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Senpai says you’re welcome
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Merthur fans, I’m in the mood to be devastated. Please link me your fav heart wrenching fics, edits, art etc., thank you! 🗡️✨
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I love fics where everyone (but mostly Arthur) realizes how important Merlin is to Camelot.
Like I’m not only talking about Magic reveal fics where they find out how badass he is and how many times he’s saved their asses (though I love those) but specifically about the times they realize he basically Runs the Castle.
I’m fairly sure I read a fic or a head canon somewhere that Merlin leaves to visit his mother for a week and Camelot falls apart because this boy was doing everything to keep that Castle in order. And Arthur kept firing servants cuz “they weren’t up to standard” (aka they weren’t Merlin)
And these fics could be gen or Merthur (though I do love the latter ngl)
But yeah I just love it when my boy gets the recognition and respect he deserves.
(Bonus if Leon is losing his mind the entire time. He’s done with their bullshit. He’s seen too much. He’s tired. #LetLeonRest2024)
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mysticsublimeperson · 10 days
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“I don’t understand why everyone thinks we’re together” “Me neither" Merlin says as he cuddles up to Arthur while they’re in bed watching a movie, because the sofa is too uncomfortable and if Arthur falls asleep it would be better to fall asleep in bed, right?
@sauraunderscore wrote a beautiful story out of it ❤️
My other Merlin art
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mysticsublimeperson · 17 days
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im reading soul eater again btw
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mysticsublimeperson · 1 month
His head was in Edwin’s lap.
Heat rushed to his face, and for a split second, Charles considered if he was dreaming.
I think this is my first completed multi-chapter fic! I’m happy with how it turned out! DBD will always be on my mind, but time to go back to itafushi!!!
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mysticsublimeperson · 1 month
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mysticsublimeperson · 1 month
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mysticsublimeperson · 2 months
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My flesh, my home 🦪 🫧
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mysticsublimeperson · 2 months
If a website has a paywall, like New York Times, DO NOT use the ctrl+A shortcut then the ctrl+c shortcut as fast as you can because then you may accidentally copy the entire article before the paywall comes up. And definitely don't do ctrl+v into the next google doc or whatever you open because then you will accidentally paste the entire article into a google doc or something!!!! I repeat DO NOT do this because it is piracy which is absolutely totally wrong!!!
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mysticsublimeperson · 2 months
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“Charles, it’s alright.”
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mysticsublimeperson · 2 months
Merlin works as a housekeeper in a luxury hotel in central London.
And has a son, Aithusa that is 7 years old (or something)
He is best friends with Gwen who's been working a bit longer than him in that hotel.
Arthur is a politic, and I HAVE NO IDEA HOW POLITICS WORKS IN THE UK (nor in my country but that another issue) He is running for something and has to stay in a hotel for the campaign, cause is easier to have the interview there. also a known womanizer
His second in command is Agravaine, and he also has his security personnel aka the knights.
Merlin is not bad at his job, but it's not what he wants to be, and it's trying to get his degree to be a nurse.
And he and his son have lived on the edge of poverty all of their life so this is the stablest job he has had and wants to keep it.
I don't know any neighborhood in UK, so im going to say that they live in the lower town.
Ok, so Merlin has his routine. He wakes up, does his son's breakfast, takes him to school, then takes the tube, and goes to work. At work he has his friends, he is friendly and kind so he has no problem with that, most of his coworkers are women, and he is technically a male maid, as butlers are higher ranking, and then is the steward and then management, I think, I want everybody to understand that im bullshiting my way on this.
On the days his schedule does not match, he brings Aithusa to the hotel to hang out while he is working.
On one of the rooms he is assigned is staying a insufferable woman, Sophia, and she is just the worse person ever, and on day she brings a man with her that leaves a really expensive suit behind and Gwen dares Merlin to live a little and try it on, he does after some pestering. When he is dressed he hears Aithusa distressed calling for him. He comes out like a rocket, and sees Arthur grabbing his son.
They fight like EP1 you know what I mean, like:
"What are you doing with my son?"
"So this is your son? Was it you that made him ask all those questions?"
"I don't know what are you talking about, but if you don't release him now, you are going to have a big problem my friend"
"Do I know you?" He releases the boy that runs towards his father. Before Merlin can answer he keeps on going "No, No I don't, yet you call me friend, you are going to tell me for what press do you work or do we need to do this the hard way"
"Look, you absolute bloody clotpole, I don't work for any press" he shouted shocking Arthur "And you are right, I could never be friends with someone who can be such an arse"
"You can't talk to me that way"
"Who are you? The sodding queen? Get lost" He turned back with Aithusa and went back to the room.
He vents to Gwen, who kindly informs him that, that was Arthur Pendragon, so Merlin thinks he is basically doomed.
Aithusa had been asking him hard questions about politics like "Why did you lie last time?" and Agravaine had gotten under Arthur's skin and basically convinced him that the kid must have been a tiny spy.
After the fight Leon does some damage control, and shows Arthur that he did really escalate the situation more than necessary, and also that that man could sue him easily and ruin his campaign.
Merlin is ranting loudly so he could hear that the situation appeared to be real, and he had screw up.
Merlin meanwhile finishes the room while dressed too, because he had forgotten in his fury, and Gwen is taking care of Aithusa, distracting him.
Arthur knocks on the door, and Merlin answers a bit thrown off, because the owner of the room is not waiting for anybody, and sees Arthur.
Arthur apologizes reluctantly, and Merlin point it out, and they start to banter, but it's a bit more friendly. Merlin assures him that they are not going to sue, so he can relax, still Arthur insist on compensating, because he finds this man interesting and doesn't want to stop that interaction, and then Gwen actually acts and makes him go.
They go with Aithusa to an ice cream shop, and Aithusa keeps on asking questions, Arthus sees how Merlin answers each of them as best as he can, without judgment. Merlin explains how Aithusa is really shy and has social anxiety, usually triggered in class when he is asked a question and he doesn't properly know how to respond.
So Arthur gives Aithusa some tips for stage fright, that he has before his speeches. And that wins him some points.
They spend a lovely time, but Merlin does need to keep workin so they excuse themself and leave Arthur and go back to the hotel.
Merlin takes the suit off and leaves them in the closet. and puts on his uniform, goes off on Gwen meddling and leaves her feeling like she did overstep a bit, when she realizes that Merlin could be fired for this.
Gwen still defends her posture, and expects details on the date. Merlin said that it had not been a date, but it had been rather nice.
At some point he helps Gaius, a senior butler after an injury on the work and covers for him.
they are offering a promotion a work and Merlin doesn't know if take it or leave the door to keep studying open, because if he take it, he knows he won't be able to study for his exams correctly.
Meanwhile Arthur reinspects his sexuality, like in a slow process, first, he couldn't quite believe he had so much fun, then he could nor stop thinking and comparing the parenting styles. His father had never been so soft edged with him, and had never put himself on a position where he didn't have all the cards. Then he could not stop thinking about his ideologies, his ideas, they were so interesting he was curious.
Next morning Agravaine is fuming. The papers caught the whole thing and they are on first page, some trying to identify the man as a benefactor, or a new weapon of the campaign, but one trying to frame it as a date.
That one does two things, sends Agravaine in a, certainly homophobic, rage induced spiral, and makes Arthur realize that maybe he hadn't been able to stop thinking about it because he too wishes it had been a date. He reads that article carefully.
And then he send a message to the room for a dinner, determined to find out whatever he is feeling.
He still doesn't know what to do when he finds out, he has never been attracted to a man, but well, it didn't feel like a big revelation just yet.
Merlin is asked to help serve that dinner.
When Arthur opened the door and a blond girl entered the room gushing about how happy she was he remembered her and flirting insatiably. Yeah not good.
The dinner was served perfectly, even with the lame attempts of hiding on Merlin's part. Who is rather proud when hearing the conversation between Arthur and his security team about the outing the other day and how fun it had been, because he too had enjoyed it.
Gaius is in the kitchen with Merlin, trying to get him to accept the promotion, and offering his help, when Arthur barges in. Merlins hides his face.
"A man" Arhtur says frustrated "The person Im looking for is a man"
"She was the only one in that room sir" Gaius explains.
"A man, my height, black hair, blue eyes and has a son named Aithusa, find him" orders frustrated before leaving the kitchen.
Gaius turns slowly and sees merlin slouched on the counter "Is there something you would like to tell me?"
Gaius promises to help him, only if he takes the test for the promotion, swearing Merlin could do everything he put his mind to.
So he presents an application.
That day when he is leaving with Aithusa, Arthur intercepts them near a close by restaurant he had been eating at.
"Where have you been? I have been looking for you?"
"I... To tell the truth I've never stayed in the hotel..."
"Oh... are you with that woman then?"
"Not in a million years"
"We were just waiting, he can only leave after five, that is the work schedule" Aithusa answered, and it was the truth, but it made it seem like he was some kind of solicitor, or secretary or something.
"Yes, you see, I'm a.."
"So you work for her"
"Yes" Aithusa grabbed his hand and he could only frown, what was he doing.
"Not related, not his mother...?
"Oh god no!" Merlin shouted terrified with that disgusting image.
"Then do you think you could come with me to the very important gala?"
"Yes he can"
"I don't think so" he threw a look to his son finally understanding what he had been doing "I have to work, and I don't know I f I can find a replacement"
"Just think about it yeah? I think your ideas about the lower town would be really appropriate there, here. This is my number call me if you reach a decision"
"I will, thank you"
Merlin was genuinely touched that he thought his ideas were valid in a place like that. But it was impossible he could go, and he had to study for his promotion test.
Merlin gave Aithusa an earful for lying to Arthur on purpose, and he responded that Arthur himself had explained that lies that helped others feel at ease with the change that was happening, where necessary.
Merlin cursed Arthur very badly.
And Gaius who offered to cover his shift, and Gwen who put the entire hotel staff into a cinderella mission. The boutique lended him a really nice suit, and the hair salon did something weird to his hair, and put on a face mask while on manicure. His hands were rough and hard from working but they cleaned up nicely.
Under threat that if he got the suit dirty Aithusa would be an orphan again, Merlin left, on a taxi, that had been a bit too much.
He arrives, and Arthur is way too happy.
"You do clean up well"
"Even the broken clock, gets it right twice a day" Merlin mutters, making Arthur laugh.
Arthur actually introduces hi to a couple of very interesting people, and gets him talking about some important stuff and introduces him to his security team too, before the are interrupted by Sophia trying to flirt with Arthur. He can't deny her in public so he dances, and Merlin comes to the realization that he does want that very badly,
He likes Arthur, but even if the signals he's been picking up are correct, and Arthur does like him, and is willing to openly BE with him, AND his son, with already sees like too much. This was all a lie, Merlin wasn't someone important and he had lied, he hadn't told the truth and had kept Arthur in the dark, that made him no better than Sophia. And, if that wasn't enough, if he kept with this, he most certainly be fired.
He turns and leaves, texting Arthur that he will be going, and thank you for everything.
To be continued...
I suddenly desperately need a Maid in Manhattan Merthur AU
Please someone, tell me I'm not the only one PLEASE
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mysticsublimeperson · 2 months
I suddenly desperately need a Maid in Manhattan Merthur AU
Please someone, tell me I'm not the only one PLEASE
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mysticsublimeperson · 2 months
So, this is a idea I been thinking about, and I might turn this into a fic if I do it correctly but we’ll see
Basically is a Roommate/Friends with Benefits/ Friends to Lovers wholesome stmuty fic
Is just, I’ve noticed that this kinds of fics are rarely fluffy and wholesome and I see a ton of potential.
(This contains sexual content so be aware and all that)
New perspective
Basically Arthur has blue balls because his girlfriend Sophia keeps on edging him for fun, and then play fool when confronted. When he finally thinks he might get some, she does it again and tired and frustrated goes home hard and mad. He buys dinner because he is not a monster and when he arrives home and goes to tell Merlin he bought dinner, without knocking, he catches him jerking off.
He had never thought about Merlin in that light, he wasn't even aware of that aspect of Merlin, never even thought about Merlin having or wanting to have a sexual life; and he is suddenly unable to keep the image of Merlin naked across his bed, with his back to the wall so he was lounging comfortably, with a towel open around his hips and stroking himself leisurely, muscles tense in anticipation, eyes closed, hair wet... yeah, you see where I'm coming from.
Merlin obviously startles and covers himself quickly, Arthur closes the door cursing and apologizing.
"Have you ever heard of knocking!?" Shouted Merlin.
"I bought Chinese" he says after a while sheepishly, waiting, hand still on the door knob.
"Alright" He heard from inside. His voice sounded resigned, the heard some ruffling noice and snapped out of it, went to the kitchen to prepare the food.
When Merlin came out, with some loose sweatpants and an old t-shirt, he was red. His neck was flushed, and the tips of his ears were so red he could guide Santas sleight, and he wasn't looking at Arthur.
"Finished?" he asked just to try and lighten the atmosphere. Luckily Merlin laughed a little.
"Well... that was mortifying" he muttered cheeks blushing even more as he sat down and took one fork to eat. "You were supposed to be out" accused without looking "and no, you arse" he answered the question knowing that Arthur was going to keep bringing it up "You ruined the mood"
Suddenly Arthur wanted merlin to look at him, all flushed and embarrassed. He hadn't seen Merlin like that ever, well, that was a lie, Merlin did plenty of embarrassing stuff but it wasn't the same. He was curious, and horny.
"Sorry" he responded honestly "If it makes you feel better, me neither" That made him look up, an eyebrow up like it was a competition "Sophia did it again, bloody cocktease" he could see that Merlin didn't approve of his language, but didn't say anything. "It's just... look I am not one to pressure anyone into anything they don't want, I don't need it. But she keeps teasing and rubbing and kissing, and then she just disappears, and I'm left rock hard in the middle of a party or a restaurant, or...whatever, and I look like a creep" he tried to deflect some of the attention, and also to vent some of his irritation.
"Then why don't you just leave her?" he spoke after a while, a knot formed itself in the pit of his stomach "You said it yourself, you never had a problem finding yourself a willing partner, and... well, I never liked Sophia" that made him laugh hard, easing the uncomfortable sensation.
"I should" he talked quietly while eating, deep in thought "I guess it had never happened like this" Merlin threw a questioning look "I have always broken up because I have liked someone else more, or well... because they moved aways I guess, I had never had to break up with someone over petty shit like this, it's weird. I just had never considered" he tried to recall his dating history. He hadn't dated much anyways, but yeah it hadn't happened before.
"Sometimes you just need a new perspective I guess" and that brought that image to his mind again. Merlin, naked, wet, flushed, hard... shit.
"Merlin... are you still hard?"
After that they had a very long back and forth, or at least it felt like ages to Arthur.
Arthur texted Sophia that they were done before convincing Merlin to bottom, with a winning grin on his face, because Merlin hadn't called him a creep and locked himself in his room, he finished his food and even if a little bit panicked and flushed, he was considering.
"You owe me" he said finally, knowing he was going to win.
Merlin had kept a secret from him some years ago, one that had made their friendship stumble, then it looked like it was the end and now he was using it to get dirty with Merlin of all people, Arthur couldn't be more smug.
"Arthur" he warned.
"If you do this, I will never bring it up again, you'll have paid your price, now come on Merlin" he said propping his elbows on the table, predator look in his eyes "You and I know, that if you weren't keen on the idea too, you wouldn't have left the conversation go this long"
"Have you ever been with a man?" he asked simply.
"Not yet, I'm trying to change that tho" He answered simply and he was sure, so sure, that with any other person this would be a revelation. He would have a fucking mind-blowing revelation, he blames it on his dick, which is where his brain is right now.
"I hate you" He said, but the he was taking off his shirt, and suddenly all of the thoughts in Arthur mind jumped out of the window.
" I can see precisely how much"
They got naked and things turned a bit awkward when they tried the handjob route, and then Merlin had got down and sucked him off and damn. It wasn't like Merlin was so kind of god of the blowjobs, but just seeing him, his tongue along his length, how he toyed with his tip before sucking... yeah it was really hot.
Merlin got comfortable on the couch next to him, both his legs on the couch, opened slightly so he could level himself with Arthur could not resit to touch him, touching his back, his neck, his ass. Had Merlin always had such ass? Shit. He could feel Merlin's moans through vibrations. Did that always happen or it was because he had a deeper voice? Shit.
He wetted his fingers and started massaging Merlin's asshole, instinctively. He had never had anal sex before, so "Fuck, this is tight"
"Yeah, well it's been a while" Merlin said siting up a bit, getting far away enough that he had to let go.
"Where are you going?"
"Well, we are going to need lube" said nonchalant as he made his way towards his room.
"Fuck yeah"
Turns out sex with Merlin it's really fun.
So they have playful and great sex, they don't really kiss at the beginning but, in the middle of it Arthur kisses him hard and Merlin ask, "What was that?"
"I just felt like it"
"Then, keep doing it"
They end up with Merlin riding him, rolling his hips slowly and maddening. And Arthur comes so hard his whole body is twitching and contracting, and Merlin kisses him through it all, and they keep snogging for long after that.
After that Arthur comes to the realization that if this with Merlin is so good, why would he look for anyone else?
So the time passes, and at first they are going at it like there's no tomorrow.
The first week, Merlin had to physically stop Arthur, explaining how, even tho he enjoyed very much what they were doing, he was so sore he couldn't properly sit through his lectures, and he still needed to keep his grades, Arthur had laughed, and then he had learned how to give a blowjob. Well, he had started learning how to give a blowjob.
He had dragged Merlin out for a few parties, and a few football matches, introduced him to his teammates and they had fun together like that.
They texted and had dinner together, and helped each other with what they could on coursework. They fought over dishes and untidiness, and money, and tv, and then they kept on living and sharing.
They talked about parties, girls, blokes, culture and conspiracy theories.
Then one day Merlin invited him to this really cool exhibit about Arthurian regalia and shared that he once had the desire of having a tattoo that said the lines "Take me up, cast me away" in welsh on his back, on his spine, a reminder of sorts.
That night he told Arthur of a time really hard time, a time he didn't know if it was going to pass or become the rest of his life, how he had thought of himself as an object, as something useful, and while he was useful he was worth keeping. That night he kissed every vertebrae in his back.
In return, Arthur told him about his father, about Morgana and his mother, and how he felt like he was never going to be good enough, and how that tiny doubt infected his mind and brought the worse of him. That night Merlin told him everything he found great about Arthur, how extraordinary he was, how beautiful, how smart, he told him that even if it meant nothing, he was more than enough to him.
The dates kept on happening, innocuous enough, and they were oblivious. They go to a pub and the sit together, touching without noticing and then Merlin goes to buy chips and his friend look at him with the biggest and smuggest smiles.
"So, you and Merlin eh?"
"hmn?" he said nonchalantly.
"Dude you could have told us"
"Tell you what?" now he was confused.
"Well, you are dating innit?"
Arthur doesn't answer for a long time, just processing that information and the he remembers Merlin's words "Sometimes you just need a new perspective" all those month ago,
Shit, they had been dating.
And it had been the best fucking relationship of his life.
"Yeah, I guess we are"
"You could have told us you were into blokes, mate, you know you can trust us"
"It's not that. I wasn't afraid or anything, it's just before Merlin I didn't even know" the truth is so easy, like being with Merlin.
"But you've been going out for like months! And you still haven't properly introduced him to us"
"Yeah c'mon, mate. Spit it out" They said moving his eyebrows up and down. Arthur laughed, and Merlin arrived with a plate of chips and sauces.
"I picked a big portion, if you want to share" he told Arthur putting the pate on the table.
"Thanks" he told Merlin, and the he kissed him softly. When they pulled apart, Merlin was looking at him puzzled, and then looked at the plates of chips, like it was the reason for the kiss, and turned back to Arthur like he'd grown a second head.
"Didn't know you like them that much" he said judging him hard.
"Nah, I just like you" so easy. "Alright lads and lady, may I introduce you to my boyfriend, Merlin?"
He watched Merlins expressions carefully, from amusement to confusion, to surprise and shock "Bloody hell, we are dating, aren't we?" He said like he too, just found out about it, and that made him laugh freely.
He rather liked this new perspective.
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mysticsublimeperson · 3 months
currently thinking about merlin and arthur and the royal crown again
the first time he placed the ornate gold crown atop arthur’s blond hair he felt so proud that arthur was king, that he was alive and ready to be the king he was meant to be, the worry still crept in at the edges but most of the image was filled with hope.
but months later as he placed it once again on arthur’s head he hates it, hates the way his shoulders push back and his face falls into a sheet, the way he steels himself against the harsh pressure of it
and that evening in arthur’s chambers lit by warm candles and the crackling fire merlin had snuck out of the council meeting to light before the king returned, with the cold november air bustling the windows, merlin follows arthur over towards the table. the king leans against it his head bowed and a heavy sigh leaving his chest, and slowly as if moved by the breeze outside, merlin steps forward towards him his hands gently cupping arthur’s jaw
“merlin please, i know the speech already but please i don’t want it i don’t-” he stops speaking as he feels the younger man’s hand come up to his hair removing the crown from his pounding head
“no speech, just let go for a moment, just focus on this… focus on me” merlin’s voice is quiet and careful as he looks in arthur’s eyes
he’d always loved those eyes, the revealed the secrets of the kingdom if you looked long enough. merlin knows his own eyes are blue just like arthur’s but there’s something different in the kings. in the brightest and happiest days of summer they shine like an open sky, when he laughs no matter the time of day lighting around him they just Shine.
but when he is sad, tired and worn down like he is right now, those eyes are deep and bottomless as the sea, tossing and turning and they pull merlin down into their depths like a capsized ship,
it killed merlin to see him like this, he carefully rested himself back against the edge of the table, arthur sat tired in the chair before him
“your a great king arthur”
“did you not hear me say no speech?” arthur reproached
“your a better man though, a better friend”
“oh” arthur looked at his servant, his friend for all these years,
it had always been merlin who placed the crown on arthur’s head. ever since he was corronated the only person aside from himself allowed to touch the crown was merlin,
it was a strangely intimate experience that arthur had come to covet, the quiet moment in his chamber before he spoke to or hosted a feast or whatever other occasion called for the crown to be worn. merlin would pull the ornate box containing it from the locked cupboard and pull the crown from its cushioning, polishing the metal while arthur sat and waited in his chair, watching the careful work. when merlin had deemed it worthy he would look at arthur
“ready m’lord?”
arthur was used to honourifics, he never had much preference, sire was basically a nickname at this point in his life, but something about merlin calling him that had always felt like an anointing, saved for the moments when he wanted arthur to know his rank meant something to merlin.
arthur would rise from his seat and move to the light cast by the windows near where merlin was, kneeling gently on the stone floor, looking at its gray facing before looking up at the man he had come to call his friend, merlin’s hands would place the crown on his head gently, like he was scared it would hurt him, arthur would rise and merlin would rest his hand at arthur’s jaw, looking at him for a moment.
the first time it had happened arthur was surprised, confused to say the least. but the terror he felt at having to wear the crown, to act as king in its full capacity seemed to ease slightly at the gesture, calm moved through arthur’s whole body starting from the place where merlin lay his hand.
now, tired and worn down by the weight of the crown, he was glad for merlin’s presence for the comfort of that hand in his cheek
“you don’t need to be a great king for us all to love you” merlin’s hand fell away before he spoke, he looked at the floor as if he were holding something else back
“i think perhaps if i up and left my kingdom without a ruler the people may not love me much anymore merlin” arthur jibbed, attempting humour
“not sure they’d notice to be honest, your not particularly memorable”
“oh right yes but i’m sure everyone would notice if you left”
“oh the whole kingdom would fall apart”
“of course i forgot, sorry should i just put the crown on you now?”
“don’t think it’d fit anymore, to stretched out from your big head”
“very funny merlin” arthur had always admired merlin’s negligence of authority, how arthur was seemingly nothing more than his friend in almost all moments. he could forget the weight of the crown for a moment, he supposed that was part of the reason why merlin being the one to adorn him with it meant so much. as if merlin were naming him worthy, like a symbolic gesture of the trust they shared.
“maybe you should have the crown” arthur was somewhat shocked by his own words, but more shocked to realize he meant them
“is that a proposal?” merlin was joking, arthur knew that, but he couldn’t help indulging himself in the image, merlin in fine clothes and the bejeweled crown of a king
“could be” arthur shrugged “queen title would suit you”
“your not getting me to wear a dress”
merlin had walked away now, began folding the laundry sittting near arthur’s bed
“merlin, if i did leave” he tried to focus on the room around the servant rather than the light on merlin’s cheeks or the gold glow around his messy hair “would you come with me?”
he’d always wondered, if merlin would willingly leave with him. a pent up longing in his check for merlin is say yes, to confirm that they weren’t only thrown together by fate but that they would choose this bond, this closeness, even if nothing forced it upon them.
saying it now out loud, asking it, felt like a kind of soul bearing.
“i’m sure any of your friends would” merlin
the servants hands stoped moving and he raised his eyes to meet arthur’s, the angles of the kings face casted ornately in the glowing light of the fire.
“your my friend arthur, id go wherever you go” the answer felt obvious, he’d thought about it more recently, with agravaine betraying them and arthur seeming more exhausted than ever he wished he could just leave.
“your a good friend merlin” arthur reached for something on the table, an old scroll in leather wrapping that needed stored away with the other trade agreements, trying to think. good friend wasn't enough for merlin anymore, the affection he felt for the other man was unquantifiable. attempting to label his feelings for merlin was as impossible and daunting as attempting to capture the night sky in a fishing net.
what he wanted was to find a way back to merlin standing in front of him with the other boys hand combing through his hair, but that was a rare thing. all touch was for arthur, it always had been.
if this gets notes i’ll finish it and post it to ao3 idk ive never written fic before
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mysticsublimeperson · 3 months
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Arsonist's Lullaby
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