myromancenovel · 2 years
My love poem
If love was a rock, you’d be a mountain If love was H2O, you’d be the ocean If love was oxygen, you’d be air If love was a blade of grass, you’d be a field If love was a branch, you’d be a forest If love was sugar, you’d be a fluffy candy floss If love was a story, you’d be a library If love was gold, you’d be a mine If love was magic, you’d be a magician If love is my heart, you’re it’s…
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myromancenovel · 2 years
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New book cover! Self published now, on Amazon! So happy!
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myromancenovel · 3 years
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myromancenovel · 4 years
quick tips for writing good romance
1. Use the “kiss rule”– if they have to kiss for readers to be able to tell they’re in love, their chemistry is lacking.
2. Relationships (usually) aren’t purely love and fluffy– teasing, playful insults, and telling jokes are important elements that a lot of romances gloss over.
3. They like each other for reasons other than they’re hot. When introducing a character/introducing them as a crush, their looks shouldn’t be the only thing that sparks interest. Furthermore, when your character looks at their partner, physical appearance shouldn’t be the only thing they take note of.
4. They need to be compatible more than they just love each other– common interests, similar humor, and similar life goals are necessary for a compatible couple.
5. No “love at first sight”. If your character falls in love too quickly, it’ll appear unrealistic and shallow.
6. If the majority of scenes with your characters include heavy physical contact, you might be breaking the kiss rule without realizing. While physical affection plays a role in most relationships, that’s not the most important part. Show more conversation than PDA.
7. Make sure the relationship is healthy– nothing is more cringey than reading a toxic or abusive relationship that is being romanticized. Unless you’re aiming for a bad relationship (communication issues are a pretty solid plot point), make sure there’s a lot of trust and honesty between partners.
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myromancenovel · 4 years
The end of a book
I didn’t think that writing the end of my romance novel would be as hard as it has been. I found it hard to work on, because it feels like it needs to be absolutely perfect. You are ending the story but also showcasing yourself as a writer. You’re saying here it is, my finished story. You have to make sure you have tied up loose ends, have been true to the characters and have told a good story. 
I have one more chapter to write and the epilogue, I hope I do it well. 
Chapter 12 has just gone live at Channillo
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myromancenovel · 5 years
Chapter 6 polished off!
Chapter 6 released today! 
Writer fuel for me at the moment? Having to meet a deadline. There is no way I could get this book finished without one. I find that sharing those targets, deadlines too can be helpful, whether it’s on social media, telling your mentor, friend, partner, whoever! It motivates you to write, edit and get the job done!
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myromancenovel · 5 years
Writer Fuel
Mallorcan island
Just come home from a wonderful week on ‘Love Island’ Majorca. We stayed in the Cala Dor region which has pretty little coves, clear blue seas and golden sands, it was lovely. Gave me lots of thinking time to help me write and finish my WIP; ‘The Billionaire Heartbreaker’. Chapter six is out next week on Channillo
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myromancenovel · 5 years
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I have 3 subscribers to my book so far, people are reading my book!!!!
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Thanks to Channillo I am sharing my passion!!
Check out The Billionaire Heartbreaker on Channillo.
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myromancenovel · 5 years
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Today the first chapter of my romance novel has been published on the ebook site Channilo.com. I am ecstatic! I will publish chapters at regular intervals for interested subscribers. I was thinking fortnightly? but may move it to weekly?! Although I have had rejections along the way on my writing journey, finally I get the chance to share my work. That’s what I’ve wanted all along!
Channillo is a great platform for writers, and publishes a variety of work from poetry right through to music. Writers and readers take a look, you can subscribe, to access reads/audio from the catalogue.
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myromancenovel · 5 years
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“I used to try to write every day, and I would get upset when I failed to keep this goal. And I often failed. I’ve learned that even though writing every day works for some people, it doesn’t work for me. So when I reach an impasse, I go for a walk. I eat ice cream. I call someone I love. I trust myself to come back to the work and try again.”
—José Olivarez, in “Wilder Forms: Our Fourteenth Annual Look at Debut Poets” in the January/February issue of Poets & Writers Magazine (2019)
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myromancenovel · 5 years
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I love Christmas romance stories. I have requested some for Christmas! I wrap my presents up and write my cards by the fireside, whilst Christmas movies play on the TV. I am hoping to use the holidays to get some more work done on my story; ‘Tuning into love’. The festive spirits and happy times will hopefully inspire me.
This evening for example, we have have just been for a festive hot drink in a lovely little street in the area where we live. It had a fantastic community feel. We got chatting to some of the locals, had a look around a cute vintage shop - which had some reindeer’s visiting from a reindeer sanctuary for the local families to see.
At this time of year, it’s important to spend time with family, friends and in the community and also try and give a little back too. Last weekend, my husband Christmas romance and I helped out at my daughter’s school Christmas fair, to help with their fundraising. As a parents teachers association, we raised £4000 towards school equipment and resources. It was really rewarding! The money will really benefit the children. Again, a lovely way to meet people and get involved in the local community and also fill up my ideas bank for stories and poems. Brilliant Christmassy writer fuel. My next story project after this novel, will definitely feature the Yuletide season!
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myromancenovel · 6 years
Thanks for all the recent follows! Writing is like a bug. It takes over your body and soul. But it’s one bug that i love and the only medicine is to put pen to paper!
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myromancenovel · 6 years
I am taking part in NaNoWriMo (National novel writing month) this month. Having a target to meet such as writing every day for a month, really helps you to focus. Some days I have wrote a few hundred words, some only a paragraph. At times I have wrote, and on other days, I have edited/planned. Regardless of what I am doing, I am working on my book!
I have to set some goals though and be realistic. Originally, I was thinking of writing 1000 words a day. I’m not getting there yet due to; work, life, family, PTA meetings, Christmas fair’s to organize, meetings with business advisors, children’s social activities to taxi them to, pet dog to walk, friends and family to see and the rest …
Wouldn’t it be great if something like this existed for writing poetry too; my other passion! Check out my poetry blog on: thepoetrypool.wordpress.com 
Maybe we could write a poem a day for a month, or does this or, something like this already exist? Let me know if it does. If not, maybe the month of January could be a possibility? When all the fun and festivities of Christmas are over and a new year and fresh start is upon all. It’s something to think about … I would definitely be up to the challenge. What would also be beneficial, is sharing our progress with one another, for those who want to do it with me that is?
Must dash, got to get some words down for the novel!
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myromancenovel · 6 years
Positive feedback
After having a little break from working on my romance novels, some positive words from friends encouraged me to get back on with the job! I think when you receive rejections, even though my last one was a revise and resubmit, it can hit you in a few different ways. I tend to work on something else and then revisit when I have accepted the rejection! I don’t force it, it has to feel right to continue.
My friends have been asking about my stories because they want to read them, they like the story line and characters, so now I feel motivated and ready to work on them again!
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myromancenovel · 6 years
Feeling inspired after my meeting today with my business adviser. Lots to do over the next month to keep my business moving forward, each small step I take, brings me closer to achieving my goal of being a successful writer. 
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myromancenovel · 6 years
All I really want to do today is go to the book store, drink coffee and read.
Ann Marie Frohoff. (via ijustkindalikebooks)
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myromancenovel · 6 years
Social Media
Attended a great workshop today on 'How to build a social media strategy' @TheWomensOrg. It was so useful to me as a writer to learn about the power of social media and inspiring to be in the company of other female entrepreneurs such as artists and life coaches.
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