manifestation-reis · 1 year
The magic of saying thank you
There's something truly special about these two simple words - thank you. They can make someone's day, turn a bad mood around, and even strengthen relationships.
Think about it - when was the last time someone said thank you to you?
How did it make you feel?
Chances are, it makes you feel appreciated and valued.And when we say thank you to others, we're spreading positivity and kindness. It doesn't have to be a grand gesture - simply saying thank you for holding the door open or for making you laugh can make a big difference.
So, let's make a conscious effort to say thank you more often. Whether it's to a friend, family member, or even a stranger, let's spread the magic of gratitude and make the world a better place, one thank you at a time.
Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful day! 🌟🙏🏼💕
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manifestation-reis · 1 year
Cosmic order
"Staring up at the vast expanse of the night sky, it's easy to feel small and insignificant. But every star, every planet, every galaxy plays a vital role in the cosmic order. From the tiniest atom to the biggest black hole, the universe follows a grand design. And in this beautiful, intricate dance, we are all connected."
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manifestation-reis · 1 year
Let go of negativity
"Letting go of negativity is like making room for abundance and manifestation in your life. Release those negative thoughts and watch the universe bring you all the good things you deserve."
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manifestation-reis · 1 year
Easy Meditation Techniques You Should Try...
Hey there! Are you feeling a bit nervous about trying meditation techniques? You're not alone, many of us "normal people" feel the same way.
We might picture a wise and experienced meditator when we think about meditation, but the truth is, it's something that can benefit us all. People who practice meditation tend to be more relaxed, calm, and better equipped to deal with stress. So, it's worth giving it a shot!
And the best part is, most meditation techniques that the gurus use are simple and practical. No fancy equipment or extensive training needed. All we need are some easy-to-do meditation techniques that anyone can try.
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manifestation-reis · 1 year
Does The Law of Attraction Really Work?
So, you've heard about the movie "The Secret" and how it's all about using the Law of Attraction to change your life. But, you may be wondering why it's not working for you.
The reason is that there's a difference between just wanting something and actually believing you can have it. If you only want something but don't truly believe it will happen, then it probably won't.
Think about it, if you wish for a new car but don't have the money for it, you know it won't happen. That's just wishful thinking. But, if you know you're going to have a good time at a party or that you'll get what you want for Christmas, that's the Law of Attraction in action. You're combining your belief with positive feelings.
So, to make the Law of Attraction work for you, you need to focus on what you want and feel good about it. Your feelings guide the universe on what you want, so the more positive feelings you have, the better. To help, try telling yourself that you're "falling in love" with your desires. This will help you feel deeply about your desires and keep them at the top of your mind.
When you're going to be thinking anyway, make it about everything you really want! Just remember, it's a combination of knowing and feeling good that will bring your vision to life.
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manifestation-reis · 1 year
How to replace your limiting beliefs
Basically, limiting beliefs are negative thoughts or beliefs that keep us from reaching our goals and living the life we want. They're kind of like mental roadblocks that are tough to change, but it's possible with the right attitude and techniques. By replacing these limiting beliefs, we can unleash our full potential.
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manifestation-reis · 1 year
Do these 2 simple ways to get anything what you want
Basically, we all have needs and wants, and sometimes they come up even when we're trying to be self-sufficient. But there are two ways to make sure we get what we need. One way is to just ask for it, like "ask and you shall receive." The other way is to give freely and generously when you can. When you give, you set the process of receiving in motion. And when you give with love, the receiving comes back multiplied.
Sometimes it may seem like these ways aren't working, but that's probably because you have a subconscious block that needs to be corrected. Just go within and ask yourself where you're resisting abundance, and then make a new decision to accept.
The universe is always giving, so if you're not receiving, it's probably because you need to be more aware of these cosmic laws or remove those limiting thoughts. It's all about giving and receiving, so keep your consciousness open to both.
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manifestation-reis · 1 year
It's time to start manifesting your dreams and desires
Hey friends, have you ever felt like something in your life is holding you back or draining you?
If so, it's time to start manifesting your dreams and desires. Remember that miracles do happen and it's time to reach for the stars. Don't settle for less, go for what you really want. By releasing limited thoughts, you open yourself up to the opportunities the universe wants to bring to you. But, you have to be brave and not just release, but also command and receive what you wish for. It's important to remember that you're manifesting your desires every single day.
Also, don't be afraid to stretch your vision of yourself. If you're only aiming for the bottom, that's what you'll get. But if you aim for the top, that's what you'll receive. Just keep asking and receiving and you'll expand to the next level of consciousness.
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manifestation-reis · 1 year
It's about Self-Love
Hey there, friends!
I hope y'all are having a good day so far. Today, I want to talk about something that's really important to me: self love.
Now, I know that self love can be a tricky thing. Sometimes it feels like no matter what we do, we just can't seem to love ourselves fully and completely. But I want to remind you that self love is a journey, and it's okay to stumble and make mistakes along the way.
One thing that I've learned is that self love starts with taking care of yourself. That means different things for different people - for me, it means getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and making time for things that I enjoy. For you, it might mean something different. But the important thing is that you're taking care of yourself in a way that feels good to you.
Another thing that I've learned is that self love is about accepting yourself, flaws and all. We all have things about ourselves that we wish were different, but the truth is that those things make us who we are. And that's something to be celebrated, not ashamed of.
Lastly, I want to remind you that self love is not something that you can achieve and then be done with. It's a constant practice, and something that you have to work on every day. But it's worth it, because loving yourself is the foundation for everything else in your life.
So, my advice to you is to start small. Take care of yourself, accept yourself, and practice self love every day. And remember that it's okay to stumble and make mistakes along the way. We all do it.
Sending love and positive vibes your way!
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manifestation-reis · 1 year
How to strengthen your self awareness
Hey friends, today I want to talk about something that's been on my mind lately: self awareness. It's something that we often don't think about, but it's incredibly important for our overall well-being and personal growth.
So, how can we strengthen our self awareness? Here are a few tips I've come across recently:
Reflect on your thoughts and emotions regularly. Take a few minutes each day to sit down and think about what's going on inside your head. Are there any patterns or recurring themes? This can help you gain a better understanding of yourself and your reactions to different situations.
Practice mindfulness. By being present in the moment and paying attention to your surroundings, you can become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations.
Seek feedback from others. Sometimes it can be hard to see ourselves clearly, so it can be helpful to ask others for their honest opinions and perspectives on our behavior and actions.
Challenge yourself. Take on new experiences and push yourself out of your comfort zone. This will help you gain new insights and perspectives about yourself and the world around you.
Self awareness is a journey that takes time and effort. But by being mindful, reflective, and open to feedback and new experiences, we can continue to grow and improve ourselves.
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manifestation-reis · 1 year
How to improve yourself
If you're looking to improve yourself and be successful, there are a few things you can do. First, keep your goals in mind and remind yourself of them throughout the day. Next, hold yourself and others accountable for achieving those goals. Keep track of your progress and review it weekly to see where you can improve. Organize your goals and focus on them to increase your chances of success. Reading can also be helpful, so try to read a variety of books every day. And lastly, make an effort to be grateful and focus on the things you're grateful for. This can change your life.
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manifestation-reis · 1 year
How to Impress Your Desire Upon Your Subconcious
Hey friends! Want to impress your desires upon your subconscious? Here are a few tips to help you out:
Write down your desires and goals. Seeing them written down can help solidify them in your mind.
Visualize your desires as if they have already happened. Imagine yourself living your desired life in detail.
Repeat positive affirmations to yourself. This can help reprogram your subconscious mind to believe in your desires.
Take action towards your desires. Even small steps can help bring your desires closer to reality.
Remember, the key is to be consistent and persistent in your efforts. Keep your desires at the forefront of your mind and your subconscious will begin to work towards making them a reality. Happy manifesting! ❤️
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manifestation-reis · 1 year
Self Love and Worksheet
Self love is something that we all need to work on, and one of the best ways to do that is with a self love worksheet. This worksheet is a great tool to help you identify areas of your life where you need to focus on self love, and to help you come up with a plan to improve those areas.
The self love worksheet will ask you to think about different aspects of your life, such as your relationships, your career, your physical health, and your mental health. You'll then be asked to rate how you feel about each of these areas on a scale of 1 to 10.
Once you've completed the worksheet, you'll have a better understanding of where you need to focus your energy in order to improve your self love. You can then come up with a plan to work on these areas, whether it's through therapy, self-care, or other means.
Remember, self love is a journey and not a destination. Keep working on yourself, and you'll be surprised at how much happier and fulfilled you'll feel.
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manifestation-reis · 1 year
How to be better version of yourself
It's easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to others and feeling like we'll never measure up. But the truth is, the only person we should be comparing ourselves to is the person we were yesterday. So how do we become a better version of ourselves?
Here are a few tips:
Reflect on your actions and thoughts. Take time to think about the things you did or said that you're not proud of, and make a plan to change them.
Set goals. Whether they're big or small, having something to work towards will give you direction and purpose.
Learn from your mistakes. Nobody's perfect, and it's important to acknowledge and learn from our mistakes so we can grow and improve.
Surround yourself with positivity. The people and influences in our lives have a huge impact on how we view ourselves and the world. Make sure you're surrounding yourself with people who lift you up, not bring you down.
Practice self-care. Taking care of ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally is crucial to becoming a better version of ourselves.
Remember, becoming a better version of ourselves is a lifelong journey and it's not about perfection, it's about progress. Keep moving forward, one step at a time.
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manifestation-reis · 1 year
How to deal with procrastination
Feeling overwhelmed by procrastination?
Here are a few tips to help you get back on track:
Set small, achievable goals for yourself. This can help you feel a sense of accomplishment and motivation to continue.
Remove distractions. Turn off your phone, log out of social media, or find a quiet place to work.
Use a timer. Set a timer for a specific amount of time and focus on one task until the timer goes off.
Find accountability. Tell a friend or family member about your goals and ask them to check in with you regularly to see how you're doing.
Take breaks. It's important to take breaks and recharge, but be sure to set limits on your breaks so you don't lose track of time.
Remember, it's okay to take things one step at a time. Don't be too hard on yourself and you'll be back on track in no time!
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manifestation-reis · 1 year
Want to manifest your dreams?
"It's simple: focus on what you want, not what you don't want. Believe in yourself and your abilities, take action towards your goals, and don't let fear or doubt hold you back. Remember, the universe has a way of bringing you what you truly desire."
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manifestation-reis · 1 year
How Self Love Improves Your Relationships?
Self love is an important aspect of any healthy relationship, whether it's with a romantic partner, family member, or friend. When you love and respect yourself, it's easier to set boundaries, communicate openly and honestly, and make decisions that align with your values.
One way that self-love can improve your relationships is by helping you to be more confident and assertive. When you have a strong sense of self-worth, it's easier to speak up for yourself and express your needs and desires. This can create a deeper sense of trust and understanding in your relationships, as others know that you are capable of advocating for yourself and standing up for what you believe in.
Another way that self-love can improve your relationships is by helping you to be more empathetic and understanding towards others. When you have a deep appreciation for your own worth, it's easier to extend that same kindness and compassion to others. This can lead to more positive and supportive relationships, as you are better able to understand and support the people you care about.
Finally, self-love can also help you to be more resilient and capable of handling the challenges that inevitably arise in any relationship. When you have a strong sense of self-worth, it's easier to bounce back from setbacks and maintain a positive outlook, even during difficult times.
In conclusion, self love is an important foundation for any healthy relationship. By loving and respecting yourself, you can become more confident, empathetic, and resilient, which can lead to stronger, more positive connections with others.
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