lina-does-anthro · 2 months
we do need to revisit the wording of "you can't have your cake and eat it too" because i don't think it clearly enough conveys that it's more that you can't simultaneously retain a cake and also get to consume it (which would render you cakeless). for years i was like But why not....it's my cake....?
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lina-does-anthro · 2 months
Rousseau VS Robespierre’s dad in a Worst Father Ever contest?
Asking the right question here. Let the people decide!
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1. François de Robespierre
The epitome of a dead-beat dad
Abandoned his 4 children not long after their mother died in childbirth and never returned
Possibly left the eldest son traumatised by feeling like he has to assume responsibility for his siblings
2. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Had his mistress give up all the 5 children they had together and put them into an orphanage right after giving birth
Said he had 'no other choice' despite the fact that he stayed with the children's mother long after that and eventually ended up marrying her anyway
Didn't agree on having the children adopted by his benefactress instead of giving them to the orphanage
After the first one, he didn't leave the children with a monogram so he could potentially take them back after his material conditions improved
Said that he felt guilty about what he has done but that the real villain of the story were his friends who shared the information with the public
Ended up writing a hugely influential book on how to best raise children and see to their education (later claimed that he 'almost confessed' to the orphanage story in Émile itself though)
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lina-does-anthro · 2 months
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lina-does-anthro · 4 months
If anyone tries to tell you that Shakespeare is stuffy or boring or highbrow, just remember that the word “nothing” was used in Elizabethan era slang as a euphemism for “vagina”. 
Shakespeare has a play called “Much Ado About Nothing”, which you could basically read in modern slang as “Freaking Out Over Pussy”. And that’s pretty much exactly what happens in the play. 
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lina-does-anthro · 4 months
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And catholic for short (time)
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lina-does-anthro · 4 months
"In Our Name: ..." an article written by Jewish students at Columbia University.
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lina-does-anthro · 4 months
anthropology tbr
will i read all of these? no lol. but the ones with ** I'd really like to
Gender, Race, Class, & Health by Amy Schulz and Leith Mullings
Archaeological Theory: An Introduction by Matthew Johnson
Wayward Women: Sexuality and Agency in a New Guinea Society by Holly Wardlow
Vanishing Voices by Suzanne Romaine and Daniel Nettle
Population: Quantity vs. Quality by Shirley Hartley
Writing Anthropology edited by Carole McGranahan
Anthropology: A Student’s Guide to Theory and Method by Stanley Barrett
The City Cultures Reader edited by Malcolm Miles et al.
textbooks I might skim ;
A History of Anthropological Theory + Readings by Paul Erickson and Liam Murphy
Sociocultural Anthropology: A Problem-Based Approach by Maggie Cummings et al.
Cultural Anthropology by William Haviland et al.
at library
** Terror in the Mind of God: The Global Rise of Religious Violence by Mark Juergensmeyer
** Censors at Work: How States Shaped Literature by Robert Darnton
Context & Method in Qualitative Research edited by Gale Miller and Robert Dingwall
Designing & Conducting Ethnographic Research by Margaret Lecompte and Jean Schensul
Fieldwork in the Library: A Guide to Research in Anthropology and Related Area Studies by R.C. Westerman
The Call of the Mall by Paco Underhill
to find
Field Ethnography: A Manual for Doing Cultural Anthropology by Paul Kutsche
** Deculturalization and the Struggle for Equality: A Brief History of the Education of Dominated Cultures in the United States by Joel Spring
The Essence of Anthropology by William Haviland et al.
Research Methods in Anthropology by H. Russell Bernard
** Anatomy of a Civil War: Sociopolitical Impacts of the Kurdish Conflict in Turkey by Mehmet Gurses
** Material Perspectives on Religion, Conflict, & Violence by Lucien van Liere and Erik Meinema
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lina-does-anthro · 4 months
oooh I just read this article by Marnie Thomson and Kyle Hunteman and it was such a fascinating read. Really hit the nail on things in ways I hadn't considered...
(am not wordy enough rn to actually elaborate. just read it lol)
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lina-does-anthro · 4 months
happy israel independence day ❤️❤️
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First Yom Ha’atzmaut, May 1948
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lina-does-anthro · 5 months
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lina-does-anthro · 5 months
listening to sarit hadad (queen) while exploring anthropology journals ✌️
can't decide if latzet lariv or ohevet otcha is my favourite
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lina-does-anthro · 5 months
13.05 goals
✓ clean living space
language goals
✓ mother's day lunch
roleplay server
✓ one episode of anthropod
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lina-does-anthro · 5 months
I wanted to do more but I still accomplished a lot
2/3 cleaning tasks & most language goals
had to postpone mother's day plans til today lol
listened to Anthropod's episode about open access
12.05 goals
✓ three space cleaning tasks
✓ language goals
✓ an anthropology podcast episode
✓ mother's day
roleplay server
one chapter of anthropology matters
one chapter of world history
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lina-does-anthro · 5 months
12.05 goals
✓ three space cleaning tasks
✓ language goals
✓ an anthropology podcast episode
✓ mother's day
roleplay server
one chapter of anthropology matters
one chapter of world history
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lina-does-anthro · 5 months
honestly not a lot of thoughts on chapter two. basically none ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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lina-does-anthro · 5 months
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lina-does-anthro · 5 months
anthro matters // chapter one
key quotes
The role of an ethnographer is to learn and understand as best he or she can the symbols and concepts that have meaning to members of a culture, and then convey this understanding to others. (pg. 4)
Applied anthropology makes anthropology relevant in the real world. It is putting to practical use the knowledge hiding in ethnographies. (pg. 11)
Anthropology, at least the way I am drawn to it, is activism through academia. Like, the intent is to take all that's been learned through fieldwork and other research in order to foster understanding and peace within and between cultures. Yes, there's far more academic knowledge than applied, but still. That's one of the big goals, hey?
mayhap to read list
The Naked Anthropologist edited by Philip R. Devita (1992)
** Field Ethnography: a Manual for Doing Cultural Anthropology by Paul Kutsche (1998)
The Gebusi: Lives Transformed in a Rainforest World by Bruce Knauft (2005)
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