malfoycollins · 4 years
• Penalizing me for absences despite being chronically ill
A math teacher tried to fail me for missing too many classes despite having a doctors note for each important class i missed
I wasn't allowed to go to leadership camp because I had too many absences
• Taking marks off for fidgeting during presentations
Being a woman with ADHD I mean this is common
Sorry I can't be perfectly still especially when nervous
Also I have anxiety
• Banning drinks/snacks in classrooms
Horrible eating schedule because of depression
Why can't I have a tangerine at 9am
These are just a few examples and of course some people have it much worse than I do. I had some understanding teachers, but a few were just absolutely horrible to me because I was chronically ill and couldn't always be at school.
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malfoycollins · 4 years
So there's a ton of DA posts about reading by the candlelight and such but many of us have been confined to the screen of our laptop for learning this year. Let me help you see the romanticism of it.
• The glow of the screen lighting up your face in the dark of the night as you prepare notes for next months seminar
• Handwriting the class notes in your notebook after the teacher posts them on the class platform
• Preparing your 8th cup of earl grey for the day
• Greeting the delivery man at 5pm still in your nightclothes
• Always wishing your teachers good health for them and their family during email exchanges
• Having 4 windows open with ten tabs each at all times
• Watching the seasons pass by through your bedroom window
• Hearing the rhythm in the keys on your keyboard as you type away
• Curling up with your favourite book after finishing the days work
• Yearning for the day when you can see those closest to you face to face again
• Singing to yourself alone in your room
• Watching the daylight fade away every evening as if it had never risen in the first place
• The feeling of accomplishment after submitting each assignment
Learning is always romantic, whether you're wandering through a castle or locked in your own private tower.
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malfoycollins · 6 years
Wolfstar Headcannon #1.3M
Okay but I'm here for the 'That time of the month?' jokes from Sirius when it's near to the full moon.
• Aw Moony, you've eaten all of the chocolate Mum (Mrs. Potter) sent for me... is it already that time of the month?
• You're testy today— *looks up at the sky* — Ahhh I see. It's about to be that time of the month
• James: Mate, what's up with Moony? He's sulking.
Sirius: You know how they get nearing that time of the month...
Remus: *Death glares*
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malfoycollins · 6 years
Me: Please, let me work on my homework, write a fanfic, watch the movie for my Shakespeare class. Start a craft project or eat a snack. Anything. I am begging you. Something, anything productive. Anything at all.
My ADHD hell brain for two hours in a row:  Road work ahead? Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does.
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malfoycollins · 6 years
“Just for the record darling, not all positive change feels positive in the beginning.”
— S.C. Lourie
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malfoycollins · 7 years
James is so incredibly frustrated. This has been happening at an increasing rate lately. He blames it all on Lily Evans. He knows– He just knows that she fancies him. But then why won’t she admit it?
In the Head’s room at night she’s all ‘Oh, James, I’m so glad we know each other now’ and ‘Oh, Potter, you’re such a fantastic bloke - don’t ever repeat that,’ but then the morning comes and she barely spares him a second look at breakfast, or in class or in any other situation for that matter. Not even Prefects meetings! So you understand where these negative feelings are stemming from, right? That’s enough to drive anyone mad.
But that’s not the thing that drives him up the wall. The thing that truly gets on his nerves is that he can’t help but to forgive her every. single. time. No explanation or apology even required. He goes throughout his day being frustrated until he passes her in the corridor, and she flashes him a small smile. Or as he watches her fiddle with her hair at dinner. Or when she’s laughing with her mates in the common room. The smallest bit of eye contact and all of the negativity is forgotten. Oh those eyes. Her stupid. stupid. green eyes. He hated her! But the thing was he knew he didn’t. In fact he very much fancied her.
In that moment however, he was walking towards the library with these thoughts flipping through his mind. Sirius’ voice began to play in his head. He couldn’t go on like this. He’d lose his damn marbles. He was going to have to just get over her. It was her loss, right? Yeah.
Damn it. Bloody fucking hell. He barely felt his legs stop moving and he didn’t even bother to try to fight back his smile. James turned around to face her. His reply echoed in the empty corridor.
“Hello, Lily. Headed to the library as well?” He was grinning like an idiot and he didn’t even hate himself for it.
“That I am. Where’s the rest of your lot?” Her hair was pulled into a neat braid that hung over her shoulder. He loved when she braided her hair like that.
“Detention with McGonagall about now. Managed to talk my way out’ve this one.” Lily shook her head in contempt. He watched as her eyes rolled. Her eyes were such a darling shade of green. This girl was really going to be the end of him.
“I’m meant to be meeting George now. In fact, I’m late so I suppose I should be on my way.”
He hated George. George Rivers. The stupid Ravenclaw git. That guy waved Lily in front of him like a professional sport. He’d tried explaining this to her but she’d laughed and called him mad. She accused him of being jealous as well, which of course he denied. Even though it was true. Despite the mention of her... male companion, James’ smile stuck.
“I’ll walk you then, since we’re headed in the same direction and all.” He interally cringed. What was wrong with him?
She laughed. “Alright then.”
Since they were all of three minutes away, not much conversation was made as they arrived. He immediately spotted George as the doors opened and felt the frustration gathering back up in his head.
“I’ll see you tonight, Potter.”
Instantly forgotten. “Later, Evans.”
The little smile she gave him as he walked away made him feel bloody fantastic and left him smiling all the rest of the hour he spent in the back of the library. His mood remained intact even when Sirius finally turned up and gave him that knowing look of pity.
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malfoycollins · 7 years
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Halsey’s speech at the women’s march NY in case you missed it today.
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malfoycollins · 7 years
i know there are a ton of headcanons about remus walking into the great hall wearing sirius’ leather jacket, but what about this — james is in the great hall with peter and lily eating breakfast one morning waiting for sirius to arrive with remus as per the norm. when the doors finally open there’s kind of a collective gasp. james starts laughing uncontrollably and the corner of lily’s lips are upturned, while peter openly stares. sirius-dark makeup-wild hair-i dont give a fuck-motorcycle-vulgar-sexy-silver rings-leather jacket-i’ll hex you-smart mouth-black is missing !! his !! leather !! jacket !! instead he walks in with a creme, cashmere cardigan over his grey tshirt. one that looks remarkably like the one james had gotten remus for christmas the year previous. of course, remus walks in looking incredibly smug, and smirks in response to the quirked eyebrow from lily across the hall. sirius beams at james with a hint of mischief, and they head towards gryffindor - sirius one arm slung around remus.
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malfoycollins · 7 years
moral obligation calls
reblog if minerva should’ve raised harry
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malfoycollins · 7 years
"Twilight was terrible. Edward Cullen should be erased from existence,” I say into the mic.
The crowd boos. I begin to walk off in shame, when a voice speaks and commands silence from the room.
“She’s right,” they say. I look for the owner of the voice. There in the 4th row stands: Robert Pattinson himself
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malfoycollins · 7 years
jily headcannon
Lily Evans was 16 when she was walking through the dim corridors of Hogwarts about three-quarters of an hour before curfew. Having just managed to shake off Snape and his pleading once more, she was a little bit on the frazzeled side. Why didn’t he understand? He was unforgiven. The redhead was humming a soft tune to herself, drawing wispy figures with her wand when she heard the voices. What they were saying was muffled, but there were voices. Figuring it was her duty as a Prefect, Lily went to investigate.
The closer she got the more clear the sounds became, and she quickly realized who the voices belonged to. Potter was definitely one amongst the group. Him and his friends were probably back to that mischief they called harmless fun. Reminded of her quarrels with Severus all over again she angrily stalked towards his voice prepared to scold someone. What she saw though when she reached the nook they were hidden in, was indeed harmless.
Potter had his back to her, but Evans recognized that wild hair of his. He was talking animatedly with his hands, telling a story of some sort, using his wand to cast shadows and lights against the wall. His audience wasn’t however, his usual gang. There was a group of first and second years from all houses, even a couple of Slytherin girls, all watching closely with looks of wonder on their faces as James spoke to them. As he recounted his tale they listened silently only laughing occasionally or oooing and ahhing.
The insults and reprimands she had prepared were forgotten, lost on her lips and Lily stood quietly, blinking slowly. It appeared as if what he was up to wasn’t mischievous at all for once. Enough to melt her heart in fact. She smiled as he sank down to the floor, long legs stretched out in front of him as his story seemed to reach its falling action. Lily hadn’t been aware he was capable of something so innocent and wholesome. Something so good. Evans soon realised she was smiling, and felt entirely disgusted with herself. But it was so adorable.
It wasn’t long before one of the girls noticed the onlooker causing heads to turn in her direction and Potter to take notice of her. He cleared his throat and stood immediately, brushing off his wrinkled shirt and adjusting his tie. “Evans. Curious seeing you here.”
Lily smiled despite herself. “I do go to school here, you know.”
He grimaced and nodded. “Indeed. That’s right. Well um,” his hand reached the back of his neck. “Do you care to join us?”
“I’m meeting Emme in the library in ten minutes so it seems as if I must decline,” she hummed. Many of the children whined in protest. “Maybe another time.”
“Right then.” Finally gaining his composure and that confidence that seemed to stick to him, James sat back down preparing to complete his story. “I may see you in the Commons later, but if not, goodnight, Evans.”
“Night, Potter.”
And it was swift and sly, but he slipped her a wink as she prepared to leave. The young students all looked at each other with suspicious grins as they took notice.
Lily hurried towards the library, unable to shake off the interaction. She wasn’t usually kind to him. Scolding herself all of the way, she walked a little bit faster.
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malfoycollins · 7 years
if the mom from halloweentown had green eyes she’d look exactly like lily evans fight me
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malfoycollins · 7 years
astoria greengrass made me hate kitten heels.
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malfoycollins · 7 years
i just had a dream about draco malfoy, and we were sitting in my living room discussing online shopping, and why it was better to get suits at a tailor rather than off a website. we were agreeing but then we had to explain to a bunch of people why, tbh idek.
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malfoycollins · 7 years
Blaise: You use sarcasm to distance people.
Draco: And yet you're still here.
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malfoycollins · 7 years
Blaise: I sort of did something and I need your advice. But I don't want a lot of judgment and criticism.
Draco, looking up from his book: And you came to me?
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malfoycollins · 7 years
Marauders Map Headcanon
Lily walking into the Gryffindor common room after Prefect Patrols, only to discover the Marauders hovered over a piece of parchment, Sirius drawing on the former with an almost-broken quill, and Remus muttering incantations over the drawings with his wand. James every now and then taking the quill from Sirius to make an adjustment, while a brown rat squeaks on the table top. “Is- Is that a rat?” she asks. All four of their heads snapping up, yes, the rat’s head snaps up because what-the-hell-no-one-was-supposed-to-be-up-right-now and merlin-how-did-they-forget-Lily-had-patrols?
“Evans,” James greets, almost too enthusiastically, a nervous smile stealing his expression. “What are you doing here?”
“I live here,” she scoffs. “What mischief are you boys up to now?” No one notices the way Sirius’s eyes light up the way they do when he’s thinking. Well no one aside from Remus, who turns to watch as his friend scribbles something down on a separate slip of parchment.
“What makes you think we’re up to anything?” Potter questions, his hand finding it’s way to the back of his neck. Lily rolls her eyes in annoyance before turning her gaze on Remus.
“Remus,” she crosses her arms, “What are you lot up to?”
“We’re not up to anything, Lily,” he attempts to assure her, his words rushing out too quickly to be believable. His eyes don’t make contact with hers, and she knows he is lying. As she examines the three boys in the shrewd way that Lily does, she notices something odd.
“Where’s Peter?” she demands. To this, Sirius speaks up, a smirk stretching across his lips.
“He scurried up to bed a while ago,” he begins. “He was rat-ther tired.” His smirk only widens as James bites his bottom lip to hide a grin, and Remus gives him a rather nasty glare that says plain as day, his joke was not funny, and he is pathetic.
“Right,” Lily says skeptically, moving towards the stairs. “I don’t even want to know,” she huffs. “I’ll see you lot in the morning.” Remus and Sirius would swear that they heard her mutter a quiet, “Unfortunately,” at the end of the farewell, but after a shared look decide to ignore it. Their chorus of goodnights rang out as she headed up the stairs, and once positive she would not return Remus spoke up.
“Padfoot, you imbecile.”
“What? I thought it was funny,” Sirius defended, arms raised. “C'mon it was funny. It was funny, right, Prongs?”
With a nod, James says a, “Yeah mate, it was pretty funny.” Sirius hisses as the rat nips his finger, and raises the separate slip of paper with his other hand.
“Relax, Wormtail. She didn’t find out right?” he grins, “I’d say the mischief was managed.”
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