kt-2023 · 8 days
The Vampire Diaries / Midnight Texas
I wish there was a crossover where Elena is a mikaelson and they go to Midnight Texas to punish the vampires for misbehaving and Olivia aka Lexi is shocked to see Elena and Elea just casually hugs her and acta basically like a puppy after seeing her seeing as she is use to awkward situations and Lex be like "Elena not that i am not happy to see you but whats going on" in a loving fond tone and not her usual Olivia glary assassin self.
i can see Elana becoming bored with her siblings drama and leaves before compelling the gilberts to think she is there daughter and the rest of the town that she has lived there her while life.
Tribrid Elena would be for this story.
i might write this when i have time and ever do a long one shot or write all the chaps before posting it unless someone who also loves these shows would like to.
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kt-2023 · 8 days
Natasha: Maria says I need to be a more attentive parent. Clint: Oh? How many kids do you have? Natasha: Clint: Nat? Natasha: Shut up, I’m thinking.
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kt-2023 · 15 days
I agree with this although i have never loved the Danvers sisters (Alex Danvers).
The show is called Supergirl which is a powerful woman with extraordinary abilities and yet Alex treats Kara like shit and in my opinion brings down her character.
Firstly : Alex shot kara out of the sky with Kryptonite and she knew that the bullet itself or the impact of the floor below could have killed her, Alex had the power to say no, no one was holding a gun to her head forcing her to do so.
Secondly: The red K incident, Kara told Alex under the influence about her issues and how Alex was controlling her and forcing her to be something she wasn't so that Kara wouldn't out shine her, which is stupid, of course she outshines her the show is called Supergirl, Kara is better then Alex she is a god damn superpowered Alien who was strong enough to overcome her planets destruction whereas Alex couldn't even handle the though of loosing Maggie.
Thirdly : Astra's death, Astra was on her knees where Alex could have cuffed her and taken her back to the DEO she wasn't in any threatening poses but instead started to talk to Alex about how she wanted to make sure what happened to krypton didn't happen here because her niece had made it her home and how there was no stopping non even if she wanted to (which was said in a way that indicated that she feared him) but Alex still killed astra even know she was basally surrendering and was not a threat (at the moment) and then let John take the fall and lied about it for weeks.
Fourthly: Alex distrust in Lena When Lena came along she gave kara a escape but Alex would threaten her and make digs towards Lena about her last name, which was disgusting, and continuedly undermining kara which would have made kara feel trapped and suffocated. she behaviour was disgusting and unprofessional. when she made kryptonite that is when Lena should have been investigated not before.
Fifthly : Maggie and Alex started a relationship where Maggie made it clear from the beginning that she didn't want kids and she wasn't ready to think about marriage but Alex wouldn't stop going on about it ad then when Maggie broke it off Alex was surprised and didn't understand why when it was obvious.
Sixthly : when Jeremiah was found Alex kept ignoring Kara and when kara brough up suspicions she ignored her even know Jeremiah was captured for years and god know what could had happened and then told kara that she was either apart of the family or she wasn't which was disgusting.
seventhly : Kara had just found out Argo was still there and her mother was alive, and everyone wants to go home at the end of the day but because of Alex continuedly calling her and asking when she was returning her reunion became a trip not a homecoming as it should have been.
Eighthly: when Lena found out about Kara she should have said so to kara and allowed Kara to Explain but she didn't, she made it into an excuse to become a villain and almost kill Kara with the Kryptonite missiles.
Ninthly: When Alex adopted Esme i didn't see it as a happy even i saw it as a worrying one because Alex has killed and experimented on aliens and now she was adopting a alien child, i had chills when it was announced. she should have adopted a human and left the alien children alone.
And lastly there is the continuousness of "i know what your going through" Reality check, you don't bitch.
Thank you for reading and hopefully this can make you see my point of view, i do not nor will i ever like (Alex Danvers) as a character.
Kara Deserves Better
You know what really made me mad about this episode? And I mean, after I heard it I was literally infuriated for the last 30 minutes of the episode.
When said she knew what Kara’s experience growing up as an alien because she was right there next to her.
Excuse me miss “I know the X experience because I have X friends” but no you don’t
Alex may have witnessed it. Alex may have been a bystander. Alex may have been with Kara every step of the way. But it doesn’t matter how close Alex is with Kara, she will never know what that experience was actually like because she is human. She doesn’t know what it’s like to be an alien. Point blank.
You think Alex would be okay if a straight person walked up to her and said “I know what it’s like to be gay in this country because I have gay friends.” No! She would probably punch them. Because that shit isn’t okay.
Don’t assume to know the experience of someone or of a community just because you’re close to someone in that community.
And if you do, then get fucked you piece of shit.
The fact that Alex said this wasn’t addressed in the show literally infuriated me. I’m not saying Kara is perfect, but the way this show treats it’s main character is bullshit. Kara was literally so guilty for trying to offer advice and Alex blew up at her and then gave some bullshit apology. Like, at least address the fucked up shit that was said to her.
I love the Danvers sister. They’re the heart of the show. But that doesn’t mean Kara always has to take Alex’s shit like that.
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kt-2023 · 17 days
love it :)
Happy Pride!
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kt-2023 · 17 days
My new obsession Lisa X Sara
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kt-2023 · 1 month
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RILEY VOELKEL as FREYA MIKAELSON The Originals, season 2
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kt-2023 · 1 month
Story idea Andrea x Kara
So Andrea and kara start to date after Andrea see's Lena's true colors with her trying to shoot Supergirl out of the sky.
Andrea is still Acreta but not evil and kara is Supergirl but neither knows.
months Acreta and Supergirl teams up and Supergirl tells Acreta she plans to propose and shows her a engagement ring with a black diamond.
when kara proposes to andrea, Andrea recognises the ring and that kara is Supergirl.
This is a one shot i intend to write unless someone wants to make it a story.
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kt-2023 · 1 month
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STATION 19 | 7.07: Give It All
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kt-2023 · 1 month
Natasha: I found Peter in the tree again this morning. Maria: With the blowtorch? Natasha: With the blowtorch. Maria: *heavy sighs* We need to increase our discipline. Natasha: I agree. Maria: So…two minutes in timeout? Natasha: two whole min- dO YOU EVEN LOVE HIM?!
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kt-2023 · 1 month
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Kara Danvers as a hot gladiator?
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kt-2023 · 1 month
It's fanfiction it doesn't have to be perfect it doesn't have to be accurate this is a hobby you're doing this for fun it's okay if it isn't perfect and polished you're doing it for fun [talking to myself in the mirror]
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kt-2023 · 1 month
Fallon and Crystal/Celia - Story idea
what if fallon wasn't as mean as people thought but guarded instead, Crystal/Celia finds her crying one day in her room and asks her what wrong,
fallon is guarded but she breaks down her walls eventually and fallon tells Celia she is gay,
Blake is a homophobe and a bad husband and celia doesn't like him either, Celia tells fallon that its ok to be gay,
Over time they develop feelings and eventually get together.
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kt-2023 · 1 month
Keelin X Freya X Elena - Story idea
Elena doesnt date anyone in the vampire diaries time
Keelin is much older then the originals and so is Elena, Elena is a tribrid which allows her to cloak who she is and make it so she has no supernatural markers or visible differences.
Elena and Keelin where married and they loved one another so much, but one morning Keelin woke to find Elena gone, she thought that she ran away after she asked Elena to take her mothers ring which she did, but Elena was kidnapped.
The people who kidnapped Elena made her sleep for so long that when she awoke she thought keelin and her child where both dead due to old age. but they hadn't, keelin never knew what happened to Elena or there child but started to live her life again.
When she comes to New Orleans she starts to develop a crush on Freya until Elena comes into the manor after Niklaus had summoned her on threat of Jeremys death if she didnt.
Elena still wears her mothers ring and tells Keelin that she thought she had died meanwhile keelin wants to run and kiss her wife but she is conflicted with her feelings for Freya.
Elena thinking its what keelin wants gives the ring bak even know as she is sliding it of her finger her hands are shaking and her heart is shattering
as she puts the ring into keelins hand her hart breaks and when she closes her palm they place there foreheads together before a tear escapes her eyes making her speed away before keelin can see it, but the originals do.
Message me if you want to know more about my idea.
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kt-2023 · 1 month
Still talking about doppelganger reincarnation
yes if you would like to. 😁😁😁😁 I also love the thought of Tri-brid Elena.
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kt-2023 · 1 month
Sara and Kendra story idea.
Sara is Kendra's soulmate instead of Carter but they dont know it, Carter is vandal savages son and wiped sara's and Kendra's memories of each other and took saras abilities for his own so he and his father could control Kendra,
vandal let Sara live because he was in love with her in Egypt but sara and Kendra only loved each other.
Sara is a goddess but because of her lost memories the natural order of things have blocked Kendra's memories of her past life which most of them accept the last three are with Sara and herself reincarnating and building lives together.
i thought about this because of the fact that no matter how angry sara was she always stopped when Kendra asked of it or told her to.
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kt-2023 · 1 month
if you're still taking prompts: nyssara + 12
things you said when you thought i was asleep
“Taer al-Asfer,” she whispers into the night.
Sara starts to answer, but Nyssa keeps going, obviously not thinking Sara is actually awake to hear her.
“A situation has developed, one which I did not anticipate.”
Sara keeps her eyes shut, tries to keep her breathing level. Nyssa is going to tell her something, and she thinks she knows what it is. She’s always dreaded what comes next, in previous “relationships”, the needs and feelings and expectations.
But whatever she and Nyssa are doing, it feels different from the playacting of her teenage years. It goes beyond hormones and lust (although there is plenty of that, for sure). It’s laughter and deep conversation, the spilling of closely guarded secrets in the intimacy of the sacred space of Nyssa’s quarters. Whatever Nyssa is about to voice, Sara is sure she feels it, too. Sure she’d die to protect it.
“I have fallen in love with you, Sara.”
The use of her old name does surprise her, but Nyssa is always full of wonderful surprises.
Unable to keep up the charade, Sara flips over, finds Nyssa’s dark eyes in the moonlight and says:
“Me, too.”
There’s a flash of surprise, and a little annoyance, ‘cause Nyssa’s yellow bird is a brat, but one of those secrets they’ve spilled is that Nyssa really likes it that way.
“You, too?” Nyssa arches an eyebrow.
“I love you, too,” Sara says, and it’s as natural as breathing, because somehow, in this temple of death, with its rules and rigidity, Sara has never felt more free than she feels at Nyssa’s side.
“You were supposed to be asleep.”
“Oh, too chicken to tell me when I’m awake, huh?” Sara teases, unable to stop grinning.
Nyssa eyes narrow, and she lashes out, lightning quick, pinning Sara under her.
“I am not ‘chicken’.”
“Prove it. Say it again.”
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
“Yeah,” Sara says, lifting her head up to kiss her. “I love you, too.”
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kt-2023 · 1 month
Nyssara and 20 if you have the time that is.
things you said that i wasn’t meant to hear [I imagine this as fitting in nicely in Exile’s epilogue, but it can generally be any time after Arrow Season 2.]
“I have to ask,” Laurel says. “Is Nyssa the first?”
Nyssa freezes, out of sight, interested in where this is going. Eavesdropping is unseemly, and yet…
“First what?” Sara asks.
Nyssa can hear the grin in Sara’s voice. Always so cheeky.
“No way.”
“What?!” Laurel exclaims, slapping her sister’s knee. “‘No way.’?? How many others were there?”
There is a pause where Sara must be doing that obnoxious thing where she over-dramatically counts in her head. How can Nyssa be so in love with such a brat?
“Seven? Eight? Remember Jenny Mortimer and how she was always hanging around? She was the first girl I kissed.”
“You were twelve!”
“Hey, I’ve always had game.”
Nyssa rolls her eyes so hard it actually hurts.
“Sara,” Laurel’s voice gets quieter as it gets more serious, “Why didn’t you ever say anything? Did you think that I, that we, would have a problem with that?”
“It’s different with girls.”
Nyssa can hear the shrug in Sara’s voice. None of this is new information to Nyssa, but it is interesting to hear how Sara articulates it now.
“When you and I talked about boys, it was always half competition. Even when it was just fun with girls, which is almost always was, it was just… different. More special. Not for sharing.”
“Do you prefer women?” Laurel asks thoughtsfully.
“I prefer Nyssa,” Sara says without hesitation.
“Awww.” Laurel coos, a little teasing.
“Boy or girl, it was never love until her.”
Nyssa’s cheeks warm at the openness in Sara’s voice.
“That’s adorable. And I’m glad you found her, then.”
“Yeah. And, I mean, there’s this thing that she does with her tongue that is just-”
“Ohmygod, Sara, stop,” Laurel groans, and next is the unmistakable sound of a pillow hitting a face, followed by Sara’s familiar laughter.
Nyssa decides to intervene now, stepping into view. Laurel blushes even deeper red, and, pillow now in her lap, Sara’s grin just grows wider.
“Hey, babe.”
“Habibti,” Nyssa greets. Then she feigns innocence: “Have I interrupted something?”
“Nah. Laurel’s just a prude.”
“I see. Well, shall we go acquire some food?”
“Yeah, I’m starving,” Sara stands.
“Shocking.” “What a surprise.”
Sara glares at them both in mock affront as they all head to the door.
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