kcurto · 6 years
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kcurto · 7 years
Lol I don't have to wonder. My therapist let me know.
Do you ever wonder what long term psychological damage is caused by crushing our small children with overwhelming pressure and time constraints every single day of their developmental life from age 5-18 and then suddenly setting them free into the world with no guidance or assistance other than “get a job” 
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kcurto · 7 years
There are two people you’ll meet in your life. One will run a finger down the index of who you are and jump straight to the parts of you that pique their interest. The other will take his or her time reading through every one of your chapters and maybe fold corners of you that inspired them most. You will meet these two people; it is a given. It is the third that you’ll never see coming. That one person who not only finishes your sentences, but keeps the book.
Unknown (via wordsnquotes)
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kcurto · 7 years
We spoke endlessly about everything and nothing. Now, I cannot even remember the sound of your voice.
Michael Faudet, Dirty Pretty Things (via wordsnquotes)
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kcurto · 7 years
Why couldn't this be everything I've ever wanted? Maybe it could if I just get out of my own way?
Kaye Curto
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kcurto · 7 years
I looked out over the train tracks and across the river. There, his laugh echoed off the mountains and sat on my shoulder. I remembered our grass-stained knees and watermelon smiles. I remembered the days when the old ground was frozen and we spun in our boots to find a pure, porcelain, glittering December obscuring everything the landscape once was.
The Story of #58
Kaye Curto
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kcurto · 7 years
I tried to do every-damn-thing in my power to get you to want me like I wanted you. But you chose her instead. That's when it hit me that when you said, 'I don't want a relationship,' you meant, 'I don't want a relationship with you.'
The Story of #70
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kcurto · 7 years
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The Story of #23 Kaye Curto
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kcurto · 7 years
Trust your heart if the seas catch fire, live by love though the stars walk backward.
E.E. Cummings (via psych-facts)
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kcurto · 7 years
I remember how I thought you could move mountains. Years later, I'm not the only one. That little boy looks just like his momma, but I'll be damned, he's got your smile.
The Story of #22 Kaye Curto
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kcurto · 7 years
No quote, no tattoo, no photograph will ever bring you back. I only find solace in thoughts of Atoms and Butterfly’s wings.
The Story of #74
Kaye Curto
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kcurto · 7 years
I’m pissed at myself for every chance I had to be in his spirit that I didn’t take.
The Story of #74
Kaye Curto
(via the-littlest-fox)
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kcurto · 7 years
Screaming at the top of your lungs. That’s not an emotion, but it should be.
The Story of #74
Kaye Curto
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kcurto · 7 years
I don’t want you because I’m lonely, I want you because of who you’ve shown me that you are. You see, I get excited that I have someone to care about. And so I move too quickly. It’s not that I’m one of those people who needs someone else to feel complete, I just know that you’re one of the good ones.  I’ve been hurt so many times before, that now,  I’m numb to it. I’m not afraid of it anymore. My insecurities may cloud my mind with toxic thoughts, but I know better. I can tell that you have been hurt too. And you’ve lost your trust. You don’t want to hurt me. You don’t want to be hurt. And you say you don’t think you deserve anyone.  I told you that’s a damn lie. You deserve to be loved with the same admiration and respect that you love with. You deserve to be able to leave your love’s side, and not fear for a moment that they will betray you. So, please, don’t give up on me, because I don’t play those silly mind games. I know that this is a fresh thing, we’re just testing the waters, and there’s so much left up in the air. But, honestly, if I made a list of every last aspect I want in a person, it’s you. And I would hate myself if I messed this up.
KMK (via the-littlest-fox)
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kcurto · 7 years
To meet on the beaches of Amalfi; my God what a beautiful way to find a stranger. The most free of beginnings to the most controlling of ends. Tides rise and pull out again.
The Story of #41 Kaye Curto
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kcurto · 7 years
To think that sometimes poetry is just rejected love letters shared to the world, because they couldn’t touch the heart of the one that mattered.
writingsbyan  (via wnq-writers)
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kcurto · 7 years
I thought you were a bad texter, turns out you're just a bad person.
The Story of #59 Kaye Curto
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