What it means to be a writer
I feel like not enough people talk about this subject and I feel like it’s a really, really important one to tackle, even if it is just by sharing my own personal opinion on it. I feel like a lot of writers are quite harsh when they set their own standards for what it means to be a ‘successful writer’. Many probably look at inspirational writers they love and think, ‘They have so many books published. I want to be just like them’ and they set the worth of their words by the accomplishments and achievements of another person. There’s nothing wrong with being inspired by another person, but I think it’s important to keep in mind that their path is not yours and the more individual you can be, the more you view your own work as distinctly yours, the happier you may become.
 So to put this as simply as possible; if you write, you are a writer.
 If you write, even if your words never see the light of day and even if you are falling short of the milestones you set yourself, you are still a writer. For me, being a writer is about that itch niggling at the back of your mind that compels you to create. When a blank page drives you insane because you cannot find the words to fill it, but you don’t give up because you have a story you simply need to share with the world, you are successful because you are achieving your own personal triumph every single time you bring a new sentence, a sentence only you can write, into existence.  
 A visual artist isn’t successful when they get a place in the Louvre. They are successful when they create. A writers worth isn’t judged by how many books they have, or how many copies they have sold, or how many interviews they have gotten. It is judged in the dark hours of the morning when they are faced with a blank screen, an idea and the impossible urge to bring it to life no matter what.
Hope this helps someone out there.
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hi! my name is Ezra (he/him) and this is my new writeblr! I’ve loved creative writing for as long as I’ve been able to read, and I’m really excited to meet other people who like to write and motivate myself more!
more about me:
24 years old
starting my last term of undergrad in the fall
bisexual trans man
from the US
have dealt w a lot of mental illnesses which influences my work
primarily write (and read) literary fiction.
favorite writers include vladimir nabokov (my url is from Pale Fire!), toni morrison, kenzaburo oe, some margaret atwood
also this is a sideblog! my main is @gladiates where i post studyblr stuff and also about literature and art, so that’s the blog i follow/like/etc from!
i’d really appreciate if people would reblog this so i can find other writeblrs! :)
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This is such a fantastic concept I really couldn’t pass it by without sharing
Found family is currently a very emphasized (and entirely valid!) trope, but something I’d like to also see more of is what I’m tentatively calling recovered family. Coming to better appreciate and see the value in the family that you do have, a family coming back together and working to rebuild those fractured relationships, that sort of thing.
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Another general update
This will be the first month I haven't uploaded anything Patreon exclusive since beginning this entire project just over two years ago. I would feel terrible about this, but that avenue of revenue never took off for me, so it's not like there's anyone to be disappointed by the lack of an update on that side of things. 
I might as well address that here while I'm at it, since someone did ask about the Patreon; it was established as a way for people who enjoy my work to support it. It wasn't made with the intent to make a living off my personal writing, and I'm not annoyed it didn't take off. My plan for any money gained through Patreon was to use it to fund artwork of my characters/environments/related content. It was never created as a way for me to make a living and when I did need a little extra cash, I worked online as a freelance writer. So, while it would be nice to have a nice community on there, it hasn't stopped me from writing because writing is a sincere passion of mine. Hell, I've been writing a chapter a month for over two years without earning anything off it. 
This month has, nonetheless, been a very big month for me personally. While I didn't get anything for Patreon, I did finish up solidifying the finale of Ruins of Dalaghast. So now all that's left is to write it. On top of that, I am in the lengthy and time consuming  process of moving to a new place that should be ideal for me to live in. Both for my mental wellbeing and my writing. With that, I don't really have a lot of time and money to throw around at the moment getting artwork done for a community that does not exist at the moment. 
Just a general update for you all! 
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Why do you reblog your own fics so much?
Because someone might as well!? And look at this. Look. At. This.
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Does this look right to you??
These are just the last three fics I wrote. I appreciate the likes, believe me I do, but you have to understand. Likes do nothing for content creators. It’s the reblogs. Because that’s how you find shit on your dashboard. Through reblogs. Not likes. This isn’t twitter or tiktok or instagram. This is a website that’s run by the reblog system.
Reblogging helps content creators put their stuff out there. Why do you think so many people stopped writing fanfic and creating beautiful fanart and edits? It’s because they put in hours of work and don’t get nearly enough notes for their masterpieces. Yes we do this because we enjoy it but like...some validation won’t hurt. A boost of confidence here and there might be all someone needs to finish whatever thing they started and left.
Anyway, I’m still going to reblog my shit...
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Just wondering...
...If other writers out there have wrote a book before and then completely forgotten it exists? 
I only ask because I’ve written the complete first draft of a novel and I routinely forget it exists, sometimes for months at a time, while waiting for an opportunity to get back around to editing it. Wondering if this is just a me thing or if this is a common occurrence. For reference, and in my defence, I have been writing another book in the meantime. 
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The effects of taking a break from writing
Alright, so that title might be a bit misleading since I haven’t really taken a break from writing, I’ve just shifted my focus and schedule around quite a bit. Before this month, I was writing, editing and uploading a chapter every month for a little over two years. Now, I’m ‘taking time off’ to work on the detailed outlines making up the finale of the story. So I’m not writing less, but I am writing quite differently.
 I got rid of my old schedule and haven’t introduced another deadline. Instead, I’m looking at these outlines as ‘taking as long as they will take’. This decision was made to give my mind some room to breathe and to give me creativity enough time to recover and view the finale with a fresh set of eyes. After all, I have no following to speak of, no Patron’s clamouring for the next chapter and threatening to unsubscribe, so I wanted to use that to my advantage. The only pressure I’ve felt on this project has been from myself to prove that I could maintain a steady stream of writing over a prolonged period of time. I’ve definitely proven that and, even when I didn’t upload a chapter this week, I did go ahead and commission a piece of artwork just to fill the void.
 The effects of a looser schedule took a while to sink in. At the beginning of this month, I didn’t notice much of a difference. I was working hard on the outlines and I’ve made fantastic headway with them and rectified a lot of problems I’ve always had with the story overall.  I still had that itch to write and I was doing it and pleased with my progress. But it was only weeks later, towards the end of this month, that I’m beginning to really see a difference between ‘then’ and ‘now’.
 An important fact to keep in mind was the fact that I was doing freelance writing work over quarantine as well, which contributed massively to my creative burnout. For months, when I wasn’t working on my novel, I was working on someone else’s ideas. Often while dealing with customers that were less than pleasant or helpful, if I’m honest. So for months, I was up against deadlines on a near daily basis. I shut down my freelancing service when I went back to work and this ‘break’ followed soon after to focus on my own writing.
 My general mood is a lot better right now. I feel personally happier, less stressed and less tense on average in my day to day life. I find it easier to live in the moment rather than looking ahead to the next page/next draft/next chapter. So that’s pretty cool to begin with. But for my writing, it really gave me the space and time needed to get my thoughts together. It’s taken the better part of a month for my creativity to recover and begin to flow properly for the first time in almost two years, but it’s only now that I have a chance to breathe that I realise just how much pressure I was under for months at a time. I adjusted to the pressure so that after a while, I didn’t even notice it until it was gone. Like a backpack on a long hike; it’s heavy at first but with a little practice you can ignore it and when you finally take it off, you breathe a huge sigh of relief.
 That is what this break has been like for me. And with that weight removed, I slowly felt my creativity return until it feels like it’s back to normal. I feel a lot more engaged with Ruins of Dalaghast now than when I was writing it non stop, and during the outlining process, I’m finding a lot of ideas easier to come by than when I was half heartedly brainstorming while writing months ago. I still have quite a lot of writing to do before this project is over, but I am definitely reconsidering how I schedule the final few chapters moving forward.
 So, I guess the moral of the story is to take a break and let your creative mind breathe every once in a while. It’s taken a while for my own writers mind to begin working again like it used to, but it’s definitely getting there and writing is much more enjoyable nowadays, as I’m taking a relaxed approach to the subject, than when I was writing a chapter a month. It was stressful, but doable, and something I wanted to do for myself, but its effects can only really be gauged accurately in retrospect. I hope this helps someone out there who might be struggling with the same ordeal. Until next time, take care and keep creating.
 TLDR: Take a break every once in a while. Especially for larger projects.
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This is a fantastic and valuable host of resources for writers and I absolutely love it. 
Useful Writing Resources
This is an extensive list of resources for every problem you could come across while writing/planning/editing your novel. Use it well;)
{ *** } Indicate a Highly Reccommended Resource
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Planning/outlining Your Work
How To Outline ***
Zigzag Method : Creating Plots
How to Plot a Romance Novel 
Seven Great Sources of Conflict for Romances 
Let’s talk about brainstorming
Writing Something With Meaning ***
Past Or Present Tense? : How To Decide
Writing Your Work
How To Write A Fabulous Chapter #1 ***
How to Build a Romance Thread in Your Story 
The Big Book Of Writing Sex ***
6 Ways to Get Your Readers Shipping Like Crazy 
Romance Writing Tips ***
20 Tips for Writing Lovable Romance Novel Heroes
7 Ways To Speed Up Your Writing *** 
80+ Barriers to Love: A List of Ideas to Keep Romantic Tension High 
9 Romance Writing Mistakes to Avoid 
Removing the Creeps From Romance
19 Ways to Write Better Dialogue ***
50 Things Your Characters Can Do WHILE They Talk ***
How To Write Action And Fight Scenes
10 Steps To Write Arguments
9 Ways To Write Body Language
Writing Good Kissing Scenes
Writing Murders
Create And Control Tone ***
Tips for Writing Ghost Stories
Incorporating Flashbacks
12 Tips To Avoid Overwriting ***
Behind the Name
Top Baby Names
Looking for a name that means a certain thing? ***
7 Rules of Picking Names
Most Common Surnames ***
Minor Character Development
Writing Antagonists, Antiheroes and Villains
Characters With Enhanced Senses
5 Tips to Help You Introduce Characters
How Do You Describe a Character?
How To Write Child Characters
36 Core Values For Building Character
Questions To Answer When Creating Characters ***
4 Ways to Make Readers Instantly Loathe Your Character Descriptions
5 Ways to Keep Characters Consistent
Character Archetypes
25 Ways To Fuck With Your Characters
Building Platonic Relationships Between Female Characters
9 Simple and Powerful Ways to Write Body Language 
33 Ways To Write Stronger Characters
Conveying Character Emotion 
How to Make Readers Love an Unlikable Character…  
How to Create Powerful Character Combos
How To Describe A Character’s Voice ***
Describing Clothing And Appearance ***
Career Masterpost ***
Creating Your Character’s Personality ***
Character Flaws ***
Ultimate Guide To Editing Each Aspect Of Your Work ***
Why You Would Read Your Novel Out Loud ***
Grammar and Punctuation ***
How To Write A Captivating First Sentence
10 Things Your Opening Chapter Should Do: A Check-List for Self-Editing ***
Saving Your Story: Finding Where It Went Wrong
How To Condense Without Losing Anything
The Stages Of Editing
Dialogue/Description Balance
3 Proofreading Tips
The Short Story Form
Chapter & Novel Lengths
Anatomy Of A Novel : Chapters and Parts ***
How To Write Chapter After Chapter Until You Have A Book ***
Where Chapter #2 Should Start
Step By Step Guide To Editing Your Draft
Writing Tool: CTRL-F (How And Why You Should Use It) ***
How To Kill A Character
25 Steps To Edit The Unmerciful Suck Out Of Your Story
5 Ways To Make Your Novel Helplessly Addictive ***
{Setting} How To Describe Setting In Your Stories ***
20 Questions To Enhance Setting
How To Bring Your Setting To Life
Miscellaneous Resources You Can Use In Between
How to Write from a Guy’s POV 
The Emotional Wounds Thesaurus
Text To Speech Reader
Compare Character Heights 
A Visual Dictionary of Tops
Writers Helping Writers
7 Tricks To Imrove Your Writing Overnight
Work Out/ Word Count : Exercise Between Writing ***
Most Important Writing Tips ***
Let’s talk about diversity in novels
Letting Go Of Your Story
Keeping A Healthy Writing Schedule And Avoiding Procrastination ***
How To Create A Good Book Cover
Write or Die
Tip of my Tongue
Character Traits Form
Online Thesaurus
Writing Sketchy/Medical/Law
Coma: Types, Causes, etc
Tips for writing blood loss
Gunshot Wound Care
Examples of Hospital Forms
Common Legal Questions
The Writer’s Forensics Blog
Brain Injury Legal Guide
Types of Surgical Operations
Types of Mental Health Problems
A Day in the Life of a Mental Hospital Patient
Global Black Market Information ***
Crime Scene Science
Examining Mob Mentality
How Street Gangs Work
Writers’ Block Help/ Productivity
Story Plot Generator
@aveeragemusings ‘ Cure To Writers’ Block ***
50 Romance Plot Ideas
Reading Like A Writer ***
Defeat Writers’ Block
Writing In A Bad Mood ***
Writers Block
When You’ve Lost Motivation To Write A Novel ***
What To Do When The Words Won’t Flow ***
9 Ways To Be A More Productive Writer
“I Cannot Write A Good Sentence Today” (How To Get Over It) ***
Real Writing Advice ***
Info You Need To Know & Words You Didn’t Think Of
A Writer’s Thesaurus ***
Words To Describe… ***
Words & Phrases To Use In Your Sex Scenes ***
Colors (An Extensive List Of Colors)
List Of Kinks & Fetishes ***
List Of Elemental Abilities
inkarnate.com : World Creator And Map Maker For Your Imaginary Setting
Body Language Phrases
List Of Legendary Creatures
How To Write Magic
Hairstyle References
Hemingway : Writing Checker
Body Types: Words To Describe Bodies and How They Move Around
Poisonous Herbs and Plants ***
The Psychology of Color
The Meaning behind Rose color
Types of Swords
Color Symbolism
How a handgun works
How to Write a Eulogy
Types of Crying
Avoiding LGBTQ Stereotypes ***
Superstitions and More
The 12 Common Archetypes
Language of Flowers
12 Realistic Woman Body Shapes
Using Feedback And Reviews
Turning Negative Reviews Into Positive Ones ***
Proofreading Marks : Easy Symbols To Make Reviewing/Feedback Easier ***
Authonomy Teen Ink Figment Fiction Press ReviewFuse
These Are Trusted Critique Sites ;)
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Writing breakthrough and plans moving forward
As many of you probably already know, I have been writing and uploading a chapter of my fantasy novel, Ruins of Dalaghast, each month for the last thirty months and I've recently broken that streak to focus on writing a compelling end to the story. 
When I began this project, I had most of the story outlined but only vague ideas about how I wanted it to end. My outlines were extremely detailed and were what allowed me to actually write a chapter a month, from start to finish, with relative ease even when I was quite busy with other things. 
During my unofficial break from writing the book itself, I have been spending a lot of time not only writing the outlines for the next few chapters, but I have also been delving into the kind of story I want to tell and I've spent a lot of time developing the core ideas and themes that had set this project in motion. Truth be told, I found Ruins of Dalaghast to be an invaluable learning experience but ultimately lacking in several vital areas. 
This morning, after days of mulling things over, everything just seemed to finally click into place for me. A single idea took root on mind and I started scribbling down notes in a fresh document that quickly resolved most of the problems I'd been facing. It was a strange and unexpected experience, and it really did seem like it arrived out of nowhere, but I was able to solidify ideas I'd been struggling with into complete concepts. Several new ideas came to me as soon as these were set in place that have really allowed me to set in stone a lot of different aspects of this story I've previously been unhappy with or struggling to correct. 
It's hard to really describe the difference this made without going into heavy spoiler territory, but basically taking a break from my strict writing and uploading routine has really allowed me to breathe in a creative way. It's given me the room to take a step back and reassess the project with a fresh pair of eyes, so that I could clearly define what I want it to be. I'd had plenty of ideas starting out, but had been unsatisfied with their roots or their progress throughout the story but this morning, I was able to put all of them to rest. 
This doesn't mean I have all of the chapters suddenly planned out, but I am excited to continue working on their outlines and I am really excited to begin writing again. And all it took was a few minutes of frenzied writing after an idea suddenly found its way into my head. It really does feel like it came out of nowhere, but I know it's the end result of months of agonising over certain key details. Why it suddenly decided to resolve itself now, I'll put down to being able to take the time to plan and plot ahead. 
So, for Atlas Writes moving forward. This month, since I won't be uploading a chapter to my Patreon like all previous months, I will instead be uploading a piece of artwork I got commissioned of one of my characters from Ruins of Dalaghast. I will be uploading the sketch here and will be uploading the finished piece at a later date, though it will be available this month on my Patreon. I'll talk more about the illustration. When I upload it and there will be links to all my other areas of interest below. 
The book
My Patreon 
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Schedule update and plans
Over two years ago, I set out to write a chapter a month for a book I'm writing and, so far, I haven't missed a single month. Unfortunately, that is about to change.
Before beginning this novel, I wrote extensive outlines for the majority of it. These outlines are usually very specific and made writing each chapter a realistic goal each month. I didn't write down concrete outlines for the last few chapters though. I have a fair idea about what will happen in them, but I was eager to start writing and thought I could find the time to write the outlines in between chapters.
Between freelance writing and life in general, that didn't quite work out the way I would have liked. What that means is I'm going to have to break my upload streak to actually write down the last few chapter outlines. I have the bare bones of an outline for April's chapter, but not much more than that.
You'd think that an extended lock down would give me all the time in the world to do something like this but freelance writing definitely eats up a lot of my time so I'm not even sure how long it will take me to write outlines. Ideally, I'd like to finish them up in May, but they might take a little longer to complete and polish. We'll have to see how that goes.
I was uploading a chapter and notes to Patreon once a month for the past two years and I'll include the link below in case anyone stumbles across this and wants to check it out for some reason when I'm set to take a short break.
I have uploaded plenty of chapters online as well, and I'll include links to them as well for anyone interested. Side Note: I need to actually start using this site more. 
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Just a friendly reminder...
I write a chapter a month of a novel called Ruins of Dalághast that I publish on Patreon, without missing a post in two years. But! I have uploaded quite a solid portion of it online, for free!, that you are all welcome to check out and critique the hell out of. I am on Tumblr to reach more people with my writing and while that may seem daunting at times because it means that my work is now in the public eye, it’s also a great opportunity to hear feedback about what I’ve spent so long doing. 
If you like fantasy, particularly something a little grim and possibly Dark Souls inspired (I’m not playing Dark Souls 3 right now, you are!), then I’d love to hear your thoughts on my work. Feedback has been something I’ve always struggled with getting from people and so long as it is constructive, I am in love with being given thoughts on anything I write. 
My work can be read here. 
And I have snippets of other work on Deviantart
And for anyone interested in seeing my work months in advance, alongside any artwork I get done, or just plain supporting a struggling writer, here’s my Patreon. 
Happy reading! 
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Every project I start is a learning experience
Whenever I begin a project, it’s normally with a goal in mind to strengthen or explore a certain aspect of my writing. A lot of these are pretty experimental in nature by design and there’s certain projects I’ve begun or that I have lined up in the future that will definitely be a handful to tackle in terms or content, material and how to approach them. Typically, a lot of what I do involves trying out new scenes and scenarios, with a heavy emphasis on both characters and descriptive world building. This is why every story I begin, whether it’s a full fledged novel or a series of short chapters, is a learning experience from start to finish.
 With Ruins of Dalághast, I wanted to learn how to upload my work online and gauge the response it would get (it’s been pretty positive so far!), alongside ironing out some other technical areas I wasn’t very familiar with at the time. It was also a challenge to finish a novel, since I’ve started quite a few, to put it very, very mildly, but finishing them was never my strong suit, so I set myself a monthly schedule to help get me into a frame of mind to continuously work on one project. It also gave me some pretty invaluable experience when it comes to plotting things out for the future. Outlines have always been difficult for me, just in terms of how to co-ordinate everything, and that’s remained a struggle, but step by step I can see little improvements I’ve started to make along the way. For me, it’s all about the progress made, month after month, and examining it to keep myself moving forward and keep the words flowing. 
A lot of people talk about the difficulty of writing, and it is hard, but the golden rule I’ve found is simple; you can’t do anything with an empty page. My first drafts are absolute garbage, but that’s fine. They always are. They’re just there to give what comes next structure. They’re there to create a scene that I can polish in editing. You can’t edit nothing. So even when I don’t feel like writing, I write because I have an outline in place to get down as a first draft, and once I begin editing, I can usually find that headspace to keep it going with enough patience and practice. 
 Just some thoughts!
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Plans for 2021
I figured it was about time I made a post on all the different sites I have to let everyone know what my plans are for the coming year so first things first; I’ve dedicated the last two years to writing a chapter a month for my ongoing novel, Ruins of Dalághast and the coming year should be no different. If anything, I plan on dedicating even more time and energy to both that novel and a host of my other personal work as well from fleshing out other novels to uploading a bunch of short stories on different sites.
 Secondly, I’ve been a semi professional ghost writer under a different name for the last couple years and I’ve officially retired from that line of work to focus more on my own writing. I made good money, but oh boy was it a soul crushing way to do it. So that should help with my desire to focus more on my own writing. This is easier said than done though, since I have quite a few financial commitments to worry about in the coming year; primarily moving out and getting my own place. So as optimistic as my plans are, they might not pan out exactly the way I have in mind.
 Don’t worry though! I haven’t missed a month yet with Ruins of Dalághast (uploaded to Patreon), and I intend to keep that track record mostly intact moving forward. I will need time to plot out the later chapters in more detail, which might result in a month or two away from my regularly scheduled writing, but I’m actually planning to write even more chapters as this year goes on, so hopefully it balances out somewhere down the line.
 I will also be trying to broaden my brand a little in the coming year. I will be trying to post more to other sites like deviantart, while posting more to Tumblr and hell, I might even give Instagram another go with the right motivation. My Masterlist is quite long, but here’s some stuff to look forward to.
 Tales From Ashkarne – A tale of three souls within a war torn country of blasted obsidian where humanity has been enslaved by a brutal race.
The Sanctified – A series of short excerpts following a clandestine demon hunter from a rather unique order.
Rebirth – A science fiction, cyberpunk tale of a character fated to fight even after death.
 This will be on top of Ruins of Dalághast and doesn’t include several other WIP’S I have in mind to be fleshed out and worked with over the coming year. It all takes time, after all, but I will hopefully be more in touch than I have been the last two years. I have some readers on the websites where I publish my work, but I really would love for my writing to reach a wider audience, so I’ll be doing what I can to make that happen during 2021. Thanks for reading!
My Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/atlaswrites
My published work online - https://www.webnovel.com/book/ruins-of-dal%C3%A1ghast_14482805405500505
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Writing with a self imposed deadline
Sometimes, writing can be extremely draining, but incredibly worthwhile at the same time and I was reminded of this fact last night when I stayed up until three in the morning to finish off this month’s chapter of my novel and posted it to Patreon. I set myself the goal of writing a chapter a month and I haven’t failed that goal yet in over a year, though I definitely cut it closer than I would have liked this month. It was such a crazy, hectic month in my personal life that I fell behind to a massive extent but, despite the time crunch, I am extremely satisfied with what I was able to produce.
 This chapter in particular was also one I’ve been looking forward to writing since I first plotted it out, which makes it all the more surprising it took me so long to do. Normally I try to get these chapters finished, edited and uploaded by around the 25th of every month, but this time, there was just so much going on in my personal life that it was a real challenge. On the other hand, once I sat down to do it, writing this chapter was so rewarding; I deviated from my original outline and draft quite a bit just because the characters seemed to take on a life of their own in the scene, and that is always one of the best parts of being a writer. When the characters you created and built up begin to act so naturally that writing them becomes a bit of a spectator sport than actual work. It was extremely rewarding.
 I also set up a new chapter to be published on Webnovel on the same day, so they all launched at once, which I quite like too. I need to use the feature on that site to just schedule my releases over the next few months, since the uploads on there seem to be doing well (11k +views?!?) but my uploading has been sporadic at best. Anyway, links to both of my sites down below. To anyone who has read my work; thank you. It’s a real boost in confidence to see so many reading something I’ve wrote.
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Ruins of Dalághast
If anyone wants to check out my work, it is available on Webnovel, where a new chapter is added pretty regularly and there’s also my Patreon, where I upload a chapter a month as it is completed. You can also find some exclusive artwork and behind the scenes notes/thoughts on my Patreon as well, but I’m mostly just interested in getting some feedback on my work so let me know what you think! 
Check out either of the links below to see my work. 
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So, this is the desk where I do most of my writing. But wait! What’s that on the desk? It is the majority of my WIP novel, Ruins of Dalághast, printed out and stored in that binder, just waiting for the day when I’ll have enough time to sit down and start editing it. 
Bear in mind that this isn’t even the entire novel, since it isn’t even done yet, and that each page is printed back and front, so this is quite a hefty document. Looking forward to the day I get to tackle it though, while continuing to write the rest of this book. 
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Chapter 20 release!
 This month marks the publication of my twentieth chapter in this novel and a pretty significant milestone for me personally, because it also marks the twentieth consecutive month I’ve done what I set out to do. Writing a chapter a month isn’t really all that hard, but writing a chapter a month that I’m happy with is. Thankfully, I’m pretty happy with this one and, as a bonus, it was even pretty fun to write and work with. It’s a solid example of how, even with a detailed outline, things don’t always end up the way you’d planned, since I ended up changing several details in the finished chapter. This was definitely an interesting one though.
 If you want to help support my work, and get access to goodies like exclusive artwork and behind the scenes notes, consider supporting me on Patreon, where this chapter just went live.
Otherwise, you can head on over to webnovel
Or over on royalroad
Where I also post my work.
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