lokisstar · 4 years
Silver Lining Pt 2 (MAJOR KNY SPOILERS)
Once Inosuke finishes crying he just remains on the ground, leant against the tree, haori in his arms. He doesn’t think of anything other than taking his next breath for a long while. Slowly the animals return, but they don’t approach him. The inside of his mouth grows dry and there’s a faint shaking in his limbs as his stomach cramps The pain he feels in his limbs are insignificant. Before people, when all he had were the bores, he’d get hurt all the time and heal just the same. It would be the same this time, and if he didn’t heal - just bled out here and died, body left to nature - would it really matter? Who would care other than Zeitsu or Nezuko, if they weren’t angry because he killed a part of their pack? Who? 
‘Don’t be like that Inosuke.’
Inosuke is tired of crying and his body seems to agree with him. Even as he imagines Tanjiro’s voice speaking to him, he can’t find the tears that want to escape. All he can do is shut his eyes tightly and choke on a stuttered breath. Tanjiro was right, of course there was someone who’d care if he rotted here. The least he could do, he thinks as he uses the tree to rise to his feet, is take care of himself for them if they couldn’t. Unknown to him, he’s already decided to remain in the mountains and not return. He doesn’t know how he manages to find a river and doesn’t care enough to undress before he stumbles into it. It’s freezing but at least it’s something and he jerkily washes himself off and ignores the figure watching him from the edge of the river.
‘Tanjiro is too kind for his own good’, Inosuke thinks as he looked down at the dead animal in front him. Blood slowly drips from his blades as he crouches down and starts ripping chunks off it. He made sure to kill it quickly because he hates when Tanjiro scolds him. It makes him feel like he’s done something wrong and - Inosuke chokes as the smell of blood reaches his nose, pausing to shut his eyes tightly and breath. There was an animal in front him, Tanjiro wasn’t an animal. He makes his way to the shitty fire he made and throws the meet onto it before dropping down to stare into it.
‘HAAAH?!’ Zenitsu hollered, staring at Inosuke like he didn’t know understand what he was saying. ‘You’re a monster! How did you survive if you can’t even make a fire?!’ 
Inosuke was stomping his way over to him before he even realized it, before Tanjiro managed to grab him and hold him back. They’d just made camp together while on the way to a village who’d have an increase in missing person’s cases. He didn’t understand why they couldn’t keep going and thought Zenitsu was over exaggerating about how tired he was. The only reason they’d stopped was because Tanjiro had commented on needing a rest too.
‘Furs! Who needs fire?! And you’re the monster, only monsters cry like big whiny babies!’ 
Inosuke stopped the flailing of his limbs, even as he huffed through his mask and turned his head away. So what if he couldn’t make a fire? When you were King of the Mountain you didn’t need a fire! 
‘Don’t worry Inosuke,’ Tanjiro said and pat the top of Inosuke’s mask while smiling gently at him. ‘We’ll teach you how to make a fire.’
For a long time, while Inosuke is on the mountain, he doesn’t think. He goes through the motions of making sure he stays as healthy as he can be. When the wounds on his body heal all it does is leave him with a a new set of scars. Someone who wasn’t Inosuke probably wouldn’t keep track of which came from Tanjiro, but he does. Inosuke traces one of them on his forearm and for a moment he can see Tanjiro sitting in front him, smiling apologetically as he kisses the wound. He believes it was all a dream a lot of the time. Tanjiro was too strong to let himself turn into a demon, was too strong to let himself succumb to it. Even if he did, there was no way he’d be able to kill him - Inosuke was too weak for that. 
‘You did what you had to do, Inosuke.’ 
Inosuke’s finger pauses on the cut and he slowly turns to look at the Tanjiro sitting besides him. He looks the same as he did before, the only thing that was missing was his haori which was on Inosuke’s shoulders instead. The look on Tanjiro’s face caused a single tear to tumble down his face. He slowly reached a hand out and watched his fingers pass through Tanjiro’s face. 
“I didn’t kill you,” he whispered. Inosuke jerked away, hands grasping his blades as he whirled around - prepared to fight whatever he felt approaching. 
Only to come face to face with Nezuko who stopped in her tracks and stared at him. It’s the first time that Inosuke really wonder’s just how long he’s been on the mountain. Her hair only goes to her shoulders and when her mouth parts he doesn’t see any sharp teeth. Inosuke focuses for a second and doesn’t catch any sense of a demon in front him. Slightly lowering his blades, he watches as she slowly approaches him before breaking out into a full sprint. When she throws his arms around her, he leaves his hands limp by his sides without hugging her back. 
She doesn’t hate him? 
He watches Tanjiro over her shoulder, he’s smiling sadly as he watches them. Inosuke doesn’t even realize there’s tears falling down his chest until Nezuko pulls her face away. She looks up at him and he’s sure he looks stupid - knows his eyes are blank, face twisted in confusion. There’s no way to disguise the shaking in his frame as she gently sets her hands on his cheeks. The same gentle expression he sees on Tanjiro’s face, is on her face. 
“Inosuke - it’s okay -”
It’s all she’s able to get out before Inosuke is jerking away. He felt like he felt then as he ran away for the second time. Recently, all it felt like was him running away - running away from memories of Tanjiro, of him being a demon, having to kill him, and having to face Nezuko and Zenitsu. Inosuke doesn’t even know if Zenitsu was with her and the thought that he may be - that he saw Inosuke’s tears and his panic - only drives Inosuke faster. When he stops this time, he stares up at the sky as the sun sets and his heart sinks. He doesn’t want to face Tanjiro besides him but he knows he’ll have to eventually. Slowly, he turns his head to look at Tanjiro who looks at him softly. 
‘It’s okay Inosuke.’
It’s not okay. If Tanjiro was dead and Inosuke killed him, what was there for him? What reason did he have to breathe every second if there was no one left for him. His breathing seems too loud for the forest. 
‘You know they don’t hate you, Inosuke.’
Inosuke shuts his eyes tightly and tries to ignore it. He’s seen pain and hate, he remembers Kanao’s face when Shinobu died and he remembered his own when he found out about his mother. There was no trace of that in Nezuko’s face when she looked at him, just sadness. But, he couldn’t find it in himself to go back to her, he couldn’t find it in himself to want to go back down the mountain with her and have to face something like that again. Even as tears fell down his face and he acknowledged that Tanjiro was gone, that he killed him, he couldn’t acknowledge that he missed the others. They’d find him again and when they did maybe, just maybe, he’d let himself face them.
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lokisstar · 4 years
If someone strays from the path,
Half of Inosuke wants to bury himself deep in denial so that he never has to acknowlege it. That half wants to believe that everything is a lie. He wants to believe that what’s standing in front him isn’t Tanjiro. That it wasn’t the same body staring at him, poised to strike, with not one shred of recognition in his eyes. That it’s the same Tanjiro that was too nice for his own fucking good, who gave off the most gentle feeling that made anyone cry. Inosuke is stupid. He knows he doesn’t understand why Zenitsu is a cry baby, why he can’t man up. why manners really have to be a thing, why some people are nice just to be nice, or why people are scared of his mask. But, he’s aware enough to hear everyone else around him calling the same name. The other half of him knows that this is Tanjiro. Tanjiro is now a demon. His Tanjiro is a demon.
the rest has to stop him together.
‘Zenitsu is a cry baby,’ he thinks, the thought slowly coming to him through the haze in his mind. Zenitsu liked to cry over the little things. He liked to cry when he was scared, when he was hurt, or over a girl he couldn’t get. Inosuke didn’t realize his own tears falling out his eyes as he thought this. Tanjiro lunges at him again and Inosuke barely manages to reflect it with his blades. He makes eye contact with Tanjiro before his eyes drift to look over Tanjiro’s shoulder. He catches a blurry image of Zenitsu being held back, eyes wide and tear filled, and knows he can’t help. For once, Inosuke can’t manage to think up some insult, for once not blaming and he wishes he didn’t have to be the one to do it. But, no one else is near able to help and..and...he knows...Tanjiro wouldn’t want to hurt anyone…and at this rate, he would. There was no one in the condition to be fighting. Including him.
“Ino...sk...e,” the voice is so similar to Tanjiro’s, but not at the same time. It’s rough, raspy, like he was choking on every syllable. The image of a sleepy Tanjiro comes to mind, still tired and trying to get Inosuke to go back to sleep. 
It’s enough for Inosuke to stare through blurry vision, blades slowly dropping to his side, breath escaping him sharply.. He was vulnerable as he stared at him - it would take nothing to kill him right then and there. Tanjiro’s body shakes violently, occasionally lurking towards him before it stops - hands clawing at each other. Just keeping from killing Inosuke right there seemed to be a struggling battle. Inosuke can’t stop the small sob that falls out of him as he sees the struggling spark of recognition in Tanjiro’s eyes. 
“Ino…,” the voice dies and a tear falls from Tanjiro’s eye. “P-l..e..se..”
Inosuke knows what he’s asking even though he wishes he didn’t. He wants to throw a fit, wants to scream and ask someone else to do it. The image of Tanjiro like this would haunt him forever. He feels like he’s on autopilot as he lunges forward - mind silent as his limbs move of their own accord.. Every second he fights against Tanjiro he doesn’t feel a thing other than the painful beating of his heart. Sometime during the battle his mask got smacked off his face - his twisted, heart broken expression exposed to the world without him knowing. Any other day he’d hate to be exposed like this. He doesn’t feel the many wounds he gains from Tanjiro’s claws slicing into him, doesn’t hear the begs of those around him
Neither cries reach Inosukes ears as he slices Tanjiro’s head off. Time seems frozen as he watches Tanjiro’s head slowly tumble to the ground, his body falling to his knees. His blades remain in the air as he stares down - watching some of the only family he had slowly turn into dust. As his blades clatter to the ground, as he falls to his knees, his hand raises to press against Tanjiro’s chest as it dissolves. His hand is only left to clutch his haori as he sees the image of his mother's broken face as she dropped him with a wish for him to survive. Is this why he lived? Just to experience this? If Inosuke had died back then, had continued to live with the boars, ignorant to the human life around him - would he have been happier? The pain from his wounds slowly sets in as he mechanically looks up. He blankly watches as everyone stares at him. It had to be done. 
It had to. 
It...had...to.Tanjiro would’ve preferred it this way, Inosuke has to remember this. 
More tears fall down his face as he quickly stumbles to his feet, swaying to the side before he catches himself.. Every step sends a sharp jolt of pain through his body - ribs and cuts crying with every movement. He catches sight of both Zenitsu and Nezuko running, but Inosuke still manages to be faster despite it all. The only thoughts on his mind was that he needed to breathe and that he hopes they don’t hate him. Inosuke escapes from them, the Corps, and the memory of Tanjiro as he stumbles off into the forest. The only things he takes with him are his blades and a checkered haori he keeps closely pressed against his chest. It all blurs together and by time he comes to, he’s on his knees by a tree - every part of his body screaming, eyes dried, face damp, and shaking. Inosuke is unaware how far he went or if anyone chased him. He shakily jerks his hand away from his chest and stares at the bloody, ripped haori. In the past, he remembers Tanjiro covering Inosuke up with it as he slept. The image of Tanjiro smiling, so warm and bright, brings a scream from his ragged throat as he presses it against his face. Animals in the forest scatter, for even animals know when another needs time to grieve.
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lokisstar · 4 years
Prompt: "You're not my favorite person today." then "I'm not your favorite person on any day.”
Prompt: "You're not my favorite person today." then "I'm not your favorite person on any day.”
The basement is unfinished and falling apart. Insulation takes the place of what should be concrete walls, wooden pillars placed equally apart as support. Wiring dances along the roof and walls - hooked up to lights that hand, occasionally flickering. Fresh air filters in from a small, barely shut window. It’s too small to crawl through, leaving the only escape to be the stairs that led up to a surely locked door. In the center of the basement sits two chairs, backs facing each other, and with a tied down woman in each of them. 
“You are not my favorite person today,” one of them says. She doesn’t bother struggling against the ropes, brown eyes staring blankly at the foam insulation in front her. 
The other girl rolls her eyes as a smile, that surely didn’t fit their current predicament, plays on her lips. 
“I’m not your favorite person on any day,” she says and then laughs. She twists her hands in the rope, doing a small maneuver that has the ropes falling away. “And yet you married me.”
“Something I regret every day.” 
“Stop being so bitter June, you know you love me.” 
“Maria Buck Jameson if you don’t untie me right now-”
Maria ignores the heavily implied threat. She removed her hands from behind her back and set to work untying the rest of her limbs. Once done, she stands and rubs the scrap marks before rounding to the other side. June watches blankly as Maria throws her a wink before she drops to her knees to untie her. With both women released, they quickly broke the chairs and each took a wooden leg into hand. It’s a good idea because the second they open the door at the top of the stairs they’re faced with a woman in a suit. A woman that quickly falls to the ground after June roundhouse smacks her on the back of the head. 
“Oh.” Maria bends down and picks up a pair keys, twirling it around her finger as she looks at June. “She left us a gift, how lovely.” 
“Stop complimenting your stalker who kidnapped us.”
June snatched the keys from Maria, ignoring the other woman’s pout, before stalking off to find the garage. She throws the door open which reveals a BMW and takes the driver's seat. Maria slips into the other side and adjusts the mirror and watches as the garage door slowly creaks open. As they drive out both women take the time to let the tension drain from their bodies. 
“So,” Maria starts as she leans back and props her feet up on the dash. “What should I cook for dinner tonight?” 
“Nothing. We’re getting take out because you can’t cook and I’m too tired too.” 
“Can we get Chinese Food-”
Which was a lie. After a good ten minutes of pure begging, June finally relents and gets them Chinese Food.
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lokisstar · 5 years
Space Cowboy
(A prompt given by my friend)
"Oh god fucking dammit Betty!" I hissed while pressing my face against the glass.
 Outside the glass, all I can see is an endless expanse of space. Far away stars that glitter faintly, and different sections of the space shuttle floating not too far off. It wasn't a large area by any means, and yet somehow I still managed to lose that goddamn cow. But, she was my prized cow as well so there was no way I could give her up. 
 "Lost 'er again, James?"
 I pry my face away from the glass and levy a glare on my pardner. He tips his hat up and shoots me a grin in return while scuffing his boots against the floor. 
 "So what if I did?"
 "You sucked at ranglin' in the cattle while on earth, so I can only imagine how much you'll suck at it now." 
 Huffing, I run my hand through my hair, "I'll find 'er."
 His face shows doubt, but he shrugs nonetheless and turns around while walking away, "Tell me when ya' do." 
 "As if." I mutter to myself, before stalking off in the opposite direction. There's no way someone on here stole her, there'd been no shuttles seen leavin or comin today and it was damn near impossible to hide a cow somewhere. So, it was obvious she'd somehow found herself outside. Depending on how long ago she found herself meandering out into space - however, no more than a day earlier - then, of course, I wouldn't see her just lookin out one window. 
 The airlock infront of me clicked and slid open, and I stepped in while adjusting my vest. Next, was equipping myself with an oxygen helmet and turning on my dear horse, Veich. His eyes blinked up, and he gave a disgruntled 'neigh' as I straddled him. I made sure my lasso was in my grip, as the door opened and space welcomed us into its grasp. 
 "Alrighty Veich, we're lookin for Betty you hear? She managed to get out again." 
 Veich threw his head back, a huff of air escaping his nostrils before he took off. All my animals tended to have a good grasp of where each other off - which was obvious in how short a time it took us to find Betty, in one hour. She was floating on her back, and she 'mooed' in what I could only hear as distress the second she set eyes on me. 
 "You can't do that now, you're the one who got yourself into this mess," I said. Then, I quickly wrapped the lasso around her - after giving her a comforting pat - before he started making our way back to the station. The closer we got, the more obvious it became that my pardner was waiting for our return. I spied him through the window and grinned in triumph at it while gesturing to Betty. But, I was heavily dissapointed when all he did was look between us, shake his head, and walk out view of the glass window. 
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lokisstar · 5 years
To Catch A Chris - Onision/Chris Hansen Fanfiction
Chris's hand shook gently, as he unlocked the door of the dingy apartment. The creak emitted while it opened, echoed through the quiet night and through his very soul. He stepped in and shut the door behind him - shutting his eyes so he couldn't see the man that waited for him inside. Instead, he slipped off his nice coat and hung it on the hanger and took a small breath. "Greg...," he said quietly. "You know none of that was true." He turned around and laid eyes on the man he loved, even if he shouldn't. Their eyes met before Chris quickly looked away - clenching his hands by his side as Greg approached him. "Why would...you do all this?" "I didn't," Greg's hand cupped his cheek. "They're just lying to try to ruin my life - can't you see that? Why would I want anyone other than you? Even Kai has nothing on you..." He was only a man, and couldn't resist leaning into the hand on his cheek. Chris looked into Greg's beautiful eyes, gently placing his own hand over his. A shaky sigh escaped him, "There's just...so much evidence. People will begin to get suspicious if I don't..." "I have faith in you, Chris - I know you wouldn't fail me, would you?" "Never." Chris's voice was firm and determined. "I would never fail you Greg, if I did you'd go to jail - and what would I be without you?" "Nothing," there was a faint tone of amusement in Greg's voice that Chris didn't catch. "You'd be nothing without me." A sigh escaped Chris, before he pulled away and started walking to one of the dingy beds. "As for tonight, we have each other." "We do," chuckled Greg as he followed Chris. "And I'm ready to catch your predator."
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lokisstar · 6 years
Protect his Soul
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