mumofsonny-blog · 4 years
10 things to know about having a toddler...
10 things to know about having a toddler…
Having a toddler is like having a mini wrecking ball. They’re loud, naughty and utterly adorable. As a first-time mum at 40, I’m not sure if the newborn days or the toddler days are the most difficult – I guess they’re difficult in equal measure but different ways. Here’s 10 things to know if your adorable baby is transforming into a tiny tearaway.
You need the patience of a very patient saint.
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mumofsonny-blog · 4 years
Anna Williamson: Breaking the stigma of peri and postnatal mental health. - The Mummy MOT®
Anna Williamson: Breaking the stigma of peri and postnatal mental health. – The Mummy MOT®
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mumofsonny-blog · 4 years
Ain't no Hood like motherhood. (19 months postpartum).
Ain't no Hood like motherhood. (19 months postpartum).
I’ve not written in a while. It’s hard to find the time when you have a tiny human (quite literally) snapping and wailing at your heels. Sonny is a big ball of energy – shrieking, laughing, crying, torturing the long-suffering cat. His only words ‘maaaama’ and ‘ooooh’. I’m dizzy in love with him though. I think I could gaze for hours at his perfect crystal blue eyes, his outrageous dark lashes,…
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mumofsonny-blog · 5 years
Things I wish I'd done before turning 40...
Things I wish I'd done before turning 40…
I’ve just over a week to go before I enter the next decade of my life. I’m excited, overwhelmed, trepidatious but ultimately happy with my lot. The past two years of my life have taught me a lot about myself, what I’m willing to accept and what I’m not. I have a very low tolerance for drama, I’m wholly committed to becoming the best version of myself and also committed to my incredible family, my…
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mumofsonny-blog · 5 years
Be kind to yourself, mamma
Be kind to yourself, mamma
This post is sponsored by Natracare.
Being a mum comes with pressure. You are responsible for nurturing and shaping another human being’s life. It’s a huge responsibility and one that comes with endless sacrifice. There’s no medal for motherhood. It’s the hardest job you’ll ever do. 
Picture perfect
It doesn’t help that in this digital age, we are constantly being bombarded with…
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mumofsonny-blog · 5 years
Ready, steady, go mum!
Ready, steady, go mum!
If eating was an Olympic sport I’d win gold several times over. I’ve never been sporty, I’ve never had the coordination skills. I was always the last to be picked in netball at school, seeing a ball hurtling at me as something to dodge. My spatial awareness is awful, which probably explains why at almost 40, I still haven’t got my driving license.
That said, I do find watching women’s athletics…
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mumofsonny-blog · 5 years
I get by with a little help from my mum friends
I get by with a little help from my mum friends
Having a baby changes everything, including your most important relationships. Such a seismic event will make many of those relationships stronger, and sometimes, weaker. Yes, becoming a mum can be a really lonely, isolating time but if you have a supportive, loving tribe around you, you will flourish. 
Being a mother is so overwhelming. Other mums understand the daily struggle. You don’t have to…
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mumofsonny-blog · 5 years
Kate & Moon reach for the stars with their joyful children's decor brand
Kate & Moon reach for the stars with their joyful children’s decor brand
I’m very passionate about shining a light on the wonderful homegrown entrepreneurs and creatives we have in Northern Ireland. This week, I’m featuring Kate & Moon, a unique children & nursery decor brand run by talented Belfast-based couple Sarah Wright (32) and Paul Anthony (36). I recently ordered a Humpback Whale Plush Toy (below) which has taken pride of place in Sonny’s nursery. I was so…
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mumofsonny-blog · 5 years
Happy birthday mumofsonny!
I’m on the red-eye shift as I cradle my nine-week-old son with one arm as he sleepily gulps his warm milk, pausing at times to make appreciative sighs before hungrily going back for more. With his ravenous appetite sated (for at least two hours I hope), he melts back into my now aching arm, drifting off to a satisfying slumber. I gaze in a trance-like state at his pink, perfect face, happy that…
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mumofsonny-blog · 5 years
I'm gonna shake it off - my experience of a mindful self-compassion workshop
I’m gonna shake it off – my experience of a mindful self-compassion workshop
If you had three minutes to talk about how you were going to look after yourself for the next few weeks, what would you say? Would you run over the three minutes or would you run out of things to say after 30 seconds – as I did? When it comes to showing kindness, we rarely offer it to ourselves. We should talk to ourselves like a best friend, because, you are your best friend.
There are three…
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mumofsonny-blog · 5 years
Is your body a house or a home mama?
Is your body a house or a home mama?
Are you done? Are you done building your house? It’s been around for a while, it may have a little structural damage, some rooms a little shabby, perhaps some furniture that’s no longer used, but it’s still standing. You live in it, it’s home but you feel sometimes you need to shake things up, rewire, redecorate, renovate, make it a place that makes you happy and fulfilled. I’m talking about…
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mumofsonny-blog · 5 years
Babe in the woods - a magical family time at Center Parcs Ireland
Babe in the woods – a magical family time at Center Parcs Ireland
Words are my currency so it’s not too often I’m stuck for them. However, I’m struggling to find the right adjectives to describe our three days spent at the newly opened Center Parcs in Longford Forest. We’ve made memories for life and it’s so special to share time as a family in such a magical place. Set in over 400 acres of willowy trees and lush landscapes, Center Parcs offers a wonderful…
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mumofsonny-blog · 5 years
13 months and 13 things that drive me mad about you Sonny, (I love you, I do).
13 months and 13 things that drive me mad about you Sonny, (I love you, I do).
This isn’t a mushy post. Having a baby brings a lot of joy but babies are also a massive handful. Here are 13 things about Sonny that drive me around the bend. Oh, this also coincides with Sonny being 13 months old.
This is a bizarre ritual he does when he is annoyed or frustrated. He arches his back and propels his head forward with such force that he’s nearly broken my nose…
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mumofsonny-blog · 5 years
Why every mum needs a Mummy MOT
Why every mum needs a Mummy MOT
I was lucky to have an uncomplicated pregnancy. I didn’t gain much weight despite binging on Fruit-tella and doughnuts. I had no morning sickness. My ankles didn’t swell and I didn’t feel uncomfortable until the last few weeks. My darling, lazy son Sonny didn’t come on his due date, preferring to extend his cozy stay for another week, while I waddled around our home looking like a hot mess,…
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mumofsonny-blog · 5 years
A wONEderful year of Sonny
A wONEderful year of Sonny
It’s hard to believe how much my life has changed in just one year. There’s no question that becoming a mother changes you, your priorities, your life. It’s a heady mix of sleepless nights, frustration, anxiety and unequivocal joy. For the first time in a long time, the stars are perfectly aligned. The trajectory of my life has changed. I know good things are coming.
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He’s a star boy.
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mumofsonny-blog · 5 years
Settle your petal with a stimulating sleep workshop
Settle your petal with a stimulating sleep workshop
One of the most challenging obstacles of parenthood is getting your baby into a bedtime routine. For the most part, it’s trial and error, but establishing good sleep hygiene early on will make you and your little one’s life a lot easier (and happier). It really is a lottery as to whether you get a ‘good sleeper’. Some babies can sleep for 12-hour stretches, while others can wake up every hour.…
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mumofsonny-blog · 5 years
Sonny takes his first haircut in his stride
Sonny takes his first haircut in his stride
This blog post will be short and sweet, much like my son’s new haircut. Sonny was born with a shock of black hair. I had really bad heartburn but I don’t know if that’s related or just an old wives’ tale. I thought this fluffy ‘baby’ hair might fall out to be replaced with new hair but it didn’t. It just got lighter. Both my husband are both follicly blessed. I have thick, coarse hair that needs…
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