lemon-ren 5 days
Happy pride Month to all my fellow gays and they's!
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lemon-ren 25 days
Fun story, came out as Non-binary to my mom right after Eurovision 2024 finished... Lots of love, and hugging, and crying and overall emotions were flowing... Just wanted to say that my mom loves me (also she kind of figured out 3 years age before even I knew who I was).
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lemon-ren 1 month
The sunshine character is dating the number 1 villain, he doesn't know it, the hero (a low rank) is teasing the villain in every battle because of the "bruises" on his neck, turns out, the sunshine isn't so innocent, and the hero can be quite bit of a nuisance to the villain, but the villain doesn't really want to kill him, because the hero is his younger brother who defied their parents wishes.
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lemon-ren 1 month
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I was just re-reading my supernatural fic, because I'm planning to go back to writing it after I graduate, just a month and a half, maybe two. Anyways, while re-reading the fic I noticed something... What kind of drugs was I taking while writing this? Because I swear to God this is the best thing I ever wrote and that's saying something! Like dude, I've been kicking my feet and it's my own work I've been kicking my feet for!? Like, wth did I do to gain God like abilities in story telling for this work!? Did Chuck come and possessed me to write a gay time travel retelling from Dean's perspective!? Who the fuck possessed me to write this!? Misha did you possess me for this!? Did you!? Like common!
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lemon-ren 1 month
I just remembered this.
About a year ago I had a dream that (on a Sunday morning, like 8 AM sharp) the doorbell was ringing, I got up, went to my mom told her, she went downstairs in a panic because "what if it's serious?!", no one was there, now we had a neighbor downstairs (my mom's uncle) who would ring his doorbell when he needed something from us since he couldn't walk up the stairs, so we assumed it was him.
Later in the day my mom goes to restock his fridge and he doesn't mention ringing the door bell, later my mom tells me that she had a weird dream yesterday evening and she says "I woke up the neighborhood houses were covered in dirt, went to sleep, woke up, there were tiny houses with tiny people inhabiting the hills, went back to bed, woke up, everything was back to normal."
Now why is this important?
My mom has the realistic dreams, I have the fantastical dreams.
The only semi realistic dream I had was where my babysitter was trying to murder me (I never had a babysitter, there is no balcony on the third floor steps, that's why it's semi realistic).
So it became a joke that for that one 2 day period we switched dreams (and no, my mom didn't watch or read Lord of the rings or Hobbit in her life or that day.).
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lemon-ren 2 months
Exactly 4 months before my 19th birthday, 5 weeks before graduation and 6 months before college (if I make it in)
And I still have no clue on who I am, just that I am gay
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lemon-ren 2 months
Okay, quick question.
Would you be interested in reading shin soukoku fan fiction? I've been in a writer's block for a while so my supernatural fic is on hold, but holy fuck does the bsd fandom lack proper slow burn 100k+ shin soukoku fics that aren't straight up smut or have smut in it and I wish to write a fic for Atsushi and Ryuunosuke, but idk if anyone is interested and now I'm rambling...
Okay so who is interested in slow burn shin soukoku multi chapter no smut and mostly story based with in character characters?
Also question: if the answer to the previous question is yes-
1. Time travel (no not the MC is a baby, but like a fix it of sorts where Aku and Atsu accidentally travel back in time)
2. Right after the 6 month deal (6 month period of Atsushi and Akutagawa being frienemies and despising themselves for falling for each other)
3. Beasts AU (based on BSD Beasts where Akutagawa and Atsushi become friends and are sort of mutually pining but both of them refuse to acknowledge it since they are on enemy sides and Akutagawa has beef with the PM)
4. AU (where Atsushi and Akutagawa end in an alternate reality (possibly created by the book) in which neither of them exist and the PM doesn't exist and ADA is not ADA, but a regular police/detective agency since abilities don't exist and Aku and Atsu keep forgetting that major fact so they are being hunted by the government for being "potential escaped experiments" and no matter how much they despise each other they know that they can't get out of this alone)
5. AU 2 ( Atsushi starts developing difficulty controlling the tiger in his sleep after the headmasters death and the ADA can't keep an eye on him all the time, so ADA and PM collectively decide to look over Atsushi on missions so they don't get an actual man-eating-tiger on the run, of course Akutagawa would be the primary babysitter ;p)
6. AU 3 ( Akutagawa has undiagnosed Autism and Atsushi is the first to figure it out, of course the ADHD were-tiger thinks Akutagawa knows this fact about himself and he just keeps asking Ryuu weird questions on missions and carrying noise cancelling headphones because he doesn't know if Ryuu will ever need them and he is so in denial of his feelings he says it's nothing but him being a caring business partner, it doesn't work because everyone in ADA and PM thinks he is madly in love (he might be) but in reality he is just really caring and doesnt want his PM partner to die)
7. AU 4 (Akutagawa sleeps during the day because of his job, until three months into the deal with Atsushi when the were-tiger appears half dead on his (very not publicly known about home) doorstep and he has to stay up for an entire week because Atsushi's heart keeps stopping and the healing isn't working properly while Ryuu just tries to keep his partner alive telling himself that it was all because he is the one meant to kill him)
I like all of these but can't decide which one to write first, so... Help?
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lemon-ren 3 months
I read fan fiction for fun...
And I don't read Explicit fics that much, if at all...
But even as an asexual I may as well say some of the non sexual fics can border the sexual, and that's saying something, if it was subtle I would have missed it... (It happened in the past, there's a reason my friends don't trust my recommendations)
Like dude, why is it so obvious that the author wants to write the characters fuck, but is straining themselves to make it Teen+ or Mature... Just write the sex dude, it's yours to write, like- I wouldn't read it, but someone else will-
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lemon-ren 5 months
Merry Christmas you wonderfull people!
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lemon-ren 9 months
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A drawing of the day!
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lemon-ren 9 months
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This arrived an hour ago, did a quick sketch with it.
For all of you wondering, it's an Artist 22R Pro from XP Pen.
21.5 inches big.
Hope you like the sketch, it isn't much, but I wanted to test it out!
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Finished drawing here!
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lemon-ren 10 months
Happy Birthday to me!
I turned 18 today! (August 18th)
You can hate me all you want for the pun on the shirt.
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lemon-ren 10 months
At my cousing birthday party, felt bored and decided to draw on my phone.
Idk what you are, but you are my new favourite!
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lemon-ren 10 months
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I wrote Supernatural fanfic because I felt like it!
Check it out!
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lemon-ren 11 months
Been feeling kind of off lately...
Like- I wish I had the motivation to do something, I started 80 or so drawings in the last 7 months and only finished a handful.
I finished maybe 2 or 3 TV shows I started (out of 6-7 that I like)
I wish to go outside and shoot a few arrows into a target, but can't seem to get my ass outside.
I feel drained...
Everything I like is no longer fun.
Half the fan fics I write I wish to continue, but I just can't seem to get my mind into it...
Its summer and instead of going outside and prepairing for my 18th birthday, I am laying in my bedroom at 4 in the morning scrolling through my old posts.
I wish my motivation stayed for longer than 3 minutes. Gosh I watched so many shows, finished so many books, but anything that I have to physically do myself is just out the window...
Is this what it feels like to get a block on your life? Like an art block or a writers block, but for everything?
I have no idea...
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lemon-ren 11 months
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A piece that took me 3+ hours to complete, this is a fairly old character of mine that I made sometime 2020 if I remember correctly.
His name used to be Arsel, but I had changed it since to Finn.
He is an alien character that I made for a sci-fi story a while ago, obviously the story didn't continue and all I have is 1 drawing of him to reference this one
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I notice the improvement.
Also, this drawing is kind of a big step up from the previous one I posted, I have no clue on what the heck happened, but the drawing looks a lot better than any other and I havent drawn more than 3 pictures since my last post of a drawing XD.
My color picking and shape language has improved from what I have noticed
It has been a while since I had been this happy about a drawing!
And here is the speed paint on YT:
With audio:
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lemon-ren 1 year
And I passed with a better grade than the ones in the last 7 years!
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