murderandmbti · 2 years
INTJ * ENTP friendship/relationship
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Endeavor:  😭 Shouto:  🚪🚶
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murderandmbti · 4 years
INTJs and socializing
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I think INTJ ended up asking 0 people.
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murderandmbti · 4 years
kickass blog, so accurate on all the NT posts 🤘🏼
- intp (f)
Thanks a lot, fellow cryptid-person.
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murderandmbti · 4 years
Hi hi so I’m an ENFJ dating an ENTP and things are going super well so far! I think he’s absolutely hysterical and I love how witty and quirky he is. I’m trying to learn more about ENTPs and I keep seeing that ENTPs get bored easily in general, and with people. (He has ADD too). Any advice on how in general I can keep his interest? I think I’m generally pretty fun and like doing new things but just not sure how to think of this...
Lmao I really don't know how we turned into a dating blog like guys, look at our name :'3
Anywayy, this ask went unanswered for a really long time but I hope your relationship is still going well! If not welp, good riddance :D
So I'm gonna give you my genuine advice as an ENTP. You should never have to worry about your partner getting bored of you like that. I know, we are fickle people and we tend to take comfortable situations for granted. But a mature ENTP would understand that not everything comes with the adventure they might seek. That being said, the best way to keep me engaged is by mental stimulation. I really enjoy discussing anything and everything with the people I care about in great detail. That always keeps me interested in the person.
But again, you should never feel obliged to go out of your way and keep anyone entertained, if they like you, chances are they will continue to like you just for who you are.
Hope this helps!
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murderandmbti · 4 years
Hi :) There's some little-known but very important information about MBTI that you might want to check out: all the famous "function stacks" that tend to be taken for granted are incorrect (this started with Myers herself). They only refer to superficial traits that go with different combinations of letters, not to the real functions. For example: what they call "Te" is not the real extraverted thinking but, at best, a mixture of NP traits. I have some long posts explaining the problem :)
Sounds interesting! I hadn't heard of that although it does make sense, we will check it out for sure
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murderandmbti · 4 years
Exorcist : I am here to remove the demon that has possessed you.
xNTx : I didn't call you.
Demon : I did. She keeps making me cry.
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murderandmbti · 4 years
Enfp : do you know what time it is?
Entp : yes.
Enfp :
Entp :
Enfp : you're not telling me are you?
Entp : no.
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murderandmbti · 4 years
I’m only 12 so my personality type still has the potential to change. However, I do keep testing as an INTJ and I’m happy with that which makes me worried about whether or not it will change. Is it unrealistic for me to be frightened or simply me having gotten used to this portrayal of myself? Sorry if the question is confusing, I don’t even understand it and I asked it🤦🏻‍♀️
Leave it to INTJs to overthink everything lmao.
Hey don't worry about it too much! Your mbti alone can't decide who you are. Also, even if it does change it's not the end of the world, we other peasants are somewhat cool as well. :3
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murderandmbti · 4 years
Are you still active?
Still alive, unfortunately :) our lives kinda started again. Apologies for the dead account.
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murderandmbti · 4 years
Dammit this made us so happy ;_; thank you so much!  And here are some of the blogs that make our lives better:
@thatsbelievable @mimibtsghost @just-incorrect-bnha @woshibai
keep up the amazing work, guys!
support each other! uplift and unite! tag someone who has a blog you like, who you’ve always admired, who you thought was pretty; don’t be shy! spread the love
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murderandmbti · 4 years
ENFP: I think I'm going to do a live scream tonight.
INTJ: Isn't it called a live stream?
ENFP: *inhales*
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murderandmbti · 4 years
Hello ARMY !
Just letting you know, second chapter of the fanfic is up. Our ENTP is not giving up on this project and it's beautiful *wipes a tear* #proud.
Do bear with me as I shamelessly and rightfully hype up my blog partner...\(•_•)/
Thanks for your support and let's get reading!
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murderandmbti · 4 years
Thank you for tagging us @allisabouthakunamatata
Okay idk what INTJ is doing so I am just gonna fill this for both of us ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌
Nicknames: Bonnie and Clyde lol
Zodiac: INTJ - Leo, ENTP - Pisces 
Height: INTJ is tall, ENTP is smol
Hogwarts House: INTJ - Slytherin (obviously), ENTP - Ravenclaw
Last Thing I Googled:  Idk what she Googles but last night we had a very nice conversation because I searched “how does one become a mob boss”
Song Stuck In My Head: “Through the valley” from the Last of Us part 2. We have weirdly similar music tastes, so yeah. 
Number of Followers: 4574 fellow cryptids (つ▀¯▀)つ
Amount of Sleep: It’s pretty wild man idk. For eg., INTJ has a record for sleeping almost 20 hours or smn but also she stays awake for 2 days straight sometimes.
Lucky Number: what is a lucky number. I like 12, I guess? 
Dream Job: We are both budding scientists ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ (cue: bio-terrorism fantasies) buuut we wanna give up on life, travel to Japan with our friends, and open a small book cafe in the future.  
Wearing: clothes
Favorite Song: total, complete sluts for BTS, and also K-R&B *chef’s kiss*
Favorite Instrument: we are very much into classical music so like violins, piano, cello but also we listen to pop song covers being played using fruits on YouTube, so ??
Aesthetic: A nice, dark thunderstorm, a good book, coffee.
Favorite Animal Noise: INTJ un-ironically meows at people. I am not even kidding. 
Favorite Author: We both love Murakami 
Random: I think INTJ is having one of those 24 hour sleep days 
okay we don’t know many people so i am going to tag randomly - @mimibtsghost @duhh @stupendousslimeempathtoad @heisenberry-blog1 @aotfans @breathtakinglandscapes @da-pun-master @yo-why-am-i-here @anime-memememes @all-black-aesthetic @spaceeblack @slowillusion @sunkissedbts @foreverfrowning @fuckyeahtattoos @animeaddictor-blog @still-lovers
17 questions, 17 people
I was tagged by @relatable-books and I’m just gonna start a new thread because the original was getting pretty long haha
Nickname: On here it’s Arli
Zodiac: idk, not my thing (but my MBTI is INFJ)
Height: 5’ 4″
Hogwarts House: idk, also not my thing (but my alignment is neutral good)
Last Thing I Googled: pokemon go shiny trade cost
Song Stuck in My Head: soundtrack to a movie, idk the track name though
Number of Followers: 267!
Amount of Sleep: oof, bad day to ask… probably 6 hours but I need 10
Lucky Number: not a luck thing but I like the number 8
Dream Job: I’m actually not sure anymore
Wearing: t-shirt and blue jeans as per usual
Favorite Song: no idea lol; right now I’ve been listening to some new vocaloid
Favorite Instrument: I always wished I could play violin
Aesthetic: moss probably
Favorite Animal Noise: mrrrp (from a cat)
Favorite Author: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle! though tbh I only read his Sherlock Holmes books
Random: if you ask me how I am I’m going to say “tired” 100% of the time. I am always tired, this is my life now
Sorry for lots of lame answers! :)
Tagging: hmm can I reach 17… @labyrinthine-intj @alcmeneinfp @doctorstarlock @fuzzykiwi-fruitmaster @auntcat42 @intrpspection @infj-17 @justinfjthings @lazyenfptriestobeproductive @mbti-enemies @pancakesandcaffeine @rokasai @stemfandomtrash @thescatteredscribbles @yourlocalinfj @erinbeth @me-is-an-intj
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murderandmbti · 4 years
i honestly dont know what personality i am and sometimes i just wish i could strangle myers and briggs for making this
We have a very close friend who is just like you and has abandoned the idea of MBTI completely for this very reason lmao. Don’t worry though, not all people on this planet can be grouped into 16 personality types :)
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murderandmbti · 4 years
Hi! How would you distinguish an ENTP with social anxiety from an INTP? Or how did you know that you were an ENTP?
Honestly? I just took the test and related so hard with the description that it was almost an out of the body experience :’3 but yes, not everyone feels that way and even if you do, the environment you are in can change the way you perceive yourself. When I struggle with myself, I question who I am a lot as well. It is definitely hard to separate social anxiety from just being introverted, but also you need to know that it’s not only the E/I that is different between ENTPs  and INTPs. The functional stacks are different, the two types are not really inter-convertible just if you flip the extroversion/introversion of a person. It’s a lot more complex than that so, if you typed as an INTP, there is a high chance you would stay as one even without the social anxiety!  
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murderandmbti · 4 years
*THIS IS FOR OUR FELLOW BTS ARMIES READING THIS POST* or whosoever is interested in reading beautiful literature.
Your local INTJ here to let you know that our beloved ENTP has finally embarked upon the journey of writing her first BTS fanfic. It is one of the most beautiful piece of writing I have come across in the ao3 world.
It would be great if you guys checked it out! Highly recommend it, from an INTJ's objective point of view of course.
Name: Liebestraum (Liszt inspired) (Meaning 'Love Dream')
Ship: Taegi
Genre: Music inspired, falling in love, angst, slow burn, roommate, college AU.
Updates: Weekly
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murderandmbti · 4 years
Day 30 of quarantine
ENFP: *frantically baking cookies while there are 20+ trays of cookies around the kitchen*
ENTP: *pacing and solving their 121st rubix cube, occasionally bumping into walls*
INFP: *singing "I Won’t Say I’m In Love" passionately to a lamp while crying and acting out every single scene while doing so*
ENTJ: *Rocking back and forth drinking their 35th cup of coffee*
INTP: *Smacking themselves with their PS4 controller*
INTJ: *Frantically petting their pet snake on the sofa* We're fine
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