mklor14 · 7 years
Poem of the Month: October
Poem of the Month: October
October by Robert Frost O hushed October morning mild, Thy leaves have ripened to the fall; Tomorrow’s wind, if it be wild, Should waste them all. The crows above the forest call; Tomorrow they may form and go. O hushed October morning mild, Begin the hours of this day slow. Make the day seem to us less brief. Hearts not averse to being beguiled, Beguile us in the way you know. Release one leaf…
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mklor14 · 7 years
The Road to Nowhere
The Road to Nowhere
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Located in Byrson City,  North Carolina about six miles into the Great Smoky Mountains National Park there is a beautiful scenic drive that leads to nowhere, but a tunnel.  You can GPS the location just by inputting “The road to Nowhere” and it’ll take you straight to the place.  Understandably, it doesn’t sound impressive at all; however, besides the beautiful views it’s a place filled with…
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mklor14 · 7 years
In 2013 Judaculla Rock, located in Cullowhee, North Carolina approximately ten minutes from Western Carolina University, was put on the National Register of Historic Places. Although, it is just a rock it holds more than just being a nature display for the public. If you are a person who is interested of Native Americans history, enjoy simple sightings, or just simply love to learn new facts than this a good little stop to visit while you are up in the Western North Carolina region.
Judaculla Rock is 30 miles from the Qualla boundary, home to the Eastern Band of Cherokee Native Americans today. In fact, Cullowhee used to be a historic Cherokee town as well as the site of a council house mound. The rock, according to Cherokee legend, was believed to have served as a boundary for hunting grounds and was guarded by the slant eye monster Judaculla.
It was said that Judaculla lived on Balsam Mountain and he guarded his hunting grounds from the Devil’s Courthouse (a site that is access nearby the Blue Ridge Parkway) in which was his judgement seat. One day a group of hunters intruded Judaculla’s land and this was disrespecting the giant. Angry, he chased them away and landed near Caney Fork Road. While trying to balance himself using a nearby large boulder he left traces of his palm on the rock. If you looked closely at the rock, you can start to make out some line traces like that of a palm.
There are also other markings and drawings on the rock made by the Cherokees, this is known as Petroglyph and began around 1500 years ago until the Cherokee’s life and tradition were broken by European settlement. These markings or drawings may have symbolized notable events or created during rituals.
The Parker family, for 100 years, have been guarding the rock for generations to keep it away from vandalism. And it is one of the America’s most important historical places since it is an important ancestral place to the Cherokee.
And though there may not be much of a view to see, do enjoy the short beautiful view once you turned onto Caney Fork Road. Plus, you can make a quick stop at East LaPorte Park where there a beautiful lake for you to enjoy, relax, and take a quick swim.
  Extra Pictures:
  Travel Diaries: Judaculla Rock In 2013 Judaculla Rock, located in Cullowhee, North Carolina approximately ten minutes from Western Carolina University, was put on the National Register of Historic Places.
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mklor14 · 7 years
My Mother's Story
My Mother’s Story
Growing up I can never rely getting help with homework from my mother. If it was project that deals with creativity, then that is when my mom can help. However, if it was something like calculus, I’m on my own.  Unlike my father who was educated in Laos, my mother never received any education. She lost her father at an early age, and spent her childhood farming. Even this day, she still gardens…
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mklor14 · 7 years
Take Me Back to the Night We Met
Take Me Back to the Night We Met
**Note: This a guest submission from one of my friends who wished to remain anonymous.  A friend once told me through a handwritten letter that she wanted to go back to the night we met. Not the day when we first ran into each other in middle school and become friends. Not the last day she spent with us in high school before moving out of state. But the night when she came back to visit her…
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mklor14 · 7 years
My Father's Story
My Father’s Story
I have a passion for learning. If I can keep going to school and not worry about student loans, I will keep attending school. As weird as it sounds school is fun for me. However, I didn’t always have a passion for learning. I hated school. I hated it so much that I never did my homework, but each night my dad would come back from work and he did my homework for me. Looking back at it now, I…
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mklor14 · 7 years
Poem of the Month: The Road Not Taken
Poem of the Month: The Road Not Taken
The Road Not Taken BY ROBERT FROST Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the…
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mklor14 · 7 years
I put myself before others
I put myself before others
My friends described me as someone savage and selfish. They usually tell me that I don’t really give the damn about others because I’m too concern about myself and my own problems. They all say I should be the last person they come running to when they have problems, but I’m always the first. And they all agree about how much they loved  me just because I loved myself. There was actually a time…
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mklor14 · 7 years
Why Hmong people have many children?
Why Hmong people have many children?
Today while sitting in the library my friend asked me “Why do Hmong people like to have many children?” We laughed for about ten seconds just at the thought of him asking me. I then asked him the same question his response was “I don’t know about other families, but my parents always wanted to have a big family.” I then told him about a Hmong proverb: “We farm and harvest many crops to await…
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mklor14 · 7 years
Advice from MaiMai #3
Advice from MaiMai #3
Anon 4014 sent in the following: Over the summer I found out that my ex passed away in a car accident on his way returning to home. I don’t exactly know the real story of the accident, but all I know from friends and his family is that he went to visit his wife and the accident happened the morning when he was coming back home. Long story short, they lived apart due to their jobs and take turns…
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mklor14 · 7 years
Contributors Wanted
Hello everyone, As you can probably tell by the title of this post I am looking for contributors for this blog. Since I am juggling work and school for this past one and half years I have not published a lot like I used too. Additionally, I can also used more creative content to garnered more audience. I’m not looking for anything specific, but I do want to try a lot more different areas and…
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mklor14 · 7 years
I Wish...
I Wish…
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Credit: Janx (Pixabay user)                             https://pixabay.com/en/beach-wind-drift-sand-contrast-1106731/  I wish I was like the wind so my soul can set free from this vast garden of flowers, thorns, hives, and weeds. Thus, I’ll come a in soothing and calm wind storm to let Earthlings know of my happiness and joys. Perhaps, a roaring wind storm when I’m angry and upset. Even stay…
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mklor14 · 7 years
Who would she save?
Who would she save?
My Grandma came to visit this past month and she is getting ready to leave back to California this coming weekend. It was fun spending time with her and she has gotten a lot older and smaller. Moreover, I can tell that she is also getting more lonely. One night while she was staying with us (she’s currently at my uncle’s place), she nagging about how I don’t call her at all to talk to her. And…
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mklor14 · 7 years
Everything is Going to be Alright
Everything is Going to be Alright
Life is an endless loop of circle. Or better yet an endless infinity sign. Every single time I think I’m done running a marathon, I find myself not at the finish line, but another beginning line. And every single time I tell myself it’s okay to not know where I’m headed. It’s okay to be lost for a while. It’s okay because everything is going to be alright.  Eventually, I’ll end up at another…
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mklor14 · 7 years
Hopefully not, Stay Well
Hopefully not, Stay Well
One day as I walked on the paved road in the park I saw young fit man jogged right passed me. My friend poked me in the ribs telling me how cute he was. I couldn’t see his face clearly because I had left my glasses in the car. But my friend had good taste in men considering their looks but not their personality. We were the only three in the park besides the two workers who were each mowing the…
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mklor14 · 7 years
Advice from MaiMai #2
Advice from MaiMai #2
Anon4013 sent in: I’m currently a 2nd  year in college. I have this high school friend that I’ve known since we were kids and she was attending another college. She didn’t so well so she was put on academic probation. I want to tell her that she needs to get back on track and stop hanging out with the wrong group of people. However, she has change a lot since meeting her new group of friends and…
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mklor14 · 7 years
Dead End
Submitted by Anonymous 2 cups of harsh words 1/2 teaspoon of salt in my wound 4 wine bottles of shards between Just enough to make her cry. Enough to make her bruise all over her body until it aches. Enough for her storm into the bathroom and lock the door. But not enough for her to leave you. 1 glass of red champagne 1/4 cup of Hershey kisses 1 teaspoon of sweet words Just enough to make her…
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