mj-library · 6 hours
For the relationship asks! Any relationship you want <3 whoever has the most interesting answer haha
24. How do these two interact with each other in public versus in private?
25. If a stranger saw them together, how would they describe their relationship?
Heya! Thanks for the ask! (From this OC relationship ask game)
I'm doing Robbie and Akash!
24. How do these two interact with each other in public versus in private?
Robbie and Akash are extraordinarily close. In public, they're seen operating on the same frequency, joking around. If one gets threatened, the other one is quick to jump to their defense, even though they constantly poke fun at each other. They're loud, slightly obnoxious, but mostly fun and overall well-liked. It's hard to hate them.
In private, not much changes accept what they're willing to discuss. Neither of them repress their emotions or anything, but they are more likely to be vulnerable around just each other than they are around anyone else, since there are things they keep private. They're a bit more openly affectionate with each other. Other than that, they're still on the same frequency, still joking around, etc.
25. If a stranger saw them together, how would they describe their relationship?
It depends on what kind of person the stranger is. Some would see Robbie and Akash together and think "wow, it's so amazing to have a best friend like that," but others might think their relationship was "weird," and others still might think they're romantically involved because "how can two boys be THAT close??"
But I think the unifying thing all reactions would have in common is deeply misunderstanding the nature and depth of their relationship. They seem like goofballs, and some may think they're nothing more than that. Some may even think they're the same person, as in their personalities are the same, which definitely is inaccurate. But mainly strangers would see them as two best friends, which is very reductive, even though neither of them have the vocabulary to describe it either. Some may even call them "brotherly" which also isn't quite right.
The most accurate I think we can be with Robbie and Akash's relationship is either by calling them queerplatonic or platonic soulmates, which most strangers will not pick up on.
Thanks again! Love talking about these two.
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites
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mj-library · 1 day
find the word
tagged by @loopyhoopywrites, thank you! my words are today, tomorrow, and yesterday. These are all from A Question of Trust.
no-pressure tagging @mjjune @little-peril-stories and @halfbit with the words bone, absolute, grow, and reset.
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[ID - a purple decorative divider]
“You would. Next time you’re coming to me at the Yawning Portal. After that troll last night, Durnan owes me a pint or three.” She flapped a hand at her face. “Maiden’s tits, it’s hotter than Asmodeus’ taint today. You sharing that wine?”
Ashenivir was in bed when he got back. Rizeth squeezed in beside him and almost woke him to apologise, then thought better of it. He’d make up for himself tomorrow. Not simply say he was sorry, but show it, the way he was supposed to.
Rizeth set his book aside. “Would you come here, please?” Ashenivir did as he was told. Please. What was that about? It certainly did nothing to rid him of the sense that he’d made a mess of things and upset Rizeth. All this…this niceness, it felt unnatural, like someone had replaced his Master with a very kind, very caring stranger. He settled uncertainly onto Rizeth’s lap. Rizeth tucked his temple braid behind his ear. “Do you think I am angry with you about yesterday?” If he wasn’t, why was he acting like this? Overabundance of kindness after an argument, in Ashenivir’s experience, was merely prelude to the next. Matron Zauvym had taught him that lesson repeatedly.
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[ID - a purple decorative divider]
Obedience taglist: @foxboyclit @belovedviolence @thegreatobsesso (ask to be +/-)
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mj-library · 2 days
six sentence sunday!
Out of nowhere came @lychhiker-writes with lines from That's Not Davy Anymore and a tag! Then turned around and wrote two pages despite not wanting to, which is inspiring as hell. Thank you :3
I'm still revising this whole chapter from Doom Metal Love Story Book 2 and don't know where I am rn but I think it's six lines and I think it's from Chapter 6?
Knowing the man could not remember kind hands on his body, Sullivan had never asked for nor expected kindness from them. Yet Royston did try to emulate the warmth he felt when Sullivan touched him, and Sullivan felt loved when Royston touched him, if he did not feel kindness, or gentleness. If those things were not in his nature, regardless of how fine he was to watch, of how soft his skin was. If the man who loved him was ruthless and soulless, and had no idea what love even looked like, before Sullivan showed him. Royston loved Sullivan because Sullivan saw exactly who and what he was, and he did not ask him to be anything else. He never had. Not in any iteration.
Oh no look out I'm tagging everyone and it's open:
@amielbjacobs @astramachina @aintgonnatakethis @ashfordlabs @ashirisu
@cowboybrunch @dyrewrites @elsie-writes @finickyfelix @frostedlemonwriter
@grimmdivinity @gioiaalbanoart @luchadorbard @leahnardo-da-veggie
@maypearlss @mjjune @noturprobiem @noblebs @orphanheirs
@paeliae-occasionally @scribble-dee-vee @sentfromwolves @sapphicwizards @sunset-a-story
@thelittlestspider @the-golden-comet @transthadymacdermot @vickythestrange @wolgerrswraith
@words-after-midnight @xenascribbles @your-absent-father @zackprincebooks
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mj-library · 3 days
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I fiiiinally finished this mock cover for my portfolio!
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mj-library · 4 days
20. What is their best memory together?
21. What is their worst memory together?
You know who I want gimme ur vamps ;P
thankuuuuuuu the vamppsssss all of themmmmm. since hue/jihan are a vampire werewolf couple (or divorced couple PFF) i should include them too lmao. i'd love to include the nonsense of my twilight wip but uhhh it doesn't really fit relationship questions unfortunately LMAO.
20. What is their best memory together?
darren & gabe (vdtrt) -> when they're reunited after [REDACTED] ugh my emotions
n & bibi (dead rites) -> LMAO.... they don't meet under the best of circumstances, but ig if they had to pick i would say probably that night where they first slept together. things were tense, but that was a one fleeting moment of goodness before shit hit the fan.
hue & jihan (supernatural dads) -> when they first adopted esther, then the few years later when they adoped ozzy. getting to hold the new babies in their arms was better than anything <3
21. What is their worst memory together?
darren & gabe -> if i don't choose [REDACTED] which is by and far the WORST shit ever. i would say that the most awkward moment was when their roadtrip lead them into south carolina and darren had to awkwardly interact with his old hs crush who rejected him, and then pretty much got rejected (lightly) by gabe after the fact. it was uhhhh a very awkward day all around
n & bibi -> when the war starts, n and bibi start off on opposite sides because they get into this huge fight and that shit was awful :((
hue & jihan -> the divorce definitely ughhh pain
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mj-library · 5 days
well if i were in that situation i simply would have done something different (<- spoken of a piece of media about a person progressively isolated and stripped of agency by forces far greater than they until the only path they feel they have to tread—erroneously or otherwise—is one that they previously never would have chosen)
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mj-library · 6 days
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*point at him* My son in law, Cú Chulainn. Be careful, he bites.
(shamelessly copied the design from @sissiarte that has this gorgeous visdev project going on and put all the work and research into it go take a look!! I just added an eyebrow slit because I just felt Iike it)
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mj-library · 7 days
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"Glows like moonlight..."
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mj-library · 8 days
i need to get back to drawing francis ripping her face and skin off
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mj-library · 8 days
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mentally i am here
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mj-library · 9 days
wip intro, acrylic body
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acrylic body
genre . literary fiction
status . drafting
tag . #acrylic body
the radiant beauty and grim adversities of the human experience, from the perspective of a woman with a body of acrylic, a mind formed only by the love of an artist, untouched by anything but paint-streaked hands and soft words -- until the disappearance of her creator reveals to her the realities of conscious existence.
if you spend too much time thinking about, well, thinking, are struck with awe by each and every brushstroke of a painting, and often feel crushed under the heavy weight of life's vast possibilities, acrylic body may draw your interest...
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summary .
Upon the passing of an eccentric and reclusive painter, his artwork is left without a keeper and lies abandoned for years. Eventually, his home is harshly stripped of each colorful splotch of paint and every photograph worn by loving hands discarded, and his paintings are sold at auction. Through the eyes of one of his paintings, we view the lives of those whose hands she is passed through, and how they differ from the warm and tender studio with which she is familiar.
please let me know if anyone would like to be added to the tag list for posts about this wip! <3
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mj-library · 10 days
I had a dream that the king and the queen of a small country had a daughter. They needed a son, a first-born son, so in secret, without telling anyone of their child’s gender, they travelled to the nearby woods that were rumoured to house a witch.
They made a deal with that witch. They wanted a son, and they got one. A son, one made out of clay and wood, flexible enough to grow but sturdy enough to withstand its destined path, enchanted to look like a human child. The witch asked for only one thing, and that was for their daughter.
They left the girl readily.
The witch raised her as her own, and called her Thyme. The princess grew up unknowing of her heritage, grew up calling the witch Mama, and the witch did her very best to earn that title.
She was taught magic, and how to forage in the woods, how to build sturdy wooden structures and how to make the most delicious stews. The girl had a good life, and the witch was pleased.
The girl grew into a woman, and learned more and more powerful magics, grew stronger from hauling wood and stones and animals to cook, grew smarter as the witch taught her more.
She learned to deal with the people in the villages nearby, learned how to brew remedies and medicines and how to treat illness and injury, and learned how to tell when someone was lying. 
Every time the pair went into town, the people would remark at just how similar Thyme was to her mother. 
(Thyme does not know who and what she is. She does not know that she was born a princess, that she was sold. She only knows that one night after her mother read her a story about princesses and dragons, her mother had asked her if she ever wanted to be a princess.)
((Thyme only knows that she very quickly answered no. She likes being a witch, thank you very much, she likes the power that comes with it and the way that she can look at things and know their true nature.))
The witch starts preparing the ritual early, starts collecting the necessities in the winter so they can be ready by the fall equinox. Her daughter helps, and does not ask what this is for, just knows that it is important.
The witch looks at Thyme, both their hands raised into the air over a complicated array of plants, tended carefully to grow into a circle, and says, sorry.
Keep reading
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mj-library · 11 days
A last line tag
Thanks for this one @author-a-holmes! Today I have for you a few fanfiction lines, as the novels are all giving me trouble so I'm getting work done on something different. :)
“But try me anyways, Buck, I got a near perfect memory now.” “Me too,” Bucky confesses. “1236 Beverly, okay? In Flatbush. Don’t—” “—Be followed, got it,” Steve says, and they both lose a beat staring, wondering how the hell they just read each other’s minds. It’s been seventy years, hasn’t it? Maybe, Steve thinks deliriously. Maybe not.
Tags for @ace-malarky @aziz-reads @mjjune @sentfromwolves and @sleepy-night-child (you're the only person I know here who'll get this excerpt lol, so enjoy!)
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mj-library · 12 days
7 snippets, 7 people
tysm for the tag @andromedaexists!! 💖
Everly watched him as he walked through the orchard back to the castle, the afternoon sun highlighting strands of gold in his hair. She hated that she noticed such things. Hated that, all at once, her heart could be thundering wings and the softest of feathers.
“You do know you’re not the only monster here, right?” Vega says. “Sometimes I think you forget that.”
“You can’t command my men,” he shouts. “I outrank you.” “Arden, please,” Asher begs. He’s not above begging for this. “No,” she says, firm as a rock. “If you’re going to try to save our kingdom, then I’m coming with you.”
“Ugh!” Daelyn says when she finally glances up at Vega. “How do you look like that after the Clearing?” She turns to Everly with a deep frown. “How is it she can always look like that after the Clearing?”
Her brown eyes pierced him. Then she surprised him by lifting her other hand to his cheek, and Asher went still. Her expression softened, and he wondered if she’d expected him to flinch away from a hand that had sprouted flames.
Asher tried to hold onto his consciousness as long as he could, just so he could make sure he was actually seeing the firebird with his own eyes, hearing it with his own ears as the creature released an agonizing cry.
Everly took the little crown of twisting gold leaves and tiny diamonds. “You’re not allowed in my room anymore.” “That’s fine. Your clothes are about a century out of style anyway,” Vega said with a toss of her hair and a wink, and Everly actually laughed.
tagging (no pressure!): @flowerprose @samplewriting @pinespittinink @authoralexharvey @legiomiam
@garthcelyn @kaatiba @00pbz @galactic-mystics-writes @thoughpoppiesblow
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mj-library · 13 days
🚀 Rocket - What do you do when you get new ideas midway through a story?
⭐️ Star - Do you have a favourite character? If so, why are they your favourite?
From this ask game - thanks! :)
🚀 Rocket - What do you do when you get new ideas midway through a story?
This has definitely happened, lol. When it’s a new idea that fixes some plot holes and helps everything make sense and come together more smoothly, that’s great! But I’ve also run into situations where a new idea takes the story in a completely different direction and undermines a bunch of stuff I’ve already written and I’d basically have to start from scratch in order to implement it. One good example, which thankfully didn't require TOO much rewriting from scratch, is my first chapter. Originally, the order of events was completely different, with the first two chapters taking place during the “twenty years ago” prologue time period for the main character. I proceeded to write much of the story with the understanding that this was how the beginning was always going to go. Midway through the book, though, I had the idea to move chapter 2’s events to before chapter 1, and only mention them in dialogue or brief flashbacks, making it just one prologue chapter instead of two. Which was great for helping the beginning of the book move along more quickly, but it did require a complete rewrite of the first chapter. On top of the two or three rewrites of the first chapter I’d already done. And some continuity fixing in all the other chapters where there was any mention of the previous version of the events which were now changed.
First chapters are important, but hard to get right!
⭐️ Star - Do you have a favourite character? If so, why are they your favourite?
For this project, my top favorite character would probably have to be Gregorius. He’s very near and dear to my heart. 💙 He wasn’t always who he is today, though. Early, early on in the development process for this story (like...2016? 2017?), he was a much different character. I always knew I wanted him to be a secondary protagonist/non-POV main character accompanying the POV main character, but I didn’t exactly know how I wanted him to interact with the story yet. I had a bunch of different ideas for his personality and backstory that didn’t all mesh together, and no sense of direction for what to choose over anything else.
But, one early inspiration for this story was Beauty and the Beast (the fairy tale in general, and specifically the animated Disney version), and in the process of analyzing what I actually wanted to pay homage to from that story, I started getting some ideas. One thing that’s always bothered me about the Beauty and the Beast story is how it preaches a “don’t judge by appearances” message while, in some ways, basically demonstrating the opposite. The Beast’s appearance comes from the enchantress making his outward appearance match his beastly behavior (who he is on the inside). It immediately reinforces the idea that certain visual attributes are inherently associated with moral “badness,” and as soon as the Beast learns his lesson and changes into a better person, those attributes vanish and he magically transforms into a conventionally attractive person. I get that this visual demonstration is one of the simplest ways to get the meaning of the story across, it's just a metaphor and you’re not supposed to read into it too much. But as someone with a lot of “conventionally unattractive” visual attributes myself, which people have always criticized and made fun of me for, this always bothered me anyway. And eventually I decided one of the best ways to handle a Beauty and the Beast homage in my own writing, specifically a “don’t judge by appearances” message, would be to flip the script entirely. The “conventionally unattractive,” “beast” character does not look the way he does because of some moral failing he needs to correct. He just looks that way because that’s how he was born. And he CERTAINLY is not going to transform into someone who looks wildly different at the end of the story (I always hated that part of the Disney Beauty and the Beast movie, too). He doesn’t NEED to change visually in order to be worthy of love; he just needs to be accepted. What really matters is his heart, his actions, his choices, who he is on the inside, and that has nothing to do with superficial stuff on the outside. If someone judges him for his appearance anyway, that says more about them than it does about him.
And as for the “beauty” character…on the outside, she may fit the stereotype of the conventionally attractive female character that always makes up the other half of the “Beauty and the Beast” duo in stories like this. But actually, she’s the one with the severe character issues that need to be worked on. She is the beauty AND the beast of this story. Her appearance cannot be taken as any indication of the kind of person she is inside, just like the same can be said about him.
~ Minor-ish spoilers for my book’s conclusion ~ In the end, after a long character arc and a lot of dramatic plot events, it’s really Gregorius’s strength of character that inspires Emmaline to change into a better person at all. Despite his quirks, oddities, and inexperience with some aspects of life (much of which isn’t even his fault), learning from his example in the areas that truly matter was always the key to Emmaline’s personal growth as a character. She just wouldn’t think that to look at him, especially early in the story when they first meet as adults and she’s terrified of him (at first).
So I guess, one reason I like Gregorius so much as a character is because of the message he represents in the story. Which, in the end, is what gave me the guidance I sorely needed to figure out how to develop his character. If his role in the story is to be the more morally sound one of the two, setting a “good example” to follow, then that dictates a lot about his personality, his values, his goals, and the kind of character arc he can go on. Still, he's not an entirely static character, he does change and grow in some ways throughout the book. He has a strong moral compass, but he does mess up sometimes, go against his conscience, and make mistakes. To me, this doesn't undermine his purpose in the story as a positive moral role model; him making mistakes just gives him the opportunity to apologize, make amends, and do better next time. Which I kind of think is more interesting (and relatable?) than a character who's completely perfect and never does anything wrong in the first place, anyway.
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mj-library · 14 days
some process pictures plus a bit of a sequel (that im very normal about) to the last drawing
devastating: the lighting covered most of the stuff that took ages to line and paint in the original
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im normal about sher checking on karma very late at night because he knows he's often up working late. and karma having no idea of that fact. he swears he left his tunic on the chair but maybe he didn't??? sleep deprived funky memory's fault probably
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mj-library · 15 days
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tagged by @mjjune to make my characters with this picrew! ty for the tag <333 did all my girls & theys from tnv! ✨
tagging (no pressure!): @flowerprose @samplewriting @pinespittinink @authoralexharvey @legiomiam
@garthcelyn @kaatiba @00pbz @galactic-mystics-writes @thoughpoppiesblow
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