ladyofthelame · 4 months
Don't Settle.
Don't settle. You are enough and your heart is big.
You want the best for everyone around you.
You want, no, crave that feeling. The warm and fuzzy one.
You wanted to spend your life with them, your hopes, your dreams. They can't be bothered to spend five minutes with you.
Don't settle. Don't wonder in ten years what life would've been like if you had said "I deserve better".
Make yourself heard, make yourself known, and set boundaries.
Don't become a walking mat, and don't settle.
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ladyofthelame · 4 months
“Deep in your wounds are seeds waiting to grow into beautiful flowers.”
— Niti Majethia
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ladyofthelame · 4 months
Franky The Green Octopus
Before I post this this is just a quick note! I would like to thank whoever reads this cute tale of Franky the Green Octopus, he was inspired by a job interview that I applied for (didn't hear back but it's ok because Franky was born from this) and I just wanted to put the story out there. I used to write and I am scared to put my work back out there, but I'm in a big self-care journey and this is part of it. Hope you all enjoy it!
Franky the Green Octopus
Franky was the green octopus that everyone had admired dancing across the screens of millions of computers. He had the rhythm of a human but the personality of, well, an octopus. Franky thought he would never get out of that slimy aquarium. It was cramped, dark, and growing things on the side that even scared him, and he was a predator! Being in this cramped, algae-filled tank kept his skin tone a forest-green color.
Franky lived his days wallowing in the shallow aquarium hoping for a chance to break free. But one day, he heard an intriguing rhythm vibrating through his tank. What is this magical noise? He thought to himself. He had to know more. He slinked out of his tank and onto the floor, trying not to knock any of the other exhibits over with him. He inched closer to the locked door where the human caretakers ate their food, and the magical noise grew. Franky had never felt this feeling before in his year of life.
“I'm on tonight You know my hips don't lie (no fighting) And I'm starting to feel it's right All the attraction, the tension Don't you see, baby, this is perfection?”
Franky started to bob his head to the song, not missing a single beat. He had never heard anything so fantastic. He inched back to his tank, hoping not to get caught, all while bobbing his head. As the music grew, he swayed more and more, until his tentacles and head moved with the rhythm together as one. He hadn’t noticed the human caretakers come into the room, and as he looked in their direction, he noticed them pointing a brick-like device toward him. Nervous, he stopped his swaying. “Oh no, keep going!” Said the first human. “He could make us millions...” Replied the second.
Franky was puzzled, but slowly began to bob his head, making the first human’s frown turn to a wide smile. “Yes! That’s it, Franky!” Franky then began to move the rest of his body with the rhythm, resulting in applause from the two caretakers.
*3 days later*
Franky was feasting on some of the leftover crabs given to him for lunch. He hadn’t had an appetite for a few days. He craved more of that joyful noise that was coming from his human caretaker’s room, but he didn’t know when they would decide to play it again. The first one was all smiles around him, which was odd. He didn’t know what he did to attract such attention from them. He belched the leftover crab and decided to close his eyes for a few minutes. Until…
The first caretaker entered the room with one of those strange things that they first took him to this place in. It soon got dark, and Franky was trying not to panic. It was a few hours later and he was dumped into a larger, yet magnificently cleaner aquarium tank. There was a crowd of people surrounding the aquarium. Franky couldn’t move. He hadn’t been in front of this many people in months. Not since his mate died… He understood that he could have gone on with life, but this mate was different. She got sick in that exhibit with him, but she didn’t make it past the first day of sickness. She made a turn for the worst and Franky…he got better.
He then heard the joyful tunes that he once heard that very night. It seemed louder this time.
“Come on Franky, show ‘em what you got!” He recognized that voice. It was his caretaker. His body eased up and he decided “Why not?” as his head began to slowly bob to the upbeat song. Faster and faster, he started to move his tentacles to the beat. He was swaying from side to side, doing flips, and having the absolute time of his life. By then, he noticed the room started to fill with people of all ages. He danced his little heart away and never thought that his life would change forever…
*1 year later*
Franky was on top of the world. He was on almost every computer screen in America, capturing their hearts. Franky lived a happy life, which being in captivity, he lived until he was the age of 5. He left behind a son and daughter, Sam and Ronnie, who took on his legacy as the green-dancing Octopi.
Thank you for reading if you got this far and I hope you enjoyed!
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ladyofthelame · 4 years
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ladyofthelame · 4 years
And then there was Meowth feeling left out
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ladyofthelame · 4 years
McGonagall: What will you two be doing on the next free period?
Remus: Library
Sirius, at the same time: Making out.
Remus: Sirius!
Sirius: Remus!!
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ladyofthelame · 4 years
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ladyofthelame · 4 years
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Me when I heard him say this
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Joe Biden on Donald Trump: 
“It’s hard to get any word in with this CLOWN” 🤡
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ladyofthelame · 4 years
And I’m in college...Getting my Master’s...let that sink in.
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ladyofthelame · 4 years
One of these days you’re going to wake up and realize you’re beautiful and powerful … That will be the day you stop running after people who don’t see your worth. That will be a really good day.
Brooke Hampton (via theperfeqtquotes)
I get this, I really do...But it’s hard feeling beautiful when every day of your life you were called fat, a cow, and basically unlovable by your family members.
I know that I am, even though these people don’t see me this way. I’m married, but I don’t think my husband finds me attractive...
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ladyofthelame · 4 years
Can someone tell me where i can find this?! I NEED to show my kids!
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scary godmother: halloween spooktacular
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ladyofthelame · 4 years
So stinking cute!
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Crochet Animal Crossing Villagers made by sheacrochetxx
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ladyofthelame · 4 years
Don’t save your good lingerie for dates, wear it for you.
Dita von Teese (via thoughtkick)
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ladyofthelame · 4 years
It’s funny because its true
Me after finding out Trump has covid
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ladyofthelame · 4 years
i may not have a “brain” or an “ability to write well” but sometimes i type out a great metaphor and all
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ladyofthelame · 4 years
Living on Borrowed Time
I sense despair, dread and sorrow during my shell of a life, Yearning for more excitement, something that drains it with it’s might.
Sturdy walls are built for keeping people out, or maybe in? Sinners and saints all live their lives but we are all living in Sin.
We are living on borrowed time, One strong look and our lives are over. We thought we were fine.
Breathless, hopeless, miserable lives.  Someone’s life is over after a measly sigh.
That sigh is the last breath they take, The last time they were given a chance to fix their mistakes.
On borrowed time, you don’t see the problem. You cannot cheat death, he is not one to outrun.
We are all on borrowed time, believe it or not. Do not give away your last chance to reveal what you are not.
Be daring, be creative, be who you want to be, We must take this darkness and open our eyes up to see.
We don’t see the world as it is now, Our futures are blurred by this now cloud.
A cloud of negativity, evil and lust, Go out and change the world, that is a must.
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