maggie-yao · 4 years
          “Do you ever wish that you could go back in time and change a moment? Just one. Something that’s so inconsequential and doesn’t think it matters in the moment but changes the course of everything from that point on.” Okay, she might have been a little high having taken more than one pill mixed with some weed that she had found in Sam’s room before finding her way onto @maggie-yao​‘s bed. The other wouldn’t say anything, but she wouldn’t let her leave now either until she came back down again. Her mind was racing along with her heart but she couldn’t make the rest of her body move as she lay there with her legs dangling over the edge.
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Maggie loved every single bit of Dani, except for maybe the part that mixed drugs. She didn’t know what she’d do without the girl she considered a sister and she didn’t want to have to find out. At least Dani had come here instead of gone out and done something dangerous or stupid. At least here Maggie could look after her.
She flopped down on the bed next to Dani and hummed in thought. There were plenty of things she wished she could change. “Yeah, I do. What’s got it on your mind?”
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maggie-yao · 4 years
Unable to contain himself, Jack was spinning around in the chair in slow circles. Every time he passed by Maggie and there was a smile on her face, the smile on his face grew with. After a while (though it couldn’t have been more than a minute), he lost himself in the spinning and the turning and the resurfacing and made it a game in his head to pull a weird face whenever he passed by. He could hear her replying but it proved hard to listen when he spotted a pencil on the desk and grabbed it to balance it delicately between his upper lip and nose like a literal pencil moustache. 
That was impolite, he realised, sitting up straightly right after the pencil had clattered to the ground. “Yeah, yeah, yoga,” He repeated, trying to recall what had been said in his cluttered mind. “Taking yoga to the extreme would be like, doing the poses on a trampoline or- ohh with your feet not touching the ground or something!” A little glint of excitement over his own clever idea sparkled in his eye. Then he slightly tilted his head to the side, completely genuinely wondering, “The downward dog is the most difficult pose, right?” He would only fight her if it’s fair.
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Jack had Maggie full-belly laughing by the time he finally stopped. It was like hanging out with Alex when they were kids. She’d not had a laugh like this in a good while. He was so free with his emotions and his happiness. Maggie wanted to have half that, to know half of what it felt like to live that constantly open. She could only imagine.
Wiping a tear from her eye she calmed herself back down. “Downward dog is one of the easiest, honey.” She said with a fond grin. “But there are poses where your feet don’t touch the ground. If I could stretch a bit, I could show them. I don’t get to do them that often since we’ve only got one advanced class.”
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maggie-yao · 4 years
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He hadn’t been back here since that whole…incident. After that, he tried to stay inside. It was too chaotic, too overwhelming. He didn’t like the idea that people expected him to help others. He wanted to live his life the way he wanted – mist or no mist. 
Now, Joseph found himself needing bandages. So he walked to the store because it was less than a mile from the White Stallion. He walked in, forgoing a cart or a basket. His eyes drifted over the shelves. They were in pristine condition, like nothing had ever happened. He could still see the broken glass and the people running wild and the injured boy lying on the ground. He walked with purpose in steps, grabbed a box of bandaids, turning to checkout. He almost ran into someone. 
What were the odds? It was the same woman from before. Maggie he thought her name was. He was going to ignore her but decided to settle for a snide comment instead. “Perfect timing. I have bandaids. Is there anyone you need me to patch up now?” 
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Maggie had come back to the store a few times since the mist cleared. She’d also been to check in on Mason and his recovery. Helping him had been the first time she’d felt truly useful in months. Especially now that Alex was off traveling again, or secluded somewhere with no time for her. She was a soldier without a unit, set adrift once more.
Seeing Joseph brought it all back. But for once the thought of tending to a wound didn’t have her counting down from 20 or checking her own pulse. His belligerence had forced her to become the stoic soldier medic again. Maggie felt grateful. Even if Joseph clearly didn’t.
“Not this time, no.” She said with a laugh. “Though are you alright? Don’t need a medic, do you?”
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maggie-yao · 4 years
“Man, I could just… fight someone right now.” Jack groaned as he threw his head back over the swivel chair he’d been slowly spinning on. “Foam, tickles, pillows, mud,” He counted on his fingers. “Truly they could pick their weapon - anything! - and I’d be here for it.” All this energy inside of him seemed to be fighting its way out of this chair, out into the open air - it’s only natural that Jack’s instinct was to listen and follow. Albeit nobody’s favourite pastime on a Saturday evening to be his entertainment, which is why he’d hoped to find kindred spirits at the gym. Looking for Maggie specifically, he’d been told to sit and wait cause the way he’d been pacing back and forth could’ve set anyone on edge. Now, he’d made himself a little too comfortable in a desk chair and had settled nicely into a state of complaining. “Seriously, I’m this close to taking yoga to the extreme if it means you’ll join me.” He clapped his hands, earning himself a chuckle. 
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If it had been almost anyone other than Jack, Maggie would’ve pointed them Chad or Javier’s way. That was the sort of fight she had grown most accustomed to, fists and violence and military training. All of Jack’s fights sounded playful, whimsical almost. She missed that sort of activity and the carefree freedom that had always come with it. 
She gave Jack a deeply amused look. “Taking yoga to the extreme? Going to fight me in dogward dog?” Maggie laughed. “Unless you mean hot yoga, in which I’ll take a hard pass.”
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maggie-yao · 4 years
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Alana nodded. If not for Frankie, then she would still be living in the Sherwood Hotel and it had been more than a stroke of luck to her way into living in the spare room of the other’s apartment. “I would prefer not to be bought things quietly or otherwise, not when I can still afford it for the time being,” she remarked, even though as work slowed to a crawl meant that she would be in more of a need than she was willing to admit. Most of her money that she’d brought with her went to the room she’d been staying in in hopes that it would be enough to get her feet underneath her without needing additional help from her family back home. 
Though she knew that it wouldn’t be a call that she’d ever be willing to make, rather relaying on taking what job that she could to ensure that it didn’t happen. “Perhaps that’s what they need, someone to speak up for the ones that don’t.” Or at least make their thoughts and concerns known, but Alana hadn’t been there long enough to know if that would even work. “You had better. The last thing I want is for you to leave when you’ve been a huge help in getting me in here.” Not to mention one of the few people that Alana knew before coming here and wasn’t as awkward to be around as her own cousin.
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“Luckily for you, I’m the more reasonable Yao cousin.” She teased. Once there had been a time it was Alex. Then she’d grown up. He had too, of course, not to  say that he hadn’t. They’d simply sprouted off of different branches on the same trees. But they always found their way back to each other.
If only she could convince Alex to run for Mayor. He’d certainly do more for this town than their current government did. If only she could find away to keep everyone safe. “They better before things fall into riots. At least we can get some supplies through. That much helps.” She’d seen what happened when essentials started dwindling and food grew scarce. 
“Okay, okay. I’ll hang around. When is Frankie coming? I don’t know if I’ve had the honor of meeting her yet.”
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maggie-yao · 4 years
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moodboards; maggie & her kids ( @jxcksummer & @drakelis )
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maggie-yao · 4 years
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brooklyn nine nine rewatch → tactical village (1x19)
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maggie-yao · 4 years
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moodboard; maggie & dani @violentgallows
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maggie-yao · 4 years
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moodboard; maggie & drake @drakelis
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maggie-yao · 4 years
Jesus took in her expression, and her words, and cracked a smile. “Sure thing; I’ll ask him as soon as you tell me who that is,” he said, tone light rather than pointed. “From your tone, I’m guessing he’s more fun than you? Nah, I’m just teasing. I’m sure you’re plenty fun.”
He nodded slowly at her explanation, trying to look serious, but unable to keep his smile from coming back and shaking his head. “I’m pretty sure I’d rather it wasn’t sentient enough to, you know, know that,” he offered. He didn’t say that standing her wasting time throwing rocks into it was hardly a sturdy declaration of superiority, either. She probably already knew that. 
Recon. He huffed a laugh. He’d have called it scoping things out, and he usually only did it when crime was involved. But he’d take this. “Uh, I see a wall of white miasma that’s gonna fuck up a lot of people if it decides to spread any farther, and I see that no-one knows what it is or where it came from or how long it’s gonna be here.”
Maggie blinked at him, honestly surprised. This was possibly the first time she’d ever met someone who didn’t know Alex’s name in Grimmbrook. It felt... refreshing. Which made her feel horrible. Alex was amazing and she’d never ever stop singing his praises or shouting about him from rooftops, but sometimes it was nice to step away from his vast and well-cast shadow. She didn’t want to give that away just yet. “He’s definitely more fun than I am, I assure you. Though I got us in more trouble as kids.”
She huffed. “Yeah okay I can’t argue with that point. Stop having good points and distracting me from my crisis.” Maggie meant the exact opposite but figured that Jesus would put the pieces together. He seemed smarter than he wanted to let on.
“I see a cage.” She said. “I see tactical disadvantages, and murder boxes, and getting pinned in.”
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maggie-yao · 4 years
“That’s insane.” Though there was something that sounded fun about it – not caring and just getting dressed in your most ridiculous outfit to work out. It had a carefree feeling to it that Chad had never truly felt. Every moment of his life had been on guard, waiting for the moment where something would bite him in the ass or the moment Madison decided to make his life a little harder. Never had he just went out and did something absolutely insane but harmless just for the point of having fun. As depressing as it was, fun just hadn’t been a concept of important to him growing up. Now, however, it was interesting to think about, even if Chad never actually planned on joining the class. It wasn’t anything he was interested in, but it was still nice to hear that there was something that carefree and light being engaged in.
“You all teach a lot of classes here, don’t you?” Maybe he was just inflating it, but it felt like there was always a class being taught and always something going on when he looked at the schedule for the gym. It was either they were very busy with classes, or Chad just happened to keep swinging by when there were limited classes available. Either way, it was interesting.
“Have you ever taught something really weird?”
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“You really should show up for a class. It’s the who’s who of people you’d never expect at jazzercise.” The mayor had shown up for like two months straight before Madison got murdered and everything fell apart. It’d been incredibly entertaining to watch. Not that she’d said anything of course. Consummate professional and whatnot. 
Maggie let out a gusty sigh and laughed. “At the moment, I teach all of them. Marty-- the other trainer-- he’s still out. Had a run-in with the fog and he’s still recovering. Drake helps out as much as he can though.” She wasn’t sure if she should offer to introduce them. Would the gym even still be standing if she did? Couldn’t possibly be worse than Jack and Drake in the same place...
“Weirdest class... Hmm.” That she actually had to think about. Some of the weirder ones pre-dated her but there was always, ���Skateboard pilates. That was strange.”
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maggie-yao · 4 years
Drake smiled, noting the tension leaving his friend’s shoulders. It was a rare sight, at that. He drummed his fingers on the desk a couple of times before he tilted his head. He hated to bring it up, but might as well get it out of the way now that they were on the topic. 
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“Speaking of people better left avoided… there was this really weird lady who came in here today…” he started gently, sighing. His brain still felt rattled from the whole experience and it hadn’t managed to find its rightful place since. No wonder he couldn’t get any studying done. It was a good excuse, at the least.
He twirled his chopsticks around idly, thoughtfully chewing a bite before he nearly choked on it. He turned his seat around, coughing into his fist a few times before he felt ready to face Maggie again. A pink flush still colored his cheeks though. “Damn Mags. I-” 
Had no idea? Never thought to ask? It honestly felt taboo, coming from her. Like finding something out about your sister you were never supposed to know. Or your grandma. Drake shook his head again.
“Nevermind,” he said. He felt much better wading into the other topics at hand. “Maybe the texting is a normal Ida thing, but offering to bake a cake? I’d say that isn’t so normal. I mean, she’s on the go all the time. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her leave The Midnight for more than a handful of hours. Baking a cake is dedication. Special.” Drake nodded as he chose the word, fixing Maggie with another knowing look as he fiddled with the corner of one of the pages of his textbook. “Honestly, I think we pretty much covered all the genetic stuff I’ve been through over the past few hours. It’s really not that interesting.” And he was hoping to talk about Ida a bit more and push a couple more buttons.
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Weird lady? That didn’t sound any good. There were definitely enough sketchy characters in Grimmbrook’s shadows that could come out and cause trouble. She didn’t want trouble at the gym. Not when it provided safety to people like Drake, and Chad, and Luke. She had people to protect. “Tell me more about this lady, Drake. Did she leave a name, a number?”
She could barely re-focus on the sheer joy of getting a good cut of embarrassment all over Drake’s face. It wasn’t often she could truly get one over on him like this. If not for the lady apparently insistent on stopping by to scare her friend and employee she would’ve been cackling right now.
How was she the one turning pink when she’d just told Drake about her sex life?  “Ida’s just that kind of person, you know? She’d probably offer to bake you a cake too. She’s like, the nicest sweetest person in town. Maybe she does this for everyone.”
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maggie-yao · 4 years
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            “You are in luck that this is all I have at the moment. There is already a bed and dresser in the room.” And the rest she would eventually find for herself one day, building her life back together piece by piece for as long as she stayed in town. It wasn’t meant to be temporary, but everything felt that way when her entire life there was packed into the few boxes between the two of them and whatever else was left by the doorstep to the building. “Luck was on my side with this room.” And finding Frankie.
Though as they carried the boxes up the stairs and neared the third floor, Alana listened to the other speak of the town’s mayor that seemed to be quiet at the time when most had more questions than answers. She knew what the Rose siblings had concocted about the mist from her time spent with them, hearing what others would gossip, but there was still a lot left to the imagination. It wasn’t helpful to those that lived where the mist now lay. “It feels as if no one knows what all to do and could use help, guidance ― but it is missing.” It was only her opinion having been there only for a few months, but Alana felt as if she could see it in the eyes of those around her.
She shook her head. “We will not kick you out for food. They deliver,” she replied with a bit of a laugh as they hit the third floor and lead them to the apartment that would be her new home.
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“I’m glad that someone’s lucky around here.” She teased. Maggie certainly didn’t get lucky these days. Not that she did, ever, at all. Not since college how embarrassing was that? She digressed, her sorry love life wasn’t at all the point of this conversation. Alana and Frankie deserved all the luck in the world. “If you end up needing anything, I know a few good shops that aren’t expensive. I don’t even mean that in the Alex way where he just quietly buys you things.”
Maggie nodded, completely agreed. “You’re not wrong. If someone stepped up the whole town would feel better, I bet.” Even if it was just one of the gangs. Sometimes gangs could do good for their communities, too. Not often but sometimes. She’d seen weirder things in the world. 
“Hey, I’d bring it back in the end.” She stuck out her tongue but she was still smiling. It felt nice to start making friends again, for real.
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maggie-yao · 4 years
“No, no.” Harriet said with a wave of her hand. Last thing she wanted was for word to return to her nephew that his aunt was looking for him. She’d only recently gotten close to him and she didn’t want to hover too close in fear that she’d scare him away. Especially with his recent admission. As of late, letting the male come to her had seemed to work best and she decided to keep that practice alive for the time being.
“It’s find, Maggie. We’re all on edge with the recent events and I promise you that as soon as something concrete comes up, it will be published and known.” It was a big what if for the most part. They hadn’t been able to test everything or even explain why the fog was continuous or how people couldn’t seem to leave this place. “Besides that, how are you doing?” She questioned, looking the other over.
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Maggie could follow a lead. Chad wasn’t her family, and Harriet knew him better. If she suggested space than that’s what Chad would get. Maybe she’d still ask Lily if he was alright but that was different. After all, Lily was staying at her place right now and it wasn’t completely abnormal for Chad to come up. Maggie could have tact. She was commonly described as very tactful.
“Thanks, Harriet.” She said, though she still couldn’t help feeling a little sheepish. At least Harriet hadn’t told her to leave straight out. Maggie would’ve understood if she had. “I have certainly been better. But I’ve been worse as well. At least there’s enough here to do that I don’t feel entirely useless. I’ve started self-defense classes.”
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maggie-yao · 4 years
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maggie-yao · 4 years
In the wake of her not-date date with Esmeray, Maggie (and what had felt like most of her friends) had decided it was probably time to start looking for actual dates. A terrifying prospect honestly, considering her last date had occurred a good... ten years ago? She’d been busy.
So they’d set her up on Tinder (which felt odd, since she couldn’t exactly date outside the town at the moment) and read like fifteen different copies of Teen Vogue to try and figured out how flirting worked. Okay maybe she’d done that last bit by herself but that was neither here nor there. She had more knowledge now and that’s what counted.
Which is how she found herself sitting in Sherwood’s restaurant all made up and waiting for a frankly adorable brunette named Becca. They’d traded outfit descriptions and Maggie had the flowers on her table just like she’d promised. Hopefully Becca would show up. They’d even made sure to schedule around the mist.
“I promise I am going to order,” she told Robin Locksley as he hovered near the corner of her table. The man owned the place. Hopefully he wouldn’t kick her out. “I’m just waiting for someone right now.”
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0 notes
maggie-yao · 4 years
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Alana shook her head. “I think I can manage most of them without causing anyone else to stop what they’re doing and help me. The one that I paid for help has already left me on my own so perhaps that is a sign that I need to do this on my own. At least to a degree,” she added with a slight smile back at the other who had already picked up boxes and offered to help. “I fear I might be in trouble with some of the larger pieces.” In all honesty, Alana had no idea that she had collected as much as she had since arriving or where it had all been before it was loaded up and left on the curb.
At least the fog was staying at bay rather than looming closer towards the small parts of the town that she had explored and currently lived as Alana let out a small sigh. “Is she untrustworthy?” There wasn’t much that she knew about the town other than her own observations which weren’t some of the best considering who her cousin associated with, especially the one man who had been shot. That wasn’t a thought for now, not with the heavy boxes in their hands and three flights of stairs to go up and down until they were done. “309, I believe,” she replied, wanting to glance down at her phone but couldn’t at the moment to see the text that Frankie had left her. “If you can only help some, that’s more than I could have hoped for considering how long I was out there. I don’t know when Frankie will arrive to help, but I believe it should be soon.”
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“For the larger pieces, you’ve got me.” She said firmly. No friend left behind. Moving was the worst part of coming or going and doing it alone made everything seem so large. Maggie knew this for a fact, she’d not had any help on at least a few of hers. With company everything felt more doable.
“No, she’s probably a fine person but I can’t really say she’s been doing a job lately.” Someone probably had the mayor in their pocket. Town this small it felt inevitable honestly, but to have the mayor on strings and not even let her help while people died? Whoever controlled her was just as culpable for this horrid response as the mayor. 
Maggie nodded and headed for the stairs. “I can help until Frankie gets here at the very least. And after that if you think you two have it handled you can kick me and I’ll go get food y’all or something.”
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