kuroko-no-random · 7 years
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kuroko-no-random · 8 years
Dance with Devils AU with KNB please? If you haven't watch it, Lindo is half-human and half-vampire. The rest of the lead males are devils. The heroine is the actual grimoire, like her body is made of out it haha.
Oh, I watched that! I just recently finished it… like last year, I suppose? So, I’m not sure whether I still remember their names. But let’s try with GOM, okay? 
Akashi Seijuro as Rem Arlond/Kaginuki Rem: 
Akashi as Rem. 
You obviously can see the resemblance lol 
Akashi is a oujidere… as well as Rem, though. 
Fun fact: oujidere means they want others to treat them like a prince. 
Rem has father issues, right? It reminds me of Akashi, so it’s a perfect fit. 
Rem is also the leader of them. That makes it a perfect match to Akashi. 
They do have a lot in common, as far as I can see. 
Rem’s hobby is playing shogi. Same with Akashi. 
Rem is the leader among the other devils as he is the son of Mikukier Arlond, the King of Devils. 
Akashi was the captain back in Teikou. He is quite well-known as the leader of GOM, though. 
Akashi might be using others like how Rem uses others. Like their favorite game: shogi. 
Akashi is part of the student council in Rakuzan. 
Now guess what… Rem is the student council president in their school. 
Aomine Daiki as Nanashiro Mage: 
Aomine as Mage. 
One major reason: BICEPS. 
Mage is quite a muscle man, and I can clearly see Aomine as like that. 
They are prone to be tsundere— you know, Aomine is a tsundere too lol — yet they release such powerful aura. 
If only I had that game, I would go to Mage’s route on the bat… even though my favorite is Rem
Mage uses force to get the heroine, but I don’t see Aomine doing that at all. That’s one thing that differentiate these two.
I can see Aomine as gentle as possible though. 
Remember that photo whereas Aomine’s school had this festival? And the basketball club was doing a track and field portion? 
Kagami Taiga as Tachibana Lindo: 
Hold up… before you can say anything about this, read this… RED HAIRED. 
I did not — maybe I did — based their hair just to match them, you know. 
Lindo is very talented on housework, as Ritsuka — Lindo’s supposedly younger sister — said in episode 2 or 3. 
Lindo loves cooking and very protective over Ritsuka. 
Kagami is like that, isn’t he? 
Kuroko and Himuro are the people he deeply cares. 
Kagami cooks as well. 
Both wear aprons as well. It’s canon in both parties, so don’t worry lol 
Kagami doesn’t want Kuroko to be near the GOM… well, that was in my imagination but still! 
Kagami declared a war on Aomine. STILL MY IMAGINATION lol
… Basically the Lindo in the sport AU lol 
Kise Ryouta as Sogami Urie: 
I don’t have any ideas why I partnered Kise to him. He’s my least favorite, if you asked me. 
Although, he still one of my favorites. Just the last one. 
And you guys know me, I love Kise so much. 
Okay, anyway. Kise is a lady killer. He can handle ladies way better than the rest. So basically, he isn’t a lady killer yet he can handle them ladies. 
Urie has a beautiful face. As well as Kise. 
Urie is in the tennis club… Kise can copy other’s skills at any sports he wishes, right? 
Similarities between these two is hard to compromise. 
If ever, I can see Urie doing what Kise is doing to the heroine, to be honest. 
Midorima Shintaro as Roen: 
Pfft… Midorima as a Pomeranian though!
Not only I had a hard time on Kise, I also did with Midorima. 
But I remembered something: Midorima and Murasakibara aren’t getting along. They even fought before! 
You’ll see why once you read Murasakibara’s. 
Roen is a faithful dog to Lord Maksis. Midorima is also faithful to Oha Asa — Akashi too — and I believe Midorima’s quote is like this: Let the GOD decides. 
Roen can be heard speaking formality. Midorima is also very formal, but he can be blunt he is wants to — which is all the time — and it doesn’t make sense now lol 
Also, Roen was Rem’s dog before he betrayed them. 
Midorima was Akashi’s right hand. But after they graduate, they weren’t that close anymore. 
But at the end, everyone fought the King of Vampire, Lord Nesta. 
Midorima joined the others to defeat the jabberwock. 
That’s the only similarities I found between them. 
Murasakibara Atsushi as Natsumezaka Shiki: 
Except Shiki’s sadistic and masochist attitude, I can see Murasakibara as Shiki. 
First of all, Shiki is a fallen angel. Or, he wished to be address like that. 
Murasakibara is a fairy in my eyes. He’s like the most innocent among them. 
Shiki likes to torture Roen, Rem’s dog. Murasakibara had once fought with Midorima, but they grew closer as I can see. 
But still, Shiki sometimes sulks because of them. 
Murasakibara pouting is also very tempting to see. 
Also, Murasakibara is the tallest, right? 
Shiki is the smallest. So, it’s perfect! 
Kuroko Tetsuya as Tachibana Ritsuki/Heroine: 
WHY NOT. Don’t we all ship Kuroko to the Kiseki and Kagami. 
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kuroko-no-random · 8 years
GOM x Kagami hcs on they would react to Kagami's cooking
Ooohhhh… If it’s too bad, please slap me. 
Akashi x Kagami: 
The first time Akashi taste Kagami’s cooking is when he crashed in his apartment.
Akashi insisted eating outside, but Kagami said that if he’s staying in his house, he should be following Kagami’s orders. 
Akashi couldn’t help it but to listen.
Kagami cooked a few dishes that he would believe Akashi enjoys. 
And Akashi never tasted anything so good, he actually die inside a bit. 
“You cooked this?” 
“Have you not see me in the kitchen?” 
“I thought you were playing around.” 
From now on, Akashi would pretend he lost his wallet or his bento so that Kagami would cook for him… 
And have him deliver it by his guard that is guarding Kagami’s house. 
Aomine x Kagami: 
Aomine believed that men can’t cook.
And thus, it took a huge impact on him when he tasted Kagami’s cooking. 
He was so amazed that it leaves him speechless for a couple of minutes before bursting out. 
He’s like… “What the fuck. Did you ordered this outside?!”
“You fucking saw me wearing an apron and fucked me before I can even finish cooking! Watch out for your semen, you idiot.” 
Aomine gained weight because of Kagami’s cooking. 
He doesn’t mind, though. 
Kise x Kagami: 
Kise was aware of the fact Kagami can cook. 
But he never taste it. 
Mainly because he was afraid that Kagami is a bad cook… 
He actually witnessed the day when Seirin ate their lunch. 
It was their coach’s cooking and Kise was clueless by that fact.
So when Kagami came to visit his house — he was bedridden — that was the first time he tasted Kagami’s cooking. 
It was so good that Kise even shed a tear. 
“Marry me, Kagamicchi!” 
“Hold on, we’re still in high school. Wait till we graduate.” 
Midorima x Kagami: 
It was actually an accident that Midorima took a bite out of Kagami’s homemade chocolate. 
And he was clueless who made them. 
He was slightly hungry and asked Kuroko to share some of his chocolates. 
In which, Midorima fell in love with the taste. 
So when Kagami invited him over to stay at his place, he was surprised to see the mess in the kitchen. 
“Sorry about the mess. I made a bunch of chocolates for the team and this happened.”
“Yeah, treats for them. I have more. You want some?” 
And so Midorima had demanded Kagami to never let anyone taste his cooking ever again… 
Because it’s so magical, anyone can die out of it. 
Murasakibara x Kagami: 
Murasakibara is also aware of Kagami’s talent in cooking from Himuro. 
But he was unaware of the taste. 
And so, Kagami had visited them in their dorm. 
Himuro had asked Kagami to teach him a few recipe for the upcoming training camp. 
Kagami was delighted to help out and so they started brainstorming new recipe for the team. 
Murasakibara was there to be the taste tester. 
Upon tasting Kagami’s cooking, Murasakibara started saying that Kagami was so good at cooking that he can’t help it but to drool. 
“But why are you drooling? You’re eating our foods, Atsushi.” 
“I can already imagine Kagami baking.” 
“Atsushi… no sweets.” 
“I’m on it.” 
And Himuro was so surprised to see how Murasakibara indirectly convinced Kagami to bake for him. 
Kagami spoils Murasakibara so much. 
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kuroko-no-random · 8 years
I love the makoto hcs can you do a scenario where he and so are plating with daughter you know a family day in. I just adore your writing keep up the great work
Normally, fathers aren’t up for shopping, but Hanamiya was an exception. 
He’s the one who would ask his daughter out for shopping. 
“Honey, I want to buy your mother more clothes and jewelry.” 
“Dad, we don’t have that money. You just bought her a lot yesterday!” 
Hanamiya won’t stop until her daughter gives in. 
A family day was held in Sakura’s school and you planned on going. 
Hanamiya was already ready 3 hours early, though. 
While entering the entrance of the school, a few students stared at Hanamiya. 
Damnit, you thought. This guy is very hunklicious. (Is that a word) 
In this family day, parents are ought to watch their kids in session. 
Hanamiya even brought two cameras. One for taking pictures, and the other one is for recording. 
While holding the video camera, Hanamiya would constantly zoom in to his daughter’s face, giggles, then zoom out. 
It was fun watching him, but annoying because his giggles were contagious. 
After the family day, you three planned on eating out. 
Hanamiya, unknowingly, set up an appointment at this fancy restaurant. 
He’s a stuck up romanticist even to his daughter. 
One thing that Hanamiya hates is how people constantly stare at him. 
Sakura got your hair, eyes, everything. 
The only thing Sakura got was Hanamiya’s sadistic side. 
Hanamiya secretly dotes on that side. 
Even at the age of 14, Hanamiya still feeds Sakura, and Sakura let him do what his dad wants. 
Because if she refuse, Hanamiya won’t stop sulking until she says yes. 
Overall, you set up a reminder not to bring your husband out with two cameras dangling in his hands while feeding his daughter. 
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kuroko-no-random · 8 years
if i tell Akashi (and others..) he has "the cutest lil dick" what would he do
They would probably, most likely, kiss you. lol 
He would look at you with a poker face at first. 
And then question your question. 
And after explaining why you were saying that. 
He’ll dismay the thought and continue his daily life. 
But he’ll constantly think of that question throughout the whole week quietly. 
He’ll be very offensive by your statement. 
He will even pull his pants down and show you his dick. 
He won’t stop bugging you until you say… 
He will be surprised, flustered, and stumbled on his words. 
BONUS: A spit-take while he was drinking his coffee. 
He’ll ask you why you suddenly said that to him. 
You said it was a joke. But he didn’t take that. 
You were dead-on tired after he did you for almost 5 rounds without any breaks. 
He’s visibly offended by that statement but pretended he doesn’t care. 
Constantly check on google for random shit. 
Someday, he’ll come up to you straight on and asked you why you told him that. 
Every single kind of dick in the world, Kuroko printed it and showed it to you.
“Now, is there such a dick that is cute and little?” 
He’s very offended by your statement. 
He won’t stop until you change your statement. 
He will start comparing his dick to every single thing he saw. 
“Is this cup bigger than my dick? You’ve seen my dick a couple of times, you even moaned when only the tip is there— and you called my dick small and cute? How?!” 
He doesn’t care, actually. 
He has never seen a dick before. 
And you commenting that it’s little and cute, he doesn’t care. 
He thought it was a snack at first and tried to order a few online. 
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kuroko-no-random · 8 years
Wow, you really wrote a lot for the gom & momoi hcs. Thank you! They're all lovely~ can you also make friendship/brothers headcanons for MidoTaka and MuraHimu??
Midorima and Takao: 
They both had a ton of random items in their rooms. 
It’s all their lucky items, though. 
But here’s the cutest part. 
Takao’s lucky items are in Midorima’s place. 
And Midorima’s lucky items are in Takao’s. 
When they became 2nd years
Midorima started calling Takao to his first name. 
Because they are the only second years. Pretty neat, though. 
Takao randomly brings girls at their practice. 
Because of one reason. 
They all like Midorima… but Midorima hardly answer any of them. 
So sometimes, Takao would pretend to be dating that carrot man. 
“Sorry girls. You see, Midorima-san and I are very lovey dovey. I don’t want any of you to ruin it.” 
Midorima is fine with it. 
To be honest, he’s the one who suggested that. 
Murasakibara and Himuro: 
Their relationship is very basics, though. 
Himuro, as Murasakibara’s senior, acts like one. 
But there’s also a bit of a biased between them. 
It is pretty canon that Himuro spoil Murasakibara. 
To which I reckon that one NG shuu though lol 
Murasakibara is pretty impatient when things aren’t going in his way.
Himuro’s job is to calm that giant. 
He’ll either bribe him using snacks or promise him something that he will look forward to. 
They also have a lot of matching stuff. 
Sweaters, shoes, necklace. 
Himuro had talked about this with Kagami and Himuro brought a pair of two rings. 
He gave the other one to Murasakibara. 
They both wore it in their finger ring. 
Himuro doesn’t deny as well. 
And soon, they started dating as well. 
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kuroko-no-random · 8 years
Headcanon : GOM + Kuroko and Kagami after seen Death parade pls
Sorry. I haven’t watch that series yet.
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kuroko-no-random · 8 years
Hanamiya husband hcs
OOOHHH I really love this man. My husband though. 
Regarding housework, he also help out in anyway he could— which equivalent to everything, though.
He usually remarked how wives shouldn’t work their ass off and sweat, and since GOD made the husbands, they should do labor work. 
To his mind, labor work means everything that involves using hands and legs. 
Basically everything though. 
He’s the sweetest husband you could ask for. 
Like I said, he does everything. 
He’s also an expert of buying things that would satisfy us— girls. 
Be it huge ass teddy bears. 
Makeup kit. 
He doesn’t hesitate to buy them for you. 
You only made one child from him. 
He planned out everything. 
Having one or two child is one of his plan. 
And you both decided to have one child only. 
He’s also the one in charge of naming her. 
He named his daughter after Sakura, to the reference of her birthmonth— April. 
April is when the Sakura trees blooms. 
Hanamiya Sakura. 
He treasure both of you and treated you both as like queen and princess of his life. 
Trust me… This guy is too pure. I love him. 
Also, he let his daughter think/do freely. Like if she wanted a boyfriend, go for it. If she wants to live alone, go for it. 
Full on support, okay? 
She may have not gotten his eyes and hair, but she did inherited his sadistic side. 
To which a few people have seen. 
Hanamiya loves pet names, though. 
His daughter calls him Tou-chan, which is a childish way to address your father. 
It’s not immature to call your father that.
You call him by his first name… which is Mako-chan. 
He hates it at first when you both started dating. 
Guess he grew to dote on it. 
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kuroko-no-random · 8 years
How about an very angsty scenario for each of these bad boys (coz they're my thang) Haizaki and Hanamiya based on these prompts: for Haizaki - "Pretending to love you was excruciating." And for Hanamiya - "You really thought I could love someone like you? Idiot!" I did say angst, but I still like them to reconcile with their s/o at the end, but before that give them hell first because they're assholes :')
This would be long, so brace yourself. lol It’s angst so I’m sorry. 
Haizaki —
You went to the same middle school as him. Throughout those years, you were his secret admirer, but you didn’t send him love letters or even let him notice you. You were a quiet fan of his.
Every game he was in, you were there, supporting the team, but mostly Haizaki.
But one day, he noticed you out of the few crowds. You were pretending to be one of Kise’s fan, and Kise took interest on you, but you told him that you love Haizaki, to which Kise said that you should tell him how you feel.
And that is how Haizaki noticed you.
“Oh? Ryouta likes that girl?” Both you and Kise turn around, noticing the heavy aura surrounding the two. “But I like her first, Ryouta. I saw her before you.”
You unknowingly blush at his words, and even blushing more when Haizaki pointed out that.
And so, you started seeing him. Every lunch, he would come and pick you up. You’ll have lunch with his teammates, but you noticed something, the others were hostile at his presence.
You got closer to them, especially the Kiseki. After a while of dating Haizaki, the others grew concerned.
You overheard one of their conversation.
“I told you, Haizai is just doing this because I liked her!” You heard Kise.
A few grunts were heard, and followed by a retort from Midorima.
“Don’t assume things like that, Kise.”
“I wasn’t!” Kise defended. “Haizaki once stole my girlfriend. And when he found out I liked ___, he started saying he likes her! All of the sudden!”
And it hits you hard. You didn’t question it before, but now that someone had pointed that out, you grew concerned and continued on listening.
“That is suspicious,” It was Akashi’s turn to speak, “But, you don’t have an evidence. Let’s just wait and see if what you are saying is true.”
Not only it opened your eyes, it all make sense now.
And so, you went over to him and asked him.
“Ha? Where did you—”
“Please tell me the truth, Haizaki-san.”
There was a pause, like he was looking for an answer. And all of the sudden, his expression darkened. It wasn’t the usual soft expression he used to look at you. It was dark, like he’s a different person.
“Well, what Ryouta said is true. I just used you so I can bring misery to him. Now, you know, I don’t have to pretend I was in love with you. When all along, I wasn’t.”
Tears streamed down at your cheeks. You looked up at him and ran away, leaving him.
Days had passed yet you still hang out with the others. You didn’t mentioned anything about Haizaki to them, because they knew already.
But one time, Akashi comforted you out of the blue. He said that he saw how Haizaki had changed. He was slumped, lazy, and even doesn’t have an energy at their practice.
You tried to brushed it off, but you were worried. You still love him, despite the fact that he had hurt you.
But you weren’t expecting it when Akashi continued.
“I believe that he truly loves you, ____.”
Your eyes grew wider. There’s a part of you that you don’t want to believe it, but there’s also a part of you that you want to run to him.
And you chose the latter and ran away, Akashi even tip you where Haizaki was.
As you arrived there, you saw him, looking up at the sky. He noticed you as you walked closer. He wore his usual frown expression, yet he tried his best to look intimidating.
“What are you doing here? Your job is done.”
“My job isn’t done, Haizaki-san.”
He was surprised at your words.
“Because I haven’t even got my kiss… I haven’t even got your heart. I don’t want to give up just because of your actions.”
And the moment you scrunched down and cover your face as tears strolled down, he quickly went over to you, embracing your body.
You cried even more as he whispered near at your ears.
“I never would have thought I would fell for you so hard.”
Hanamiya —
You got assigned as one of the temporary manager of the basketball club. You weren’t against to it, but it was the punishment of your tardiness so you can’t really help it.
Once you set foot on the gym, the sweat and the disgusting scene in front of you really gave you the idea this would be a bad idea.
Their captain and coach, Hanamiya, came to your aid and asked you, what you were doing in their gym.
“I’m the new manager… temporary, though.” You said, lifeless.
Hanamiya was against to it, but there’s nothing they can really do.
Most of the members had grew to like you. They spoiled you, though. You rarely do stuff there because they already do things.
You heard about them before and also the rumors about them.
Also, as you spent time together with them, you grew closer to Hanamiya and also developed a crush to him.
He was oblivious about things like love, so you didn’t actually straight up confess. You took it easily, sending a bunch of hints to his way, and when he finally noticed it.
He literally came up to you and ask you about it in front of the others.
“You like me?” Was his words.
You blushed and tried to brush it off, pushing him out so that you both can talk it out privately. But he insists and stayed inside as he said it out loud.
“You have feelings for me? Like liking me in a romantic stages?”
“Can we please talk this outside…?”
“Why? Are you ashamed that you fell for me?”
Everyone stopped doing what they were doing, and before you knew it, he started chuckling. Your heart was thumping. Is he taking this as a joke? Or seriously?
“And you think I would reciprocate your feelings?” You were surprised. He stick his tongue out, walking away while still giggling. “I would never love someone like you… Idiot.”
As if your whole world crumbled in front of you. How can you even love someone as demon as he?
Days had passed and you find out that there’s only this week and you’ll be free from this hell.
Hanamiya started avoiding you at all costs and everyone was still talking to you, other than Hanamiya, though. There’s also a few tension whenever you walk closer to the team, ending up standing next to Hanamiya.
But other than that, you thought you were over him.
When the second match with Seirin begun, you were by the bench, watching. You saw how eager Hanamiya was to win. He wanted to win. But they lost.
On the way to school, you ended up sitting besides him because who would want to sit to their depressed captain and coach? Who can watch him being like this?
You thought laughing at him would make you feel better… but you were wrong.
“Don’t be sad. It’s not like this is the end of your career.” You started off, turning your head to see him looking at the window. “Whether you are the reason of the lost, or perhaps, you miscalculated everything.”
“We won last year,” Hanamiya replied, softly. “I was so sure we’ll win once again.”
“You injured them,” this time, you finally met his eyes, who grew bigger because of your statement. “That’s not how you play the sport. If you like hurting people,” you pause at that and for a brief moment, you wanted to tell him that he had hurt you. “You could’ve just join wrestling or kendo.”
You hear him clicking his tongue, and before you knew it, he had grasp onto your hand. He was violently shaking as he spoke.
“I do like seeing people in pain… but I don’t like how you plaster than pained expression.”
You were shook at his words. When he look at your way, he was smiling. That genuine smile that you once witnessed before, when you gave him chocolate.
“I love you, Makoto!” You shouted, earning a few gasps from the others, and also Hanamiya backing slightly when you hug him tightly. He was blushing like a mess, and yet, you love that.
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kuroko-no-random · 8 years
-The anon who asked about Harry Potter That's alright! I appreciate the honesty. Maybe GOM + Kagami ships and where they like to hangout at ?? :3 If you haven't answered this before.
Ships? As in my favorite ships? Okay. I’ll do it. If not, just send another one, okay? I’m really sorry about the first request you sent.
Kagami x Kuroko:
Their favorite place to hang out is at the court.
Not only that it is close by Kagami’s place.
It is also close to Maji Burger.
Nowadays, Kuroko would spend nights at Kagami’s place.
Before they went to the court, they usually eat at the Maji Burger.
And they’ll spend their afternoon playing.
Sometimes, Kuroko would invite Kise or Aomine.
But Kagami hated the fact that Kise would hog to Kuroko, and thus, the latter wouldn’t pay attention to Kagami.
They also have another place and that is the playground nearby.
Kuroko likes swinging in the swings.
Kagami find it adorable because sometimes, Kuroko would be all over him, asking him to take him to the playground.
Aomine x Kise: 
Their favorite place to hang out is at the cafe. 
It’s rare for Aomine to obsess on coffee, but in this particular cafe, they can make their own coffee. 
Aomine makes the best coffee out there, and Kise love it so much. 
Aomine loves Kise’s coffee as well. 
They take turns on making their coffee.
Also, they are the only one who knows this place, and none of their friends knew. 
Aomine kept that secret and told Kise to keep it as well. 
Because damn, it’s a romantic thought. 
They are regular customers now as well. 
Murasakibara x Midorima: 
They are not bias on places, but there’s one particular place they had a soft spot in their heart. 
And that is, the toy’s store. 
Every day, Midorima’s lucky item would consist of toys. 
Murasakibara is surprisingly loves toys. 
They would sometimes go through each aisle, and they won’t be leaving without buying one. 
Murasakibara’s room is full of Midorima’s lucky item. 
Midorima just gave those to Murasakibara, instead of stocking them in his room. 
They also have matching teddy bears. 
They both secretly named it after them. 
Whenever Takao or Himuro asks each of them where they were heading off. 
“To the toy’s store.” 
Akashi x Kuroko: 
Their particular place is the library. 
It is so them, though. 
They spend hours of hours reading random books. 
In which, they both enjoys. 
But sometimes, they would be heading to the book store to buy a few books. 
Mostly Akashi spending because he can’t let Kuroko spend his money. 
Akashi even made a room for just the books they brought. 
Sometimes, they’ll buy light novels for Mayuzumi and both would wind up getting the same one to read it. 
It’s surprisingly good, though. 
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kuroko-no-random · 8 years
Headcanons for Nijimura as 1) friend 2) teammate 3) boyfriend
How can you tell that I adore this senpai of them. ^^ I enjoy typing this so please do enjoy this as well. 
As Friend— 
Nijimura would be the best of friends you could have. 
He’ll be in your aid whenever you need him. 
Basically having an older protective brother besides you. 
You both basically do everything together. 
Whenever he gets a girlfriend, you would as well. 
Whenever he breaks up with his lover, you would as well.
Because someone just hurt your precious Nijimura and vice versa to his case as well. 
Matching phone cases and sweaters are his thing. 
He loves buying cute stuff for you because he can see those sparkle eyes whenever you received something from him. 
Cute pet names as well. 
But sometimes, he wants to be called as Onii-chan. 
You don’t like the idea but when you accidentally called him that, he looks so happy. 
He’s your number 1 speed dial and the same thing with him. 
As Teammate— 
You knew from the start that he is a very talented individual. 
Also, he is a good senpai to you. 
He would stay behind to practice with you. 
Most occasionally, you both would be having private practices by the second gym. 
Kendo wasn’t your talent but you got into it because you saw Nijimura in his tournament. 
After that, you ought to be like him. 
He’s really great at it. And he would use that technique onto you whenever you started spacing. 
One of the tournament, he broke his arm accidentally. 
You were super worried for him. 
He came to you, apologizing that he won’t be able to practice with you. 
You were super pissed at how he can be selfless and told him you were okay. 
You took off with the kendo as you help him out each day. 
Because without Nijimura-senpai, kendo isn’t fun. 
As Lover— 
Being his lover means something and that is being in a romantic relationship with him.
He’s a year older than you, so basically, he wasn’t most of your classes. 
But when you two got into college, he took most of his classes with you. 
Because he can’t let other guys looking at your way. 
He also didn’t go to college until you graduate so he can be in the same year as you. 
He likes couple shits. He would buy matching mugs, matching shirts, and matching rings. 
When you first wore the ring, everyone suddenly thought that Nijimura had proposed to you. 
To which he cleared the rumors by saying that you are already married to him. 
That causes a lot of uproar from everyone. 
He doesn’t like calling you random names because he wants to call your name. 
Whenever someone calls your first name casually, he would threaten them… saying it’s informal. 
You both started living together when you two became second year. 
He also took part time job nearby and doesn’t allow you to work. 
Princess needs to be resting at home, instead of working. 
That was his motto. 
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kuroko-no-random · 8 years
~ KNB AU! ~ !! If GOM + Kagami were in hogwart houses what would it be? And would they act any different?
Oh my gosh... Harry Potter fan would definitely kill me... But I don’t know much about Harry Potter, either stuff that is going there. I’ve seen a couple of their movies but never really got interested to both movies and the books. I’m so sorry. T_T
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kuroko-no-random · 8 years
teikou babies in a haunted villa during training camp?
Oh my gosh. I would definitely include Nijimura and Haizaki on this one lol 
It was his idea to go on a haunted villa during their training camp. 
Before they head over to that place, he separate everyone into groups. 
He got Murasakibara and Aomine on his side. 
He really wants to be with Kuroko but then he remembered something about Kuroko being good at scaring people... 
So he became desperate and wanted to be with Kuroko. 
“I’m not going inside until Kuroko and I are in the same group.” 
“Fuck you!” Aomine retorted and so Aomine gave in and went to a different group so that Kuroko can be with Akashi. 
It was a bad idea. 
Akashi came out while clinging to Murasakibara for his dear life. 
Being in the same group with Kuroko was definitely a bad idea. 
At first, he was against the idea of going to that villa they saw. 
Kise said that it won’t be that scary since the sun was still up in the sky. 
He was with Midorima and they first started heading inside. 
Just a few feet inside, they both started screaming. 
As they were near by the end, they both got tangled in a spider web. 
Aomine was shaking so much that Midorima can feel it. 
“Stop being a scaredy cat!” 
“Yes, yes, I’m a scaredy cat! Please let this end!” 
They both won’t let go of each other though. 
Kise wanted to be with Kuroko. 
Despite the fact he knew that Kuroko is an expert of scaring. 
He entered the place with Nijimura and Haizaki. 
He did planned everything over there. 
He wanted to scare Haizaki. 
But it turns out, they both got scared of the things he did. 
“Uwah! Ghosts!” He would point out. 
And when Haizaki and Kise turn around to look at it. 
They will scream in harmony. 
Every single time Kise point at random spots, there would be shadow over there. 
Nijimura was confused at how those two. 
A lot of people mistake him as the expert of scaring. 
But to be honest, he was just oblivious at things. 
He accidentally kicked the can, creating a loud echo noise. 
He would accidentally bump into the shaky shelves, creating squeaky noise. 
It’s all an accident and yet, everyone thought ghosts was real. 
The shadow that Kise and Haizaki sees was him. 
For some odd reason, there would be a dim light and Kuroko would be curious. 
“If I stand there, would they notice me?” 
And he would stand there. 
Murasakibara and Akashi would freak out at the image. 
It’s like Kuroko’s the ghost in there. 
And he was confused why him. 
He was against to it as well. 
It is a waste of time. But Nijimura was also into it so he couldn’t refuse furthermore. 
He got into the same team with Kuroko. He wanted to call out to someone to exchange with him. 
Luckily, Akashi was eager to be with Kuroko and so Aomine exchanged with Kuroko. 
He knew Aomine was tough so he decided to lean against him. 
But he was fucking wrong. 
This guy was also scared. 
He wouldn’t stop screaming at all. 
He would constantly shaking and when they were near by the end. 
Aomine had to point out the shadow behind them. 
“FUCK YOU!” Was Midorima’s last words before he fainted. 
It wasn’t his liking to go on this kind of trips, but he was curious. 
He was calm and composed. 
Because duh, ghosts aren’t real. 
Just spirits, is all. 
But he got scared at the random things that Kise would point out. 
Is that a ghost? 
Why is that ghost had light blue haired. 
“Kuroko, what the actual fuck.” 
“Did I scared you, senpai?” 
And he was the only one who knew it was Kuroko’s doing. 
This fairy was so pure. 
And of course, he’s also the one responsible of all the noises they hear. 
Because this guy was so freakishly tall, he would bump into the ceiling and weird wood hanging around. 
“Ouch...” His voice was so low, it would echo around as well. 
“Aka-chin...” Whenever he calls out to Akashi, he usually loam behind him. 
That was a bad move, though. 
He wasn’t that scared. 
But he did got scared when he saw an empty cookie jar by the kitchen sink. 
He and Akashi were clinging to each other as they exit the place. 
“That was scary...” He commented out of the blue. 
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kuroko-no-random · 8 years
Hanamiya babysitting his s/o's younger sister for the day because she has to go somewhere. Lmao xD a day out with mako-niichan will be great. And possibly they're seen by his teammates while he's walking the little girl around town. XD protective!Hanamiya please :D
Oh my god. I’m imagining how the others would react now. 
At first, he would be reluctant to the idea. But he is the only one you can trust about this situation. 
“Please, Hanamiya-kun? Just for two days! I’m just really busy with this project.” 
“Drop dead.” 
“Come on~” 
Hanamiya looked at you with complete disgusted expression, yet when you started pouting, his tough side would go down and he would be the sweetest boyfriend you could ask for. 
“…Fine, just for two days, okay?” 
And so, babysitter Hanamiya started his job the next day. 
Your little sister was only 4 years old. She can speak, though, only a few words. She can walk by her own yet she still need assistant as she usually fall down on her bum. 
Hanamiya looked through your memo that you gave him.
You listed everything that your little sister would like. 
And the number one on the list was playing in the playground. 
He hated the idea of going outside with this kid, but then he remembered the thing you said to him. 
“…This is bullshit.” He mumbled and grabbed your little sister’s bag and head over to the nearest playground. 
He chose that playground because he knew… he was positive that none of his teammate would be there. 
But he was dead wrong. 
There was someone there… two people… no, three people. He recognize those three because DUH he went against those monsters. 
“Oh! It’s Kirisaki’s tsundere!” The cat faced guy said, cheerfully. 
He gasped and was about to run away when the little kid tugged onto his pants. 
“Mako-tan not play?” 
“Mako….tan?” Kiyoshi that bastard said. (that’s Hanamiya’s thought) 
“Stop! Stop! I wasn’t babysitting! What the fuck are you even saying?! I’m not a pedophile! Stop looking at me like that!” 
“Wow! He can understand Mitobe!” 
Hanamiya couldn’t take it anymore and ran away from the scene. Those jerks were the last people he wanted to see him in this situation. 
“Wow, it’s captain’s duty to babysit!” 
Hanamiya didn’t have to turn around and face that jerk’s comment. He knew who he was, but he wasn’t expecting to see everyone together.
“Why are you all together like it’s a normal thing?” 
“This is normal. We’re hanging out.” 
“Without me?” 
“Oh… Forgot to invite you and your little sister over there.” 
Seto and the others laugh but it got interrupted when the so called little sister went in front of them and stretches her arms. 
“Bullying Mako-tan is bad! Bad! Shoo, demons!” 
Yamazaki got mad and was about to snap at the little girl when Hanamiya slap his face. 
“Don’t you fucking dare, you turd.” 
The others continued on laughing until Hanamiya decided to ran away from them once again. 
“God, you are a pain in the neck…” 
While carrying your little sister, he continue to give everyone who dared to look at her, a death glare. Because damn it, why are you looking at this cute little pumpkin, huh? 
When you came back and was about to take your little sister, you witness something horrifying… no, scratch that, adorable. 
“So, Hanamiya-kun, you want a child of your own?” 
“Stop it!” 
Hanamiya ran away, wearing a princess dress and a wig. 
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kuroko-no-random · 8 years
what if theres hidden cameras on ur house and 707 is watching u??? what is the weirdest thing that 707 would catch u??
Oh my gosh. Then, he will see me screaming at inanimate things, laugh at my brothers from falling into my pranks, and sleeping in the floor. That’ll be so embarrassing. lol 
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kuroko-no-random · 8 years
The Takao fighting and making up hcs
You want it to be Akashi, right? Okay, I’ll do it in headcanon format. 
You guys had been dating for 5 years. Probably around when he was 2nd year. 
He was possessive, you knew that. 
But one time, something sparked. 
Akashi was dared by one of his senpai in the basketball club. He was vulnerable against them. He was oreshi not bokushi. 
You saw him with another girl, flirting. 
You were with Midorima, one of his friend. 
“Akashi wouldn’t do that.” Midorima reasoned and yet you can clearly see that’s Akashi. 
But you stayed quiet and continue walking because Akashi is cheating because of you. You figured that he’s tired and bored of you. 
The following day, Akashi came to you with a smile and a bouquet, saying that he couldn’t come to school yesterday because of his fever. 
You knew he was lying. 
“Sorry, I was really sick so I couldn’t come---” 
“So, that’s how you break up with your exes.” 
“What year is she? A year older? She looked like older than me, to be honest.” 
Akashi was so clueless on what you were talking about. 
You stood up and ignored him. 
For the past few weeks, Akashi continue to send you messages, asking you why you weren’t answering your phone or even attending school. 
After two months, you went decided to end things with Akashi. That’s the only choice you got. 
But open meeting him, you see how he had changed for two months. He looks like he hasn’t sleep for ages. He looks so wasted. 
He looked at you. He was glad to meet you but felt broken because you didn’t leap to him like you usually do. 
You went and talk to him. 
You announced that you are breaking up with him, causing him widening his eyes and was quiet as you were explaining why. 
“I lost my interest to you. I saw you cheating. I don’t love you anymore.” 
For your entire life, you never see Akashi broken. Like he was a fragile glass that slipped on your hand and fell on the floor. 
You reached over to him but he pulled back. He walked away without saying a word. 
5 years had passed ever since then. Midorima told you the real reason why Akashi did that. 
He never cheated on you. He was dared by the superior and couldn’t refuse. 
He thought you didn’t see it. And he lied because instead of saying the truth, you might get hurt. 
But you were hurt when he lied. 
You met him for the first time after 5 years in the coffee shop. He cut his hair shorter yet maintain his bangs long enough to cover his forehead. 
When your eyes met his, he was so happy to have found you. 
Within that 5 years, he tried to find you. He tried but you were unreachable. 
He didn’t date anyone after you broke up with him. He didn’t go to any of the arranged marriage that his dad had placed on him. He waited for you. 
You leap to his arms and he catch you as he hug you tightly.
He mumbled against your ear. 
“That’s my girl...” 
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kuroko-no-random · 8 years
STORY TIME: when i first started playing dating sim like diabolik lovers my mother got mad at me for spending a lot of times playing that but then when i explained to her she played it and was crying because of the route she chose hahaha
Oh my gosh. How cute! I have the similar case but with my professor so... lolol 
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