kristin-ashe · 4 months
I rather
Chew a hole into myself
refuge among the guts the viscera
Hide in the pain of the physical to escape the pain of Fate
The other side of the coin
The punishing answer to Love
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kristin-ashe · 1 year
Stream of Consciousness - Narcissistic Parent
A journal excerpt, unknown date
You start to notice things aren't quite right. The way his tone changes. The way he sighs with heavy disappointment if you say something "wrong." You feel guilty, all of the time. Feeling like a failure, a letdown. Whatever you do isn't enough. Whatever you feel is wrong. Constant reminders of being inferior. He shakes his head, and you know that once again, you're worthless. You should be ashamed.
Try to stay positive, try to prove your worth. Try to get that love, that acceptance, that approval. Longing for it but deep down knowing it's unattainable.
Then comes the fear. It slowly creeps into conversations. Your hands sweat & your voice shakes, even to respond to a seemingly simple "how was your day?" One wrong word could set it off. Don't mention anything upsetting, don't give too much information. Give no ammunition.
And so it grows. Avoiding eye contact. Begging not to have to ask for anything. Adrenaline when he walks in a room. The tension, the hostility, bubbles right below the surface.
You start to really see the cracks. A performance in front of people; a scathing monologue at home. Why doesn't he love me? What's wrong with me? What happened??
Behind closed doors, outpour of disdain. Twists the feelings, suddenly you're the guilty one. "See, I'm not so bad" he leers.
Scared to come home. Scared for the fallout. Anxiety tied to the garage door, amplified by footsteps in the hall.
Who will he be today? Who did he come home as?
A broken wedding ring. Symbolism so obvious you'd scoff at it in a film. Freshly poured concrete - a family's hands cemented in time, a mother missing.
He hit her. He's sorry.
TENSION ..........................................
Maybe he loved me once. Nothing is left now.
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kristin-ashe · 3 years
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kristin-ashe · 4 years
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Sometimes I feel like I can’t recognize myself from one moment to the next. An image, a reflection. The medium reflects back a different person each time - none of them are me. Where is the real me?
I change from one second to the next. Shape shifting through different moods and feelings. Capturing the moment changes it, being observed skews the results. Do I perform when I am alone? Am I pretending, even with myself?
- 7th of January, 2021
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kristin-ashe · 4 years
My scars scream at me in the shower
The warm water breathes life into my pale skin
Shining reminders of times I felt dead
Etched into me with a safety pin
Hidden disfigurements
Lines of hopelessness
Embodiments of emotional pain
Hands. Wrists.
Legs. Hips.
I scrub myself clean as the marks fade away
Watching suds and memories swirling down the drain
I can’t help but wonder
if the scars on my body match the ones in my brain
December ‘20
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kristin-ashe · 4 years
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kristin-ashe · 4 years
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kristin-ashe · 5 years
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kristin-ashe · 5 years
(I can’t see)
Dense fog fills my head
(I can’t move)
Tremendous pressure traps me in bed
(I can’t speak)
My voice silenced by pain
(I can’t feel)
Emptiness- vast and bottomless, takes place of my brain
Depression has robbed me
Imprisoned me
Gutted me
Filled me with sand
(I’m so weighed down)
Depression sneers...
And watches me drown
Kristin Ashley, January 29th 2020
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kristin-ashe · 5 years
I can feel myself withdrawing
Collapsing into myself
Talk is just so draining
Familiar signs of deteriorating health
Another bad brain day
Fighting myself alone in my room
Just hang on another week
I know relief is coming soon
An endless battle of heavy darkness
Fought back by infusions of light
Forever in a tug of war
Forever I will fight.
January 24th, 2020
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kristin-ashe · 5 years
Just dreamt of you
You were happy and smiling
You said sorry and hugged me
That song was playing (Warning)
I woke up crying
I forgive you. I miss you.
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kristin-ashe · 5 years
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kristin-ashe · 5 years
Words spoken so sweetly
Telling me what I’ve wanted to hear
Eyes earnest and pleading
Desperate to ease my fear
Hands wrung together tightly
Holding onto hope
My heart twitches softly under a layer of ice
You were the Winter that froze me
Can you be the Spring that brings me back to life
I don’t know
I don’t know
You’re sure and you promise
You’ll do anything
But can I do one thing?        Can I say okay?        
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kristin-ashe · 5 years
Is it another shot Or another shot to the heart
A chance to rebuild Or a chance to re-break
My heart and its pieces Still mending
But wouldn’t I just be pretending
If I said I wouldn’t let you
Shoot me again Break me again Take my heart apart
It’s always been yours To keep or to toss
What’s one more time?
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kristin-ashe · 5 years
Like ash and dust
You first look at me with wonder
Watch me dance around you, swirling in the air
Landing softly on your fingertips as they reach for me
I get into your hair
The scent of me in your clothes
But the wind always turns
You begin to feel weighted down
Suffocated, trapped
Another body into the rubble
While I hang heavy in the air
Messy but seemingly harmless
It seems there is too much of me
For anyone to bear
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kristin-ashe · 5 years
“I felt very still and very empty, the way the eye of a tornado must feel, moving dully along in the middle of the surrounding hullabaloo”
Sylvia Plath
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kristin-ashe · 5 years
Being a human person is such a weird thing. We have all these shared experiences and different relationships with people. We have various personalities we embody depending on the situation. For the most part, everything has already been done, everything has already been said, everything has already been felt by someone. 
Despite this resounding human connection, we’re alone. At the end of the day and at the end of our lives, we lay down as someone only we know. Our innermost selves, never to be fully understood. Our individual spark, well-defined in our minds, only to be filtered through other people’s lenses.
We are truly ourselves only when we are laid to rest, truly alone.
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