multidome · 2 years
Hi Everyone!
I need your help! If you have attended any type of virtual concert (streaming (e.g. at home, the cinema), online gaming, holograms of idols, etc), please take a moment to participate in my survey!
It only takes 10 minutes and is completely anonymous!
I am so grateful to anyone who participates! Thank you so much!
- Multidome
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multidome · 7 years
Exactly what type of anonymous meeting are the Death Eaters attending? O.o
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ron was going to be spiders. he just was.
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multidome · 7 years
Just smile and wave, boys.... smile and wave...
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multidome · 7 years
If this doesn’t get you into the holiday spirit, I don’t know what will xD
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multidome · 7 years
I just found something I didn’t know I had been looking for... A POETRY-OFF!!!
Roses are red, that much is true, but violets are purple, not fucking blue.
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multidome · 7 years
Every single time...
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multidome · 7 years
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multidome · 7 years
Wow! Well this brings up questions... xD
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multidome · 7 years
How didn’t I piece it together myself?! This is brilliant!
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multidome · 7 years
I would pay to see this movie
Sam: Putting milk in the bowl first is divorce worthy.
Natasha: Or wetting your toothbrush BEFORE putting toothpaste on.
Clint: Wow, excuse you. Maybe I like to soften the bristles first.
Tony: Who the fuck doesn't wet their toothbrush before putting toothpaste on, what the fuck.
Steve: Who the fuck does.
Tony: I the fuck do.
Steve: What the fuck man.
Tony: Fuck you.
Rhodey: This is how civil wars are started.
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