ksmutty · 6 years
I mean?? None of us are really active at the moment. Also, I’ll be reposting some of my NCT content on my blogs @saddoyoung and @lieatnoom so please don’t come to either place accusing them of being stolen. It’s just me reposting them to a more NCT centered place in hopes they might get the attention they deserve.  Thanks! As always, we love you and appreciate your support!
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ksmutty · 6 years
A Deal’s Still A Deal
A/N: Part one here this is a bit under 2k words and includes pegging and oral and awkward humor as always so you’ve been warned or whatever.
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ksmutty · 6 years
Snowed In(Minghao/Reader)
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Author: Sunflower
Genre: Drabble
A/N: Teasing, Humping
Summary: Date night is ruined, whats new?
Date night had finally arrived, and it couldn't have came on a worse day! Winter storm warnings were in affect for the next three days, and it was a complete blizzard. There's no way Minghao would risk taking you out in this weather. You sighed dramatically, staring blankly out the window watching flurries of white fluff swarm the air, and cursing mother nature for the damning date night.
"Babe, seriously," Minghao rested his hands on your shoulders, "stop pouting. We can still have date night, we just have to stay in." He snaked his arms across your chest, and gave you a tight squeeze. Leaving you with a kiss on your cheek, he walked back to the couch and got back in to whatever lame History Channel show he had been fixated on all day. You were sure that he was excited he could finish his show instead of go out in the cold.
You curled up next to him, and he wrapped an arm around you giving you room to nuzzle your head into his chest. He was bouncing his legs restlessly, but stopped when you skimmed your finger tips up his inner thigh. You stared at him, watching as he blinked a few times, obviously trying to act oblivious to your actions. You huffed, and tried again, this time pressing your nails harshly into the material of his pants as you ventured up dangerously close to the tip of his cock. 
"Babe." He spoke in a firm voice, still refusing to look at you. You sighed dramatically and sat up, keeping your eyes focused on him with a nasty glare plastered to your face.
After what seemed like fifty years, but had probably been only a minute he smirked. Biting his lip gently to try to cover the fact, but you knew you had him, and basically jumped at him. You straddled his lap, your dress resting dangerously high on your thighs. You hooked your hands around his neck, pulling gently at his hair, and running your tongue up his jaw. He hissed just loud enough for you to hear, and you bit at his ear. 
"Since we have to stay in," you whispered, "are we gonna fuck, or nah?"
He smirked once more, "nah," he teased. You tilted your head back to meet his gaze, raising your eyebrows at him.
He smiled almost annoyingly, "two can play this game Minghao," You growled austerely. You rolled your hips on top of him slowly as you spoke.
You continued rocking against him, hands still tangled in his hair. You tilted your head back with a subtle moan as you noticed how wet you were for him. Your nails dug into his neck as he finally grabbed your hips. You sped up, grinding yourself into him and letting small curses slip from your mouth as the coil inside your stomach tightened. "Shit," he breathed harshly, slipping his hands down to the hem of your dress to pull it over your head.
"You're so hard babe," you teased, "all this tension could've been released on me." He groaned and you pressed yourself harder against his clothed cock, making a moan erupt from your mouth.
You were so sensitive, and nearly melted into Minghao when his hands slipped under your bra and his thumbs brushed against your nipples. "I bet you're so wet." he exhaled, "I can see it through your panties." His words brought another harsh moan to your lips, and his left hand moved from your breast so he could press his thumb against your clit as you humped him.
"Fuckin - Shit, Minghao!"
The moment his name left your lips, he ultimately caved, pushing you off his lap hastily and down on the couch. He climbed on top of you and his teeth were quick to nip against the skin of your neck. He slipped his hand in to your hair, yanking it to tilt your head back, and bit your bottom lip before kissing you. 
You moaned as he slipped his hand into your panties, "I'm gonna make you make you beg for it."
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ksmutty · 6 years
[8:17 PM] Chenle dropped off your Christmas present and left without saying goodbye. When you opened it, it exploded into a thousand pieces. You wake in the hospital with a bouquet of flowers next to the bed and a small note that says “next time you’ll think twice before holding Jaemins hand behind my back!!” Suddenly you glance down in horror. Your hands were blown completely off. Your, now, ex boyfriend Chenle was right. Now you’ll never be able to hold Jaemins hand again. You cry yourself to sleep in your chilly hospital room, alone.
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ksmutty · 6 years
Where're all the admins?
Bunny is super busy with exams! Wish him luck! @prince-junhee
Sunflower is just chillin on main loving Taeil with her whole ass! @lieatnoom
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ksmutty · 6 years
hmu on main for more quality Taeil shitposting!
A Deal’s A Deal
A/N: it’s like 5.4k words. This used to be a bts fic so like if it sounds familiar, it’s mine. I just edited it and made it better, lmao. Warnings: Mostly just denial and dirty talk, mentions of pegging and humiliating Doyoung and vice versa you know how it be.
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ksmutty · 6 years
we’ve kind of been active on main instead of here, so idk, sorry?? 
Go support @bigtiddydojae and the super awesome camboys she’s been putting out
And if you want to stan Ateez with me or read shit about Taeil then catch me @lieatnoom
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ksmutty · 6 years
I just finished editing Chapter 6 for my sweet babygirl @gaiyofanfiction I really love this fic, its unique and amazing and you all should go support this and anticipate the next chapter that’s coming!
The Stray District - Teaser
The year is now 2018. The city you once called Seoul, South Korea has been deemed District 9. Teenagers have slowly been taking over. District 9, South Korea had one prominent, powerful gang, who dubbed themselves District 9, run by Ms. L/N Y/N. They knew everything that happened in the District, including who came and who went. That’s when a new set of players came into town. After having took over Daegu, they now came for District 9. They are known as Stray Kids, run by Mr. Lee Know. Now, half the District is run by District 9, the other half by Stray Kids. Y/N and Lee Know are constantly at war with the other. Who will prevail in the end? Will District 9 keep control of their city or will Stray Kids conquer?
Meet District 9:
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Meet Stray Kids:
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Coming Soon…
[Do not steal my boards]
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ksmutty · 6 years
you came back to tumblr out of sheer rage lol
Nah, I’ve been back. lol. I posted a little explanation about whats going on with me here.
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ksmutty · 6 years
I’m honestly fucking l i v i d about the content that’s been flagged on this blog because THEY FLAGGED SFW MOODBOARDS ONLY???????? You guys this purge is such a joke im so frustrated.
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ksmutty · 6 years
I love you Sunflower! Thank you for sharing your story and this year was rough for me too. It still is in a way, but its not as bad as it was two months ago. I'm so happy you're still here
I’m so glad you’re here, too. I hope life will ease up a bit on all of us. We deserve to relax and enjoy happiness and good things, you know? I love you, too! Thank you for always sticking around and continuing to send me endless love and support of the last... almost two years now?? It means so much to me, I can’t even put into words how grateful I am for you!!!Sunflower
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ksmutty · 6 years
Hey guys this is probably going to be a bit long, but with the flood of messages in the inbox I felt I should say something, so I’m going to add a read more if you’re curious and if not continue about your lovely day scrolling through.
Also, Trigger warnings ahead.
I wanted to explain some things and bring a bit of reassurance.
I wont be giving up the blog or deleting any content or anything like that. I think or more-so, I know that i’ve been experiencing an all time low. I’ve gone through more this year than I can even comprehend at this point and I’ve truly felt like I have nothing to live for anymore. I don’t want anybody to freak out, I’m okay. I’m not going to do anything stupid. The emotions have passed for the time, but I do want to explain a bit of what’s been going on.
In April I up and left everything I know and love and moved across the country with my best friend so she could go to school and I could live in the same place as my s/o at the time. It was an amazing experience and so full of life lessons but ultimately, it was a fail. Not only did I end up losing my best friend, my apartment, most of my belongings, and the one of only two people I knew in this new and giant city, but ultimately I lost myself somewhere in between. I got so homesick and cried all day every single day and laid around feeling completely lost and alone and luckily I had an amazing support system here and because of you guys on Tumblr I was able to raise enough money to come back home with nothing but my cat and the things I could fit in my car.
When I got home I realized that I was in absolutely no way able to maintain a relationship when I couldn’t even get myself out of the slump I was living in and ultimately our breakup led to a lot of people hating me. People that I thought were really good friends of mine and once again I was left feeling alone and like I had nothing. My entire support system was ripped out from beneath my feet. I moved in with a very verbally abusive alcoholic and started taking care of her teenagers and trying to help them to cope with their moms addiction but it became way too much and one day my dad called me and asked me to move in with him. He was also struggling with addiction to alcohol, and I felt that’s where I needed to be. I needed to save my dad.
I was there for three weeks and I was miserable, and again I was alone and taking on another persons addiction and all the belligerence, abuse, and vomit that came with it. I spent most of my time hiding in the basement and trying to avoid my dad and feeling sorry for myself and then he died. We still don’t have the answers from toxicology of his cause of death but I carry a lot of guilt for the way i acted towards him and the way i neglected him. In my heart I know that my dad died feeling alone and unloved and that a large part of that was because of me, the person he trusted to come back into his life and help me. I truly can’t let go of the thought that I killed him by simply not loving him loud enough.
Thats what this all comes down to. I keep telling myself repeatedly that it should’ve been me. That if anyone needed to die and escape this miserable fuckery of life, that it shouldve been me. I still get really fucking angry that it wasn’t and not a single word in any language will ever convince me that I didn’t play a role in my dads death. Everything hurts. All the time, it just hurts. I don’t know how to cope with any of this which is surprising because Ive been surrounded by death and addiction my whole life and I should know by now how to pick myself up and move forward but I cant. 
I’m failing at being a mother. I’m failing at my job. I’m failing in every aspect of my life because I don’t have the will or the motivation to do the things I want/need to do and I have nobody to lean on. I have one friend in the real world and to be frank, she’s not the greatest person to me a lot of the time and I’m stuck to face all of this with nobody to just fucking pat my head and tell me that I can make it through this, and I had just decided that my time is up. I was done being alive.
I took a few days thinking about it and if I should leave words or an explanation behind and the how who what where of it all... But then, I decided I was going to give it one last chance. I was going to fight for my life because thats what my daughter deserves. Then I got a phone call Thursday morning that a really great person I’ve always adored had taken his life. I mean, this guy was talented in every aspect. Writing, instruments, comedy. He was literally just so great at everything and so pure and every single person who came across him just loved him! I was devastated that someone so humble and fucking amazing as Tyler could ever feel so hurt to take his own life. As selfish as it is, I thought as I broke down “I wonder who would feel like this if it would've been me.” That’s what really got me...
There were only three names I could think of in this situation, two of those names are people I’ve never met in real life. But three, three was enough. I want to be better. I want to feel better. I want to want to be alive. I want to fight for my life. This year has taken everything I have ever loved and it has ripped it to shreds and destroyed it right before my eyes. I can’t think of a time in my life where I’ve ever felt lower, but they say once you hit rock bottom the only way to go is up. I’m begging the world to let that be my truth and I’m hoping that I can keep going. I’ve tried every single day to think of at least ONE reason to keep going and I let that reason carry me through the day. For now, thats enough.
Theres really no point to this other than I just wanted to put this out there and help people understand that I’m not some attention seeking asshole. I can’t comprehend how hard this year has been and there’s some details that I just can’t dive into, but I hope this helps you to understand how much everything has just shattered before my eyes. I want people to maybe think that if I can keep going then maybe they can to. I want every single one of you to know that this blog is always a safe place. That I will always do my best to be here for each and everyone of you. I’m not giving up on myself and I’m never going to give up on any of you.
So please, if you’re struggling today don’t hesitate to come and talk to me. You can vent or you can just go off about your ult or even some TV show or anything you need. Whatever is going to help you keep yourself grounded, I’m here for all of that. I don’t want any of our followers or even any stranger on Tumblr to ever feel like they’re so alone that nobody would even notice if they’re gone. I would notice. I would care. I love you and every day that you wake up I am so proud of you. Please dont ever give up on yourself and know that even if thats something you cant do, that i will never give up on you.
I love you all so much and I can’t tell you how thankful I am for each and every one of you. 
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ksmutty · 6 years
I Can’t Fall In Love Without You (Changbin/Reader)
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Author: Admin Sunflower
Genre: Angst, Lyrical
Warnings: Breakups, Drinking
Word Count: 2.4k+
A/N : Based off of Zara Larsson’s I Can't Fall In Love Without You. Take a listen here.
Summary: Moving on definitely comes in waves and tonight it might just drown you.
I feel so happy. Happy that I'm free. And I can see things. Things I couldn't see.
“No, mom really. I’m doing great.” You sighed, sinking further into the sofa and wishing her nagging from the other end of the phone would just stop. “Look. I really have to go, I have work to do. I’ll call you later.”
You tossed your phone on the coffee table in front of you and let your thoughts consume you for a while. You weren’t lying, not exactly. It had been nearly three months since Changbin broke up with you. You were healing and you finally started doing more for yourself. You took a few cooking classes and you even tried out a pole dancing class with a friend from work. You started waking up earlier, drinking more coffee, and taking a long needed walk every morning. You wanted to take better care of yourself. You didn’t want to let the heartache consume you.
Sure, there were days you just wanted to stay in bed and cry, but for the most part you made sure to keep yourself together. You deleted old pictures, old text messages, and you tried your hardest to make the break up into a learning experience. Above all things, you wanted to come out the other side better. You wanted to be happy and you made sure to do everything in your power to be. You deserved to be happy, more than anything.
It was easier with your best friend, Chan, right by your side through the entire thing. He always knew exactly what you needed and usually understood what you were feeling better than you understood yourself.
I can be out every night. No one else holding me down. I can do just what I like.
“Lets go out.” You whined into the phone only for Chan to laugh in your ear.
“We went out last night.”
“And?” You glared at the ceiling. “Lets go out again. Come on Channie! I want to get drunk and dance.”
You were pleased that, that small statement was all it took to have him agree. You scrolled through Tumblr a bit longer before you started to get ready. You stared into your closet for what felt like hours and finally decided to wear the same outfit as you hard worn last night. It’s fine if we go to a different club, right? You tried to reason with yourself to just wear something else, but it was a damn cute dress that hugged you in all the right places.
You slipped the thin fabric over your head and pulled at the hem that met high on your thighs. You took a bit of time to admire yourself in the mirror and make sure your underwear wasn’t making any unwanted lines in the back. Finally, stepping into the bathroom you fought with yourself if you should make yourself up or just do the bare minimum. These days you were confident in a more natural look. You took yourself through a long self-love journey the past few months, but still decided since there was enough time to kill you might as well make yourself glamorous.
You jumped on Youtube and found a tutorial for a glitter-glam, cut-crease look, and you followed it diligently. You were baffled at how much effort really went into this look, but by the time you were done you couldn't help but be stunned with how breathtaking you looked. Your eyes looked bigger and brighter and your highlight had you glowing. You tousled your hair, digging the natural wave it had to it, and grabbed your phone to take a couple of mandatory Saturday Night Out selfies. You sent the first one to Chan captioned, “I’m ready bitch. Come pick me up.”
He was quick to respond with a bold middle finger and un-amused glare. “Don’t boss me around, shithead.”
You were surprised at how packed the club was. It took nearly 45 minutes just to get inside, but it was well worth the wait. Chan was quick to make sure you had a drink in your hand and happily followed you out to the dance floor. The two of you laughed, drank, and danced to your hearts content.
You’d been dancing for at least an hour before you decided you needed a break. You plopped down on a velvet sofa and pulled Chan down next to you, slinging your tired legs over his lap. “Thank you for coming out with me tonight.”
“Anytime.” He smiled and massaged your tired calves. “You already calling it a night?”
“Hell no! I’m barely even buzzed!” You lied, finishing off your drink and setting it on the table in front of you. “Want me to buy the next round?”
He rolled his eyes, but ever the gentleman, shook his head. “I’ve got it. Move your legs.”
You closed your eyes and relaxed into the sofa, trying to swallow down how drunk you truly felt. Maybe another drink wasn’t such a good idea, but hey, it was easy to call a cab and you knew Chan would make sure you got home safe and secure. You took a deep breath, sat up straight, and looked over the sea of people dancing, drinking, and enjoying the night just the same as you.
Your eyes focused on a girl wearing almost the same exact dress as you, and you smiled to yourself. You go girl. She rocked it, very confidently and she was absolutely breathtaking right up until you recognized Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome that she was grinding on.
Changbin. You whispered as your heart fell into the pit of your stomach. Chan took his seat next to you and held out your drink to you, but instead you grabbed his wrist and repeated yourself. “Changbin…”
Chan’s eyes darted in the direction you were staring and he rested a comforting hand on your thigh. “Should we leave?”
“No.” You grabbed your drink and smiled. “I’m enjoying myself and besides I’m over it. So. Let’s just have fun. Let’s dance.”
You knew he wasn’t fooled by the way you babbled your response. You also knew he was all to aware that this was the first time you’d seen him since the break up. You wanted to be brave and you wanted to be fine, so you did the only thing you could think of in that moment. You chugged your drink and dragged Chan back on to the dance floor. Which helped for the next hour or so.
You made sure to go to the other side of the club, far from Changbin and whoever his cute little friend was. You let the music consume you, clung to Chan as you danced, and attempted to keep the alcohol from completely knocking you on to your ass in a crowded club.
“I gotta go to the bathroom.” Chan shouted over the noise. You nodded and watchd him weave his way through people towards the restrooms.
You swayed slowly along to the beat, closing your eyes and almost forgetting your ex was in the same building as you somewhere. Until, there was an all too familiar voice in your ear. Suddenly every once of alcohol in your system rushed straight into your head. You stumbled in attempt to turn to face him, but everything spun around you too quickly and you ended up tripping right into his arms.
I hope you're sorry. Can't find the words to say. Hope you're always worried. Worryin' 'bout me.
“Are you okay?” He gripped your arms firmly as he tried to support you back on to your feet. “Hey, look at me. Do you need air?”
You did look, but every fiber of your being wished you hadn’t. Those dark eyes were always getting you to cave in to him. All you could do is nod and lean into him as he walked you out the back doors of the club and helped you sit down on a bench. You inhaled, slow and deep, taking in the crisp chill in the night air.
“You know you shouldn’t drink so much.” Changbin cleared his throat. “You’ve never been very good at holding your alcohol.”
You sneered and scooted away from him, realizing suddenly the situation you were in. “What do you want?”
He nodded, knowing he had no right to be sitting next to you or taking up any of your time. After-all, he was the one who ended things. He was the one who left. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Despite what you think, I care about you. I’ve been worried about you.”
“Well stop!” You shot back, standing to your feet. “I’m great, Changbin. Better than I’ve been in months. So don’t worry about me. Don't even think about me.”
He just kept nodding slowly, not speaking a word. A huge part of you was fueled with rage and wanted to scream at him for not having more to say. The smarter half of you, however, didn’t want to hear it anyway. He didn’t deserve your presence and he didn’t want it either or else the two of you would still be together.
“Are we done here-”
“Binnie!” You heard a high voice slur and both of your heads snapped in the direction of the backdoor. “What’re you doing out here?”
Don't you think I give a fuck. Give a fuck 'bout who you fuck. 
You chuckled as she walked up to the two of you with no idea of who you even were. You were a little shocked to see her so boldly straddle his lap right in front of you and kiss at his chin.
“I want to go home.” She whined, nipping at his neck. “I’m bored and you left me alone in there. Come onnnn, lets goooo.”
Your brain was begging you to put yourself out of your misery, to go back inside and find Chan and pretend this entire situation never happened. Your legs, however, deceived you. You were stuck, feet glued to the ground, frozen and curious of his response. It was almost comical to watch her throw herself all over him right in front of you. You almost wondered if she’d act completely different if she knew who you were.
“I told you not to come here, anyway.” Changbin’s voice was cold enough you shivered, but it could’ve been from the slight breeze picking up speed, too. “I told you I don't want you. Get off of me.”
You felt a bit of pity for the girl. His words were definitely harsh, but her confidence didn’t so much as waver as she pouted at him. “Stop being an asshole. I’ll even blow you in the car on the way home.”
This time you couldn’t contain your laughter. Your brain finally got the message to your legs that you needed to leave and you smiled as cutely as you could manage before making your way back inside. Who fucking cares? You muttered to yourself like an idiot. He’s single. He can fuck anybody he wants.
“Where were you?” Chan grabbed your arm and yanked you in his direction. “I was freaking out. I thought you got abducted.”
“You drama queen.” You teased. “I was just getting some air. Are you ready to go?”
Chan scrunched his nose and nodded at you. “You wanna stay at my place tonight? I recorded The Grinch. The old one, not the lame Jim Carrey one.”
“You gonna make me ramyun?”
“You’re really pushing it with all the requests tonight.” He pulled his phone from his pocket and you rested your head on his shoulder as you watched him navigate the Uber app. “Alrighty. Sofa or curbside?”
“Mmm,” you hummed, considering the cold. “Let’s wait on the sofa.”
Chan held tightly to your hand as he pushed his way through person after person until he made it to somewhere to sit down. You considered telling him what had just happened with Changbin his new… Well, what would you even call that mess of a situation you witnessed? You decided not to ruin the mood and bring it up tomorrow when you were in a better and clearer state of mind. Even when you noticed him and the girl walking back in, you stayed quiet and tried to focus on whatever Chan was going off about even though you hadn’t heard a word of it.
You wanted to believe you didn’t care, but you could feel the lump in your throat building with each passing minute. You exhaled, trying to breathe through the urge to cry. You grabbed Chan’s hand and fidgeted nervously with his fingers, trying to think about something other than the last time Changbin told you he loved you and how you never thought it’d be the last time you’d hear those words from him.
'Cause I can't fall in love without you.
The Uber to Chan’s house was quiet. You could feel that he knew something was wrong with you, but it wasn’t like him to pry. You stared out the window, watching the streetlights blur by until it made you dizzy. You shut your eyes and rested your head against the cold glass until you phone vibrated, breaking the silence.
I can't fall in love without you.
Tears welled in the corners of your eyes the moment you saw Changbin’s name. You hesitated before unlocking it with Chan glancing curiously over your shoulder. “What the fuck does he want?”
“He uh,” You swallowed as you swiped the unlock pattern into your phone. “He kind of talked to me while you were in the bathroom...”
I can't fall in love without you.
Your hands trembled as you tried to blink the tears out of your eyes to read his message.
[12:57 AM]: Let me know when you make it home. I know you told me not to worry, but I always will.
You laughed, more so to choke back a sob, and with venom in every word you texted him back.
[12:59 AM]: Enjoy your sloppy blowjob
I can't fall in love without you.
You stopped fighting it the moment you stepped into Chan’s apartment. You sank to the floor right in front of the front door, pulled your knees to your chest, and let hysterics take you over. Your heart rattled emptily around in your chest as you tried catching your breath. Chan sunk down next to you and pulled your head against the crook of his neck, rubbing your head until your breathing was calm again.
“I still love him…” You mumbled into his shirt, now damp with your tears. “I still love him and it hurts so much.”
“I know.” Chan spoke softly. “I know. It’s okay.”
You sat up quickly when your phone vibrated again and this time you were quicker to open his message.
[1:14 AM]: I miss you so much...
So please don't fall in love without me.
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ksmutty · 6 years
The Perfect Spell (Donghyuck/Reader)
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Author: Sunflower
Genre: Warlock!au
Word Count: 941
Summary: Hyuck is not a very good warlock, but he’ll go to extreme measures to make the perfect potion for you.
Persistence. If there was one thing that could be said about Lee Donghyuck, it would be his unwavering persistence. He knew the way people spoke of him behind his back. Nobody, aside from his overly confident mentor Kun, believed Hyuck had what it takes to be the greatest spellmaster in the world. Yet, he continued to study, practice, and work hard to achieve his status. This time, he believed he'd get it right.
Donghyuck spent a full week gathering the ingredients for a love spell. You never left his mind as he picked through herbs and scents, searching for only the best of the best. After-all, making a love potion should take extra special attention to detail. He smiled proudly as he displayed it all in front of Kun.
"So?" He perked cheerfully. "Is this everything? Is it going to be perfect?"
"I don't know, Hyuck." Kun sighed, adjusting his glasses on his nose and letting his fingertips gaze the contents set cautiously across the table. "You know how I feel about love potions. It's not right to use your skill to make her fall for you. You should just be honest with her and tell her ho-"
"Is it good enough or not?" Donghyuk raised his eyebrows, desperate and annoyed. "I know how you feel Kun-ge, but I have to do this. If I do one thing right, it has to be this."
Kun nodded, trying not to frown or further push his disagreements. "It looks perfect, Hyuck. Just... Take your time with it, okay?"
He took his elders advice, and over the next two weeks took special care in creating his love potion. He made sure every proportion was correct. He spoke every word with careful intent and made sure nothing but his undying love for you was present in every step. When he finally finished preparing, he poured a small amount into a heart shaped vile and tied a small label around it adorning your name.
"Hyuckie?!" He nearly threw the vile across the room at the sound of your voice as you stepped into the small workshop he and Kun worked in together. "Hi Kun, is Donghyuck here today?"
He listened as you made small talk with Kun just a thin wall away and inhaled deeply before stepping through the doorway. He heart pounded in his chest at the sight of you, somehow, looking even more breath taking than normal. "What brings you here?" He finally interrupted with a smile.
"Hyuckie!" You skipped toward him, a bit too cheerfully. "I came to tell you that your potion worked! I passed my midterms with flying colors!"
You didn't notice the glare Kun shot in your direction as you hugged Donghyuck. He hated the idea of using magic to cheat, but relaxed when he heard Donghyuk admit it was just a blend of chamomile tea to help calm your nerves. “The magic was in you all along.”
You smacked his chest, noticing a soft blush creeping across his cheek. Butterflies erupted inside of you, but you tried your best to swallow them down. “So, what’re you working on Hyuck?”
“Ah,” The rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “It was actually something for you, if you wanna check it out.”
You nodded curiously, quickly waved to Kun, and followed him into the back room. You let your fingers ghost slowly across bowls full of herbs and liquids scattered across the table. You smiled when your eyes fell on the small vile sporting your name. “What’s this? Some type of love potion?”
“Something like that...” Donghyuck chuckled nervously.
You held the small vile in your hand, taking a step towards him as you pulled the cap off of it. “You know, Hyuck... I don’t need a potion to fall in love with you...” He tiled his head curiously as you continued closer, letting lust devour you with each and every step. “But, if this little vile makes you feel better about my feelings for you, then I’ll drink it.” 
Donghyuck had no time to interject before you tilted your head back and emptied the contents of his love potion into your mouth. You swallowed it down, surprised at the sweet taste and reached out to brush your fingers against his cheek, but you didn’t have a chance. The room grew dark and silent as you collapsed to the floor. The last thing you heard was Donghyuck shouting your name, concern devouring his tone.
Kun rushed into the room in a panic. “What? What happened!”
Donghyuck reached for you with shaking hands, unable to speak a coherent sentence as he picked you up from the floor with ease. “Kun-ge- She- I-” His face instantly ran pale and clammy as he passed Kun what had to be the most beautiful succulent he had ever seen. “How do I fix this?”
Kun’s eyes went wide as he took you in his own hands, tightly grasping a ceramic pot the looked similar to the shirt you had been wearing. “You’re joking right?” One look at Donghyuck told him he definitely wasn’t. “You- You turned her into a succulent?”
Donghyuck nodded. He had, in fact, failed another potion. Somehow, he had ruined a perfectly good spell. He’d turned you into a beautiful pastel, green and pink, breath taking succulent. “Can you fix this?”
Kun shook his head. “What’s done is done, Hyuck,” He frowned, handing you back over to his teary eyed colleague and watched nervously as he walked over toward the shop window.
“I’m so sorry...” Donghyuck sighed and placed you gently in the windowsill. “I promise, I’ll always take good care of you...”
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ksmutty · 6 years
Netflix & Chill with Doyoung & Taemin
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A/N: Poly! Dynamic. NSFW. Mature Content
You come home and ur exhausted and pissy and the whole day was just shit
Doyoung and Taemin are on the couch cuddling, watching some show on Netflix
You silentlt squish yourself between them and sigh dramatically at the lack of greeting toward you
Doyoung pulls your legs over his lap
Taemin kisses your neck. "Long day?"
You just groan and wiggle yourself into a more comfortable position.
Doyoung tells you "relax babydoll. Let us take care of you" and starts rubbing and massaging your legs
Taemin is just kissing your neck and rubbing your arms and you could almost fall asleep like this until Doyoungs hands move between your thighs
He starts rubbing you in between firm massages into your thighs and you find yourself rolling your hips just the tiniest bit
Taemin starts playing with your boobs over your shirt, still peppering you with kisses
You let your eyes close and relax into their touch, making the quietest and softest lil noises
Finally Doyoung shimmies you out of your pants and starts touching you through your panties
Taemins hands are inside your shirt now, under your bra, pinching your nipples so softly
He's kissing you and whispering in your ear how much he missed you and how pretty you look like this for them
He nibbles on your earlobe "Do you want Doyoungie to eat you out baby?"
You spread your legs further apart and weakly shake your head "both of you...."
Taemin is all too quick to pop a pillow up under your head and him and doyoung sink between your legs.
They're both kissing your thighs and it's nice because doyoung is less teeth, more soft kisses and sucking bruises into your skin
While Taemin is more harsh little nibbles that sting a little bit but he soothes over them with his tongue and when the two of them meet between your legs....
Taemin smiles and gives Doyoung the softest lil kiss before licking your clit and Doyoungie pulls taemins hair a little bit and licks up between your folds until their tongues meet and are moving together against your clit
Every few seconds their tongues tangle in each other's mouths before going back to your pussy and even though it's a really fucking beautiful sight to watch you whine bc your feeling needy
Doyoung smirks at you and slips his finger inside of you, finally.
You can't help arch your back against his touch especially when Taemin slips his finger in right next to Doyoungs
Their fingers move at different paces against each other, and it's beautifully overwhelming
They Finger fuck you and kitten lick at your clit until you cum for them before reassuring you
"The night has just begun, babygirl."
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ksmutty · 6 years
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"Are you afraid of ghosts?"
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ksmutty · 6 years
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Those who suffer, survive.
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