last time we went on a date?
I thought you didn’t like cats?
The door’s locked.
Remember when you were a kid and you ______ (insert memory)
I’ll just tell your mom on you.
I thought you were nice.
I had a dream about you.
I work pretty hard around here, but you get all the credit
What color do you like better?
Am I your husband or your taxi service?
Take notes, sweetheart.
This is where you impress me, right?
Pick up lines only work when I’m drunk.
I can’t believe you didn’t remember
If that makes me a child, so be it.
I could beat you up, you know that right?
Would it kill you to help people?
I bet you can’t go 24 hours without cussing.
But, I said I love you.
Is it just me or is cold as hell in here?
I’m not weird, you’re just basic.
Just sleep with one eye open, that’s all I’m saying
Take off your shirt.
Why’s there a pregnancy test in the trash?
Way to go, kid.
I found the candles, we’ll be alright.
We could get struck by lightning, but you want to kiss in the rain.
You’re never this quiet, what’s wrong?
…or we could make out….
I said “I HAVE AN IDEA!”
Down the hall, second door on the left.
I warned you. He warned you. Your freaking mom warned you.
Sit still, for the love of all that is Holy.
Are you even human?
We’ll talk later.
I’m afraid.
I thought there was time.
Can you just leave me alone?
I’ll carry it.
We’re not ‘fine’.
Are you really taking his side right now?
I like proving you wrong.
Girls can’t drive, plain and simple.
Who are you?
I think you need stitches
Must be a coincidence
Can you be romantic for once?
This is your fault by the way.
Nothing bad is going to happen, baby, I promise.
Excuse me for falling in love with you.
I have fans. More fans than you to be exact.  
I paid for half and you ate three-quarters.
I knew you’d be mad.
If you die, I’m going to kill you.
You’ve never smoked anything in your life.
You gave me a black eye.
Stop looking at me like that, weirdo.
What if it sinks?
Birds can’t fly without wings.
Sorry I’m protective over the things I love.
That SOOO classifies as a date.
No backsies.
You’re an idiot. I married an idiot.
I never liked it, I lied.
Remember, we have to get up early tomorrow.
Are you trying to flirt? Because, you’re embarrassing yourself.
Remember when we were dating and you _____
Be brave, sweetheart.
I’m sorry, but that was adorable.
You don’t hate me, quit lying to yourself.
You hear that? That’s the sound of my awesomeness.
She’s my daughter, I can read her diary.
That’s a fact, Jack.
Actually, I couldn’t care less.
I try my best.
Doesn’t make a difference to me anyways.
I’m glad you’re mine.
You look pretty good for your age.
You passed out for like an hour.
Delete it. Now.
You’re a jerk.
Are you high?
No, you’re MY bitch.
Ew ew ew. You’re so gross.
Spare change for the poor and lonely.
She’s 6, how can she scare you?
When’s the last time we ______
He’s spoiled rotten.
I can’t stay long.
There’s nothing we can do.
Do you ever stop smiling?
Step aside and watch a pro.
Never give him stuff like that!
You’re the one who left it laying around.
I’m a lucky girl. I’ll admit that.
Teach me how to play?
It’s called a prank.
Well, you’re a prick.
Good, I hope you feel bad.
You have cold, you’re not dying.
I have reasons. You wouldn’t get it.
I hope you have a cold shower.
You don’t mean that.
Sing to me, please.
Did you enjoy yourself last night?
Why do they behave for you?
Stop making your own rules.
Don’t open an umbrella in the house.
You know what happens when you assume things.
That’s open for discussion.
Oh, what a shocker, you have an excuse.
Be serious for two minutes, please.
I cheated.
What’s the biggest lie you ever told?
Pillows are over-rated.
Zombies aren’t real, I promise.
Are we lost or do you know where we are?
We started with one and now we have seven. You have no chill.
*Make up your own*
Happy Writing! Visit @prompt-bank for more prompts!
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katiewrites · 3 years
Some women could open Onlyfans accounts and post all the unwanted dickpicks they receive.
789 notes · View notes
katiewrites · 3 years
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4K notes · View notes
katiewrites · 3 years
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453 notes · View notes
katiewrites · 4 years
hi. i like ur promt thingy :) its creative
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katiewrites · 4 years
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Sounds accurate 😂
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