knighthawkpoet · 10 days
Angel at the Corner Store
I Don’t know where my faith stands, but I’ve been praying more. 
Oh God, oh God, I don’t need a miracle, just company.
God of Rainbows let me survive.
See, my parents are visiting today for a whole weekend, I’m supposed to be cleaning or something but frankly I think I'll faint if I try. I see them in an hour. Maybe less. It’s been nearly a year and it’ll be like seeing strangers.
Their daughter left them last October, moved across the country with her best friend.
And I'm… 
Well. I’m their child, not their daughter (I am this weekend), who moved across the country with their spouse.
See the difference?
My stomach was killing me but I braved the heat and the potholes to take my wheelchair (that they don’t know about) out on an outing. 2 stores and the library. Loaded my bag up with books like it's armor as I watched the time tick down. One hour and they’ll check in with me. (the hour’s since passed and I’m checking my texts obsessively)
My stomach twists, my palms are sweaty, I think I'm praying without even realizing it. 
I turned on my old mp3 player (my brother’s old one, I destroyed most of mine from cranking up the volume as a teenager) where I’ve added whatever music was on my computer to it. 
A lot, as it turns out. 
Stuff I’ve never even listened to before. As it turns out. 
(Ah shit they’ll be here in like 30 minutes.)
I learn about said stuff after I hit a pothole. I can't find the song now but it's from an album my dad gave me pre-pandemic that he doesn't remember. The artists are gay married women. He definitely didn't know that. 
She sings about the bitterness of the closet. I hold the creaking mp3 player like a hymnal and hum along like it's a dirge or a psalm.
Next stop, corner store. I look for a couple things. My spouse sent me to get a thumb drive but the back to school rush is over, Halloween stuff is here now, and a garland of glow in the dark skeletons is probably not a good substitute. Like using applesauce for an omelette. 
Anyway, I just grab a pie instead and hope my mom doesn't get upset about the soybean oil in it. She'll eat miso but not Soy. I don't get it either. 
God’s been giving me signs all day (Good night's sleep. Friendly librarians. No unseen hazards on the road) that I've been brushing past and I think they just got sick of it. I think they decided to just fucking hit me over the head with a good omen. 
The angel in the corner store doesn't see me for a bit, frowning at the two salad options in their hand. 
They look like my spouse.  
They look like my spouse 30 years from now. Magenta mohawk, ring of keys on their belt, docs- for fucks sake this middle aged butch is wearing a pride shirt. They let me go in front of them in line. 
My favorite cashier asks me how I'm doing. I tell her- family is visiting. I'm stressed. 
The middle aged butch helps me with my groceries. As I turn, they nod at me. “You got this sweetheart." 
I Don’t know where my faith stands, but I think I was sent what I needed. A miracle. Hope. A little bit of company.  A rainbow declaring I will not be destroyed.
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knighthawkpoet · 4 months
Wasp-princess --> Knighthawkpoet
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knighthawkpoet · 7 months
If there is one poem there there's two
Not two halves of one
(or two quarters and one half)
-This metaphor is getting away from me i think
(And i'm not so good at all the math)
But I say it anyway
Because art is not like oranges
Better shared in happy wholeness
Not broken apart- 
Is it a gift if it leaves behind a mess?
You needed to create the good
You'd only ever been given oranges
The hard types, mostly pith
Made marmalade from them
Added sweetness, time- now it's a gift.
Even I gave you oranges once
Tea in packets for a cold
A gift gone sour (I'm so sorry!)
But you were given a choice now
And you chose freely, without worry 
And we found the lemons!
Chasing the last of the season
A 5 for 25 cents steal
We'll make good out of what was bitter
Together share a meal
It's a celebration, love
Hope and healing round the table
That fallow field is flourishing
There's plenty of cake to go round
And shared together, it will be nourishing
There’s a poem somewhere in having lemon cake for my first official fuck-this-shit-I’m-out-aversary, but I haven’t teased it out yet. Ah well.
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knighthawkpoet · 8 months
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My sketchbook is full of my College of Spirits Bard, Murphy, looking pathetic and sad, So I figured i would share him Not in peril and Not Deeply unwell for once
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knighthawkpoet · 9 months
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Nothing better than the special, non-canonical relationship between a history loving girlie and her ages old glam rocker vampirate best friend. They are gossiping together <3
Lenora Skeates (she/her) is my OC, and Reign Silverhart (they/them belongs to @arrowhawkart !
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knighthawkpoet · 1 year
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My parents went to Utah for a long weekend, so I drew my favorite image from their trip for my mother's birthday!
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knighthawkpoet · 1 year
You know those poems, of oranges and love?
I know you do, you adored them
In-taking the words like nectar
Like breathing in the intimacy and saying that you've shared it
I hope that every orange you eat is the sweetest thing that touches your lips
That you think of us each bite you take
That every orange is too much for you to eat alone
That the bitter pith stays on your tongue.
Much the same as I think of you
In the wasteland you left
Dropped peels scattered
The only part of the spirit fruit you shared with me
See my heart was already pulp
(which you don't seem to like much)
A bit too much effort to be patient, delicate
Can't peel it open the same way you score a citrus
I hope your orange tea tastes like truth
A medicine
The steam rising like the oracle at delphi inhaled
Telling you visions of what you could have had
In the meantime I'll go out
Till the soil
Orange peels as fertilizer
And see what grows in time.
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knighthawkpoet · 1 year
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I am continuing to have GREAT fun with turning my ocs into spider people- this is Murphy Nocturne-Nee-Galloway (he/him or any), juggling two secret identities of Spiderman, Mac an Baird the musician, and his own civilian identity!
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knighthawkpoet · 1 year
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Saw Across the Spiderverse (and Into the spiderverse for the first time!) Last week, and I Loved it!!!
I was inspired to make an au with my partner with some of our ocs- this is Spider-Rogue, Civilian Name Portia Worthinghamptonshire!
she's based off of a crab spider, which can mimic flowers and are ambush predators.
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knighthawkpoet · 1 year
❄ Linden?
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Here he is!!
He's never been terribly bothered by the cold, but the jacket pockets are helpful and maybe the sweater will help pad things given his lack of armor proficiency?? (this little Man is a Squishy Wizard)
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knighthawkpoet · 2 years
Oh dryads, my kin
My loves
What a terrible irony it is
To be the children of lumberjacks.
Their axes they've long forgotten
Buried within us.
Despite it, may we put our roots down
And bloom.
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knighthawkpoet · 2 years
The rainbow is 
God’s promise
That we will not be destroyed
No wave of terror
Swallowing all of us before our very eyes.
I think of this,
God's promise
In the wake of another hateful act
My beloved and I holding each other tightly
Saying I Love You I Love You I Love You
God Help Us God Help Us
Repetition gets Your attention
At least so my study Bible says
I look for
God's Promise
In the spray of the road
In windows
On cars and clothes
And the sky
To see the bow hung up
To see signs of safety
We hang flags and
God's promise
At every door post
On our bodies
Like the blood of the Lamb
Angel, Pass over us
There is sanctuary here
I am holding to
God's Promise
Gripping at the colors that symbolize
The wholeness of me 
And I plead:
Hear Your grieving children, God
Do not destroy us
Do not let us be destroyed
Amen, Amen, Amen.
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knighthawkpoet · 2 years
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Finances are extremely tight with me and my partner right now and groceries are very very expensive along with car and medical issues so I am taking emergency commissions!
$10 for a shoulders up character portrait, pencil sketch
I will draw your original characters and fanart
No furries, mechs, or implied sexual content
Payment taken via PayPal
Dm me or contact me via [email protected]
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knighthawkpoet · 2 years
Sometimes I wonder how you love me
So fiercely
So completely
Willing to take me along wherever you go
Despite the hassle.
You help me up the stairs
And into the car
And tell me to use the walker
Not the cane
We'll figure it out
Ah, that you don't abandon me is a mystery
Until another hole
In your stuffed tiger
Spills stuffing and beads
And you carefully offer her to me so I may mend.
She and I, I think, get along better 
Than the rest of our belongings
Threadbare, delicate, frayed
When you were young,
You carried her everywhere
When we were younger
We couldn't stop talking
Distance unbearable
She keeps me company now
While you work
And I am stuck in bed
Tells me she is real
Loved enough to become real
Ah, that you love me into reality!
Loved me into existence
Tiger and I lay in bed
Waiting for you to come home 
And I have never been more alive.
{tiger in question}
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knighthawkpoet · 2 years
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Alright here we go! Commissions officially open!
Please send any commission inquiries to [email protected]
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knighthawkpoet · 2 years
You Make Me Sick
You make me sick- I don't mean that in a cruel way.
But In the way that too much candy 
makes you vomit
Something too rich, too dense
Sets the heart into overdrive. 
You are saccharine like food 
that started off wonderful 
But now has me retching in the bathroom
Shaking and sobbing
And I swear I won't give it another chance.
You make me sick
In the way that you gave me a medicine
And messed up my dosage
And claimed there were no mistakes made
while i'm twitching and shuddering and bleeding
Begging for help
"Make me healthy
Oh mighty healer."
You make me sick.
But in the way that if i see your name
Or if i see the things you like
Or if i see the same sort of way you type
There is a knot of dread that sits in my stomach and rots me from the inside out
Fight, flight, freeze, fawn
You make me sick
Like the brush fires do
Smoke chokes and obscures
Makes me cough so I can't sputter protest
You never lit the match, no
But you fanned the flames
Let tender hearts of tinder
Shriek and burn
And called it keeping us warm
I don't like illness
Goodness knows I've seen enough of it
I think I'll find a better treatment plan
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knighthawkpoet · 2 years
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no more spoons, only knives left
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