kindlingtruth · 5 years
I’m no stranger to making a fool of myself, but I do feel foolish. Some reading this might know that I decided to stop writing articles here at KindlingTruth. Reasons were given. Since, I cannot have peace about it. What I keep thinking about doing, and what I have settled on doing, is to go through all of the articles I have written here and do my best to submit these to the judgment of God. All…
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kindlingtruth · 5 years
Final Farewell
To the few who I’ve drug along with me on this KindlingTruth journey,
I feel like I own you a better explanation of why I’m walking away from this blog-ministry. Some have expressed good thoughts about the work here and have urged me to continue, and I really do appreciate that.
This is going to be a hard one. On one hand, I write this because I think I owe it to some of you. On the other hand, I…
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kindlingtruth · 5 years
I Repent
If Jesus were here, would he setup an online ministry for the purpose of preaching the gospel? Probably not. None of us can really know what Jesus would do if he were here in the flesh right now, but would he do what I have done here at KindlingTruth?
Would Jesus pastor at a mega church?
Would Jesus pastor at a small-town church?
Would Jesus continually update his social media “ministry” accounts?
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kindlingtruth · 5 years
The Lord Alone
Focusing on healing ourselves in Jesus is a fundamental part of the Christian walk, but there are things that often get in the way.
For me, there were patterns that kept repeating within myself and in my relationships. I saw the behaviors that I knew were wrong, but I could not untangle the mess within that kept me stuck in these things.
If you get online much, especially on social media, you…
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kindlingtruth · 5 years
Be Still
“Be still and know that I am God.” We’ve probably all heard that scripture quoted. It’s comforting to think about, but not always so easy to do. It’s not so easy to be still.
We see something we perceive as a wrongdoing or injustice and we want to make it right. Yet, do we always understand the full implication of our own actions?
The scriptures state that God is in control of all things, and…
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kindlingtruth · 5 years
Empowered Through Service
As Christian wife’s and mothers, it’s so easy to start complaining about life or all of the things we have to get done. Maybe we find our life mundane. Maybe too challenging. Maybe we feel as if an unfair workload is given to us while others have it easy. When these thoughts come, we can redirect our thoughts towards a mindset of service to the Lord.
From changing diapers in the middle of the…
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kindlingtruth · 5 years
We Are the Four Horsemen (Complete Series)
We Are the Four Horsemen (Complete Series)
  We Are the Four Horsemen (Part 1)
I have something heavy to share and I’m not happy to share it, although there is a sense of amazement I feel at the word of God along with many other emotions as you might also experience if what I write makes sense to you.
I’m not sure where to begin except to explain what just happened to me. If this or other cases of my sharing seems to be a kind of praying…
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kindlingtruth · 5 years
We Are the Four Horsemen (Part 12)
We Are the Four Horsemen (Part 12)
A lot has been covered within this article series, and there is a lot more that could be said. As a kind of conclusion to this series, I would like us to focus on trusting in Jesus Christ.
If we trust in Jesus and the ability of the Holy Spirit to convict us of sin, teach us, and strengthen us towards righteous doing, then why do we need “horsemen” and “kings?”
It is so easy to place regulations…
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kindlingtruth · 5 years
Question: Are My Lukewarm Christian Loved Ones Saved?
Question: Are My Lukewarm Christian Loved Ones Saved?
Question: I have loved ones who are Christian, but they don’t seem to be super serious about Jesus. Sometimes they really seem to care, and if they are asked about Jesus they will say they love Him and would never deny the faith. But, they don’t really live a Christian life or seem to be growing much in the faith. Are my lukewarm Christian loved ones saved?
Have you ever grappled with the…
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kindlingtruth · 5 years
All Members are Necessary
All Members are Necessary
When I was a kid, I remember watching television and there was this story, like a public service announcement kind of thing. You might have heard of it because it’s fairly popular.
The story tells of a child who is on the beach. On this beach there are hundreds of starfish that wash up on the shore, and without being in the water, they will die. This child throws the starfish back into the water.…
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kindlingtruth · 5 years
As for Me and My House
As for Me and My House
There is a bit of a self-serving aspect to this article, but there is a valuable lesson here too. It’s self-serving because I do feel a sense of gratification in defending myself, but then when I think of the full implications of what I have to say, that self-gratification dwindles a bit.
You know, it’s gotten to the point where I feel tempted to explain my every thought and motive because there…
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kindlingtruth · 5 years
Remembering Compassion
In my last article, I made a statement that is not fully true when taken on it’s own. I went back and added some clarification that I regret leaving out.
Here was the statement:
“Christian, you are not mentally ill. The world is.”
Here is what I added:
“Aren’t we all of the world though? We are all born sinful. We are all sick. The distinction is Jesus and His grace towards those who love Him.…
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kindlingtruth · 5 years
Much Learning Has Made You Mad
Much Learning Has Made You Mad
And as he thus spake for himself, Festus said with a loud voice, Paul, thou art beside thyself; much learning doth make thee mad (Acts 26:24).
This isn’t something I’m dealing with currently. It’s just something that occurred to me as a topic I should write about.
As a Christian, have you ever had your mental health challenged because of your faith? For example, does the idea of speaking to God…
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kindlingtruth · 5 years
A Note on Prophecy
A Note on Prophecy
Something has been nagging at me today, and I want to get it out there. There are common tendencies many have regarding prophecy in the bible. One of the articles on my to-do list has to do with learning prophecy appropriately, so I hope to share what I’ve learned so far about that. For now, there are certain prophecies that have become an annoyance, so I want to make my views on these clear.
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kindlingtruth · 5 years
An Aside About Audience
An Aside About Audience
If you know some-what about writing, then you might know that one of the first things a writer should do is determine who their audience is. Who are they writing to? What is the most impactful way to get the message across? How can the writer relate to the audience and help them understand?
Some of you already know this, some might not. One of the biggest challenges associated with KindlingTruth…
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kindlingtruth · 5 years
We Are the Four Horsemen (Part 11)
We Are the Four Horsemen (Part 11)
This is my commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved you (John 15:12).
How does a Christian find freedom from the “kings” of this earth? For starters, we recognize that we are made free by the blood of Jesus Christ. The grace of God (the favor of God) provides us with all things necessary to overcome all destructive powers in this world.
The Grace of God Teaches Us
For the grace of…
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kindlingtruth · 5 years
We Are the Four Horsemen (Part 10)
We Are the Four Horsemen (Part 10)
The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. Yet have I set my king upon my holy…
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