mrmidnightblog · 11 months
Monster Hunter Inc, for preorder on Amazon
0 notes
mrmidnightblog · 1 year
American Monster
Chapter 1 Lewis wasn't having a good day. Not at all, walking down the street, passing everyone walking passing him while he wasn't paying attention, finding him lost in his head. This isn't good; I can't believe they fired me; I spent the last five years, and they just… why? Lewis felt angry, his head hurting as he felt his blood boiling; his boss had come into his office and told him they were making cuts and changes around, and Lewis didn't make the cut. Claiming it was nothing personal. But Lewis wasn't sure about it. They handed him a month's severance, but he spat at that, Yeah, cause that will help me out when the money runs out. Fuck, I've got to find another job and quick. Sure, Lewis had some savings, but even he knew it wouldn't last him forever; Lewis continued walking when, without warning, he dragged him back into the world when he found himself walking into someone. "Hey, watch it, bub!" Lewis looked up, and standing there, nearly eight feet tall, was none other than a strong hairy man, well, a man who wasn't a man. The man was a minotaur. Lewis looked at him, almost shocked and confused by such a thing. It was the first time he'd ever seen an actual minotaur in person. Lewis shook his head and muttered, "Sorry, I didn't see you." He tried his best not to stare at the bull-headed man, wearing a black t-shirt and shorts. But just looking at the man, Lewis could imagine that he could tear him apart without effort. "Didn't see me? How? I'm like Eight feet tall. Are you trying to be a funny pal?" The Bullman growled, clearly ready to tear Lewis a new one. Lewis raised his hands, clearly trying not to look aggressive, "Look, man; it was an accident; I don't want any trouble, alright? I'm just having a bad day, that's all." Lewis imagined he would need to start running and maybe find himself in the running of the bulls without even having to go to Spain. "Ash, what are you doing?!" A woman's voice quickly rose, loud and demanding, as The Bullman seemed to freeze right up upon hearing her; Lewis looked around at the big guy seeing a black woman walking up, clearly annoyed, as she looked over at the minotaur named Ash. "Oh, Sorry, Miss Love, This punk here bumped into me, and I-" "No excuses, Ash, you know the law; you're not allowed out of my sight; what if the cops came by? Now get your butt over here." She spoke, clearly showing the large man bull who's boss. "Sorry, Miss Love." Ash, the minotaur, spoke, his shoulders slumping as the woman sighed. "I'm sorry, sir; Ash here is still new and learning the laws. Including the rule's about how monsters are not allowed to harm humans. Now apologize." "But he bumped into me," Ash replied, but Miss. Love spoke up. "It doesn't matter. I saw how you were acting. Now tell the man you're sorry. We don't have all day. We have to speak to Ms. Jade." The bull-man looked back at Lewis, staring at him for a minute as if contemplating something but giving a heavy huff. "Sorry. Have a good day, sir." He spoke before turning away. Miss. Love looked back at Lewis. For a second, as she headed over, "Listen, it would be nice if you didn't report this. Ash is new to our society; he was hanging in a labyrinth before he came to America, so he's not used to being around humans. If word got out, they might deport him back to Greece." If on cue, Miss. Love pulled out a twenty and shoved it into his hand almost forcefully. She turned around and kept her eyes on the minotaur, ensuring he didn't run off somewhere. Looking at the twenty, Lewis sighed and muttered to himself. "I need a drink." Lewis's head filled with worry. He walked off, going towards the nearest bar. He wasn't sure what to do, Walking past the sounds of heavy traffic. The bar, better known as Jack's Bar, can be found between jacks Pizza and Jack's Tattoo Parlor. (None of them were the same Jack, strange enough) Lewis walked into the bar. The soft bell rang, telling everyone Lewis had arrived. The bar was filled with The sounds of Hard Rock music while the few patrons hanging around drank away their sorrows as they talked to each other. "It's five o'clock somewhere," Lewis muttered while he headed to the counter. Lewis looked around, getting a better look at the jukebox off to the corner with its neon colors going off. At the same time, he turned back, seeing the bartender standing there with a grim expression. Lewis stated, "Just get me a beer." The bartender nodded, reaching down and grabbing the long-neck bottle from under the table. The bartender didn't need to be told twice. He looked at the beer as he undid the top and took a long swig, The bitter taste washed down his mouth as he sat there for a good minute. "Fucking greedy dick heads." Lewis's head shook, thinking the day couldn't get worse. He grunted, thinking about how he lost his job. "What am I going to do for work?" He grumbled, thinking he'd have to get on his computer and send applications. Hopefully, someone would take him. Heck, if he was desperate, he'll have to go into fast food. Still, he found himself shuddering, imagining dealing with customers, as he knew that would most likely be the last resort. "Something wrong, buddy." A voice spoke, calm and relaxing, while Lewis looked over; a man wearing a white button-up t-shirt and a smile that seemed off from the rest of the place stood there. "Rough day, man; what do you need?" Lewis responded something about the man seemed completely off. "Just saw you and thought you'd like to talk, pal." He moved over, sitting right next to Lewis, while he rolled around, "Names Matt, so what's got you down." "Just got fired from my job, Matt. Shouldn't you be in Sunday school?" Lewis didn't want to be rude, but his mood was shot down, and He wasn't feeling like being the nicest guy. "Hey, not the only one, pal; a few of us are going through hard times!" One of the patrons called out a slight slur as he returned to his drink. However, this seemed to get the other patrons going as well. In comparison, the rest started to grieve their frustrations. "Those monsters took my job, Fucking nightmare worked construction for ten years, then the boss said They had to let me go, Replaced me with a damn cyclops! I put the best years of my life for the company, and they let someone eye bastard take my job 'cause he's stronger and gets the job done faster." The man spat on the ground while taking another drink of whiskey. "You think it's bad? One of those integrated Monsters now a part of our society is dating my daughter, Fucking hell. Why couldn't my daughter marry some nice human? I don't want grandkids to have goat legs!" He grunted, taking a drink while the others consoled each other for a time. Then a black man in the group raised his head, "I'll be honest, and I'm fine with monsters coming around; cops, leave me and my kin alone more often. Who'd have thought bringing in actual monsters would bring us all together under a single idea." There the people raised their drinks in solace agreement. At the same time, Lewis nodded, somewhat agreeing, a part of him wondering if that would happen if he were replaced with a monster. No couldn't have been. I've seen others leaving. Also, It had to have been a screw-up. He looked back at the others, who went back to drinking quietly. He saw himself in them, each having a rough time, as he grunted. Lewis moved over, taking another drink while Matt stared at him even more; Lewis found that this freaked him out. "What do you want? You're starting to freak me out." Lewis spoke with an unfiltered truth while Matt smiled, "I think I know of a way to help; here, please take my card." He reached over, handing him a plain white card. Written in black ink reading, The Helsing chapter. With a number scrawled over it. Lewis found he wasn't interested in this man's offer, as he shoved the card in his pocket, trying not to be rude. While shaking his head, "Well, thanks; I Appreciate it, man." Matt gave that long smile while he adjusted his sleeves, "Call me anytime; you can join our meetings; I know it can help you." Matt moved on, walking off, while Lewis sat there, a long sigh as he returned to his beer. Luke tried not to think about it, wanting to push his sorrows away. A good beer or two could take it all away. -000- After a bit, Lewis shook his head as he paid his tab and began to leave. Walking out of the bar, he hadn't realized it was already dark as he sighed. "Going to be a long night." He grunted while he began heading off down the streets. As he stumbled off, the roads were empty, leading to his apartment. He was sure this was the right direction in many ways as he grunted more. He imagined he had too much to drink while he stumbled around. "Hey, buddy, are you looking for a good time." A sultry feminine voice spoke. Lewis looked over seeing the woman standing there, and now he had to admit she looked like a cool drink of water. Tall, with slender legs that seemed to go high. She's wearing a short leather skirt with a top that barely hides anything. In his drunken state, Heck Lewis imagined that if it was any smaller, it might have busted off, revealing her breasts. "I'm sorry, what?" He said while he leaned against the wall, though the woman didn't seem to mind. "I said, Buddy, do you wanna have a good time? Fifty bucks, and I'm your's for an hour." She spoke with a smirk, her hand reaching over and playing with her breasts. "Make it a hundred, and I'll even let you do anal." She chuckled while looking towards him. Lewis then noticed that she had a pair of horns on her head. "Are you a monster?" He grunted while keeping his head from spinning. The woman, clearly annoyed by such a remark, let out a long grunt. "I prefer succubus; we don't like being categorized under a single banner. Now do you want to fuck or what?" The succubus said, tapping her foot, annoyed by Lewis, who just side, "No thanks, no offense, but I don't have much money even if I wanted to. I just lost my job today," Lewis grunted, feeling his stomach turn as the realization hit him harder. "Damn, that sucks. Well, hope you get on your feet, pal." The succubus said as she began walking off, figuring there might be a chance to find a client on a different corner. Lewis sat there for a minute, his heart racing fast, wondering what he would do. Lewis continued sitting there for the rest of the night, trying to sober up. Lewis would eventually get up from where he was sitting. Soon stumbling away, as he imagined he could make it home safer now. The streets are empty, with not a soul in sight. The whistling wind passed by as he went home. The home was not home anymore as he looked up at the two-story building. The place somewhat beats up, though it was built in the nineteen-hundreds and managed to get through two world wars, the Vietnam war, and a good couple of recessions while still holding out. The house was cold, with a cool breeze as he moved around, grabbing a plate while cooking tacos from the other night. Lewis sat alone while he waited patiently. The kitchen was big enough to fit a few people; as he looked over at the sink filled with dishes, Lewis knew he would need to get to those when he could. He walked inside, putting in the code, and the door unlocking sound. His laptop is over by the fridge while charging. The light blinked, gently annoying Lewis, as he returned to his phone. "I'm going to need to find a job soon." He grumbled, knowing he would have to update his resume. He looked down at his phone when he noticed something. Do you want to earn extra cash? Do you have room in your home for another person? If you join this government program, you may receive thirty-five hundred dollars a month. "That sounds good, and I wonder how?" A part of him wondered if this was going to be a scam. But looking at the empty kitchen with just a stove, a microwave, and a fridge, he knew he didn't have much choice. He didn't want to lose this house, the only thing his parents had left him: a place that still had to be paid off and a bunch of bills. "I've got to try something." So Lewis sat there, pulling his computer. Lewis logged in while he typed away and started filling out a form. "I mean, they most likely would reject me… But why not." He bit his lips as he spent time filling out the application. When all was said and done, Lewis took his tacos and ate them alone in the dark before going to bed; His bedroom was simple, with white blankets and a mattress. The tv off the other side mounted to the way while he looked around. He stared at the blank wall, not bothering to turn the television on. Lewis didn’t keep much on him. It reminded him too much of the past. He took the time to eat his tacos and worried about the future. -000- Morning came by faster than Lewis was ready, the feeling of the sun entering his eyes from the exposed window. Lewis groaned, feeling the pounding in his head. He was dealing with a hangover. Lewis lamented, using every ounce of strength and willpower to drag himself out of bed. Lewis walked to the bathroom, looking at himself in that disheveled five o'clock shadow. His hair was a complete mess, with that cowlick showing off on his right side as he looked at the mirror and rolled his head. "I look like shit." He grumbled as he looked over at his razor. He reached out to it, his fingers mere inches from it before pulling back. "Screw it; not like I've nowhere else to go." He reached over, taking his toothbrush while brushing his teeth, when Lewis heard a ringing from his room. He rolled his eyes. Lewis had a funny thought about phones. They were some of the most valuable things in the world, but at the same time, they were annoying. You always found yourself getting a call when you didn't want them, and if you were using them, you might not be paying attention to where you're going and smack your head into something. Lewis grabbed his bed off the nightstand; as he answered it, "Hello?" He asked, momentarily pausing while trying to wake up, rubbing his head while he prepared for whoever might have called him. "Hello, Claudia Jade; I'm a part of the Monster Of National, safety, tolerance, and effective relocation." Lewis found himself pausing there, realizing this woman claimed she was a part of… MONSTER. He quickly responded. "Could you please repeat that…" Claudia Jade did so, and he was right; the acronym is monster. A fact he wondered might have gone over her head, or she was playing this straight for a joke. "Alright, so you're a part of monster…. What do you need?" Lewis almost forgot about what happened last night. He remained calm, trying not to let his finger slip as he sat on the bed. “Yes, now I’d like you to come in today; we received your file and would like to discuss your interest in helping out by hosting a nonhuman in your home.” “A nonhuman?” He asked though he figured he knew what she meant. “A monster, we prefer to call them nonhumans, they don’t like being referred to as monsters, now please, Come in at one o’clock, don’t be late. I have a busy schedule.” She spoke rapidly while Lewis found himself unsure how to respond, looking at the clock and realizing it was nearly noon. “Alright, um, can I get the address?” He asked while he reached over, finding some paper and a pen; he had to ask her twice as she handed over the address and motioned over, putting it on his desk. “I’ll see you then, Mr. Bundy.” She said Lewis was about to say something, but the sound of clicking hit, and he was disconnected. Lewis sighed, rubbing his temple; somehow, he imagined today would be an even bigger headache even when the hangover left him. Lewis moved over and looked down, seeing the card lying on the floor; Lewis looked towards it, wondering, before shaking his head and tossing it on his counter. Lewis went to get ready. He would be in for an interview faster than he expected. -000- The address wasn’t far; he could run there if he wanted to,  Lewis jumped into the shower and got him cleaned up, wearing his best button-up shirt and blue jeans. Lewis then had to deal with his head; it hurt like someone had just put a spike through it. Lewis reached over, grabbing a pair of sunglasses. He imagined it would do for now as he ran out of his apartment, heading to the address. Lewis walked down the street, and it was a cold, cloudy day. Lewis listened to the sounds of the traffic passing by them. The heat beat down on him. Lewis ignored this, trying to focus on this meeting going well as he continued jogging. He wasn’t sure when he would get there. Lewis didn’t need to be late. If it came down to it, he would be in big trouble. He ran past some of the buildings as he slowed his breathing. After a few minutes, Lewis stopped, as he found himself standing in front of a large building it looked around twenty stories tall. He gulped, looking at the size of the building as he imagined being on the very top. “Why does it have to be so high.” He grumbled to himself, imagining the worst of it. Yet Lewis took a deep breath getting his nerves. He hadn’t even gotten inside the building, yet somehow a part of him chickened out; he hated himself for that. Don’t be a coward, bud. Lewis heard the familiar voice as he turned around and saw no one, well, nobody he recognized walking down the streets. Lewis walked into the building, the lobby was something, and Lewis took a deep gulp as he walked through it. There were many kinds of monsters roaming around. A sight to be seen as he passed by a large, diverse group of creatures, from minotaurs to even women with snakes for hair, wearing blindfolds as men in black led them off. He tried not to stare as he headed to the back of the room to the receptionist's table. The woman standing behind the desk was a heck of a sight. The top half was human, with short brown hair, and dark crimson eyes, all be it six of them going up her forehead, while she wore a delicate white top, though she was more flat chested, when he looked down at those parts. But the one thing that kept her from being fully human was that she had a set of large long legs, eight of them to be exact, as it reminded Lewis of a wolf spider. His heart pounded as he wanted to say something, but instead gave her a wide smile trying to seem more polite. Her name tag read Emily, as Lewis saw her giving him a sensual smile, showing off her white teeth and fangs that reminded him of the kind you’d see on vampires in the movies. They glistened in the light. “Hello there, do you have an appointment?” she asked, her calm voice said, as she brushed some of the hair out of one of her eyes. Lewis smiled, took a deep breath, and nodded, “Yeah, I’m supposed to meet Miss. Jade, she wanted to meet me about hosting.” He tried keeping the conversation quick while looking at the clock on the table reading half past ten, meaning he was still early. Soon Emily, the spider woman, moved over to her computer, clicking on the keys as she typed away. Lewis stood there feeling awkward as the seconds ticked away. Lewis watched, her taking long deep breaths as his spider legs twitched like she wanted to do something else. She pulled away from the computer and nodded, “Yeap, you’re in our system; Miss Jade will see you in her office.” She said with that smile. She pointed to the elevator, “Her office is on the fifteenth floor, go left and three doors down.” She reached down, grabbing the key card. As she quickly typed onto the computer as handed it over. “Please follow me.” She walked over to the elevator and scanned the card, Lewis following behind her while watching her walk around. Lewis couldn’t help noticing how the hair on her body swished around. Such a sight as her back end wiggled. It somehow made him feel uncomfortable. But he held on as he followed on as they made it to the elevator. “I think we might exceed the weight limit.” Lewis joked while looking at the spider woman. “No, it’s more of a precaution that we set up these key systems so someone doesn’t break into the building’s other floors. It’s required that I or Someone else help you get on the elevator Since only workers can access the other floors.” She slipped the key card over, and there was a long pause before the doors opened. “Walk in and hit floor fifteen, and it’ll take you straight up there,” Emily said, giving him a nod before turning around. Lewis nodded as he stepped into the elevator, and the doors slowly closed. Her Spider rear almost brushed against his nose as he watched her leave. “Hopefully, this isn’t some trap, and I’m just going to fall into some spider web.” He shuddered, imagining that, with just a press of a button, he’d fall through the floor and into the spider’s web—a meal for Emily and another Spider woman or monsters that ate humans. That didn’t happen; in fact, Lewis was going right up. The sounds of elevator music played as a sinking feeling in his stomach as he continued taking a long deep breath watching the doors, waiting for them to open. Then the doors opened with a light ding; he sighed in relief as he stepped off the elevator and began to walk down the hallways. Following Emily’s instructions, it didn’t take long for him to find Miss. Jade’s office. Her door was a frost-covered glass, with her name written in jet-black lettering. Lewis watched for a minute as he stepped over, giving it a light knock. When the door suddenly swung open. “That goddamn bitch, why the fuck would she reject me? I would have been able to do the job perfectly fine, fuck!” A fat man stepped out, and Lewis took a quick look, the anger on his face as he looked like he was about to burst a blood vessel, as he nearly pushed Lewis out of the way. Lewis was about to ask the man what was wrong but heard a voice after him calling out, “Next, please.” He looked around to see if there was someone else, but it was only him, while the voice spoke up, “Yes, you; now come on, I don’t have all day.” Lewis did so walking into the office; the place was spacious. The person sitting behind the desk, A woman with short red hair wearing a fine suit, as she adjusted her tie; at that point as she grabbed a cup of coffee that sat on the desk, steaming away. “Please sit down. Would you like some coffee or a drink before we begin?” She spoke in a polite voice, and It was the kind some people put on when they were in a lousy mood to try and not cause trouble for others; Lewis shook his head, soon taking a seat. “Um, I’m Lewis; you called me over the phone this morning.” “Ah yes, I’m glad you could make it on such short notice; we’ve been trying to get as many people as possible to help us.” “Um, what about the last guy? He seemed pretty angry?” Lewis added, glancing behind him to the door, as he could almost imagine the man somehow coming back with a gun ready to shoot someone. The woman smiled as she tilted her head, “Him, don’t worry about him; he was rejected cause, well, simply, some of the clients think that we are providing a dating service. We have to be careful with who we trust hosting the nonhumans; with how the current laws are going, the hosts can take advantage of them, and that would harm relationships.” She reached down under her desk, pulling out a file. “You’re Lewis Bundy, right?” She looked over the file she looked around. Claudia Jade moved around the papers as she looked at him, “Yes, and I take it you’re Miss. Jade?” He asked though she nodded, “Yes, Now, You’re wishing to be a host; mind if you tell me why?” She looked at him while she put the file down, watching his movement. “Well, honestly, I can use the extra money and help these… Nonhumans.” Lewis responded, choosing his words carefully. Miss. Jade nodded, “I figured, though, from the quick background check, you lost your job the other day.” “I mean, yeah, but how did you know that?” “We did a quick background check, simply checking your Facebook and social media, and contacted your last employer. It was a quick search. Though we’ll conduct a deeper background check if you hired on.” “If?” Lewis asked, finding himself more curious, “Yeah, this is just the interview, though I have some questions from your file. It looks like you were at one point in the army?” “Um, yes, I was, though it was a few years before I was discharged.” “With Honors?” Miss. Jade asked while Lewis nodded, “Well, that’ll be good to know, especially when we go into the background. Now, what are your thoughts on Nonhuman? I need you to be honest cause this will be a part of the check.” Miss. Jade watched him like a hawk while Lewis shook his head, “I mean, they haven’t done anything to me. I’ve never really met with any to get a real impression.” Lewis said though he found his eyes drawn over as he couldn’t help but notice how her suit clung to her. For a minute, he thought he could see her black bra if he could believe the dark matt exposed to him while she adjusted herself. “Well, good, 'cause one of the issues we’ve run into is some nonhuman supremacist trying to get ahold of one of the nonhumans to try and harm them.” She moved around as she put his fire away. She seemed to turn her attention somewhere else as she brought out a few papers. “Well, I wouldn’t want to hurt them, besides I could imagine that they could tear me apart.” Lewis chuckled though it was clear he was nervous. At the same time, Lewis found himself fidgeting in his seat. A habit he’d had since Lewis was a kid, as he discovered his but swaying back and forth in the chair and hoping that Miss Jade didn’t notice the habit. “Yes, Well, we can’t be too careful. While some nonhumans can tear you apart like tissue paper, others are far more sensitive. Once, one of the Melonheads was given a host family off in Florida, and well, it didn’t end well for the Melonhead. We had to take him back to Ohio in an ambulance. The host family was arrested, and children were taken away.” Miss. Jade looked at him intensely, clearly meaning business when it came down to that; Lewis gulped but tried to return a smile. “Well, I can promise you that I wouldn’t do that to anyone, human or m—Nonhuman; that just wouldn’t be right.” “That’s good; now, I will tell you this. Normally you’d be disqualified because you didn’t have a job,” Miss Jade spoke while Lewis found his head slouching at that before Claudia Jade spoke up. “Yet, I will be making an exception, thanks to your military experience. I will stick my neck out for you, but you must do something.” “What's that? I’m all game to do anything,” Lewis spoke up a bit more, the excitement escaping his voice as Miss. Jade reached down, writing something down. “You’ll need to pack up when you can; next week after the paperwork is done and if the background check passes, and I expect you will be. You’re to move to this address, where you’ll stay.” Lewis watched as she handed him over a piece of paper with the address written there. “This was a house that we had recently acquired, it was a meth lab at one point, but we’ve cleaned it up, but the place needs to be repaired.” “Alright, that will help, but why send me there.” “Well, while you are there, we’ll slash your payment from three thousand to two thousand a month. The deduction will go to help pay for housing there. While there, you’ll have to repair whatever you need to make it homely for the Nonhumans. Yourself, heck, we’ll refund you if you have to go over budget,” Miss Jade smirked, leaning forward and watching him. Lewis felt himself sweating at this but nodded. “I mean, that’s fair, plus a place for me to stay.” However, he couldn’t help but find it annoying that he was hoping for the entire three thousand, which was still far more than he had expected. “Yes, but with some bonuses, The simple things are compensation for whatever food you might have to buy for you and the girls. So we are giving you a deal, free housing, two thousand dollars, and some food expenses. I don’t think you’ll find a better deal anywhere.” Claudia Jade smirked as she put the pen down before him. The ballpoint pen just wiggled as he watched it. “I mean, it’s that, or you could flip burgers, you wouldn’t get such a good deal as this, and Heck, I can imagine you can find a side job while you’re working on the house and helping them adjust to human life.” Lewis watched the pen and the contract that Miss. Jade slipped over, and he let out a long sigh. Did he have much of a choice? The deal was too good to pass up. He grabbed the pen, and without hesitation, he signed the contract. “I have to ask, why are you doing this? I mean, you said with me not having a job, I should have been disqualified. So why give me a chance?” Miss Jade smiled as she leaned back on her desk, a foot on the desk while watching him like she’d been waiting for him to ask this question. “Everyone needs a second chance and a break. I figured I’d do my good deed of the day and give you yours, So pray that the background check doesn’t screw you over.” There was a smile on her face while Lewis nodded, and she would put her feet back down on the floor as she grabbed his contract. “Please have a good day, Lewis Bundy; expect my call.” She muttered as Lewis stood up and walked out of the door. He had some packing and, hopefully, a bright new future.
0 notes
mrmidnightblog · 2 years
The Demon bride
Chapter 1: Catfishing It was a cold November evening, snow falling and grazing the ground as the black Charger drove down the road. The sound of the engine roaring; the driver, a man named Garth Foxworthy, was heading off. Were to, well, for Garth, it was the first date he's had in the last five years. He grunted, adjusting his collar, He wasn't used to wearing the button-up flannel shirt, but he wanted to look his best. "Just relax, Garth; just because you haven't been out on a date doesn't mean you need to over think it." He grunted while looking at the rear view mirror. His black hair is sticking up slightly; even with the haircut, he still looks like he just got out of bed. Though admittedly, he still looked better than the rat nest he had before. He took a second to check his breath. "Could use a few tic tacs." He muttered, reaching over his center compartment. While looking over it. His mind raced as he took another turn going down the dirt road. "Frick-en GPS," Garth grumbled while looking at the device, it said he was on the right path, but passing by the cornfield, he felt like he was going to end up dealing with he who walks behind the Row. He shook his head. "Come on, don't chicken out. You're at least going out to meet a girl, and you haven't done something like this since Tamera." He rubbed his eyes, damning those contacts, wishing he just came in wearing his glasses, but tonight, he wanted to impress Sarah. A cute girl who liked country music and long walks in the fields,  Sarah Green, the girl's tinder profile read, was five-foot-six, with blonde hair, with bright blue eyes. Nothing seemed off about her too much. Heck, he was most shocked that she swiped right on him. Garth was happy that she was even willing to go on a date with him to the movies, So Garth grunted, imagining how it would go. They probably grab some drinks get something to eat, and go out for the film, and whatever happens after that, well, that was all for fate to decide. Take the next left, and you will have arrived at your destination, the synthetic voice spoke as Garth realized it; he quickly turned the wheel and found himself going up the dirt driveway. "I'm here; well, better let her know." He quickly grabbed his phone, dialing her number, his fingers rapidly typing 937-555-0669. The phone's bluetooth connection to his car as he listened to the ringing—long pauses as he waited there. The phone rang once. Then a second time. Then the third time, that was when Sarah answered, her voice quickly spoke, "Hey there, Garthy." The sugary sound of her voice as she spoke to him, his heart raced fast, as he answered without hesitation, "Hey Sarah, I just got over to your place; I just noticed the lights weren't on; you ok in there?" He prayed to God. Sarah hadn't somehow forgotten their date. "No, I haven't. I'm just finishing getting dressed; come on up to the door; I left it unlocked just for you. No worries, Garthy." She let out a long draw on Garth as he gulped more, unable to believe his luck that the girl was this into him. Garth popped right out of the car, his hand slamming it behind him as he looked around. The sound of crickets chirping away as he stood there looking towards the house. The first thing he found about the place was that it looked close to falling apart. “What the?” He muttered, getting a better look at it. The place was more like a dilapidated shed over a house. Maybe at the most, a hunting lodge. Garth wasn’t sure what to make of the home. The only thing he knew was the place was not home. “Fuck, You’ve got to be shitting me.” He felt angry at himself for even falling for this, “No, Maybe I just put in the wrong address.” He reached over, pulled out her number quickly called her. Sarah promptly answered him, not even a moment's hesitation as he looked around, finding the place beginning to get quiet. “Hey there, Garthy, is something wrong?” Sarah said, speaking with that hushed tone as if she was ready for more, “Hey, I think I got the wrong address; you said you lived at 756 Morn star road, right?” He asked, more curious than ever as he looked around. The way the corn swayed across the road was setting off red flags for him. “No, that’s the right spot; I see you outside my window; just wait for me there, Garthy,” Sarah said, her voice sounding a little off as he listened into it as if she was growing impatient. “You know Sarah, maybe I should get going, I mean, It’s getting late, and I’m sure we’re just going to miss the movie and all that so—” Before Garth could finish his sentence, he suddenly found himself emersed in pure Darkness. His head twisted and turned, trying to scream, yet all that came out was a muffled yell. “Come on, get him inside.” One of the voices called out. Garth tried breaking free and doing something as he struggled. However, one had begun binding his hands down behind his back. Another one grabbed his legs; whoever they were was strong as they gripped him tightly. “Heavy fucker, Can’t wait till we get rid of him and get our wish Right Ariel!” A man who a gruff voice spoke out his chuckle, bringing no comfort to Garth as he said, “Get rid of. What do you mean by that?” Though his captives could barely hear him as he tried breaking free. Feeling his hands digging into the ropes, he panicked, scared about what had happened. He wanted to scream for help. But at this point, it was no use. So far as Garth knew, he was just fucked over six ways to Sunday. Garth felt dragged away. He could hear a door closing behind him. Pushing him down, Garth felt his back pushing into the wall—a hard nail going into his back. He tried moving around, getting more comfortable, but one of the strangers pushed him back into place, forcing that Nail to press harder against him. “What the hell? What do you want.” He grunted out though still none of them could hear him as they chuckled, “Are we nearly ready, Ariel?” “Not yet; just have to get a few things down, and soon we’ll be ready.” That voice, he recognized it, more it was Sarah, “Sarah? Sarah, what the hell are you doing?” “Will someone take off the bag? I’m not in the mood to hear his muffling.” Sarah, or Ariel, whatever her name was, spoke out, clearly annoyed, as Garth could feel the sack being ripped off his head. The room was dark, only lit with candles spread across the room; the most he could see was the brick walls and dirt floors. Three people were standing around. One of them was a bold man wearing heavy-framed glasses, a consistent pissed-off look on his face as he pushed his glasses up, wearing all black and a pair of leather gloves. The other man, off to the side, was a leaner, button-up shirt who popped his neck. The smallest of the group as he looked over at Garth, giving him a wave. Garth looked at him, confused. What was he supposed to do, wave back? He just looked back over. “So Ariel, this is the guy, huh? He doesn’t seem much.” The smallest said, his voice sounding more like a whiner as he shook his head. Garth couldn’t help thinking the guy looked like he wasn’t even seventy pounds when wet. “Son just got to get everything set up. It’s our only chance even to get this done right. I’m not letting you idiots screw this up for me.” Garth looked over to the woman's voice, and there he saw her, Ariel, at least who the others saw; now Ariel looked somewhat like Sarah's picture. That's if you ran Ariel’s picture through a whole bunch of filters and hinted with photoshop to make her smaller, more petite, cause she was a very hefty woman, as she is wide. Not someone Garth might have looked at twice on the streets. She stood there wearing a black robe that reminded him of a moo moo as she lit a few more candles. “Oh, Garthy, it’s so nice to meet you.” She spoke with a broad smile, and It was there. Garth cringed, somehow looking like her; Garth admitted it wasn’t as lovely as before, selfish, sure. Maybe he was a little judgmental, but given the situation, he was right; he felt he had some right to judge her just a little bit. “Well, nice to meet you, Sarah, or Ariel, whatever your name is. Would you mind letting me go? I won’t call the cops on you guys.” He wished he had his phone, but Garth had dropped it when they kidnapped him, so it was most likely lying around his car. Ariel cupped her fingers together like she was carefully thinking about what she would do. As she popped her mouth and said, “Yeah, no, not going to happen; we’ve been waiting for this long. Not every day we get a full-blood moon, and this is our shot.” She reached over, beginning to move the candles around, pushing them into a symbol one Garth didn’t recognize as he looked at it for a minute, “Your shot for what, kidnapping and catfishing some guy? Like seriously, not cool there.” “Well, It was easier for me to get you over here by pretending to be some beach blond bimbo,” Ariel said, the sneer in her voice as she looked at him, “Fair enough, though. I figured you’d want your next meal or something; instead of kidnapping, I thought fat people were meant to be jolly?” Garth felt the urge to go right under the belt for this one. Ariel looked at him, just staring daggers into his eyes for this response as she responded, “You know, you were only chosen from random chance, but after this, I will enjoy sacrificing you to satan.” Garth shook his head while he looked back, “You’re going to sacrifice me to Satan; it’s not the best date I’ve gone, for so not my top ten.” “Please, like someone like you had managed to get a date, and by the way, you are so not six-foot-one.” “At least I didn’t photoshop my picture, and by the way, I’m five-eleven. So I’m close.” Garth grunted; he wasn’t sure if he was more angry or scared of being in such a situation but by golly, was he going not just lay around and let them do whatever they were planning? “Ok, guys, we’re going to start this a little early; bring in the virgin!” “Hey, I am not a virgin!” Garth said clearly while the others looked at him; they shrugged as they reached over, pulling him from the wall and dragging him around in the middle of the wall; Garth tried wiggling around, making it more complex than them. The big guy growled, “Hey, quit squirming; we’ll make it much rougher for you.” “Oh, come on, little john, what is it you want so much that you are willing to sacrifice me.” “Names, Jack, and We’re sacrificing you to Satan, the light bringer, the great destroyer, and if we do, we will be given our greatest desires what we want. That’s where you will be used for.” “Sacrificing me for Jack shit, now how about you let me go.” Garth rolled his eyes, clearly not in a good mood about it, so what do you three want anyway? I mean, if you're going to be murdering me, might as well tell me what I’m dying for.” The three of them looked at him, blinking for a good minute; honestly, they seemed more surprised by his reaction, while the smaller one on the side looked back to the other two, quickly saying, “You know I was expecting him to be more screaming or begging for mercy?” Jack nodded in agreement while seeming more confused. “Well, not much to do for begging for my life; I’m kind of pissed I somehow ended up in the situation; heck, most likely, I’m in shock,” Garth muttered, clearly annoyed by the matter though Ariel moved in spreading her hands, “Enough, whatever it is we want, it doesn't matter; what matters is that we just get this ritual finished, and we summon Satan so that we can get what we want, alright!” She hesitated for a minute. As she looked at him “Miles, cover his mouth. I don’t want the meal to interrupt the ceremony, got it.” She looked at Garth with that hideous smile as it was clear she was missing her front tooth. Miles raised a hand and said, “With what? I mean, what can we do it with.” “Miles, did you forget the duck tape?” Ariel said, finding herself annoyed with the two as if she wished she’d done it herself instead of relying on these two. “Now 'cause Jack there forgets shit!” Though quickly, Garth found his mouth covered with the rag as his voice muffled. Ariel sighed in relief, “Thank Satan's tit, and we shut him up.” She turned, watching the other two pulling them back, watching them closely to ensure they didn’t screw this up. “Alright, just spread his arms and legs back, like the Leonardo de Vinci man.” The two nodded, Jack, giving Ariel a thumbs up. Who Nodded with much chagrin. The stale expression didn’t give much as she jiggled over to the center of the room. “Tonight, on this dark hour. We lay this soul out for the dark one, the one who was once the Lightbringer, now the dark ruler of our world. We follow your will and bring forth a virgin! So that way may present him forth and damn him so that we may have our wishes come true.” Ariel stood loudly, her hand raising in the air as she held the twisted dragger in her left hand. She circled as her two goons were chanting in what might have been Latin, but the way they mumbled it, Garth wasn’t sure. In truth, Garth might have imagined it was not very comfortable. He lay there for a good minute listening to the chanting continued. Their unison continued getting louder as they spoke the Latin words; he looked around, trying to break free, but one thing was for sure Jack might have known shit; he also learned how to tie a knot cause he was stuck there. It was then he started seeing it. Sparks behind Ariel, the way it began moving into a circle. Ariel began calling out, “We call upon Satan, we renounce The name of God and his teaching, grant us our desire, we give you this mortal soul, and so that we may appease you, the great ruler of the inferno, on this night of the blood moon!” The passion in Ariel’s voice as she raised her hand. Her body jiggled around like a bowl full of Jelly, and Garth wanted to gag watching it and wondering how such a person tricked him. Till remember, it was because of Photoshop. However, the sparks behind her began getting wider, opening up as he could see within them. Inside was Darkness, not the kind they were surrounded in. He somehow felt the seriousness of the situation. This Darkness was wrong, like a near-endless abyss where no light could enter. It stood out like nothing before. This scared Garth more than anything. He let out a muffled scream, his mouth still gagged as he tried to break free; his deep primal instincts made him want to run from the sight of this portal. The clowns had done nothing, but somehow the deep abyss within that portal made him take it seriously, his heart pounding, racing like a train driving through as he watched in utmost horror. He wasn’t even sure what was within that thing, but whatever it was. He didn’t trust it. “Ariel, it's opening; it's working!” The smaller one, Miles, spoke while jumping up and down in excitement, while Ariel smiled, “The book says we have to ask for what we desire, then make the sacrifice, now ask! We don’t have much time!” Jack knows shit, raised his head, and called out, “I want a promotion; I’m sick of being stuck at the bottom; I want to rise on the corporate ladder and run the company! Sick of them bastards looking over me, picking some ass kisser,” Jack know shit spoke more angrily, His hands balling into fists as he looked annoyed, as Garth felt a little bad for the guy, though, and shook his head off at that. Little Miles was next, popping right in as he called out, “I want to be big; I’m sick of being the small guy; I want to grow muscles so no one can fuck with me!”  Little Miles began to strike an entire post, trying to look masculine, but Garth rolled his eyes in annoyance. It seemed utterly predictable. Yet Garth’s eyes shot over to Ariel, the group's apparent ringleader, and this made him wonder: What does she want? I mean, she kidnapped me? What does she want so badly that she’s willing to kill? Ariel looked towards the abyss, the wicked grin plastered over her face as she raised her hands, asking the circle into the black abyss; no, it sounded like a demand, something she felt she was entitled to. “I want you to make me beautiful, and I want you to make me the most desirable woman around the world, So I might be able to find my knight in shining armor.” She hugged herself, the dagger pressing against her as she looked back at Garth, “Now, it’s time for the Virgin sacrifice; now, great beast, great Lucifer, we present a virgin! One that you may have for this fine hour to feast on the soul with Judas and Brutus!” She started climbing onto Garth, who let out a groan; if Garth could, he’d have pushed her off him cause this woman was crushing the very life out of him. Ariel didn’t need the dagger, and she could have crushed him. There was a long pause as they heard something coming from the abyss. The prolonged laughter continued while Ariel looked over, “Great lord of Darkness. Is that you? Are you preparing to hand us what we desire?” Ariel spoke loudly, her hand fumbling with the dagger like she was close to dropping the damn thing as she watched over, mesmerized. However, the laughter only got louder, like whoever was on the other side was amused by the situation. “Lucifer?” Ariel spoke more shocked, while she looked at the portal, and for a brief moment, she saw what looked like a pair of hands grabbing the edge of the portal. Garth wasn’t sure what he saw as he lost his cool. His body was shaking, trying to break free; unlike these three, his desire to live seemed to be in complete control as he kicked around; even Ariel was caught off guard as she found herself falling off Garth. “No, not Lucifer; I’m afraid you messed up by not sacrificing a virgin.” Slowly something began pulling out of the dark void, and Garth wasn’t sure what he was saying. His mind seemed fuzzy like he couldn’t comprehend what was happening. “But we picked a virgin, and he’s a man who had never been a part of the craft; how can he not be a virgin?” This only made whatever this creature was laugh. “Foolish mortal,  one has touched magic though never knew about it; he is not a virgin by that stance at all, but also the definition of your language version of a virgin one who has laid with another. He’s not even a virgin by that counts either.” Ariel's eyes widened as she looked back down at Garth, who, if he wasn’t pissing himself in fright trying to escape and get away from whatever was coming out of the portal, might have had a smug grin on his face. “But, you, my dear, are a virgin. You have also made a mistake by summoning me. Now it's time for the three of you to pay the piper.” The growl grew louder while Garth screamed in shock. He didn’t know what was happening as he passed out from fright. -000- Garth Foxworthy grunted, his head pounding as he woke up outside his car. The crack of dawn, The sun pouring over the cornfield as he let out a long groan, “What happened?” He mumbled under his breath, trying to think about what had happened, his knee was killing him, and his shoulder wasn’t helping him as he pulled himself up. He looked down, seeing his phone on the ground, a crack in the corner as he let out a long sigh. “Was it a dream or… You know what, never mind, I’m just going home; I got work in a few hours.” Garth took a moment looking back, seeing the shed that he thought was Sarah's house, just utterly destroyed like it collapsed in on itself, as he wondered what had happened to it. Everything seemed so fuzzy as he shook his head. “I don’t even think I want to remember what happened last night.” He bounced into his car, a hard grunt as he began driving off, hoping to forget about this weird night. Little did he know this was only the beginning. Garth drove home, a nearly half-hour drive. He yawned; the sun hit his eyes as it raised slowly; Garth let out a long yawn while looking at his phone, a slight grunt while thinking about needing to replace it, and shook his head, “Probably going to need to save up for that, at least for now.” He hated the thought but knew it would seriously screw him and his budget. Looking back, he might have spent a good bit of cash on Sarah or Ariel, “I am such an idiot.” Garth would turn the radio on, playing country music, as he heard the song Brenda put your Bra on; the song caused him to smile as he headed back home. -000- Finally making it home, Garth let out a sigh heading inside; he didn’t bother locking his car up as he moved inside; he sighed, seeing the empty place. “Well, at least I don’t have to worry about anyone bugging me.” Garth headed to his room, imagining he might be able to get a couple hours of sleep, while he let out a loud yawn. The kind that was infectious to others that might have heard it. Garth shut the door behind him, as he shook his head, “Well at least tonights over with.” He started pulling his shirt off when he heard a feminine voice speak out. “Don’t get too comfortable there big boy, we’ve got some bussiness to discuss.”
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mrmidnightblog · 2 years
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Here, at the Bordello of the moon we have Imp’s, Minotaur, Kitsunes, Mother fucking cowgirl minotaurs, and much much more, please come for a good time https://www.amazon.com/Bordello-Moon-Dustin-Midnight-ebook/dp/B09FTBTFS4?ref_=ast_sto_dp
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mrmidnightblog · 2 years
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The cover to my book The descent of Orpheus Barns into Super animals
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mrmidnightblog · 2 years
Hey there who’s ready for some fun with super Animals
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mrmidnightblog · 2 years
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Here’s some fun drawings i did see how Tumblr reacts
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mrmidnightblog · 3 years
Married to a goddess
Chapter 1
Dan Fremont grunted. His head was pulsing with unrelenting pain, and it was the kind of pain that might have killed a small Animal. Gradually, he realized it was nothing more than an intense hangover. It was pulling him away from his dreamless slumber, which annoyed him, thank you very much. He grumbled as he pulled himself out of bed, throwing the sheets over as got up to walk towards the bathroom. He kept his eyes closed tight, not wanting the dreaded sun coming through the window to hit him. As he shuffled along, Every sound seemed amplified with serious annoyance as he sought an end to his pain. Though admittedly wanting stuff to end was what got him in this situation, Dan admitted as he grunted, his eyes slowly opening as he reached the bathroom, even the dimmed room feeling too bright. Where’s that Advil at? He wondered as he shuffled through the medicine cabinet. He eventually found some Ibuprofen, at least a five-hundred milligram. Version. He was tempted to take the whole bottle at that moment, though he settled on six capsules, that would surely be enough to get him through the day. He tried remembering what happened last night but it came across to him as a blank. Fully racking his brain, all he could remember about what happened last night was that he had been off at Succubus, a local strip club his friend Dave took him to. It had been a way of washing his troubles away and, as his friend put it, “‘Get you out there, see some good tits, and just let you forget all about Vanessa.’ He shuddered more as he moved to turn on the water. He waited till it finally warmed up before he began running his fingers under it, then leaned down to splash the water in his face. The warm water brushing against his face was really waking him up as he moved his neck back and forth, resulting in a nice loud pop. “Gahh, fuck, that feels good,” he mumbled to himself. Dan stood up and looked into the mirror for a minute, staring at himself. He was a shaggy haired man with lightly tanned skin, heavy blue eyes, his eyebrows a little wild-looking. He wasn’t the most handsome man, but he was decent. He looked down at his thin body: barely any muscle, with hints of fat around his gut. That was when he noticed something .there was an object on the third finger on his left hand. When he looked closer, he realized it was, infact, a ring. “The fuck?” he muttered as he reached over with his right hand, trying to pull it off. He found he was unable to. He looked again at the golden band, then reached over, grabbed some soap, and lathered his finger. That didn’t work, either. It seemed clear that the ring wasn’t coming off. “Fuck, what the hell!” he muttered. The ring wasn’t tight; hell, he barely noticed it. It looked like it would just fall off if he let his hand down. But somehow it was sticking to him like it was actually glued to his finger. This was quite annoying. “I’ll figure this out later, maybe get a grinder,” he grunted as he began heading back into his room. He didn’t think much of the ring, assuming it was a joke, something Dave had done to him. Dan stepped back into his room, and suddenly, he saw her. She was lying in his bed, the covers over her body. She had pale skin, almost like a porcelain doll, soft cheekbones with ruby red lips that somehow reminded Dan of blood. Her dark hair was short, falling to just below her ears. She was gorgeous, the type of beauty that Dan had never seen before. He quickly assumed that she was way out of his league. The woman stirred and let out a light moan, soft and tender as she lifted herself up on her elbows. The blanket slipped off her, revealing a pair of ample breasts with dark nipples. The newly visible skin looked as smooth as her face, without a flaw — no, wait, Dan looked closer and saw a smattering of freckles on her chest as she began raising her arms and yawning. Her eyes were opening and closing quickly as she woke up, giving Dan a good look at them. They were storm grey, like thunderclouds. She examined him for a minute, and her eyes softened as she licked her lips. “Hmm, hello, darling. Did you sleep well, my handsome husband?” Dan's eyes widened as he wondered why this woman was calling him her husband.  He didn’t even know who she was. He tried his best to remember who she was, but when he attempted to come up with a name, he came up blank. “Um, hi there,” he said tentatively as he looked towards the stranger. “Hey, darling, how’s your head? We were drinking quite a bit last night.” She let out a bubbly giggle. “It’s fine, just hurts a little, But — I’m sorry, but who are you? What happened last night?” He groaned a bit and leaned against the wall. The light coming through the windows was burning his eyes. The stranger giggled again. “You don’t remember? Well, I guess I can tell you, sweetheart. Last night you proposed to me, and I said yes. We went off and got married. As for who I am, well, I guess you can call me Annabelle, though the name I was using last night was Diamond.” She giggled more as she got out of bed, revealing she was wearing a white G-string that simply looked erotic on her. Wide hips were showing off a plump ass and long legs that went on nearly endlessly. Dan admitted that if his head didn’t feel like it would crack open, he might have been turned on. “Diamond… isn’t that kind of a stripper’s name?” he asked without thinking, immediately regretting it. Wincing, he didn’t even notice that the bed was instantly made as she walked over. “Hmm, yes, it’s a bit of a stripper name, as you mortals call it, but I found it very nice when I chose it. Plus, you didn’t seem to mind using it last night, now did you, sweetie?” She kissed his neck softly and tenderly. Dan shuddered, feeling as though lightning was passing through his spine. “I kind of wish I remembered everything,” he mumbled He ran his fingers through his hair, trying to soothe the hangover that was still coming at him like an army taking a battering ram to the door that was his skull. “Here, let me help you with that.” Annabelle smiled as she moved closer, kissing the top of his head. It was almost as if the pain was being sucked away. It quickly turned from a shooting pain to nothing but a dull ache. Dan grunted as he watched her pull away, “There, now that’s better. The pain’s all gone, right?” She sounded more chipper, as though she was about to bounce around. Dan felt even more confused about what the hell was going on. “Um, yeah, though I think that’s just from the Ibuprofen I took, not the kiss.” “Well, it helped a little, but I used some of my magic to help you out more.” She winked while Dan just got more confused. He raised an eyebrow as he muttered, “Magic?” He couldn’t help but think he had run into one of the crazy ones. If that was the case, he might be in big trouble. It was one thing to get a stranger in bed. It was another if they were crazy. That was when your ether had to call the cops or the cops got called on you. “You’re not crazy, honey buns. I used magic. After all, I’m a goddess.” She giggled slightly as she turned around, showing off her amazing ass cheeks. Dan Was starting to freak out at the red flag. “Okay, I think I might need to go get some food, or.” He tried thinking of an excuse, but he heard the bedroom door click shut and the sound of a lock turning as he turned around. He hadn’t touched the door, and it didn’t even have a lock. He grabbed the knob and tried pulling, only to find that he couldn’t even turn it, much less open the door. “You don’t believe I am a goddess,” Annabelle said. Dan chuckled as he shook his head,“ No, please, you’re not a god. Fuck, I’m an atheist.” He tried to think rationally. Annabelle didn’t seem to be kidding, the expression on her face now serious. “I can prove it if you desire. I have no qualms if you are an atheist, my dear husband. But I can prove I am a goddess.” Her voice was somewhat calming, even though she seemed highly annoyed. Dan shrugged. “Sure, prove it.” He crossed his arms for a minute, waiting for proof that she was a goddess thinking that nothing she could do would convince him, short of an utter miracle. “Give me a second. There are limits to what I can do as a goddess.” “Aha, so you’re not some goddess, then, since a god could do whatever they want,” Dan said, overly confident, crossing his arms as he looked at her. Annabelle or Diamond, whichever one she wanted to call herself, just shook her head. “It’s not that simple. Most people think we gods are like the God of the Bible. That’s simply not true. Each god has a dominion we rule over. There is no such thing as a single god who is omnipotent. That would simply be dangerous.” She sat on the bed and made a show of putting a hand to her chin and casting her eyes skyward. Dan watched, admiring her form, and soon asked, “Well, what kind of goddess are you?” She snapped her fingers and stood up. A wide smile came to her face. Her fingers twitched as she swayed her hips and replied, “I am the Goddess of Death and Lust. I rule the fate of men as they take their final breath or release their inner desire. I can see what ends them and what brings them bliss. For those that desire something, no kink is beyond my reach.” Her voice seemed to echo in the small room like a thunderous roar. She grabbed his arm, and her warm touch caused him to shudder. She pressed against him, his flesh against her naked breasts, her nipples poking into him. Not sure of what to say, he just restated, “So, you’re Annabelle, the Goddess of Death and Lust. Well, that’s something.” She grinned wider as she licked his neck. “Hmm, well, I’m going by that name. If anyone found out my true name, they would have power over me. I would be under their thumb, very much below a goddess of my stature.” As she spoke those words, she was working her way down, kissing his body. With one hand, she caressed his cheek. Her tongue darted out to lick a nipple. An involuntary moan escaped his lips. Dan couldn’t help remembering how Vanessa would do that, sometimes catching him off guard when she bit one. Annabelle looked at him with a lustful grin, and then leaned in and gave his nipple a hard bite. Dan yelped. “Careful, they’re—” “Sensitive, I know. I can tell what turns you on. I can feel how it riles you up. Especially after last night.” She moaned as she started giving more kisses to his chest. her left hand starting to rub the bulge that was growing in his underwear. “I wish I could remember what happened last night,” he grunted as she reached down, slipping his underwear off just enough to let his cock spring out. “Hmm, I think I can help you with that. Just relax and look straight ahead.” Annabelle reached up and spun her index finger in a circle. While Dan looked forward, he let out a hard grunt as she gave his cock a firm squeeze at his head. Her hands were quite good at pleasuring him. Images started appearing over Annabelle’s head, though, distracting him from the sensations. He watched himself sitting at a bar, drinking his sorrows away, misery in his eyes. From the glasses lined up in front of him, he was on his fourth —o, fifth shot of whiskey. Girls in the background were dancing and taking their clothes off for cash. He knew the place far too well. It was the Succubus strip club. It occurred to him, suddenly, that the name was a little strange. He actually found the place nostalgic — it was the place his father had taken him when he turned twenty-one. It was where he’d had his first legal beer. his visit, though, wasn’t a happy one, He had just caught the woman he loved cheating on him with some stranger in the bed they shared when he stayed at her apartment. He looked down at the box in his hand — the ring he was going to give her that night. For a second he was tempted to throw it away, just get rid of the damn thing. It almost made him sick to see it That was when she appeared, walking towards him stroking her side as she snapped her G-string. It was the same G-string she was wearing this morning, although tin these images, she also wore, a matching white bra. She leaned against the bar next to him, a soft smile on her face. Those storm grey eyes latched onto him. Clearly, she was a woman on a mission, but what was that mission? Dan didn’t know, “Hi there, I’m Diamond. Is there something wrong, handsome?” Annabelle said, her voice as seductive as it was this morning. As she licked her lips, her breasts slipping out of the skimpy bra, but pasties prevented him from seeing her nipples. “Yeah, I just caught my girl cheating on me!” His voice was clearly slurred from his drunken stupor. Annabelle’s face was downcast with clear empathy. “Oh, dear, that’s horrible! Why would she do something like that, just… Women like that are just terrible. You can do so much better than that. I’m sure of it. You’re a cute guy.” She smiled, clearly trying to cheer him up. Dan was still distraught, staring down at his whiskey. “I don’t know. She was so great. She made me feel good.” He sniffled, seemingly about to cry, not knowing what his future was. “Hey, there’s always someone out there for everyone. Don’t give up. It’s not the end of the world, trust me; I’ve never been married, but I hope I will be one day. You’ve just got to look towards the future.” She giggled and rubbed his shoulder. There was something in his eyes. Dan couldn’t tell what it was as he watched himself. He was having trouble paying attention to the video at this point. He looked down, watching as Annabelle wrapped those ruby-red lips around his cock head, moaning with the shaft in her mouth as she rubbed its base. She looked pleased with herself. He shuddered, breathing heavily. His heart raced as he looked back towards the video, not sure if this was all real or if he was having some kind of nervous breakdown. His red-eyed drunken self-watched last night’s Annabelle for a moment, then looked back to his glass for a second. He gulped down another swallow, maybe liquid courage. Dan recognized the look in his own eyes. He had an idea, and nothing but his nerves would stop him.  reached into his pocket, took out the box, and opened it to reveal the ring to the scantily-clad woman. Holding it up to her face, he exclaimed, “Marry me!” He awkwardly stood up from his barstool, a little wobbly on his feet. Annabelle was clearly shocked by the gesture. Her eyes widened as she reached over with one hand, her other hand covering her mouth as though she was not sure what was happening. “I — What?” She took the ring box from Dan’s hand and examined the contents “You said you wanted to be married one day. I wanted to be a husband. Why not? We both get what we want.” He looked toward the ring in the box Annabelle held It was a simple one, a small diamond on top — all he could really afford on his salary. But it was beautiful nonetheless. Annabelle looked at Dan, then back at the ring for a second, then back at Dan. She finally shrugged her shoulders and smirked. “Sure, what the hell,” she said. “Though I should warn you, I’m not exactly your average woman.” She winked at him, then handed him the box and slip the ring on her. They walked out together, her with a hand against his back to steady him. A few feet from the bar, the stripper turned her head and called to the bartender, Scott, his drinks are on me. Put them on my tab. Back in the present, Dan closed his eyes for a minute as he moaned hard, the sensations overwhelming him as he grabbed the back of Annabelle’s head. She was definitely good at sucking cock. He had never felt such pleasure from just oral sex. Annabelle knew what she was doing, that’s for sure. He wasn’t sure how long he could last, with the way she bobbed her head back and forth. Vanessa had never even dared trying to suck my cock, he thought. She always made an excuse about how she would choke on it. I’m not even that damn big. Maybe below average! He managed to hold his composure and turned his attention back to the screen. Dan soon looked up seeing that they were Now the scene had shifted somewhere else. He and Annabelle stood in front of a small room, flanked by a couple of people he didn’t know. He stood there with, a goofy smile on his face, now wearing a suit that seemed a bit small for him. Next to him, Annabelle had added only a white veil to her bra and G-string outfit. Between the two of them was, what else, an Elvis impersonator. The impersonator quickly rattled out his spiel: “By the power vested in me, I pronounce you, man and wife, uh-huh you may kiss the bride, with the burning love!” Annabelle was the one who initiated the kiss, lifting her veil and taking dan’s face in her hand in one motion. Dan wasn’t sure if this had been entirely legal, whatever it was. Eventually, the two broke the kiss, running down the aisle and out the swinging doors of the tiny chapel The video jump cut to his bedroom, her bra stripped off, the pasties gone, and rhythmic moaning. Those breasts seemed bigger, bouncing back and forth as she was riding him. She was screaming his name. The video cut off, the rectangular area above Annabelle’s head going black, and the light shimmering around it disappearing. “Did you like our little wedding tape? I could show you more of the consummation of our vows, though I think we would have more fun re-enacting it.” She winked at him, and before Dan could say anything, the wind was briefly knocked out of him as she tossed him on the bed. He couldn’t believe how strong she seemed. He managed to raise himself up to one elbow and was startled at the sight of his own dick pointing toward the ceiling. He could barely tell it was his own, due to the red color of the head and shaft — which he realized was residue from Annabelle’s ruby-red lips — but, more importantly, it seemed to extend a full twelve inches, as thick around as a can of energy drink, more than twice its usual 5-inch size. “Y-y-you — my dick — how?! This can’t be real.” “Oh, but as I said honey buns, it’s all real. And as I told you, I am a goddess, your goddess wife.” She smirked, deliberately exaggerating the shaking of her hips as she crossed the bedroom floor. She lifted herself on top of him, her pussy lips teasing his cock head as she began sliding down on his shaft. Dan felt like he was in heaven. — the way his cock pushed up into her, the moans escaping her lips like those of an angel. His cock, however large it was, felt overly sensitive, as if it could blow at any second. With how tight she felt around him, he wasn’t sure that could happen. He bit his lips as he felt her push down on him, her fingers sinking into his chest as she tried taking every inch of him, her eyes closing as she let out a long moan. “Ohh, Dan!” she called out, letting out a heavy sigh, as she felt him spreading her pussy out, close to hitting her cervix. The head seemed to just barely be pushing against it. He reached and grabbed her hips, pushing her off him and down onto the bed as he lifted himself up over her. After all, it wouldn’t be fair if she did all the work. He slammed his cock into her from above. Annabelle moaned harder, her breasts jiggling as she reached up and clawed at his back. As she returned the favor, grinding her hips around his steel member, the bed under them creaked back and forth, the headboard slamming against the wall. A shudder escaped Dan’s lips as he reached to slap the sides of her ass. It felt like Jell-O against his hands as it jiggled, causing the goddess to moan louder. “Oh, God!” Dan moaned as he continued to thrust into her hot pussy. Annabelle gave him a snarky grin. “You mean Goddess, my love.” She moaned as she rolled the pair of them into the opposite position, now bouncing on his cock over and over again. Dan grunted, his body pushing down into the bed as he took deep breaths, his heart racing as he fucked this goddess. He was going crazy, or this was a dream. Dan didn’t care as he thrust faster. “Oh, Goddess! I think I’m — I’m gonna —” But she reached down, pushing her fingers against his lips.
"Shush, let it all out honey. Let's truly bind ourselves together." Her voice was growing more tender and sweeter as she bounced, her eyes crossing. She was clearly enjoying herself as well. Dan groaned as his cock throbbed harder. "Fuck, I’m — I'm cumming!" He screamed, feeling the liquid emerge from the cock inside her. His hot cum shooting into the Goddess. His eyes grew fuzzy as she let out a sigh and moaned, once again. Leaning down, Annabelle kissed his lips, and with that, Dan was out like a light,
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mrmidnightblog · 4 years
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Check out my profile on Wattpad, I'm Wolf Titan Reading https://www.wattpad.com/wolftitanreading?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_profile
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mrmidnightblog · 4 years
Ok pretty col but could live without 3d movies
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mrmidnightblog · 4 years
meh would rather have Amy and Sheldon, they are adorable
From watching so many sitcoms, I’ve been craving stories about committed couples instead of ending at the hook up. But something else just occurred to me. Isn’t it more expensive to hire actors to be short term loves only for the lead to break up with them over loss of attraction?
I’m sorry, what?
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mrmidnightblog · 4 years
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Cover art idea’s for the Amazon Queen Book It can be found on Amazon
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mrmidnightblog · 5 years
Advertisment for my book
The Genies Desire : Dustin Midnight On Whizbuzz Books
Monsterotica: The Genies Desire
Jack Rimmer is just your average joe. He has a job that drives him nuts. Lives in a crummy apartment, just because it’s the cheapest place Jack could live. One day he begins heading home from a long hard day at work. Jack spots an antique shop. His curiosity takes over as he heads inside. Jack ends up finding a lamp, which he buys on the spot. Little does he know that one purchase will change his life. He’s about to enter into a world of pleasure. As he discovers the secret of who or what is residing in the lamp Disclaimer: This erotic fantasy contains graphic sex scenes with mythological beings. The Genie’s Desire is the first book of the “Monsterotica” book series. Book Links Twitter Patreon On Amazon
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mrmidnightblog · 6 years
Just a fun little story that im selling on amazon
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mrmidnightblog · 6 years
something commissioned to me
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mrmidnightblog · 6 years
I currently take commissions 
Commission Prices
$20 Short stories 5,000 words or lower1st person perspective/ 3rd person
$40 Long stories 5,000 to 9,000 words 3rd person perspective only
$100-200 for Novel length stories or 30,000 words or more Limit up to 50,000 words. Depending on the story. 3rd person perspective only
$10 added to erotic short or long stories.
If extreme Kink it would be an extra $10
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mrmidnightblog · 6 years
I am this house
This old home stood outside the town, far off from anyone else from the town. Almost hidden away from the world surrounded by a thick forest. This old home was made with blood, and sweet. The old shingles were beginning to rot, the steps are creaking, with each step. This place had been around from even before the town was built, or when the trees were first planted. The crows made their home in the gutters, and the cold attic, then there was the sky. It was filled with stars and the lack of smog from the city. This made the moon look exceptionally brighter, on those clear nights. In this old home, no living beings lived there. Though I reside in there. I am the spirit who resides in there and have been for over eighty years, but I can not remember my name o even my age, it’s been far too long. Though most nights I lay dormant but that was when I heard- No I could feel. The creaking of my front door, someone was coming into my domain. Then there was the sound of soft footsteps entering, there was a long echo as they moved deeper inside me.
“God this place is so creepy.” It was a feminine voice as far as I could tell as she walked through my doors going deeper within me. I can fully envision her than. The girl is tall, slim, and well kept she seemed prim and proper with long golden locks of hair that went down her back. I find it odd how she seemed to be wearing so little and rather revealing cloths. I would try and describe all she had or rather lacked but, I’m soon distracted when more footsteps walked on in through the doors
“Yeah but come on Sarah isn’t it great!” This voice was male, walking on through where I could finally see him, he had short black hair, while wearing a heavy black coat. He was holding something it looks strange, almost alien like to me, It pointed towards the girl as he laughed; “Just relax, and smile for the camera ok.” So that’s what it was, this seemed strange to me especially remembering how Camera’s had looked back when I was a kid. It makes me wonder what year is it? What has happened with the world since I’d died? These are some questions I know I’ll never truly know. The girl whose name was Sarah, walked towards one of the walls, where she stood before one of the paintings, it was the picture of Richard Leeburgson.
Richard Leeburgson was one of the previous owners of this estate he was here before I had inherited this house. While his portrait was on the wall his eyes were watching them and so I could see through them like they were my eyes; “Is it me or are those eyes following me, Zack?” Sarah muttered before looking over to the one finally identified as Zack… Zack, it’s a strange name but it feels so familiar, yet I couldn’t put my mind to it.
“Maybe it’s one of the ghost’s here, or maybe it’s Old man Richard. They say he used to take kids and chop him up into little pieces before he hung himself one night.” Zack exclaimed his voice was calm and soft but when he was sneaking behind Sarah his voice boomed louder as he groped her bosom. Sarah reacted by snacking him on his cheek. Good for her in my opinion. This home may have a dark history that was written in blood, Richard Leeburgson was not a child killer, he cared for children and loved them with a passion, especially his daughter when she took the mantle before me, he was devastated. That had ultimately caused him to end his life. As for the body roomer, there was none hidden in the walls that some unknown killer placed in there himself.
The only body in this place laid in the basement is my own skeleton. It still laid there waiting till the day someone might find it one day. Oh, I’m deeply sorry readers I seemed to have gotten lost in my train of thoughts. I’ll get back to where I was before. These two Zack and Sarah walked on through the parliament looking at nearly every nook and cranny.
“Sarah I’m telling you we’ll be getting a shit ton of viewers on Youtube!” “Maybe but we’re trespassing, we’ll end up getting in trouble!”
“Oh, come on relax beside no one even knows we’re even here. It’ll be great, trust me.”
Zack would move right next to her bumping his thigh against hers while examining a couch that was molded and on top of a red carpet. It stood before an old black fireplace. This part of the conversation had managed to catch my attention. They would be the only ones here, and no one knew. This is simply perfect, My gaze though another painting whose eyes followed their every move. They were standing before the fireplace which if I wanted to, I could give it life with just a flicker of a small flame. The spectral heat that could fill me with warmth, but I’ll have to wait. I don’t care to scare them this quickly after all if I did, they might run off before I might do the deed. Besides the art of horror, from what I heard takes time as it needed to simmer never boiled.
The first thing I did was lock every door that could lead them outside and making all the windows stick so it would keep them from escaping too soon You might wonder why I would do something like this trapping them, well I’ll explain. My soul is trapped here, like the last resident who haunted this home. A soul is needed to take my place, so I may leave this a cursed place. It’s the only way sadly when I became the spirit of this home, I was given the knowledge of its bloody secrets and dark past.
The spirit before me was a young man who was killed by the only woman he ever loved, she was driven insane by the spirit who came before him making her think that he had cheated on her with someone else. The spirit that did that was a bride who hung herself she had been raped by her father-in-law while her husband watched. That death had been caused by the spirit of a young girl who was beheaded, so many spirits have walked these halls, and death of another can only release the old spirits. So if I’m able to be free another must die for that this is our curse our suffering. Then the fact of what kind of soul it had to be it must be a human soul.
This might be my only chance. I pondered watching the two-plunder free my kitchen, Zack looking on from that camera device. Talking about this place telling some actual history this is surprising. I made the Windows slowly open unnoticed from behind with much glee letting the rasped wind coming in making the sounds of moaning and the iron pans against the wall clinking against each other to give the impressions of chains.
“Did you hear that?” Sarah called out her voice echoing throughout the room while Zach only laughed; “come on it’s clearly the wind, or maybe it’s old man Richard from beyond the grave.” Zack only marked more and soon I felt closer to doing the deed myself, then slightly levitating up and I forced it to the ground causing a loud bang. This makes Sarah scream with right looking around her flashlight being mean towards the direction of the pan her hand shaking I can almost smell her fear.
“Oh, for Pete’s sake Sarah just relax it’s just a pan that fell God you’re such a chicken.” The boy calls out the Sarah just shakes in her shoes, I can feel it and soon makes the room drop-down in temperature making it colder. “Let’s just go we’ve got enough footage was just get home that this place is just getting weirder.” Oh, how little she knew this was just the beginning.
“Oh come on babe, just another hour and we’ll go. I’ll do that saying you lie.” Zack gave a sly grin and Sarah almost giggled a little bit at his begging, but how she looked at him for a minute, just pondering of what to do so she finally gave in and nodded in agreement. “Fine but I’m tying you up.” Before walking off Zack follows sip followed behind checking out her behind.
They walked up the stairs which I’d proceeded to cause him to give a loud Erie Creek that echoed out from the house. If I needed to or even wanted to, I could cause the woods the cave in from their weight alone. But not yet, it was way too soon. They walked on for till he reached the final step in they went to the first bedroom they saw. If the master bedroom which one cell passion and loving embrace, but all that was in there were cold and loneliness with the only lovemaking coming from the rodents in heat while they bred. They walked around examining whatever they could that was still in this room for all there really was a bad without sheets stainless something unidentifiable out in the corner and the table at times sounded like the ravings of Raven’s when the drawers pulled open and closed soon I realized – no I could remember that window still open going in the wind pushing the curtains into the air looking like a phantom whisking away: “You know what Sarah this place is in the unit scary.” Zack mocked before sitting on the molding bad. His smirk getting wider reminding me of a cat. Sarah looked at him leaning on the desk causing the furniture to slide back and I could feel it scrape against my floors.
“So what are you planning there Zack?” Her eyebrows arching out she looked suspicious, but Zack only smirked more. “Come on sweetie, just relax for all alone just the two of us maybe I can thank you right here.”
The way he smiled was driving me nuts but the girl laughter I have a feeling she’ll make it for the night... Maybe. “Zack, I swear you’ve got some balls on you.”
Sarah walked towards him slowly her hips swaying almost suggestively, I’ve seen this movement once or twice, as it happened by others who’ve gone through the house, though at those points I never felt the courage to do the dead, and at most would scare them off in the middle of their lustful wants. She had gotten close to his face to face before laying a small kiss on his nose as his face would turn into a gentler smile. The two seemed so relaxed ready to make the next move, and I took it. The window slammed down hard, as it gave out a very loud bang, catching them the two-off guard, even I was surprised that I didn’t accidentally break the window with how hard I did. Who knows how far the sound went off. As it reminded me of the sound of a rifle going off.
Then it was followed up with a loud scream as poor Sarah jumped into the air exclaiming; “Jesus fucking Christ!” I soon began to hear her heart pounding, hard, the sound was truly sweetening. She would turn around and grab her flashlight and turned off towards the door, saying almost rapidly.
“That’s it! I’m going! Come on Zack I’m sick of this, if you want to fuck bad enough, we’ll do It in the back of your car!” She was rather determined at this point as she grabbed the door handle and walked out. This was a realization to me seeing her walk off, she was going to try and leave the house. It was too soon, There was much to do. Even with the doors locked she could break a window. She could find some way out, even I couldn’t keep place built up for long. Especially if they found one of the secret passages that lead outside. The two would eventually escape if I wasn’t careful enough, and this was something I would not allow.
“I can’t stay in this place a minute longer!” She screamed now walking out of the door, Zack begins to follow her. There I made the rafter creak and making the nails come out of their holes, until it had finally given out. The wood falling, as it slammed right into Zack’s head. It knocked him down onto the floor. He was still breathing and was very much alive. Sarah looked back seeing this which made her scream loud, calling out to him. “Zack are you ok!” She called out but as she stepped towards him going back up the stairs, they finally collapsed under her own weight causing her to fall. I begin watching her going down the stairs, she was groaning and grunting till she made it to the bottom of the floor, She seemed ok but her leg was clearly broken and bending sideways, I think I could see the bone sticking out. She tried moving through her expression was filled with unimaginable pain.
“Oh god Sarah, whats happened.” Zack moaned loudly as he dragged himself over to the end of the stairs his head bleeding, he couldn’t hold the camera, as he looked to her his own vision blurring.
“Zack, I’m not ok my legs broken oh god! It hurts so much, We need help!”
“I-I’ll go-go get help Sarah, just weight here.” He would call out to her, his voice slurring with each syllable, He stumbled down the stairs trying to get down the stairs to her, which he manages to do and heads to the door. “God, why did we leave our phones out in the car!” Sarah said as Zack was reaching over to grab the door to escape and get help but since the door was locked at this point, he would never escape. He’ll try and try but it’s clear he was going to pass out sooner or later, It was only a matter of time; “Wh-Whats going on I know this door wasn’t locked before!” Zack was beginning to scream his hands slamming into the door. The crows in the Attic crowing as they flew off into the night. There I would suddenly cause one of the doors to slowly creak. This manages to catch his attention and would begin to run towards it not paying attention.
Slinging the door open, As he would begin running in without thinking. This makes me wish I knew what he was thinking maybe he thought he was going into the kitchen for the back door, but its hard to tell that’s for sure. But if that was the case, he was surely wrong. He ran into the darkness and found himself falling into it. Zack would tumble down, landing into the basement. There was nothing in there not even stairs as they’d collapsed down on itself a long time ago. The only thing in thee with Zack was one thing a set of bones, my bones to be exact, from over eighty years ago. I could hear his bones cracking I felt his blood flowing through the brick floor.
I say he doesn’t have long left, maybe three days, at the most for Sarah I don’t know maybe she’ll survive, Only the good lord knows. But for Zack he had the pale moonlight rested on him, and I begin to slowly close it for him leaving him in the dark. It doesn’t matter to me who dies first, for I was once this house, and I will not be for long
The end
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