mioamato-blog · 6 years
Theme Commissions
I’m a little short on money. So I’m thinking about doing theme commissions. Message me if interested. Flexible pricing/willing to work with you/negotiate. Contact me if interested or you want to help me out Thank You
Examples:  xx   xx   xx   xx   xx
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mioamato-blog · 6 years
just a reminder that i’m still alive,  just stressing out over school and probably taking a small hiatus until i can actually sit down and write ;; anyway i hope you guys are all doing well!!
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mioamato-blog · 6 years
“ shhh , i’ve got you… i’ve got you… ” ( YOU ALREADY KNOOOOOW )
The adrenaline rushed through his veins. Quite literally, the chemicals from the chambers in his back pumping the liquid adrenaline into his system. He had a hard time sitting down, pacing on all fours in the back of the dropship. His fur up in hackles, expressing alert and awareness.
Warwick didn’t intend to snarl at anyone that got near but he did anyways. There was something defensive about his stance. Clearly, he wasn’t ready to be touched, approached, or anything of that sort just yet. Usually, the muzzle was removed already but it stayed on because he refused to be touched. Sedatives wouldn’t help and only aggravate the beast who had to calm down on his own.
Everyone was acutely aware of the wolf’s territory in the back, marked by the various scratch marks on the dropship’s flooring and the massive bed enough for him to lay on. Warwick found his hairs falling when a voice reached out to him, followed by a strong scent of raw meat. Just freshly thawed. The blood was still dripping and he can smell it, apart from his own blood and the blood belonging to the other’s on the ship.
His ears perked up high, twitching every now and again with the coax of their words. Of course, the only person able to even get through to the wolf was them – Aria, an old comrade from Blackwatch that Warwick barely remembers but recognizes the scent of almost immediately when they are around. His tail slowed, dropping to a resting position as he moved over closer to them.
A large bowl with the meat was in their hands, being set down before him like a peace offering. He attempted to snap his jaws as an indicator of the muzzle still binding his jaw. It couldn’t be removed by him and was made to only be removed by a human. The lock at the back added to that level of complexity with it since he could easily rip it off otherwise.
At their gesture, his head lowered to the ground so that they could unlock it, pulling it off from his ears and then his head, successfully allowing him to move his jaw and eating again.
The muzzle was dropped with a loud clunk. No need to worry about damaging it ; it was made to withstand a beating.
Then there it was again. Those same words, the reassurance that further calmed him. This time, it was accompanied by brushes along the top of his snout, caressing down to under his chin with soft scratches there. Warwick kept a hunched position as he situated himself on the ground, snarling again but with pleasure.
Now he reached out to them, picking them up in one paw with ease. A lick over their cheek with a wet, slobbering tongue was given as a thanks.
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mioamato-blog · 6 years
   as the tool is placed into his hand, he continues to make a few small adjustments to the jump-ship he was working on. a few tweaks were needed before they could take flight, though, Red wasn’t allowed to leave the Tower, not in his current condition, though, it seemed that Aria had different ideas.  “ not much longer– where were you thinkin’ on goin’? “ 
     aria watches him work with interest, eyes watching his fingers grip onto the wrench and tighten bolts. the same fingers that gripped their arm and pulled them out of hell. it takes them a moment to process what he said despite being the one to ask him a question in the first place. 
     “ anywhere but this garage, ”  they mutter,  “ there is nothing for me to do here. i don’t have anything of my own to work on. i don’t... like being in one place for so long. ”
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mioamato-blog · 6 years
( shinbou‌ )
  A scornful noise not unlike a scoff is pushed out at Aria’s compliment to their own skill. While he might be inclined to agree that they are a talented pilot ( not that this is something he’s going to say now so they can gloat about it ), he’s not so sure he would call them the best. Overwatch is full of competent and skillful pilots after all, and most of them don’t blast music over their craft’s speakers on a stealth operation.
     “ No. ”  Eyes narrow further as a glare is shot up toward the pilot, though he knows they won’t see it. The last thing he wants is to be thrown about the inside of the ship – he’s already tired and sore enough from the mission. All he wants is to get back to base in peace, why is that so much to ask?
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    “ I am well versed in what to do in such circumstances. If the skies are clear, fly steadily. ”  Genji’s fingers twitch at the hilt of his blade but, otherwise, he remains still. The huff he exhales is aggressive, though his gaze slides away from Aria’s direction to instead resume focus on some unimportant spot on the wall opposite him. Talking to the excitable pilot only ever encourages them, so why does he keep making the mistake of offering them a response? They might be labeled as a ‘harmless annoyance’ in his mind, but it makes them no less grating on the nerves.  “ Have you not already been written up enough for your absurd and unnecessary stunts? ”
      If Aria can recall those files CORE had on the Shimada family, they would remember the profile they had on the head’s youngest son. They would remember photos of a smiling face and neon green hair. They would know that he was nothing like the man who sits in the back of their aircraft, brooding and sulking. Aria would know. But Genji has not told them anything of his past ( why would he? ) , so they pretend not to know. Instead, they continue to tease him and annoy him, make his life miserable for a completely different reason so he can think of something else. Aria can only imagine what betrayal from someone close, especially a brother, would be like. They don’t blame him for how he is now, but they can still definitely bother him. 
      Aria keeps that in mind as they grip the controls, pleased as they hum because he is still talking and is even CONTINUING the conversation by asking a question. 
     “ Not enough to stop me from doing them, ”  they chirp back to him,  “ you remember when Reyes told me to clean the bathrooms and I did it in my new swimsuit? Any punishment he gives me, I will put a twist to it and make it fun! He can tell me to run five miles and I will do it while skipping, hopping, and doing cartwheels. He can tell me to shine everyone’s boots and I will pretend to be those old time shoe shiners! ”  Aria checks their instruments, it is only a matter of time before they are back to base and Genji can be free of them. There might be enough time for him to come to the cockpit and stab them as well, they muse. “ The worst punishment he could do to me is to ground me, but he wouldn’t do that since he needs his best pilot. And, he also likes the stunts I pull. ”
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mioamato-blog · 6 years
( kosynkas‌ ) TIMUR
          They were foreign words to him,  spoken so cloyingly,  like they should have some semblance of meaning but he wants to tune out.   Because once he cares,  he cares too much,  and his empathy is all-consuming.   So instead he’ll put up barriers shaped out of soviet ice & steel.   Act uncaring until he is uncaring.   And sometimes it worked —— sometimes he did not see the need for any level of intimacy or kinship.   They were liabilities in certain cases.   Glaz preferred not to carry that extra weight.
          He’s at a loss,  and despite his cold demeanor Timur could feel a tightness in his chest and a dizzying sensation to follow.   Not much,  but enough for him to notice he did not like the position he’s in.   Frustration.   Glaz chewed the corner of his mouth as his scowl seemed to only grow more intense.      ❛ You are my comrade,  Aria.   But don’t make the mistake of believing we are any ‘closer’ than that. ❜     He flicked a lighter and stuck a Laika in his mouth,  taking gentle but frequent tokes;  A habit he kicked but occasionally indulged in.
          If only it were so easy for him.   If only he could let people in and not lay awake at night full of anxieties from the repercussions of venturing beyond the border of colleague and friend.   A plume of grey exits his mouth,  forced out by a sharp exhale.   His impatience didn’t show on his face but within his mannerisms.   Why is this getting me so wound up?      ❛ Then miss me.   It won’t change what I said.   And it won’t change the possible inevitability that you or even I may not return here. ❜      Even Glaz could feel the near-palpable burn of speaking taboo.   He falls silent and stared a thousand yards.   Toke after toke.
      With a tilt of their head, they watch him as he smokes. Lips pressed against the cigarette as he inhales and then forming a small ‘o’ when he exhales. They never knew that he smoked. They would have thought that Timur, of all people, would avoid the hand tremors it could cause. He must be very stressed. He must be actually bothered by Aria. He must actually care. 
     Aria hesitates, debating between leaving it at that or pushing the topic. They know that Timur only keeps a handful of people close to him. Everyone else is just an acquaintance or a colleague. They understand. It is hard to make friends in this job knowing that they could be gone the next day. But still, Timur has not left. But still, Timur is still here, talking and actually showing something to Aria they have not seen before. Aria does not know if it is his pride or if he is showing a vulnerable side of himself to them and asking for help. Maybe, just maybe, he wants them to be there with him as long as they can before they leave. 
     “ I will miss you and it will not change a thing, ”  they reaffirm, slowly reaching out to place their hand over Timur’s as it is bringing the cigarette to his face. They smoothly take it from him and bring it to their own lips, squinting at him with amusement as they inhale deeply, finishing it as they keep their eyes locked with Timur’s. Aria lets it drop and they crush it under the toes of their boot as they exhale to the side, a soft laugh bubbling from their throat at the end, “ You should not smoke, comrade. ”   They smile warmly at him, looking at him with soft affection,  “ We could die today and we could die tomorrow. I am your comrade, yes, but I am allowed to think about you. Worry about you. To miss you. You do not have to think the same for me. But, I only have one question for you. If you push people away because you are afraid of loss, then what are you left with at the end of the day, Timur? ”
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mioamato-blog · 6 years
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mioamato-blog · 6 years
@mioamato | liked for a starter. 
    “ y’ mind handing me that wrench over there? “ the tool in question, was out of his reach, opposite of his available arm. the prosthetic arm hiding in a tied-sleeve. the old man extended an scarred finger, out-stretched & pointing to the tool that had slid far out from his reach, laying across the garage floor. 
     aria tilts their head when they hear his voice, lost in thought, and it takes a second before they process what he said. they nod quickly and hurry to grab the wrench for him, moving to his left side and gently placing the tool in his waiting hand. aria peers up into his face and they furrow their eyebrows.  “ how much longer ? ”  they don’t quite like waiting around, not after waiting for how many years until the older man pulled them out of the time loop. 
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mioamato-blog · 6 years
‘ stay close. ’
the road - NOT ACCEPTING ! >> @redceyed
    “ I wouldn’t dream of ever leaving your side, cuore mio. ”
     Aria is tempted to press against his back after he says that, but they know better than that. They both need to focus on the task at hand. It’s been awhile since they were in any action and this fight was turning for the worse        one of them had the idea of going around and striking their enemies from behind while the others moved in from the front. A pincer attack. With how fast-paced these battles were, they doubt the IMC would expect it, especially with how hard they were pushing into Frontier Militia’s territory. But still. Still. They had to be careful.
     “ Try not to stray too far from me either, Red. ”
     Aria tugs on his sleeve gently. He always watches out for them, but sometimes he forgets about himself. They have to be the one to keep him grounded, or worse, pick up the pieces. They’re partners. They need to watch out for each other. Keep each other safe. 
     “ I know I said I wanted to see some action, but now I’m missing the time this morning when we were just cuddling in bed. ”
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mioamato-blog · 6 years
( kosynkas‌ ) TIMUR
          Cynical.   Yeah,  he’s heard that one before.   He begs the question,  will I actually miss them?   No,  don’t be stupid.   What is Aria talking about?   Normally he’s grateful for the quiet and the time to himself.   He thrives on independence,  even solitude,  to a degree that would drive most stir-crazy.   Massaging the nape of his neck he raises a brow,  bewildered,  the other still at a downward slope.      ❛ A fortnight?   That’s all?   You made it sound much longer than that. ❜     Ugh.   How melodramatic.      ❛ And you talk about me being cynical,  “try not to die”?   What a thing to say, ❜     To the untrained ear he would sound brusque.   Glaz was sharp-tongued and it took a lot for him to crack a smile,  but with those who knew him,  they could determine when he’s being stern compared to less-so.
          Truly,  he would not miss the noise.   The passing commentary.   The flirtatious lines reverberating from one end of the canteen to the other.   He would revel in his alone time still;   But it’s true that nobody could un-know something.   He couldn’t un-know Aria’s presence,  nor how familiar and expected it had become for Glaz.   He couldn’t forget that soul-crushing feeling of losing someone in action,  knowing they would never come through those double doors again.   Their imprint,  vanished.   Every now and then,  someone’s absence would make him think back on that.   And suddenly it becomes intensely real again.   Try not to die.   That’s what they all had in mind every damn day.
     Aria’s smile does not fade. For how cold Timur is, Aria is more than warm enough to receive him. It can be said that nothing can dampen their day ( unless it is the phantom pain and they cry and scratch at limbs that were once there ) because even if Timur is most likely looking forward to their absence, a lot can be said in the fact that Timur has not walked away yet. Still, he stands here in front of them, taking his time to SPEAK to them.
     It is is a small thing, but it is a victory nonetheless. 
     “ Two weeks can be a long time when you miss someone and I will most certainly miss you, Timur. I will definitely miss our lovely breakfast mornings where we talk the whole time       ” Aria does most of the talking while Timur just sits there, looking miserable with his oatmeal, but still he usually does not leave. Usually. “ And I will miss hearing you over the radio during missions       ” Again, it is Aria who does most of the talking while Timur likes to keep his RADIO SILENCE. “ But most of ALL! ” 
     They pause, tilting their head as they grin at him. Try not to die, they had said. In a job like this, you never know when today will be your last. CORE had recalled them back for two weeks. In those two weeks, Aria will miss her friends, like always. Worrying over them. Wishing them well. But Aria also fears that if they themselves die on duty... they would never know. They could have their suspicions, but CORE will never tell them the truth. Anything can happen within the coming two weeks. This could be their last meeting; the last time Aria sees Timur      his frown, his eyes narrowing in annoyance, and those same eyes evaluating them.
     “ Believe me when I say that I will miss just seeing you. ”
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mioamato-blog · 6 years
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Ace Combat 7: スカイズ・アンノウン (PSVR, 2018)
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mioamato-blog · 6 years
[aria] falls asleep on [genji]
nonverbal actions  ( not accepting )               — @mioamato
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  Things have been blessedly quiet for the past fifteen minutes or so, a welcome relief from the incessant nattering that has filled the room since Aria invited themself onto the couch unnecessarily close to him, given that the rest of it is completely empty. Genji hasn’t questioned it, certain that if he does it’ll only kick off a second round of annoying chitchat in his ear. Instead, he’s taken advantage of the silence and put his regained focus on the datapad in his hands.
It’s about halfway through filling out his report on his most recent mission that a weight falls against his shoulder, instantly tearing his gaze from the screen so that he can growl at Aria to stop touching him. …Except, when he looks over, he finds that their eyes are closed. It’s their head that has flopped against his shoulder, and a portion of their upper body leans heavily against his arm and side. Well, that explains the silence – he’s always suspected that the only time Aria shuts up is while they’re asleep.
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An aggravated sigh passes through organic and inorganic lips, the cyborg rolling his eyes as he turns his attention back to the data pad, and yet he doesn’t shove the pilot off. He wants to, but if he wakes them he’ll only be treated to more rambling about some topic he’s just finally managed to shove from his mind, paired with pouting and additional whining about how he refused to be their pillow. He’d rather not suffer through that. If remaining safe means allowing Aria to sleep against him, then so be it. For the sake of his report, he’ll allow it – this time.
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mioamato-blog · 6 years
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You might have heard I run with a dangerous crowd We ain’t too pretty we ain’t too proud We might be laughing a bit too loud Aw but that never hurt no one
They say there’s a heaven for those who will wait Some say it’s better but I say it ain’t I’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints The sinners are much more fun
You know that only the good die young
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mioamato-blog · 6 years
aria: men are so weak when you show only an ounce of dominance emilé: uh huh aria: watch aria, slams fuze ( @deadlymatryoshka ) against the wall fuze: AAA
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mioamato-blog · 6 years
“ you would’ve let me die--i deserved worse." (Have 2 for 2 - koyotatsu)
angst - ACCEPTING !>> @koyotatsu
     “ How can you say that? ”
     Aria supposes they only have themselves to blame for this. Treating Akio so cold after how many years of silence. For him to believe that they would actually just let him die, for him to believe that he deserves death        it is enough to shatter the cold exterior Aria built for themselves since the incident. Instead of a glare, a SCOWL, their features soften. As the back of their fingers stroke Akio’s cheek, they feel themselves thrown back in time. Akio, injured. Aria, there to help him back up. 
     “ How can you say that after everything we’ve been through? ”  Their voice is soft, soothing. Nothing like how they usually speak. Cold and harsh. Barking and biting at anyone who came near. Their fingers run through Akio’s hair, aiming to comfort him and hopefully let him sleep.  “ After everything we’ve been through, you really think I would let you die? I’ve lost enough friends. I won’t lose you too. And you know you deserve better than that. You deserve more than what the world has given you. ”
     There’s a slight pause before they give him a small smile.  “ I know Ryou would love to have me as a godparent, but I don’t think I can stand you haunting me and scolding me for letting him have ice cream past his bedtime. ”
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mioamato-blog · 6 years
"I just want to lay with, like, a lot of pugs, you know?"
broad city - ACCEPTING !>> @norikiru
     Aria SCOFFS and plops themselves on the ground, arms resting on their knees as they glare at the ground. It’s too hot. Their sweat is making their hands slip. They thought they could ignore the heat if they just kept working, but Shiro just had to open his mouth and say something dumb that would break them out of their thoughts. The boy must be overheated as well, working in the hangar with them because neither of them have anything else to do. 
     With a scrunch of their nose, they run their greasy fingers through their hair. They really can’t get the image of pugs surrounding them out of their head now. Stupid shit. Having that many pugs around them would just make them even hotter. But… but… it would be so relaxing. 
     After a moment they click their tongue and grab their wrench again, glaring at Shiro now. WISHING they were both covered in pugs. 
     “ Yeah. I get you. Can we get back to work now? ”
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mioamato-blog · 6 years
                      aria is .  .  . keen. an air of sentimentality he’s not accustomed to. in truth he hadn’t counted on it —— never even gave it a passing thought. but now he’s faced with the question, he weighs his options, and is faced with a second; why would they? for what reason? glaz shoots a glance, that ever-deadpan stare of his, like there’s nothing beneath the stiffness of his gaze when in actuality there’s a universe of his own tucked away in a guarded, cerebral pocket.
          ‘ —— i don’t know. ’    spoken with conviction because he doesn’t know. a job is nothing more than a job. they’re from different places, different worlds,he can’t think of a single thing to lay the foundation for common ground. or maybe he’s not trying hard enough. he does it with everyone who’s ever crossed paths with him; and he knows it.but he can’t stop himself. not for anyone.      ‘ i wouldn’t count on it. ’
     Aria wishes they could understand what thoughts went through Timur’s head. What did the man who could see the tiniest of details think? What would he ignore? What would he focus too much on? Under his gaze, Aria would think what he would see       could he only see the surface of themselves or look deeper and see they’re just as SCARED as the rest of them? Aria has so many questions to ask him, but they FEAR it will only push him away after all the work they’ve done to inch closer to him. 
     “ That is a... cynical answer, Timur. ”  They laugh softly to wave away the tense air.  “ Most people would say ‘oh, of course we’ll see each other again. I’ll be waiting right here for you!”  Aria gives him an amused smile.  “ I’ll be gone for two weeks at most. Try not to miss me too much... and definitely try not to die. ”
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