#ketamine infusions
Ketamine infusions • CRPS Day 10 #crpsawarenessmonth
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Chronic pain problems •
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skaddy111 · 1 month
Transformative Mental Health Solutions with KetaMinds
At KetaMinds, we are committed to revolutionizing mental health care by providing cutting-edge Ketamine treatments designed to offer relief to those struggling with various mental health conditions. Our mission is to bring effective, evidence-based therapies to individuals who have not found success with traditional treatments. By offering Ketamine infusions and other specialized services, we aim to enhance the quality of life for our patients, giving them hope and a new lease on life.
Discover Ketamine Treatments Near Me
If you’ve been searching for “Ketamine treatments near me,” you’re likely looking for a reliable and professional clinic that offers this innovative treatment option. KetaMinds is your local provider of Ketamine infusions and related mental health services, dedicated to making these treatments accessible to those who need them most. Our clinic is staffed by experienced professionals who specialize in administering Ketamine treatments in a safe, controlled environment, ensuring the best possible outcomes for our patients.
The Power of Ketamine Infusions
Ketamine infusions have gained recognition as a powerful treatment option for a variety of mental health conditions, particularly when other treatments have failed. At KetaMinds, we use Ketamine infusions to treat conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, and chronic pain. These infusions work by rapidly altering the brain’s chemistry, often providing relief after just one session. Our team of experts carefully monitors each infusion to tailor the treatment to your specific needs, maximizing the benefits while minimizing any potential side effects.
Ketamine for Depression: A New Hope
Depression is a debilitating condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Traditional treatments, such as antidepressants and therapy, don’t work for everyone, leaving many individuals feeling hopeless. However, Ketamine for depression has emerged as a groundbreaking alternative that offers hope where other treatments have failed. KetaMinds specializes in using Ketamine infusions to combat depression, providing rapid relief and helping patients regain control of their lives. The unique properties of Ketamine make it particularly effective for treatment-resistant depression, offering a new path to wellness for those who have struggled for too long.
Your Trusted Ketamine Medical Clinic
Choosing the right Ketamine medical clinic is crucial for ensuring safe and effective treatment. At KetaMinds, we pride ourselves on being a leading Ketamine medical clinic, offering comprehensive care in a comfortable and supportive environment. Our clinic is equipped with the latest technology and staffed by a team of highly trained medical professionals who are dedicated to your health and well-being. We take the time to understand each patient’s unique situation, crafting personalized treatment plans that address their specific mental health challenges.
Comprehensive Mental Health Services
In addition to our specialized Ketamine treatments, KetaMinds offers a full range of mental health services designed to support your overall well-being. We believe in a holistic approach to mental health care, integrating Ketamine infusions with traditional therapies and lifestyle changes to create a comprehensive treatment plan. Our services include counseling, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and other evidence-based treatments that complement the effects of Ketamine. By addressing the root causes of mental health issues and providing ongoing support, we help our patients achieve lasting improvements in their mental health.
At-Home Ketamine: Convenience and Comfort
For those who prefer the convenience and privacy of receiving treatment at home, KetaMinds also offers at-home Ketamine services. We understand that traveling to a clinic can be challenging for some individuals, especially those dealing with severe mental health conditions. Our at-home Ketamine service brings the treatment directly to you, allowing you to receive the benefits of Ketamine infusions in the comfort of your own home. Our medical team will guide you through the process, ensuring that the treatment is administered safely and effectively, while you remain in a familiar and comfortable setting.
The Science Behind Ketamine Treatments
Understanding how Ketamine treatments work is essential for appreciating their effectiveness in treating mental health conditions. Ketamine, traditionally used as an anesthetic, has been found to have profound effects on the brain’s neurotransmitter systems. Unlike traditional antidepressants that may take weeks or even months to show results, Ketamine infusions often produce noticeable improvements in mood and symptoms within hours or days. This rapid response is particularly beneficial for individuals suffering from severe or treatment-resistant depression, offering a much-needed reprieve from their symptoms.
Ketamine works by modulating the activity of glutamate, a key neurotransmitter in the brain. This modulation helps to create new neural connections, effectively “resetting” parts of the brain that are involved in mood regulation. This unique mechanism of action is what makes Ketamine for depression so effective, particularly in cases where other treatments have failed.
Patient-Centered Care at KetaMinds
At KetaMinds, our approach to treatment is centered around the needs and experiences of our patients. We understand that seeking help for mental health issues can be a daunting step, and we strive to make the process as comfortable and supportive as possible. From the moment you contact us to your first consultation and beyond, we are here to provide the guidance and care you need to feel confident in your treatment plan.
Our clinic offers a welcoming environment where patients can feel at ease discussing their mental health concerns. We take the time to explain every aspect of the treatment process, ensuring that you are fully informed and comfortable with your care. Whether you’re receiving Ketamine infusions at our clinic or taking advantage of our at-home Ketamine services, you can trust that our team will be with you every step of the way
Get Started with KetaMinds Today
If you’re ready to take the next step in your mental health journey, KetaMinds is here to help. Whether you’re interested in learning more about Ketamine infusions, exploring at-home Ketamine options, or seeking a comprehensive mental health treatment plan, we invite you to reach out to us. Our team is here to answer your questions, provide guidance, and help you find the right treatment option for your needs.
KetaMinds is dedicated to offering innovative mental health solutions that can make a real difference in the lives of our patients. With services ranging from Ketamine infusions to at-home Ketamine, we provide flexible, patient-centered care designed to meet the unique needs of each individual. Whether you’re searching for Ketamine treatments near me or looking for a trusted Ketamine medical clinic, KetaMinds is here to provide the support and expertise you need to achieve better mental health. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you on your journey to wellness.
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manriah · 1 year
Me during my ketamine infusions
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aerial-ace97 · 2 years
‘You can’t beat me!  I saw the face of God today!’ - Me, post-ketamine infusion therapy, running at every boss in Dark Souls 3.
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dadvans · 3 months
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this happened when I was trying to fall asleep last night, and i’m afraid it seems to have found its legs. see u all on the other side 🫡
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growing-home · 7 months
i spent nearly two decades of my life severely depressed and suicidal and for so long i believed wholeheartedly that it was my fault. i believed that the reason no medication or therapy had ever worked for my depression was because i wasn’t ACTUALLY depressed— i believed i was just lazy, bad, manipulative, and just using depression as an excuse for the inherent badness i thought was inside me. this was a story that was told to me and reinforced over and over again by treatment providers.
this past summer, i tried my 30th+ psychiatric medication, not expecting to see any results. the day i realized it was working was the day i realized that i was…planning my future???suddenly i no longer wanted to stay in bed all day and never go outside. i no longer wanted to isolate. i wanted to see people, talk to people! i started spending more time with friends and facetiming people and talking on the phone, things that i rarely did in the past. when i had been depressed, the only movies/tv shows i could focus on were super intense, fast paced, and scary or disturbing because that was the only way to hold my attention. after starting this medication, i started enjoying SITCOMS! i no longer felt like i was fighting to just get through every single day of my life.
there was such a clear and measurable difference in the quality of my life that i started to question why i believed that my depression had been my fault. it became very clear to me that a large part of my depression had been biological. i had not been lazy or bad. i had been sick. my brain was sick the same way other organs get sick sometimes. this brought up a lot of grief for me— grief for all the lost time that i’d spent trying to find something that worked, grief for how much pain i had been in for so long. but it also brought up sheer FURY at all of the therapists and psychiatrists who had treated me like i just wasn’t trying hard enough to get better.
i had been labeled treatment resistant, of course, and the only recommendations i had received after being given that label were TMS, Ketamine, and ECT. once i had tried all three with no success, i believed i was just a lost cause. i thought i was out of options. i was made to feel that way by so many treatment professionals. i was told that nothing was working because of my complex trauma and that once i healed from that then i would stop being depressed (as if it’s that easy to just fully recover from CPTSD!) i was told that i just needed to do more DBT, i just needed to live and breathe DBT skills and then i would get better, even though i’d done intensive DBT programs for years with no improvement to my depression. (yes, it helped me to change my behavior and quit self harm, but behavior change isn’t necessarily indicative of a change in mood. i could do all the right things all the time and still be in excruciating mental pain.)
i was told that i just wasn’t trying hard enough, or that i must have a personality disorder, or that i just needed to exercise more, or eat less, or eat MORE, or eat differently, or get a job, or get a dog, or do yoga, or acupuncture, or biofeedback, or find purpose in my life— psychiatrist after psychiatrist looked for something to blame everywhere but in the mirror. instead of admitting that they weren’t equipped to help me, they made me believe that it was MY fault i wasn’t getting better. and i believed them. for SO long, i believed them.
and now after finding a medication that works for me, i see everything so much more clearly. psychiatrists need to put their enormous egos aside and actually treat patients with treatment resistant depression instead of blaming us for suffering from a (partially at least) biological illness. if you’re a doctor and you know that a patients illness is outside of the scope of your abilities, either do more research and get more training to help them or refer them to someone who specializes in what they need. don’t keep them around letting them pay you thousands of dollars while you make them try the same thing over and over and over again and expect to get a different result. people act like things like ECT are a last resort option, and in doing so make people believe that if it doesn’t help then you’re out of options. but nobody ever tried me on tricyclics. nobody tried me on MAOIs. nobody told me about how some dopamine agonists like Pramipexole have had some success in treating treatment resident depression. instead i was made to feel like asking to not be suicidal daily was asking for too much. if you’re a clinician who thinks that’s asking for too much, you’re in the wrong profession. we can do better than that. we NEED to do better than that.
in my experience, out of every profession, doctors have some of the biggest egos i’ve ever seen. i say this as someone who is both mentally ill as well as physically disabled. many doctors HATE it when you do your own research. they HATE it when you have suggestions, or when you ask for what you need. it’s almost as if they feel threatened by it, like they need to believe that they are superior to their patients because of how much time and money and energy they put into going to med school— they need to believe they hate their hard work was worth it so they have a tendency to dismiss any ideas their patients might have. i don’t care how many years you’ve been in school. you do not get to tell your sick patients that it’s their fault they’re sick to justify your laziness and refusal to learn new things. put away your god complex and actually listen to your patients.
and the strangest part to me is that the longer you have been suicidal for, the less seriously they take it. the same way that the more chronically ill you are the less people believe you. it’s bizarre— when people see pain that is beyond what they can fathom, instead of feeling empathy, they tell you you must be faking it or that you must be looking for attention. i’ll never understand this. it’s as if they think that suicidality doesn’t need to be taken seriously unless the patient has successfully completed suicide. and i think it’s very clear how that logic is flawed. i was treated like i just wanted attention whenever i asked for help with my chronic suicidality and it made me terrified to ask for help with ANYTHING. i still constantly am afraid that if i’m too honest with clinicians then they’ll think i just want attention. attention isn’t a bad thing to want, all human beings need some degree of attention, but regardless that doesn’t negate the severity of a person’s suicidality. i wasn’t attention seeking by asking for help. i was STRONG. i was really fucking strong, far stronger than i should’ve had to be. i fought for my life every single day and i am lucky to still be here but it’s not luck that got me here. it’s ME that got me here.
i don’t want to make it sound like i speak for everyone who has suffered from TRD, because i don’t think that would be fair. i can’t tell you if there’s a med out there that’ll work for you. all i can tell you is that most psychiatrists prematurely tell chronically suicidal patients that there is nothing they can do to help them or that they’re out of medication options. if you’re a psychiatrist or doctor and you feel yourself getting defensive while reading this, i invite you to get curious about where that activation is coming from.
and if you are someone with treatment resident depression or chronic suicidality reading this, i am telling you now: your illness is not your fault. i don’t know if it’s going to get better or not, but i can promise you— it is not your fault and it never has been.
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lifewithchronicpain · 24 days
At a time when the recreational use of ketamine is coming under more scrutiny from law enforcement after the death of actor Matthew Perry, a new study highlights its potential value as a treatment for fibromyalgia pain.
Ketamine is an anesthetic drug that is only FDA-approved for depression and anesthesia. But in recent years ketamine infusions are increasingly being used “off-label” for severe chronic pain conditions such as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS).
In a small systematic review (a study of studies), researchers in Brazil found that ketamine infusions were safe and effective in relieving fibromyalgia pain. The review was small – just 6 clinical trials involving 115 patients – because ketamine has rarely been considered as a treatment for fibromyalgia due to its potency. Ketamine infusions require constant medical supervision because they put patients into a temporary dream-like state that can lead to hallucinations and out-of-body experiences.
But the Brazilian researchers found the side effects from infusions were mild and short-term, with some fibromyalgia patients experiencing pain relief that lasted for days or weeks.
Fibromyalgia is a poorly understood condition that causes widespread body pain, fatigue, insomnia, brain fog and mood disorders. The FDA has approved only three medications for fibromyalgia, two antidepressants (Cymbalta and Savella) and a nerve drug (Lyrica), but many patients consider them ineffective.
Could ketamine be another option?
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wishful-seeker · 2 months
So i usually have ketamine every 6 weeks. Thats when it hurts really bad again, But these past two times at 5 weeks i have a flair for a few days, not a bad one, i MIGHT need 1 bath a day as apposed to 2 to 4 a day like last year, but after that little baby flair i feel relief again. Last time i went two months without k and it seems like this time will be the same.
I am ACTUALLY recovering, wild!
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greengay · 8 months
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Please let me know if you have any music recommendations for ketamine infusions 💗
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hydnes · 9 days
crazy how if you self-dx you're the devil & should pay money you probably dont have if you're on wikipedia for a professional screening but if your psychiatrist puts you on 500,000,000mg of antipsychotics and you nearly die the people around you are like "that's your fault somehow for putting your life into the hands of a medical professional that we would hound you about seeing otherwise"
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chambergambit · 4 months
Me: The numbers 8 and 9 are a gay couple. They’re frog and toad.
My Ketamine Infusion Doctor: *googling on his phone* Holy shit, you’re right.
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hiding-below · 1 month
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and for my last day of ketamine infusion therapy, they summoned a NICU nurse to deal with my pathetic tiny veins and she gave me teddy bears. it made me feel so much better that they’re going to try to order them for future patients
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crippledanarchy · 10 months
Lmao they really named the guy that shoots House "Moriarty" and then crammed the episode with as many well known Sherlock references as possible, just in case the viewer missed the allegory
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werewolf4vampire · 3 months
i think i'm doing good in recovery though bc my mom offered to pay for me to get on ozempic and i said uhhh no???
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suncaptor · 7 months
I really think things with hallucinogenic properties have been the most helpful of anything ever at actually helping my symptoms long term. why can't the fda catch up for me.
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