nellaesarts · 2 years
👾 Neon boys 👾
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nellaesarts · 2 years
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Just dropping it there then fly away ~ 
Nao, the tall character is mine, the other, Leon, is Acetoma’s on DeviantArt
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nellaesarts · 3 years
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My HARPG character, Nao. Just enjoy the sexy boi ♠ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Art (c) by IvoryHillStables All Rights reserved Ref : Many google pics - eyes to hand for muscles, jacket, pose Softwares : Paint Tool SAI & Photoshop 2020
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nellaesarts · 3 years
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My so loved city 🥰
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nellaesarts · 3 years
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Eeeeeh no I haven’t stopped doing some art ! :P
I was just particularly busy these last weeks, but heh ! I’m back with this traditional drawing of our favorite duo ! \o/
They’re the best, aren’t they ? 
---------------------------------------------- (c) NellaesArts
No refs used apart eye-to hand pics from Google !
Natsu Dragneel & Lucy Heartfilia belongs to their creator, Hiro Mashima
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nellaesarts · 3 years
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TW : Blood I don’t have any new drawing for the NaLu day :’( 
But heh, I’m still alive and still active about drawing ! But as it’s a hobby, I mainly draw traditionnal these last weeks because I draw during work... I know, that’s bad but heh, when there is no customers, I need to find something to do :P
Here’s Hana, a new O.C of mine. I discover the anime Tokyo Revengers and she is clearly inspired by this universe x)
She  run an innocent laser tag business in a quiet district... During the night, she chase, with a little bunch of friends, the gang members from other districts who threat her own district and protect its inhabitants. She do not really like violence, but do not hesitate to fight if she is forced to. But always to protect the innocents. She have a reputation of a heartless and violent girl because she deliberately let this rumor run to keep the others gangs far from her streets.
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nellaesarts · 3 years
Fairy Tail & The Paragande Kingdom - Chapter 5
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“So… Thank you for this day, guys, that was very cool ! I’ll go home now, this walk really worn me out. Bye !” said Gray to the group before leading himself to the Guild’s exit.
The members of Natsu’s team looked at him leaving in silence. They just spent a really nice day. They walked, light minded, to show to Pog Magnolia town and its surrounding areas. They all laughed, complained a bit, had a good lunch… And Gray’s departure seemingly had cast a chill on this happy ambiance. Pog turned himself to the group, worrying about that sudden morose atmosphere.
“*Is there something wrong ?*
Lucy answered to him.
– Well… I think we are just all worrying about Gray. To be more clear, we already know that he isn’t heading home now. He’ll just go over there…
– *Over there ?*
– Where Juvia died, Pog. That’s not far from here, on the river’s sides. We know that he go over there and talked to the water and to be honest, we are afraid that if he continue to do it, he’ll locked up in his melancholy, revealed Erza.
– Yes, and he doesn’t look in a good shape, added Wendy.
– Poor Gray, commented Happy while he lowered his head.
Natsu wasn’t saying anything. He just seemed touched by Gray’s situation and looks frustrated to not be able to do anything about it.
– *I see… But you know, maybe it helps him to feel better. As I’ve understood, Juvia was a water mage, wasn’t she ?* Lucy positively nodded her head to confirm. *So, maybe he hoped to reach her soul’s recollections while speaking to the water. You know, in our country we say that when a mage died, his soul reached the magical essence of his magic kind to blend in forever. If that’s true, Gray’s attitude does not surprise me at all. He’s maybe talking to Juvia for real and maybe she’s really hearing him.*
– That’s an interesting theory, pretty romantic, approved Erza.
– *Moreover, I think he just needs to talk, but to say things he can’t share with you.*
– But he can tell us everything, there is no taboo between us ! He should know that ! launched Wendy.
– *Not in that way, Wendy. I think that when he speaks to this water, he speaks about his regrets, his memories and his hopes. Things that only your loved one could have understood or shared, to sum up. Things about which he can’t tell you, just because that would be a nonsense to share these with you, quite simply. That’s not a matter of modesty, nor a challenge questioning your friendship, you know. Do not take the fact that when one of you doesn't tell you anything the wrong way. That’s frequently to not overly worry you or just because these are things of which you couldn’t find anything to say to help him and he perfectly knows that.*
A silence stands a bit after the Chosen’s speech and all the team’s members were dived into a deep thought. It was finally Lucy who spoke first after that.
– Well, in a way, hopefully you’re there, Pog. You have a particular gift to explain to people the others’ feelings !
Pog blushed a bit.
– *I deserve no special credit, Lucy, you know. Alex is a lot on her guard about her feelings, so I had to learn to decipher and to interpret them. We can say that she has been an excellent master in the matter of it !*
The remark pulled a laugh off the assembly.
– Heh, I hope he’d open up to someone soon, like, really.  That’s not good to pondering too much like that. said Natsu. And that would annoy a lot if he’s more depressed because of that.
– Agreed…” added Clara.
Erza and Lucy were right. Under the sunset, Gray leaded himself to the place where Juvia died. That was a place where he goes regularly. Despite the pain which this place caused to him, in the river’s side, he feeled still connected to the one who he had loved with all his heart. The ice mage sat on the bank and touched the water surface. Some thin wavelets started to form, then concentric circles started to appear. He recognized Juvia’s presence signal. He knew that was certainly only a coincidence or his own imagination, but he doesn’t care about it. Believing to be in her presence relieved him a lot. He warmly smiled to the water.
“Hi, my Juvia. How are you, today ?”
The water started to tremble.
“Yeah, I know, I know, I don’t come often these last days. But a lot of things are happening in the guild ! Well, first, know that everybody's fine. All is pretty quiet since… Since you’re not here anymore.”
Gray glimpsed a sparkle which was out of the ordinary on the surface.
“Yeah, they missed you so much too. But you know, this quiet time could change soon… You know, I speak to you about the Chosen we have received and the unconscious mage, Alexandria, the other day, did you remember that ?”
The water trembled again, seemingly by itself this time.
“Well, they are pursued. The master ordered an enquiry about it. That put a bit of life in the Guild, I can assure that ! Everybody is flat-out to find them. Hey, nothing to do with, but today we take Pog to make a turn of the town. to show him the surroundings. That was pretty cool ! I haven't laughed like that since a long time !”
The water surface started to wave softly.
“Yeah, I know, you should be reassured !” commented Gray with a smile. “I am too, in a way. I feel better. I still miss you a lot, but I feel better. And you know, I think that Alex isn’t for nothing.”
The water waved a little bit more.
“Oh, don’t go crazy about it ! Not in that way, she’s unconscious, I barely know her, you can not consider her as a rival !” exclaimed Gray with a greater smile. “No, that’s because she seems stuck in some very, very bad memories and I simply think that I help her a bit when I talk to her. I tell her that there are gentle people who wait for her here, that she'll be well welcomed. And that seems to work. She seems to get better when I tell her things like that. She lost the guy she loved too. He died kind of like you. And I believe that feeling someone who knows what she experienced and feeling supported contribute to her recovery. She helps me too, you know. I feel less lonely since I know that she experienced that too. Supporting her helps me to be better, really. You know, that’s maybe stupid, but that’s the first time I feel useful since a long time and… That helps me to feel better too.”
The surface started to shine under the last sun beams and restarted to wave because of the chilly breeze.
“I see you understand me… Well, I have to leave you for today. I have to get some sleep. Good night, Juvia, see you later. I painfully miss you, you know.”
Gray looked at the crystal-clear field trembling then suddenly freezing. How can’t he seen here a demonstration of Juvia’s soul here ? The mage sighted. Even if he talked to a part of her spirit which stayed here, blended to the waves and the currents, the physical Juvia he knew was gone forever. He turned his back to the shore. One day, he must stop that. But he doesn’t feel ready to, for now. He made some steps in his home’s direction, before stopping suddenly. Warren’s voice, distant in the beginning, started to massively resonate in his head, with an alarming message.
Gray’s heart immediately started to squeeze in his chest since he instantly setted off in a determined run in the direction of the HQ. Alexandria was still unconscious ! If they could find her, she may not be able to resist them !
Well well well... Gray isn't is a good shape, isn't he ? But it seems like, even if they don't know each other yet, Alex and him are already linked in a way... A sad one :’( Please pardon the english, that's not my first language and that's such a long text to translate.   Anyway, have a look on the following galleries to see more art about this fiction !   Fairy Tail & the Paragande Kingdom - General Art And to know better my own characters in the fiction : Fairy Tail & the Paragande Kingdom - Characters' references This story is a creation of NellaesArts, do not share without her permission. The Fairy Tail universe and all its characters belongs to Hiro Mashima.
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nellaesarts · 3 years
I am so sad... The 6th May 2021, the manga universe had lost one of its pillars and one of its master. 
 Berserk is a masterpiece and would have leave a mark on a lot of people, for sure. I am sad that this manga will never have an end, but happy to have the occasion to read it and to have discover this fabulous and this so much talented mangaka.
Rest in peace, Kentaro Miura. Thank you a lot for all the things you gave to us.
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nellaesarts · 3 years
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Something had make Alex veeery angry...   Chapter 7 illustration :D More art about the Paragande Kingdom Fiction : Paragande Kingdom - Art To read the story : Fairy Tail & The Paragande Kingdom - Chapters To read the story in French (more chapters are published !) : Fairy Tail et le Royaume de Paragande on Wattpad To follow me on DeviantArt : NellaesArts - DeviantArt ----------------------------------------- Poses : Made on Magic Poser (have a look on it, this is an excellent tool ! ) Softwares : Magic Poser, Paint Tool SAI & Photoshop CS.6 Tool : Huion Pen Monitor Kamvas GT-191 (c) NellaesArts - All rights reserved The Guild Building & the Fairy Tail Universe belongs to their creator, Hiro Mashima
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nellaesarts · 3 years
Fairy Tail & The Paragande Kingdom - Chapter 4
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“*Alex… How many days will you make me wait you ? Wake up, please...*”
One week had passed since Alex and Pog had been rescued from Fairy Tail. Even if Alexandria was out of danger the day after the one when they arrived, she stayed all the time unconscious and no improvement had been noticed since then. The Chosen, who spend a major part of his time in the infirmary to stay by Alex’s side, curled up against her. Sincerely, he was starting to be drives to despair about the fact there was nothing new. Above all, she was still moaning and still had fever. A sound near the door made the little being heads up. That was Lucy, Natsu and Happy who came to the news. 
“Hi Pog, still no improvements ? asked Lucy.
– *Hi Lucy, hi Natsu, hi Happy. Nope, still nothing. launched Pog in a sight. I started to ask myself if she will wake up one day…*
– I’m sure she will, don’t worry, buddy ! exclaimed Natsu, still so positive. Even if we do not know her, we know through you that she’s a warrior, she’ll get through this.
– That’s true, and she arrived here almost dead, dead, she need time to recover. agreed Lucy.
– *You’re right… But I miss her so much.*
The trio smiled at him with sympathy. They perfectly knew what he felt. Lucy came closer to the Chosen and stretched her hand to him, inviting him to come to her without imposing on him anything. Pog goes directly to her hand to rub his head on it, quivering by contentment. He doesn’t know why, but Lucy’s strokes gave him the same cooling down as Alex’s ones. Maybe because the both girls were similar in many ways. 
– Anyway, we came to offer you to eat with us, then go for a walk around the down, what do you think about it ? asked Happy with an excessive joy. That will take you mind off things !
– *Great idea, yes ! I can’t stay all the time locked up here. If you allow me to, I’ll just wait a bit for Porlyusica’s return, she say that she’ll not long to come back.*
– No worries, we wait you downstairs ! exclaimed Natsu, taking Lucy by her shoulder. Come on, Princess, it’s time to go out ! 
– Princ… Princess ?! But since then did YOU call me like that ? says Lucy, blushing by surprise. 
– Yeah, and a princess do not weigh soooo heavy Natsu. added Happy.
In these words, the trio leaved the room under the amused smile of Pog. What jolly fellows they were in Fairy Tail ! Pog found that this place was really cool. More particularly, he loved the way of how much the members of the guild took care about each others, and how everybody meant a lot to the others. They were really golden hearted people. Despite the fact that their presence was a threat for the Guild, they were not thrown out. The guild’s members got into their head to protect them, despite all opposition. He owed so much to them for that. The thoughts of the little being were disturbed once again by the opening door of the room. While he expected to see Porlyusica entering the room, he faced Gray Fullbuster.
“*Ow, hey there, Gray. You came for your daily visit to Alex ?*
Gray blushed to the Chosen’s comment. He nodded his head. 
– *Don’t worry, I’ll keep this information for me if you don’t want to leak it. I think that I’m the only one who noticed it.*
– That’d be cool. I think that the others wouldn’t understand why I came more often to see her than them. 
– *That’s because you have seen a part of your own background in my memories, isn’t it ? You feel a particular sympathy for her, even if you never talked to her in person. Am I wrong ?*
– Well, we can say that you get directly to the point, answered Gray, pretty surprised. That’s it, yup. he admitted with a grimace. When I discover that they’ve murdered the one she loved in your memories, I’ve experienced what I lived in my own life a few months ago again. That had disturbed me a lot and I nearly dived into the violent depression which has been the rhythm of my life since then. He made a light pause before continuing. That’s certainly selfish, but the fact of coming here and talking to her makes me feel better.
– *I could found it selfish... *
Gray feels the effects, but before he could answer anything, Pog continued. 
– *But after each of your passages, she is obviously more peaceful than before. I ignore what you are telling her or does to her, but that seems to help her.*
– If that can reassure you, apart from putting on her head a bit of ice, I don’t do anything to her, said Gray with an embarrassed smile. 
– *It doesn’t reassure me because I suspected that you were not doing anything reprehensible to her. I would have known otherwise.* confirmed Pog with a malicious smile. 
Gray founded it funny and creepy at the same time.
–About what I tell her… I talk to her about everything. About my past, about you, about the others… I speak to her a lot about the Guilde and its members, I hope that’ll motivate her to wake up faster !
This time, Pog smiled frankly to the young man. He certainly doesn’t realize it, but the fact of talking like that to Alex changed a lot of things. 
– *Nice, that help her, I think.* the little being jumped onto the ground. *Well, I’m going to join the others for a lunch.*
– Yep, go eat a bit. You’ll finish totally dry if you stay here for too long, and I don’t think that’s something that Alex could want. 
–*Ahahah you’re right ! And you, don’t you want to join us ?*
– I’ve already eat, I’ll wait Porlyusica’s return, this is the only other one who knows that I come here from time to time. I’ll join you later for the walk.
– *Alright, see you later, then !*
– See ya’ Pog.”
Gray looked at the Chosen who was going outside the room, then led himself to the bed where Alex was lying, still unconscious. Indeed, by the suffering they both feel by losing the most important person in their eyes, he feels close to her. When he saw and felt the pain and the distress of the mage by Pog’s memories, he saw Juvia’s disappearance again. This injustice, this depression that sets in and remains. Gray had in mind that maybe this was one of the reasons why Alex won’t wake up. She would have difficulties to find a valid reason to come back, particularly if she had the impression to be all alone. He understood this feeling too well. And that’s exactly the reason why he told himself that if he talked to her, if his words could reach her mind, maybe that could help her to emerge from her deep sleep.
The ice mage sat on a chair which was near the bed and observed the mage. Since he started to come, she was moaning and seemed to have a fever. He started to put some ice on her forehead and, as always, she seemed immediately better. He smiled softly, with a bit of melancholy. 
“Hey Alex. You certainly understand that’s me, right ? Well, how are you today ? Not so good, as I see… Alexandria… You will have to come back. I know you don’t want to and that you are stuck in your painful memories. I know you fight to not sink in distress. But here, there are amazing people who can help you. They will be there to support you and to welcome you. You know, in our guild, we never let anybody behind. We don’t know you, but believe me, you’re already accepted in the guild. Pog is already ! You have a super cool Chosen, by the way. And when I see how he is, I’m sure that his linked one is pretty cool too. Come on, Alex… Fight with all your strength and come back. You know… We survived the death of the people we loved. I don’t say that’s easy nor evident and I think you know that much better than anyone else. But we survive. Especially when you are surrounded by friends. And some here will be your friends. You can be sure about that.”
Gray followed this way during some long minutes. He ignored if his words could reach the woman, one way or another. But when he talked to her, her breathing became more quiet, more appeased. And that stood like that for some hours before she started to look bad again. But as the Chosen, the Ice Mage could not stay too long in this room. When Porlyusica arrives, he takes his leave from the young woman. The healer looked at the young mage evaded with discreteness and smiled when he crossed her. Because she heard the young woman whispering his name when he was not here. Porlyusica obviously do not known that Alexandria heard clearly all the things which happened around her but just couldn’t get out of her own mind, nor that for the mage, the words of all the people who come to see her were like bright lights in her night which lead her, step by step, to the surface. Neither that if the guild’s members words was hoping lights for her, Gray’s ones were a dazzling sun.
In this chapter, I build the foundations of Gray & Alex relationship...   Two chapters per weeks are planned o/ Please pardon the english, that's not my first language and that's such a long text to translate.   Anyway, have a look on the following galleries to see more art about this fiction !   Fairy Tail & the Paragande Kingdom - General Art And to know better my own characters in the fiction : Fairy Tail & the Paragande Kingdom - Characters' references This story is a creation of NellaesArts, do not share without her permission. The Fairy Tail universe and all its characters belongs to Hiro Mashima.
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nellaesarts · 3 years
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YEAAAAAAAAAAAAH I FINALLY FINISHED IT ! Gosh, this one take me soooo long to do, between the concept to think about, the poses to make, the background to do... Wouah, such a big work ! This is the illustration for the chapter 6 of my fiction : Fairy Tail & The Paragande Kingdom I hope you'll like it as much as I'm satisfied with ! ^_^ More art about the Paragande Kingdom Fiction : Paragande Kingdom - Art To read the story : Fairy Tail & The Paragande Kingdom - Chapters 
Fairy Tail & The Paragande Kingdom - Chapters on Tumblr To read the story in French (more chapters are published !) : Fairy Tail et le Royaume de Paragande on Wattpad To follow me on DeviantArt : NellaesArts - Deviantart ----------------------------------------- Poses : Made on Magic Poser (have a look on it, this is an excellent tool ! ) Softwares : Magic Poser, Paint Tool SAI & Photoshop CS.6 Tool : Huion Pen Monitor Kamvas GT-191 (c) NellaesArts - All rights reserved Gray Fullbuster, Erza Scarlet, Lucy Heartfilia, Natsu Dragneel, The Guild Building & the Fairy Tail Universe belongs to their creator, Hiro Mashima
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nellaesarts · 3 years
Fairy Tail & The Paragande Kingdom - Chapter 3
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At the moment Gray arrived in the bottom of the stairs, Natsu, Lucy, Erza, Wendy and the two Exceed jumped on him.
“Gray ! I’m so happy to see you ! shouted Natsu with excitement in his voice.
– How are you ? asked Lucy.
– I’m hanging in there… Could be better, but heh… he responded with a quiet voice.
– Take your time, said Erza, Don’t force yourself to come here if that’s too hard for you.
– That’s not the case, don’t worry. I feel better, I assure. I still think a lot about her, but… That’ll be fine.
To these words, the team make to him a compassionate smile.
– BY THE WAY ! Did ya know what happened yesterday ?! We saved a girl ! shouted again Natsu, very proud of himself.
– Natsuuuuuuuuuuu Calm doooooooooown, launched Lucy.
– I know, yep. I seen her up there, with her Chosen. By the way, Makarov and Pog will make a speech for the Guild in a few, answered Gray.
– Really ? If that so, let’s take a seat ! said Clara.
– Good idea, Clara !” approved Happy since the group led themselves to a free table.
They just had the time to sit that Makarov appears on the Guild’s stage with Pog. The silence takes  place in a few minutes, and the Master started to speak.
“Good afternoon to all of you. As you certainly all know, yesterday, Natsu and his team bringed here a young woman who was near to the dead and Pog, here. he said while he showed the Chosen. Let me first tell you that Alexandria, the young mage, is out of danger, thanks to the good cares of Porlyusica and Mirajane. he turned himself to them, as the Natsu’s team sighted by relief. I thank you a lot for that, ladies. Now that Alexandria is better, Pog have decided to speak to you and tell you their story. I let him speak, now.”
At these words, Makarov left the stage and gave way to the Chosen. Pog moved forwards and a gentle green light started to bright around him.
“*Good afternoon, Mages of Fairy Tail. First of all, I want to thank warmly all of you about welcoming us here. Alex and I are in debt to you for it.*
As soon as the first words came to the mages’ spirits, a collective shiver shakes the assembly.
*As Makarov said, my name is Pog and the young woman is called Alexandria Delaus. We both came from a Kingdom which is located beyond the seas and about which you certainly never heard anything about : Paragande. Do not be surprised to ignore the existence of this land. There is several months of sailing to reach it from Fiore so, the business trades are really rares.*
To these sentences, some whisperings raised in the room. Why does a mage had to run away from her country ?
*Calm down, calm down, I’ll explain, he continued, tempering the rising agitation. In our country, or to be more precise, on the entire continent where we lived, the magic is not shared as in Earthland. Everybody can not use it, only a few hundreds of people born per year with the capacity to use magic, without any need to learn it. For the remainder of the population, they would never be able to use it. Thereby, the magic is a real delicacy, pretty researched. Our actual King, Vegas, is born without any power or magic sensibility. That’s the first one of his lineage who was born as a not a mage. He saw this situation very badly and, year by year, that go to his head, to become crazy. He convinced himself that he could access to magic if he take it off from the mages of his country. So, he started to hunt them, one by one, taking their magic off until their death, to incorporate it in some weapons or to attempt an injection of it in himself. As we know, Alex is one of the last living mages of the entire country. The few others are hiding in the Kingdom, but the King have tools that his population have not. We know that one day or another, he’ll catch them. He almost did it for us. When he just missed us, we took the decision to climb on the only business boat which was on departure from Felicia, the capital, to Fiore and so, we unload here about two months ago. But there was a thing that we ignored at this time. That is that the King’s trackers were following us very close. They chartered a frigate which have started to follow our boat only a few days after us. So, we know that they are in Fiore and that they're on our trail. There is what I can tell you about our story.*
The little being interrupted himself for a second to probe the hall.
*I wish to thank you again for your reception, but don’t worry, as soon as Alex will be fully recovered, we will leave the Guild immediately. Our trackers are dangerous, we don’t want to put any of you in a sensitive situation.*”
Makarov moved forward on the stage again to take place in Pog’s side. He turned himself to the speak to the Chosen.
“Do not worry about that, Pog. You and Alex can stay here as long as you want or need. The guild will protect you if necessary.
– BUT MASTER ! shouted an unidentified voice in the hall. How can you promise something like that to strangers ?
– THAT’S TRUE ! made another one. And maybe they just lie to us and they are just some fugitives who have things to be ashamed of !
Pog sighted to these comments, then straighten him up.  Suddenly, his whole body seemed to ignite with a bunch of light green flames.
– *Right. I will exceptionally prove to all of you that I am not lying. I shouldn’t do that because of the energy that will cost to me, but it seems that I have no choice. As you have all noticed certainly, I can communicate with you by telepathy. My power permit me to let to the people I communicate with an access to my own mind. You will so see my own memories, directly from my mind. Prepare yourself, that can be rude.*”
And suddenly, a wave of energy swept through the hall and without warnings, all the members of Fairy Tail found themselves immersed in the psyche of the Chosen. They so all could assist of the reality about the Paragande Kingdom, through Pog’s eyes and by experiencing his memories again. The violence of the visions pull some whines off here and there, while in everybody minds, the tragic past of the mage showed up. Pog chose to show them all. To not spare anything. He so share with them the feelings he experienced during all these years. The fear. The anxiety. The hate. The sadness. The rage. He had to convince the mages that he and Alex were not criminals, he has to make them live the horror in which he and Alex grew up.
When the visions stopped finally and as Pog’s mind retracted itself, a heavy silence take place in the hall. Every mage looked like they were deep in thoughts. These visions send them back to the darkest hours of the Guilde. Some were crying, carried away by emotion. And nobody cast doubt on Pog speakings again after that. After a moment during which nobody could talk, Cana was finally the first one to stand and speak.
“Pog, I will never put in doubt your words again, believe me. I don’t want to live that again.
An approbation clamour came from the other mages. The experience had obviously been unpleasant for most of them.
– May I ask you a question ?
The little being nodded his head in approbation.
– What are you, exactly ? What is this magic ?
Pog launched a smile to the assembly.
– *Well, it seems it’s time for me to tell you more about myself. I am what we called in our continent a Chosen. The Chosens are spiritual magic creatures and we are born at the exact same day and hour of a mage, who so become our Linked One. Since then, we are linked by fate and by the magic to this mage. We share nearly the same magic energy, a part of our thoughts and some of our feelings too. The way our life will unfold therefore depends largely on the future of this mage. Nonetheless, even if we are linked, we stay as being in our own right and stay independants. We are born in eggs which come directly from the earth, in the spiritual city Mehag. We are raised by some other chosens who lost their Linked Ones until we are strong enough to protect our mage. For example, I could leave Mehag when I was ten years old and I take one year to find Alex. We are in the other one’s side for only eleven years. *
–But if your fates are linked to your mages, how some Chosen could stay alive despite the disappearance of their Linked Ones ? asked Levy, curiously.
– *Excellent question. That’s because even if our fates are linked, we have our own magic energy, we don’t share it all. If we have still a few of it when our Linked One dies, we can survive. That’s rare and a lot of Chosen prefer to let themselves died in these conditions. Sometimes, some mages renounce to their magic and so, lose their powers. That’s a real heartbreak for the Chosen who lose a part of themselves at this moment and if they don’t turn insane at this moment, they join the Chosen who lost their Linked Ones by death to raise the future Chosens.*
– I see. You are so dependant and independant of your mages in the same time. punctuated the blue-haired mage.
– *That’s it. And to be honest, I believed that we could communicate by telepathy only with our Linked Ones, but when Alex and I arrived in Fiore, we noticed that was not the case : the Chosens can communicate like that with every person who is mastering magic. I so had to learn how to limit my telepathic channels to filter our communications with Alex and so not be catched. However, that’s how I found Lucy, Natsu and their friends.*
– And we are still happy to welcome you here, commented Makarov. To come back about your escape, what afraid both of you so much about your pursuers ?
– *That’s simple. They created some devices which can suck the magic energy up. And these machines are like… Unlimited. They are many and dangerous. In front of people with such weapons, we, magical persons, can not do anything.*
– I see… Well, my friends, the meeting is adjourned, I think Pog spend enough energy today speaking with us. Erza, Laxus, Mirajane and Macao, join me in my office, we will organiz a defensive strategy in case of these strange enemies would attack us.”
To these words, the crowd dispersed. Pog find himself fastly alone, nearly ignored. He wanted to run to Alexandria to stay with her, but he knew that she just needed a bit of rest and that his presence would not help her. He started to wandering in the hall, until his belly started to growl due to the food smells which were hanging around here and there. After a few seconds, he feels a presence in his back. He turned himself to face Happy, who smiled to him.
“Hey, Pog, are ya hungry ? Come with us, we are going to eat soon !
The Chosen smiled back to the Exceed.
– *With pleasure.*”
For the first time since a long moment, the creature was about to eat a good meal in company of nice people. That hasn't happened since so many years…
Well well well, finally, more informations about our dears Pog and Alex ! 
Didn’t they had a hard life before they arrived in Fairy Tail ? :P
And that’s not finish ! 
Please excuse my english, as this is not my native language, I have certainly do a lot of errors in the text. I just hope that will not ruin the reading ! :/
See you soon for the next chapter ! :D
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nellaesarts · 3 years
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.-. Melancholia .-.
Another illustration for my Fairy Tail  fiction !   But what does Gray is thinking about, staring at the water like that ? You'll know if you read the fiction !   More art about the Paragande Kingdom Fiction : Paragande Kingdom - Art To read the story : Fairy Tail & The Paragande Kingdom - Chapters To read the story in French (more chapters are published !) : Fairy Tail et le Royaume de Paragande on Wattpad To follow me on DeviantArt : NellaesArts - DeviantArt ---------------------------------------------- Ref for Gray pose & anatomy - NOT traced, sketched : Sitting Poses Pack 2 by RobynRose Software : Paint Tool SAI & Photoshop CS.6 Tool : Huion Pen Monitor Kamvas GT-191 (c) NellaesArts - All rights reserved Gray Fullbuster & the Fairy Tail Universe belongs to their creator, Hiro Mashima
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nellaesarts · 3 years
Fairy Tail & The Paragande Kingdom - Chapter 2
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X795, the following day - General headquarters of the Fairy Tail Guild
When Gray Fullbuster crosses the Guild’s principal entrance, he expected everything except to see so many serious faces. All the guilds members seemed absorbed in their discussions, so much so that nobody had seemed to notice his arrival.
“Well… I was away for only a week, and everybody looks in distress or what ?” he thrown to the assembly with a compelled smile.
His own comment, which was a little bit acerbic considering his own mind state at this moment, totally failed. Nobody turned to look at him. The Ice mage, a little bit disappointed, shrugged his shoulders and moved forward into the restaurant’s room, looking for his friends. The memory which forced their way into his thoughts every place he looked at were still so painful… It was going to take a while before he could totally accept the disappearance of his loved one but… He couldn’t run away for more time. 
Gray move forward a little more in the principal room of the Guild Building but he doesn’t sees any of the Natsu’s team members. Pretty unsettling, as they were supposed to be back from their mission the night before. He then goes to Levy and Gajeel, who were sitting to a table with the Shadow Gears and Lily.
“Hey, what’s up, guys ? he says without belief. For God’s sake, he had the feeling to have been gone for months… Levy was the first one who turned to him.
– … Gray ! Oh my goodness ! How are you ?! she shouted, not without a bit of surprise in her voice. Oh, sorry ! I mean…
– That’s OK, that’s OK, said Gray to reassure her with a soothing gesture of his hand. There’s nothing wrong, don't worry Levy. 
– Ya look in a good shape, buddy, said Gajeel with just a kind smile, which was neither full of pity, nor excessively happy, a thing which Gray liked very much. 
– That could be better, we’ll say. Heh, did you know where are Natsu and the others ?
– Oh, right ! You wasn’t here yesterday evening ! said Jett, So you don’t know what happened !
– I don’t know about what ? Anyway, considering your faces, that wasn’t cool I guess… They bring a cursed thing or what ? asked the ice mage, very curious. 
– Ah… That’s a thing we’ll know when she’d wake up. commented Gajeel.
– She ? But who are you talking about ? 
Finally, that was Levy who gives him an answer.
–  Yesterday evening, Lucy, Natsu and the team showed up with a girl, who was entirely out of her magic energy, and a funny creature, a “Chosen’, a kind of magical fox. The girl was almost dead. She has been taken to the infirmary of the guild right away and the Master has called Porlyusica. She’s still on the girl’s side with Mirajane. I imagine that what happened to her is really serious. About the rest of the team, they returned home to rest after spending a lot of time in the Master’s office. They went out late at night, so I guess they will come back here in a few minutes. 
– I see… But why does everybody seem so concerned about this event ? 
– Because we don’t know who she is and according to Happy, the mage and the chosen are pursued by enemies. We are just asking ourselves what exactly going on here, Droy answered to him. Nobody dared to get to the infirmary to learn more about. Porlyusica is waaaay too scary.
– Bah, personally, I don’t worry, said Gajeel. The Master have say that he will make a speech about it this afternoon. It shouldn’t be too long now, by the way.
– Well, what a story. I’ll let you here, I climb to see if the old man is in his office to tell him that I’m back.” Delacred Gray before moving away from the group.
The mage headed for the stairs and climbed to the first floor. He passed the hallways, surprisingly quiet, to Makarov’s office. He traveled around ten meters before stopping in front of a slightly opened door. The infirmary… I looked in and saw Mirajane with a pretty worried look and the famous magic fox which Levy spoke about in her arms. Then, he saw Porlyusica, who was turning her back to him near a young unconscious woman in a bed. So, that was her, the famous mage bringed back by Natsu and the others… She seemed to suffer despite the fact that she was clearly in a deep coma. It was quite clear that Porlyusica and Mirajane where talking about her. The young man decided to stop for a few seconds to listen to their conversation. He knew that this wasn’t correct at all, but he wanted to know more about this girl. He just have the time to look a little more that Mirajane turned herself to him. She had felt his presence for sure… She smiled to him and invited him to enter in silence before turning back to the healing wizard, showing a worried look again. Gray leaned against the infirmary door frame, discreetly. 
“You says that she is out of danger, Porlyusica ? asked the sweet mage to the healer.
– Yes. She’ll stay unconscious for a long time, as she have to fully recharge her energy, but she will not die, answered Porlyusica with her usual strict voice. 
– Oh, you see, Pog ! No reasons to worry anymore !
– *Yes what a relief !*
Gray jumped when he heard the voice in his head. What was this little fox who had spoken ? He looked at him a little more. That was him, without any doubt. That noticing done, he shrugged his shoulders and lowered his eyes again, just to remain discreet. 
– With good reason, she was near to pass away. You have been lucky, Chosen, to found some mages of our guild, said the healer. 
Pog nodded his head.
– *Yes and I am more lucky about the fact that you are not harmful at all.*
– Indeed, but as I know, there is really a few harmful mages near Magnolia, thanks to us ! added Mirajane with a smooth laugh. And I’m pretty convinced that your instinct had a lot of influence in it, Pog. Didn’t we say that the kindness attracts kindness ? 
– *You are too sweet with me, Mira, you know nothing about me and you already categorize me as “kind”. Maybe I’m a horrible and evil person !*
– Let me have a serious doubt about it, Little Being. commented Porlyusica. By the way, Gray, can we do something for you ? Did you need another little bit of help ?
The ice mage jumped again and pick his eyes up. The wizard turned herself to him, with a welcoming smile on her lips - a thing rare enough to be highlighted.
– No, I… The thing you gave me the last time worked nicely, I feel better, he mumbled because of the surprise. A few weeks ago, she gave him a potion to help him to find sleep easily. Thing which he was missing… Since this day.
– Good. So, what are you doing here ? 
– Originally, I climbed to see the Master, but the colleagues told me about this young woman and her magical fox, and I admit that it piqued my curiosity. When I saw the door open, I wanted to know. That was rude, please accept my apologies. 
– That’s rude, indeed. But I accept your apologies for this intrusion. Porlyusica looked at the Chosen. Pog, let me introduce you to Gray Fullbuster. This is another mage of the team who saved you yesterday. 
The magical creature jumped off Mirajane’s arms to come closer to Gray. The mage looked at the small being with curiosity. It was so human and so animal at the same time, but in a totally different way than Exceed were.  
– *Nice to meet you, Gray. My name’s Pog, and the young woman over there is called Alexandria. We come from the Paragande Kingdom.*
– The Paragande Kingdom ? Never heard of it before… 
– *That’s normal, our country is located on the other side of the ocean, from several months of sailing, on a continent which is not know and with which there are not much contact because of the distance. So, that’s not astonishing that you never heard about this country before.*
– I see… answered the mage, But what are you doing here, so far from your country ?
– You will know why soon, Gray !
Gray looked at the door to see who was just talking. Makarov smiled to the ice mage and moved into the room near to the Chosen. 
– Pog, I think it’s time to go tell your story to our guild members as Alexandria is in a better condition, don’t you think ? 
– *Right, Master. Let’s go !* approved Pog, preceding the old man in the main room direction. 
– Let’s follow him, Mirajane, you’ll announce the ongoing speech like that, added Porlyusica.
The beautiful mage nodded in approbation and the both women goes out of the infirmary too. Just before joining them, Makarov turned himself to Gray for a last time.
– I’m glad to see you back, Gray. You know, that’s an unfair and difficult ordeal to cross. Only time will heal the wounds of your soul… Believe-me, I cross it too.
Gray nodded his head.
– I know. I am less negative than before, that’s a start.
The master smiled to him before following their partners. Before going out, Gray looked at Alex. She seemed to have fever, because she was sweated a lot… He approached her and with the help of his magic, put a little bit of ice on her forehead.
– Hey. We didn’t know each others, but come back hurry. Pog is worried about you.”
To these words, the woman seemed to be more peaceful. Gray smiled. This girl was a damned warrior, for sure ! With this thought in mind, he leaded himself to the central room of the guild. He was really impatient to learn more about this young woman and her story, now. 
Sooo, here’s the following of my Fairy Tail fiction ! :D
Well, I hope you’ll enjoy it, as I have enjoyed writing this chapter. I like the vision of Gray I give here, more attentional and less rude than usual. 
 Please excuse my english, as this is not my native language, I have certainly do a lot of errors in the text. I just hope that will not ruin the reading ! :/
See you soon for the next chapter ! :D
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nellaesarts · 3 years
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AAAAAND I'VE FINALLY FINISH IT ! Here's the official cover, made by myself (of course^^) of my fiction Fairy Tail & The Paragande Kingdom !   I've spend soooo much time to make it, I hope you'll like it too !   More art about the Paragande Kingdom Fiction (on DevianArt) : Paragande Kingdom - Art To know more about Alex & Pog (on DevianArt) : Paragande Kingdom - Characters Refs To read the story (on DevianArt) : Fairy Tail & The Paragande Kingdom - Chapters To read the story in French (more chapters are published !) : Fairy Tail et le Royaume de Paragande on Wattpad To follow me on DeviantArt : NellaesArts - Deviantart ------------------------------------------- All the poses references (which are sketched as you see, but not traced) of the humans come from theposearchives ! They do such amazing stocks ! Sooo, from left to right : Natsu : Male Dermon Attacking Standing Pose Lucy : Female Looking out into the Distance Pose 2 Happy : Several google images, from eyes to hand drawing Gray : Male Low Angle Angry Standing Pose Alex : Male and Female low angle reaching out pose Pog : Gray Fox from Wikipedia Commons Erza : Female Perched Battle Pose Wendy : Female Sneaking up the stairs pose Carla : Several google images, from eyes to hand drawing Software : Paint Tool SAI Tool : Huion Pen Monitor Kamvas GT-191 (c) NellaesArts - All rights reserved All the Fairy Tail characters & the Fairy Tail Universe belongs to their creator, Hiro Mashima
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nellaesarts · 3 years
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.-. WIP~FairyTail and Paragande Kingdom Cover .-.
Huuuuge work in coming ! o/ I'm currently working on the official cover of Fairy Tail & The Paragande Kingdom o/ Impatient to show you more ! ------------------------------------------- All the poses references (which are sketched as you see, but not traced) of the humans come from theposearchives ! They do such amazing stocks ! Sooo, from left to right : Natsu : Male Dermon Attacking Standing Pose Lucy : Female Looking out into the Distance Pose 2 Happy : Several google images, from eyes to hand drawing Gray : Male Low Angle Angry Standing Pose Alex : Male and Female low angle reaching out pose Pog : Gray Fox from Wikipedia Commons Erza : Female Perched Battle Pose Wendy : Female Sneaking up the stairs pose Carla : Several google images, from eyes to hand drawing Software : Paint Tool SAI Tool : Huion Pen Monitor Kamvas GT-191 (c) NellaesArts - All rights reserved All the Fairy Tail characters & the Fairy Tail Universe belongs to their creator, Hiro Mashima
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nellaesarts · 3 years
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.-. We're impatient to meet you ~ .-.
Aaaand the illustration for the chapter 4 of my fiction is ready !   Just a quiet moment where Gray is spending time with unconscious Alex, to tell her that he is impatient to meet her properly, as the other members of the guild... You will know more about all of that later, when I'll publish the chapter !   More art about the Paragande Kingdom Fiction : Paragande Kingdom - Art To know more about Alex : Alexandria Delaus - Character Reference To read the story : Fairy Tail & The Paragande Kingdom - Chapters To read the story in French (more chapters are published !) : Fairy Tail et le Royaume de Paragande on Wattpad To follow me on DeviantArt : NellaesArts on DeviantArt ---------------------------------------------- Ref for Gray pose & anatomy - NOT traced, sketched : F2U Base / Pose Reference - Various Sitting Poses by CourtneysConcepts Software : Paint Tool SAI & Photoshop CS.6 Tool : Huion Pen Monitor Kamvas GT-191 (c) NellaesArts - All rights reserved Gray Fullbuster & the Fairy Tail Universe belongs to their creator, Hiro Mashima
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