malachitezompofficial · 11 months
Thunder Struck (H. Potter x Oc)
In which Jacqueline Williams falls in love with Harry potter on a thunder struck night.
"The sky matches your forehead" she points out laughing
"Just shut up and kiss me" he responds laughing
0.1 (Thunder!)
It was a rainy night in the Hogwarts castle as Jacqueline Williams walked to the Astronomy Tower. Usually, it was just her there as she day dreamed about a boy in her charms class. He is popular, well liked, and to be quite frank famous to much of the wizarding world. He has messy brown hair and round glasses, which were always dirty. His lightning scar on his forehead stood out. Not to mention, he belonged to the house of Gryfindor. His name was Harry James Potter.
The girl sighed as she began to walk up the steps of the very tall and lonely tower. No one was supposed to be there tonight sense it was a rainy and foggy night so class was canceled. She smiled as she looked up to see she  was already almost up the stairs.
That's when she noticed a boy sitting at the top of the tower alone and looking quite distraught. He two had messy brown hair from what the girl could see sense she hadn't been able to see his face yet. He was facing away from her as she walked over to him.
"Oh um scuse me am I interrupting you?" Jacqueline questioned as the boy turned around and was in fact Harry Potter
"Oh sorry no um care to join me?" he asked rather awkwardly
"Yeah that'd be nice" She responded with a kind soft smile feeling like her body was floating she walked towards him
"I'm Harry" he said with a goofy smile which made her heart skip a beat
"I'm Jacqueline we have charms together" the girl said smiling back hoping she didn't just make a fool of herself
"We do! You're the girl who's bloody brilliant, " he said as if it was so obvious
"Oh, thank you, Hermoines, much better than I am, however," the girl laughed sheepishly, not expecting to be complimented by a guy she liked this entire night was strange yet oddly enjoyable?
"Suppose so" he said turning his gaze back to the rain
Jacqueline sat down next to him and looked off into the distance as well. If you looked close enough you could see small bits of lightning off in the distance. It was quite far out but it was decently loud.
"Thunder!" Jacqueline exclaimed happily to herself
"Mhm" Harry responded with a yawn looking quite tired
"You tired?" Jacqueline asked concern washing over her voice like a wave to a beach
What a stupid question to ask of cource he's tired Jacqueline thought to herself
"Yeah but I'd like to stay and talk to you" Harry said softly smiling as his head dropped slightly
He was clearly going to pass out at any moment from exhaustion and Jacqueline didn't have the arm strength nor desire to carry a sleeping Harry back to Gryffindor dorm.
"Why don't I walk you back so we can talk a little bit and then you can go to sleep" Jacqueline tried to compromise
The boy thought for a moment before nodding and agreeing and getting up. The girl followed and they walked down the Astronomy Tower together.
"So why did you wanna keep talking to me" the girl asked nervously as the pair wandered the halls her curiosity getting to the better of her
It wasn't everyday you get to talk to the boy you daydream about especially when that boy happens to be someone you may or may not have a crush on. Full disclosure she totally did.
"Your rather cute and it's not everyday you meet cute girls at the top of the Astronomy tower" Harry responded yawning once again sleep transparent and intertwining with his voice
Jacqueline blushed with wide eyes as they arrived at the Gryffindor painting. This was possibly one of the best moments of the year. Or her life for the matter as she never imagined getting the opportunity to talk to Harry. Let alone receive compliments it felt as though her dreams were mixing with reality.
"I'll see you tomorrow Jacqueline" Harry said stating the password and making his way back to his dorm for the night
Jacqueline smiled as she made her was to Hufflepuff dorm. She climbed into her bed not bothering to change falling asleep soundly as she dreamed about tonight's event.
Harry Potter called her cute
A/N I have more to add but I'm not sure if it'll be requested or not 🤷‍♀️
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malachitezompofficial · 11 months
Did I Mention I Love You? (J. Potter x Oc)
In which the young Polaris White a Slytherin forced into a family similar to the Black's falls for the one and only disgrace to the Sacred 28 James Potter.
"Did I mention that I love you?" she said calmly tears pouring out her eyes
0.1 (Late again are we?)
Polaris White woke up that morning and smiled.
"I'm finally going back to Hogwarts" she whispered to herself full of glee and hope
The young soon to be 5th year walked down the stairs as polite as she could manage. She refused to start an argument with her mother, Elara White, so she sat down quietly and ate breakfast as she usually does.
"Do you have everything packed like I asked you to Polaris?" Elara asked firmly taking a sip of what appeared to be a bright and vibrant orange juice.
Of course her mother was always one for dramatics and had it in a champion flute decorated with oranges and salt around the rim of the glass.
"Yes mother I should be heading on my way to the platform a White is never late." Polrais said excusing herself as she did so.
Her mother simply nodded and went back to eating her breakfast with her father, Cyrus White, he was quiet and shy and never spoke more then a few words. Polaris always assumed it was because of what he witnessed training with the Dark Lord all his life. Polaris always wished to never speak to the Dark Lord as he was know to punish those he deemed weak or unworthy. She shivered at the thoughts racing through her mind as she walked down the stairs her house elf Blossom carrying her bags for her.
She made her way to the station parents at her side, and everyone stopped to stare at the family. Cyrus and Elara hardly ever made appearances, and this was sure to make the front page of the Daily Prophet.
As the girl made her way to a compartment someone pulled her in and locked the door.
"Late again are we?" The mysterious boy asked
The girl looked up to see a familiar blonde hair icy blue eyed boy, Evan Rosier, one of her few close friends. As soon as she registered who it was she engulfed him in a tight hug and smiled
"Ev! I missed you so much" she said pulling away smiling at him
"Same to you Polaris how were your travels? Didn't see any mudbl- muggleborns did you?" he said stumbling over the word muggle trying to make a change for the girl
"Oh it was so lovely Paris is everything I thought it would be, What about Rome im sure it was gorgeous" she gushed
"It was alright not as gorgeous as you of course" he winked and smiled as he watch Polaris face change from relaxed to embarrassment with his smooth words.
Evan was always flirting with Polaris. It was entertaining and he was a bit of player.
"That reminds me I brought you back a little something. It's not much but I know your more of a fan for simple things" he ranted on as he pulled out a rectangle box.
As soon as it was placed in the girls hands she quickly opened it to see a necklace with a charm in the shape of Rome. She handed it to him and turned around lifting her black locks away so he can help her put it on. He chuckled as he clasped the necklace together letting her admire its beauty.
"Ev you didn't have to it's beautiful thank you" she said giving him yet another hug. He smiled and just nodded
"I also brought you back a little something"she smiled beside bring our a large box
"Polaris love you didn't have to do this" he smiled before unboxing a model of the Eiffel Tower.
"Now you only need something from California and Greece to complete your world wide collection" she said smiling at his wonder and surprise
"Polaris this is amazing you are amazing oh my merlin thank you" he said quietly more to himself but loud enough for Polaris to here.
Soon the train ride was over, and they made their way to the carriages. Both teens winced as they looked and saw the Thestrels. Yet another remind the life they live and how Solara White couldn't live hers. Solara would have been in her 3rd year and it still pains Polaris to think about.
The pair quickly got in a carriage but failed to notice the Black brothers sitting together for public appearance.
"Ah White and Rosier pleasure as always" Sirius said cooly
"Pleasure as well Black's" Evan responded knowing it was all a simple act.
Regulus softly smiled at Polaris but didn't say anything. They sat in the carriages till they arrived before quickly exiting to the great hall. Regulus walked with Evan and Polaris as Sirius walked over to meet with his friends at the Gryfindor table. It felt weird as they ate. Almost as if every bite of food made them make tired then the last.
As soon as dinner ended and everyone was sorted Evan and Polaris ran to there dorms and crashed. Well that is until the Marauders came and disturbed the poor Slytherins as a welcome of sorts.
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malachitezompofficial · 10 months
Purple Petals Falling Down (Dorlene)
Quiet snores escaped Marlene's lips as dawn approached rapidly. The Rooster named Angie began the day by alerting anyone in a one-mile radius that dawn was now here, and sleep would have to wait till dusk once more. With a jolt and a groan Marlene was up groggy as ever.
"Good morning world" she muttered as she crawled and forcefully dragged herself out of bed.
Her light brown hair, which was normally in neat beach wave-type curls, was now in knots desperately waiting to be detangled and free of their own self-made prison. Her watercolor blue eyes which had flecks of green just barely open enough for her to see where she was going. A black scruffy dog waltzed its way behind Marlene as she left her bedroom in turn for her bathroom. A few ear scratches later the dog was satisfied and headed back to its dog bed located in the kitchen.
Today was like no other as it was the ten-year anniversary of Lady Dorcas' illness being announced to the public. It was hardly something to celebrate and yet Marlene was still getting ready to head into town. There was always this false sense of hope that maybe just maybe she would wake up. Every year was the same, still sick and still on the road to death. Marlene had always thought it was complete bullshit. The Princess hadn't recovered in ten years. Why on god's green earth would she wake up now? There was still the urge and need for Marlen to attend the ceremony and so as she did every year she attended.
The girl cleaned up and changed into a long flowing sage green sundress. Accompanied by a pair of forest green colored pair of Mary Janes with ruffles lining her fresh white socks. Classy enough to attend yet casual enough to not be fit for the drawing that was to be held at the festivities. Every year the King and Queen had this couple named Alice and Frank pull a name card from a bowl and the so-called "special savior" then had three months to try and find a cure for Dorcas. The winner or person who cured her immediately has Princess Dorcas's hand in marriage. No matter the gender, race, or sexuality as long as you saved her life you were worthy of marriage. Tradition usually had the best dressed entered into the raffle, as the best dressed usually had the most money to work with. 
Marlene saddled up her Lipizzan horse which had a stunning white coat. Ready to set off into town she hopped on and ventured out of the woods on a trail that leads to town. The wind gently combed through the girl's hair as Misconia began to grow closer and closer. The sun blinding the girl as she approached loud music from all the festivities. This party would be one nobody forgets.
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malachitezompofficial · 10 months
All Chapters of Purple Petals Falling Down
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