mushymonkey 23 days
Hey since your looking for requests Here's one for you
Netflix Monkey king x monkey Child reader
I love your kids series by the way馃グ馃グ馃グ
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YES YES YES AHHHHHH (this will have a bit of angst at the end >:})
He found you on his way to slay the 100 demons, and originally, he was just going to leave you alone...
Until you started to follow him. Then he was going to drop you off at a village, but after he did, he eventually heard your little footsteps right behind him again
At first, he's a bit worried, since he didn't have anyone to teach him how to care for kids. But, you never got hurt under his watch, and he always made sure you didn't go hungry for long and tried to keep you mostly clean
Of course, his mission went from getting just himself immortal to getting you immortal too...but not because he cared about you or anything! He just knew a little pebble like you wouldn't make it a day without him...he totally didn't genuinely care about you or anything...
Once Lin joins the journey too, she often plays with you and tries to keep you safe, acting as an older sister to you, which Monkey 'totally' doesn't find adorable
Eventually, after you two drink the elixir, find out Lin betrayed you, yada yada yada, he's put under the mountain. Leaving you outside. Lin takes you in, keeps on being a big sister and all that, but her mortality eventually catches up to her
You went back to his mountain and curled up by his side. Resting for the next hundreds of years.
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Again, thank youuuu! You're one of my biggest inspirations and part of the reason I made this acc! Thank you!!
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mushymonkey 1 month
Here is a list of Palestinian fundraisers that I have received. Please donate if you are able and reblog to support.
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I don't think those are offically verified yet (to my knowlege atm, please check yourself to be sure) but most likely legit. I am not able to confirm, but do donate if you feel comfortable doing so and reblog:
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mushymonkey 4 months
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mushymonkey 4 months
Hi! Can I get Lego Monkie Kid Sun Wukong and Macaque taking care of a child reader?
Also if it's not too much can you add a scene where they take them to a park and this scene from Owl House happens?
OMG YES FIRST REQUEST!!!! OFC!!! Wukong & Macaque + Child reader!
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The two of them are surprisingly good at caring for a kid, even though they have their...problems
Wukong and Macaque kinda stopped fighting so much/loudly once you came into the picture (Real-life monkeys do this! Some won't fight if there's a young monkey around!!)
Of course, they still argue, but never when you're around. When you're around, it's just your Baba and Papa.
Wukong is more on the softer side, giving you snacks/treats, doing most of the playing, and being way less strict with you, but he teaches you how to fight and trains you most of the time.
Macaque is the opposite (as always), he's the one who puts you in time out and is a bit more strict, but he of course has a soft side as well and when you're young, he puts you to bed with mini shadow plays. He trains you as well, but he teaches mostly defense.
That being said, as much of a sweetheart as you are, you're such a little tyrant. Calling yourself the Monkey Prince/Princess, parading around the mountain like you own it, hell, your first word was "Mine!"
And as much of a tyrant as you are, you're always an angel with your dads, especially as you grow older and out of your little tyranny.
Eventually, they fall in love with each other all over again as they raise you. Seeing each other everyday of their lives again, watching as they grow happy...it sparks that flame once more.
(Ok story time :3) "Fine! Don't help! Revenge will taste all the sweeter if they fall by my hand alone!" You insisted to your dads as they watched you play with the little monkeys. Or, you were trying to. And by that, you were trying to rule over them and become their leader, and neither Wukong nor Macaque were helping you.
Just as you ended your little speech and did your 'evil' laugh, a pair of paws pushed against you, causing you to fall to the ground. "Tag, you're it! Heheha!" A young monkey chirped, jumping away. Leaving you feeling enraged. "Oh man." Macaque sighed, chuckling to himself. "Here we go! [Y/N]'s squeak of rage!" Wukong laughed, proudly showing you off to the other monkeys. "WEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHH!" You sounded your little 'war cry', 'charging into battle.' The two celestial primates of Flower Fruit Mountain laughed as you chased around a tiny monkey half your size. (Again, thank you SO MUCH for the first request!! Sorry if the story is a bit short lol)
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mushymonkey 4 months
Hey guys!! Sorry some personal stuff has been going on I'm gonna try to post more :] Anyways
MK x RedSon + Child Reader
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They both are really dedicated to being good parents, especially RedSon
MK is a bit more laid-back because he knows a bit more about being a good parent (learned from his dads)
But RedSon... I'm not saying his parents are terrible parents, but they CERTAINLY aren't the best
So he is always trying to make sure you're happy, bond with you as much as he can, and try to be the best father that he can
MK is, like I said, a bit more laid-back, but he is NEVER slacking off or joking around when it comes to being a parent
Any time he can, he takes you on deliveries with him, and he may or may not be getting extra tips from having you around
They both are really protective, always trying to make sure you're never hurt
Of course, there's the occasional scrape or papercut, but nothing big most of the time. RedSon gets you the best medical care (even for the smallest of scratches), and MK is a bit more on the comforting side rather than healing
But if someone hurt you? On purpose? Oh, they better hope that your dad's are feeling merciful that day because they can and will do anything for their child
Aside from being slightly murderous for their kid, they are super soft when it comes to you
RedSon and MK are such softies when it comes to you; they could be in the middle of a deadly fight with some demon, and if you showed up somehow, they'd drop everything
You're the best thing that has ever happened to them, nothing could change that <3
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mushymonkey 4 months
Another one 馃樇 (Sadly not another request)
Reborn Monkey King + Child Red Panda reader!
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You were as mischievous as could come; the first time you met him, you stole the food Wukong collected!
Luckily for you, Tripitaka stopped him from harming you and let you tag along on their journey if you promised not to steal
You constantly stole still, but instead from other people, from Wukong mostly. You hid things in your fur, ate half his food, then acted all innocent when you were caught
Wukong thought he couldn't hate anyone more than you. Of course, then Youndai came around (Sorry if I misspelled his name!)
After Youndai's defeat and Frutie's unfortunate passing, he was very depressed; he didn't even have the energy to dislike you anymore, so you took it upon yourself to try and cheer him up
Every chance you got, you gathered the food for him, found any little trinket you could (flowers, abandoned toys/clothes, lost things, etc), and even taught yourself how to from fur like monkeys so he could feel better
Over time, it worked! And he grew a newfound appreciation for you too
He basically adopted you at some point; you started using the family name "Sun" since you didn't have your own
He grew extra protective over you, and you did to him too
The others (especially Pigsy) were very confused by this 'sudden' change, but it definitely wasn't unwelcome
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mushymonkey 4 months
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guys a little naked
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Wukong clearly likes it.
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mushymonkey 4 months
First post yay!!!! (Not a request)
Nezha Reborn Wukong + Child Monkey Reader!
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He found you when you got abandoned by your troop and took you in since you were so young
Did he have any experience with children whatsoever? No.
Was he going to try caring for you? Abso-fucking-lutely!
He realized that you weren't like the normal monkeys pretty early on; you were like him.
He was there for all your firsts; first words, first steps, first time trying solids, everything
You used to be attached to him like glue, and he kinda misses that when you grow up
The other monkeys like to play with you and help you mess with Wukong
He made you your own mask that matches his! It's basically the same, but different colors
Rhesus Macaques do this thing called 'aunting'; a other monkey tries to form a bond with a baby, trying to be an aunt in simple terms, but if the baby shows distress the mother immediately steps in. Wukong thought that's what Li was doing when he first met you.
Luckily, it didn't go too terribly, Li only ended up with a scratched face
Jokes aside, Wukong is super protective over you. Not like a helicopter parent, but still incredibly protective
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mushymonkey 4 months
Hello there!!
I'm mushymonkey, and I'm just here to make x reader content for a few fandoms I'm into. I'm mainly gonna make platonic/familial ones, since I've noticed a major lack of that and I'm really sad about that, so I might as well make it myself lol I use they/them pronouns, but idrc. The fandoms/characters I do are - Lego Monkie Kid (any) Nezha Reborn (Wukong, I'll likely add more once I get a chance to watch the movie) Monkey King Reborn (Any, but knowing u guys it'll probably be Wukong mostly) The Owl House (any) Ninjago (any) And uhhh that's it! I'm just here to have a good time lol
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