kingkat12 · 2 days
oh the Eric Draven enthusiasts are gonna love me at the end of this weekend lol, chap 3 will be out either today or tomorrow tihi
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creds to the creator of this gif that i have definitely forgotten, if this is your gif then please tell me!! it's just fucking impossible to find any gifs of him in the normal search grrr maybe i'm doing it wrong?
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cacaocheri · 1 year
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he gets flustered easily
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avianwofdesigns · 23 days
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I know I know I said what I said, but the image just wouldn't leave my head
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kingofmeatballs · 3 months
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Ooh he's peekin
Mmm haha I'm gonna be that guy and say full version on my Boosty haha
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lover-of-mine · 6 months
Okay, I'm gonna break through the fog for a second, we were right about bisexual Buck. If we are right about demisexual Eddie, and not only are we getting the slow burn to end all slow burns, but we are also getting this type of representation, coming from two stereotypically "macho" characters on a major network show, I don't even know what I would do with myself tbh.
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magnusbae · 4 months
DID I JUST HEAR WHAT I HEARD. *gasps in character growth*
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koolaidashley · 1 year
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Wolfsbane- also known as monkshood or aconite
A poisonous flower used to call for caution, warn of death, or signal deception.
Results of the Leomori poll are in and Neon Leon won in a landslide naturally haha!!
I’ll be posting another poll so you can pick whose next shortly (even if it’s a little less fun now that you know what it is)
Og leomori post
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sapphicseasapphire · 8 months
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Something something Blind Sky something something
Some art that I made of @tashacee’s series “Links in a Chain,” specifically of Sky! Because I just. I love the silly little bird boy. A portrait and then some little stupid sketches, none of which are specific to any event except for the reference to “A Gentle Man.” If you have not read this series, please do! It’s full of a lot of really interesting ideas (and it’s not all Sky centric, I promise this isn’t just my Skyboy bias).
I hope I drew him right!!! (I probably didn’t). This is my first time drawing Sky in his actual LU tunic and gear so please bear with me. Also I started drawing him in my usual shorthand for Sky (I draw Sky a lot) and then realized that in the fic, his hair is described as “messy curls” so I had to restart. I like how it turned out but I acknowledge that it might not be accurate and I apologize!!! One day I’d like to do a lineup of a bunch of different versions of Sky (and laugh as Cryptid au Sky takes up the whole canvas with his wings) and it was such a delight to draw this version of Sky! Thank you for giving me this opportunity!
Anyway, I’ve rambled long enough! I hope this is okay! Have a great day/night, everyone!
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idcaboutart · 2 years
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incessantlark · 1 month
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cannolipaper · 1 year
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a tired medic
idk i had this idea and realllllyy want to practice the mercs so
two colored versions because i liked both and couldn't decide
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cacaocheri · 11 months
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moon has a fun way of dealing with workaholics
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lazysunjade · 1 year
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L A K E S I D E |
autumn by the lake. Hylewood 2023.
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moonlight-prose · 6 months
Heyy I never send requests because honestly I can’t explain what I mean but can you do
*hard to sit here and be close to you, and not kiss you* from the fritz gerald sentence starter list with steven grant
I loveeeee the way you write him 🥰
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a/n: thank you so much darling! i've been off my writing game for awhile. but i was listening to the head and the heart last night and gained some much needed inspo for steven. only to find this perfect request sitting in my inbox yet to be answered. so i hope you enjoy this late response.
summary: memories of steven grant haunted you like a history you could not change. they were your dreams, nightmares, and wishes that never came true.
word count: 1.5k+
pairing: steven grant x reader
warnings: none, angst, my attempts at being a writer again, idk this is probably not very good so be warned.
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The sky was set aflame as the minutes and seconds ticked by. Your mug filled with cheap wine sat on the edge of the roof, your hands clasped around it. You wondered if you imagined hard enough that maybe the liquid would burn hot. Would it turn to coffee? The same type you had with him. Would the sun fade to a soothing darkened sky, scattered with very few stars and even fewer wishes. 
His smile was an object of permanence in your mind's eye. The quirk of his lips, the pink hue that fell into a pout of confusion. Even if it was just to show he was listening.
Although when it came to Steven, he always listened.
If you shut your eyes—imagined a night sky of infinity and constellations and stars not yet wished upon—you could see him. You could feel the way his curls twined around your fingers. The soft brown was somehow your favorite hair color now. You never knew you had one until him. They became a staple when you remembered him. The singular trait you latched onto when you could no longer trace the shape of his face, the curve of his jaw, the slope of his nose.
“What’s your favorite thing about the night sky?” you asked on a whim. The coffee perked you up slightly. Bitter and grainy on your tongue but perfect nonetheless. It allowed you to stand there at least, to stay awake as his own mind fought against the exhaustion that no doubt riddled his bones.
He never complained though.
Never told you that he lived on barely enough; that his mind was a place of chaos he’d been privy to for quite some time. You saw him as much as you could, but sometimes time never seemed to work in your favor. Time seemed to be intent on keeping the two of you apart.
He smiled—bright enough to put a sunset to shame. “The moon.”
“Of course,” you huffed.
His life wasn’t a secret to you. Steven—ever the man to consider others emotions—made sure to be upfront with you. As much as he possibly could of course. But some secrets were simply not his to tell, not a history he could divulge. So he made up in whispered words of lands that existed centuries ago. In stories that bridged the gap between humanity and the past. He regaled you with the history he could speak aloud with the hope that it would be enough.
That you’d be okay with just that.
“Tell me yours love.”
Somehow breath turned nonexistent around Steven. Your default had become to live eternally without it. Not that you minded much. Breathing was no longer a necessity when you yearned for the sensation that came without it. The skipped beat of your heart, the warmth that spread through your stomach, and the love you felt spark along each nerve and each limb.
With Steven you felt like you existed on a different plane. Problems were nonexistent. Humanity became an afterthought, and the possibility of anything flourished like a flower at the start of spring. Bright and beautiful and full of endless potential.
You’d describe your relationship with Steven that way. A perfect replica of that actually, but every now and then life collided with your shining star, knocking away the wish before you could make it. Steven held your hope in his open and inviting palms, yet the thought of permanency with him…felt further away with each passing day. He couldn’t remain. He could barely stay for the moments spent awake together.
“The stars,” you whispered, casting your gaze out onto the sea of tiny shining sparks in the sky. An endless amount of them out in space, yet so few shone in the night sky.
“For the wishes?”
You smiled. “I guess so.”
Oblivious to you, he had moved closer, his leg centimeters away from brushing against yours. “What are you wishing for tonight?”
Could you tell him? Could you reveal that your mind—your heart—was set on him. After all this time it would always be him. Steven had sunk into your life as one would fall to the bottom of a river. Softly, smoothly, until your breath slipped free in a thousand tiny bubbles. Yet you held the option to come up for air; you had every choice layed out in front of you.
When it came to Steve though…sinking was the choice you’d make every time. You’d rather drown in his sweetness than live without it. A fact that you’d come to terms with months ago.
“You tell me,” you replied, your eyes meeting his. So full of life, so full of hope. It nearly broke your heart in two.
He smiled. “It’s not really a wish.”
“I don’t care.”
“It’s…uh…” He tapped his finger on his leg. A subtle beat of morse code, each letter spelled out before your very eyes. You caught the makings of an L and an O, but the echo of his cough dragged your attention away. “It’s hard.”
“What’s hard?” you breathed.
He cleared his throat, a hint of crimson spilling onto the tops of his cheeks. “Hard to sit here and be so close to you, and not kiss you.”
Your stomach swooped, breath escaping your lungs faster than you could suck it in. Yet you still held his gaze. You kept it like a closely guarded secret; dug your fingers and nails into its makeup hoping that some part would remain once this moment ended. Once you were alone again, yearning for him to return. That was the thing about Steven though. You never had to hold on so tight, because without knowing it, he was already embedded in your heart. He was a part of your DNA.
“It doesn’t have to be,” you said softly, leaning a bit closer. The heat of your mug seared into the skin of your palms, but you ignored it for favor of the burning ache that spread through your stomach. Until it wrapped tightly around your heart.
Like a vice you’d never be able to escape.
You shook your head, leaned even closer, and watched his eyes flick down to your lips. “Guess you figured out my wish.”
He let out a breath, shaky and warm, and you nearly collapsed as it washed across your face. Perhaps he wanted to say more, or maybe you should have been the one to keep talking, but Steven was never one to keep you waiting. He yearned for you like the moon did the sun. An ongoing cycle of passing one another by, until nothing remained but your simple silly little wishes scattered across the sky.
He held onto each one with reverence. With the patience of a man who knew that your time together would come. You’d flourish together, pass across one another. Even if it was for a brief amount of time. Steven had always been your wish, your eclipse that was yet to come, yours in more ways than you could imagine.
Cupping your cheek, he tugged you close enough until his nose pressed to your skin, his shaky breath an indication that he felt just as nervous as you. That this small moment of time was anticipated with a fervor you’d never understand. His lips met yours, barely there at first, a soft brush of skin against skin. You felt hesitant, scared that he wouldn’t want more than this.
Until you heard him groan. Broken and long and absolutely withering. He tugged you closer, his lips slotting against yours rougher than before. And you felt the heat spill searingly into your chest, a soft moan bubbling to the surface to echo in the night air. He swallowed it with ease, his fingers lightly digging into your cheek, hand moving to press into your waist. You could still taste his nerves on your tongue, feel the way his body remained slightly tense, but with each touch of your skin to his he began to loosen.
He bloomed for you right there on that balcony with the moon as your only witness.
Hot tears slipped down your cheeks, the sunlight spilling back into your vision as you finally opened your eyes again. Sunset melted into dusk, the soft hues of blue and purple streaking across the sky. Until you could see the moon begin to rise in the east. A glimmer of the man that once held your heart in his.
The creak of the roof door echoed behind you. Probably another tenet coming to admire the view. You gathered your mug, wiped the flow of tears that refused to stop, and moved to give them the space. You’d seen enough of the moon for one night. There was no reason you had to stick around to pick out hopeless stars and lost dreams. That would remain in the past with the rest of your memories.
“What are you wishing for tonight love?”
The breath caught in your throat, eyes wide as you whirled around to face what you assumed would be a figment of your imagination—a cruel trick of your mind. Yet there he stood. Wearing different clothes, and holding a different demeanor, but you’d recognize him anywhere.
You smiled slightly, your fingers tightening around the mug. “You tell me.”
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podraje · 9 months
Head empty, only Aniela and Maciej
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rainydaygt · 1 year
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Woe, The adventure zone Amnesty au be upon ye
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