lanaeeli-blog · 6 years
You and I
We met in a chat room not knowing who the other truly was
Developed a trust and swapped cell phone numbers
Through text and snail mail, we slowly learned about the other
And then silence took over.
Five years of not thinking of you, my life went on
No one knew about the mystery man who came and gone
And I didn’t think they ever would
I checked my inbox and you reappeared like a magician.
What made you think of me?
How long did you wait before reaching out?
Were you expecting a response or were you holding on to hope?
Was I going to respond and release my breath I sucked in haste,
Or leave you in the dark like unneeded waste?
I replied to your “hey” with a “hello”
And from there watched the words as they flowed
My heart pounded in my head
Unlike Houdini, our conversations came back from the dead.
For two whole years there is no silence in sight
And our talks have developed into new heights
We FaceTime nearly every chance we get
I often think of how odd it was the way we met.
You’re sturdy and secure in who you are
Seldom show your fears or scars
With piercing eyes you read my mind
And continue to want me with every flaw there is yet to find.
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lanaeeli-blog · 6 years
Am I alone when I say, “I am not creative enough for this site,”?
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lanaeeli-blog · 8 years
I didn't think I was an alcoholic, until I started counting how many times I have muttered to myself, "I need a drink." Getting children ready for school has definitely increased those utterances. Ehhh.
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lanaeeli-blog · 8 years
Eating Chinese food Vs. Burping Chinese food.
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