malachitezompofficial · 10 months
Purple Petals Falling Down (Dorlene)
Quiet snores escaped Marlene's lips as dawn approached rapidly. The Rooster named Angie began the day by alerting anyone in a one-mile radius that dawn was now here, and sleep would have to wait till dusk once more. With a jolt and a groan Marlene was up groggy as ever.
"Good morning world" she muttered as she crawled and forcefully dragged herself out of bed.
Her light brown hair, which was normally in neat beach wave-type curls, was now in knots desperately waiting to be detangled and free of their own self-made prison. Her watercolor blue eyes which had flecks of green just barely open enough for her to see where she was going. A black scruffy dog waltzed its way behind Marlene as she left her bedroom in turn for her bathroom. A few ear scratches later the dog was satisfied and headed back to its dog bed located in the kitchen.
Today was like no other as it was the ten-year anniversary of Lady Dorcas' illness being announced to the public. It was hardly something to celebrate and yet Marlene was still getting ready to head into town. There was always this false sense of hope that maybe just maybe she would wake up. Every year was the same, still sick and still on the road to death. Marlene had always thought it was complete bullshit. The Princess hadn't recovered in ten years. Why on god's green earth would she wake up now? There was still the urge and need for Marlen to attend the ceremony and so as she did every year she attended.
The girl cleaned up and changed into a long flowing sage green sundress. Accompanied by a pair of forest green colored pair of Mary Janes with ruffles lining her fresh white socks. Classy enough to attend yet casual enough to not be fit for the drawing that was to be held at the festivities. Every year the King and Queen had this couple named Alice and Frank pull a name card from a bowl and the so-called "special savior" then had three months to try and find a cure for Dorcas. The winner or person who cured her immediately has Princess Dorcas's hand in marriage. No matter the gender, race, or sexuality as long as you saved her life you were worthy of marriage. Tradition usually had the best dressed entered into the raffle, as the best dressed usually had the most money to work with. 
Marlene saddled up her Lipizzan horse which had a stunning white coat. Ready to set off into town she hopped on and ventured out of the woods on a trail that leads to town. The wind gently combed through the girl's hair as Misconia began to grow closer and closer. The sun blinding the girl as she approached loud music from all the festivities. This party would be one nobody forgets.
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malachitezompofficial · 10 months
All Chapters of Purple Petals Falling Down
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malachitezompofficial · 10 months
Purple Petals Falling Down (Dorlene)
An Au In which Dorlene aren't wizards but instead Dorcas is a princess who's very ill and Marlene is just a town girl selected by random to attempt to cure Dorcas.
Book One of PPFD/GLLE
Their time was almost up, Princess Dorcas would die if no one could figure out a cure for her illness. The same illness nobody could figure out the cause of. Many townsfolk believed it to be from the purple roses surrounding the castle. Dorcas was far too sick to travel, so with nothing to go upon, the princess was doomed to die a slow and painfilled death.
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malachitezompofficial · 10 months
Incorrect Quotes Marauders Edition
Peter: Nothing makes you more sexy at 14 than a saxaphone
Remus: Pete you doing ok
Peter: NO
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malachitezompofficial · 10 months
Fanfic Review Friday
Unfortunately I didn't have any fics to read so of there's any fic recommendation much appreciated and leave em below or in my ask box!!
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malachitezompofficial · 10 months
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I could draw this pretty boy everyday 🫠
Commission for peachyybabe on ao3! I asked him for little snippets of his work, you can check it out 🥰
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malachitezompofficial · 10 months
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malachitezompofficial · 10 months
they just called out my entire childhood-
"ohh what if my kid starts identifying as a CAT because of the trans agenda we have to prote—" well they've always done that. do you remember the psychological effects of h2o on young girls. of warrior cats on autistic children. i believed i was a demigod because of percy jackson. twilight came out and kids were telling their friends they were secretly vampires. this is just a thing kids do. worry less
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malachitezompofficial · 10 months
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It’s lowkey giving Art Heist, Baby!
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malachitezompofficial · 10 months
Headcanon Thursdays
Todays Headcanon: Fabien flirts with Lily like Fred flirted with Hermoine.
"Looking good Evans"
"Shut it Prewett"
"Looking good Granger"
"Shut it Fred"
"I'm George"
"Only joking Moine!"
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malachitezompofficial · 11 months
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Bonus Remus Post!!
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malachitezompofficial · 11 months
This is for my moots or anyone who wants to be mutuals!!
Hi Im socially awkward but would love to talk to more people so if there's any marauders lover or hunger games enthusiasts please message me I need friends thank you ♡
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malachitezompofficial · 11 months
I'm writing the story for this ♡
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The Valkaryies a rock band staring Marlene Mckinnon as the lead singer! Other members designs to be revealed with the next few days!! I'm also gonna do a group "picture"
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malachitezompofficial · 11 months
Did I Mention I Love You? (J. Potter)
"James don't get any ideas that's my cousin and I actually like her as my family"
"Yeah, yeah whatever" he mumbles as he runs up to the Gryffindor tower to grab the counter serum.
A few minutes go by and James starts sprinting down to the girl and her best friend.
"White Rosier here's the counter serum few just in time" he said out of breath
"Thanks Potter looks like you can be useful" Polaris commented with a small smile
She took Evans hand and dragged him to the dungeons.
"Thank God the counter serum worked" Polaris whispered as class started.
"Yeah wouldn't want to look like before even though we all know we rocked the look" Evan responded
"Ev with much love and respect shut the hell up" she giggled
"No I don't think I will" a smirk on his face
"Ugh your so annoying" she groaned
"But you love it" he said cockily
"Mr. Rosier and Ms. White is there anything you'd like to share with the class sense you two seem to be so talkative?" Professor Slughorn asked calmly
"No sir I was just asking Evan for help is all" Polaris responded with a sweet smile
"Oh, continue on then dear thank you Mr. Rosier 5 points to Slytherin for teamwork" Professor Slughorn beamed as he continued the lesson leaving the two teens to giggle amongst themselves.
As soon as class was over the pair rushed out to the courtyard and sat beneath a tree. Evan sat down leaning against the tree while Polaris sat next to him leaning on both the tree and the boy. They spoke about anything that came to mind before getting up and going to the kitchen as day soon became night and it was getting late.
Maybe Potter isn't so bad after all? What if he just wants to use me for information about our blood family. What if he hates me? Many of these thoughts rushed through Polaris head as she ate with Evan in the kitchens. The house elves didn't mind as Polaris was a polite girl who baked for them often.
"Master White best be off to bed soon as Currant and Scarlett would hate for you to get in trouble" said the small house elf named Current a slightly smaller house elf stood behind him presumably Scarlett
"Don't worry Currant and Scarlett we will be off now thank you! And remember no need for formality's Polaris is fine"
"Thank you, Mast- Polaris" Currant smiled dragging Scarlett with him
"There so nice" Polaris commented to Evan who simply nodded.
The two headed to bed but when Polaris layed in bed all she could think about was one name.
James Fleamont Potter
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malachitezompofficial · 11 months
Reblog if you’d be okay if your friend came out as transgender
let’s see how many transphobics we can weed out
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malachitezompofficial · 11 months
When I say I love Harry Potter I mean Hermione, Ron and the others of course but mainly I mean Remus, Sirius, James, Regulus, Barty, Evan, Marlene, Mary, Peter, etc
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malachitezompofficial · 11 months
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Here to share my commissions are half off so if you wanna help a girl out yk who to message ♡
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