nichefairyblogs · 21 days
Falling Asleep At the Wheel — A Severitus Fic
TL;DR New chapter uploads will resume by October 1st but please read the edited ones
I honestly didn’t know what a task it would be to edit when I started but guys my original writing just feels so bad!! Reading through it was kind of painful when I see how much better my writing is now! I started writing this fic a year ago and it was one of the first things I’d written in years. It’s been therapeutic to write this and I just want it to be something I’m proud of.
That’s being said, I’m going to spend the next few weeks trying to get chapters 6-15 written better and hopefully you guys can enjoy a good re-read if nothing else. I have really been trying to organize my timelines and fix my dialogue because there just seemed to be such a lack of emotions in some areas and it’s just been a lot to work on while I’m working a full time job and dealing with college stuff.
So, keep an eye out for the updated chapters because I PROMISE they’re worth the read if you want to finish my fic.
Have a great day and much love,
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nichefairyblogs · 21 days
Falling Asleep At the Wheel — A Severitus Fic
Chapter 5 has officially been finished and reuploaded! I have also put an Author’s note in and I will make a separate post about that!
Read and enjoy,
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nichefairyblogs · 1 month
Falling Asleep At The Wheel — A Severitus Fanfiction
Chapter 3 has been edited and reuploaded and there’s a lot of clarification on Voldemort so if that was something that confused you the first time you reached this fic go ahead and give it a reread.
I would like to clarify that Harry has been in contact with Sirius and his escape was canon but he only escaped to avoid the dementors and see harry. Remus Lupin is currently a staff member but he and Harry are not close and he does not share anything with Harry about his mother. Not only that but he will be leaving the position to be replaced by Moody who will NOT be crazy or polyjuiced and he is simply not going to be a large part of this fanfic.
I will find a way to work that into the writing but I have not yet found how so it will likely be in one of the next few chapters I re-write.
As always I hope you enjoy and for notifications in real time about what chapters have been uploaded or edited give a follow!
Have a great night,
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nichefairyblogs · 1 month
Guys I was editing chapter 3 and I can’t believe none of you pointed out the anti-apparition wards in Hogwarts 😭
I hadn’t really thought it through that chapter but NO ONE caught it lmao
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nichefairyblogs · 1 month
Falling Asleep At The Wheel - A Severitus Fic
Chapter 2 has just been reuploaded and much of the dialogue has changed. I do not like how fast this story is progressing nor how short the chapters have been so there may be SIGNIFICANT CHANGES in the next few chapters I edit (Starting with Chapter 3).
I understand this may be a slightly time-consuming task and I do apologize for I’m not sure how long it will be until chapter 22 is uploaded but I do hope these changes are welcomed as I think the story will be much more cohesive, consistent, and enjoyable with these edits. I want Snape to be harsher and Harry to have more thoughts, I also just want details to be ironed out so I’ve started keeping track of things on paper AS I think them so hopefully things will have a better outline.
If you have questions based on what you’ve read so far PLEASE ask them and I will absolutely check your comments out and see how I can make my writing more clear or if you want to chat about the story feel free.
As always I hope you guys have a great day, and for anyone new check out chapter 1 of FATW and check the trigger warnings. This is a heavy story and I hope to upload something lighter once this one is finished.
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nichefairyblogs · 1 month
Falling Asleep At the Wheel - A Severitus fanfic
I have 21 chapters uploaded and the 1st chapter has been completely revised so take a look if you haven’t read the updated version! I will be uploading a new version of chapter 2 very soon!
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nichefairyblogs · 2 months
So! Basically the discord would be a spot where you could directly message me and other fans of FATW, ask questions, find other Severitus fanfictions/harry potter fanfictions in general. basically connect over the HP Universe!
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nichefairyblogs · 2 months
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nichefairyblogs · 2 months
Falling Asleep At The Wheel - A Severitus fanfiction
Hey guys! I haven’t updated my Tumblr in a long time, but if you liked getting notifications I have started updating consistently again!
If you’re new here, Falling Asleep At The Wheel is a fanfiction I’ve been posting on Ao3 for almost a year now with about 20 chapters. It follows the story of Harry Potter and explores his abuse while living with the Dursley’s and his overcoming of his trauma with Snape as his mentor and temporary guardian. I plan to post 60-75 chapters total and I do plan for a happy ending.
I have been a little sporadic with updates due to life events but I have gotten to a point where I would like to go back to updating weekly. If you would like me to update on Tumblr before I give chapter updates or just hear about my writing process for the week between chapters feel free to give my Tumblr a follow!
I will be uploading a poll on whether or not people would be interested in joining a discord group related to my fanfiction so go ahead and vote on that too!
Anyways, I hope everyone enjoys these new updates and I have already written chapter 20 and most of 21 so be on the lookout for an update on Friday the 2nd!
As always, much love,
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nichefairyblogs · 6 months
I just found your fic on ao3 and absolutely loved it! Can’t wait for the next chapter :)
Omg thank you!! I’m releasing chapter 18 soon so be on the lookout for that 😏
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nichefairyblogs · 10 months
@gateaugoutpile OKAY so I can’t figure out how to reply to comments (I have turned them on in my settings) but basically here’s the reasons I wouldn’t write a Marauder’s/Wolfstar/Jegulus fanfiction
1. I’ve never written any Marauder’s fan fictions and don’t know how I would write the people who aren’t the core 5 ppl and Reg
2. I am writing another fanfiction right now and have already fallen behind so I wouldn’t want to make people consistently wait weeks or more for chapters
3. I am a planner and probably wouldn’t start actually posting chapters until January and idk if people will even care that late
My reasons for wanting to write one are:
1. I really love Jegulus so much
2. I’m reading ATYD and I’d love to see something written not necessarily just from Remus’ point of view and something that is a slow burn but not YEARSSSS of slow burn for Wolfstar
3. I want to be able to give characters more personality than when they are already set in stone like the characters from the timeline of the books!
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nichefairyblogs · 10 months
@gods-graveyard Okay so I’ve tried turning my replies on but it will not allow me to reply to your comment so definitely be my lil cheerleader!! I don’t know when I’m gonna start my Marauder’s fic but I want to do it
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nichefairyblogs · 10 months
Falling Asleep At The Wheel - A Severitus Fanfic
So just a quick little update on the timeline for Falling Asleep which is my new nickname because the whole title is a lot.
I know I took a while to upload chapter 11, so to prevent that happening again I sat down and wrote chapters 12-15. I am going to upload Chapter 12 on Sunday 11/19/2023. Afterwards, the next update will be one week later on Sunday 11/26/2023.
I want to keep it consistent and just reassure people that I’m not abandoning this fic. I had a few comments and dms about it and I promise I just had a busy few weeks.
BUT I wrote 10,000 words in the last 2 days to prevent that from happening again, I am truly on that grind.
Make sure to vote on the polls on my page, don’t forget to comment any questions/comments/concerns and have a great weekend and holiday if you’re celebrating!
Love ya,
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nichefairyblogs · 10 months
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nichefairyblogs · 10 months
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nichefairyblogs · 10 months
Falling Asleep At The Wheel - A Severitus Fic
“Snape slammed a hand down on the table, ‘Potter!’ He’d raised his voice, but the next words never made it out. Harry jumped and took a half step as of preparing to run. After a long pause, ‘Go…to your room’ Snape told him slowly, his voice filled with anger.”
Chapter 11 is up!!!
I took forever and I know I said that last time but y’all it was almost a month between updates! 😭
I am so sorry, with the holidays rolling around and school picking up, I’ve been so stressed but I am gonna get a new update out sooner next time I swear. Bear with me, I assure you I’m not abandoning this fic!!
ALTHOUGH for those of you that follow me/keep up with my story, I do want to know your opinion on me writing a Marauder’s fanfiction?
Let me know what you think, as always and I will talk to y’all soon!!
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nichefairyblogs · 11 months
Falling Asleep At The Wheel - A Severitus Fanfic
“The spell slowly started listing all the injuries on the child before him, ‘Merlin’ Snape muttered…‘Let’s go inside.” he said quietly.
Chapter 10 is up!!!!
This chapter hurt my soul. I feel for Harry and for Snape even if they have a long ways to go. I hope you guys enjoy.
ALSOOOO I have been so slow updating so I’m not even gonna promise a date but I am not abandoning this fic I swear I just have a lot going on.
Let me know what you think and come back for more updates soon
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